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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58655244 No.58655244 [Reply] [Original]

Is the bull run over for real? Some really good twitter crypto accounts are calling the top at 74k, no recovery.

>> No.58655249

>Some really good twitter
stopped reading there

>> No.58655250

yeah sell everything you fucking retard... now it's going to crash hard as soon as more people realize this
trump talking about the US dominating bitcoin mining is a psy op that definitely doesn't mean it's going to skyrocket in 2025 just sell

>> No.58655270

line go down a little now but line go back up a lot later

>> No.58655333

I wouldn't bet on his presidency.

They argue the opposite. I'm a bull, but I think its healthy to get a reality check.

>> No.58655339

Trump is a boomer that is obsessed with the dollar. Embracing bitcoin is at odds with America First. He just wants more independent voters.

>> No.58655728

last bullrun we had a downward crab through august and it shot up in two weeks timeframe, either buy and hold now or get out.

>> No.58655733
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>he thinks the bull run has even started yet

>> No.58655751

exactly that's why I said sell
the entire us government pivoting to pro-crypto is a psyop, wiscounsin's pension fund adopting btc as an asset is a psyop
its going to 10k it's programmed

>> No.58655765

I sold everything but I still don't know if I should do the same with my $trump, it's linked to something real, maybe I can recover and make some extra money in the future

>> No.58657537
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what bull run baby? bear market is bearly ending now, winter is over, and spring will come some enough alts will rise and shine, super will double, btc will rise to 70k yet again and only early risers will know how to slurp success from that shit. Cope and sneed nigger

>> No.58657546

sell just before or after elections

>> No.58657550

even more if you fall on pajeet baits, maybe you are a pajeet yourself

>> No.58657554

hey you dropped your tinfoil hat

>> No.58657562
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>> No.58657987
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yup, it's over. The best thing to do now is to buy altcoins like xrp, dai or super and wait a couple of years.

>> No.58658823

Forget about this and focus on altscoins. Currently I've been pretty keen on PEAQ for its EVM compatibility creating a link between ETH and Polkadot.

>> No.58658836

Sure. Peaq Network goal is actually to transform the Web2-based internet of things into the Web3-based economy of things.

>> No.58658859

>good twitter crypto accounts

>> No.58658902
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Or just wait for AUKI TGE

>> No.58658903

americans are literally too fucking stupid to be some kind of dominant player in bitcoin, they don't even understand that it's decentralized and their legislations are meaningless
they had their chance a decade ago to mine all of it themselves before the whole world had access to compute, but they didn't and it's too late now

>> No.58658935

>sentiment is down this means bullrun is over

This happens in all bullruns my dude. You have to shake out excess euphoria before he next leg up. Next you will call LINK at $40 being the end of the bullrun.

>> No.58659184

yeah, it really is that simple.
We are going to crab all summer, probably even drop a little bit (50-55k still possible) since we need to complete the handle to the cup&handle. Then, we'll have the perfect storm in september: rate cuts, the effects of the halving (as always), ETFs pumps, cup&handle pattern, FOMO towards the main narrative/self-fulfilling prophecy which is the 4 years cycle.
No reason to expect all of this 1 year earlier than normal. Rember that if we consider inflation, we didn't even reach a new ATH yet. The top will be in late 2025 just like it was in 2021.
Keep DCAing and be patient, this time is not different. Sure, you can bet against it and get lucky, but you'll feel very stupid if everything ends up going exactly like the other times, because all the info was there and you ignored it to be edgy.
The only potential issue is WW3, which could be a black swan

>> No.58659506

Still thinking we might not crab for much longer. Feels like some shitty western where everyone's secretly holding a six shooter under the table and we are one spilled drink away from a fomo shoot out.

>> No.58659546

Sounds reasonable.

>> No.58661256

There hasn't been a bull run since Trump was the president.

>> No.58661358

September has been red almost every year for BTC

>> No.58661599

Ww3 is cancelled. No soldiers to fight.

>> No.58661624

Sell reddit sell

>> No.58661643


>> No.58661649

i'm already doing that with xlm, push protocol and ordi lately. before then it was bitcoin

>> No.58661650

This is exactly how I feel.
I would kill a man to buy $10 LINK, but I'll kill 10 more to get in if it starts pumping here and now.

>> No.58661699
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Why does most of /biz/ seem to think the bull run even started yet? Are we just full of redditors or something? I really don't understand this

>> No.58661726

4chan is an extension of reddit now, yes

>> No.58662160

If you really had to sell everything then you're super dumb for Opting for $Trump as your way outta poverty. What happened to having faith in utility alts especially in the AI scene?

>> No.58662297
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these short slighted price action junkies will be my exit liquidity Q4 2025 just as I was exit liquidity for others in 2017. the cycle continues ever onwards.

>> No.58663239

All hypes and no real utilities. Kek

>> No.58664452

Dumbfag spotted.
Would you say NAI is useless even though it powers the whole Nuklai ecosystem(basically one of the go-to data marketplaces rn) or would you say same for ASI, the upcoming merger token? Run along fag.

>> No.58664525

I'd keep stacking EOS, I don't care about some ded midwit fags dropping their retarded opinions to dump the market so they can buy in.

>> No.58664544

There’s zero reason to think BTC, enemy of civilization, will get any sort of positive catalyst in the near future to send it higher. The fact the halving was such a failure should have been your clue it was going lower and hard.

>> No.58665160

There is, it's called decentralized and its not the enemy of civilization, just the fed.

>> No.58665175

>Would you say NAI is useless
Why is price not reflecting what you're going on and on about?

>> No.58665214

It hasn't even started yet, lol. You can still profit even in a bear market. DePIN is something worth considering, and Peaq network can be your starting point to explore and invest in DePIN projects there.

>> No.58665230

It rose this much during an objectively economically shit period with central bank quantitative tightening. Imagine what's going to happen once we go QE clown mode again. Load up while you can.

>> No.58665506

>push protocol
It finally got Arbitrum's integration, get ready for comfy on-chain alerts frens.

>> No.58665940

As long as you fake convo pajeets are here this bullrun wont start

>> No.58665972

Only BTC has a relatively good price action rn. Whole market is shambolic as we speak so rather than gloat over poor price action, why not get more fiat to get these solid tokens that are basically on sale rn?

>> No.58665984

I wish people would realize its all a show
The original votes had trump at 73m votes amd biden at 79 which were also their ages until they manipulated the numbers sayimg dead people were voting etc

This is proof if you think about it: theyre both jesuits. The jesuits take a hyper specific oath. That means they cant possibly be opposed their goal is the aim of their faggot club.

Its all occult groups and nepotism of the jews top goys. The jews are under the demons that are under the god of materialism.

Its absolute bullshit designed to distract and make it seem like you have a choice or someone in the game with your best interest in mind.

If everyone understood they are scamming you and lying we could oust the problem in no time.
They pilot the flock around and ride them like horsies.

Its not worth running our lives into the ground pretending like someone else will fix the problem. Put energy into researching the truth.

Intelligence is speed at figuring out wisdom.
If you obtain high wisdom it will benefit the speed you figure things out greatly.

Theres no easy way to speak in an articulate manner to get people to see exactly whats going on.
Im tired everyone is tired. Our lives are being drained by the jews.
Truth is the greatest aeapom dont believe their gaslighting saying you should resort to violence. They will imprison you and kill everyone with the zog bot military.
Even peace can reach the ears and insight of the military.
Without people being duped into believing horse shit they cant do anything. They will have no one to operate their weapons.
Its not too late yet because they havent fully automated everything.

Everyone is so fixated on this bullshit hierarchy system trying to win mouth breathing clout for good goy pats like a woman.

There is so much to say and describe all these machinations. I will say all the right words if the Lord is with me.

Look at an iq distribution chart.
The world is lead by 1%

>> No.58666111

There needs to be those that will lead the people away from the lies.

The thing about being a liar is it is easy to convince people to do wrong things. Everyone defaults to sin.

Sin leads to slavery and death.
These things arent a far away concept but they lead directly to death.

Something that will help.. sexual energy is potential. Refrain from wasting yourself.
Dont eat the poison in food, all the metals. Dont drink flouride.
There is literally no point to ingesting flouride other than making people retarded.
All the sins fog up our insight. If you buff the mirrors of virtue and even keep a keen connection with God then your insight to the truth will improve greatly.
I dont mean to talk in a pompous or faggy way but to say directly what i mean.
I gain nothing but misery from this.
Its hard at first to and then it becomes all to easy because you will never want to go back to wasting yourself.
All the rot of this world is the result of the children of the devil.

They own the media they exclaim to everyone all that they want them to think.
They rush to silence others who speak the truth to twist everything they say around, pretending like theyre explaining the truth to them and like what they were implying theyre saying to them to convince people to trust these jews that do this
Its annoying and constant. They want people to fear being ostracized.

Make no mistake about the jews. Read John 8.
They have absolutely nothing to do with the hebrews thats an aggressive mimicry larp so they can turn people away from the right ideas.
Things should never be this clique retarded physical appearance thinking.
Men bitching about the way other men look.
There are some rash generalizations but God looks at peoples heart. Thats what should be done the rest is posturing fear mongering and effeminate ridicule of others.

>> No.58666119

I know its hard to stomach.
I have a wall of text thats supposed to make me ashamed and having said nothing of worth. Its all so retarded.
I need to go back to thinking and putting the pieces together so i can articulate things without ruining myself in a way thats not worth it now.
Its important. All the threats and gay posturing doesnt matter.
Schizo, all that the same responses on auto pilot because they know 97% of the world merely reacts to social ques and thinks purely out of emotion.

>> No.58667677

I'm hoping SUPRA has its TGE soon enough.

>> No.58667733

It is not over jeet. Get yourself some qan now before you start coping again.

>> No.58667862

no one knows wut they're talking about, anon! just mad assumptions flying around. i'm just yoloing my crypto, desu. still dca'ing like a boss. ram and eos are holding strong, so i'm just buying and hodling, lmao!

>> No.58668142

kek, love this analogy

>> No.58668204

We're in a sideways market rn. Load up on solid alts like ONDO, ZANO, and QAN or get left behind, anon.

>> No.58668211

Wait and see, or jump onboard now and experience it first hand. Idk about bigger plays, but I expect my Vesta NFT to do at least 5x before I even consider calling it a day in crypto

>> No.58669903


I read your posts and I think they were good. Also checking the double trips.