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5884271 No.5884271 [Reply] [Original]

So are like 95% of /biz/nessman non-ironically still bullish on alts? Are people actually buying in at these prices?

>> No.5884304

I haven't really even thought of them as altcoins for a while now

>> No.5884344

Here take this poll so we can get an idea of where Biz stands as far as the short term future outlook on Alts.


>> No.5884410


Anon 2018 will be the year of the altcoins. The entire crypto market is undergoing a huge change and altcoins are going to be at the center of that change.

>> No.5884458

BZC's platform is finished, it's like one of the only 20 crypto's that has a finished platform.
Go buy your "We promise it'll be done by 2025" coin.

>> No.5884561


>> No.5884613

>letting anyone know you trade cryptos
>not keeping it super low key and silently becoming a millionaire while still wearing shitty stained clothes and not showering

wtf is wrong with you people

>> No.5884659

i went all in 2 hours ago and im up 20%. Thats 4k profit lol.

fr though altcoin bullmarket continues untill lightning network is out fully (lets say 6 months), and even then some good alts will survivee

I agree though, I dont know how retards are actually buying TRON right now

>> No.5884797

I'm bullish on the alts that I'm holding.
I think monero is going to keep outperforming bitcoin, etc.

>> No.5884807

Literally every CS student I know trades cryptos tho

>> No.5884910
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>> No.5884925

>untill lightning network is out fully

You're missing the point of all of the major alts.

How the hell is the LN a competitor to, say, LINK or FUN or even ETH? It's apples and oranges.

BTC is old tech at this point, and since the AXA takeover of Blockstream, there's no coming back. They completely married to their idea of their shitty "payment" system which has no use beyond what we see now.

It's honestly really, really sad and makes me angry.

>> No.5884973

get in

>> No.5884976

Fucking how? Can't validate my coinbase
Can't register on binance. Wtf am I suppose to do?

>> No.5885079
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The man speaks the truth, come see

>> No.5885117
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This is you

>> No.5885267

Doesn't matter whether LN is logically a competitor to alts or not. Whales are 100% going to play off the hype and crush alts in the process. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.5885396

I'm sorry but that doesn't make any sense. The LN will be too little too late for BTC. It's not going away anytime soon (first mover's advantage and whatnot), but when's the last time anyone actually used BTC to transfer funds? I move BTC into XRP or ETH before transferring it so I'm not spending $60 just to move funds.

>> No.5885538

Lol. I study CS and probably 1% trades cryptos. They're all to scared

>> No.5885585

Fuck you nigger

>> No.5885638

Just joshin' man, don't get mad.

I'm not sure how to help you if you can't even get on normiebase... what's the issue you're having?

>> No.5885660

It's coming out this year, I wouldn't call that too late. It's irrelevant whether or not people currently use BTC to transfer funds. If transactions manage to become cheap then people will start using BTC for that.

>> No.5885828

I need to wait for them to accept my ID. It's been 3 hours now.

>> No.5885948

>It's been 3 hours
Lol...be patient man. Normiebase and fiat related transactions are super, super slow. It may take like a week, even. As long as you took some clear pictures of your ID and whatnot, you should be good.

Unless you live in Pakistan or something, then it may be a little more involved.

>> No.5886041

Why does it says it should take 3 to 5 minutes then. Wtf is there problem

>> No.5886186

They're being stared at by the IRS, for one. They're being very very careful.

>> No.5886254

Stop it

>> No.5886342
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>> No.5886358


Sounds like you need to start force feeding them broccoli and start some beginners gym club for them

>> No.5886371

Fugg, is there any way I could get started in the next hour? I want to play a bit before starting for realz

>> No.5886378
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Shitcoiners are about to learn a hard lesson from the KING

>> No.5886551

Do you already have money deposited? If not, the best you can do is use a credit card (for 10% fee)...realistically, you're probably not going to be able to do that. Not unless you find someone IRL to sell you coins.

>> No.5886669

That would mean that I'm a testosterone monster cause I'm going full risk with my investments. But I don't have that cutting chin or eyes of a wolve so dunno

>> No.5886957

I'll wait then. I'm working part time so I've got lots of free time. I hope I can make some gainz before april to buy a car.
Any tips on how to start/pdfs to read?

>> No.5887005

Lots of new money coming in, as long as normie hype continues to grow alts will continue to grow.

>> No.5887203


Honestly, in general, just never sell at a loss. Track your trades -- the current value of what you're trading with in USD, the rate, the amt, the date -- you'll need all of it.

For instance, if you REALLY want to exit a coin, you may be able to exit at a loss for your trade, but at a gain (or break even) for USD.

In general, buy low, sell high. Not the other way around. Don't freak out when markets drop -- in this space, they're so volatile, they'll almost always come back up -- AS LONG AS YOU DON'T BUY AT ATH (all time high).

>> No.5887309

Thanks m8. What if I use EUR?

>> No.5887354

What prices? Just buy new shitcoins

>> No.5887398

>What if I use EUR?

Why would that matter?

Also I forgot to mention. Don't buy coins on coinbase -- use GDAX (which Coinbase owns). You can very easily transfer your coinbase funds to GDAX (it takes two clicks), and you can get a much better price. This is also practice for real trading.

>> No.5887491

>6 months to LN

lol, look at segwit adoption

this shit will take YEARS, and it's still a massive compromise even in a mature LN ecosystem

>> No.5887514

BTC is shit, you are jsut scared of losing your bags.

>> No.5887569


we just started m8, new people are still coming, just stfu and hodl and stop acting new

>> No.5888125

Haha I've been waiting for well over a week and now I'm being evaluated. They are being overwhelmed at the moment and as has been stated they are making sure they have their bases covered. If you got in a couple of months ago it would have been a breeze yes.

>> No.5888291

yes? bitcoin is dead. reminder that basically all bitcoin maximalist hodlers have made 0 dollars since futures trading went live. futures killed bitcoin basically, along with 300k unconfirmed transactions, transaction fees, etc.

once ethereum DEXs go live later this year bitcoin will die. its only purpose is to buy alts, once normies realize they can do that with ETH via 0x, kyber etc. there will be literally no point in holding bitcoin.

>> No.5888330


>> No.5888462

ye you just have to know which aren't shit. a lot of them are shit. like 5-6 are not shit and will appreciate very nicely over the coming months / years barring some sort of government ban.
>In Chinese tradition, 18 pronounced 十八 (shí bā) and is a considered lucky number due to similarity with 實發 (shì fā) 'definitely get rich', 'to get rich for sure'
2018 we will make it.

>> No.5888543

also i forgot about the possible fairX exchange using stellar, and future listings of some ERC20s on coinbase. seriously, bitcoin is pointless, if you want a safe asset just buy ETH. ETH will be 20k EoY, btw

>> No.5889014


That's how it goes. If it makes you feel better that means alot of new money is rushing in.

Hell I finally got through the USD/ETH transfer and my ETH withdraw has been pending for 5 hours now.

Coinbase is shit, but its the biggest shit in town.

>> No.5889440


it took fucking 3 days for me, you're lucky dude.

I REALLY hope you already made an account on binance, because they shut down registrations today. Bittrex shut down registrations weeks ago..

The only other good exchange right now is Kucoin, itll prolly close soon, too.

If you want to get in on Kucoin, use this invite:


For some other shitcoins you could go to cryptopia. Both Kucoin and cryptopia allow you to set up an account in just 5 minute which is great. You can buy XRB on Kucoin now, probably going to moon really hard soon.

I hope this helped you somewhat. Set up your coinbase, use the kucoin invite and, if you like, set up cryptopia. If you have any more questions shoot them at me. You're gonna make it anon, trust-

>> No.5889527


this is solid advice. also GDAX sends crypto with no fees, coinbase does have fees

>> No.5889969

Dude, this is tomorrow's dip.