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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 461x337, TRON-TRX-Altcoin-Review-The-Next-Innovation-in-Global-Entertainment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5895108 No.5895108 [Reply] [Original]

Is tron going to peak and fall or maintain its gains? I took a chance and am killing it currently.

>> No.5895151

fuck, time to sell

>> No.5895182

Don't FUD, what's your analysis?

>> No.5895448

Too many good things coming in the next few days/weeks to stop now.

We no longer go to the moon, we call these SUN missions.

>> No.5895486

What’s FUD mean?

>> No.5895495

Not much shilling for this now. Why? Already mooned or what

>> No.5895599

It's not climbing as drastically rn, but it's still going up. Over 100% last ~2 days.

>> No.5895625


>> No.5895638

I'm not knowledgable enough but based off the team and buzz I've been swing trading for the past two days and it's been good so far. I think it will hit $1 soon, especially bc of alleged 20% coin burn and English release of the Dog game.
>Chinese Year of the Dog

>> No.5895657

Fear, uncertainty, doubt.

>> No.5895663

Lurk more ffs

>> No.5895682


>> No.5895722

I just could hit a buck... Considering going all in. Turn $956 into a shit ton more.

>> No.5895731

wttffff im kinda mad. i only have 2.5k REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.5895826

I got 4099. Gonna buy more soon methinks.

>> No.5895842

how am i gonna buy a storefront now wtf

>> No.5895906

Same lol, poorfags unite

>> No.5895917

When u thinking to do it?

i bought in at 250 sats, everything seems expensive my view is too warped.

>> No.5895968

$.23 isn't an expensive buy in if you know that it;s hitting $1 next week...

>> No.5896010

>What’s FUD mean?
fuck ur daughter

>> No.5896028

I agree. If it's going to a dollar, anything under maybe 30 cent would be a decent gain.

>> No.5896029


>> No.5896048

not in a week, but Q4 i think if the dev team is solid.

this is weird, but i'm a software engineer, do you think i'd be able to fix bugs in their open source code if it goes badly?

if so, id probly though a lot of money into this and just try to protect it myself.

>> No.5896075


>> No.5896090

I mean with how much China loves the CEO, plus the dog game, plus the announcement on saturday, im thinking at least $1 by the end of the month

>> No.5896118

It might back of a little but I don't think it is going to crash.

>> No.5896175

Why is binance so shit and buggy?

>> No.5896223

Download client. Works better than the site

>> No.5896242


Only 2 spots of a jump on cmc. Not impossible by any means.

>> No.5896271

I can't fucking believe I watched this shit go from 20 sats to 1600 and didn't put money in and HODL. I could have had 500k if I just went all in when I was curious about it. This is absolutely crazy.

>> No.5896325

This will drop like a rock once people visit the website or notice that crypto pets are already a thing of the past

>> No.5896348
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To the moon

>> No.5896364


>> No.5896368

Well it happened

>> No.5896389

What really blows my mind, is that this shit literally floundered at 1 cent with 10 BTC volume for months. FUCKING MONTHS.

And now look at it. Amazing. I had 400k at 240 sats and sold at 250.

>> No.5896408
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>B-But its a China Scam guys...
>/biz/ told me to buy XLM....

>> No.5896418
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>sold at .15
I refuse to fomo back in

>> No.5896420

I got 1k coins at 1000, planning on selling gradually at 1800 2500 and 4000.
Should I ? Or just HODL long term?

>> No.5896429

its 1700 NOW WTF

>> No.5896464

Duh because the CEO realized he could manipulate the price. He probably has 5+ employees just buying and selling TRON all day.

>> No.5896469

hold all your trons until it reaches $100

then hold until $300

>> No.5896511

I went all in at 1700 fuck it

>> No.5896528
File: 30 KB, 540x305, 38416CEB-455C-47E4-8CC0-0A2EEDEDF7CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

110k trx here feeling very cummmfy

>> No.5896564


>> No.5896567

everyone is looking at TRX now, other coins with potential aren't gonna have much money flowing in. Diversify your profits and look for the next TRX. Smart money makes more money.

>> No.5896578

You think it will hit $100 by 2020? I don’t know if I want to wageslave that much longer ;_; but if it hit $100 I could retire handsomely

>> No.5896608

You’re insane if you think this coin will ever go above $3-5
T. 30k tron bagholder who got in at 3 cents

>> No.5896622



>> No.5896624

130% in 24 hours actually

>> No.5896656

Holy shit what a wonderful thought...

>> No.5896675

I was thinking about selling half and spliting it between req, xlm, and link but they all went up pretty high too since I’ve been in Tron

>> No.5896798

you need to fucking sell at $1-5 it's a 100,000,000,000 supply

>> No.5896847

Hey I was just hoping it would hit .10 before February. The lesson is you can’t presict this shit. I saw some people saying Tron wouldn’t hit .25 until end of 2019 lol

>> No.5896860

Coin burning is incoming

>> No.5896862


They are burning 20% in 6 days. It is literally impossible for this to hit $100 ever but maybe $10

>> No.5896958

How low will it dip?

>> No.5896965

Shout out to the hacker 4chan for giving me the tip to buy this last week, I will easily make 100k by next week

>> No.5896982

#6 in market cap.

>> No.5896993

Sold this at 300 sats I going to puke

>> No.5897017

And it’s basically only on one exchange right now

>> No.5897027

Client ain't working with me. Apparently need to update IE? Fuck that.

Why the fuck do people use binance when it can't keep up with demand? Buggy to hell and crashes.

>> No.5897029

>It is literally impossible for this to hit $100 ever but maybe $10
I get the logic behind you saying this, but with as crazy unstable as the entire crypto scene is right now, who can truly say until the whole mess is over and done with?

>> No.5897044

There's still room for gains.

>> No.5897055

Liberally I'd say ~1320 and bounce back up.

>> No.5897071


$100 with 80% of the remaining supply available would be a $5.2TN mkt cap, which isn't happening.

>> No.5897093

wtf is real life anymore

>> No.5897136
File: 150 KB, 600x596, mehhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60% of your money is in DBC
>40$ in IGNIS that you can't cash out
>you are forced to watch TRX moon up to 0.50 by the end of the week

>> No.5897146

Yeah 5 employees caused the trading volume to exceed a billion....sounds legit

>> No.5897170

i have about 600 coins, it wants about 30 to get them away from binance, worth? or should i wait till the fee gets lower. i dont trust this buggy site.

>> No.5897185


They can't keep getting away with this!

>> No.5897231

I fucked up and sold at 1100 SATs trying to make a quick swing trade. Fucked up pretty bad with that even though I made 4x profit off my initial investment. Shit mooned to 1400 immediately. Missed the dip when it went below 1k, set a buy order for 1100 just to buy back in and then it never went that low. Now its pushing 1800 SATs and I could have had nearly 5 figures (poorfag that started a month ago with 2800). For the love of god plz dip.

>> No.5897232

$100 is just the beginning. It's going to revolutionize market price for crypto by the end of this year.

>> No.5897237

I hate be this guy, but part of their road map includes the year 2023. I don't think I'll be alive by then.

>> No.5897246

That dog game is shit. those dogs cost 56 USD

>> No.5897248

>crying about making 2-3x dbc gains over the last few days

>> No.5897254

dont worry about what FUD means just BUY MORE and HODL

>> No.5897274


>> No.5897283
File: 7 KB, 480x480, barney smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sell all my FUN and go ALL IN on TRX?
I thought it would correct soon. Jack shit is being corrected

>> No.5897317

i've made 1200 today off of this.

Only have 8445 coins
Wish I had more...like when it was 2 fucking cents.

>> No.5897330

I'm crying over that IGNIS scam.
I was pajeeted, and lost 1500$ on this shit

I wish i could cash out this shit so i would buy POWR or TRX

>> No.5897373


>> No.5897374

If $10 happens I would literally be able to pay off my mortgage cause I bought in at $.05 lmao

>> No.5897380

we are talkin bout the trx pump in here

discord gg/mCwfgns

>> No.5897394


this is going to tank hard. sell the news. remember justin sun shilled parterships and gave u bikes last time

>> No.5897395

No. Wait for a dip. FUN is yet to moon and TRX already has. If you do this TRX will crash as FUN moons and then you'll an hero.

>> No.5897407

...i just did

i'll have more FUN later

>> No.5897436

Then why aren't you buying more??
This will make you fucking rich.

>> No.5897483

Omg this is amazing
Holding to $1. Thanks biz

>> No.5897496

this fucking shit was 20 sats not too long ago, I had so fucking many and I sold them for small gains....


>> No.5897568

that is extremely low. ethertanks had tanks costing 500 dollars and people were still buying them

>> No.5897599

Wait for another dip. Too risky to go in right now even with these insane surges. This shit WILL hit 2000 Satoshi-sans

>> No.5897606

i sold 350k for 5 cents

>> No.5897636

fuck it I'm holding till 1$, this is literally running on meme magic at this point

>> No.5897655
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>> No.5897705

Definitely slowing down though, just a bit

>> No.5897736
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>> No.5897758

yeah but can you do anything with those dogs??!?

>> No.5897762

Hold it until it's 1 cent.

>> No.5897778

i had 200k of these fucking things...man what a catastrophic mistake it was selling it off so quickly

>> No.5897784

is this coming down? I been waiting all day to buy but it is only going up? wtf? it was 18 when I started looking and now its 27?

>> No.5897836

what the fuck is this lmao

>> No.5897841

Lost 12000 TRX in my shitty attempts at day trading and chasing dips that never came. Just hold people.

>> No.5897873

just like .25 cents was only possible by EOY ya?

>> No.5897876

I turned my .18 BTC into my first whole BTC

Thank you biz!

>> No.5897909

this wont stop. amazing.

>> No.5897930

it never fucking dips, jesus

>> No.5897969

Yep i learned this the very hard way about 4 days ago. Lost way more than you did too

>> No.5897995

AHHHHHHHHHH I fucking bought at 3 cents and fucking sold at 8. GOD DAMNIT I had 200000 Tron God damnit.

>> No.5898016

no, but who cares? most people buy that shit just to turn a profit.

>> No.5898020

retard, why sell something over pennies ?

>> No.5898065

Stop trying to day trade unless you fucking using bots. It's going to stess you out.

This shit will hit a dollar eventually.

>> No.5898091

Prepare for the biggest dip ever.

>> No.5898116

this is just like that simpsons episode

>> No.5898145

Yes it will dip, like the majority of all coins that go parabolic. But it'll then pump back up, to new average high, and will continue to climb, due to the ambitious roadmap

>> No.5898211

~what's it called?~

>> No.5898243
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I DONT KNOW WHEN TO SELL THIS SHIT it just never stops going

>> No.5898261
File: 36 KB, 600x443, j23i4-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>return from holiday
>tron 19bn

what the fuck did you autists do?

>> No.5898285

yes, I sold all my VEN for TRX

>> No.5898287

Set a number in your mind now, sell it at that value.

>> No.5898303

How the fuck can this shit still keep going?

>> No.5898332

GOd please let this shit crash

>> No.5898351

2000 here we come

2900 by morning?

>> No.5898431

>2000 wasn't even a hiccup

>> No.5898434

it's the one where the germans buy the power plant, homer immediately sells all his stock for $25 and it goes up to 5200

>> No.5898443

SELL at 2k

>> No.5898484

honestly i thought you were gonna say monorail...
but that works too.

>> No.5898538

more like buy more at 1600 and hodl until 5000

>> No.5898566

lmao china is just waking up

this is going to 4000

>> No.5898680
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>> No.5898690

OK touching base with the normal people, they're in a bubble and looks to me like the fuel is nothing more than the moon mission itself. A couple had heard of jack ma, the rest just seem to be saying it's TRX or asking me how to buy it. This can go to 262bn.

>> No.5898699

Ima watch so I don't neck myself when it hits 30 cents

>> No.5898767

dip incoming

>> No.5898836

just bought in boys prepare to get justed

>> No.5898848
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>> No.5898890


>> No.5899019
File: 66 KB, 1024x1024, 4D96D5BC-9187-48C3-B918-CA0764DC2C43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yfw you sell 48k trx at 330 to go all in on xrb and it immediately tanks so you hold to regain losses and then this happens. I’m literally about to pull the trigger

>> No.5899089

gonna bounce off 1600. most likely. according to my intuition

>> No.5899159


kys chink

>> No.5899645

Just look at the Volume of TRX. The lows are constantly going up. A 24 hour low of 550 and high of 1250, its going to move into a middle area. Its on a good steady rise. 5.00 eoy

>> No.5899650


>> No.5899915

whats the goddamn fuzz? it wont go past 0,25 for ages now, you guys reacting like we can buy a lambo tommorow.. calm the tits... god damn

>> No.5900528

it hit .30 earlier it's sitting at .26 on binance, correction is now, buy the dip and wait for the announcement in 2 days. Depending on whats announced this will jump to lamboland bud.

>> No.5900614
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man if you're right, I'll have hit my modest moon.

>> No.5900770

>whats the goddamn fuzz? it wont go past 0,25 for ages now, you guys reacting like we can buy a lambo tommorow.. calm the tits... god damn

i already bought 5k coins, but i watch in eur.. thats where the confusing came from

>> No.5901007


*sell your profit now, jump to FUN overnight, wait until TRX dips harder tomorrow and jump back on, wait for imminent next moon.

>i do this for /biz/ senpai

>> No.5901053

Buying more TRX. Will be $1 very soon after the announcements.

>> No.5901087
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>he still thinks the "announcement" will grant this coin any legitimacy

>> No.5901166

doesn't mean it wont skyrocket anyway. this is crypto there are no rules. just stfu and make some money.

>> No.5901210


>> No.5901227

>gonna bounce off 1600. most likely. according to my intuition
lmaoo sorry kid but you'll never gonna make it

>> No.5901261

Stupid shills

>> No.5901340

when 1 trx = 1 eth xd

>> No.5901584

i was just predicting the dip's low. i have 5k in this now, i want it to succeed obviously. i just think you guys stress too much about validation of product because you're coming from regular market. this isn't regular, it's crypto and you just gotta go with the flow.

>> No.5901619

I hope this happens THIS year. at this rate why not

>> No.5901736

hearty kek

Congrats Tronbros. I'm out for now, perhaps never to return