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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58655601 No.58655601 [Reply] [Original]

Kaspa is going to $10+ and you will miss it. Yeah, just like that, don't even doubt it.

>> No.58655663

This only works for bitcoin

>> No.58655805

No one cares about your fkn kike Jew coin. Enjoy getting rugged for trusting Jews you retarded nigger

>> No.58656075


>> No.58656090
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>> No.58656114

Nah, this will go to -95% during the bear, unlike Bitcoin's -60-70%

>> No.58656167

yeah, from $10 to $1

>> No.58656189

>how do you let people know you're a schizo without sounding like a schizo
Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

It's gonna be hilarious watching the smug kyspers start coping when bear market hits for real after this cycle, Everyone is gonna suddenly admit that they knew it would crash and that the project had no real value.

>> No.58656206
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>> No.58656228
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Disgusting greedy juden . Buying kaspa is literally selling your soul to kikes gl w/ that just not going to participate in your moloch ritual

>> No.58656349

It's funny how people have no real arguments against kas. It hands down has the best fundamentals of any coin in the entire market and people know it. There's never any serious argument against kaspa on this board just "jew jew jew" which I mean imagine basing a serious investment decision on retarded /pol/ memes. Couldn't be me.

>> No.58656407

You have bad judgment, which is why you still believe in BSV.

>> No.58656422

stacking KAS is so comfy right now. dirt cheap, normies and cryptojeets cant buy it, tokens are coming soon

>> No.58656540

I bought Kaspa purely because it was jewish and I am done betting against them

>> No.58656645
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where can i buy this shit and why it's unavaliable on uniswap ?

>> No.58656656

It's not on uniswap because it's its own layer 1 coin. You can use mexc or changenow to get it

>> No.58656666

It doesn't matter anyways. These guys are actually trying to get you to bet on the idea that there's a cartoonish plot where Bibi Netanyahu and the kaspa devs are having secret meetings in Tel Aviv where they discuss how to use backdoored open source computer code to steal from goyim. You'd have to be really fucking brain rotted to think that that's how the world works

>> No.58656712

this shit is so cryptic

i'm on their website
they have a topper addon
I just need to type whatever in the adress option to create a new adress ?
sorry beeing that new

>> No.58656732

I would advise you learn some of the basics about crypto before you go putting your money into it. Just slow down and spend a bit more time researching this stuff before investing in something you don't fully understand.
Look into how to download/set up a wallet for a new coin (each network can have its own wallet software). Learn th difference between layer one coins and tokens. And learn the difference between a centralized exchange and a dex. The more you understand about crypto the more you will be able to understand about why Kaspa is great and you won't have to trust others' judgment about it

>> No.58656739

easiest way is to download the mobile app Kaspium it's on iOS and Google store. Swap your ETH for KAS on changenowio and fill your Kaspium up

>> No.58656765

joined the telegram, got intel
yeah, this is the sign even retards can go on internet and ruin everything and I'm part of it

>> No.58657273

It’s not either-or. You can bet against/with them.

>> No.58657279
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>Chainge Finance, a leader in the cross-chain DeFi space, has successfully launched a native Kaspa to Wrapped Kaspa (wKAS) custodial bridge on the Ethereum network.


>> No.58659385 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58659427 [DELETED] 
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>kaspa to $10+ i mean sure if you're into investing in shitcoins with no real value then by all means throw your money at it personally i'll stick to hoba token (honey badger token for those not in the know) it's got all the bells and whistles and none of the bullshit promises of other tokens so go ahead and chase fantasies while i focus on the token that actually delivers hoba for life

>> No.58659899
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Kaspa is hodl

>> No.58660667

Did any of you guys see the meltdown Donald McIntyre (Mr Ethereum Classic) had about KAS on twitter today?
He just deleted all his posts about it after people called him out for being retarded kek

>> No.58660675


>> No.58661600

I can't wait for the gigamoon

>> No.58661609

what else other than kaspa should I get a bag of for 2030? Only solid projects please.

>> No.58661674

LTO. Can't miss it if you're looking for RWA coins/tokens.

>> No.58661677

Avax, Ondo, Dot, Link, Qan, Fet

>> No.58663526

throwed 1K$ on it, don't screw me up senpai, I'm here for the long run, I plan to HODL for 5 years approx, what am I in for ?

>> No.58663546


>> No.58663564

my penis can't get so erect

>> No.58663581

Blackrock, marathon (mara), kaspa, mining.
10 2025

>> No.58663583

A lot of things have to go right between now and then, but Kaspa going 50-100x before 2030 isn't even an outlandish possibility at all. The cryptocurrency industry needs a real trilemma solution. ETH is slow and expensive as shit and basedlana is centralized garbage where transactions don't even fucking succeed 30% of the time. If kaspa actually does what it says it does and allows fast/cheap transactions while keeping Bitcoin levels of reliability and security then it will eventually do more than a 100x from here.

>> No.58663592

BTC maximalists are going to shit in their depends when they realize marathon has been mining kaspa

>> No.58664794
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>> No.58664861
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>> No.58666624

Based chart

>> No.58666634 [DELETED] 

based dev

>> No.58666932
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>> No.58667875

cheap as dirt, anon! i got a big bag of cheap coins, along with ram and eos. all fucking cheap and some anons just not seeing this. wut a bunch of sleepers, lol!

>> No.58668233
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I'm betting on QAN for a 20-50x over KAS, desu.

>> No.58668256


I'm sure its good, but its going to drown in a sea of noise like all the others. BTC first mover advantage trumps whatever qualities its alternatives have

>> No.58668326

A list without AAST is not completely based, anon.

>> No.58668665

People keep saying this but history is full of countless examples of this concept being proven wrong. In fact, Bitcoin itself is an example of that. Gold had a 5,000 year first mover advantage over btc when it comes to being a store of value. Bitcoin was able to outpace gold in growth because it introduced new properties that made it desirable as a form of money, which couldn't be shared by gold.
Bitcoin won't be able to be self-custodied or transacted with on the base layer, except for wealthy people and banks. So that cripples the growth of its network and leaves room for an asset which actually can be self custodied and remain decentralized and trustless unlike btc. The only reason btc has any value to begin with is it gave people that option, but now we're being slow rug pulled and being told to warm up to the idea of letting custodians manage our Bitcoin. It's pathetic

>> No.58668681

I am in Kaspa for 80% and all these niggers trying to FUD lol. What you want me to hold some retarded APU token instead?
Wtf is wrong with the people on this board. Sure there are number of layer one's to hold, I choose this one for numerous reasons.

>> No.58668721

From what I've seen, there's like 3 main groups of people who hate kaspa:
1. Bitcoin maximalists who are automatically dismissive of anything that isn't BTC ("it's bad because it's not BTC" is literally their only argument)
2. People who ideologically disagree with Proof of Work and the Satoshi vision (climate activists, proof of stake shills, etc.)
3. People who are invested in projects which failed to solve the trilemma (KDA, NEXA, RXD, BSV) and are just jealous and butthurt to see another project getting it right

Everyone else either doesn't care about kaspa or is bullish. Fudders are doing it because they're butthurt kek

>> No.58668801

kaspa doesnt have smart contracts though? where as alephium already does AND is just as fast. bitmain is building them a chip even.

>> No.58668831

Alephium isn't as fast as kaspa, and that's cool that it's getting chips from bitmain. I have a bag of alephium but I'm not nearly as bullish on it as I am for KAS. The fact is that many networks have smart contracts - that alone is nothing special and not enough to make a network valuable.
PoW can't get faster than Kaspa. it literally removes every speed bottleneck besides CPU and internet latency. And it doesn't use sharding. I think it's a more elegant and effective solution to the trilemma than anything else presented so far.

Kaspa uses GhostDAG and not PHANTOM (an earlier version of the same protocol) for one reason: because GhostDAG's design allows for smart contracts as a possibility, whereas PHANTOM didn't. SCs are on the road map and there coming next after the 10 BPS fork. Most of the heavy lifting is already done because they're basically just going to be porting ZK VM to KAS. Kaspa solves problems that are more fundamental than SCs and SCs are just the cherry on top of future catalysts for kas

>> No.58669593

this all seems organic

>> No.58669599

Wooden backdoors?

>> No.58669610

I dont disagree with what you say about BTC, but I disagree that gold has FMA over BTC. The 2 things are too different, besides the "store of value" argument, which is still futurism speculation in the case of bitcoin. Besides, there are plenty other stores of value, like my japanese ibanez guitars (obviously those won't last thousands of years). But to each their own. If kaspa became as big as bitcoin, it will probably face the same problems you mentioned like the custodian thing. The bigger something like this becomes, the more vultures and crap it attracts.

>> No.58669690

What makes BTC such a good store of value for the digital age? It's the fact that it's trustless, decentralized, allows for true ownership (self custody) and is completely permissionless, can't be confiscated etc.
People accepted that and invested into BTC based on that value proposition.
Now we are seeing that it doesn't actually work, and that BTC will have to centralized towards custodians. People won't be able to transact on the base layer, which means it's no longer permissionless, censorship resistant, or self-custodial. That means it will run into the same problems as the old banking system.
Kaspa is the same idea, following the same security principles as BTC, except it doesn't have this problem because they've solved the speed/scalability issues and you will never ever have to rely on custodians to store your kaspa. It's an actually practical implementation of th idea behind bitcoin and I see massive value in that

>> No.58669705
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>> No.58669729

>just wait until 2029 bro
Sure, and I'll also buy a bunch of gold so I can cash out when I'm 70 fucking years old.

>> No.58669736

sorry but I only need like a 5x to retire and I'm not looking to risk it all on Bingus Token or whatever the fuck

>> No.58670224

this but unironically

>> No.58670227

This is your brain on zoomer rot

>> No.58670253
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Kaspa has been at 0.12-0.14 since November 2023. Last month it was at 0.18 and now it is at 0.14-0.15. This shows excellent support and stability, however, it has been 8 months since the project has even done a 2x. If it maintains this average, it will surpass $1 in 2030. What will cause Kaspa to start rising in price like crazy in the next 2 years and surpass $1? They cannot cite a list because it was never a premise for Kaspa to rise, much less bullrun and BTC, after all, Kaspa rose strongly while everything fell. I'm asking because I think the project has the best technical and intelligent team behind it, it has a very strong community of devotees but to invest a few thousand dollars, I need to know how kaspa intends to go from 0.15 to 1.50 in the next few years?

>> No.58670277

How it "intends"? Who knows what the market is gonna do. Kaspa is a good project with consistent growth and that makes it a good case for me to put my money in

>> No.58670328

Who the fuck mentioned BSV you glownigger ?

>> No.58671116

I recognized that schizoposting from previous threads. He's a BSVfag. And he's been seething over kaspa's success for a long time.

>> No.58671143

>What will cause Kaspa to start rising in price like crazy in the next 2 years and surpass $1? They cannot cite a list
Here's a list of upcoming catalysts for kaspa
>KRC-20 launch
>10 BPS upgrade
>Tier 1 exchange listings
>big institutional bitcoin miners (MarathonDH) now mining kaspa
>stablecoins probably launching on kas within the next year
KAS is still one of the best performing coins this year and most people's portfolios have not been outperforming it.

>> No.58672023

I have breached 10k kaspa
Next stop 20k
Why is kaspa so ignored here? Very little shilling and fudding. Honestly the calm threads give me much more confidence I made the right choice

>> No.58672173

>Why is kaspa so ignored here? Very little shilling
you have got to be joking.

>> No.58672225

The others are in avi/apu

>> No.58672379

its not a pump and dump scam so most on /biz/ arent interested, either that or they dont know how to get any. at any rate, its a sign KAS is still early

>> No.58672784

KAS is a years-long bet, and right now there's not a lot of day-to-day news that would sustain a more active discussion about it on here... if you've been interested in KAS/been holding it for a while, and you've been studying the project, then chances are you're already up to speed on most of the latest news about it. I used to go around shilling it kind of aggressively, but I've mostly stopped and have just been silently accumulating because I don't like shilling and I think it's better if people just do their own research and come to their own conclusions about it because I honestly believe anyone who does that will come away from it with more conviction in this project than before

>> No.58672856


>> No.58673106
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>> No.58673179

my takeaway from this would be that kaspa hasnt even started its run yet, wait until it hits a big exchange. the majority of people who even know about kaspa didnt know it existed until 6 months ago

>> No.58673461

Compare with the rest dude. Here and there a mention, a thread here and there, but no massive influx of propaganda memes or shills constantly telling me to buy/sell.
Threads usually boil down to "yea kaspa is good I kinda want more tho" with the occasional poltard seething about jews

>> No.58673472 [DELETED] 

oh look demon numbers talking about how a demon coin isn't just a jewish plot to rob goyim. pottery

>> No.58673646

How can it rob goyim if it's making me money

>> No.58673799

i could'nt give two fucks. already got NAI.
15X from this point is my base target

>> No.58674903

I have been buying more Bitcoin and Ethereum along with Lrc, Imx, Push and Inj. gonna burst the mother of all nuts when it all recovers.
just be like me anon