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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5877069 No.5877069 [Reply] [Original]

Bancor has been steadily mooning for days and no one is talking about it. This shot will be the normie gateway. No need for a marketplace of buyers or sellers-- no complicated order book. It will be the Costco of crypto. Just buy what you want when you want it. 20x is coming this year, easily. It's already almost at 8 dollars, anon.

>> No.5877524

200k minimum

>> No.5877640

oh baby don't i know it.

I've been a true believer for so long, planning to hold for years... but it's nice to finally see some positive movement. 120% in the last month...

>> No.5877681

Yeah I bought back in a week orso ago

Kind of a no brainer, this is going 8x from here

>> No.5877732

they have bounties too? lmao
this is the new bounty0x?

>> No.5877748
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>> No.5877886

They've had bounties since the beginning and other coins have bounties tokens on their platform

>> No.5877919

>tfw got 100 bnt at $3
feels fucking good

>> No.5878012

>tfw 8k at $2.80 average
Yeah it's not sats, but I think it will make up for it.

>> No.5878088
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Im not gonna fall for this. keep your bags anon.

>> No.5878108

yes, there's our terrifying goddess.
i hate israel
but i love the profits bancor's gonna serve me up

>> No.5878160

This wasn't a buy signal before..it is now

>> No.5878221

Dead in water since ICO. Only reason mc moves up is because it's literally pegged to ETH.

>> No.5878288

eth up 4% and bnt up 20% on shitfolio

>> No.5878454
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Normies will eat this up.

>> No.5878613

Nice to see a Bancor thread again... missed them.

So ok BNTbaggers, what's y'all's exit? When are you cashing out?

As holder of one of the top 500 BNT wallets in existence, I told myself I would hold for years, but I'm only human. When it hits $400 I might just retire from this crypto shit entirely.

>> No.5878634
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whats this mean ? anything to do with it ?

>> No.5878646
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>> No.5878651

Holding until 1000 usd

>> No.5878906

Me too, friend.

>> No.5879604

They will have a token relay on bancor

>> No.5879726

And there will be hundreds of tokens on bancor this year. All buying reserves and locking bnt up in their smart contract.

>> No.5879866
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10k BNT reportin in faggots

better jump in - this is ETHv2 you are gonna miss

this protocol will be industry standard for liquidity in two years


>> No.5880094

th-that's top 50 wallet territory!

...what's your exit, big dog?

>> No.5880128
File: 261 KB, 1088x691, BILU_cozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stay Poor anons

- SEC Approved
- FIAT gateway in Q1-Q2
- Already working product with 12 tokens using BP
- Official Wallet release this month
- Totall revamp of roadmap in February
- 50+ projects confirmed to use Bancor Protocol
- Hundreds of projects will use BP in 2018, thousands in 2019
- Becoming blockchain standard for liquidity
- Official marketing not started yet - aggressive marketiing campaign in few months
- Q1 creation of separated team (10+ people) to research and create best crosschain solutions
- Already 40 employees
- Scaling of team - physical offices in multiple different countreis in 2018 (Tokyo, Shanghai)
- Tim Draper as advisor and investor

>> No.5880233
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holding for two years

this project is in early phase but now its more solid than any other coin in top30
also it hasnt properly mooned yet so take that in mind

>> No.5880254
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I hold no BNT, but this chart speaks for itself. Clear pivot and uptrend backed by strong Fundamentals. You don't even have to draw any funny meme lines on this to see what's happening. Considering picking up a bag on the next dip.

>> No.5880324

Is $7.50 per too late to get in?

>> No.5880454

>Bancor has been steadily mooning for days and no one is talking about it

Look at that fucking name and logo. I can't meme that.

>> No.5880530

oy vey

>> No.5880602
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>> No.5880730
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>> No.5880763

>SEC approved
Huge red flag. Doesn't this mean burger style KYC up the bum?

>> No.5880774
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Also NILU for real Bancbros

>> No.5880844

no. you can use it without signing up with metamask
>tfw someone post your oc

>> No.5880870

there was a BNT/ETH flag weeks ago.

>> No.5880920

I plant to swing trade BNT/ETH until my Eth target of 5k is reached.

>> No.5880940

let me have this anon. if it keeps going im gonna be relentless

>> No.5880941


No, that means they are backed by Jew Banks in US

this project will be normie Coinbase on riods (1000+ coins to buy on platform for fiat in 2019)

>> No.5881023

How could the SEC approve something that so blatantly facilitates money laundering? Just click twice to convert to xmr or whatever and back. Untraceable

>> No.5881177

Lets hope bnt goes to 0.01 ETH. I expect at least returning to ICO levels. $ wise is a totally different story. @Ico levels, and my target, we're at 50 dorrah per bnt.

>> No.5881340

No idea desu. I know that when they speak they have a lawyer in the crowd to make sure they say the right things.

Read these.
https://twitter.com/DavidDrakeVC/status/906474797063966720 (he is LDJ capital founder)

>> No.5881633
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time for some Bancor meme

>> No.5881965
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>> No.5882508
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