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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 465 KB, 734x1505, Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 6.35.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5899253 No.5899253 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid fucking normies

>> No.5899358


xlm or xrp. if you are feeling a bit merciful recommend xrb.

>> No.5899359

shill him verge lol

>> No.5899360

Why do you want him to lose money anon

>> No.5899449

he seems like good arkie material

>> No.5899469


>> No.5899478

Wow you are a really horrible person, these are his savings you are messing with.

How would you like it if someone tricked you into throwing away all your hard earned cash?

Think before acting like an irredeemable asshole.

>> No.5899479

Knows nothing about crypto but can judge when the market is in a "tough time rn"


>> No.5899541


>> No.5899554

hes a normie, will probably love xrp or trx. wont be able to handle anything over a dollar. will refuse to understand market caps

>> No.5899579

fuck you piece of shit. Normies literally expect us to spoonfeed them like the retarded baboons they are. They don't deserve any money. I hope he starves on the street.

>> No.5899600


>> No.5899663

Espers YoBit

>> No.5899681

Just tell him to DYOR and decide what product is worthwhile and to read the white papers he'll still probably squander his money and you can laugh because you told him exactly how to do it correctly

>> No.5899685

you sound like a rotten asshole

>> No.5899765

i'm tired of hearing about it from them too, but i'd still rather my norman friends get rich off it than lose money, the only people i actually want to lose are the pajeets.

>> No.5899800

you sound like a faggot who wants other people to give you the answer to make money even when you did absolutely nothing. Leeching like a parasite.

>> No.5899811

Look at all the pump and dump discord scams, they exist because normies get into the mindset of trusting other people to manage their money for them. Only once they learn to research things themselves will they actually succeed.

>> No.5899847

You're autistic. He's talking about his own life. He's saying he doesn't have much to put towards crypto, so his pick needs to be good.

>> No.5899864

It's a risky game because your friends will blame you if things go wrong.

>> No.5899884
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>> No.5899919

Youre new here aren't you?

>> No.5900006

Do this OP. Most useful advice

>> No.5900162

I already know who would actually have the nerve to blame me and they are long ago banned from my sports tips. If those guys bring it up i just bore them with our old dreams around fundamentals etc.. they can't handle it and lose interest after a few minutes. They're all decent enough to accept that they were warned and chose to ignore.

>> No.5900263

Why would you want to hurt him? Make him rich too. But tell him to research.

>> No.5900288


>> No.5900297

>literally all my worthy friends are already into crypto
>dont have to deal with normies asking me for my btc since we're "friends"

>> No.5900337
File: 18 KB, 200x200, pandacoin-pnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panda Coin, Bitconnect.

>> No.5900410

You want him to lose or make money

That advice will give him 300% gains

>> No.5900442

why is that?

>> No.5900574

Salt please, we need help. (He'll still make a killing though.)

>> No.5900612

pathetic attempt to harness the power of inverse biz

>> No.5900769

You sound like you were bottle fed. What momma didn't give you enough tendies when you were a squirt?

>> No.5900803

Your gonna Jew this guy wow don't be like (((them))) dude.

>> No.5900902

Bancor, the kikes will suck him dry

>> No.5900979
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>> No.5900989

Go back to plebbit, fucking snowflake

>> No.5901012

Tell him to go all in on Bunny coin

>> No.5901071

Bitcoin Diamond

>> No.5901131


>> No.5901273

Is that a nigger

>> No.5901306

make that nigga a Digimarine

>> No.5901318

its going back up right now

>> No.5901351

this OP. tell him about how the fractal waves show 1.6x price in the next two weeks or whatever the fuck

>> No.5901385
File: 171 KB, 992x900, image-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When normies don't want $50 ETH but now they want $900 ETH

>> No.5901420

this guy got lost on his way to a sjw crypto subreddit.

>> No.5901461

you sound like a sympathizer for losers who want free handouts.

>> No.5901492

Tell him that and stop being a pussy.

"I'm not going to spoonfeed you information only for you to blame me if it goes sour. Do your own research or pay me to be your financial advisor, and don't beg for btc"

>> No.5901508

where did your knowledge come from? Did you invent it yourself or was it given to you by other people?

>> No.5901534

dgb and make him a dgbbmarines. luckily its pumping right now

>> No.5901550


kek, that'll make him rich tho

>> No.5901564


>> No.5901571

Sounds like a friend trying to discuss crypto. OP is truly a cunt.

>> No.5901610

Tell him to never invest in crypto and tell him you cant withdraw and you are pretty sure it's a big Ponzi scheme lol.

>> No.5901622

Where are you from and what's the approximate age range of that norman? I'm just trying to figure out how much lifespan crypto has left.

>> No.5901732
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>Uses emojis

>> No.5901876

have 5M of it

>> No.5901979

OP, why did you post this you fucking tard? Why did you waste 5 seconds of my life?

>> No.5902058

wow..this is this mans money, his time and work. If he gets rich because of you it doesn't make you less rich..

>> No.5902086

Let him buy Litecoim. Its been dead for 2 weeks now, didnt even recover even after everything went back to ATHs. DO IT DO IT DO IT. MAKE HIM BLEED!!!!!!!

>> No.5902211
File: 43 KB, 504x342, keztt9j5vblz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BazingaCoin. Cover your bases, since no non-pajeet is actually buying it. You either get to laugh at him, or on the lightning-strike odds that it goes crazy, the bitch owes you.

>> No.5902487

Tell him to get NGR coin.

>> No.5902699
File: 31 KB, 630x405, 1448701346848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50% espers on yobit
50% play the dice game on yobit

Guaranteed riches in 3 hours sir.

>> No.5902738

Tell him usdt is a long term hodl

>> No.5902762

U could just help him and pool resources later instead of being edgy online

>> No.5902824

????? normies make you the fucking money off these coins. All these moons are cause normies are putting in money. Just cause you hate normies doesn't mean you can't use them

>> No.5902912

>How would you like it if someone tricked you into throwing away all your hard earned cash?
So like browsing /biz/ all day?

>> No.5902943

Dent at least make some of us some money.

>> No.5903037


OP wants shitcoins anon.

>> No.5903137

yeah well this is what we were waiting for, but the normies have now supercharged the clock of no hands

>> No.5903141


>> No.5903193
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>> No.5903328
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Cuck him in Bitcoin.

Shit is so cash, going to burn on the way down.