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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58668196 No.58668196 [Reply] [Original]

>invent a technology so revolutionary that you will displace some of the most powerful people on the planet
>follow a hiding strategy that is more than just good business sense, is actually existentially necessary so that you don’t reveal yourself to your colossally powerful enemies too soon
>successfully grow out incredible integrations at the highest levels without revealing your hand too publicly
>somehow miraculously fly under the general radar while also attracting absolutely top tier gigatalent, allowing you to get tentacles into more and more verticals while barely being talked about
>high time preference outcast losers who bought your token early (based on other people’s copypasta and research) screech constantly about the fact you’re not dedicating enough energy to making them personally rich, despite them being up 100x, and despite them contributing literally the least amount of any participant in your entire, revolutionary, highly talented ecosystem

>> No.58668209
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If someone told me in 2019 that every single breadcrumb would be confirmed without a shadow of a doubt but yet the token would still only be worth $13 USD I'd call them retarded.

>> No.58668212

buy an ad

>> No.58668213

what's the revolutionary tech?

>> No.58668216

If no breadcrumbs were confirmed and you just had Sergey larping outside of swift conferences the price would probably be $150 +

>> No.58668219

Hmm, at least plays like Vesta will revolutionize the respective fields to a certain extent. I’m not saying this one will alter the way real estate works completely, but it certainly is a start in the positive direction

>> No.58668234

these DEMONS will stop at nothing to make you SELL your LPL

This is what we have been training for based LPL chuddie kiddos how you doing based kiddos chuddie

Remember your training and you WILL make it back alive.

Remember when based 42 suited up to literally blast pedo zombie reptiles down in those deep underground military bases with Trump and Chainlinkgod???





>> No.58668236

How’s life over 30?

>> No.58668240

The elimination of counterparty risk in the context of all digitally represented forms of value, simultaneous delivery vs payment, and the integration of live data into digital assets themselves, allowing them to change hands globally while constantly retaining up to date information about their status, value and rules of sale.
The global homogenisation of all forms of digitally represented value into a unified standard, with unprecedented guarantees of fair exchange, real asset backing, instant transfer, zero counterparty risk, global unbounded liquidity, and regulatory compliance.

>> No.58668244

>invent a technology so revolutionary it makes you lose money after 4 years of bagholding
If you want to see a chart of revolutionary technology, look at NVDA

>> No.58668246

>high time preference outcast losers who bought your token early (based on other people’s copypasta and research) screech constantly about the fact you’re not dedicating enough energy to making them personally rich, despite them being up 100x, and despite them contributing literally the least amount of any participant in your entire, revolutionary, highly talented ecosystem
You're dead wrong if you think those screeching are OGs who are up 100×.
Fuddies are Twitter/Reddit tourists who bought the top of LINK back in 2021.

>> No.58668291

>what's the revolutionary tech?
a business model where you don't have a product, collect money from retail and if the thing goes south, you aren't owing anything to anybody

>> No.58668304

It's because the economy is actually in dire straits right now.
And it's unironically a good thing, because Chainlink itself has only just finished laying (most of) the groundwork necessary to take over everything. Most of the Chainlink architecture and services are in place, and the top institutions are well underway with integrating Chainlink (SWIFT / DTCC), or are beginning to integrate Chainlink, and if they don't fall in either of those 2 categories it's pretty obvious that Chainlink is the choice for any remaining straggler institutions considering the success the previously mentioned orgs are having with Chainlink. What does this mean?
Well, economic crises give rise to paradigm shifts. 2008 led to major financial reform and an age of QE (as well as giving birth to Bitcoin); the manufactured 2020 COVID crisis cemented Bitcoin as a major alternative economic system and neutral currency; 2024/2025 will give rise to CHAINLINK, eventually. Everything's going to burn, but some things will rise from the ashes. Either (or both) of Chainlink and AI. gg.

>> No.58668310

they already succeeded, they make millions every year from token sales

>> No.58668397
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>> No.58668422
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>invent a technology so revolutionary that you will displace some of the most powerful people on the planet

The absolute level of IQ required to believe this horseshit lmao

>> No.58668428

Imagine this: you send a request to an api and it returns an array of data. You then post that data behind a paywall and pretend it's valuable.

>> No.58668433

To be fair that is revolutionary to people of elderly age

>> No.58668486

their implementation of threshold encryption is kinda cool

>> No.58668501

>Invent a technology so revolutionary
Easy there, disgusting beaner, everything that you retards says about "high tech" is only old tech disguised as new
They didn't do shit, they aren't SUPER or shit that are integrating Web3 gaming, they are just connecting blockchain and nothing more

>> No.58668625

>invent a technology so revolutionary that you will displace some of the most powerful people on the planet

You linkfags have been gas lighting yourselves since 2017. Give it a rest. The 4th industrial revolution is AI technologies not fucking oracles

>> No.58668636

we are in the $81k timeline

Turns out 100k was a make it stack the whole time because anything less is going to be filtered by selling the neet 10k stack

>> No.58668680

>they aren't shit
>they're just solving a problem that everyone thought was impossible to solve

>> No.58668688

AI post.

>> No.58668752

fucking this

>> No.58668765

This guy holds a ton of Link

>> No.58668769

It's all true. But unfortunately, even the fact that the token is not needed

>> No.58668888

>invent a technology so revolutionary
stopped reading there, JSON parser

>> No.58668897

i just want to be rich already...it's been 7 fucking years...

>> No.58668919
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>Either (or both) of Chainlink and AI.
AI is every bit as dependent on Chainlink as SWIFT or banks. That's the real kicker that most CL baggies on /biz/ haven't pieced together yet. This generation of AI has already digested the total text of the internet as training. They're even including fucking reddet archives as training data. But next gen AI is going to need a LOT more data. IoT is the only way it'll get good new clean information to eat. Chainlink is the only crypto project aiming directly at permissionless marketplaces for arbitrary data streams. The closest competitors are Ocean or AGI, who want to rent out discrete archives at a time, or sell compute. Chainlink is the only option for an AI to gather realtime info, like watching the weather or understanding tides. You're going to see orders of magnitude more on-chain volume sending and curating raw data than there will ever be financial transactions... and we all know the financial tx's alone are enough to make even suicide-baggies embarrassingly wealthy.

>> No.58668931

Quite a few of us could seriously end up billionaires. That's crazy, yet very possible.

>> No.58668978

Also this. Best part is they could have lowered their buy average last summer just like I did and been in profit right now.

>> No.58669140

The worst part of all of this is I went against my gut some years ago now, and decided to trust the plan. If this website has taught me one single valuable lesson, it's that plan trusting is in almost every case completely ruinous. It turns out I don't really care about the tech and in fact it's actually going to be used to enslave me, but the deal was that we get to avoid this by being early. Except, most won't. I guess the mechanism behind "you will be happy" is yet to be released. You will own nothing though, that's for sure.

>> No.58669175
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very good posts

>> No.58669212


>> No.58669224
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I view linkies as worse than the scum on the bottom of my boots.

>> No.58669419

i had a sense tate was based but now that i see his crypto folio im convinced

>> No.58669896

>company wants weather or tidal data
>they call the weather channel and set up the deals
>delusional chainlink bagholders post online about how they’re going to make it

>> No.58669984

man, it's been seven years and i've had to watch legit 60 IQ normies outperform me with dog coins, i have every reason to be pissed

>> No.58670021

Chainlink is to incels what scratch off tickets are to low iq niggers.
Just the little sliver of hope Is all people really want and need.
Linkies could go their entire lives without making it but will continue to hold as long as they have hope that in two more weeks they could potentially hit the jackpot in the lottery.

>> No.58670162

This is true in the long term but not true for short/medium term. AI companies do NOT have blockchain tech on their radar at all atm.
But in a while when AI is running everything, there will be some instances where the AI was fed false info and fucked something up because of it. That's when people will more seriously start considering blockchain to solve the data provenance problem for AI.

>> No.58670214
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Meanwhile, the biggest weather company in the world.

>> No.58670226
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It really does feel like we’ll never go above 20€ ever again

>> No.58670239

>You will need to buy chainlink tokens from racist incels if you want to check the weather... because uhhhh..well.. you just do okay? It's da future!

>> No.58670241
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so much revolution bros, I can't handle it, it's too much

>> No.58670245

>could you IMAGINE the bazillions tho, you need to VISUALIZE harder

>> No.58670412

whats his portfolio

>> No.58670434

t. Accuweather

>> No.58671076
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>> No.58671332

The revolution will not be profitable

>> No.58671444

Nobody really comes on here anymore, there's very rarely any relevant new drops being laid out here so it's mainly fudders screeching at fudders all day, it's basically a containment zoo for fudders.

>> No.58671911


>DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE just buy a scam russian altcoin to check the weather

but...I just went to accuweather.com and it was free


oh ok, but wasn't that article from 3 years ago and nothing positive has happened since for the token

>DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE yerrrr Bulgarian!!!!!

>> No.58671917

back to your discord, delphians