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File: 763 KB, 1000x667, gMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58648366 No.58648366 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58648390

My puts are printing every day

>> No.58648395



>> No.58648640

bottom signal

>> No.58648724
File: 204 KB, 1318x742, 1623783518816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-b-bbbut baggies.... gamestop bankruptcy NOW

>> No.58648910

because it would be suicide to do so. a true cult won't just stop and give up. what makes you so sure it will continue to tank?

>> No.58649809

You should have shorted when it was 80

>> No.58650036

Because BBBY Commandos are right.

>> No.58650044

I am, just like I shorted BBBYQ to cancelation.

>> No.58650056

I bet youre the same fucking retard who longed it when it was going up. God you retards are fucking retarded. Like clockwork. Buy high sell low never change. And in the case of gamestop jesus fucking christ don't buy, just stay the fuck away.

>> No.58650266

>God you retards are fucking retarded.
>just stay the fuck away
no, I don't think I will

just don't sell until its a phone number

>> No.58650273

i'm shorting btc and eth
profits using for buying funtoken and avax
cheat sheet xD

>> No.58650375

Jesus rose after three days. When you consider that miracle, anything is possible.

>> No.58650485

>stock exists where there is sentiment for ton of people to buy buy buy every day regardless of price action
>yea, let's short it
Fundamentals don't matter when investors are willingly ignoring it, have fun shorting it before it spikes to 60 again.

>> No.58650573

>Fundamentals don't matter when investors are willingly ignoring it, have fun shorting it before it spikes to 60 again.
Any sane investor would short it because they know it's never touching 30 again. If you want free money, short gamestop. Simple as.

>> No.58651730

Because options are scary. Puts esp, I've heard horror stories of people ending up dead in their computer chairs. Not good.

>> No.58651889

good thing gme is not a normal stock. anything under 30 is guaranteed profit.

>> No.58652915
File: 94 KB, 1200x1004, 1654092312858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too busy buying into defi narratives for the upcoming bullrun to care for reddit gimmicks. My cheap super, uni, inj and aave are all I need desu. I've seen pathetic attention whore influencers like Tate and his goons shilling GME so that's a top signal as well, no thanks.

>> No.58652920

>retard retard retard, buzzword buzzword, rhetoric, whataboutism
grow the fuck up.

>> No.58652924

Jesus is not real and you bought into generational Roman propaganda like a good little femboy lamb boy. Good job.
Why didn't you say "LET'S GO APE RETARDS DIAMOND HANDS WAGMI" like your friends at /r/WallStreetBets say? :(

>> No.58652927

Investing into defi's future. Even more so if it has ties to AI. INJ and TAO, delicious.

>> No.58652931
File: 33 KB, 604x579, 1654097795737019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how though? any tips for a newfag in stocks? i know crapto but i dont know stocks.

>> No.58652936

Kek you faggots are really stuck in 2021. Read this >>58651889 until it goes through your personal bias filters and thick skulls.
Anything under 30 is guaranteed profit.

>> No.58652940

why are you mad at andrew tate anon? did he touch a sore spot within you?

>> No.58652941
File: 8 KB, 235x215, 1654091628408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to.

>> No.58652942

I'm not mad I just keep tabs on certain undesirable figures to know what to avoid like the fucking plague. Men like him have entire armies of lost young men that will obey his every command because he *is* their father figure.

>> No.58652957
File: 64 KB, 525x503, 1654097290986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nvidia redpilled me. I'm not throwing serious money at anomalies like GME nor BBBY anymore.
Why aave? Only weird pick. Solid shitcoin selection otherwise.

>> No.58652960

Definitely mad kek