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File: 220 KB, 742x966, avi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58965287 No.58965287 [Reply] [Original]

Need any more proof?


>> No.58965297

Wait the fucking bridge is out?

>> No.58965316

Oh it's not out yet? So lets recap you stupid fucking pigs. SEPTEMBER 1!th. MORE THan a year after the birth of avi coin, and there is NOT ONE fully released product. THERE ARE fully released "blog posts" and these just amount to stixel's inchorent talking points that ultimately amount to ultimately nothing because there is not one fucking thing to come from aviator for over a year. NOTHING. Hey how about that summer game jam they were gonna have alongside the testnet? thought i forgot about that huh? go ahead ask what fucking went wrong there i would Love to hear their fucking answer. coin does nothing look at chart. Project DOES nothing look at the fucking releases (nothing). NO LISTING NO MARKETING NO ARCADE NO BRIDGE NO NOTHING.

>> No.58965325

And now after all this fucking time we get a blog post with NO DATE. They say 3-5 days out we get a ANNOUNCEDMENT. SO the bridge is till at A FUCKIGN MINIMUM, 2 WEEKS AWAY. HAHA ONCHAIN HALLOWEEN ANYONE? OCTOBER? are you fucking kidding me? this shit was suposed to be out in summer, (onchain summer) remember that fucking let down? here by my shitty hat. Now we wont get the bridge for another month. this shit is sickening

>> No.58965327

cope seethe and dilate
avi is working directly with coinbase its the most obvious play on this board

>> No.58965340

>most obvious play
THE CHART IS FUCKING DEAD. WHENEVER THERE IS A pump, people just sell to get the fuck out as soon as they can. this coin is stuck in .002 limbo for fucking years. just fucking watch. daily volume of $3k what a joke, ill never forgive you faggots for shilling this stupid shit and their incompetent team. WHERE IS THE FUCKING GAME JAM? SUMMER GAME JAM HELLOOOO??? WHY HAVE THEY GIVEN UP? WHY DOES IT TAKE MORE THAN A FUCKING YEAR TO SEE A PRODUCT? WHAT DO HOLDERS GET OUT OF THIS STUPID SHIT WE JSUT SIT AND SIT AND SIT AND GET FUCKING NOHTING WHILE THJE TEAM GETS EVERYTHING<> WHERE IS MY FUCKING MONEY

>> No.58965346

wehy should anyon e fucking buy aviator? the chart. does. nothing. the team does nothing to help the price. the bridge will do nothing to help the price. why have they forgotten the arcade?
hwere is the game jam

wher>>>Where IS TGHE GAME JAM

>> No.58965356

lik >>58965287
like holy shit. 1+year later. nothing. chart hasnt moved a lot in months. they think this is ok? when do holders get fucking rewarded for this shit? PEOPLE ARE FED UP. GIVE PEOPLE A REASON TO HOLD>

>> No.58965359

get a life loser lol

>> No.58965364

Coinbase wants NOTHING to do with this piece of shit they cant even get a fucking product out in a year. fucking embarrassing. who would want to wotk with these incompetent developrs of the aviator team? thats fucking why jesse NEVER shows any respondance to aviator blatantly begging and begging like good little piggies they are for recognition. THEY HAVE NOT GAINED ONE FUCKING FOLLOWER IN MONTHS ON TWITTER. THINK ABOUT THAT. NO ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT AVIATOR. NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON BESIDES THE PIGGY BAGGIES.

>> No.58965368

yeah thats right nothing to say. You know im fucking righht. no one fucking cares about this piece of shit coin. no products 1 year, thats it thats the fud. i dont even care about the wallerts anymore. THE PROJECT IS THE FUCKING FUD. NOTHING THEY HAVE NOTHING FINAL TO SHOW. MORE THAN A YEAR> THIS CANNOT BE DFEFENDED

>> No.58965376

team can fump on me all tjhey want go ahead, i been cummed on before i can take it. GO a fuckng head. RELEASE A PRODUCT.

>> No.58965381
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>another article

>> No.58965389

i cant fucking believe this shit. who would have thought wed be here in the middle of september with no bridge? i barely have the words to describe how disgusting this is to do. and then they have a private testing so their select group of pigy bagies can see but they wont let me see? how about you show us alll what you have been wprking on? im sure its very very very good! LET US SEE IT IF ITS SOOOOOO GOOD? WHY KEEP IT SECRETS? SHow us

>> No.58965398

>working with coinbase
Thats why jesse is ignoring them right? thats why every coinbase rep ignores them right

>> No.58965408

I hate to say this but this is a glorified toadkiller token and we’ve been had

>> No.58965409
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>761 words 4,092 characters

>> No.58965458

>direct suggestions from coinbase
5 bucks it was a blogpost or an email with their PR department lmao

>> No.58965522

fuck you stixil, fix the fucking project. bet you wish you hired me now huh

>> No.58965583


Raging retard jimmy. go die in a ditch faggot

>> No.58965598

AVI will make me so much motherfucking money. My dream is to make it so that I can live frugally and spend the rest on charity. I want to have so much money it won't fit in my pockets and I'll give so much of it away and help so many people. Straight up.

>> No.58965633

>AVI will make me so much motherfucking money
You’ll die poor before that happens

>> No.58965636

You sound emotional anon. Are baggies ok?

>> No.58965640

No, my intentions are pure. I will find the girl of my dreams, buy a house, make her quit her job so we can both be NEETs and then I will spend so much money on other people.

>> No.58965688

So.... a 10 pages worth of "soon"? Bro, after one year of them doing this the only thing that will surprise me is if we manage to pump. Lmao

>> No.58965732

insiders don't want you to know that aviator-skybridge.eth is taken
so is aviator-hangar.eth... maybe for their upcoming marketplace? :eyes:

>> No.58965824
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It really doesn't get anymore clear than this...... ITS LITERALLY PROGRAMMED


>> No.58965898


>> No.58965912
File: 198 KB, 1100x1007, 1719617109530025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Three Windows—a singular representation of Aviator

>aviator arcade
whats the third?

>> No.58965923

What? That they are still weeks away from launching a side project that doesn't make holders any money (unless they're using the bridge to trade eth memes cheaper)? Sizzle went from saying it would launch as soon as the 2nd audit was done to saying things will be released piece by piece...what does that even mean? It's a bridge, it's one thing, you can't release part of it! Dragging things out more and more because the arcade is nowhere near complete (and don't forget months of audits when it's done).

>> No.58966006

hangar but stixil doesnt want you to know that yet

>> No.58966009
File: 505 KB, 933x687, ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfiest hold of my LIFE.

These guys have been working in a professional manner. They could have released a shit bridge but they've played it safe, passed 2 audits by the top auditors in the industry. Results, as shown on the testnet, are VERY FAST and SECURE.

Slow and steady wins the race. Crypto is a cesspool of broken promises, over-the-top unfeasable projects and rushed shit by irresponsible devs. Oh, and thieves. Many a rugpull has happened.

Some of you screaming children let impatience get the best of you. Many of you have never been entrepreneurial in your lives. Thus, you do not understand that complex things built from the ground up take TIME, take EFFORT and face DRAWBACKS. I am self employed and I know the difficulty of doing things with no-one to guide you. Many doubt you, and you even doubt yourself at times. "Am I going to succeed? Am I deluded by my own original ambition?". But when you push through, results come out eventually, they just do. It takes a big deal of determination and hard work. This is what I like about Aviator: I like the team's commitment, I admire their persistence, and I respect their vision.

So let's imagine the SkyBridge releases and it flops for some reason. Coinbase says no thank you. Hackers find a way to fuck it up. People don't use it. In that scenario I will polish my diamond hands with a diamond drill and hold my 1M stack like nothing happened.

If the Arcade flops, I will not give a damn either. If the whole Avi project tanks, I am not selling. I don't give a fuck. I bought half a year ago because I trusted these people, and I'm ready to hold to eternity. Shit happens in life and especially in investments. The next thing Stixil, Kerasu et al. pull out of their minds? I'll buy that first minute.

However, these are worst case scenarios, which anyone should come to terms with when putting money into something. But the thing is, big fucking things are gonna happen with Avi. This is the one.

>> No.58966065
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i think onchain summer was good for avi specifically, but overall a letdown.
avis team has directly talked about this before, and have shared a similar sentiment.
in response, the team, namely kerasu, has said things akin to
>i wouldnt be surprised if they extended or redid the event next season ;)
on a few occasions

jesse just posted picrel today, which could possibly be a first peek at base similarly celebrating autumn

obviously base was always going to keep being supported, but what made kerasu say they might do something like this, specifically?
it could just be a lucky guess since he understands how corpo marketing works.
but him and the team have made these types of comments multiple times, and kerasu doesnt seem the type to repeat an assumption like that regarding such a high-profile professional partner theyve been working with for at least months now

>> No.58966069
File: 72 KB, 640x800, 1710616362678848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got handed a free win
its literally all spelled out, and has been for months
the only reasons to be turned off continue to be impatience and getting investment intel entirely from biz, for some reason
its not often at all that these opportunities come up, but they do

>> No.58966071

have a (You)
you literally just registered both of them yesterday. just shows the avi team is so inept that they couldnt even register their own ens name after a full year. good luck with your grift, scum

>> No.58966080

this is also reliant on the assumption its about autumn, to be fair
it could also just be about bitcoin since theyve hinted at making their own version of wrapped btc

>> No.58966086

>These guys have been working in a professional manner
kek avi is hardly talked about in the tg and when it is talked about, it's buried in an ocean of half naked gifs of some mexican twerking in a banana hammock (the projects mascot, per the team), talks about smoking weed, racist remarks about "jeets", etc. Never mind the fact that core team members are actively dumping the token on its holders (hi Pengo) while pretending nothing is going on. Professional? Fuck that

>Slow and steady wins the race
While skybridge has been in development for the last 8 months, people have been bridging to Base without issue. Few people / projects care enough to migrate over from eth, so "deploying to base" isn't going to be as big as you guys think it is. Skybridge will simply be another option alongside the other bridges that are already available. Sorry, you lost the race

>Crypto is a cesspool of broken promises
Many of us have been holding avi for over a year now. Trust me when I say we know this all too well

>if the project flops, I'll never sell. In fact, I'll follow the team on their next farm.. I mean project
>t. team member
Thanks for making it obvious enough, but the gig is up. You milked this board for what it had and no one on biz is buying this tg hype man bullshit anymore. Time to move on to some other platform. Be honest, which team member are you? No baggie is this delusional to say that kind of shit

>> No.58966185

>If the Arcade flops, I will not give a damn either. If the whole Avi project tanks, I am not selling. I don't give a fuck. I bought half a year ago because I trusted these people, and I'm ready to hold to eternity. Shit happens in life and especially in investments. The next thing Stixil, Kerasu et al. pull out of their minds? I'll buy that first minute.
Oh fuck we’re entering the phase where the team slowly starts to call it quits. They will start putting it into the heads of the baggies that there is a chance the project won’t do well. They will keep repeating this narrative in a subtle way and when they finally decide to sunset the project, it won’t have nearly as much impact than if they were to suddenly do it. The delays and the hesitation to release anything after over 1 year is now starting to make sense. It’s fucking over

>> No.58966191

youre right
the testnet never happened and theres never been anything at all this whole time
when i deployed a token and it worked perfectly even back on v1, sepolia was faking it
they got paid off just like hacken was twice
coinbase too

>> No.58966202

Six months of testnet for a fucking bridge anon. This shit is so retarded I don’t know why biz is still hung up on it. Who fucking cares anymore.
>my rubic stays cubic

>> No.58966209

if its so ridiculous, why hasnt anyone else made it?
half-baked versions of the idea have been attempted in the meantime, and the results are buggy, broken, centralized pieces of shit that rug people.
is there another bridge that lets holders instantly deploy their holdings onto other chains like this- not even for base, just in general?

>> No.58966213

They needed someone to tell them that it would be a good idea to unify their branding style across their portfolio? Kind of basic isn’t it? Website, bridge and eventually the arcade should look like they match. No shit.

>> No.58966223

Skybridge is centralized anon. Whether or not it’s buggy and broken remains to be seen in production

>> No.58966237

what do you think that
>Six months of testnet
youre claiming they had was for, then?
or the two audits you fags complain about so much?
worked perfect even back during the v1, but youre right, it might be a completely broken, buggy, unusable mess on launch because you feel like it

>> No.58966239

Why did it need two audits?

>> No.58966242

added functionality
why do you think they ran a testnet for bugs and feedback AFTER the initial audit to begin with?

>> No.58966252

What added functionality?
>it worked perfectly even on v1

>> No.58966261

>added, additional, extra, more, etc.
its truly not that hard
why do YOU think it needed two audits, anyways?
walk me through that implication

>> No.58966268

>Coinbase told us our branding, literally 90% of what a token is, was shit and we should change it entirely

>> No.58966282
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>> No.58966284

Because the first audit did not include the contracts related to supersonic, which is the bridges main selling point. I’m asking why they did the first audit at all? Seems like it was just to make it seem like they had made enough progress to pacify baggies desu

>> No.58966902

Based. Finally someone who gets it.

>there’s never been anything at all this whole time
That’s not true. We got 1 years worth of medium articles.

>They needed someone to tell them that it would be a good idea to unify their branding style across their portfolio? Kind of basic isn’t it?
You would think a project that has the best designers in the industry would know this

It doesn’t add up, right? Supersonic and token deployment was always the selling point for the bridge. Submitting an audit only to know that they would be submitting another audit shortly after throws up red flags. Were they buying time or was something else going on? More lies and deceptions. Like >>58966009 said:
>Crypto is a cesspool of broken promises, over-the-top unfeasable projects
And avi is no exception. The “web3 version of steam” is the “over-the-top unfeasible” part and the “broken promises” speaks for itself. Such a shame too. I had high hopes for this project

>> No.58966999

>why hasnt anyone else made it?
because no one wants it. theres nothing wrong witth the current bridges, coinbase does not want it. they would have just done it themselves at this point. all this for a year detour from the arcade on a fucking bridge. holy shit

>> No.58967019

and now here we are 12 september witb no product, with no chart movement. why exactly is the reason to hold avi anymore? dont even tell me its up since february that was 7 MONTHS AGO. and now im stuck holding this shit. the price wont even move when the Sam Bridges gets released. Thats the craziest part. the arcade is the only thing that will add value to the coin itself and that has been pushed to the back burner. there was supposed to be a fucking game jam alongside the test net. WHAT HAPPENED?

>> No.58967034

>all this for a year detour from the arcade on a fucking bridge. holy shit

This anon gets it.

Heres what I think happened
>Working on arcade (actually good idea)
>"Ruh Roh" no will play with eth fees
>Every L2 is a scam - someone suggests base cause "Muh CB"
>Relaunch on base or not ??? Hey lets make a bridge
>Hundred other bridges pop up in the meantime - proves to be useless
>Arcade is forgotten
>CB told us about branding (could've been a janitor there for all we know)
>Write blog post, again
we are here
>Missed every event, every opportunity, every shot
>Faded into obscurity

Arcade will take 3 years to launch mark my fucking words

>> No.58967079

I will be using it strictly for scamming until Stixil and his goons pay for it. Have a day!

>> No.58967100
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id say the selling point is the deploying- but the contracts in scope for the first audit DO include supersonic
its right there on the first audits scope page
this was a blatant lie unironically started by a literal proven sri lankan who thought the only current publicly available section of the skybridge code (basically just optimism bridge) was the only skybridge code that existed, and you retards have believed that for months
you just have to look at the hacken page for a few seconds to see this, unless youre going to start saying hacken got paid off to lie twice again
see >>58966069
>the only reasons to be turned off continue to be impatience and getting investment intel entirely from biz, for some reason

>> No.58967203
File: 303 KB, 720x698, Screenshot_20240912-053958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is quite possibly the most narcissistic faggot shit I've ever seen come from this board.

>> No.58967231

Also this logo is objectively terrible and amateur. Something a teenager would have posted on deviant art.

>> No.58967331

1+ year later is no longer impatience. This is now incompetence. 7 months no ath, no marketing, no product, no listing. Coin of Nothing.

>> No.58967343

Scratch that, this isn't your everyday incompetence. This is Advanced Incompetence.

>> No.58967345

Umm hello sweaty, there is a BLOG. Do you remember blogs? What are you so impatient for? They spent 30 minutes writing self platitudes and generated some ugly quasi-pixelated AI gifs. This is worth waiting for anon. Just wait for the next blog post and you will see. Waiting is the key to waiting longer.

>> No.58967361

Yeah you are right maybe next week we'll get some more information on Stixil's pill regiment. Or what color peppers he puts in his omlette.

>> No.58967370

>forget what you said
Vague statements and failed hype
>forget what you did
no products for more than a year, nothing to show at all. no price movement, no marketing, NOTHING. they did nothing, so there is nothing to forget
>how you made them feel
total despair and anger. so yes i guess that part applies to the aviator project.

>> No.58967393

I REQuest my money back. Mozzarella eating faggots where’s my money?!?

>> No.58967418

>team "we dont care about price"
>chart looks like shit
>"yeah we're just gonna keep building"
>chart still looks like shit
>"heres a blog post about our new blog post site"
So can the aviator team tell us when we can expect to see an increase of value in our coins? Thats why we are here is it not? No one cares about the bridge / arcade independent of their AVI token value. And since the AVI token has a value in the first place, it must mean the team HAS to care about it in some way, SO lets have the team tell us EXPLICITLY how the value of the coin will increase. How DO IIIIIIII as an AVI holder BENEFIT from this? Otherwise whats even the point? You can say you dont care about price all fucking day long but WE DO. So please elaborate exactly how we will see an increase in value of our holdings. No more blog posts about blog posts, how about a post about the value of the AVI coin and how the project will enable holders to see their coin increase in value. THAT is why we are here afterall.

>> No.58967423

Stay tuned. Big things happening. Bigly.

>> No.58967429

convalooted way of saying coinbase no? maybe they are intentionally trying to downplay it so when it comes out it was a affiliate of coinbase they can say welllll we never said it was coinbase Directlyyy....

>> No.58967444
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>> No.58967460

Oh im tuned, ive been tuned for a year and still fucking nothing. im so tuned i can see through this shit like eggs on toast. they think they can have all these baggies on their lure forever but people are starting to realize something bad happened along the way in development or whatever. over their heads, incompetent i dont know what it is. but now its starting to hurt ME and OTHERS financially. so its only fair to start demanding we hear when exactly we can expect to see a return for all the money we have given to this fucking project. and yes GIVEN. Even if the team is not dumping on us, they recieved multiple drops from the treasury and that value increases due to us faggots giving them thousands of dollars. SO they will be able to sell their coins now for practically free without buying them at the expense of us faggots buying their shitty coin. WHEN WILL WE SEE A BENEFIT TOWARDS US?

>> No.58967467

You want them to offer unregistered securities? Dumbass.

>> No.58967470

Yeah thats what i thought, nothing to say. thats why fuddies have been eviscerayting baggies in these threads for months. there is nothing left in AVI. no value, no products nothing,.

>> No.58967478

I dont even know what that means, i want to know WHY i should hold AVI. Obviously its because we expect the value to increase but WHY would it do that? The team made a AVI to $1 sticker so WHY do they expect that? They can make the sticker but cant elaborate on why they think it will happen?

>> No.58967479

Coinbases base team is employed to reach out to base projects and try and help the ecosystem grow. Every chain has hackathons, advisors, and community outreach. That’s what we’re talking about here and it’s not that big of a deal desu. I signed up for a hackathon on Mina a year ago and then never did anything, but I still get emails from their outreach coordinators

>> No.58967487

>not that big of a deal
exactly. i think people have been mislead on their involvement and Avi teams connections to them.

>> No.58967490
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kill yourself faggot every day 50+ posts per thread. if you not getting paid for that stream your suicide shithead

>> No.58967495

You’re the guy who flips bias every thread aren’t you? Just sell and move on dude

>> No.58967515

>just sell and move on
I cant do that because i was told to buy at .006 and now i need to make my fucking money back
No im just pissed now after seeing that fucking blog post. They said the 2 weeks would be critical at the start of september. its now the 12th. i am tired of being jerked around by this team being lead to believe that things are closer than they really are. they do this every fucking time.
Ill shit up these threads until i get my fucking money back. Maybe then they will finally do some fucking marketing and leave biz once their shit runs dry here.

>> No.58967524

ok poorfag suicide not far off for you

>> No.58967536

>team trades on the open market
>team continually promises progress and never delivers
>baggies hold during long periods of down only
>low volume. No exchange listings
Projects like this never end well. I’ve seen it so many times before. Idk how much money you’re taking about, but there’s an opportunity cost to holding too. Even if you eventually break even, the things you miss while waiting doesn’t make it worth it imo.

>> No.58967549

>ive been tuned for a year
>cant do that because i was told to buy at .006

Nigga which one is it, if you have been tuned, and presumably bought a year ago you are well in profit even now, if you bought at .006...right near the top of a huge pump....because "you were told to"......anon.....

worst case you did buy at .006, how many chances on the way down have you had to sell your bag and rebuy at a lower price and release some capital? Avi team have questions to answer re shitty timekeeping etc but they can't rescue you from simply being a shitty trader

>> No.58967558

I bought much more at .006 because we were lead to believe there would be a short turn around from the first audit completion to the release of the bridge. This was misleading. So yes they are responsible for this and holders deserve to know when we are going to see a return on what we have put out money into.

>> No.58967573

Literal who chain vs Coinbase and their own personal project chain Base.

>> No.58967577

you will see only one end of the rope pajeet

>> No.58967578


No one "owes" you shit, grow up, this is crypto, what's that disclaimer every crypto exchange uses?...oh yeah, "Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment"

If Avi is as bad as you say it is then just sell now and put your money into something else but for fuck sake stop whining

>> No.58967580

Doesn’t seem to be working out very well anon, but good for you.

>> No.58967581
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>26 pbtid
holy shit is this what not getting invited to the private testnet demo does to a fragile ego? lmfao. weren't you the guy begging for access or you were gonna "blow it down" or something? got your kneepads for the blowjob there?

>> No.58967589
File: 212 KB, 881x1242, veryvery_poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NAOOOO i dont want to use a stoploss
>NAOOOOO i want guaranteed gains immediately and i want it to perform like a high cap stock with lots of volume but with the gains of a memecoin without the rug
>NAOOOOO i dont care that the chart looked worse last year but those people who bought and held are up 30x+ even with the current and price and 70x+ at ATH
>NAAOOOOO i dont want to sell
>NAOOOOOO i dont want to hold
>NAOOOOOOOO stackie how could you do this to me

>> No.58967596

Nail, Head

>> No.58967601
File: 449 KB, 2048x2048, jail_bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naooo the price won't move even when the team releases it
>naooo i dont want to cut my losses now
>naoooo my money is gone how am i gonna pay my rent? my mom is gonna be PISSED
>naoooo coinbase is a meme
>naoooo the testnet doesn't exist because the team didn't invite ME, the king of /biz/ and the world's number 1 trader
>naooooo dw it's all on chain i want it NAOOOO
>naooooo team isn't allow to have a launch strategy
>but also if they launch without a launch strategy what sort of idiot launches without a strategy naooooo
>but also i can't wait for a strategy because i just can't okay naooooo
>but i still don't want to sell and move my funds elsewhere naoooo

>> No.58967617
File: 371 KB, 2048x2048, pawboy_chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naooo i don't want to check the contract
>naoooo it must be broken even though the #1 auditor in the world checked it twice
>naoooo it's both a fork of optimism which is an incredibly well known and industry leading platform but it's also buggy and shitty custom code written by a woman that somehow got a top score audit
>naooo i'm not the same guy making 60+ pbtid in every thread who changes the goalposts every time it becomes obvious i'm a retard
>naoooo i'm not wrong, you're wrong

>naooo you see it's shitty and broken
>naoooo don't pay attention to the fact that two audits by the top auditor means it's not shitty and broken

>naoooo don't check the contracts
>naooo don't read the audit for the new contracts either
>naooo i didn't get invited to join the new testnet because all i do is lurk as a gay frog in the tg and post weird shit that makes everyone instantly bully me
>naooooo i don't hold any avi
>naooo but also i do
>naooo i don't even know anymore
>naooo i'm not fudding i'm doing this for YOU!!

>> No.58967628

>noooo they are mad at my shitcoin
>wahhh don’t they understand how great everything is?
>ahhh if they don’t buy my bags, how am I going to afford leg lengthening surgery?!?

>> No.58967636
File: 152 KB, 414x456, 1724869514921973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you switch ids also change your writing style retard

>> No.58967639
File: 218 KB, 2047x1187, thats_a_nice_bridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stolen from the other thread because apparently a coin with $20m mcap has more fans than GME, LINK and AVAX combined!

yes, the new testnet version had some community members do a test of it the other day and you can find the transactions here:

1. deploy contract on eth:

2. deploy contract from eth to base:

3. bridge from eth to base:

4. withdraw from base back to eth:

note that for the #4 transaction this bridged already but needed to be claimed however the testnet trial closed before it could be finalised. in real life the person would switch back to eth and claim it.

as you can see, the bridge is very real and the jeet with 53pbtid is just seething because he sold his tokens for a pittance and now he doesn't want you to make it because he fucked up and will rope when it goes to $1. additionally coinbase involvement was confirmed in the latest blog update. i will allow you to think about why coinbase could possibly give a shit about a $20m mcap coin.

anyone can bridge any token, so it's not like the developer has to do it. if you were quick enough you could do it yourself for example. there is no custom contract, it just inherits the contract from eth it seems but i suggest digging into the below if you want to confirm. the audit also goes into detail about the process.

here is the contract for the JAY token that was deployed, it has both a minimal contract on base as well as acts for a proxy for the eth mainnet token itself as both the remote and local token contracts are tracked:

>> No.58967644
File: 14 KB, 750x135, IMG_2822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did avi suddenly go from rank #4800 to rank #860?

>> No.58967645
File: 1.20 MB, 220x220, IMG_2396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picrel

>> No.58967647
File: 82 KB, 566x614, PAWpoors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naooo i can't come up with my own style, better copy the guy bullying me
>naoooo i'm not a pajeet and part of the retards who have been spamming this project for over a year to try to accumulate cheapies
>naooo i won't post my hand

As you can see, there is an ongoing and concerted FUD campaign with paid posters operating at a 30% or higher FUD ratio on every AVI thread since late last year. This has been proven when one of the FUD posters got banned and took out multiple IDs in one go. The fuddies have already admitted to not holding AVI, yet they make up the vast majority of any one poster in any AVI thread.

Here are some reasons why someone might engage in such sustained FUD campaigns:

Accumulation Phase: During a prolonged accumulation phase, a trader or entity may want to buy up a large amount of a specific asset without drawing too much attention. Sustained FUD can keep prices depressed long enough for them to build a substantial position before reversing sentiment to profit from an eventual price increase.

Strategic Positioning for Future Gains: FUD over an extended period can help position the trader or organization strategically for future gains. By suppressing enthusiasm or belief in a project, they can reduce competition and set the stage for a dramatic price recovery once the FUD campaign ends, allowing them to capitalize on renewed positive sentiment.

Weakening Competitors: If the FUD is targeted at a specific project or cryptocurrency, it might be aimed at weakening a competitor’s market position. This tactic is particularly common among rival projects or within competitive sectors of the crypto market. By discrediting a competitor over time, the FUD spreader can shift market share or influence towards their preferred asset.

Importantly, with the release of Skybridge coming shortly with the 2nd Hacken audit complete and UX V2 A/B testing underway, the fuddies are extra desperate to finalise their accumulation phase.

>> No.58967651
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1724955141276854s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58967654


>> No.58967665

Oh look, jeet anon is back. Haven’t seen you for a while. We though you necked or something

>> No.58967667

>stolen from the other thread because apparently a coin with $20m mcap has more fans than GME, LINK and AVAX combined!
It’s not what you think it is. If it wasn’t obvious enough, there’s like 3-5 schizos fud/shill posting under different IDs. If I had to guess, avi threads rarely get unique visitors to them

>> No.58967697
File: 60 KB, 645x780, 324134245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh look, jeet anon is back
Paid shitskin you seriously think nobody picks up on multiple ids that write exactly same? Choke on curry faggot

>> No.58967730

It's becoming obvious that the fud is being pushed by the avi team. It's either them or they are paying for it. They keep
bumping threads making it look like there is interest here, but 300 post threads have maybe 5 people posting.

>> No.58967743
File: 79 KB, 1169x993, icantlaunder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore picrel
Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

>> No.58967756
File: 69 KB, 1008x336, OUCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have been paying any attention at all, including in the tg where an unhinged guy literally named pajeetka came in and tried to act like a big boss before getting his shitskin head crushed by the mighty stixil, there is a project called PAW made by butthurt ex-shib people who are salty that stixil and the team left to make non-scam projects.

they have paid their cousins to try and stir up shit but they're just not very good at it. they used to have some indian guys posting in the morning but it's almost like they got ptsd from jay talking about crushing their tiny baby skulls and being memed into oblivion.

why would they do such a thing? because they sold their avi wallets out for their own scam token, forgetting that their scam token is a scam. it's what gave a lot of avi holders a very strong entry last year. and now the pawpoors are crying as they get the rope out given that they traded away life-changing money (i'm talking multiple millions) and the onyl way they can feel better is by making sure you, and potential avi holders, don't make it either.

picrel: one example of them selling hundreds of millions of avi for cents on the dollar. in fact without them i wouldn't BE A TOP WALLET

>> No.58967772
File: 267 KB, 1436x1072, thatsalottanuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but yes you are absolutely right. there is a stinky sri lankan/indian hybrid based in the UK who posts up a storm. he's in the tg and his name is FaggyFrog or some shit. he's the one who sperged out the other day and we all bullied him. he does 30-100+ pbtid in every thread. usually he makes the threads too. he's very likely getting 5 rupees per post, and his kpi is to maintain it above 30% as has been calculated multiple times.

the guy in here is not that one, it's another unhinged retard who thinks he is being funny by acting like a bagholder because he's bored of the market. he tried to larp as unmendable but unmendable only lurks he doesn't post, so when that got pointed out he changed up his strategy.

tldr 4chan is filled with unhinged individuals, who could have guessed. paid pajeets are in your walls trying to clog the airplane toilets.

>> No.58967790

Does anyone know how the cmc ranking system works? I thought it was based on mcap. How did avi get such a high bump up in the ranking?

>> No.58967796
File: 164 KB, 829x1208, youmirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase, a leading cryptocurrency platform, allows users to buy, sell, and store various cryptocurrencies and NFTs. With a presence in over 100 countries and a robust user base of 110 million verified users as of Q4 2022, Coinbase continues to be a trusted name in the crypto space, and is currently in the Beta phase of their Smart Wallet rollout.

Smart Wallets bring the convenience of advanced digital finance right into your browser, eliminating the need for extensions or app installations. Designed for universal compatibility, each wallet operates seamlessly across major Layer 2 (L2) networks and onchain applications, ensuring a streamlined experience with a single wallet and address.

Both Skybridge and the AVI token will be integrated with the Coinbase Smart Wallet allowing for incredible marketing and branding opportunities with an incentivised learn and earn period providing rewards for users to test out the Aviator ecosystem.

The Aviator team have been hard at work getting things ready, with a new V2 UX - developed from community feedback during the testnet period - set to launch alongside the mainnet release of the Skybridge. Some screenshots of the improved UI have already been released to the TG chat - see inside for more.

As you can imagine, 110m users is a lot of engagement, and all of them are verified crypto users looking for the same simple user experience that Skybridge offers. The potential ongoing benefits and partnership opportunities for Aviator are exceptional.

>> No.58967803

Pengo posted in the tg earlier that Avi is now verified on cmc, could be something to do with it, dunno

>> No.58967805
File: 144 KB, 864x1268, lfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were probably calculating the wrong metrics all this time. Pengo just mentioned they were finally verified. CMC tends to do dumb shit like use the wrong scraped data they pulled out of their ass and then take months and months to correct it. Same as V2/V3 migrate.

>> No.58967914

dead coin

>> No.58967924
File: 154 KB, 859x904, pajeet_deathbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek what happened did the wind get blown out of your sails or did you forget to change your ID?
you were way more fun when you were larping as unmendable, at least that guy is actually retarded, meanwhile you're just pretending to be retarded, right?
at least the indians are getting paid.


are you ACTUALLY retarded, anon?

>> No.58967926

you sold yet then?

>> No.58967933

he can't decide if he's unmendable, a bored holder, a wannabe indian jeet-poster etc. etc.
so of course he's not going to sell his baby stack, he's going to keep coming back to 4chan coping with the fact that he is a parasite with nothing else in his life which is why he's so bored he has to try and outcompete a literal third-world street shitter for his crown of least liked persona.
he could be at the gym, going out with friends, working on a new hobby, but instead he's here larping as an indian fiverr worker.
i wonder how long you can do method acting before you start head wobbling and calling everyone sar?

>> No.58968027

listen here and listen good baggies, I'm out fishing today alright? so I'll give shitting up your threads a break for the rest of the day as i reel in fucking monsters. I'll be back tomorrow though so i expect to have some fucking answers on when the price will go up when i get back ok?

>> No.58968042

*kisses baggies goodnight and tucks them in*

>> No.58968107
File: 124 KB, 832x1216, high_def_theravi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look now he's trying to outschitzo the 78 pbtid schitzo how cute

>> No.58968134

No, you don’t understand. We’re all one guy anon. Sometimes we’re a butt hurt Sri lankan, sometimes we’re froggyfresh (the baddest of them all), sometimes we’re paid indians, and occasionally we’re a manic baggie named jimmy. Never the same character, but always the same person.

>> No.58968202
File: 103 KB, 800x800, nobody_loves_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talk about how unfair this is, but you’ve got a real knack for creating your own disasters. Honestly, if self-pity were an Olympic sport, you’d have gold medals by now.
Have you ever considered that the only constant in your misery is you?
Whenever you're ready.

>> No.58968225

Hey, I have around 1 million AVI that I want to hold onto for a while and don’t plan on selling. Is there anywhere I can stake it or something to earn rewards?

>> No.58968361

Sorry, I’m not playing jimmy today. No self pity here.

>> No.58968474

Holy shit. 29 pbtid already?! I literally just opened this thread. Aviator not only living rent free, but you're paying for Aviator to live in your head with the constant bumps hahahahahaha.

>> No.58968498
File: 99 KB, 800x800, hi_jimmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ve mastered the art of being anyone but yourself, which says a lot about how much others loathe the genuine you.
The truth is, your real personality is so unappealing that you’ve become a professional actor, but for some reason your muse is a street shitting pajeet.
Great session, Jimmy.
Now about this overdue bill...

>> No.58968507

This. Anyone who hasn't run a startup or worked as a freelancer will never understand the amount of persistence and effort necessary to be successful. I've worked for companies with a 30M market cap and hundreds of employees - the fact that they're doing what they are with such a small team speaks to their determination and talent.

That's why none of the fud phases me - not only is it easily debunked, but I prefer delays and quality vs every other crypto project that just instantly releases and then the project dies because it has a ton of issues and the team never planned on sticking around. The fact that they show up every day, is telling to me. Calling this a farm is so dumb because they could've made way more pulling the LP or releasing the bridge prematurely to build hype. The fact that they just continue to build each day and have progress to show (the testnet, 2 near flawless audit reports, the bug bounties, game demo, and private test of the new UI - which looks amazing) tells me that they aren't going anywhere.

>> No.58968536

I'm actually the only one that never cared to changed ids, also never had a problem saying what I really thought in the tg even as a baggie. but nice try faggot. its easier for you all to believe that there's one guy fudding to accumulate bags or whatever instead of realizing the obvious; that this team and project is really unlikable and a number of people don't like it for different reasons.

>> No.58968546


Big things on the horizon

>> No.58968582

>*eyes emoji*
yes yes, we know

>> No.58968588


im going to be able to buy so many donuts

>> No.58968842

Lots of shitcoins just died. Liquidity is getting more concentrated. March 2025 faggots strap in. $1 is achievable

>> No.58968959

>biggly soon
Keep pushing the dates further up

>> No.58968992

>No one cares about the bridge / arcade independent of their AVI token value
that's basicly why crypto market is so shit right now, no one fucking needs any of it, 99.99 % of people in crypto are here to make money off of it, not to use muh technology

>> No.58968999

So what will be better to use during peak bullrun for trading shitcoins, mainnet ETH with $400 fees for 1 tx, or Base?

>> No.58969023

na I'm glad there are some critical voices in this project, if everyone was a telegram normie type cocksucker posting about fucking food and their gayness level there would be even less work done and more delays because the team wouldn't feel ANY pressure at all

man I can already tell that even when the skybridge realeses it's gonna be some pre alpha 0.03849 version with limited functionalities, constant work in progress BS link chainlink since 217, constant fucking hopium of 2 more weeks and kicking the can down the road

>during bullrun
how do you know we're gonna get one? if I was sure there will be a bullrun I would be holding memes, not a utility project right now

>> No.58969249
File: 2 KB, 96x96, avilogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who's back, back again. Was waiting for a juicy lil dip wish me luck boys, and cheers for the advice before on selling near the top.

>> No.58969305
File: 134 KB, 614x907, 148448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im..im...im nervous bros.

>> No.58969360
File: 76 KB, 958x701, 1726018119555737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao god speed, rip some lips anon

>> No.58969426


>> No.58969636

a lot of things happening...... a lot of moving parts


>> No.58969940

I'm talking about the overall market, bitch.

>> No.58970117

he's talking about the fat catfishes he bangs on tinder. i guess someone has to take care of the 2/10 hoes to stop them from getting uppity.

plap plap plap plap

>> No.58970154

Top kek the Deadliest catch get them anon spray some air freshener when you go down on them

>> No.58970183
File: 175 KB, 1080x2130, gone_fishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58970277
File: 106 KB, 800x800, more_to_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oompa Loompa, doompity doo,
You pick what’s ugly, just like you.

You think it’s love, you think it’s fate,
But really, it’s just fear of weight.
Why aim higher, try to change?
When settling keeps you out of range!

Oompa Loompa, doompity dee,
You’re both so round, it’s sad to see.

Feel free to take another sucker
... whenever you're ready.

>> No.58970537

AVI will shortly be heavily marketed to Coinbase normies, one of the largest retail markets in the world with a market cap of 51.24 BILLION dollars

Pajeets are heavily fudding AVI to get a better entry for their owners so just know that you're being psyopped. Hold your nose because they will be here in a few minutes using their brown hands to try to trick you into selling for cheap whenever you see some retard with 30+pbtid; they've been at it for months just check the archives.

Thankfully the actual team members are ex-SHIB, have incredible connections with Coinbase, are active every single day in the TG, have received a 10 out of 10 score on their first audit with Hacken, have sneakily launched a V2 of their UX after testnet feedback and are days away from preparing their mainnet.

>What happens then?
- AVI bridge their token to BASE and gets listed on the Coinbase Smart Wallet with active questing activities designed to pump normie adoption
- Bridge then goes live allowing ANY ERC20 or ERC721 token to bridge to BASE without any dev involvement
- AVI holders can provide liquidity like a uniswap pool to gain a percentage of bridging fees
- And like AERO, we are expecting a sneaky Coinbase listing
- Team continues to build towards their Arcade and other web3 feature

Once this takes off you will see the pajeets disappear as their owners vacuum up all the cheap tokens and cash out on Coinbase while laughing at /biz/ midwits who weren't smart enough to buy a Coinbase token before Coinbase listing. Screenshot this.

In the meantime, dunk on the jeets:

>> No.58971042



>> No.58971160

Stay tuned bigly

>> No.58971182
File: 172 KB, 890x1000, chad_keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome back, don't forget to put a sticky note next to your VPN so you know which one is which ID so you don't leak how you're a samefagging retard.
how were the fish? all plapped out?

>> No.58971189

*untucks baggies and unkisses them goodmorning*
Goooooood Morning baggies!

>> No.58971190

Here comes the baggie with the AI slop

>> No.58971195

Ask the guy that went fishing retard.

>> No.58971201

I went fishing moron not him, and great. You could say i plapped to my Ultimate Satisfaction thank you for asking.

>> No.58971205

Wow completely organic, good job there Raj.
Did you realise you had dropped below the 30% KPI?
Lmfao they are NOT sending their best pajeets.
At the very least wait a few minutes between posts.
Holy shit

you mean the guy who posted a few seconds before you lmfao. you're literally the same guy and you're too dumb to change your metadata to make it less obvious. you talk the same, you post at the same times after being away all day, and you reply to each other within seconds.
>NAOOOO we're not the same guy
>NAOOOOO but everyone is magic and pengo and stixil
>NAOOOOo don't point out the fact that we all came alive at the same time because we're impatient retards with nothing to do on a friday


>> No.58971215

anon...you're starting to sound crazy. maybe all this holding isn't doing your mind too well. Have you tried a relaxing pastime like fishing?

>> No.58971219

Kek, I believe that you believe this and desu it’s part of why I like posting in avi threads. Rent fucking free

>> No.58971221

yes we know you argue like a woman.
when you think you're right you argue the point.
when you know you're wrong you change the topic.
you're still a samefagging retard and we all know it

>> No.58971224

Whoa wait a minute… you responded within seconds of me again? Weird. How many wpm do you type anon?

>> No.58971227

you post in avi threads because you're getting paid 5 rupees a post. but you're not very good at it lmfao. in fact all we do is bully you. it must be hellish for your ego.

you forgot to change ID again lmfao.

>> No.58971229

You do live by a body of water right? Close enough you could drive to for an afternoon maybe? I could show you how to tie the fishermans knot anon...just gotta ask...

>> No.58971232

sure, post a step by step tutorial as a webm. maybe we can bond after all. thanks anon

>> No.58971234

Sure thing bud. Something to bring up to theravi in your next session

>> No.58971235

Baggies are losing their minds, imagining things...and you call us the schizos?

>> No.58971239

Oh shit, maybe you are me. If I stand on my roof I can almost throw a rock into the ocean. I also know how to tie a fisherman’s knot

>> No.58971243

>quotes himself
>but i didn't
>literally the last 3 posts
>naooooo what you see is NOT what you see
it's literally right there.
lmfao raj. come on we've talked about this. your boss is gonna be PISSED. this third world logic thing might work in india where people are trying to save face but this is the wild west where nobody gives a shit about your sri lankan feelings.

less typing more webms. come on dennis.

you could take turns stroking each other's micropenises.

>> No.58971245

Ten seconds apart. You have to admire our capcha skills

>> No.58971251

we all know you have a 4chan pass because your posts got deleted when it was banned last time you tried this shit. thanks for paying the janny salaries though.

>> No.58971260


>> No.58971264

AVI baggies could never compete, they are seeing double

>> No.58971266
File: 243 KB, 566x614, deletedPosts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's in every thread, stop playing dumb

>> No.58971269

Kek. Good thread guys. This one was actually fun. Anyway, I’m going fishing now. See you later

>> No.58971270

kek anon do you realize how insane you sound? are you trying to make the baggies look crazy?

>> No.58971276

Avi diehards are all narcissistic zoomers. I don't even own this shit but I like to remind anyone who might buy it. I politely asked some critical questions weeks ago and was shit on by several of them because they are paranoid about India. So I make a point to visit these threads every time I'm on biz and kindly remind these niggers that they are literally gay. As well I make sure to shit on this coin is every other community available. Most agree, fuck Avi you niggers are the worst lmao.

>> No.58971280

Oh shit, 5 seconds. This might be a new record

>> No.58971281

deflect deflect deflect.
Come on Raj, your boss is gonna be PISSED.

>> No.58971289

Raj where's the webm of you tying a knot? You sure got distracted all of a sudden. It couldn't be because you're scared to show your hand?

>> No.58971302

You're a retard. I'm a big bag holder and want some price movement.

>> No.58971311

Skybridge is a truly decentralised approach to bridging, allowing for ANY ERC20 and ANY ERC721 token to be bridged from ETH to BASE, with further chains planned to be added as time goes on.

The team has existing connections with Coinbase through both AVI and SHIB and the DAO has already approved funds to be used to incentivise Coinbase users to interact with the reward based questing that will be promoting AVI across the Coinbase Smart Wallet which will bring the AVI token to the attention of MILLIONS of Coinbase's crypto users.

Existing bridges currently only work with a hand-picked set of tokens with long deployment times that also requires the help of developers leading to large overheads for cross-chain deployments.

However with Aviator's Skybridge, tokens can be easily and quickly deployed by anyone in a permissionless state for a flat rate of just 0.005 ETH. Anyone can then add further liquidity and lock in a cut of the bridged token's liquidity fee of 0.3% to act as a revenue source for token holders. This may allow token holders to reduce their exposure to impermanent loss whilst generating cross-bridge revenue and volume within the same token swap.

Hacken have just completed their 2nd expanded audit for Skybridge, which is now available for reading on the Hacken website, and 30 ETH is now sitting on BASE ready to provide liquidity for AVI itself to be bridged across.

The AVI team are currently finalising preparations for take-off, with some select community members providing valuable feedback on a brand-new V2 UX that is due to be released shortly. Mainnet itself is then expected to follow with a specific launch date to be given shortly.

You can follow along with the approachable community in the TG @ aviator_ac, or purchase some AVI tokens yourself here:

>> No.58971312

Anon at this point I am afraid of what you will do to yourself with The Knot Lore, and look I like bullying baggies as much as the next guy but I don't want to see any of you get hurt.

>> No.58971327

As you can see, there is an ongoing and concerted FUD campaign with paid posters operating at a 30% or higher FUD ratio on every AVI thread since late last year. This has been proven when one of the FUD posters got banned and took out multiple IDs in one go. The fuddies have already admitted to not holding AVI, yet they make up the vast majority of any one poster in any AVI thread.

Here are some reasons why someone might engage in such sustained FUD campaigns:

Accumulation Phase: During a prolonged accumulation phase, a trader or entity may want to buy up a large amount of a specific asset without drawing too much attention. Sustained FUD can keep prices depressed long enough for them to build a substantial position before reversing sentiment to profit from an eventual price increase.

Strategic Positioning for Future Gains: FUD over an extended period can help position the trader or organization strategically for future gains. By suppressing enthusiasm or belief in a project, they can reduce competition and set the stage for a dramatic price recovery once the FUD campaign ends, allowing them to capitalize on renewed positive sentiment.

Weakening Competitors: If the FUD is targeted at a specific project or cryptocurrency, it might be aimed at weakening a competitor’s market position. This tactic is particularly common among rival projects or within competitive sectors of the crypto market. By discrediting a competitor over time, the FUD spreader can shift market share or influence towards their preferred asset.

Importantly, with the release of Skybridge coming shortly with the 2nd Hacken audit complete and UX V2 A/B testing underway, the fuddies are extra desperate to finalise their accumulation phase.

>> No.58971344

AVI will be heavily marketed to Coinbase normies, one of the largest retail markets in the world with a market cap of 51.24 BILLION dollars

Pajeets are heavily fudding AVI to get a better entry for their owners so just know that you're being psyopped into selling for cheap whenever you see some retard with 30+pbtid; they've been at it for months just check the archives.

Thankfully the actual team members are ex-SHIB, have incredible connections with Coinbase, are active every single day in the TG, have received a 10 out of 10 score on their first audit with Hacken, have sneakily launched a V2 of their UX after testnet feedback and are days away from preparing their mainnet.

>What happens then?
- AVI migrate their token to BASE and gets listed on the Coinbase Smart Wallet with active questing activities designed to pump normie adoption
- Bridge then goes live allowing ANY ERC20 or ERC721 token to bridge to BASE without any dev involvement
- AVI holders can provide liquidity like a uniswap pool to gain a percentage of bridging fees
- And like AERO, we are expecting a sneaky Coinbase listing
- Team continues to build towards their Arcade and other web3 features

This is a token that regularly crabs then does a +70% candle out of nowhere, and has already formed a rock hard floor waiting for the final audit results.

Once this takes off you will see the pajeets disappear as their owners vacuum up all the cheap tokens and cash out on Coinbase while laughing at /biz/ midwits who weren't smart enough to buy a Coinbase token before Coinbase listing. Screenshot this.

>> No.58971487


>> No.58971607

nice the baggie knows how to use ChatGPT

>> No.58971659
File: 461 KB, 592x682, 1000004921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the make it stack and sui stack of avi?

>> No.58971938

depends who you ask. Now people are saying 1m /5m but it used to be 10m for make it.
I am certain this gaggle of rajes will rope too no matter how much you buy so get the popcorn ready

>> No.58972649

if your a poorfag 500k-1m sui, if not whatever your highest amount of risk tolerance you have

>> No.58972988

how do I buyed

>> No.58972990

i am here for help you, firstly you send me eth to my adres oke? then i send you avi :)

>> No.58973004

first you trust this guy >>58972990

>> No.58973032


>> No.58973073


get coinbase wallet, buy eth then swap for $AVI


>> No.58973264

How will a sui stack worth? What would 1 million AVI be if they’re not LARPing about the Coinbase stuff

>> No.58973517
File: 62 KB, 576x875, buy_or_cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVI to 25c is the current goal, so your 1m would be worth $250k. look at other projects in the space like gala that didn't even have any working products. the coinbase is not a larp there is already a dao vote for it and if you pay attention in the tg you will know there is already cb staff in there (not the guy larping as brian although that's fucking hilarious).

why else are the pajeets here making multiple threads and 60+ pbtid each time? i've not seen that since fucking chainlink. even gme, avax general etc. are getting btfo by the avi fud-schizo pakistanis.

string you up is what's going to happen, faggot

you must be extra retarded. it's a copy-pasta from previous threads but it's hand written or do you think chatgpt can suddenly start talking about fuddies? god you are so stupid.

if you are feeling extra lazy just use sushi swap to go from any chain to eth mainnet. but it's pretty easy to use uniswap too:

picrel. tiktok.

>> No.58973818

>look at other projects in the space like gala that didn't even have any working products
Nice projection

>> No.58973921

Aaaaaah, now I get it. You are JAY HAHAHA no wonder you are fishing for monsters, that's the only thing that you can get as a fucking MIDGET.

>> No.58973927

i notice you provide zero argument to back that up.

jay has a tripcode so maybe people just don't like you. also he trolled the fuck out of you guys. bit like how you got trolled by coffee and magic too.
newsflash - a lot of people don't like you, they don't have to be someone else. i'm not jay nor am i a team member, i just like to remind you that despite getting paid to post here everyone knows you're as organic as astroturf because you act like nobody has figured it out yet.

>> No.58973936

and even if it was jay, which it clearly isnt because no tripfag, you refuse to refute the points which means you have no argument which means you are accepting it but you aren't graceful enough to do so explicitly because you're actually just here to sow discord like some kind of weird jewish psyop.

in fact the more you act like this the more i can see that >>58973517 seems to be 100% correct, because the pajeets are out in force 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which is not organic activity at all. if it's not organic, then you're getting paid which means there's a profit to be made from whoever is paying you to try and failure to suppress the price. if you're not getting paid then you're a schizo like everyone says because only a true mental headcase would turn trying to shit on a project into a full time job and yet still not be any good at it.
hopefully you are getting paid so as least your village can eat and get access to modern medicine.

>> No.58973972
File: 234 KB, 890x1000, ahahahahahahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gala has no products

>> No.58973975
File: 173 KB, 890x1000, bahahahahahahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you got trolled by coffee
>refuses to say Pengo

>> No.58973978
File: 303 KB, 1248x1824, jays_jeet_plates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look it's the guy that repeats everything back whenever he gets cornered.
i guess now we know the wheeze meme REALLY rustles your jimmies. someone dm jay tell him to make some more they are fucking classics.
captcha: MRAJ
MR RAJ!!!!

>> No.58973979
File: 12 KB, 310x204, mrraj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the same guy posting in every thread with the same style at the same time isn't the same person
>but pengo is coffee because of some nfts even though the supply of those nfts is over 1000
i guess this logic works when you're an indian street shitter.
hi mr raj!

>> No.58973984

We're gonna need a bigger bridge

>> No.58973993
File: 261 KB, 2518x1024, chadtrader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>38 pbtid comes back alive
>right after the other fuddies come online too
>always post at the same times as each other once the budget ran out to pay the team of indians leaving only this poor pawpoor and his uk timezone posting ass
>NAOOOOOO ive been found out

>> No.58973998
File: 490 KB, 2048x2048, wheeeeeeeeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mention Pengo's wallet
>baggies frantically rush in for damage control
>deflect! deflect! deflect!

>> No.58974016

holding avi has done irreparable damage to baggies' minds...fuddies are free spirits and will be left unscathed from this mess because we are not bound to the chains of aviator.

>> No.58974024

>cb staff in the tg
this is insane holy shit. baggies are hallucinating coinbase employees now...

>> No.58974113
File: 127 KB, 600x436, 1715155687006051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sri lankan fuddies think coffee is pengo because they cant recognize that pengo is esl while coffee isnt
they cant recognize this because they, themselves, are also esl

>> No.58974147

anon baggies are saying there are coinbase secret operatives in the tg. this is going too far now.

>> No.58974173
File: 211 KB, 850x682, 1724271992874870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea thats the first ive heard that one to be honest
i dont care enough to audit the members list to fact check it
theyve evidently had open comms with at least a few coinbase reps through more professional channels for over a year now, so im not too concerned if theres just been some guy lurking in our beloved howgayami sticker-posting lounge
we've already had plenty of proof with the merch store, smart wallet seminar, dao vote, and claims of rebranding being guided by coinbase reps
even just one of those points would be sufficient for me- coinbase has been giving an eth token more than what theyve given to base tokens, while also purposefully avoiding the more lazy and overt normie-directed "have jesse quote retweet this and say 'based'" shilling like the plague for the time being

>> No.58974212
File: 229 KB, 881x983, chad_wheeze9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee4ever can't belong to Pengo because Pengo is an ESL
>everything in his wallet relating to the Pengo character is just a coincidence

>> No.58974220
File: 1.22 MB, 640x425, 1724272436009557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a top avi holder and even got some tokens from the marketing wallet
ive traded a lot of shib, and i made profit on a few different shytoshi-associated eth farms
im literally just a random biz anon
is pengo coffee because coffee has a pudgy penguin, or is pengo coffee because its easy to try and fud a random ENS to people who dont know any better- since you have nothing else to fud after a full year of trying?
its weird that you never, ever choose wallets without a catchy ENS to try and make baseless fud narratives about...

>> No.58974234
File: 124 KB, 360x202, 1725377318687475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, you saved a bunch of jays aviator images
i think you are bored and shitposting, because the alternative is that you have a folder dedicated to fudding avi

>> No.58974473

do they know about the secret cb operatives in these threads yet?

>> No.58974576
File: 135 KB, 800x800, gay_jeets_tongue_my_anus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 schizo indians rubbing their balls together on a saturday night instead of touching grass

>> No.58974581
File: 416 KB, 2048x2048, the_chadviator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVI will be heavily marketed to Coinbase normies, one of the largest retail markets in the world with a market cap of 51.24 BILLION dollars

Hacken have now completed their SECOND audit of AVI's bridge including a 60+ page report outlining a huge number of contracts and features as well as some very important and highly security fixes in place that help make it one of the only truly audited (no Certik) bridges in the space.

Pajeets are heavily fudding AVI to get a better entry for their owners so just know that you're being psyopped into selling for cheap whenever you see some retard with 30+pbtid; they've been at it for months just check the archives and in this thread. If you read some of the dumbest shit you've seen in a long time - congratulations, you've meet the Rajeeshes.

Thankfully the actual team members are ex-SHIB, have incredible connections with Coinbase, are active every single day in the TG, have received a 10 out of 10 score on their first audit with Hacken, have sneakily launched a V2 of their UX after testnet feedback and are days away from preparing their mainnet.

>What happens then?
- AVI deploy their token to BASE and gets listed on the Coinbase Smart Wallet with active questing activities designed to pump normie adoption
- Bridge then goes live allowing ANY ERC20 or ERC721 token to bridge to BASE without any dev involvement
- AVI holders can provide liquidity like a uniswap pool to gain a percentage of bridging fees
- And like AERO, we are expecting a sneaky Coinbase listing
- Team continues to build towards their Arcade and other web3 feature

Once this takes off you will see the pajeets disappear as their owners vacuum up all the cheap tokens and cash out on Coinbase while laughing at /biz/ midwits who weren't smart enough to buy a Coinbase token before Coinbase listing. Screenshot this.


>> No.58974586
File: 32 KB, 375x408, 1719530157086209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love avi

>> No.58974594
File: 575 KB, 2012x2019, chad_wheeze11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a top avi holder
>trust me, Pengo is NOT coffee4ever

>jay doesn't post on /biz/
>also, you saved a bunch of jays aviator images

>AVI will be heavily marketed to Coinbase normies

>> No.58974602
File: 81 KB, 1000x578, fuddies_on_suicide_watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that won't change the fact that the bridge is real, with 2 completed hacken audits, a full release schedule, a private v2 ux test that you weren't invited to, and increasing buys on the daily while coinbase get ready to partner with and list it. seethe, cope, dilate. AVI is inevitable.

>> No.58974612

>completely avoids my point to make room for the most nothing response of all time
>follows up with "jay doesnt post on biz," which is something literally no one has ever said and doesnt even make sense with the vague point hes trying to make
watching indians try to be witty is like witnessing a baby chimpanzee make its first steps
its kinda cute but also kind of a little gross once you remember theyre dirty and hairy

>> No.58974614
File: 132 KB, 800x800, jays_number_one_fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NAOOOO pengo is coffee because... HE JUST IS OKAY
>NAOOO jay please come back and talk to me i miss you look im even going to use your images now and talk the same way as you. NOTICE ME SENPAI
>NAOOOO i can't believe i sold my stack for apu and got REKT

>> No.58974650
File: 95 KB, 800x800, hilm_to_the_rescue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course he avoids the point. that's the point.
i gotta say, the link fuddies are way better at this.
now this is just sad, it's the same retard points that make no sense. remember to bull post it makes their boss PISSED.

As you can see, there is an ongoing and concerted FUD campaign with paid posters operating at a 30% or higher FUD ratio on every AVI thread since late last year. This has been proven when one of the FUD posters got banned and took out multiple IDs in one go. The fuddies have already admitted to not holding AVI, yet they make up the vast majority of any one poster in any AVI thread.

Here are some reasons why someone might engage in such sustained FUD campaigns:

Accumulation Phase: During a prolonged accumulation phase, a trader or entity may want to buy up a large amount of a specific asset without drawing too much attention. Sustained FUD can keep prices depressed long enough for them to build a substantial position before reversing sentiment to profit from an eventual price increase.

Strategic Positioning for Future Gains: FUD over an extended period can help position the trader or organization strategically for future gains. By suppressing enthusiasm or belief in a project, they can reduce competition and set the stage for a dramatic price recovery once the FUD campaign ends, allowing them to capitalize on renewed positive sentiment.

Weakening Competitors: If the FUD is targeted at a specific project or cryptocurrency, it might be aimed at weakening a competitor’s market position. This tactic is particularly common among rival projects or within competitive sectors of the crypto market. By discrediting a competitor over time, the FUD spreader can shift market share or influence towards their preferred asset.

Importantly, with the release of Skybridge coming shortly with the 2nd Hacken audit complete and UX V2 A/B testing underway, the fuddies are extra desperate to finalise their accumulation phase.

>> No.58974659
File: 977 KB, 229x176, IMG_2436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it’s cute how baggies seethe over Pengo’s wallet getting doxxed.

>> No.58974669
File: 125 KB, 800x800, imagine_the_smell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called out for 30+ pbtid
>bullied by everyone
>clearly acting like a dumb shit streeting indian
i know, i'll change my id, they'll never figure it out
>starts with the same stupid comment as before even though literally everyone can spot it

Here are some reasons why someone might engage in such sustained FUD campaigns:

Accumulation Phase: During a prolonged accumulation phase, a trader or entity may want to buy up a large amount of a specific asset without drawing too much attention. Sustained FUD can keep prices depressed long enough for them to build a substantial position before reversing sentiment to profit from an eventual price increase.

Strategic Positioning for Future Gains: FUD over an extended period can help position the trader or organization strategically for future gains. By suppressing enthusiasm or belief in a project, they can reduce competition and set the stage for a dramatic price recovery once the FUD campaign ends, allowing them to capitalize on renewed positive sentiment.

Weakening Competitors: If the FUD is targeted at a specific project or cryptocurrency, it might be aimed at weakening a competitor’s market position. This tactic is particularly common among rival projects or within competitive sectors of the crypto market. By discrediting a competitor over time, the FUD spreader can shift market share or influence towards their preferred asset.

Importantly, with the release of Skybridge coming shortly with the 2nd Hacken audit complete and UX V2 A/B testing underway, the fuddies are extra desperate to finalise their accumulation phase.

>> No.58974671
File: 11 KB, 761x891, 1724112867855094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just when you think youve seen it all, they manage to find a way to devolve their fud even further
i want everyone to take a step back and recognize that the current main fud point is:
>a telegram mod owns this top wallet (bought all their avi off uniswap, still frequently buys) because the telegram mod likes pudgy penguins and the wallet has a pudgy penguin

what the FUCK is the state of avi fuddies

>> No.58974689
File: 150 KB, 800x800, but_i_did_eat_breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes perfect sense when you realise we're dealing with an actual subhuman inbred being paid 5 rupees a post.

it's devolving into trash because his sri lankan boss is currently getting smashed on lady's night drinks at the local pub and all the jeet has to go off is his fiverr script.

to the indian street shitter this argument makes perfect sense according to the tiny low volume paper thin baby skull enclosed curry-soaked mush they call a brain, because if you say something enough times it simply becomes true.

but i did eat breakfast!

>> No.58974704
File: 309 KB, 915x1000, coinbase_confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, remember:
Recently some top members of the community were invited to a private testnet of the new UX V2 which was created by the team directly from valuable feedback of the community.
In this test, one of the community deployed and bridged a brand new ERC20 contract from Ethereum to Base in a handful of seconds, without having to write a single line of code.
This is what sets apart Skybridge and Aviator as Coinbase pivot towards supporting and growing utility based projects that will help them to onboard 1 billion crypto users.
Whilst there are other bridges out there, none of them allow projects to deploy their existing token to a new network without the help of a dev.
Base is the first target due to the team's close relationship with Coinbase, but more chains will be supported in the future including from Base to ETH and other EVM chains.

Don't take my word for it, you can find the transactions here:

1. Create new contract on ETH:

2. Deploy contract from ETH to Base:

3. Bridge token from ETH to Base:

4. Withdraw token from Base back to ETH:

As you can see, the tech is very real and there is a proven need for the utility and Coinbase involvement has been confirmed.
Despite this, you can clearly see the 30+ pbtid that appear in every AVI thread. Don't get fudded out of life changing money.

>> No.58974719
File: 264 KB, 850x1200, 1724365758672171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting from the other thread because having active bullposts makes the sri lankan jeetwrangler whip his fudgimps with the usb-end of one of their chinkshit call center headsets

Skybridge is a truly decentralised approach to bridging, allowing for ANY ERC20 and ANY ERC721 token to be bridged from ETH to BASE, with further chains planned to be added.

The team has existing connections with Coinbase through both AVI and SHIB and the DAO has already approved funds to be used in Coinbase's questing, which will promote AVI across the Coinbase Smart Wallet to MILLIONS of Coinbase users.

Existing bridges currently only work with a hand-picked set of tokens with long deployment times that also requires the help of developers leading to large overheads for cross-chain deployments.

With Aviator's Skybridge, tokens can be easily and quickly deployed by anyone in a permissionless state for a flat rate of just 0.005 ETH. Anyone can then add further liquidity and lock in a cut of the token's liquidity fee of 0.3% to act as a revenue source for holders. This may allow token holders to reduce their exposure to impermanent loss whilst generating cross-bridge revenue and volume within the same token swap.

Hacken has just completed their 2nd expanded audit for Skybridge, which is now available for reading on Hacken's website, and 30 ETH is sitting on BASE ready to provide liquidity for AVI itself once bridged.

The AVI team are currently finalizing preparations for take-off, with some select community members providing feedback on a new V2 UX that is due to be released shortly. Mainnet itself is then expected to follow with a specific launch date to be given shortly.

You can follow along with the community in the TG @ aviator_ac, or purchase some AVI yourself here:

i was a second away from posting this one kek

>> No.58974726

normies do not bridge, normies do not play web3 games.

reminder baggies believe Brian Armstrong is in the AVI telegram secretly monitoring. monitoring what i am not exactly sure since there are no products released and no updates on upcoming products. what stixel and his cohort of mind control agents have done to baggies is inexcusable. holding avi truly does drive one insane.

>> No.58974730

>>58974726 (You)

>> No.58974735

SkyBridge was completely believed by the entire community to be released in summer. any baggie saying otherwise is coping or was not around during the Pre Audit period (PA). The updated website is still not out, and a release date for the bridge has not been announced. At a MINIMUM the bridge will be out in October. There was supposed to be a game jam running alongside the testnet of the bridge, this never materialized. Now it is questionable if we will even see the arcade this year.

>> No.58974738

thank you anon

>> No.58974745
File: 149 KB, 800x800, but_wheres_my_invite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow no shit, less than 3 minutes and you got your jeet appear to try to derail it again
>NAOOOO 1 billion new crypto users
>NAOOO 110 million existing crypto users
>NAOOOOO normie-friendly smart wallet that removes the difficulty of bridging, wallet management and cross-chain
>NAOOOOO everyone must be talking about bald and beautiful who is clearly a larp that everyone makes fun of
>NAOOOO it couldn't possibly be someone else that i'm not aware of because i'm not in the secret avi whale chat where we discuss strategy and alpha in private
>NAOO just like the V2 UX test that i wasn't invited to or knew about until it was posted publicly


Reminder, we're almost at the end of our flight tests now with key community members being invited to assist with A/B testing the V2 UX that will be live along with the upcoming mainnet launch. Exciting!

Undoubtedly amongst the excitement there have been mixed emotions particularly with the current wider market volatility as well as the longer than expected time to go live for mainnet.

Fortunately, if you are looking at the long-term performance of Aviator and its products, you will understand why the team prioritises security (with 2 completed Hacken audits) and usability (V2 of the UX) over short-term price action.

Additionally, the potential working partnership with Coinbase introduces a relationship where brand presentation and UX design play a pivotal role in ensuring an easy transition to the Skybridge platform.

Whilst it may seem counter-intuitive, focusing on the strongest launch possible is really going to produce the best outcome for holders as there is only one chance to make a first impression. And with a $54bn market cap and 110m+ verified users, if you care about your token price then you WANT the first impression to be the best it can be.

>> No.58974749

saar why have you posted over 40 times in this thread

>> No.58974754
File: 853 KB, 2048x2048, pawjak_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 post = 5 rupees

>> No.58974762

Can't go fishing today so i am fishing for (You)s

>> No.58974789
File: 155 KB, 800x800, 5_rupees_per_post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're here every day, wind, rain or shine like some kind of smelly disgusting third world street shitting postal service.
don't worry, nobody believes your weird larp about catching fish. it's about as hilarious as your claim of having a WFH gig.

but hey thanks for reminding everyone that you are a stinky curry and cow pat encrusted jeet here to try to cause discord.

Coinbase, a leading cryptocurrency platform, allows users to buy, sell, and store various cryptocurrencies and NFTs. With a presence in over 100 countries and a robust user base of 110 million verified users as of Q4 2022, Coinbase continues to be a trusted name in the crypto space, and is currently in the Beta phase of their Smart Wallet rollout.

Smart Wallets bring the convenience of advanced digital finance right into your browser, eliminating the need for extensions or app installations. Designed for universal compatibility, each wallet operates seamlessly across major Layer 2 (L2) networks and onchain applications, ensuring a streamlined experience with a single wallet and address.

Both Skybridge and the AVI token will be integrated with the Coinbase Smart Wallet allowing for incredible marketing and branding opportunities with an incentivised learn and earn period providing rewards for users to test out the Aviator ecosystem.

The Aviator team have been hard at work getting things ready, with a new V2 UX - developed from community feedback during the testnet period - set to launch alongside the mainnet release of the Skybridge. Some screenshots of the improved UI have already been released to the TG chat - see inside for more.

As you can imagine, 110m users is a lot of engagement, and all of them are verified crypto users looking for the same simple user experience that Skybridge offers. Without a doubt, the potential ongoing benefits and partnership opportunities for Aviator are exceptional.

>> No.58974797

im convinced you're just shit posting to keep the threads alive

>> No.58974815

*reels anon in*
Yup, that ones a beaut
*reels anon in*

>> No.58974831
File: 557 KB, 1402x1882, indias_best_trader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doubt. you'd have to be the most god forsaken, inbred, brown handed, paper thin skulled, cow-fart sucking, curry-munching, hand as a spoon street-food enjoying, beach-squatting dumb fuck to think that actively fudding your project is going to pump your bags.

no, this guy is a retard who swung his bag back in november and missed a 30x pump. his wallet has been posted countless time and his ATH value was over $2m. He sold the AVI bottom and now he'll never make it.

To cope, he seethes in the thread:
he's even proud of this "achievement" as yet another day in the bull run passes him by and literally everyone laughs at him.

on the plus side, the community thanks him for giving them a reason to shit on a common enemy. well done sammy!

Unlike other bridges in the space, what sets AVI out from the pack is that it is a truly decentralised approach to bridging, allowing for ANY ERC20 and ANY ERC721 token to be bridged from ETH to BASE. This is not a token migration like existing solutions, but a back and forth decentralised approach to bridging. Although BASE is the first network that Skybridge will be integrated with, further chains are planned to be added as time goes on.

Existing bridges currently require a hand-picked "white-listed" set of tokens and that the existing token to work alongside the bridge operators to integrate and deploy their token. This leads to a long deployment time that also requires the help of developers leading to large overheads for cross-chain deployments.

However with Aviator's Skybridge, tokens can be easily and quickly deployed by anyone in a permissionless state for a flat rate of just 0.005 ETH. Anyone can then add further liquidity and lock in a cut of the bridged token's liquidity fee of 0.3% to act as a revenue source for token holders.

You can follow along with the approachable community in the TG @ aviator_ac which is a JEET FREE zone.

>> No.58974837

*reels anon in harder*
ooooo this ones a big one...

>> No.58974846

A person who spends 18 hours a day for over a year seeking revenge against anonymous people likely exhibits several intense psychological traits:

Obsession and Compulsiveness: They have an obsessive personality with compulsive tendencies, unable to let go of perceived wrongs and feeling compelled to seek revenge relentlessly.

Paranoia: Targeting anonymous individuals suggests a heightened sense of paranoia, believing they are constantly being wronged or attacked without clear evidence.

Narcissism: They may have narcissistic traits, seeing their pursuit of revenge as a grand mission or believing they are entitled to justice, overestimating the importance of their grievances.

Resentfulness and Vindictiveness: They likely harbor deep resentment and anger, feeling wronged on a profound level, which drives their relentless pursuit of punishment.

Low Impulse Control: The inability to let go or move on indicates poor impulse control, with actions driven by intense emotions like anger and frustration.

Emotional Instability: Such dedication suggests emotional dysregulation, with intense emotions dictating their actions without regard for consequences.

Isolation and Loneliness: This behavior often leads to social withdrawal and isolation, with the person lacking meaningful connections or support.

Perfectionism: A need for control may fuel their inability to accept unresolved issues, pushing them to keep seeking revenge.

Possible Mental Health Issues: Underlying conditions like OCD, borderline personality disorder, or depression may drive their obsessive and self-destructive behavior.

These traits reveal someone trapped in a cycle of obsession, anger, and futility, unable to break free from their fixation on revenge.

>> No.58974849

ah just a JayFish, looks like its too small to keep though
*throws anon back in the water*

>> No.58974852

It's highly unlikely that a person spending 18+ hours a day on social media has a traditional job or any significant employment. Maintaining such extreme online activity leaves little to no time for work, sleep, or other responsibilities. Here are some key reasons why this is typically the case:

Lack of Time for Work: Spending 18 hours a day on social media would only leave a few hours for sleep and basic needs, making it almost impossible to hold down a regular job or even part-time employment.

Possible Unemployment or Underemployment: This level of social media use is often associated with unemployment or underemployment, where the person might not have a structured daily routine or job commitments.

Potential Alternative Income Sources: If they do have any income, it might come from unconventional sources like social media influencing, freelance work, or other gig-based activities that don't require traditional working hours.

Mental Health or Lifestyle Factors: This extreme behavior may also indicate underlying mental health issues, addiction, or other personal struggles that could prevent them from maintaining employment.

Social Withdrawal: Their intense focus on social media suggests a withdrawal from real-world responsibilities, including work, which further diminishes their ability to hold a job.

Overall, this behavior pattern strongly suggests a lack of stable employment, with social media becoming a primary focus rather than a supplement to daily life.

>> No.58974857
File: 160 KB, 1200x1089, g139db34rfr81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opens AVI thread
>4 people with 40+ PBTID
>giant paragraphs
>I can't even read past a 2nd grade level
>leaves thread

>> No.58974899
File: 879 KB, 571x1273, jaybenis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stick with the tg, this retard is banned there.
all you need to know - coinbase good, ranjeet bad.
hope you're having a nice weekend mr big gay retard 69 xxx

>> No.58974918
File: 1.12 MB, 1424x1277, JAYBAITED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got back from enjoying myself at a barbecue. Did you actually get trolled again into believing every poster is me?
Sorry to disappoint Mr. Raj but I'm in demand at the moment and I can't be here to give you your (you) all the time given that you just have so much more free time than I do.
It's nice to see that while life goes on and goals come and go, you're still here treading water as the bullrun leaves you behind. Have you considered a diet and some squats?
It won't really give you much free time to post as much as you do, but maybe that's a feature.

Kek. It's an older pic, they're bigger now and I got new lifting shoes. Highly recommend the Luxiaojun ones. Despite being chinese they are actually very good quality leather, have a bunch of interesting materials for the bottom and plate etc. I think the biggest letdown is the sizing is a bit all over the place and I feel like I should've gotten one size down. Previously they had recommendations to size up but it appears that they changed their sizing halfway through the manufacturing cycle so SOME of their ones are like this and others aren't. Good luck sending it back to China too.

>> No.58975474

the fucking chart...

>> No.58975507

you told me it wouldn't end like this...anon...your promise?

>> No.58975572

sir 50 posts more to go, chop chop

>> No.58975579

you told me this wouldn't happen

>> No.58975583

why are we dumping

>> No.58975640

You all told me this would NEVER happen again.

>> No.58975641

if we go below .00213 its fucking over. do not let it happen.

>> No.58975646
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, 1720200034639635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just don't look at the chart

>> No.58975683

People are finally realizing the truth about the team wallets

>> No.58975693

i have to look at the chart i have to look at the chart

>> No.58975701

I went fishing today. Black Sea bass are biting in the northeast Atlantic (Ganges)

>> No.58975714

Hey CumKing™, thoughts about >>58975683?

>> No.58975717

very nice anon, I want to go tomorrow but i worry without us posting here, the thread will die.

>> No.58975723

There’s always another thread.

>> No.58975812


i dont give a fuck

>> No.58976268

All hail the renowned Jeetbane for he hath made these threads entertaining and readable again whilst slaying - the - jeet.

>> No.58976635
File: 171 KB, 859x904, fudded_more_ids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still had time to go fishing
no, you really didn't anon but nice larp. literally nobody believes you. the fish would be scared away by the smell and oily residue you drip in the ocean.

maybe the "two" of you can plan a brokeback mountain style "fishing trip" where you can pretend to be a worm and your other butt buddy can pretend to be the fish and you can take turns "hooking" each other.

there really is, because you will do absolutely anything to get those 5 rupees now that the cost of indian rice is going up.

3 rajes talking to each other. that's raj 1, raj 2 and raj 3.
>but did i do good, georgie?
no, no you did not.

lmfao my guy thank you for confirming the fact that you are hard refreshing coingecko every few seconds and have the wrong price.

>> No.58976828

*reels anon in*
now thats a good one

>> No.58976829


wow you're right, they are so scared of this thread. it's almost like they lost control. would be funny to keep this one bumped and ignore them in the other ones wouldn't it?

>> No.58976851

the chart is fucking down bad

>> No.58976882

anon it's such a shit meme i'm sorry, you need to do better.
theravist is GOAT.
dark theravist is derivative.
short jay was a master class in trolling.
stixilbert was perfect story telling made reality
this is just.... sad..??

really put your mind to it i'm sure you can come up with something fun? i'm cringing for you.

>> No.58976896

*reels anon in*
*reels anon in*
*reels anon in*
*reels anon in*
4 bait fish we got this time. i got a good feeling

>> No.58976899

oh no he's retarded.
anon i was just trying to help.
nobody believes you know how to fish.

>> No.58976901
File: 43 KB, 720x720, 1525808986989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baiting 24/7
nice job at least you getting paid right? RIGHT?

>> No.58976909

*reels anon in
i get paid to do this but i would never tell you by who, could be the team could be india, who knows.

>> No.58976916

>i get paid to do this
literally everyone knows, lmfao. raj, do you REALLY think you're subtle?

It's already been stated before; it's 5 rupees per post while you larp as having a WFH job and going fishing because those are the only two things you know every white man does.
next you'll say your name is "steve", "rob", "john" or "alex" lmfao.

>> No.58976922

How do I join the paid team?

>> No.58976928

you mean you're doing it for free?
oh dear.

>> No.58976991


>> No.58977004
File: 62 KB, 638x724, raj_maths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that sounds like hell. imagine you spend multiple hours a day doing something only to find out that some literal third worlder is your colleague, but that he gets PAID whereas you're just doing it because you couldn't see through the 3rd world propaganda.


>> No.58977099

i just heard that this is a blackrock coin. why is there so much fud? isn't it being a blackrock token a good thing? aren't those guys like the owners of the world? why wouldn't i buy a token that's owned by the owners of the world?

>> No.58977224

hol up did you say this was a finkle coin?

>> No.58977240

so does blackrock pay you directly or are you working under a subsidiary? i'm trying to figure out the strategy here. far be it for me to try to tell larry fink how to do his job, but it seems kind of weird that he'd spend his money doing this?
is this one of those finklecoins?

>> No.58977544

Fucking pump you dumping shitcoin. Fuck you all.

>> No.58977548
File: 33 KB, 547x482, 1718778251604648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58977586

Emilia is in, so it won’t pump. Simple as

>> No.58977658

Punished Retard can't you keep your linu shit in the linu baggy cope thread. nobody cares about your stupid meme coin. of course you were going to lose money it's a fucking dog coin that does nothing - how stupid are you. fucking australians.

>> No.58977676

This bitch is so retarded, I swear

>> No.58977680

Yeah okay that's fine, literally nobody gives a shit about your crypto drama. I say this as a favor because you just look stupid. You have your containment thread and your own TG where you can froth over some girl.

>> No.58977683

Tits or get the fuck out you stupid bitch

>> No.58977696

Are you stupid or are you just Australian? I'm not emilia I just think you are a retard and felt like telling you that.

>> No.58977700

Hurrr look at me I've got a metal gear solid name because my life is just like that video game
Hurrr I get taxed 45% and was stupid enough to put what little amount of money i had left over from my kmart salary into a meme coin called linu, because i have bad decision making abilities on account of living in a nanny country where i need government permission to go to a beach.
Hurrr it's not the fault of the actual scammers who stole my money and tricked me, but this random argentinian girl who won't return my DMs because i'm a retard

Yeah okay we know you're a virgin but please take it to your containment zone or i'll make sure to shit up your space too.

>> No.58977708

You are too disgusting to have white knights. Just kill yourself. You are too obvious

>> No.58977714

I've got a dick you absolute retard. You're just really really stupid and I need you to understand how much of a brain dead giga retard you are so that you can think about that all day while you clock into your shitty office job and then go out for "beers with the boys" at 4pm on friday and act like you have achieved something. get laid faggot.

>> No.58977718

PSA: LINU is a dead coin with dumb baggies who still haven't figured out that they got scammed. If you have any, sell.

>> No.58977720

You left when you & Mike understood you couldn’t scam linu once more
top kek
Get fucked

>> No.58977727

bro how do i get it through your thick australian skull? i have never in my life bought linu because i have a brain. you are talking to a random on 4chan. i am calling you a retard because you can't stay in your lane. i'm glad you lost money and i hope you never make it back ever again.

>> No.58977728

LMFAO this dude is so mind fucked he thinks everyone on 4chan is some girl

>> No.58977730

Fuck off

>> No.58977732

Shut up satanist bastard
If you get in a coin, it’s time to sell
You’re dooming avi

>> No.58977733

Wtf is a LINU. just by the name alone i know it's a scam.

>> No.58977744

Oh dear it's the 1pbtid indian retards with a new angle.
Hi Raj

>> No.58977751

make the fucking price go up

>> No.58977756

Didn't you hear? Larry Fink is Stixil. Stixil is Larry Fink. We struck it BIG mr. bassman.

>> No.58977795

>linu is a fucking dog coin that does nothing
>saying this in an avi thread

>> No.58977805

>Emilia is back
for real?
it's Joever
another project that will go into the shitter


>> No.58977978

post limit is 300, right... fuck this gay thread.

>> No.58977980


>> No.58977983

no, im last.

>> No.58977987


>> No.58977994

first and real last

>> No.58977995


>> No.58978005

No friend, we aren't even getting a launch date until Oct at least. I honestly have started to believe they are going to abandon the project because it's just a joke at this point. There is no reason for these delays. It's a bridge that isn't even the primary focus of the project.

>> No.58978015

yeah i doubt we see any released product at this point.

>> No.58978019


>> No.58978031



>> No.58978037


>> No.58978041


>> No.58978056

release it now

>> No.58978059


>> No.58978191

It’s over

>> No.58978372

I am the last.

>> No.58978826

Last to what?

>> No.58979515
File: 151 KB, 800x800, reel_em_in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 posts in a row talking to himself
*reels the schizo in*
yup, that one's going on the wall