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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58669983 No.58669983 [Reply] [Original]

Any fellow node-monitoring price alerter on duty here? I've earned $3,000 in rewards already, it ain't much but it's honest work. All I have to do is just monitor on-chain prices for discrepancies or downtime and raise an alert if a problem occurs, actively contributing to the well-being of the network and security of defi ecosystems as a whole.

>> No.58670060

We all sold dude.

>> No.58670069

wtf are you even doing here
you're old
go spend time with your family dude

>> No.58670091

i had to sell off my staking rewards unfortunately fucking build drops can't come soon enough

>> No.58670099

Chainlink is to incels what scratch off tickets are to low iq niggers.
Just the little sliver of hope Is all people really want and need.
Linkies could go their entire lives without making it but will continue to hold as long as they have hope that in two more weeks they could potentially hit the jackpot in the lottery.

>> No.58670109

what happened bruh?

>> No.58670217

Hey.. you may be on to something there. I wonder if that changes the tax status of community pool staking? After all, as you say, we are 'working', are we not? Could I not say i was running a business, in that case? The business of, i dunno, network security?
This has given me an idea.
Anyone care to add to this? Could we argue a tax stats that would be to our benefit from this?
Ignore fud comments, please.

>> No.58670285

You lucked out because the price is about to drop back to single digits

>> No.58670376

I tried but i cant find the alert conditions anywhere. Is it buried in each separate DON's smart contract or something?

>> No.58670380

i always alert on wrapped tokens. you just know something fishy is going on

>> No.58670381

Hardest job I’ve ever done. 24/7 alertness, can’t let up for a second. But I understand how critical it is to monitor the network, so I never stop.

>> No.58670395

>2 more weeks
So no more

>> No.58670694
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>> No.58670751

How do you monitor for discrepancies and is any if what you do automated?

Over what period did you get that 100 link?

>> No.58671039
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>> No.58671088

>I've earned $3,000 in rewards already,
could have made 10x that if you simply trade, kek

>> No.58671244

>Over what period did you get that 100 link?
It's from v0.1 which was paying 4.75% annually, which is 332.5 Link per year, so 100 Link is about 4 months worth during v0.1 which would have occurred around the end of March last year.
Why did i bother working that out? I have no idea. It was quite boring

>> No.58672696

x-plane how to do

>> No.58672732

Very interesting. Would you need to log the hours worked? Or would that not matter in this situation since it's automated

>> No.58672757

Nigger, the simple fact of the matter is that the LINK token is a security. All this bullshit about securing the network is done solely to distract Gary. Chainlink worked just fine without staking and alerting for 5 years. How many alerts have been raised since they added that feature?

>tldr. Don't get cute. Enjoy your free loophole money and shut up about it.

>> No.58672987

Based and genetic dead-end pilled

>> No.58673080

It's the Sunk turd falacy
i mean, sunk cost (chaincuck) falacy
born to baghold

>> No.58673155

Personally, I'm all in on Cuck (TICKER: KEK) It reminds me of wearing a cock-cage while Big Serg plowed my wife while dressed as the hamburgler