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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5883562 No.5883562 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5883670

I don't care about fundamentals at all

>> No.5883678

I enjoy helping fud the newfags when the market takes a shit.

>> No.5883716

I'm afraid to cash out.

>> No.5883715

I FUD promising coins for the sole purpose of accumulation.

>> No.5883770


greed overtook me, dear savior

> was all in on tron
> had a bright idea to go all in on small cap ATH instead
> tron 2.5xs
> my coin crashes 20%
> if i held, i could pay my student loans.

>> No.5883773

thank me later

>> No.5883788

I sold 15% of my fun stack at 775 sats


>> No.5883798

You’re a shill gathering social patterns of people who don’t understand

>> No.5883803

ive fudded the shit out of link for weeks, when i actually hold some

i think btc is a shitcoin that should die a slow painful death and i hope that it kills btc maximilists

>> No.5883807

i am having FUN

>> No.5883819

I panic sold LINK yesterday, again.

>> No.5883826

I'm jealous of everyone on /biz/ even though I know 90% of this board is LARPing faggots

>> No.5883838

I bought SALT at $13
Sold at $11 because of FUD
Bought back in at $13 because of shilling

So this is how it feels to buy high sell low

>> No.5883844


hahahah motherfucker

>> No.5883846

I sold my whole portfolio for SALT, and every one of those coins mooned

>> No.5883849

i can't stop touching my penis.

>> No.5883908

I never bought BTC and I'm years in crypto.

>> No.5883921
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decided to hodl ltc

>> No.5883960
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I come here only for the memes.

>> No.5883962

bought coss at 25 cents in October. Held even when it fell to 5 cents. Sold 2 weeks ago for 30 cents and now its mooning with new UI coming out next week.

>> No.5883990

Moment you sell, it will moon to $27. Still not sure if it's worth hodling but I don't wanna fuck up again. Who else here /highbloodpressure/

>> No.5884038

bought 20$ of BTC at 19K and sold at 13K

>> No.5884040



>> No.5884095
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i gambled away 8.4 btc in 2015

Now i only have 0.2 left

>> No.5884102
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I only have $125 worth of cryptos.

>> No.5884147

I don't really know what all this is about I just want to get in on making ridiculous amounts of money doing essentially nothing except hyperfocus on magic internet money

>> No.5884179

I panic sold and traded trying to minimize my losses and ended up losing $500. What do you do when everything is crashing?

>> No.5884270

If things have already dropped past 20% just HODL even if they drop to 40$ you gotta strengthen those arms and practice ur bag carrying

>> No.5884355

This. The gains just make it worse too.

>> No.5884399


>> No.5884402

I keep all of my crypto on coinsmarkets.com and its now been offline for 2 days

>> No.5884411

I sold my LINK at the bottom.

>> No.5884413
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>> No.5884448

This only works with BTC shitcoin.
I’d rather not have to pay 40-50 bucks to cash out 500 bucks here and there

>> No.5884457

sell it

>> No.5884471

I bought the wrong dip

>> No.5884508


>> No.5884569

My housemate called me a retard when i first bought in. Now i remind him everyday what the value of portfolio is, and give him shit quite frequently. The cope is unbelievable right now

>> No.5884578

I'm still a nocoiner.

>> No.5884632

That's funny because I bought at the bottom. Not selling for a very long time

>> No.5884645

i pretend to be poor while making $250k/year

>> No.5884693

I used to shill BTC like a retard newfag back, some months ago. Now I despise it and throw all my shit against it. I even have a folder for each coin I like to fud like "BTC FUD".

>> No.5884706
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I hold half of the deposit in USDT

>> No.5884763

i did the same to by housemates and one actually bought in and has tripled his money, the other two are coping hard

>> No.5884770

>not making 1mil a year
stay poor poor fag

>> No.5884825

I want XLM to replace BTC

>> No.5884826
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i got my buddy into litecoin last month and we made a bunch of money together and then he was trying to get me into ripple but i sortof put it off and then it mooned and now he keeps telling me about his huge gains and im salty as fuck

>> No.5884837

sold 303 XRB at $1

>> No.5884856
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>done about 13k raiblocks with faucet and bounties
>sold months ago under 1000 satoshi

>> No.5884928

i constantly FUD and act like the sky is falling whenever a coin drops 15%

not for any particular reason. it's funny and it gets the (You)s

>> No.5884934

dont do this

>> No.5884984

ripple is crashing so dont be salty

>> No.5884986

that must feel terrible.

>> No.5885037

I thought we were going to beat the bankers.

>> No.5885046

I was tempted to sell my trx when it started dipping an hour ago.

>> No.5885062

good. i fucking told him to sell yesterday and he said no

>> No.5885076

plx sto dooing it in my comfy XLM treads plx

>> No.5885077

Its the /biz/ way

>> No.5885103

This literally wouldn't happen if /biz/ didn't post asses every other thread.

>> No.5885105

I always FOMO in at ATH and lie about my behaviour on 4chan

>> No.5885127
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i do it exclusively in XLM threads

whenever you see this justed little green boi, it me

>> No.5885131

>I HODL Litecoin
>I buy the meme, sell the news

>> No.5885172
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>> No.5885209

thanks, i will

>> No.5885259
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You have given me a good laugh. So, thank you for that one. I needed it.

>> No.5885301
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I sold XLM at a 50% loss in September

>> No.5885327

I never buy coins that don't have a subreddit btw

>> No.5885393

I notice macro trends and spread FUD by connecting the dots. Sometimes I throw in a lie to stress people out.

>> No.5885433
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i keep most of my portfolio in eth because i'm too much of a pussy to go all in on alts

>> No.5885451

I hodl btc and nothing else

I have $100 to drop right now. What should I buy?

>> No.5885473


>> No.5885514

even BTC is better than ETH

>> No.5885532

At the big dip, I bought more Asiacoin.

>> No.5885534


I signed up on yobit specifically for this and my transfer isn't confirmed yet

>> No.5885695

It's not crashing.

>> No.5885702
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I have disdain for plebs who don't know what a satoshi is and envy that they are making more money than I am

>> No.5885896


>> No.5885904


>> No.5886015

This is real

I'm trying to be better than that, but this is really frustrating
chads always win I guess

>> No.5886099

I claimed and sold all the BTG from my hodling normie friends after the fork
they have no idea

>> No.5886183

Read this as I was touching my penis

>> No.5886192
File: 26 KB, 600x815, 37A19446-4085-411F-99B0-1ACB033861D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent 1.5 eth from bitstamp to binance 6h ago, i still didnt receive them. Did i fuck up biz?