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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5882974 No.5882974 [Reply] [Original]

Lottery winners often end up poor. The winning amount is irrelevant.

Think about this

>> No.5883415

Delayed gratification

>> No.5883473

Lottery winners are often boomers or generally middle aged people or rednecks.

Who the fuck plays lottery??

>> No.5883480
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Lacking the basics in other words

>> No.5883579

It's fun to put $10 when you feel lucky randomly when you're at the local corner store getting a snack, but people who obsess over the lottery are the scum on the boot heel of society.

>> No.5883647



Some people are retarded. And sure some people blow most of it on bullshit. But poor? I seriously doubt it.

>> No.5883650

Your statement doesn't really make sense. More lottery playing actually does not increase your chance.

>> No.5883707

>rich people don't also have jobs.

>> No.5883822

you're implying that winning a lottery is the same as getting rich of crypto but its not in crypto you still have to use brains and take risks which makes your gains more precious therefore you would use them smarter

>> No.5883922

plus people who buy into lotteries are bad with money to begin with

>> No.5883938
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>> No.5883978

If i win the lottery, im dumping it all on link

>> No.5884014


>> No.5884042
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>> No.5884043

>White text on black background

fuck off

>> No.5884099
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>> No.5884112

This but also with crypto you can be very quietly rich, which is completely impossible with winning the lottery. I've made a pretty good amount of money from crypto and the only person who knows about it is my dad. If I won the lottery I would have family and friends showing up at my fucking door looking for handouts and shit. The relationship factor is what fucks over so many people who make it rich

>> No.5884116

My fucking eyes

>> No.5884124
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Bitch I work for my money. Do you know how long I've been sitting here shitposting? This is a 16 hour job.

>> No.5884160

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/askreddit/comments/24vzgl/_/chba4bf

>> No.5884223

AMOLED screen master race

>> No.5884556

my eyes they hurt

>> No.5884633

that's because they often win $100k-$1mil.
to make it you need to have atleast $1.5mil and you need to diversify all the money so that you earn more on interest each year than you spend

>> No.5884686


>> No.5885257


>> No.5885351
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>More lottery playing actually does not increase your chance.

>> No.5885455

u are so hot please be my gf

>> No.5885662

If you buy a ticket every Sunday then your chance to win stays the same every time. Basic math.

>> No.5885697
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Very true statement

>> No.5886085

money talks, wealth whispers
shut the fuck up about how much money you have - only new money porrfags and retards talk about that shit. someone always has more money than you.

>> No.5886156

this is a really fucking bad chart

whoever made this is autistic

>> No.5886198

Considering literal retards play the lottery this isn't surprising.

>> No.5886754
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>> No.5886807


Fuckin seriously. I had to legitimately think about what they chart was trying to say. Someone should take a marketing class

>> No.5886939

yep. lottery ticket people don't want to put any effort into making money. it's brainless, low effort bullshit. meth heads buy lottery tickets when they go to the gas station for some more cigarettes

surprise surprise that when they win they have no idea what to do with money

>> No.5887210

get the fuck out summerfaggots

real men use inverted color schemes

>> No.5887238

This guy gets it

>> No.5887326

Most poor people are poor because they lack the intelligence to make good decisions. Strangely enough, when given a million dollars, their decision making skills don't suddenly improve.

>> No.5887696

>all this advice
>win lotto
>put it all in crypto anyway

>> No.5887718


easy come, easy go

>> No.5887720

If I ever end up making it by some miracle, I'm just going to disappear one day without a trace and live a new life somewhere far away from my so-called friends and family.

>> No.5887760

Its just a case of gamblers fallacy, anon. Theres nothing you can do for him.

>> No.5887795

Just like the Pajeets and Pablos of /biz/ in 2018

>> No.5887920

man i already won the lottery and blew every penny i am not fucking it up again

>> No.5887975

almost there. it'll be this year for me

>> No.5888034
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Dumbass here. What is an annuity and how do I buy one?

>> No.5888105

Mathetically of course it does, you get a 2nd roll of figurative dice, even tho the increased chance is so very small, like tinie tiny.

>> No.5888240
File: 191 KB, 491x498, makifes10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right. What a waste of time reading such a useless advice coming from an alt-left shitpost forum.

>> No.5888500
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This thread is a lie.

>Contrary to the myth that a big lottery win will ruin the winners’ lives, lottery winners tend to be well-adjusted and their life quality seems to improve.


>> No.5888922
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It's statistically probable that those who play the most will win more often and those who play the lottery a lot clearly don't understand anything about money. It follows that most lottery winners are financial retards that believe some amount of money greater than X is un-blowable.

I imagine that the moment when some idiot realizes too late that he/she has blown a fortune and will have to return to wage cuck life is truly pink wojack personified.

>> No.5888953

Buying four tickets makes you 4 times as likely to win the lottery you retards.

>> No.5888969
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>> No.5889098

imagine cuckolding a town so hard that you have to pay damages costs to 4 different people.

>> No.5889229

Buying one once a week does not. You can only increase your odds by buying a fuck load for one drawl. Doing this only increases your odds a pathetic amount as well, so it is also fairly pointless.

I actually wonder how many winners bought a pile of tickets in one draw vs weekly buyers.

>> No.5889258

that's because only retards play the lottery

>> No.5889310

>claims a statement doesn't make sense
>follow up with actual nonsense

Better go by that lottery ticket, retard. It's your only chance.

>> No.5889314

You ask anyone what they'll do when they win the lottery and they list all this retard shit. Travel the world, start a (shitty) business, buy a yacht. How about have some self control, invest it and never have to work again? Go ahead and treat yourself, but splurge no more than 10%. Not a coincidence that most people that buy lottery tickets are poor.