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58683183 No.58683183 [Reply] [Original]

Cyber attacks have taken out the biggest dealership in my city. After some other big hacks here, companies are hiring anyone with a cybersecurity certificate.

Does anyone here work in cybersecurity? Is it easy to find work compared to other industries?

>> No.58683185
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Car dealerships are scams and anyone who patronizes one deserves to be scammed
There is also no reason why they can't keep records on a computer still but not connect that computer to the internet

>> No.58683194

What benefit does the US have to shut down dealerships without coming outright and telling citizens they need to slow down purchases of vehicles?


>The production of U.S. cars in 1940 hit nearly 4.7 million, but on Jan. 1, 1942, the government froze the sale of consumer vehicles. Instead of working on luxury designs and automotive innovations, automakers were building tanks, trucks, airplanes, Jeeps, torpedoes, and even helmets. Factories stripped down to make way for new equipment, and many car parts were melted were down at steel mills for use in war efforts.

>> No.58683201

The White patriotic population of WW2 was willing and able to curtail their consumption and way of life to support the country. Today? Fat fucking chance getting a country full of thirdie niggers to coalesce for a war effort.

>> No.58683218

And they did it all to save the Jews. How patriotic of them for sacrificing so many and so much for a few

>> No.58683252

I knew 2 kids in college that had an insane amount of information security knowledge. They both literally did the learn2code meme when they were like 12 years old and one has his own company. He's jewish by the way

>> No.58683259

We reap what they sowed.

>> No.58683343

It’s a meme anon. Corpos are pushing it very hard right now and the job market is just as saturated as SWE, i.e. 300 mid level infosec guys applying for what should probably be an entry-ish level role. Plus, the perceived barrier to entry is lower, so the field is flooded with career changers just like you hoping to break into the field. Whoever is saying companies are “hiring anyone with a cyber cert” is lying.

>> No.58683472

Many other industries have it worse right now though. I’m sure it’s hard to be a cyber security professional applying for jobs but it’s just not as difficult as most other jobs

>> No.58683485

careful anon, there's a frog underneath you

>> No.58683490

Good, fuck stealerships. Pointless middleman that prevents consumers from buying directly from the company.

>> No.58684043

Car dealerships will soon only be accepting gold & silver.

>> No.58684055
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Ethereum fixes this by the way

>> No.58684066
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i always wonder if these types of cyber attack dudes just go home to their wives and kids, or even if they have normal jobs like teachers or accountants, maybe they're even browsing /biz with you and me, talking about the next smartcon or the latest agrs ubuntu-powered tau lanaguage updates, they might even be the op of this thread for all we know

>> No.58684074

I don't really understand, why keep your ledgers and data on a computer most likely connected to some cloud thing/servers? What's the point?

>> No.58684076

most hackers spend their online time in underground forums not many people know about. some are 100% lurking 4chan and 8ch and other imageboards though, for sure. a lot of them are closeted pedophiles so they probably lurk /a/ and shit to post jailbait loli shit.

>> No.58684083

Fr, if companies could legally do whatever, they would enslave you and your family without a second thought or doubt on their minds

>> No.58684088

It's not about muh black people, hispanics and minorities, you fucking troglodyte. People die in wars for the benefit of a handful of men in suits that would NEVER, EVER touch a weapon. You are dying for empty, money-fueled causes where neither you nor your family will see a penny from. Can't blame zoomers for being more awake than past generations, in fact it's kind of fucking pathetic that grown men like yourself still glamorize war and conflict as some sort of manly and righteous act. Fairly cringe worthy, grow the fuck up. You are a teenager at heart

>> No.58684090

What the fuck are you even talking about? Shut up goofy ass nigga, get back to the rice camps before i take another one of your fingers. Your 2 minutes of internet per month will be revoked for the rest of the year, hope you reflect on what you've done

>> No.58684094

So the market is too saturated for artists, programmers, cybersec, anything involving computers really. What's left besides working at a factory and stacking shelves? Farm hand?

>> No.58684098
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i've swatted two streamers so far and i ddos games like tf2 and cs2 for funsies and i do it all while jacking off bored in my room. so yeah, kinda. it's really not that hard and it's free entertainment.

>> No.58684106

that's why I hate the damn Jews.

>> No.58684112

>main crypto networks
>everything else
Not 0

>> No.58684114

You're fucking scum, you could do that kind of shit to government douche-bags or local pedophiles and instead you go for people enjoying games and streamers who didn't do shit
You're a coward asshole and a lowlife, hope you suffocate with your own semen

>> No.58684119
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>> No.58684122
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frenfrog said the harsh truth

>> No.58684125

I don't think someone who works in cybersecurity is lurking around the forums here, he must be more busy hacking stuff and shit kek

>> No.58684128
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funny how they hate war and shit and are currently and have been for a long time committing war crimes against palestine lmao
and their only defense is "NOOOOOO we do it cuz they launched ONE """big"""" attack on us after harassing them and killing them for decades noooo, you're being a nazi for saying we're wrongggggg wwaaaaaa hurr durr"

>> No.58684130

what a horrible way to die, I would never have thought of that,good one tho

>> No.58684132

This is why fucking morons love weapons and movies about wars and countries where there has been recent wars or are going through one hate them. Modern people don't know the horrors of war and find it exciting, they see it as fiction rather than reality, only when a grenade blows up their grandma in a thousand pieces they will realize

>> No.58684148
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>commits multiple warcrime
>kills thousands
>nobody says shit
>gets bombarded ONCE
>make a big piss about it and ask USA and other bootlickers for support
>proceeds to kill in a matter of months more kids and innocent civilians than the nazi's did on a daily basis on the same time frame
>doesn't think of themselves as the villains
>people actually believe that shit
>truly a jew moment

>> No.58684153


>> No.58684154
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I would be very happy living on my own farm away from the noise of the city, feeding my sheep and cows, just living producing my own food without depending on anyone, a life without luxuries but a quality life, I would not even need a woman next door (although you can dream big).
>>I write while smoking a bitter cigarette filled with my bedroom garbage.

>> No.58684158

Imagine how the cops will have to explain it to the family after the autopsy lmao

>> No.58684281

You completely avoided the actual point of the post to complain about "suits". Fuck off commienigger.

>> No.58685364
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me too anon

>> No.58685976

>pen and paper
we’ve returned to our roots

>> No.58686041
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>Is it easy
nah. it's basically self-taught. there are no "hacking" schools lol. it's not so much computering knowledge, it's how you can access secret information in the niftiest of ways. like how gary mckinnon hacked NASA's database cetner. that was pretty brilliant. you can run Brute Force all day long and still get nowhere when passwords are automatically changed constantly nowadays

>> No.58686203

Fucking based. We warned them and they didn't taje shit seriously. Hope the lesson was expensive.

>> No.58686206

Whites killed themselves over niggers and jews. Only have themselves to blame

>> No.58686535
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Funny how this is just one of a gazillion reasons just as bad to hate them lmao

>> No.58686705

Fucking cringe, as a devops id bet you just need half a brain to see what the issue was not a certified security engineer.

>> No.58686848

how did Gary hack them? What was the secret?

>> No.58687143

>It's not about niggers, spics and so on
It absolutely is you fucking moron. They have absolutely no reason to sacrifice for the nation, they're here purely for economic gain.
Furthermore, I'm not going to sacrifice my life for a nigger infested shithole.
>The rest
Utterly irrelevant, since those suits are hard pressed to find people willing to die for them.

>> No.58687208

During the war you would get fucked by the courts if you got caught going against the rationing laws

>> No.58687530

Don't store critical data on a public network. It's not cybersecurity, it's simple locks and keys,

>> No.58687559
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>Does anyone here work in cybersecurity?
I've worked in IT for 12+ yrs. Often the sole IT administrator for a company. When you have to do everything you are also "cyber security" This mostly revolves around what software solutions that run in the environment or a vendor you pay to do the security. My last job we were paying a vendor 4k to do our security which revolved around them telling me to update my windows and being generally annoying. They stopped paying for that and I became the cyber security for this publicly traded biotech company. Cyber security jobs are very specific and only large organizations can afford them. That or you are a cyber security company and you are selling it as a service. I was bored and a year or so ago I got Sec + certification. It has done nothing for me. I did get an interview for a security analyst at a large company but they didn't hire me. Market is fucked right now. The need is increased but you only need so many security analysts. They dont actually setup servers or do anything other than tell you how your shit sucks and monitor things. Companies still need IT people first that do the actual setup and administration. Then they try to make them also do everything else including security.