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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 134 KB, 602x533, 1504025292286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5874922 No.5874922 [Reply] [Original]

Am I missing something here? This thing looks like an under the radar top 100 coin that is massively undervalued. It looks like they have active devs, the github looks legit, btc talk has over 130 pages on it. It looks like they had a few teething problems that they have no worked past. Thoughts?


>> No.5875168

''we are changing the visual identity. we will drop coin from the name and we got a new logo and a new website and whitepaper. so we want to make a new BTT thread. basically a marketing move. but we will set the link to the new thread on top on this thread so anyone who visit this thread would know that there is a new one.''


Looks like they are going ahead full steam with the rebranding. I suppose it will still be hit and miss but its got an active team and they aren't treating it as a random vapourware/mined coin with no future.

>> No.5875272

Fuck you for posting that picture

>> No.5875292

I could have quite easily gone my whole life not needing to see that picture

>> No.5875320

lol it's not him.

>> No.5875480

what kind of normie can't handle seeing some man's ass

>> No.5875632


made a killing on posw recently, guna throw a bit of profit from that over

looks pretty cool, rebrands are never a bad thing and crtyptopia has been pumping everything recently

>> No.5875703

Why did the skeptic community go from being skeptical about religion to being skeptical about the alt-right? No scepticism for the (((intellectual underpinnings))) of the social justice movement? These niggers have been heebed and fully converged. Fuckem.

>> No.5875820

I guess they're only allowed to be skeptical about things that you don't like? I have no horse in politics, I'm here to make money, but god you sound like a retard.

>> No.5876034

this shit is already post pump

>> No.5876300
File: 33 KB, 1162x691, alt-right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares, the alt-right was a creation by the Hillary presidential team to group together everyone on the right side of the political spectrum.

The goal was to let the media focus on the fringe elements within that group so they could demonize all the people on the right as nazi's and white supremacists.

>> No.5876416
File: 732 KB, 749x1113, LOANS RIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... I've thrown a little bit into it now. I am not 100% sold but it has potential for sure.
Because they see themselves as intellectuals and the alt-left/right as two sides of the same social justice coin. Although they do agree with many of the alt-rights viewpoints they do not agree with the tribalism as they do not see how it will 'win' versus the toxic left at the end of the day. Fuck knows who is right or wrong but I think it is more a tactics issue than an end result one. Plus half of them are cucks (literally in some cases by das juden and girls) or have too much invested livelihood wise now to risk throwing it away by being associated with 'racists' lol.
Fuck it, I cba with it. Sargoy is still alright but a lot of them have become a bit meh or even worse they have been turned into 'skeptic' SJWs. Same shit is happening to the alt-right though. I just binge watched melinneial woes xmas livestreams and there were at least 3 SJW fake alt-right infiltrators in the mix. Subversive soros shit.
I think it is all a load of bollocks anyway and the real problem is the council of 13 and Bilderberger types. In fighting between 'tribes' is exactly what they want.
Not watched this video past a few seconds so no idea if this guy is a moron but it shows the real problem from just reading that article they are showing.
Crypto should destroy it as everybody withdraws their money. Hopefully. We need to stop taking out loans and buying things with debt too.
That list of countries without the banks though... jesus. 4 down 3 to go or something?

>> No.5876459

That's horseshit and people like you make demons out of yourselves by being idiots. You think it was Hillary who attached a swastika on some meme frog? Look in the fucking mirror loser and stop blaming everyone else.

>> No.5876473

it's still under 2 mil market cap. That 'pump' was nothing lol.

>> No.5877118

>people like you

Nice assumption there buddy, I'm merely an observer from across the ocean that has watched the travesty unfold. I never attached a swastika to a meme frog, the people that do this are fringe groups on the right that delegitimize every discussion about various important topics by being edgy retards. That doesn't change the fact though that Hillary took that chance and exploited it to the max during her presidential campaign, and to be quite fair I don't blame her, it makes sense to do. Trump tried to do the same thing by labeling a few hardcore anarchists as the alt-left and in the process labeling a lot of innocent people as violent and with radical ideas.

Identity politics yay

>> No.5877420
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 1513511311384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone politicly right from Bernie Sanders is literally the same Nazi.
Do you think people can't have different opinions just because they aren't full on sjw?

>> No.5877497

hi soygon

>> No.5877702

I made a mistake posting the Sargoy picture. Talk about triggered.

Nobody fancy talking about this coin? I still can't find much wrong with it, or at least the project they are trying to achieve built on their mined shitcoin.