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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58661537 No.58661537 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a doctor, lawyer, or engineer?

>> No.58661546

I am an engineer.
I make six figures.
It's still not enough.

>> No.58661548
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Because I went for HR Jeff

>> No.58661551
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>> No.58661560
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It's not worth the effort

>> No.58661562

this is what fresh off the boat immigrant parents say to their kids. is that what you are, OP?

>> No.58661578

I am an engineer, but I only make five figures (12 years experience).
Salaries don't create wealth, so I don't give a shit. Thank Satoshi for BTC.

>> No.58661603


>> No.58661625

Distant narcissistic father

>> No.58661636

I'm not an illegal alien who sunk their own boat in the Mediterranean.

>> No.58661652

Im an electrical engineer and unemployed.
Considering becoming an uber driver, shits rough man.

>> No.58661653

all those jobs make less than crypto traders

>> No.58661659

I’m a doctor (derm resident, will match to Mohs surgery).
I will make mid-six figures straight out of residency, I operate, I diagnose people with cancer and I cure them, having a big impact on their lives. I’m surrounded by beautiful smart women and business/money oriented men (my colleagues) and I get to travel around the world for conferences. When i open my private practice, I could pull 1m+.
Does life get any better than this bros? I gamble on shitcoins for fun, but I worked with the system (that you all hate) and it gave me everything I wanted and more.

>> No.58661660
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I'm a doctor and pepepost between patients on 4chan.org

>> No.58661661

I don't want to spend my life touching niggers diseased bodies, listening to their lies to get them rich, or designing systems to resist their monkeyshines.

>> No.58661669

You hate the system because you suck at it. Sour grapes. Even if you made all the money in the world trading (you probably won’t), you’ll never have something important that you’re really good at.

>> No.58661689

I'm getting paid to work on something for an awesome startup that i've been following for over 5 years. I actually am good at important stuff. I only wish it was a permanent position but I'm still getting some equity in case it moons

>> No.58661693
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I'm a database admin. I have some friends that are engineers and I make more than them, but not a whole lot more

>> No.58661767
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I tried studying engineering but dropped out ~8 months in. I simply wasn't able to get through the math. I am now working an unschooled job for minimum wage

>> No.58661780

I studied law and the partners of the firm I interned at were working 70 hour weeks in their 70s.
They would drive their sports car back to their mansion at like 9pm, just to go to bed, then they'd be back in the office first thing the next morning. Every single day.
And that was after working just as hard their whole lives.
It's insane, it made no sense to me at all. I didn't take it any further.

>> No.58661799

Bro, you pop people's pimples for a living.
I'm going to make art.

>> No.58661804

too lazy

>> No.58661852

Not my calling
Both parents are lawyers, grew up with everything being an argument, shit stresses me out and I hate confrontation and being made to feel dumb because that is literally my colleagues' job, I don't want that to be my profession/life.
I fucked up and probably should have been. Trying not to be like my dad and brother. Probably too late.

>> No.58661860

Because I'm retardio.

>> No.58661876

>I’m a doctor (derm resident,
wish I would have gone into this instead of software

software was good money but awful lifestyle

>> No.58662138

I hate working. That established=
Didn't feel like becoming a walking encyclopedia when all I would do would be stiching niggers and be a middleman between pharma jews and goyims
hate lawyers, really if laws were simple and clear we wouldn't need these motherfuckers
hate hard sciences
t. NEET fag

>> No.58662143

why is engineer in that list? Its a $60k/year stable coin.. I mean job

>> No.58662214
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I make le heckin art dud

>> No.58662226
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I am though and I still don't like working

>> No.58662323

Unemployed Chemical Engineer here. The economy is shit and the job interviews are getting old

>> No.58662493
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I'm an engineer who graduated top of his class and can't get a job

lol @ being a brainlet

>> No.58662498

It pays off, although it depends on the major
Stuff such as chemical, computer and electrical surely pay off

>> No.58662614
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i will be a doctor in 2 years and med school fucking sucks....

>> No.58662696

you'll be fine. just eat a shit sandwich and do as your told. thinking outside the box is for when you're an attending.

>> No.58662707

scored a 140 diagnostic on the LSAT
i’m trying but it icks out the hoes

>> No.58662719

based. what kind of art? is it your day job?

>> No.58662779

base salary or total?

>> No.58662857

Why would I want/need to work if im good at trading tho? Sounds like a waste of time.

>> No.58662895

Pretentious art music for piano, violin, drums, and bass.
Not my day job -- I'm waiting for bitcoin to hit $1M to retire and focus on music all day.

>> No.58662909
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>want to be doctor
>go to school
>get premed engineering degree
>realize how awful the grind to be a doctor is
>lol only thing this degree is good for is grad school or med school
>unemployed for two years
>join navy, drive aircraft carrier around
>try to quit, get told no
>spend last two years a slave
>all in on crypto
>get out a few months early because of covid and refusing the clot shot
>spend the next two years traveling the world
Growing up I was very argumentative and told I should be a lawyer, but I met a former lawyer in the Navy and he didn't like it. Currently thinking I should just my GI bill to go back to school and get a worthless degree in some esoteric hyper specialized field of history just because I like it. But not really doing it because the field is so esoteric I could just do it myself as an amateur and write books and I'd instantly be the authority in the field (at least in English). And only reason I haven't done THAT yet is that learning sengoku-era moonrunes is like 100x the difficulty of regular moonrunes and I'm kinda lazy.

>> No.58662940

im a twitch streamer, i make 100k a month playing videogames and watching tiktoks

>> No.58662943
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>i’m trying but it icks out the hoes
No, being ugly and autistic does

>> No.58662983

>6'5" engineer / musician side hustle in Denver
I'm supposed to be playing on easy mode, but nah.

>> No.58663061

Cope the post. We found our first anon to go show us a how it’s all done. Faggot.

>> No.58663073

i am

>> No.58663080

>And only reason I haven't done THAT yet is that learning sengoku-era moonrunes is like 100x the difficulty of regular moonrunes and I'm kinda lazy.
let's start a neighborhood of guys studying oddly specific masters.
We going to study in Japan bro?

>> No.58663084
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Speak English silly ESL.

Unless you make 10m+ off shitcoin trading, you will never be able to compete with me making 1-2m a year in a joint Mohs clinic/medical spa.

Dummies like you will gladly spend 70-80h a week playing video games and watching anime but cannot fathom how someone may do the same but for a high status profession.

Hating the system is a cope for losers. Even if you come from nothing, with good enough grades and social skills you can get into investment banking//FAANG/Big Law/plastics/derm/orthopedics and make more money than you’ll ever need while having fun.

>> No.58663089

Same tho 100k btc for me

>> No.58663113

why would I work to improve society?

>> No.58663147

Awesome. I have a feeling that you're going to make it towards the end of this year/early-mid next year.
I'll have about a decade to wait.

>> No.58663169

engineers make fuck all unless you have 15+ years of experience and look for contracts. elec is one of the worst ones despite being a bitch of a degree. chem eng isn't much better unless you're in oil and gas (wow, an extra 15k a year!). lawyers are also shit, top level lawyers are freaks. doctor is the only good one, from what i hear, apart from having to deal with gross people.

>while having fun.
i went through this euphoria phase, you're buying in to a scam. sure, go make the money if you can keep your resolve, i don't know how much of a normalfag npc you have to be to enjoy that shit, unless you're doing it for your children.

>> No.58663310
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Neither doctor nor lawyer were ever going to be a reality as I came from a fairly working class family who didn't have the means to financially back the education required for either careers. Scholarships were largely out of the question as I didn't have the academic performance in school to attain any, and for that reason engineering wasn't an option either as I would have likely washed out halfway through the first year. Even if I did have the intellect to negotiate the rigours of a demanding, my parents divorcing and my dad leaving when I was 11 cratered my confidence and left me without a strong father figure to go through my teens with. The reality is that it was over for me before it even began.

I'm now 28 and drive passenger trains for a living as I never got a valuable tertiary education. It pays enough to get the bills out the way, but most people I know around my age are doing better in life than myself.

>> No.58663322

>doctor is the only good one, from what i hear, apart from having to deal with gross people.
doctor I would consider doing overseas (I'm an american expat in Asia w/EU citizenship) just for the low cost.

Don't see the purpose of paying $60k/year for US med school when it appears to be a fine life globally

>> No.58663330

Stop reading VNs, they're teaching you to speak like a girl

>> No.58663334

The only "engineer" that's worth it is software.

Other engineers make poverty wages.

>> No.58663347

I was a special boy that always earned GBP and was max comfy smoking weed and eating tendies throughout my 20s

>> No.58663382

>Bad at following orders
>Joins military and wanted to be a doctor
You really have lived a clown life, huh?

>> No.58663415


Because I'm a nigger.

>> No.58663475
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>> No.58663477

>Hating the system is a cope for losers. Even if you come from nothing, with good enough grades and social skills you can get into investment banking//FAANG/Big Law/plastics/derm/orthopedics and make more money than you’ll ever need while having fun.
t. Actual sociopath, the kind of person who actively makes the world an objectively worse place to live for thousands, single-handedly, just so that they can afford the luxury trim and don't have to feel like li'l dick niggas when visiting their in-laws

>> No.58663480

It's still easy mode, you just refuse to use your one-button supers.

>> No.58663494

You're actually in a prime position to go back to school if you want to. A couple classes a semester, be done by your mid-30s, use all that extra time to slowly build a network and take advantage of internship opportunities or whatever. You can chill because you have a steady career already but it gives you options without stressing you out. Also since you're older and know your physical and mental baseline, you can better engage with meta-learning strategies.

>> No.58663527

I'm a neurosurgery resident on my 1st year and it's hard as fuck, but the money when you finish is absolutely batshit insane. My colleague is pulling $12MM a year because he specializes in pituitary adenomas. Surgeries are hard as fuck but at least it pays for middle class life (yes, everything under $1MM is now lower class I'm sorry). It's worth getting into.

>> No.58663763

Freeeekin slave is seeking nonexisting money
And yes doctors are often scum like you i know

>> No.58663771
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Sounds good

>> No.58663796

I’m a deputy sheriff and I enjoy it

>> No.58663852

>You're actually in a prime position to go back to school if you want to. A couple classes a semester, be done by your mid-30s, use all that extra time to slowly build a network and take advantage of internship opportunities or whatever.
I have considered it. At the moment it would be difficult as my shift times are pretty changeable but toward the end of next year I'll have a little more influence in negotiating what times I work, so I would have the ability to go to campus a few times a week provided the university would be able to guarantee a consistent timetable.

The issue I foresee with being done by mid-30s though is being substantially older than the graduating pack - I was always under the impression that firms weren't really interested in people beyond mid-20s for grad roles in most career fields. At the end of the day I do have my current job to fall back on. Thanks for the kind words Anon, it's motivating.

>> No.58664284

How do I make the world worse? By curing grandmas of skin cancer and saving them from disfigurement/death?

Let the NEETs seethe, they don’t understand that you can have your cake and eat it too.

>t. nursoid or disgruntled internal medicine resident

>> No.58664356
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>curing people who God has decided should suffer
You will go to Hell for interfering with God's plans

>> No.58664362

This, not enought as a single man. Much less having a ltr or wife

>> No.58664364

I am an engineer (chemical). Sometimes wish I studied CS instead. I just quit my job of 8 years though. two weeks unemployed has been nice. Don't know what I want to do when I start looking for a job, tho, fuck

>> No.58664371

Top Eight-Swiped Male Jobs
Cool so all the things women make fun of or complain about on social media. Awesome makes sense

>> No.58664373

lol no way are women swiping right on military cucks

>> No.58664382


I fell for the "don't go to college goy" meme

Luckily I was also a trust fun kid and an investing genius so it all worked out OK for me

>> No.58664388


schooling/residency track is way too long and tedious, which is unfortunate, because it filters out a lot of otherwise great practitioners and brilliant minds while encouraging passive bookworm women to go into it


field saturation, another tedious amount of schooling but I'm probably naturally suited for it


this is where I ended up

>> No.58664408

>tfw 32.5 and want to change to CS but that entire industry just had a huge firing season and downtown

>> No.58664410 [DELETED] 


>> No.58664412

Why would you want a grad role? The degree will give you enough socioeconomic mobility to move up to management level of whatever it is you do. Its invaluable in that sense alone.

>> No.58664417
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profound mental retardation

>> No.58664556

Weird, I didn't know banking//FAANG/Big Law/plasticsdid that kind of work. Also you overcharge and are part of a system that artificially keeps care scarce and difficult to access. So, yeah, bad man bad. Also old ladies with skin cancer who can actually afford treatment are usually white boomers so you're prolonging the lives of objectively the most banally evil people that currently exist (since GI gen fascists are mostly dead).

>> No.58664567

I dunno how feasible it would be to jump directly into consulting, but that would be something to consider. Again, using your experience and age to leapfrog some of the young people milestones (which you've arguably already paid your dues for). Good luck anon.

>> No.58664740

lol i make 150k a month from the leissure of my home playing videogames lol at a commutecels its over for wagies

>> No.58664763


Most forms of engineering have a high ceiling. It's a matter of how ambitious and perceptive you are. Most people get stuck in the wagie grind and aimlessly go through the motions but if you are a cunning and ambitious person the sky is the limit in most of engineering.

>> No.58665016

>cant get a job
so what you havent put in effort yet?

>> No.58665063

engineering is for subhumans and they make 40k on average and they're grateful for that too

>> No.58665081

because I wanted to be happy and ended up being a therapist, I regret it only a little, although it gives me enough money to hold things like $trump

>> No.58665142

Who cares about all this shit you faggots are saying? I just want money. All these other gay preferences and ideological based opinions are useless and copes. We get the cash and THEN we worry about the fancy stuff. If working is how you make it do it, if not then don't

>> No.58665180

>Tfw, unionized Public Employee
>No responsibility, no stress, early pension, good benefits, can tell manager to fuck off with out consequences
>Not talking to you without a union rep present
>Think I'll go on stress leave lol, you can't fire me
Take the parasite pill

>> No.58665190

Really? What are the downsides?

>> No.58665223


Doctors- gay
Engineers- gay.

Me? I pump birds, all night long.

>> No.58665261
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Good for you man, legit. I am a degen trader making decent money but is it at all fulfilling? Of course not. Crypto is a scam with zero usecase except taking money from people who buy a coin after you. It's still mindfuckery how easy I make money, and the amount I make, compared to my friends, who are actual workers actively participating in society. I wish I had the energy and motivation to do the same but am extremely ADHD and have gone unmedicated my entire life - failed high scohol, failed college, if it weren't for crypto I'd probably be homeless by now.

>> No.58665280

>ield saturation, another tedious amount of schooling but I'm probably naturally suited for it
I also feel that my SWE background overlaps with legal field potential.

I can interpret precise human language statements as they relate to a problem space. I feel that is a core part of the skillset

>> No.58665296
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Because I don't want to be. Those all sounds miserable and gay to me (especially engineering, I know so many people who graduated with MechE degrees who are underemployed). I'm a software "engineer" (not real engineering) and it's terrible enough. I'd rather own a business and do something else.
>muh money
You can make money doing lots of things, you don't have to sacrifice yourself to some arbitrary career that Mommy gave you head pats for pursuing.

>> No.58665316


There is overlap in linguistic/logical skills. You have to be articulate as well though which lots of SWEs are going to fail at. I was originally a big english/writing guy in school before transitioning to CS and I argue on the internet like it's my job so I think it'd be natural. But I heard it's a very nepotistic and tedious industry and had no interest in navigating that, law salaries are extremely bimodal in that most fall under "low paid overworked paralegal or public servant", power gap, then "highly paid biglaw insider."

>> No.58665333

>But I heard it's a very nepotistic and tedious industry and had no interest in navigating that
I agree that our personality types would probably not mesh well with unearned authority type environments.

I wonder if that can be sidestepped though.

That is, how quickly can you just open a solo office and be out from everyone but the direct client market? I feel like it's more straightforward than it is for software engineering, where you have to take on the risk of making a product.

>> No.58665336


Like most businesses, it will probably take years to build up a good client base and those years will involve 80 hours of work for low pay, which is why most opt for trying to sneak their way in to a rich firm

>> No.58665337

>You have to be articulate as well though which lots of SWEs are going to fail at. I
That's another point for law, to me. It would actually leverage my native english fluency, which is a skill I should be accounting for in such an international market

>> No.58665341

>Like most businesses, it will probably take years to build up a good client base and those years will involve 80 hours of work for low pay, which is why most opt for trying to sneak their way in to a rich firm
Makese sense. I might consider taking on that risk, but augmented with a fat stack from engineering/crypto.

Switch to law with something like $1.8 million net worth. Then you can pay cash for law school, have a paid off home and do legal work on the side for $.

Years of grinding for client base sounds like it could be a pain or be very luck/timing based. I'd have to see an account of it to truly know

>> No.58665372
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>Be me
>Self made hundred thousandsaire
>Go to dentist
>They are sick of life
>Wake up every day at 6 to fix teeth for 9 hours and then go home
>Realize the goyim could have it even worse than this
>Meanwhile I'm cruising with my hundreds of thousands

>> No.58665378

I am an enginner just have to graduate and get a job

>> No.58665392

I fell for the follow your dreams mentality when I was a student. I wish somebody had told me that all your happiness depended on money. And now it's too late. I had some hopes with crypto but it looks like they have been successfull in taming bitcoin. It's over

>> No.58665398


Too many do. My kids won't be suffering the same bullshit. I'm just lucky I was raised poor and developed a natural desire for money and economic security because otherwise my parents were similarly retarded about "just do you dude" and "who cares about $100k in student debt."

>> No.58665406

>having children
lol ngmi

>> No.58665407

Cuz I’m a professinal Sharkroll bank receiver

>> No.58665412


If I could I would be breeding like 6 women right now

>> No.58665437

I am an engineer
This but 85k

>> No.58665478

My old man wanted me to be a lawyer, but I became a journalist instead 'cause I love writing. I'm stoked doing what I love and making bank both offline, but making more online with hydro monetization.

>> No.58665509

I hate people and want to work alone if wage slavery is my only option. There's plenty of good paying jobs I could do but my genuine disgust for the average person would make it unbearable. If I were a car salesman I'm sure I would call a customer a gullible retard to their face.

>> No.58665542

I hate dealing with people. The most I was interested in medical shit was popping blisters and pimples as a kid and thinking I could mess with them if I pursued dermatology
I don’t like arguing, and never once did I show any interest in law. Actually my family and professors lately have wanted me to go into law because apparently I have good memory recall and take everything literally. My mom wants me to take the LSAT.
I hate math

It would be great if I was smart but instead my academic performance has been highest with fucking humanities like government and history so now I’m stuck in a Poli. Sci degree

>> No.58665566

>It would be great if I was smart but instead my academic performance has been highest with fucking humanities like government and history so now I’m stuck in a Poli. Sci degree
broski, get into something energizing

>> No.58665584

>Exceptionally fluent in writing
>Slow sperg speaking

>> No.58665589

Nice triple dubs but what do you mean by energizing?

>> No.58665595
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>> No.58666346
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I am though. Industrial engineer, but if it's good enough for Tim Cook, it's good enough for me.

>> No.58666363
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I will never get a job

>> No.58667396


>> No.58667776

I'm a Munger disciple


>> No.58667996

Too much effort. I make $150k to make pivot tables for 2 hours, it's a dream job

>> No.58668004
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cus i dont want to be a glorified wagie

>> No.58668218

I’m raking it in as a dev, and QANplatform's multi-language support just made it even sexier.

>> No.58668228

I am a doctor. Completely overrated, doesn't pay all that much. Maybe will be worth it one day when I've specialised, but for the moment it's just long hours for adequate pay at best.

>> No.58668853

>>t. nursoid or disgruntled internal medicine resident
I have nothing to do with your field but you are scum for supporting and even praising the zog system alone.

>> No.58668855

If I wanted to make 10k a month starting from the bottom, what would be the fastest route to take?

>> No.58668866

because it dont feel like it

>> No.58668891

idk, i kind of just want to press buttons on perpetual futures contracts instead i guess

>> No.58668901

I'm an engineer working as tech sales rep and make 20k. (LATAM)

I'm bidding for my biggest contract ever (2.7M USD) that would net me 80k bonus, a fucking miracle number in my country. This is the only way to make it here with my degree.

>Pretentious art music

I play during weekends at bars and hotels for the extra cash, maybe 400-600 extra USD a month.

Just joined a new latin band which is making trends in tiktok, and may take off anytime. 1M views in videos and 15 yr olds typing I LOOOVE YOU in the comments.

Is piggybacking or going myself viral on tiktok the only way to make it as a musician?
>$150k to make pivot tables
What kind of company contracts you for 10 hr/pw and pays six figures?
Try carnivore, could be diet related. I used to be the same, kinda depressed, chasing shitcoin dopamine, no impulse to pursue anything until I went plant/alcohol/smoke/medication free for a few months and felt alive like never before.

>> No.58668906

I miss the mechanical engineer threads. I liked dabbing on the poorfags there. Wonder if they all roped.
t. MechE major $350k TC

>> No.58668912

I have masters in aerospace with 8 years of exp.
60k€ in Germany

>> No.58668920
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cuz im a crypto expert and i make money just holding coins like xrp, super and ltc.

why would i go to collage when a degree is getting more and more useless as the time goes by?


>> No.58668923
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>crypto expert
>goes into /biz/

>> No.58668940

how does it feel to chose the most hated path?

artist are broke for a reason lol

>not having children
have fun dying alone retard

indeed hes a rat

>> No.58669239

>Best profession is childraping, leaching, scamming poor people and burning down businesses paying 200 million a year
>Professional society un-destroyer pays minimum wage
Nice economy we got here

>> No.58669429

Being a lawyer and doctor isn't worth the stress.

>> No.58669632

all of those entail contributing to society meaningfully

>> No.58669674

Because I don’t want to perpetuate this shit system.

>> No.58669906

I thought about doing law but every time I try to get back into school I end up back out for one reason or another. I needed money so I got a job and stopped my English degree, might go back but school also sent money I owed to a collection agency so idk if they will let me or not.

>> No.58670765 [DELETED] 

Waiting 15 minutes to post.
I’ve been working as a paralegal for 5 years. I’m almost 30. It’s kind of a job for cucks but whatever. I’m kind of at a do-or-die point as to whether to go to law school. I currently make about $60k and work remotely. My boss doesn’t micromanage me. It’s pretty mediocre, but I also have a decent crypto stack.
I get by on the money I make though most here would consider it poverty-tier. I honed my skills and do less work for more money, but have been stuck with absolutely insane workloads before while getting paid peanuts. Without getting a JD and bar admission, this is a pretty dead-end career unless you grind super hard or decide to leap into the corporate world. I very briefly worked for a big tech company and hated it.
Really, unless you’re gifted or have rich parents, I don’t know if the debt and stress of law school is worth it just to become a better trained monkey (assuming you’ve already been out of school for a while). If I was an attorney, personally, I’d open up a solo practice rather than try and make partner at a firm. More money and less stress if you’re competent.

>> No.58670814
File: 350 KB, 447x442, 1654050478309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you are a gargantuan douche and completely spineless sycophant you too can climb up the middle management ladder of an engineering firm
it's people like you that make my life hell every single day

>> No.58670819

>take out a loan and be an educationbaggie

>> No.58671703

because i'm a profitable trader

>> No.58671897

I'm a desktop """"engineer""" :^)