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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 70 KB, 750x750, received_10154405887252172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5898168 No.5898168 [Reply] [Original]

So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming..

Yes im a female
Yes im a gamer girl
Yes i workout
Yes im a personal trainer
Yes im a forklift operator
Yes im a part time model


no i wont date you, i only date fit white men with a good education like lawyers or doctors.
You see girls like me have standards and dont waste time on less intelligent workingclass guys

>> No.5898213

nice wood flooring

>> No.5898216

fack off

>> No.5898227
File: 111 KB, 960x480, 60326D41-9E9D-4B3F-9B0D-71E70FE129C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely would not smash

>> No.5898235

fuck off ho, no one wants a fatty

>> No.5898253

your test injections give you zits bitch

>> No.5898258

kill urself

>> No.5898276

Describe your "model" work

>> No.5898313


>> No.5898314

Note: Most of face missing from pic.

>> No.5898317

you need to add dieting to the list of things you "do"

>learn to macro

>> No.5898345

do you have a penis? I only respect girls with a penis.

>> No.5898377
File: 50 KB, 608x960, 1497223035365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking assholes ..you can't Even get a girl like me im out of your league

>> No.5898401

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.5898413

is that a penis? if not im leaving.

>> No.5898436

I see a bulge.

>> No.5898440

try waiting more than 3 months to spam this shit again

>> No.5898447

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.5898454

/v/ and /biz/ aren't even close.

>> No.5898456

Why is this in biz? It’s not gunna help me make monies! Reeeeeeeeee

>> No.5898475

>wanting any one else than bailey


>> No.5898495

out of my league?

your body looks like my fucking saggy nutsack during the summer

>> No.5898497

In b4 the dick comes out

>> No.5898532
File: 8 KB, 274x184, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good education like lawyers or doctors.

>> No.5898550

Dig those titty zits

>> No.5898552

Dick pics or GTFO.

>> No.5898553

You got gross zits all over your tits, would prob still smash anus tho.

>> No.5898632
File: 55 KB, 640x640, received_10152885586112172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters cant bring me down

>> No.5898633

Forklift operator. Kek absolute bottom feeder

>> No.5898667

>roastie thinks shes hot shit
i get better shemales in taiwan for less

>> No.5898711
File: 26 KB, 500x492, 90de7ca01997483eeb9f63d8acd952ce--picture-comments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /biz/ you meant to post this to /b/ that's where all products of incest go hunny.

>> No.5898722

Don’t take the bait pajeets

>> No.5898737

Models her zits

>> No.5898763

>tfw bobcoin and vagenecoin go on a moon mission

>> No.5898770

>sick of beeing harrassed by virgins
> act like a attentionwhore und made a thread on 4chan

clever girl

>> No.5898777

Go away we're working here

>> No.5898781

Yeah, so fucking what /biz/?

>> No.5898844
File: 5 KB, 211x239, 92d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the person in those pics is actually posting them

clevar gerl

>> No.5898847
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 7cf1c3e116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ofc course you dating doctors and lawyers

>> No.5898857

What a strange body.

>> No.5898867

Go back to /b this is /biz we like lambos and yellow women not forklift operators.

>> No.5898895

Don't hate the player hate the game

>> No.5898951

White trash bitch.

>> No.5898980


>> No.5899000
File: 436 KB, 200x150, TOPKEK_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam i haven't seen this thread in months. Thanks for bringing back memories anon. Now go kill yourself

>> No.5899008

Lol at when you try to be legit but your photos say received in the filename

>> No.5899080

Nice try pajeet this is some next level psychological shit, it's like reverse psychology meets 3d chess with no clear ploy, YET. Purely genius larping. Too bad you shit in the streets. What are you trying to sell though I'd like to know?

>> No.5899236

Lawyer here
I actually think your face is cute but you are kinda chunky. Not my type, sorry. And I am not sure your type would be doctor or lawyer either desu ?

>> No.5899401

Wrong board? Go to /b/
Saged and reported for offtopic

>> No.5899490

Looks like locking vinyl planks, it's ok stuff I guess.

>> No.5899512

Var girls make my pee pee hard

>> No.5899535

Overconfidence is the down fall of many. You are clearly suffering from this bias in that you actually believe yourself attractive, despite the "haters" telling you otherwise. You ugly af, crawl back to your trailer and fap your new appendage courtesy of steroids.

>> No.5899557

we get it m'OP, you really detest those female kin

>> No.5899611

you're fat AF, like what 35-40% bf? its disgusting that you even consider yourself a personal trainer or that you workout or have any type of diet. I hope you the best of luck

>> No.5899654

ur dumb nobody cares dum ass lady

>> No.5899709


BP CEO here. Let's presume you aren't a pajeet troll, just for the lulz.

> You are 3/10 at your best
> Lose SJW haircut and dye

> Are you fucking ginger?
> Inbred?
> Why are you posting on 4chan
> Go to reddit for beta validation


> Lose attitude and a few pounds
> Stop trying to look fit, you are just lardy
> Lower your standards
> Improve your appearance (massive plastic surgery bill)

Conclusion: I wouldn't fuck you with a stolen dick

>> No.5899724

ew fat hiding muscle

>> No.5899813 [DELETED] 


Your ugly. Female version of me is prettier than you (used faceapp).

>> No.5899822

why can't you just focused on one good job instead of sporadic >less intelligent workingclass shit

>> No.5899932


You have downs?

>> No.5900073

My wife is so much hotter than you and i popped her cherry, and was her first kiss. She's a solid 8/10 WITHOUT makeup you acned ridden womanlet. We're both married homeowner mongs with 50k+ year jobs with money over 100k in crypto you fucking slut. Get good while trying to find a guy with me with an eight inch sick balls deep in crypto since 2014 bitch.

>> No.5900084

lol dumbcunt high on gains

>> No.5900098

Underrated post

>> No.5900099

>works customer service
>is proud of it

the state of XX people

>> No.5900175

Holy shit you look like the bride of Chucky you ugly whore l. I would try so hard to forget your twisted face if i ever put my dick in you

>> No.5900227

What does this have to do with biz?

Slit your own wrists you fat slut.

>> No.5900311


only niggers or beta normies date you

you're trash we love traditional feminine submissive asian girls

fuck off slut

>> No.5900480

You're not even a woman, anon fag. Reverse image search shows you grabbed the pics from here:


at least use a believable picture.

>> No.5900615

Is face shooped or just unlucky genetic lottery?

>> No.5900675


>> No.5900694

I'm trying no fap so staying of /b/. I missed this.

3/10 troll in my opinion but you got 60 responses so who am I to argue with results?