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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5888905 No.5888905 [Reply] [Original]

We're pumping again.
What price are we reaching tonight? 1.10? 1.20?

>> No.5889131


>> No.5889172

$.5, this trash is going down.

>> No.5889200


>> No.5889249

one penny

>> No.5889265

Pathetic FUD attempts
You had your chance a week ago, accept your date and move on

>> No.5889303
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$1.20 tomorrow

>> No.5889304

three fiddy unironically

>> No.5889334

1 satoshi

>> No.5889346

Come on guys, link fud just simply does not work anymore. When the coin sat at 16c I admit it was slightly scary, but now the coin is 1 fucking dollar.

I love my link bros.

>> No.5889374
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>> No.5889532
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>Tfw buy links on mercatox a couple of weeks back
>Tfw website is fucking garbage and offline for days
>Try to cash out with different coins because the withdrawal won't go through
>Tfw loose 40% of my holdings to spread because that shit exchange has literally 0.5 eth in volume
I wanna die

>> No.5889650
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>> No.5889678
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>eth finishes transferring to binance
>link up 40%
waiting for the dip

>> No.5889695

>using mercatox

>> No.5889713

you missed that dip buddy

>> No.5889768

NEVER use that shit, seriously

>> No.5889776

double check ALWAYS

>> No.5889827

Someone finally got $10 per link at least.

>> No.5889872


This. Your FUD no longer has any power here. Heil to all true believers.

>> No.5889952

imagine what he told his wife?

>> No.5889994

And her son.

>> No.5889999
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fuck I love normies getting rekt on ed

>> No.5890065

>want to transfer my link to a wallet
>dont want to eat 10 link fee
I know losing all of it will be worse than 10 link but fuck me

>> No.5890092

$1.50-2.50 by end of day Friday


>> No.5890120

Hail new king of the stinky linky HODL club. When this reaches $100 he will laugh

>> No.5890201

Just wait for binance to lower their fee. That's what I am doing. They'll do it eventually when enough people insult them over mail.

>> No.5890301

Nice quads
I don't understand how people can be so stupid. Etherdelta is a brilliant exchange for buying cheap erc20s, but I wouldn't trade on it. Remember, if you never use it for limit orders then you can't really fuck up

>> No.5890358

the yellow jews increased it from 5 to 10 when they realized how yuge LINK was gonna be

>> No.5890511

>Etherdelta is a brilliant exchange for buying cheap erc20s
My 50 gwei transaction is taking over an hour. I cant use metamask with my ledger.

>> No.5890513
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Hey you. Yes you. The fucking retard reading this right now. Link has been shilled on /biz/ for a very long time and it finally broke over to reddit yesterday. Normies want cheap undervalued coins and they are starting to catch on that link is one of the only prospects in the top 100 marketcap. So get on your fucking exchange and get some god damn link before those faggots make it go up to 5 bucks....faggot>>5885953

>> No.5890587

you've fucked with the wrong one today my friend

>> No.5890903


this; under $1 is 4chan prices. Tomorrow starts Reddit prices. Get in now so you can celebrate with us now when the normies are thinking they're getting a good deal at 5

>> No.5890946

>the normies are thinking they're getting a good deal at 5
Are you implying they aren't?

>> No.5891028

Are you 12?

Cant even formulate a sentence without screaming fuck and faggot. Grow the fuck up or go back to your low iq boards (b and pol)

>> No.5891089


oh no I meant to say $20

>> No.5891160

>reddit pls. you must go back

>> No.5891167
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>> No.5891203
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It’s still pretty cheap at 20$

>> No.5891260

EOY predictions? Don't be silly though.
Real values.

>> No.5891305

$10 is totally conceivable

>> No.5891327


>> No.5891359

desu even $20 is possible.. chainlink has not hired a marketing person and in fact has engaged in zero marketing / promotional activity. when they actually start delivering product and promoting... look out.

>> No.5891447

Nice seeing progress here. Although I'm HODLing till 2020. Then I will be sorted for my entire life.

>> No.5891462

$100 per token. Thats a 33billion market cap with current circulating supply.
Consider total crypto marked cap his risen from 200 million to 750 million in just over a month so 3 trillion by end of year seems conservative.

>> No.5891463

So, I have tons and tons of link

I want to sell 1500link at a little over a dollar and buy back in at .86 cents

Tell, me this shit will dump and hit .86 cents again? I don't want to sell and miss out even though I still have a lot of link to HODL

>> No.5891518

I don't know what you mean by silly
$100 is entirely possible
a year is a long time

>> No.5891626
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Someone tell me what to do

>> No.5891649

ETH went from single dollars to over $900 in less than a year.

LINK will be $400 by eoy

>> No.5891673

you must be retarded, you don't sell link, accumulation time is over, we just entered upcoming years of weak hands, and bky those will be dissappointed who sell this year

>> No.5891676

market goes up, market goes down. can;t change it

>> No.5891686

2018 is gonna be better than 2017. You see ETHs bull run last year? LINK will eclipse it this year

>> No.5891703

nice meme. OC?

>> No.5891734

Dunno. Now with the Fb gook on board and people loaded with Link I can guess quite a f ew of them will pump it up articifially. Dunno with this game.
In the end I understand you desire for daytrading enthusiasm but a lot of people get burned in this process. Maybe sell half and do a buy order at 88c

>> No.5891799
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Is Link a good coin? I just don't get it

>> No.5891814

I just can't imagine that... I would have a half a million dollars....how is that even possible.

>> No.5891827

You heavy hitter LINK MARINES!!!! Drive the price up just so reddit holds bags for 2 weeks. If they are of Fe then they belong in the core

>> No.5891873

its a token. so...

>> No.5891891
File: 11 KB, 226x220, 3b421db8f84072d89b68f00969b77f3b--frogs-i-will.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youve been saying this shit for MONTHS

WHY is 2018 the year of LINK?

>> No.5891930

>it's too good to be true therefore it isn't

>> No.5891933
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>works on any blockchain
>on any api, public or private
>PSD2 forcing banks to open their APIs happening right as mainnet goes live
>first mover advantage
>smart contracts are the most disruptive technology since the internet
>smart contracts literally can't work without it
>staking dividends via link pools
>close relationship with SWIFT
>sergey is a recognized expert in smart contracts
>quoted as an expert in world economic report on smart contracts back in 2015
>quoted as an expert in capgemini smart contracts report
>ethereum community manager: "They have been working on this problem since before Ethereum was even a thing and I believe they have the most experience tackling this problem"
>advised by Facebook technical director Evan Cheng; Zuckerberg meanwhile has expressed interest in integrating Facebook with blockchain tech. Facebook partnership in the works?
>haven't even hired a marketing person yet--the team has done literally NOTHING to pump the price

>> No.5891953

it was 15-25 cents for months

>> No.5892006

is this the infamous reverse moon

>> No.5892036

and why wouldnt it go back to that

>> No.5892103
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only way i see it happening is if big daddy wakes up and wrecks everything in his path but i think it will never go below 50 cents again

>> No.5892145

but what does it do?

>> No.5892174

you know what? i fucking hope it does. more cheap LINK

t. 24k linkie

read the fucking white paper

>> No.5892178

enables smart contracts to be decentralized

>> No.5892235

I seriously hope it does -- I would buy a lot more

>> No.5892281

This isn't even FUD anymore. Most of us hope it tanks so we can accumulate even more.

>> No.5892286

but what does that mean?

explain to me the way you would to your mom

>> No.5892298
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>> No.5892334

Believe me, I want to sell half and a actually buy in at .85, but I don't know, its risky if they continue to pump and people buy, I may not see those gains at .85 cents again...

>> No.5892348

if it goes up i make more money.

if it goes down i get more linkies

I always win

>> No.5892363

It makes me disgustingly rich

>> No.5892380

>$.5 is considered low for LINK
We've fucking made it.

>> No.5892382
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>> No.5892396

centralized things are more easily tampered with than decentralized things
if smart contracts want to be used for big things they need to be trustless and decentralization will enable that

>> No.5892407

selling everything and going all in on this..

>> No.5892428

you have 350k of stinky linkies?

>> No.5892435

How about you fuck off instead? Get off of this board if you can't understand simple concepts you drooling retard.

>> No.5892443

Anon I had $5k just 6 months ago, now I'm sitting on $250k where 6 months ago I couldn't even imagine that kind of money. Anything is possible.

>> No.5892460

Copped more today. I'm hesitant to be optimistic but I'm really hype for the future with Link. Sit comfy linkies.

>> No.5892463


Read the screencap above you. Good lord you're a faggot.

>> No.5892482

oh shoot i forgot to add the IC3 / Town Crier partnership.. anyone want to flesh this out with what else I forgot?

>> No.5892498


are you even looking at the fucking chart? It will wave a few more times and go back down...same old shit over and over. 3000 incoming

>> No.5892504

how have you not done this already?

how does it feel to know you could have bought this at presale ico price just a month ago. you literally had a second chance. then it started going up slowly over the next month and you still didnt buy. how does that feel? please tell me, I wouldnt know.

>> No.5892537

>the absolute state of nolinkies

>> No.5892591
File: 6 KB, 242x209, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but can you even cash out and convert to USD? How do you go about paying taxes or do you just buy stuff online using btc?

>> No.5892608

and the people that bought at ico still didn't dump their bags. this shit is the real deal

>> No.5892627


>> No.5892632


>not having a UBS account

>> No.5892633
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>how does that feel? please tell me, I wouldnt know.
went up 1100% with shift in the meantime so pretty indifferent my dude, i did throw 300 bucks at it in the beginning of december though

>> No.5892634

Bitcoin.tax website. It's easy as fuck

>> No.5892727

You may be wrong, checkthis out

What if it keeps climbing, the chinks are waking up soon, you think they're going to buy or sell?

This is fucked, I have heavy iron hands and dont want to sell but would fucking love to drop half my load right now and buy in .86 cents

>> No.5892741

friend, the dump you see is following disappointment due to nothing substantial coming out of SIBOS. since then, sergey has put zero fucking effort into hyping the coin. the price right now is the price with no external hype events driving it. you will not see a dip like October again. but truly i hope we do see it.

>> No.5892764

bitcoin.tax seemed inaccruate as fuck when I ran it all. cointracking.info seemed better

>> No.5892770
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>> No.5892782

i made it, but should have kept the original. i hope someone still has the high res version

>> No.5892795
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>link over $1


>> No.5892806

for real. the tech is going to talk for link.

>> No.5892809
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stick to the plan and HOLD

>> No.5892842

Whoever made this into a webm, god fucking bless you.

>> No.5892885
File: 67 KB, 900x450, oracle distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChainLink is a network of "oracle" (something that takes data from the real world and puts it on the blockchain) nodes that follow a consensus protocol so that no individual can tamper with the requested data. The whitepaper describes the architecture and algorithms in great detail, so it's just a matter of the devs actually implementing it.

Right now your best option for inputting data into smart contracts is a centralized service like Oraclize. They do offer some clever services like TLSnotary so that multiple trusted signers attest to the accuracy of data in a way that can be cryptographically verified on-chain, but in the end you still must trust the signers even if you don't always have to trust Oraclize itself.

Essentially, ChainLink is an oracle where you don't have to trust the deliverers of data; you only have to trust the actual data provider itself (and for certain classes of data such as the market rates of coins that can be independently verified, you can check multiple sources to increase that level of trust), thus removing a vulnerability that is currently present in any smart contract that needs to interact with the real world instead of just the blockchain your contract happens to run on.

The LINK token itself is what smart contracts will use to purchase the data from ChainLink, and nodes themselves will additionally stake LINK in two ways: they hold it to increase their reputation (because they have a vested interest in the value of the token and thus the success of the ChainLink network) and they put up an amount defined by the purchaser as a penalty which will be taken if their data is rejected.

>> No.5892887

>Chainlink starts pumping
>10 minutes later Bitcoin starts pumping
Like clockwork. Been like this for months.
Happened twice today even.

>> No.5892962
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>could buy more link which will probably dip hard soon
>or could buy ufr and make another several thousand dollars pump chasing THEN buy more link
yeah i think the choice for me here is pretty obvious lads

>> No.5892964

I want to talk to the people that are still buying bitcoin.

That's one of the riskiest investments of the year if you ask me. It has no value beyond first mover's advantage at this point.

>> No.5892966

is that good

>> No.5892979


What’s a smart contract?

What sort of data needs to be decentralised?

>> No.5892998

Wow look at that red candle. Literally the biggest candle ever seen. It's over. This vaporware scam token just got its final pump and dump. Market sell your bags and get out of this sinking ship as fast as you fucking can. I'm only trying to help you guys.

>> No.5893034


In my experience it’s now almost exclusively normies and those new to crypto.

>> No.5893074

>t. someone who doesn't know about the tech behind bitcoin at all, and thinks bitcoin's tech is inferior because of "muh fees"

>> No.5893109

But that's wrong, it has the most secure blockchain and is the most decentralised crypto

>> No.5893191

Think about what happens once it starts crashing more and people start divesting...hrrrmnnnggg

Nigger I could teach a class on BTC, not even larping. I have a MS in Computer Engineering, did my thesis on a cryptography subject and have been studying cryptocurrencies since like 2014. I wrote a bitcoin mining client from scratch just to really learn how it works at a low level.

BTC is old tech. That's not even a debate.

>> No.5893196

Bitcoin pumping tends to disrupt alts.
Old Normiebait McDinosaur needs to croak already so we can get more fiat pairings.

>> No.5893210

I'm genuinely curious, why are you FUD'ing so hard? Are you salty that you didn't get in? Do you hate other people having hope when you got burned? Or do you have an ulterior motive?

Whatever it is, I'm sure the sole intent of your message was to benefit yourself.

>> No.5893226

don't worry anon
when REQ gets going everything will have a USD pairing

>> No.5893365

Jesus fuck dude, just kill your god damned self already.

>> No.5893385

>What’s a smart contract?
A piece of code that is backed by a blockchain, such as the most popular platform of Ethereum, so that the same consensus mechanism that guarantees the accuracy and transparency of transactions will also guarantee the exact execution of said code. One of the best examples of a highly successful and useful smart contract is EtherDelta, which facilitates the exchange of Ether and ERC20 tokens in a way that involves no trusted third party whatsoever.

>What sort of data needs to be decentralised?
Literally any data that isn't already on the blockchain somehow. So basically everything except for the balances of addresses or data that originated in a smart contract. For the example, as I mentioned above one of the most immediately useful pieces of data would be the current market rate of a cryptocurrency. Having a trustless source of this data, such as the USD value of Ether, would allow you to create smart contracts that account for the fluctuations of it. If you used a centralized oracle for this data, then you have introduced a new party that can act maliciously or become compromised through hacking or bribery that can alter the execution of your smart contract by providing false data; thus making your precious decentralized smart contract no better than a centralized web application on the regular old internet.

>> No.5893443

I did, you're welcome

>> No.5893618

fuck i fucking want to sell half link, and buy in again


>> No.5894081

Sole intent within anything we do is to benefit ourselves. The entire freaking everything

>> No.5894371

sell it, you weak hands

>> No.5894388

1.2$/ 9k sats