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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58661890 No.58661890 [Reply] [Original]

>You are an 86 year old cancer patient with 30k in debt? It doesn't matter if you've got to sell your house and start working again, you've GOT to get that heckin debt paid!


>> No.58662007

Those people repeat the same talking points("Baby steps!"), over and over, like robotic NPC's. Absolutely no variance. Same NPC advice over and over again.

How can people listen and take those clowns seriously.

>> No.58662022

These dudes are such shill scammers

>> No.58662025

you could just die old boomer fart

>> No.58662027

why do you have a car then you stupid boomer
you shouldn't even be allowed to drive

>> No.58662033

first of all
fuck off
its the same advice because its the same issue over and over again

>> No.58662045
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picrel is a quick summary
there, I saved you 9 minutes of your life

>> No.58662203

I can tell by looking at that faggot's face he was raised on daddy's money and wants to larp as a self made financial guru that started from the bottom in the streets of Detroit. Why do they all have the same punchable smug complexions? I just wanna squeeze his head until it fucking pops.

>> No.58662209

doesn't ramsey endorse mlm scams? everyone on "financial literacy" youtuber is a grifter at this point.

>> No.58664545

He sells some book or some coaching thing

>> No.58664624

I’m debtmaxxxing and I will never ever pay it back. Not my fucking problem

>> No.58665006

You're 86 years old, fuck the debt, do something fun at least before you pass on.

>> No.58665022
File: 74 KB, 859x687, 7ew8q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw credit cards and banks
by this time I have more debts than friends and I keep evading the law somehow, it doesn't affect me at all anymore, in a way I think they even deserve people shitting on them.

>> No.58665031

the fool who will never in his life be able to take out a loan, or go to the hospital when his back doesn't work anymore, let alone own a house or buy a car, and yet he thinks it's cool to "buck the system."

>> No.58665043

fuck off all the scams, you made me angry

>> No.58665054
File: 16 KB, 294x296, 19465476546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a call center regional manager
in a central office that specialized in collections for HSBC's credit card owners that had above 20k in debt. I spent 10 years on that place. It started as a part time job to get me through college and before i knew i had graduated as a biochemical engineer but never worked as a chemist because i was way too high in the corporate ladder to leave the job. I think i got kinda brainwashed because i dont remember most of it, just that working felt pleasant, like being half asleep. One day, i was coaching some new kids, we did those coaching exercises often and it was expected that we leaded from example. So i take a call in the conference room, 20 kids there, hearing my call from their individual headsets. And its an old lady, she's 89, her father died and left her with a big ass debt, she can't pay it, and she's being put in a nursing home next month because she has advanced arthritis and cant take care of herself anymore. She didn't know about the debt. So for the next 50 minutes i have to convince an old, crying lady, that she somehow has to pay a debt that isn't hers, while a room full of kids watch me intently, knowing fully well this is the thing they will be doing from 9 to 5 every single day for the next years.
It was like a kick in my soul. I woke up. I went home and cried, i still remember not sleeping that night. I didnt show up to work for a week and then turned my resignation in.
I neeted for a while with my savings, started getting into investing, into ai and programming, bought some agrs, some tao, i have like 30k into nvidia. Im thinking of putting my degree to use next month.... but I've never recovered, mentally. Knowing i did that shit for ten years, that call, it broke me

>> No.58665057

based, we should normalize screwing banks

>> No.58665058

thanks for playing, you were a wonderful pawn

>> No.58665062

Is Ramsey solutions real?

>> No.58665065
File: 10 KB, 227x222, images(9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a collections letter at age 80
>toss it over my shoulder and continue dying

>> No.58665070

i was just thinking this WHO THE FUCK CARES IM DYING SOON KEK

>> No.58665071
File: 22 KB, 283x302, 7e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro something about that made me squeeze my heart.

>> No.58665084

Why would you try to collect on the debt of a dead person? Family member's aren't responsible for another person's debt.

>> No.58665181

honestly those braindead steps are good advice for 80% of people
people are so fucking dumb
even the smart ones are often bad with money

>> No.58666362

a lot of normies dont know that and get pressured into it, and once they make a payment they are now fucked

>> No.58666391

Have debt? Pay it back, don't be irresponsible
Simple as

>> No.58666546
File: 11 KB, 319x298, IMG_0943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely I can’t be the only guy that wants to subject Jade Warshaw to eternal plappage. I would have that beautiful chocolate queen barefoot and pregnant in permanence.