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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5867188 No.5867188 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else nervous? like this shit is all too easy, these moon missions, so much is green, everyone's winning... i feel like when the red hits its going to hit hard.

>> No.5867234
File: 102 KB, 700x453, lil-pump-gucci-gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is fucking insane

>> No.5867257

Nah m8, its all going up forever m8, just chill out and get a beer. Dont worry about it and come back in 2020.

>> No.5867260

Yeah, there's a lot of new people in this now. The red is gonna be scary and intense

>> No.5867262

Yeah i've been getting this feeling for some time now. Yet here we are at ATH for pretty much every coin.

>> No.5867302

>be me
>be sitting on $2.7M in crypto
>I have no fucking idea what I’m doing

>> No.5867310

It’ll just funnel all into btc and we will push 25k and more

Aslong as you end this crazy run with more btc than you started with you’ll be fine, that’s alts only purpose after all

>> No.5867334

>yfw this is unironically good advice

>> No.5867337

We getting money over here

Ride this wave hard man. We may never see another opportunity like this in our lives. Please god just let it continue the rest of this yesr

>> No.5867424

Gratz. Whats the plan with ur gains?

>> No.5867473


How much are you worth IRL? How much have you cashed out already?

>> No.5867493


>> No.5867509

I’m worth $2.7M
I’ve cashed out 100k, twice my original investment.

>> No.5867530

No because I am not a pussy.

>> No.5867572

>tfw your the only one not winning
10% gains only :(
please shill me something good!

>> No.5867575

It’s almost all eth. I’m gonna stake and live off the rewards. Saint Tropez or Monte Carlo, which has fewer niggers?

>> No.5867667

I'm pretty worried as well. The current market is fueled by baseless speculation into vague projects. We're seeing early December like exponential growths in the market which will be followed by a sharp correction.

>> No.5867718


I’ve been debating hoarding eth to stake or looking into buying rental properties. I would rather stake but I feel apartments would be more future proof

>> No.5867770

Yeah. Wealth does not come this easy. There will be consequences. You will see.

>> No.5867774

Cash out some more before shit starts crashing. There's gonna be some corrections soon

>> No.5867778

He told the truth.

>> No.5867785
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the growth feels so unnatural i feel like this is some kind of trap. everyone buys into alts then gets completely dumped on and btc goes to 30k and the altpocaypse begins. just no idea when it could happen.

>> No.5867857

I'm slowly moving into tether, might go 70% tether 30% bitcoin.

>> No.5867870

LTC has been murdering any kind of gains lately and I'm too stubborn to get out.
The only think keeping my portfolio stable right now is ETH.
There have to be losers for winners to exist.

>> No.5867884

What you retards are not realizing is we are little on the edge of a paradigm shift. Blockchain is being adopted at mass scale. 2018 is the year we start to see huge corporations utilizing actual blockchain tech in every day products.

Stop crying "booo hooo I keep making money" and be thankful you're fucking moronic/lucky enough to cruise biz and dump your money into the future. This is funding Amazon before they even sold books. This is funding Apple when they were in a garage. This is funding Google when half of the world didn't even have computer access.

You are being given the opportunity to be early stage investors in some of the world's future largest companies. And you're shaking in your booties? You have to be fucking kidding me. Some of these will legit be $1T+ companies.

>> No.5868045
File: 487 KB, 612x611, 1514170771451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only the beginning of new money hitting the markets. This shit is going to kick into overdrive once 2020 rolls around, when most people realize that there are alternatives to buttcoin.

/biz/ panicking is always funny because, if you're in crypto now, in 2018, there's no reason to worry. If you're in crypto now, you will make it.

>tfw we're all going to make it

>> No.5868066

he has done nothing for crypto though. i'd be thanking south korea

>> No.5868070

>the growth feels so unnatural i feel like this is some kind of trap. everyone buys into alts then gets completely dumped on and btc goes to 30k and the altpocaypse begins. just no idea when it could happen.

growth is fueled by retards investing in the next get rich quick coin and know it alls being ignorant of market fundamentals

After XRP overtook ETH, the market completely changed. Last year it was about speculating about btc adoption as currency. Today it's Dotcom bubble speculation on shitcoin ICOs.

>Blockchain is being adopted at mass scale. 2018 is the year we start to see huge corporations utilizing actual blockchain tech in every day products.

For what? so far there have been 2 legit use causes for blockchain

> criminals sending money online
> speculation on worthless ICOs.

And corporations can create their own blockchain completely outside of btc or eth.

>> No.5868107

>too easy
I'm in the red though

>> No.5868130

that's why i regularly take profit
kinda like paying myself a salary
also i buy gpus for mining - they still bring me money while everything is ok and i can sell them for at least half of their value if everything goes to shit

>> No.5868142
File: 1.76 MB, 335x251, Risitas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so much is green, everyone's winning... i feel like when the red hits its going to hit hard.

Jokes on you OP, I'm already holding SALT.

>> No.5868173

i just sold all my alts and bought ether, couldn't handle the intensity, hope that doesn't turn out bad for me

>> No.5868182

That’s not bad advice, but I will stick to The Plan™, which was and is to hold that ETH until Casper, then stake. I’ll spend my stake rewards on vacations and stupid rich people shit. I still have a professional license and a good paying normie job.

>> No.5868197
File: 47 KB, 582x570, 1513875497810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ath for every coin
>don't wanna be a bagholder
>avoid buying anything
>everything goes up x2 again


>> No.5868200
File: 33 KB, 400x400, pepesmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just made me feel really good anon, i hope you are right

>> No.5868265


Will moon after the ico


>> No.5868359

Fuck off you disgusting shit covered pajeet

>> No.5868410

literally bought tron and it started mooning
tell me what to buy next so you'll get gainz

>> No.5868498

pretty much this

>> No.5868501

Even if it goes red I don't care I got in so low ...I just wanna thank this board for all the great shilling. every coin I invested in because of 4chan is mooning and id never would have found out about them on my own.

>> No.5868565


Fair enough, I'd be cashing out at least $2mil. 700k is still a heavy investment and you would never need to worry about financial stuff again once its in FIAT.

My goal is to cash out at $300k and buy a house. but I guess I have weak hands?

>> No.5868566


>> No.5868600

>everyone's winning
>look at my blockfolio

>> No.5868606

Newfag here

How long do you genuinely think it will continue to grow like that ?

I want my lambo

>> No.5868618

Correction incomming. Probs next week or something. Cash out to tether for the time being.

>> No.5868643

it is manipulation
it is not caused by normie investors they are poor

>> No.5868666

I hope you are right anon, Im still young and poor but 2018 is still pretty early enough to make mad moon gains right?

>> No.5868673


Watch this

>> No.5868680

correction for alts you mean. Btc is gonna rocket to 20k and suck all this money in

>> No.5868710

How often do you recommend pulling your gains into BTC?

I only got into alt-altcoins a few weeks ago. The gains are too fucking large to want to pull my cash back into BTC en masse, but I've been slowly selling off some of the profits.

>> No.5868748

1 year max.
Now is the time to launch moon missions though.

>> No.5868759

Otherwise it would be a sign that Bitcoin is being dethroned.

Anyway, correction is coming 100%, like always after a bull run.
Gonna cash out to tether myself at the end of the week.

>> No.5868773
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As long as faggots stay the fuck away from this place & i stay the fuck away from /pol/

>> No.5868799

shit only one year left ?

I'll never get my lambo then...

>> No.5868838

This is smart advice. 2M is enough to live an easy life for 99% of people. You'll never have to worry about anything and just live comfortably. Hell, even 1M is, if you don't live expensive. Keep the rest in crypto and you'll probably still make more than you'll ever need.

Bull market's gotta end at some point. I'd play it safe, if I were you. You're literally already in lamboland, the fucking dream. Don't throw it, anon.

>> No.5868855
File: 108 KB, 960x604, nintchdbpict000306226097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you are right anon, Im still young and poor but 2018 is still pretty early enough to make mad moon gains right?

trip 666 say it all, anon

Phase 1: Speculate in BTC/ETH are currencies
Phase 2: Speculate in Shitcoins
> In-Progress
Phrase 3: Speculate in good altcoins
> late 2018

Unless we get good ICOs, it'll be hard to make good money in 2018. I think the current market will overheat itself very quickly.

>> No.5868879

shhh let the drumpfy have his delusions

>> No.5868895

No way. Major wave of new money incoming this year. Prices will stabilize for a while, and then probably crash in the 2020's.

Last year/year and a half, to make serious dough though.
Next gen of blockchain will probably also come out this year. I believe the new behemoth is yet to hit the market.

>> No.5869112

Think about it like this.

People who can make their own money... get rich.

Now think of the Federal Reserve.

You shouldn't be nervous, you should be ANGRY. Angry that the last 100 years bankers have been able to create their own money and get rich off it.

Now the shoe is on the other foot.

>> No.5869114
File: 490 KB, 500x386, E7EF1E68-06FB-4F05-B195-187F3388AD1C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful. My “fuck you” number is a bit higher than 2.5 Million, and crypto is less risky than gambling in a casino, and becoming less and less so.

>> No.5869283

Front page of reddit. Do not read that for your own sanity. Go to stable, old coins. Eat popcorn and wait for the normies to get completely JUSTed.

>> No.5869328

>Think about it like this.
>People who can make their own money... get rich.
>Now think of the Federal Reserve.
>You shouldn't be nervous, you should be ANGRY. Angry that the last 100 years bankers have been able to create their own money and get rich off it.
>Now the shoe is on the other foot.

1) Rich "Bankers" are INVESTMENT BANKERS. They do mergers and acquisitions for Fortune 500 companies and get paid handsomely. Or they help wealthily clients manage their wealth by investing into the market; exactly the samething /biz/ is doing with crypto.

2) Federal Reserve prints money and creates inflation. Guess what, if they didn't everyone would HODL their currency and we'd face a liquidity crisis.

Stop watching your conspiracy theory videos and go read investopedia.

>> No.5869374

>Stop watching your conspiracy theory videos and go read investopedia.

No, asshole.

How about you read Murray Rothbard, Von Mises, or FA Hayek?

>> No.5869375

The key is pulling out before you get dumped on.

>> No.5869392


cashed out 80% of my initial investment this morning. still have $18k floating around between btc/xrp/xrb and some other shitcoins. CASH OUT YOUR INITIAL INVESTMENT IF YOU'RE UP IDIOTS, FINAL WARNING

>> No.5869427

t. salty nocoiner

>> No.5869433

I just want to go back before worrying about crypto, I was fine being a poorfag forever but this shit is stressful as hell.

>> No.5869561

it's easy, just stick in blue coins until the shitcoin market drains out.

>> No.5869763

Btw dont think of 2018 as year of altcoins. It isn't.

People are just playing altcoins because btc is down.

Notice how we get news on btc increasing because some rich nerd joined the fray and every altcoin instantly dipped?

>> No.5869796

Yes OP that's called nothing good ever happening in our lives so when something seems to be going well God will put the carpet from underneath us and smash our head on the hard floor

>> No.5869818

The door is right over there. You don’t want to walk through it because you’d be worried that everything will moon thrice as hard.

Sucks dunnit