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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58673839 No.58673839 [Reply] [Original]

Bull run? More like bullcrap! I thought we were gonna moon, but instead, we're drowning in a sea of red. Is it over, biz? Should I still DCA or cut my losses and run?

>> No.58673866

The Jews said we shouldn't buy, I intend gonna buy because nothing is pumping

>> No.58673883

If you're buying, dyor biz mate.

>> No.58673906

pack it up boissss. it's over

>> No.58673917

DCA. buy ETH

>> No.58673930
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nah. BTC gongo $100k eoy according to woolly woo

>> No.58673950

we at 60k.kekekke

CAPO called it.

>> No.58673965

Just did on EOS RAM. Man is set for a huge pump

>> No.58673968

I keep DCAing but it just keeps dumping and dumping with no bottom. It's fucking over.

>> No.58673995

I guess this dip can hold till EOM. Just waiting for my pay check. I need to load up some METIS and BAKE.Maybe some RWA like MPL too.

>> No.58673997
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There are no more bullruns. March was a dead cat bounce fueled by ETFs. The macros are no longer there. The interest rates stay high and the recent wars refuse to stop and will likely escalate to WW3, which is why media and politicians now keep talking about drafts. The 2020/2021 cycle was your last chance at making it. If you didn't make it then, you're never going to.

>> No.58674002

with BTC going down? what's causing a pump?

>> No.58674003

I would advise you learn some of the basics about crypto before you go putting your money into it. Just slow down and spend a bit more time researching this stuff before investing in something you don't fully understand. Look into how to download/set up a wallet for a new coin (each network can have its own wallet software). Learn th difference between layer one coins and tokens. And learn the difference between a centralized exchange and a dex. The more you understand about crypto the more you will be able to understand about why BTC won't do 100k anytime soon.

>> No.58674006

Go fuck yourself. I’m not bagholding this shit anymore for no reason. Either give me a proper reason to hold or I will unironically jump in frog coins.

>> No.58674008

METIS is dead and too niche to do anything of note. MPL might he decent plays because its a RWA

>> No.58674011
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>> No.58674015
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Weak hands detected! You're just mad you sold your bags too early, noob. Don't be a doomfag, anon. The market's always volatile, but the bulls will be back. Don't get left holding the bag, keep your eyes on the charts and your hands on your gems. WW3? Lmao, that's just FUD, fag. The world's not ending, the market's just adjusting. Keep your composure and your gains will come

>> No.58674023

bet you metis will hit ATH again. we all gon' be here. I'm buying EOS based on it's shrinking supply. latest shining tokenomics.

>> No.58674025

Newfagas are so dramatic. Bitcoin used to trade like your sol shitter.

>> No.58674034
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Recent performance has been great, having yielded 60x, and looks well positioned for more as several of its facets work in synergy to improve demand, most notable being a recent allocation of 350million EOS for market advancement

>> No.58674038

Capo shorted 17k and we went to 74k

>> No.58674040

saw the shinny thing. I can bank on it when the market recovers.

>> No.58674067

capo is buying alts. that's the whole reason for the dip. tell th mf i got family to feed.

>> No.58674111

it's still going down. wait to see what happens.

>> No.58674126


Capo has almost always been wrong. He's wrong 10 times then right 1 time and people say "BUT MUH HECKIN CAPO CALLED IT" you fags that follow him are unironically sheep.

>> No.58674127

This. its seriously the most bearish macro in what like 20 years? We're at a stock market top, currency crisis, no one is working, people can't afford food or rent and living off debt, the national debt is literally unpayable.

>> No.58674138

Haha, cope hard, noob! You're just mad you got rugged. Frog coins, lmao, you're gonna get rekt even harder! Or are you just trolling and trying to pump your own bags? Either way, I'm not buying it, fag. go ask vitalink for a reason.

>> No.58674174 [DELETED] 

>I can bank on it when the market recovers.
But in EOS, RAM is going to the moon

>> No.58674201 [DELETED] 

Based anon speaks the truth! We're in a perfect storm of economic doom! The whole system's a house of cards, and it's gonna come crashing down! The sheeple are too distracted by their bread and circuses to see the writing on the wall. But we know, anon. We know the gig's up. Time to prep our bunkers and our bags, it's gonna be a wild ride

>> No.58674237

RAM is going to the moon. Utility, rwa, promising future.

>> No.58674240

It's over

>> No.58674241

Capo's got a crystal ball that's always cloudy, but his sheep followers only remember the one time it was clear. 10 times wrong, 1 time right, and they're still convinced he's the messiah. Unironic sheep, indeed

>> No.58674245

Funny how you'll be called a kekfuddie or whatever for stating the absolute facts. Goodluck

>> No.58674249

>I'm buying EOS based on it's shrinking supply
This is the last dump, So I suggest you start loading up those bags. No need to thank me

>> No.58674253
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tell me what I don't know

>> No.58674259
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Do you guys own anything, like are you all nocoiners or what? I've been holding RAM for almost 2 months and all i've seen is green green green and more green. Like, i get it, alts are dying and the general feeling is bearish but come on, look at the charts.

>> No.58674267

maybe not. I don't believe these mf TA guys. it's all speculation.

>> No.58674277

Is it back? tell me something chud

>> No.58674304

congrats on your gains, anon! RAM's been on a tear, no denying it. But don't get too comfy, the market's a cruel mistress

>> No.58674311

Unfathomably based.

>> No.58674332
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SOL is the most shitty blockchain that always cracks up. There's no bug or anything but the chain just basically can't scale beyond a specific point. No serious person will build on that shit.

>> No.58674348

RAM is a very limited asset on the EOS network and there's chuds gonna be demand for it when market improves.

>> No.58674356

TA is just a bunch of voodoo magic. These 'experts' are just guessing and trying to sound smart. I mean, who needs charts and patterns when you've got gut instincts and a healthy dose of skepticism

>> No.58674357
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Sure but won't rule out a possible 50-100x from this point

>> No.58674362
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Biz retardation at its finest

>> No.58674396

SOL is a total shitcoin. It's a scalability nightmare. I mean, what's the point of a blockchain that can't even handle a few hundred tx/s? It's like they didn't even bother testing it. And don't even get me started on the 'mysterious' outages

>> No.58674395


>> No.58674414

>TA is just a bunch of voodoo magic
it's astrology for Finance majors. if I agree with whatever it's implying, I agree with it. if not, I think the OP is a faggot

>> No.58674417
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that's just why I don't want to sell. we are close to the bottom.

>> No.58674443

It's like a rare cryptocurrency unicorn, only a few recognize its true value. When the market wakes up and realizes how essential RAM is, it's gonna moon like a rocket ship

>> No.58674491

DYOR! Its apparent more RAM is being bought, increasing price, & resulting in more EOS getting locked up.

>> No.58674564

Based. 500x is very possible.

>> No.58674742
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Nothing has changed, stop obsessing over noise.

1) Price carries information, the core of money is economic signaling.

2) All trust based monies will be corrupted, minor corruptions grant great wealth to the corruptor encouraging further corruption, and will stay corrupted as those in control of money can now rig the tally board.

3) Corruption of money is negative sum. When you corrupt money you don't just "get wealth", you fuck up the signaling creating a far less productive & prosperous whole.

4) Wealth is Power. Money is a claim on resources, wealth grants control over resources. They are not "powerful & wealthy" they have the "power of wealth"

5) If you aren't holding BTC you are short BTC.

6) Corruptors of money will not see the value of fixing money as they benefit from it's corruption.

7) BTC is trustless money. As Szabo notes, trusted third parties are a security hole, using someone "real trustworthy" to guard money isn't a fix, the problem is the TTP, if you remove trust from money it can't be corrupted. Trustless money provides an incorruptible signal and is therefore entropically favored, BTC rises because trustless money has a positive externality. Belief does not enter the equation.

>> No.58674776

you're using the wrong image

>> No.58674842

I don’t know why people thought this was going to go up.

>> No.58674865

>Capo shorted 17k and we went to 74k
he said he wasn't short
also it crashed to like 8k and he bought the bottom

>> No.58674894
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20x on EOS & 50x on RAM = 1000x

Do the math d**khead

>> No.58674952

Tokenomics revamped, EOS looks set to make waves within the crypto space

>> No.58675011

Cramer said he is bullish. Nit a Jew but him being bullish is even more of a sell signal then Jews saying not to buy being a buy signal

>> No.58675023

Trust me when I say
libertum token will be one of the biggest #RWA projects very soon

A time will come when you'll look back and wish you had scooped some LBM at this price

The market is offering a great entry opportunity for this gem, DYOR and do the necessary

>> No.58675036

Most shit coins go parabolic up then down and stay there forever, keep that in mind.

>> No.58675048
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Keep wailing over BTC plummeting while smartfags are busy getting bags filled with EOS RAM.

>> No.58675082
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Mfs don't know shitcoins

>> No.58675133

never heard of it and sounds gay, enjoy being an obscure homosexual

>> No.58675393

>A new and revamped staking model which will further lock up EOS supply
Smart chads ain't gonna sleep on this.

>> No.58675425

It’ll recover
another bull run? Nah

>> No.58675461
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Gat no HIGH gas fee to waste on ETH when its cheaper on EOS.

>> No.58675492
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>> No.58675532

The RAM train isn't waiting for anyone, keep snoozing

>> No.58675561
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Need to consider riding on RAM wave like some wise chads

>> No.58675615

THE DOORS ARE OPEN - come play games as a member of The Coq Clan!

What this server is - frens playing games! The more web2 the web3 game is the better - that's the goal.

What this server is NOT - a web3 gaming investment alpha hunting group. We are NOT your guinea pigs for your still-deep-in-development dAPP. We are NOT a place to shill for liquidity. We are NOT interested in your whitelist opportunities. We are here to play fun and addicting games, man.

>> No.58675695

I'm picking Decimated's DIO. It's making waves in the NFT community with its upcoming minting on MagicEden. The in-game assets and collectibles in their post-apocalyptic world are really unique.

>> No.58675780

Oh yeah, tokenomics revamped.
>80% supply burn
>Heavy utility built around RAM
EOS is flying high

>> No.58675979
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MFs are gonna die poor thinking EOS RAM is shitcoins.

>> No.58676037

buy an ad faggot

>> No.58676467
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>> No.58676483

Nothing is pumping? Have you seen EOS RAM?

>> No.58676496
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paamp eet

>> No.58676584

that's a suckers bet, atm, smart money is flowing into;

>> No.58676620
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Crypto is a jewish ponzi scheme thats pumped and dumped via digitally printed currency, then they rugpull cold wallets.

>> No.58676641

BTC dead

>> No.58676689

CNBC told me it was going to be $1 million next year...

>> No.58676820
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ENF is buying until July 31st afaik
>but what happens after?

>> No.58676836


>> No.58676847

Another pajeet shitcoin shill. RWAs worth paying attention to;

>> No.58676869

Bag the 50-100x first and stop being a brat, exept you've a crystal ball, go with the flow and rake in your yuuge profits

>> No.58676959

Adapt or die, if you remain a midwit you are going to get rekt this cycle.
gigabrain chad

>> No.58677007

You're prolly late to the party, but the shitty market is giving you a shot at getting in around 50c. Spend more time trying to convice /biz about the new tokenomics and you miss out on the cheapest entry

>> No.58677466

Bag this now or dies poor.

>> No.58677476

When will the new EOS staking options be available?

>> No.58677483
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>> No.58677485

I can't wait for the 4 yearly halving to kick in.

>> No.58677489

A literal retard crawling all over biz

>> No.58677506

just buy something like SOL, SUPER or LINK and fuck off with your unstable shitcoin