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5881064 No.5881064 [Reply] [Original]

How to get out of crypt quietly?

I have about a million dollars in crypto on my desktop wallet. How do I get out of it without leaving a trace?

My home country is socialist as shit and will probably take more than half of what I currently have.

>> No.5881196

take your laptop move to a different country

>> No.5881220

Then move. Or pay your taxes. Or don't cash out. There is no realistic alternative.

t. international tax adviser

>> No.5881253

Can I get an email contact?

>> No.5881299

> socialist country
> owning half a million $

Dude you‘d live like a king after cashing out!

>> No.5881322

convert into BTC
flip some gold bought with BTC

take lots of planes/trains/automobiles back with cash

Tell me what is wrong with that idea

>> No.5881324

buy XMR mining rigs with it?

>> No.5881359

Welcome to the reality: You can't cash out of crypto.

>> No.5881463

Is there a way to do it without raising any red flags? I just don't think it's fair that I've spent the past few years building up my portfolio and then have the govt come in and take the majority because they say so.

They're probably gonna spend that money on refugees and other bullshit. While I never got anything for free in my entire life!

>> No.5881476


>> No.5881479

Feel ya.. not having a million but greedy af country. If i ever hit the jackpot i gotta pay half to the government

>> No.5881510

localmonero maybe?

>> No.5881542

Try to sell crypto for cash.

>> No.5881613

Id rather not say. All I can tell you is that my country cares more about the entire world than for its own citizens.

>> No.5881631

Is this why I never see anyone on this board talking about cashing out? You are all afraid of paying taxes on your "free" money?

>> No.5881680

and get gutted like one too. Theres a reason everyone who lived in a commie country risks life and limb to leave

>> No.5881712

Yeah exactly, you do actually have a millions in crypto. You are much better of just fucking paying an accountant to do it right than fuck around get screwed.

>> No.5881755

>Id rather not say. All I can tell you is that my country cares more about the entire world than for its own citizens.

The USA? We applied a hotfix for that about 1 year ago. It's still installing.

>> No.5881814

Ah, the typical snownigger. So full of himself, so greedy and bitter. I'm guessing you're a stormcuck to boot, crying how Hitler didn't eradicate your nigger """men""" in lebensborn like the loyal cuck you non Anglos are

>> No.5881839


Jos näin on niin maksa se vitun 34% pääomatuloveroa. Ei oo paha.

>> No.5881846

he probably meant sweden, US capital gains tax is like 15%, a lot but doable

>> No.5881850


>> No.5881870

It's obviously Germany you imbeciles.
OP, you don't want to risk to get fucked. You either pay the taxes or you move. It's that simple.

>> No.5881956

Tai sit pitää ne rahat siellä kryptossa ja ottaa vaan pieniä määriä ulos jos tarvitsee. Tää on kuitenkin krypto_rahaa_ hei.

>> No.5881964

Easy to get caught. Risking jailtime

>> No.5881980

>crypto market rumors about regulation started looming then too
roll back this fucking update

>> No.5882006

>Or just keep the money in crypto and only take out small sums if you need. This is crypto_currency_ after all.

>> No.5882010

I tried doing it legally 5 years ago during the last bubble. I made about 10000$ usd and the accountant said they would probably take no less than half. So I kept it and now it's grown to well over a million. But still the same problem. No one takes bitcoin IRL anymore. When retailers did I was buying stuff and reselling for cash locally. Other times I'd gladly take a loss of up to 30% by buying and reselling TVs to people. But that proved too risky and time consuming. I had the cops pay me a bust because they thought I was dealing in stolen goods. I wasn't but I couldn't explain to them why I was buying for higher and selling for less.

>> No.5882047

What about selling locally in 20k batches?

>> No.5882052

Pay your taxes and live in your first tier socialist communist country. Then you can fix it from the inside. Rofl

>> No.5882107

Belgium right? 33% tax on diverse income is a bitch.

>> No.5882114

It's simple: don't cash out.
If you do you'll not only get taxed, but you'll become a person of interest as well.
Don't cash out until you don't have to. If you're broke and dying of hunger then that's a different story and you should cash out an income-like amount per month and just pay the taxes on it.
But before you do that make sure to obfuscate your total holdings in the blockchain.

>> No.5882160

You can't cash out. Nobody will pay you real money for virtual memetic tokens.
It's literally impossible to cash out.

>> No.5882162

Go back to your sun burnt shithole Omar. Nobody wants you here. All you do is rob and rape and if we speak up we get thrown in jail. Actually you know what I'm probably going to invest my fortune into weapons so that I can hunt you brown menace down.

>> No.5882172

SKATT MANN ei pidä tästä

>> No.5882175

Life is expensive in France

>> No.5882194
File: 66 KB, 600x701, 1514992823798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying taxes

Good goyim, better use the honor system or we'll send you a threatening letter!

>> No.5882206

Just tell them you are stupid. It’s not against the law to be stupid. Plus stupid people get tons of free money from the gubmint as part of their socialist communist de-evolution program so stupid people sit around and breed
More than working people cuz muh overpopulation.

As for cashing out there are a few institutions that will let you cash out but they are back loaded. You can sign up now and get waitlisted Like TenX . Google around.

>> No.5882244

yeah, this.

memorize the passphrase so you can recreate the wallet anywhre anytime and fucking leave.

>> No.5882286

What do I do, then? I invested 5k last June and am up to 80k now and want to cash out when it reaches 100k. Will anyone be willing to buy?

>> No.5882291

you can use lokal bitcoin automats?

>> No.5882300

Ignoring the letter puts you in contempt. Contempt is criminal. You must honor the gubmint !

>> No.5882305


Say you accidentally sent it all to the wrong wallet address and lost it all

>> No.5882365


>implying I even have a home address anymor

>> No.5882376

Never tried a bitcoin atm? totally works

>> No.5882404

Move somewhere else and obtain residency or citizenship there...
You know what’s the best about crypto nobody can force u to give up all u have to do is put it in a wallet and that’s it.
U can hold it until u get ur residency in the new country then cash out there

>> No.5882452

I have thought of this also but the irs was ssking for public wallet addresses. My guess is they will start monitoring the addresses in the future. If they’d se any activity they will fuck you up. But that is down the road.

>> No.5882464

Sell it to /biz/ for 70% of the price.

>> No.5882495

Just pay the taxes you stupid nigger

>> No.5882530

Well with 1 million I would def leave for another country, no question.

>> No.5882538

>i don't think it's fair that the government...

welcome to real life kid

>> No.5882589

In my country gambling is a tax free event, what if I put all my money into fun fair before cashing out?

>> No.5882595

or this...


>> No.5882603

Crypto. Turning moronic liberals into republicans one moon mission at a time. Now you see why rich people cheat insane tax rates all the time.

>> No.5882605

Get a consultant. He can tell you how you can create a company somewhere in panama or shit like that for few thousand bucks. You just cash out the money to the company you own then. You can put in the rest of your money as well and do not have to pay taxes

>> No.5882607

Go on vacation to a major American city. Find people buying btc for cash and sell to all of them until you’re done. Use the cash to buy property in the us.

>> No.5882615

>I made about 10000$ usd and the accountant said they would probably take no less than half. So I kept it and now it's grown to well over a million.
If you've held it over a year tax rate is a lot lower in most countries.

>> No.5882677

You can easily sell that small an amount of bitcoin without budging the price more than 1%.

>> No.5882686

>Buy citizenship in Peru

>Buy a large plot of land

>Surround your compound with claymore mines and trip wires

>Hide the bodies of anyone dumb enough to approach

>Never pay taxes for anything ever again

What kind of person becomes a tax collector anyway?

>> No.5882746

When governments realize the tax system doesn't work in crypto, the which hunts will start, and those who tried to do the honorable thing and used an accountant to pay taxes will suffer the most, since there will be documented evidence the courts will try to use falsely and maliciously.

Our system is corrupt and evil, it is not honorable to do what seems honorable. There no picture of ceaser on my coins, only my fiat.

>> No.5882791

This stupid meme stopped being funny the second time it was used.

>> No.5882794

Mate if you're from an EU country, move to Malta. Seriously read up on our tax rates, especially capital gains tax. Also, most of our authorities are really easy to bribe. No kidding

>> No.5882839


The ones that try their hardest to be good little subjects always get raked over the coals in the end

>> No.5882843

Don't you mean Chile.

>> No.5882871


>> No.5882914

Flip to XMR, Buy physical 'goods' on dark web. Sell physical 'goods' in real life for cash.

>> No.5882929

Taxes for cashing out in Chile are around 25% of your profits.

>> No.5882963


Buy bitcoins with cash near United Kingdom
Seller Distance Location Price/BTC Limits
lylejacob (100+; 97%) 0.8 km London, UK 11,643.55 GBP 500 - 100,000 GBP
Coinify (10; 100%) 0.8 km London, UK 12,034.21 GBP 10,000 - 250,000 GBP
Chris.Bitcomex.com (100+; 98%) 0.9 km Central London, London WC2N 5DU, UK 12,144.94 GBP 3,000 - 100,000 GBP
Chris.Bitcomex.com (100+; 98%) 0.8 km London, UK 12,144.94 GBP 3,000 - 100,000 GBP
fastcoins88 (1000+; 100%) 0.8 km London, UK 12,256.36 GBP 1,000 - 100,000 GBP
Show more on map for buying bitcoins with cash

>> No.5882998

You're not anglo shitskin

>> No.5883000

to where is the real question? Every time I think someplace in america sucks I remember that 99% of the world is worse in aesthetics, freedom, and culture. I live in white suburbia and even when its boring it sure as fuck beats living in eastern europe where my family was from

>> No.5883022

>memorize the passphrase
Thats fucking next tier.

>> No.5883086
File: 24 KB, 600x463, 3be[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pay you taxes retard.

>> No.5883088

>moving to peru
Yeah no.

>> No.5883118

Is this for real or just shilling for ledger/trezor?


seems to conveniently come ATH

>> No.5883141

>Its not that hard to memorize 24 words.
I mean most people on this board probably had to memorize shit like the periodic table of elements in high school.
>pay your taxes if you're retarded
Fixed that for you.

>> No.5883305

northern/western europe and east asia top USA imo. USA is good if you're rich.

>> No.5883340

Yeah, Jews cucked you good. Befitting of the obedient dogs you snowniggers are. I am fyi east Asian, you know, the guys always topping the iq charts you faggots love posting? You're just worthless. Barely above niggers

>> No.5883376

Eastern euro is fucking GOAT mate, what are you on about?

>> No.5883392

Or just hold for a year & then cash out tax free. There were numerous threads about cashing out in DE lately

>> No.5883424

>I am fyi east Asian
Can you POO IN LOO?

>> No.5883438

>What kind of person becomes a tax collector anyway?
my father is a tax collector. a loyal and decent man. tax evaders are filthy scum and must rot in jail.

hiding your income is equal to stealing food from a baby or sick old people.

>> No.5883442

Hejsa din fordrukne svensker.

>> No.5883455

This nigga has a million dollars he doesn't want to pay taxes on. If he doesn't mind shit winter weather, the midwest is comfy AF and he can get a good house with lots of natural parks nearby to visit. Also asia is a meme, if you're not a chink in china people will straight up spit on you. I don't even blame them, fuck kikes and their multikulti BS

>> No.5883461

Its shit if you're poor.
>Indians are east asian
snownigger detected

>> No.5883518

Your father is a professional thief employed by the top mafia.

>> No.5883563
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>>Indians are east asian
>implying not all asians are streetshitters

>> No.5883589
File: 218 KB, 1200x665, 1200-hmrc-tax-campaign[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fixed that for you.
they are going to get ya. your ass gonna bleed in that jail.

>> No.5883601

Transfer crypto to payoneer/payeer card and withdraw cash from ATM overseas.

>> No.5883613

just do some e-laundry
I do this:
crypto to webmoney, then charge a virtual mastercard with it
many virtual mastercards let you put 50K on them, so you just need to create a few

>> No.5883616

Have you ever even fucking been there? Roads are shit. The government does nothing. Blatant corruption is the norm. Cops will straight up demand money when they stop you. The people are all assholes who will pretty much try to fight at the drop of a hat if you so much as look at people the wrong way. Only retards romanticize the shitholes in eastern europe/russia. Yeah its "white" but it might as well be africa because everything is falling apart and everyone doesn't care unless they get money in their pocket

>> No.5883633

OP, are you in the EU? Schengen? if so move to italy for 6months to a year. Do you owe taxes to your fatherland if you live in Italy for a year and cash out crypto while in Italy?

>> No.5883658

what did he mean by this

>> No.5883666

Wait till you hit 6 figures in crypto.

>> No.5883791

Buy physical gold

>> No.5883794

Republicans try to con their way out? I thought they were the good guys but clearly they're just niggers.

>> No.5883878

So you didn't get educated? No health coverage? Some socialist country you live in. Explains your retardation though

>> No.5883880

Just kiss your 5k money good bye. You put real money to buy virtual money. You cannot cash out. You can only hope virtual money will become real, but it will never become real because bitcoin doesn't scale. Sorry, you lost 5k.

>> No.5883890

collecting taxes is equal to theft

>> No.5883903

They just don't want to have to feed a bunch of lazy niggers and white trash.

>> No.5883932


This is the fud /biz/ spreads, jesus christ, no wonder you fucks lose money on this market.

>> No.5883939

btc -> drugs -> cash

its just that simple

>> No.5883963

Cute excuse, but you're just jews. Funny how you become what you hate. A lying filthy leeching jew.

>> No.5883979


>> No.5883983

I was thinking about something. Could you realistically convert to XMR (or any other private coin), send it privately to another XMR address, then send it to an exchange, swap it for BTC and use a BTC ATM?

I mean I know you couldn't cash out too much but hey, it's something.

>> No.5883997

Move to denmark, cash out move back. Denmark doesn't tax crypto.

>> No.5883999

trickle it out in localbitcoins deals doing cardless cash if your country has atms with that technology

>> No.5884004

>You hate jews
Why would I hate jews?

>> No.5884046

Yea, but atm prices are 30% higher than market... hmmm.. I wonder why

>> No.5884066

You're on stormfront mate, no matter what libshits tells you. If you're not with us you're against us.

>> No.5884105

Of course I'm against you you fucking moron, I'm not white. You're going to lose by the way, you're barely above spics in intellect.

>> No.5884111

we are cattle to them and their fiat monster, media power, political power, pharmacuetical industry, and their kike lawyers

>> No.5884114

I mean lower, the atm company makes 30% profit.

>> No.5884143
File: 177 KB, 1024x682, whitesupremacistlarping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fucking larping, dude

>> No.5884166
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>nobody will pay money for meme tokens

>> No.5884170

>doesn't want to feed welfare leeches and niggers gibs
>that makes him a leech
Shalom, rabbi.

>> No.5884209

>snek flag

ok kiddo

>> No.5884214

what the fuck?
german here, cashing out crypto ain't that much of a bitch here

>> No.5884236

I would have no problem paying the tax if it was fair. But these bastards want more than half. Why? So they can build more houses for rapists? I never had anything given to me and had to work. The union doesn't care about me and barely gives me any hours. But they want their share of my wage. Then the government takes their portion and for what? To line the pockets of corrupt officials so they can bring more welfare voters into the country? My country is dead. No wonder everyone who can leaves to better brighter places. My city used to have the wealthiest resident of our country living here. Then the anarchists broke into his car and home destroyed them out of spite and he fled the country to somewhere you can defend yourself.

I'm so fucking mad at what's happened to my country. I hate the cops who let browns get away with murder but punish natives for fighting back. The government tells me we need more browns because we're a dead nation with no culture and let them block streets for their stupid holidays but then when we try to have our own celebrations they deny us the permit to do so because it might offend the browns! I'm done. I want out. This country deserves not a penny of my money. Why should I pay money to those that hate me and want me dead? Fuck you Merkel Fuck the EU and fuck Arabs and Islam!

>> No.5884243
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>> No.5884253
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>> No.5884259

Yet we are the most powerful and honorable race. Your time will come on the day of the rope, shitskin.
The good of the nation will only grow when you pay your share. Your niggerjew excuses fools nobody. You are a disgrace to our state and race.

>> No.5884283

What is wrong with those disfigured people...? That is not an average look for any group of people, except these I suppose...

>> No.5884300
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>> No.5884320

Well I mean if your taxes are 50% or so, it's still an improvement.

But yeah you're right, not really viable.

>> No.5884321

i tried to sell btc on an exchange but it didnt work.
can only buy xD

>> No.5884338

I feel the same way about the USA for the most part, but at least you can buy a gun here. Not for long it seems. I want to get out too, but there just doesn't seem to be a place for people like us who just want to be left alone.

>> No.5884349

I'd be happy to do so if it didn't go towards feeding niggers and illegals.

>> No.5884353
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>he has an anti-Natsoc folder

>> No.5884374

Fucking moron. If corporation pay zero tax and get corporate welfare then I don't give a SHIT about paying taxes. Only my state has ever helped me. The fed government has cost me my entire life's potential income.

>> No.5884398

>Yet we are the most powerful and honorable race. Your time will come on the day of the rope, shitskin.
>Welcomes invaders in
>illegal to voice resistance in most of your homelands
You'll be a minority everywhere within a century, probably extinct in two. Keep beating your chest while doing nothing though, its pretty amusing.

>> No.5884409

Not sure if this would work but no one has mentioned coinbase’s shift card? It’s a visa debit card you can use for every day purchases. Works just like a regular bank debit card and you can pay off your stuff with it. Only I don’t know is if it keeps you from paying taxes

>> No.5884427

those were literally the only 2 images i have on my computer that are even remotely political

>he unironically has a pro-natsoc folder

>> No.5884440

Sweden has become a literal shithole... forget about ever going back to the glory days, of actually being proud of your own culture.

>> No.5884479

No, you wouldn't because even without niggers and illegals, you're a criminal jew. Probably a mutt since true whites are the only ones who'd pay the state for the privilege of a nationalsocialist utopia.

>> No.5884549

sure thing shlomo, i bet you have a whole goyim rekt folder too

>> No.5884567

isn't gold traceable? won't suspicion be aroused when you try to sell the gold? or would you try and offload gold cash in hand?

>> No.5884568

>he doesn't want to feed niggers and illegals, he must be a jew!
>only a good white man will give his money freely to dindu nuffins!
Nah, you can fuck off. Have fun paying for shaniqua's 6th child, goy.

>> No.5884579

Yeah like... nope, snowniggers never done anything of note. They literally have nothing to be proud about. Hell even the Vikings were liberal feminazis of their time.

>> No.5884590

Buy one million one dollar items from overstock.com, then return it all for a gift card, then sell that gift card online for a smaller discount than what you'd be taxed

>> No.5884627

>everyone who disagrees with me is jewish
>being this much of a conspiracy nut
kys, along with the other whites. White Genocide Now! jew power

>> No.5884658

I will kill you and be a hero very soon. It's almost time for the uprising. End yourself jew, or we will make you wish you kysed.

>> No.5884681

at least in eu your gold is taxable.... if you make over 1k€ profit

>> No.5884730

Okay so no one is going to acknowledge what I said

>> No.5884738

come at me bro, my dad works for nintendo!

>> No.5884748
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>being this dumb

>> No.5884793

Pathetic manchild. You probably fap to gay ponies too. Remember to take your dad along to hell.

>> No.5884802

OK Achmed

>> No.5884873

That's only because our tax system is run by incompetent fucks.

>> No.5884882

Do it faggot!
I'm waiting, come kill me already. Tic toc, whiteboi like you is just full of talk.

>> No.5884908

No idea how its treated. Could be considered a high interest checking acct but youre taxed on bank account gains over ten bucks

>> No.5884916
File: 107 KB, 480x540, auschwitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he unironically has an anti-natsoc folder
>he unironically avoids political satire

>> No.5884941

Ah, the savage shitskin reveals himself. It's gonna be a pleasure hurting you.

>> No.5884952
File: 919 KB, 400x225, 3alLulT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I read this whole thread and every answer was pure and utter shit. Here is the real answer.

Do like all other rich people do and make a bank account in a tax haven such as the Cayman Islands. If you choose you could even live in some of these places. Some carribean countries are tropical paradises and you can get citizenship in exchange for investing like $150K in property.


1.Cash out on an exchange
2. Wire to carribean tax haven country.
3. Go there and buy a $150k or similar home (nice beachfront paradise shit).
4. Property investment gets you critizenship or permanent residence.
5. Enjoy your life drinking pina coladas and banging tourists.

>> No.5885030

Why are you still talking? I'm waiting, you're getting boring. Are you coming or not mr. nazi larper?

>> No.5885035

I made about six figures in crypto and will do everything in order to not pay taxes
I don’t get it why you stormniggers love getting buttfucked by the government that much, everything you do should benefit your OWN interests and not the states
A natsoc country would be a nightmare in this case
>inb4 you are not white xD

>> No.5885075

Do you think there are many people who have actually realized all of their gains? There are all sorts of stories about BTC millionaires, but none have realized the gains. I read a thing on quora from some guy who said he had 14,000 BTC and sold 12,500 and made 3mil, woopsy.

>> No.5885093

>Wow I read this whole thread and every answer was pure and utter shit. Here is the real answer.

of course, because people care more about whining than actual solutions to problems, the whole world has become feminised

>> No.5885098


1) Get a visa and come to USA with your laptop
2) Swap all your BTC for bullion
3) Apply for US citizenship
4) Convert gold/silver to cash as needed.

>> No.5885173

The state benefits you, traitor jew. Keep scamming like the nigger you mentally are, and then wonder why your army is shitty and gets wrecked by chimps who'll rape your wife (but you'd enjoy that) and burn down everything

>> No.5885195


I would've done the same. 3 million in cold hard cash would set me up for life. I wouldn't give a shit where BTC went afterwards.

>> No.5885215

>>5882172 >>5881956

>> No.5885237

yet. soon they will, also retrospective

>> No.5885245

>>he unironically has an anti-natsoc folder
i don't
>he unironically avoids political satire
i don't

>> No.5885252

You can't just "apply for U.S. Citizenship". You need to first get residence which you can only get by A)Investing $1M in a business that hires a specific minimum Americans. B) getting a job which means finding a company to sponsor you C) Marriage.

THEN you have to live there 5 years (assuming you managed to get a green card) and THEN you can apply for citizenship.

>> No.5885288


>> No.5885309

3mil really isnt that much, it's only about 3 lifetimes of average work for 40 years, really nothing special, desu.

>> No.5885392

onpas. Ja vittu tappiota ei edes saa poista niin ihan paskaa. Kannattaa muuttaa

>> No.5885457

ota rahat ulos bittimaatista, saat käteistä

>> No.5885468

He's Canadian

>> No.5885503

no, he's swedish.

>> No.5885530


>implying a guy with a million bucks couldn't bag a wife

>> No.5885563

The accountant wants half or the government?

>> No.5885575

not true. They only don't tax crypto if you bought it with the "intention to make a purchase or because you found the tech interesting"
If you bought to make a profit then it is taxable

>> No.5885579

It’s sad how brainwashed you govermentcucks are, why should I pay taxes on crypto? I took my own risk trading this high volatile asset and the government provides zero infrastructure in order to make the tax paying process easy
Also you should know that the gov doesn’t give a shit about you, if you basement dweller ever tried to save a business from insolvency you would know that

>> No.5885596

There are many people who are trying to get into crypto but can't becausue Bittrex, Poloniex, Binance, etc have stopped accepting new accounts

Sell those people crypto for cash

>> No.5885673

>calls me achmed for calling slav shitholes shitholes
You're actually retarded if you think poland or ukraine is a good place to live. Moscow is only worth living in if you have over million USD, and even then I'd rather live in manhattan. Fuck off and stay out of subjects you have no experience in

>> No.5885716
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Monero to wallet transfered to a secondary cold wallet. Move out the country then invest in other crypto over 2 years then cash out your investments and pay a humble 15% capital gains tax in good 'ol Merica! Your shit hole country would have zero clue what wallets held what.

Smells like freedom!

>> No.5885727

And how would they know your intentions?

>> No.5885745

sell the the crypto for cash on local classified websites such as localbitcoins or Craigslist. Will take a while if you have 1 mill, there's no tax.

>> No.5885755

which country actually gives you citizenship on such a low sum with real estate investment?

Usually the 150k range are non-refundable "donations" in exchange for citizenship

>> No.5885786

for real? lol

>> No.5885788

There's like 15 other exchanges though

>> No.5885823

this is some next level FUD lmao

>> No.5885862

Dog eating rice nigger you are the scourge of the earth

>> No.5885867

They would probably ask to see any trading history and holding period. If you were daytrading on binance then it is kinda obvious what your intentions were

>> No.5885886

You're so full of shit it's just sad. You really are delusional. Better kill yourself, worthless trash larper.

>> No.5885897

"of course i found the tech interesting"

>> No.5885907

True, either you are a 1%er or you're literal garbage.

My friend wanted me to come to Moscow, but since I couldn't afford to buy at least 1 proper 1k€ suit (just for a weeks trip), he said I couldn't hang out with him, So, no point going there.

>> No.5885920

Canada eh? If you day traded, you need to leave the country for a year, cash out in 2019 and pay local taxes. If you weren't making more than 3 trades per day and/or cashing out into USDT, then you are "investing" and only need to pay capital gains.

If you are an "investor", move to BC for lower taxes, max out your lifetime RRSP contributions (and move that to the stock market), buy all the medical procedures you need, etc. Write all of that off against your gains. You will likely lose less than 20% before it's all done.

In future years, earn nothing and slowly cash out the RRSP so you don't pay tax on it or bleed it into your TFSA (also in stocks).

>> No.5885921

haha, why is it FUD?

>> No.5885941

Just tell them you're a pussy with soft hands

>> No.5885961

>My home country is socialist

I was unaware that there were modern countries where the workers' owned the means of production democratically.

Or do you just confuse socialism with "when the gobberment does stuff"

>> No.5886006

There are more countries than Poland and Ukraine in eastern europe. Poland isn't that bad desu, and its economy has seriously recovered the last few years, so well polish immigrants are moving back there. Sure Ukraine is a shithole but that's also really far east, probably the worst. Czech, Hungary, and old yugo countries are seriously GOAT my friend, and worth romanticizing every bit. But yeah you rather cherry pick the shit that's fine.

>> No.5886033

Ya you're right looks like for Antigua as an example its only $100K though. Taking a 10% hit to have a new citizenship in a tropical paradise and run away with his gains is still good in my book.

>> No.5886065

“Actually, Bitbean’s sprouting interface puts a fun spin on traditional mining, and the currency can be used for tons of interesting products!”

>> No.5886073

Not an argument you retarded stormnigger
But keep licking the governments ass, better enlist in the army fast in order to show your true loyalty for your superiors

>> No.5886086

Assuming youre in germany leichtenstein may let you flee to their country, especially since youre wealthy. The prince would rather sell his family paintings than tax his people a dime.

>> No.5886123

lol now that you earned money you do not want to pay taxes? Man fuck you, you selfish prick hope they will lock you up or you will fuck up your transaction, pay the fucking taxes

>> No.5886139

Do you have to pay capital gains for just cashing out your original investment?

>> No.5886140

>IRS ASKING >>5885867
Nigga you are some beyond retard. Have you ever filed taxes or are you literally 17 years old with no job? nobody fucking asks why you got your money, you write down the amount, and they deduct based on the income level. Barring some discounts for things like donations, thats it. You think the IRS is going to call you up and say "I see you spent 100k on a lambo, but you say it was a gift to your wifes son? No worries we'll forgive you for it" You get reamed for the taxes on it no matter who is driving if you paid for it. Jesus christ I can't believe there are people literally this fucking retarded on this board right now. Stay out of crypto you're going to end up in prison

>> No.5886164

Funny how white fags can't keep their hands off Asians, eh? Even your conservative boomers marries Asians since your roasties are disgusting and the real men know it.

>> No.5886273

Nvm found one. Dominica

Invest $200K in real estate = citizenship


>> No.5886337

I don't consider those eastern europe. Those are central. I consider countries bordering russia to be eastern europe, and they're all post USSR shitholes

>> No.5886384

found the next tax cuck

>> No.5886397

Gain citizenship to one of these countries. Figure out which one is easiest.

>> No.5886408

Make purchases with btc

>> No.5886419
File: 78 KB, 1023x575, slurp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say nomore

>> No.5886443

Enjoy shark territory; still better than legalised robbery no doubt, kek

>> No.5886480

he was memeing on the brainlet stop being retarded

>> No.5886487

whats wrong with paying taxes you stupid nigger?

>> No.5886566

It's Belgium, isn't it

>> No.5886628

The fact that often you have to pay a ridiculous percentage should be enough you fool

>> No.5886648

this could literally be any western white country lol

>> No.5886661

taxes are fine, but the amount is more than loan sharking used to be back in the day, oh how things have changed... for the worse.

And what makes it worse is whom all those taxes go towards.

>> No.5886667

You pay that money for a reason you fucking homo

>> No.5886835

>pay that money for a reason
Are this delusional or retarded?
Ever worked in the public sector?

>> No.5886851

>pay for Tyrone's babbies
>pay for Jaquishas food stamps
>pay for random wars and crap
>pay for Juanitos healthcare
>get no gibbies because I don't qualify.
>ruthlessly taxed on meager gains I made with my sweat and blood

THE ST8 is GR8.

>> No.5886910

Just ignore him. He's a niggerjew only happy when his nation crumbles.

>> No.5886919

>implying you want to lose your million bucks to your ex wife after divorce

>> No.5886995

Not to mention if you are American you still pay US taxes no what where you live and what dual citizenship you have.

You have to denounce your citizenship to be free of the IRS

>> No.5886997

>""""blood and sweat"""
No wonder you fat underage neets think it's actual work.

>> No.5887030

Enjoy financing the welfare check of 3rd world immigrants then stormcuck
I’m sure it fits into your narrative just fine

>> No.5887048

You have 2 choices:
>pay the gubmint 35%
>pay 50% to your ex-wife

>> No.5887070

It doesn't work like that retard

>> No.5887073


Some of us have started real businesses before.

>> No.5887097

Enjoy being shunned and hated by everyone because of your greed, faggot.

>> No.5887133

To call what I got in America an education is a joke. Same applies to healthcare. I'm uninsured now anyways. Plus the reason my dick is missing a bunch of skin is because of american "medicine".

>> No.5887174

>it's da evil gobbament that's to blame for my shitty business idea of selling used Dragon dildoes!
Then you should love illegals who do the work for 10x less.

>> No.5887176

How fucking stupid are you, you absolute faggot.

Person A: buys 1 BTC in 2015
Person A: Sells 130 BTC in 2018
Banks/IRS: Where did the 129 BTC come from. Prove to us that it is not money laundering
Person A: O-o-okay here are my trading records, look I promise it is legit money
Bank: Fine, we will not freeze your funds
IRS: Fine, but clearly you were doing this in order to get profit, and it will be taxed as such

Don't talk about things you have no idea about retard. unless you are a millionare already, they will ask questions when you cash out a 7 figure amount

Nice, good find

>> No.5887177

>lack of sanitation = open defecation
sanitation facilities mean running water and sewage systems
Plenty of poor people without sanitation in the world shit in a wooden outhouse, or atleast dig a hole in the ground. Indians are the only ones who shit in the street en masse.

>> No.5887242

Most of those are badly researched and false

>> No.5887250

You mean loved by everyone? Are you blind? People with wealth are treated far better than the poor.

>> No.5887289


If you actually advocate for MORE or THE SAME level of taxes in 2018, you're beyond help or an unemployed college student.

>> No.5887328

Because those people pay their taxes and isn't a filthy autistic greedy nigger?

>> No.5887336

Would you really like to throw voluntarily money into the bureaucratic, money burning, terribly inefficient monster which is the German state just because you share nostalgia for an failed political ideology? Sorry but then there is no hope for you stormfaggots lol

>> No.5887406

>tfw live in a country where maximum income tax is 22%

feels good not to be a burger

>> No.5887445

Actually, Dominica is not tax free though

>> No.5887482

>this thread

tax avoidance coin when?

>> No.5887497

Literally convert to monero and send to a different monero wallet you own. Untraceable and you can say you got hacked. Then convert to dollars via websites like localbitcoins or localmonero slowly or buy gift cards on the dark web.

>> No.5887532

I know a person IRL who took out a few hundred k gains

>> No.5887559

Millionaire in chili's gift cards. Lolz.

Get fucked nigger

>> No.5887592

Hold it a year and no taxes anymore in Belgium

>> No.5887613

then start a business and launder the money or shut the fuck up

>> No.5887638

>Then convert to dollars via websites like localbitcoins or localmonero slowly or buy gift cards on the dark web.

Guess what will happen when you make a substantial purchase, mongoloid?

>> No.5887657

>probably used tax-funded services extensively before crypto gains

>b..but i don't wanna pay

>> No.5887830

There's literally no reason to advocate for current levels of taxation unless you're a parasite leeching off the system. Anyone well off who believes they should give more to help their community is free to do so. But you can tell from the anger of the tax supporters here this is not what's at work. Studies show rightwingers are twice as likely to give to charities than leftists. Humans are largely egocentrical, and political affiliation derives from that. Rightwingers are generally moral people and so they assume the average person, given decent conditions, will do the decent thing. Leftists are absolute pieces of shit, and so they believe everyone is even worse, and humanity must be enslaved under authoritarian regimes regulating every aspect of our lives, else we'll all fuck each other mercilessly.

When I make it, I'm putting my crypto gains into gene editing research. Current geopolitical trends can only be reversed through positive eugenics. Seeing as killing the brown hordes, the jews or the leftists isn't a realistic situation, we must lift the quality of the average man by two standard deviations. Education was a good idea, but it's too easily corrupted. The answer must lie in better genetic stock.

>> No.5887911

Dude its not cashing out that is the problem. Its the amount appearing in your bank account that could trigger an audit.

Does anyone know if they tax crypto in taiwan?

>> No.5887985

>probably used tax-funded services extensively before crypto gains
Using that logic, people who don't pay taxes shouldn't get ANY benefit.

Yet they do. And those pay who work hard each day. It's a retarded system. It needs to fall.

>> No.5888005

What did they do? A few hundred k isn't that much.

I suppose in theory, if you had someone who bought BTC when it was sub-penny and now had $100,000,000, you could go out and look for someone who would pay you cash for it at a reduced price or something......short of that, I don't see how you quickly diversify.....there are transaction limits for a reason.

>> No.5888066

“Banks are extremely worried because it’s a completely disruptive force. The transaction is between me and you and doesn’t actually involve any other intermediate party involved in that.” - Bill Buchanan

>> No.5888091

Where'd you go m8? I thought you were coming to kill me, big scary internet warrior?
Enjoy fighting for Israel, goy.

>> No.5888167

Oh we're coming when the time is right. I'll waste no more words on a chimp.

>> No.5888185

Give half of what you OWE and be fucking happy you made money from fucking clicking buttons you fucking entitled gook.

>> No.5888230

Wouldn't the smarter thing to do is just take out a loan and pay it off quickly?

>> No.5888257

Do you have brain damage? I said that he's going to get taxed on it irregardless of why he went into crypto if he cashes out. Learn2read you faggot

>> No.5888285

>lol, you used $100k in public education funds growing up, give us $500k

>> No.5888321

How is that different from anyone in any office? Be it a self-loathing programmer or a secretary, etc? It's just as hard work

>> No.5888324

Yeah but Rich cucks don’t build roads they buy lambos and rolex. So stop shilling right wing ideology and start understanding that.

>> No.5888333

>not wanting to pay niggers and welfare queens makes me a chimp
Oh, you're just as retarded as the last guy.
How do you expect to live in a white ethnostate if you defend giving niggers and jews your money online?
It's completely against your stated interest of removing them from society.

>> No.5888430

What letter? These hooligans keep stealing my damn mail!

>> No.5888450

>I said that he's going to get taxed on it irregardless of why he went into crypto if he cashes out.
>I said that he's going to get taxed on it irregardless
>going to get taxed on it irregardless
>taxed on it irregardless

>> No.5888454

Those jobs are just as entitling as crypto gainers. Paid just over minimum wage for literally doing a pointless job.

>> No.5888471


>have to pay student loans
>am uninsured
>have to pay taxes on the only way I can escape my servitude

Thanks Uncle Sam! How about go fuck yourself?

>> No.5888534
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post itt if you are leaving the US because of crypto

where go?

>> No.5888544

Do they have to pay "half" of what they owe?

>> No.5888559

speak for yourself moron

>> No.5888599

That almost sounds.. unsocialist. You're a fucking retard. Like half the thread

>> No.5888602

Not the same anon, but how many red flags would it raise if I have a British a/c too and start working both systems?

>> No.5888622
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Come to papa

>> No.5888658

It is you who has brain damage faggot.
>I talk about denmark crypto tax rules
>You claim it is FUD and the IRS wont ask what the intention was
>I clearly explain how it works

>> No.5888670

i literally hope you and your father die in a fire

>> No.5888732

Unironically this. There is a personal allowance of 10k per year and flat tax of 20% on gains

>> No.5888792

Come to Hungary lol. Unless you're a spic or a nigger.

We hate niggers.

>> No.5888821
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>unironically this
>20% tax on gains
Fuck that and fuck western civilization. we're moving to an island, boys

>> No.5888882
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>> No.5888890

It's one of the lowest capital gains taxes and not as complicated with per trade tax nonsense you'll find in other major countries

>> No.5888997

ironically my hungarian friend in pest is half nigger kek

>> No.5889038

Not giving back to your country in tax. This guy.

>> No.5889075


I voted for Bernie because I believe we should have a base set of societal things that we can all chip in and benefit from. Nobody else did, so I'm adapting to our wonderful non-socialist utopia.

>> No.5889137

I was in the same situation. I just paid half.

>> No.5889165

If you're in the EU, cash out in amounts <€10k, IIRC that's the amount from which on banks will have to apply scrutiny to avoid money laundering or some such shit.
But really, just take a trip to the Carribean or somewhere where nobody gives a fuck about this.

>> No.5889191

Yes, definetly move to Italy. There is an official document from the Agenzia delle Entrate (equivlent to the US IRS) that states you do not have to pay taxes on bitcoin originated from simple trading. You have to stay there 6 months+1 day in 2018 and fix there your residence.

>> No.5889212

Even Jesus hated the tax man.

Think about that.

>> No.5889359
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Anon, I hate to break it to you, but your father is an evil man. You internalized his vices and call them virtues, because that's the only way you can continue your existence - you don't want to face what he truly is. I know it's hard to face the facts when your father is a subpar human being, but don't delude yourself.

>> No.5889388

guys, millionaires, what about buying some small place, size like monaco etc, make a deal with the state, become semi-independent, and make there a tax heaven for crypto. Belarus looks promising, the gov is shilling crypto.

>> No.5889477

I'm a little concerned about whether my crypto capital gains will be considered truly tax-free if they are in a TFSA. When I cash out I don't want to fucking have that shit taxed.

>> No.5889572

but the Italians in the last thread said this was pretty uncertain and likely to change soon

>> No.5889577

How do you move to italy?

>> No.5889579

Is this loss?

>> No.5889643
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>I dont like that someone is going to unrightfully steal from me to pay niggers and white trash to ruin society more, and give them longer lives so they'll be doing it for a long time
GEE ANON, you must be the only one.

>> No.5889646

wait until Roger Ver is finished with his libertarian paradise

>> No.5889752

So I'm screwed aren't I? I guess I'm going to do the next best thing and buy guns off the dark web and assassinate all these communists that made Europe miserable. I'm serious first stop when I get back is antifa for all their crimes. I know where their squats are I used to hang out with them when I was younger.

>> No.5890143

the government taking your money and giving it to niggers

>> No.5890156

What about Revolut?
>uk banking account in under 3mins no fucks given
>can pay bills and everything from the app
>easy to get mastercard no AMT fees for the first 200£/month after that it's 2% always at FX rates
>buy groceries and shit at the FX rate
>crypto integrated if you pay 8€/month for "premium", refer 3 friends or probably free in a month or two...
>no other fees
>people use it all over localbitcoin

Just cash out over time and pay your bills and go shopping with your new mastercard no fucks given.

That said if some anons feel like joining I would really appreciate it if you use:

>> No.5890196

tfw young so tight, but no butt. At least when you bend it the vajeen says "hi"

>> No.5890448

Yes, I believe it will change in the next few months. Anyway if you take your residency now, and immediately afterwords you cash in your bitcoins (better if you do it on a UE bank account) it can work. You have to notify the Agenzia delle Entrate the bank operation details and the complete records of your transactions on exchanges. Having done that you are legally sure that even if the regulations change you will never have to pay taxes.

>> No.5890945

No, getting the passphrases bitshifted and tattooed on you is next tier

>> No.5891148

Go to Bosnia
Basically its like Somalia
Cash out

>> No.5891188

Student loans are tax deductible so if you use your gains on them, they cant tax you on the loans you're paying off

When in doubt just go back to school until you have like 18 doctorates

>> No.5891314

Seriously Bosnia has 0℅ crypto tax since its 2 countries in one, with one half being two.

You can always bribe anyone and anything

Move there, apply for citizenship since you be startin an importing business. Get bank accounts all papers.

Sell your coins on EU exchanges, move eur to your bosnian bank account which is actually a german owned branch.

Now you can move eur to your original home bank. Tax free.

Import rotten fish for fun

>> No.5891470

Dont listen this pajeet

>> No.5891581

If you live in the US you can make up to a certain amount for capital gains are even taxable. You can also donate gains without converting to fiat to charity, it knocks the 3.8% surcharge off capital gains tax since you never convert to fiat and reduces your tax penalty overall for donating to charity.

>> No.5891840

This. The answer to your problem involves Monero.

>> No.5891859

>take out student loans to pay for mortgage
>take out student loans to pay for food
>pay off loans with capitals gains
and yes loans are allowed to go towards housing, food, gas, etc.