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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58668500 No.58668500 [Reply] [Original]

I believe apu potential is insane, like off the charts r/r play. billions unironically possible, wouldnt surprise me if this little frog trades at 70% of pepes marketcap

>> No.58668508
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>even after getting rugged multiple times
just buy something like SOL, SUPER or LINK and fuck off with your unstable shitcoin

>> No.58668510

it's time to let go while it still has above 100M mcap

>> No.58668513
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>> No.58668518

that's apu the frog. not apu the coin

>> No.58668530
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>> No.58668532

wagmi frens

>> No.58668536
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Just buy a chain that crashes weekly, a gaymen coin, or a token not needed that has crabbed for literally years while Sergey dumps his bags on holders instead.

Kek. ETH is the only crypto in the world with any utility, all other utility tokens are more of a meme than actual memecoins.

>> No.58668601
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>just buy something like SOL, SUPER or LINK


Also you're an anime tranny so double no.

>> No.58668708
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>.0004 is now the ceiling where it was .0006 just a few weeks ago
>Broke down through its floor support
>Not even at the pajeetius dump yet that happens around Sept 1, or the huge dump the week before where whales will front-run it

It's going to 0. Whales will be dumping hard again pretty soon. You still have a dead-cat bounce to sell in so you won't be at a total loss.

>> No.58668773
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Your concern for my financial wellbeing is very heartwarming, anon. However, I'm just not selling lol. Sorry (not sorry).

>> No.58668807
File: 642 KB, 400x341, APU_WRATH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets make a general and 5 threads on top of that
stop trying to get the jannies attention. this isnt helping.

>> No.58668818
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>> No.58669060
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They're two different frogs, and normies like Apu more.

>> No.58669063

Apu is a universal - liked by anyone. Because even normalfaggots too can identify a part of themselves with it.

>> No.58669093

This is why Pepe shills are in overdrive and sperging out in every thread trying to land the finishing blow to APU. They know what its real dormant potential is with normies. If there's any coin that stands the chance of flipping PEPE it's APU.

>> No.58669114
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>> No.58669124
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um, bro?

>> No.58669141



>> No.58669154

Its a big game of chicken lmao

>> No.58669176


Always has been. Sounds like the top 5 holder be done dumping and hopefully people feel comfortable aping in. Sounds like it was whale drama, he started dumping because a different Apu whale dumped another coin that they were both heavily invested in kek. As usual us shrimps and fish are just along for the ride holding on for dear life.

>> No.58669431
File: 562 KB, 683x642, 1464979608403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one will want to touch this dogshit after they saw what the whales did over the last week. Apufuck is going to fucking zero and a year from now people will barely remember it at all. Screenshot this.

>> No.58669464
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>Screenshot this.

Done, and thanks for your hot take. We'll see in a year which one of us was right.

>> No.58669491

It might even die completely before EOY. Late August/early September is going to be a bloodbath for you all.

>> No.58669521


Palladius is dead didn't you hear kek

>> No.58669524

this. what a retard, get in line

>> No.58669531
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wait i thought you were jokingly recommending other scams, you can't unironically be a linkie

>> No.58669535

You wish. Someone on here said some account of his was active recently.

>> No.58669813
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lol here comes another whale dump. Dumping for a month straight, barely any upward action after that and they're already gearing up to dump again. You're never going to survive with whales like this.

>> No.58669866
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They're two different frogs, and normies like Apu more.

>> No.58669926
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Why don't you open some short positions on Bybit and post the screenshot here if you're so sure, fren.

>> No.58669939
File: 1.15 MB, 1825x1800, Brewstersdozens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole Apu family will send soon!

>> No.58669951

I don't have a Bybit account.

Them being 2 different frogs won't stop it from rugging even further.

>> No.58669967

>Them being 2 different frogs won't stop it from rugging even further.
You say this, and yet you're nervous about normies learning that they're two different frogs. Why is that?

>> No.58669968
File: 450 KB, 1080x1475, Apu bybit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, please help me understand this.
They got apu listed on bybit, but only as perpetual contract and not spot trading.
What is the rational behind this? Is it so the whales can short on bybit and then drop the price by dumping huge amounts of apu?
Sorry for the dumb questions, i'm new to this and only begin to understand.

>> No.58669979

bro I don't hold Pepe either if that's what you're getting at. I don't really care if the frogs are different or not. All I'm saying is this

>Whales are greedy fucks with no patience who have dumped on you non-stop
>Couldn't hold its pricefloor anymore, broke down through its support, struggles to even maintain a ceiling of .0004
>Whales will continue to dump on you
>Any normie who has looked at the chart doesn't want to buy in, after each dump there's just a tiny bit of pitiful crab before the next dump
>pajeetius (him being dead is likely fake) will also dump again in Sept, whales will dump again hard the week before
>Even if he's somehow dead most people will not know that and dump anyway

It's probably so that whales can just short it into the ground. This whole thing is just a slow rug.

>> No.58670011

kek fuds exposed as frauds

>> No.58670062

>bro I don't hold Pepe either if that's what you're getting at
Kek. Yes, this level of obsessive seethe is from a random passerby with no involvement. Someone who is closely following every step and recounts how he sees the entire timeline in the same post that he claims to not really care.

You fucks are actual retards. You have the situational awareness of a pajeet.

>> No.58670074
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lol butthurt. Stay a mad faggot.

>y-y-you hold pepe because i say so, that is why i'm getting rugpulled, if only normies would notice muh super speshul froggie difference then whales would stop rugpulling me

>> No.58670094


bybit first list perpetuals to test and then a month later or so they list spot (this is what happened with mog)

>> No.58670097

>he's still larping
Anon you're anonymous. It's okay to admit that you hold PEPE.

APU has you so spooked you even lie when you're anonymous, lol.

>> No.58670098


short it on bybit with size if you are so sure it's going to zero fucking faggot, I'll liquidate your ass if you try and do it

>> No.58670187

Apu whales will send it to 0 for him. If you really trust people you met on biz then you are fucking insane

>> No.58670190


then shorting is free money isnt it? short it please, if your thesis is right is literally free money

>> No.58670192
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I trust the strength of the meme. Simple as.

>> No.58670249

>a month later
But in the meantime the token will be destroyed by whales will it not?
I have a feeling the whales arranged a listing only for that purpose.

>> No.58670269


leverage perpetual trading works both ways, there is more potential longing it to the moon than shorting it to zero tho

in low price, low volume price channels (like right now, we are on $640k daily volume on uniswap, lol) one could easily buy a bunch of long contracts on leverage, then buy spot and basically print free money, as your coins go up > your longs go up > you can use money profited from longs to buy more spot > as you are on leverage you can also buy more longs > that spot buys make the price go up higher > you profit more from longs > and the cycle continues.

who know what will happen. I just like the frog.

>> No.58670281

But where does all the money come from?

>> No.58670354

From the whales dumping the coin. Happened we ith mog and brett

>> No.58670356

Makes mo sense. Bybit require a doxxed team before listing a token (they're tier 1). I don't think a doxxed team of whales would use bybit to scam people.

Read what you're saying out loud retard.

>> No.58670375

>Sorry for the dumb questions, i'm new to this and only begin to understand.

Can explain to me how it works like if I were a nigger?

>> No.58670410
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Can anyone explain how shorting/longing works with apu and bybit?

>> No.58670449
File: 543 KB, 1080x2197, Apu ChatGPT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I asked chatgpt.

>> No.58670490

Tier 1 listings dont just require money. They require a doxxed team/entity.
Bybit is the first tier 1 listing for apu. The other listings its on are tier 2/3 and just require capital. Those exchanges can easily list scams/rugs/farms because the only requirement is capital.

Apu being listed on bybit is the news that gives it most legitimacy - more than acquisition of a domain or nyc billboards. It proves they have an LLC and a team of actual people. If hypothetically APU was a scam, bybit would just go after the individuals and sue them.

>> No.58670506

Its hard to say what will happen. Whales have caused us to dump yes. But 1 month is a very long time. And right now there is a huge opportunity - APU has alot of shorts open on bybit. It's also at some form of baseline support. A group of whales can come in, open longs and pump the shit out of it and liquidate those shorrs. With the long positions and influx of capital, it would surge past ATH.

This is exactly what happened to BONK and SHIB. Situations like this are what can cause a coin to 10x overnight

>> No.58670555

do i have to be asleep before a coin 10x overnight or is that just an expression?

>> No.58670570
File: 28 KB, 450x370, 5ac8779c-347a-4735-a844-c79ebc4a1f4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I see it more clearly now. Thanks!

>> No.58670586

You have to be asleep AND you have to sell. Only way we go up fren

>> No.58670594

that's true. coins do seem to go up after i sell
not telling you guys exactly when but i might sell soon ;)

>> No.58671398

Checked and yes. Watched toasters never pop. But the anon is correct anyway, this is exactly how midgame pumps work. The perps consolidate around a price target until a whale comes along looking to liquidate folks for profit, the whale makes money on the initial trade without really giving a shit what happens after, and our bags pump through the stratosphere. The ratio of supply locked up by diamond handed retards vs. the supply circulating amongst speculators is the only factor that determines the magnitude of incoming green dildos. (Like SETF, the more held by anons, the greater the individual pumps.)

>> No.58671629

not selling btw

>> No.58671690

not buying btw

>> No.58672061
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this would be funny if it wasn’t so sad

>> No.58672389
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>> No.58672398
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the poos are awfully quiet today
are you guys still alive?
say i’m sorry ubel

>> No.58672419

Okay, can we please 10x RIGHT FUCKING NOW? I'm losing patience with this coin.

>> No.58673195
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>volume up 45% in a day
Jush hapf a mouff fuw uh 'opcorn.

>> No.58673222

I'm still holding but literally every time I check the price is down even more. Price is dropping but the volume is increasing. What gives?

>> No.58673294
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silly poos
dumping IS volume

>> No.58673313

Whale games, but they can only slow APU down for so long.
>the poos are awfully quiet today
We're mainly on twitter right now because the APU advertising in NYC is starting to go viral in normie spheres. Sorry Ubel-chan, but /biz/ isn't that important.

>> No.58673315

Kek, I've already bailed and secured my funds, just waiting for the PEAQ token listing. No more time for memes, fag.

>> No.58673331

God I want to sleep. bratty Ubelposter chan don't make me goon all night UOOOHHH

>> No.58673332

That's why I prefer DePIN, it offers real-world blockchain use. Gonna stack more Krest, Dimo, and Natix soon.

>> No.58673373

I'd rather buy and stake Dua for its growth potential than mess with those higher mcap tokens.

>> No.58673396

So I'm right dumping it for Ondo, Brillion token.

>> No.58673422

>I don't think a doxxed team of whales would use bybit to scam people.

You're a naive nigger, it's not a "scam" if you're playing by the rules like technically pajeetius did (selling in a open market)
whales can sell and short at the same time.. there are no rules forbiding someone to sell

The gigadump is inminent and no one is gonna suffer any "consequences"

>> No.58673428


>> No.58673580

welp i’m going to kms
enjoy life anons
i wasn’t supposed to make it i guess

>> No.58673595

The solution was to redeploy a new token, compensate the holders with a new ratio and list it on exchanges. Free yourselves from the big whales and the whole pajeetius baggage definitely.
But of course. It's always /biz/ the retarded one. Billions programmed, fellow bagholders.

>> No.58673683

Amy coin that rugs on a tier 1 will immediately become under investigation

Palladius rugged when we were on DEXs

>> No.58675035

redeploying a token = death of the token

>> No.58675038
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When you see a coin being fudded this hard, it goes to show you that the coin is at the top of mind of people. Why is a coin that's been repeatedly said to go down to zero keep being talked about? It's simple, the faggots who keep spreading FUD like I used to want a good entry.

>> No.58675065

If it's coming from someone with zero success and multiple rugs, why should I listen?

Exactly. SOL is way better. dua, fet, and props are also solid picks. Why do people want to risk it all on memes? Is this how eager many retards are to lose money?

>> No.58675146

This is not often the case; in fact, it's rare. I won't buy your shitcoin.

Most of these projects, when looked into, have big loopholes, and when folks like you seem to defend them, it's probably because you're looking for a way to exit without a loss.

>> No.58675366

Yep. They come to /biz/ to click into a thread on purpose, read some of it, then FUD. It's a high-effort activity. They wouldn't do it without reason.

>> No.58676376

>even after getting rugged multiple times
Holy shit.
Do you not realize how bad this sounds to outsiders?
No one who understands the phrase "rugpull" will want to touch it.
Bragging about being rugged is so retarded.
Not to mention you have no idea what rugpulls actually are.

>> No.58676777

Wrong. Floki Inu did it successfully.

>> No.58677180

A) we were technically rugpulled once, by palladius
B) pepe and shiba were both rugpulled

>> No.58677225

youre a braindead nigger you know nothing.
No one wants to be rug pulled. Worst catch phrase I've heard from any token ever.
>We keep getting rug pulled
>please buy
this is you. you say these things

>> No.58677236
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This is a fact.
If you say "technically" what you mean is "not at all but I want it to be so."
Fact is, this is a token with fuckloads of traction in a market where nothing has reason to exist in the first place and no token can have merit beyond sentiment. Nobody should be rationalizing anything, just enjoying the comfy times.