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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58642956 No.58642956 [Reply] [Original]

That's it. Stop grinding. We are already in a dystopia. No matter how good your new "app" or product is, no one's buying it. It is a waste of time to develop or create anything.

The only product people ever need is their smartphone. And they rotate between the same 4 apps and don't have a single reason to download anything else.

Following the "Ben Shapiro route" to becoming a millionaire by Being a good boy, going to college, saving money, getting good grades and working hard is USELESS when the government is printing money diminishing all of its value. When you get there, 1 million dollars won't mean shit.

Attention is the only currency.

The multimillionaires of today aren't the skilled, the smart, the creative or the hard-working. The multimillionaires of today and of the future are the ones who have managed to grab people's attention. People are bored scrolling their phones, not spending money on anything, just waiting for someone to catch their attention.

Trolls, grifters, clout-chasers, beefers, scammers and self-aware schizos. Pick one, or stay poor forever.

>"muh dignity"
The age of virtues is long gone. There are no communities to hold you accountable, women don't virtues, and virtues prevent you from being edgy enough to grow online.

>> No.58642958

The Tate brothers know that very well, and they're the perfect example. Despite them being skilled in a few areas, like being obsessively hardworking, good at kickboxing and possessing tremendous verbal skills, they were absolutely nobodies up until 2021, until they finally understood that ATTENTION IS THE ONLY CURRENCY.

Their "outrageous" takes made people stop scrolling and and want more. And with how quickly the Globohomo is advancing, it's getting easier and easier to say something that will be seen as outrageous.

>> No.58643005
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The current incarnation of twitter is a good allegory how the elite monetize and farm your low vibrational impulses to bastardize your higher potential, the purposeful destruction of societies higher instutions such a family, community, religion and culture is the intended results shown in macro

>> No.58643017

I made 420k€ in youtube making videos but on a long enough timeline every lifehack ends so now here i am on my 30's with "a bunch of money" and no income or job experience

I must now gamble this and get to 3 million. Wagecucking was never an option. I always believed on OP's thesis. IT's all about making money online. The problem is these corporations don't give a shit about you and can randomly delete your income for retarded reasons. You are dealing with Skynet. The algorithm is your god.

>> No.58643103

based. even TechLead claims he spent like 3 yeara obsessively studying the youtube algorithm, which at the end of the day was more worthy than spending 3 years coding and making money since no one knows who you are despite how talented you might be at coding (that also applies to any skills in the 2020s onward)

>> No.58643140



>> No.58643180


>> No.58643197


beautiful stuff anon, you have done well

>> No.58643216

I am already a multi-millionaire thanks to Bitcoin but I also happen to have a nice job with a salary of about 200k, a wife, and kids, and I'm still in my 20s.

The problem is I want to be well-known. I want status and fame, not money. I am willing to pay quite a lot to get this. I just don't know what or how to begin. Should I just film things and post them online? Should I try to become a professional actor? My budget for this would be exceptionally high compared to most, but I genuinely don't know how to achieve it.

>> No.58643233



>> No.58643511

>wife and kids

>> No.58643632

Bump. I have the same questions. I'm trying to think of new ideas myself. Social media is saturated so it seems you either need to be very good looking or very original. (or ideally both)

>> No.58643645

this is probably the most retarded shitpost I've seen on /biz/

>> No.58643875

>he thinks it's a shitpost

>> No.58644085


>> No.58644176

the grind doesn't pay off

>> No.58644206

ben shapiro got rich from jewish nepotism. while you were studying hard and networking he was writing articles about how palestinians have to be genocided

>> No.58644268

I create porn games it is pretty good source of money.

>> No.58644278


>> No.58644710

Unironically local governance. Do philantrophy. Most countries unless they're shitholes will have ways to recognise local people of influence. In Britbong land do this, but snowball up. Eventually you get up to orders like the OBE, etc and you can use that as a platform to get fame/

>> No.58644757
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>massive narcissist whose gay nerd life peaked in FAANG wants everyone else to give up
Is it him shilling these posts here or does he pay people? This fag has been in a front page thread every day for a week at least.

>> No.58644933

in my opinion with coding you need a portfolio and ideally something that blows in popularity (so once again, same concept)

i cannot code so i had to find a way out. if i didnt "made it" on yt i would have kms desu. but it requires so much luck. im starting from scratch and its brutal. the algorithm is all that matters. you must be lucky.

that guy is a grifter but proves his point. get views, get the money, thats it.

>> No.58644948

this retard bought Bitcoin at 5 figs and just realized HODL is a thing.

>> No.58644988

Airdrop Tokens are basically attention coin mixed with low effort.
Airdropped coins lost value due to dilution/Marketing.

>> No.58645019


>> No.58645032

I wasted like 200k on shitcoins. My life is over

>> No.58645122
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>guy who grifts and already had money gets views
>therefore grifting is the only way to get money

>> No.58645643

yeah and he prefers to make money online than working some insanely demanding job thats as much of a pipedream as making money online anyway but we dont need to leave our bedrooms to try

>> No.58646139

This thread is retarded. For every successful online scammer/ social influencer there are a thousand people who spent countless hours pursuing the same task and failed. The economy is fucked and the worst it's been in decades but still the best way for an average person to earn money is to simply work a job and lower their spending. Ideally get a mortgage as quick as possible or live with parents so you aren't throwing money in a pit on rent. 99% of internet grifters don't make a good living and that's if they manage to earn an income at all. People are obsessed with looking at the top 1% of internet grifters and thinking they can get there too but it's not going to happen. It's as retarded as thinking you will be an NBA player because you see Lebron James doing it

>> No.58646791
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>> No.58646856

I can never figure out if this guy is satire or not

>> No.58646920

You just need to get popular enough to get paid to shill for kikes or china

>> No.58647229

he's a former faang guy who validates copers by telling them that it's impossible to make it so it's okay if you give up

its like the inverse of telling people they can be rich if they just buy the course for $60, he sells doomerporn for copers who couldn't make it

just a grifter basically, he's telling people what they want to hear

>> No.58647256

He just comes off as a parody of the angry asian male that seems over the top for me. I cant believe he is serious.

>> No.58647279
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>he's telling people what they want to hear
>every video he makes gets automatic rebuttals and seethe
its satire, he's deliberately saying stuff that will make people like you butthurt.

>> No.58647321

>Should I just film things and post them online?
If you have good contents, you can make lots of money on it, especially when you monetize it with any of hydro or AdSense online platform, it's quality over quantity,

>> No.58647333

>your programs will never make it
>I'll make it by just doing nothing and having crypto
Seems like he's just dabbing on a certain group of programmers

>> No.58647335
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>cucked no wife (probably getting railed by some nip right now) no son
>backstabbing rat
>scammed with million token lol
this, i understood to never trust this rat fuck after he blatantly backstabbed and tried to steal users away from one of his "partners".

>> No.58647355

it doesn't make me butthurt, i respect his hustle, even if the effect on his viewers is harmful and demoralizing

>> No.58647363

>i respect his hustle
well ok, thats up to you.

>> No.58647391

Devs be rollin up to the bank on the daily with phat stacks of gains from pumpin out new porn games like it's nothin'.

>> No.58647416

I was gonna say this...

>> No.58647417

He's got a very dry delivery that you won't understand unless you're attuned to that kind of humour.
A lot of the time he's 100% right about whatever he's talking about but he does everything in a very shitposty trolling way. His last video was pretty spot on, there's no money to be made at the moment and nothing on the horizon, it's like we're at a major crossroads in civilisation and things have basically come to a standstill. His point was that you should probably just hold what you have and not worry about trading or expecting any major movements for a while.

People on 4Chan should be used to his delivery, it's very common on here.

>> No.58647420

>there's no money to be made at the moment an
That's fucking retarded and so are you if you believe it.

>> No.58647423

Being both is basically godmode,
Gotta be next-level cute to make waves these days, ideally both, for maximum kek.
High quality content is the golden goose, and depending on your setup, there could be a chance to connect with other focused content creators on both platforms.

>> No.58647508
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>I cant believe he is serious.
He isn't *serious* and he doesn't act like an angry Asian male, maybe you're just a midwit?
There are a lot of bubbles on the precipice of bursting but what innovation is there? We're edging closer and closer to a potential WW3 and America looks like it's going to go down the toilet and take everything with it.

Picrel was from 2016, you've got six years to go.

>> No.58647512

see >>58647229

>> No.58647565

so become internet whore for ads? thats so pathetic some of these famous celebs have no reputation and their following consists of the wannabe kids from india and other low IQ groups

>> No.58647580

Have you seen the state of the West recently? Do you really think that it's a major stretch that he's saying that everything is going to shit? You have wars breaking out across the globe, the US President is a corrupt pedophile with dementia who is very likely going to have the next election rigged in his favour again, they outright lie about every official report coming from the government from inflation to job numbers and nobody faces any legal price for it.

Rome is burning.

>> No.58647589
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>> No.58647605

My life is fine.
I own my own home outright, own a flat that I rent out, own crypto and stocks and have a few pensions.

I have money to invest and I'm not investing in fuck all because everything is overpriced and the market looks like it's on the verge of taking a massive shit.

If you know better than Warren Buffet who has also echoed this sentiment then I'd love to hear it.

>> No.58647776

collapse is legitimately preceded by poor quality of life, yes

>> No.58648108

Maybe collapse happens when enough people think this simultaneously, crazy thought huh

>> No.58648163
File: 7 KB, 250x198, You Are A Pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> wife and kids
> millionaire through btc
> high paying job
> wants to be famous even though, he's rich already so not desperate for money and he's married so not desperate for pussy...

Unironically AND ironically....KYS

I get what you're saying but you MUST be a normie retard scared faggot to think people whose lives are going great don't experience the exact same effect but in the opposite realm: "EVERYTHING IS GOING GREAT IN SOCIETY, NOTHING'S WRONG!"

If anything someone whose life is shit and is disconnected from normie land, who may be more cynical than they need to be, is immune to being blinded by the absolute largest blinders that society places on someone...the same blinders that the plebs and cattle serf class such as yourself defend with your semen-stained everlasting breath.

>> No.58648374

You're 100% correct. But like most things, you take these ideas and implement them in your day to say life and you reap benefits. Learn to be really good at public speaking, presenting, and selling ideas, and you'll make bank. Learning this shit helped me job hop to $200k a year as a project manager lmao 99% of my job is just putting a package in things.

>> No.58648802

How’d you get the money to invest enough to be a multimillionaire from BTC and still be in your 20s? Did you hear about it in middle school or some shit?

>> No.58648873

Should I become a Twitch streamer or draw gay furry porn?

>> No.58648897

Warren BugfetMcGee still has money in the market

>> No.58648919


>> No.58648935

this guy has never had a correct take in his entire fucking life, and I hope he dies penniless (he probably will)

>> No.58649035
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It's that easy! do it fren :)

>> No.58649055

Does anyone have the greentext screencap that had ''The normies are slowly becoming insane.'' in it? It had a shaggy smoking and J.C. Denton images in it, with a Charlie Brown Evangelion photo.

>> No.58649068

>The only product people ever need is their smartphone

When I saw this, what popped up was just how to turn on my Natix app while driving to work.

Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.58649077

That's a whole lot to risk on a shitcoin. I believe this was done when BTC was at its worst price level. Imagine investing that amount in BTC or ETH when they were below $20k and $1.2k, respectively—you'd be up by 3X or more if I'm not mistaken. You are a complete arsehole to have invested such an amount in a meme coin. If it was in any DePIN infrastructure, it could have been better because of the passive income stream.

>> No.58649227
File: 1.88 MB, 847x2086, Autonomic Intelligence Feedback loops have destroyed the world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, found it. Bless the Archive Gods and AI Algorithms for the help.

>> No.58649333

Denominator is getting debased so everything appears expensive

>> No.58649451

>everything is overpriced
its impossible for everything to be overpriced. that's not how many works. the far simpler and correct explanation is
>My estimate of how much one dollar is worth is incorrect. Tha value has gone down, but I did not adjust my mindset.

>> No.58649808

>its impossible for everything to be overpriced.
Due to excessive money printing and government manipulation of markets it really isn't impossible at all.

>> No.58649811

>Following the "Ben Shapiro route" to becoming a millionaire by Being a good boy, going to college, saving money, getting good grades and working hard is USELESS when the government is printing money diminishing all of its value. When you get there, 1 million dollars won't mean shit.
This is bs when the FED refuses keeps interest rates this high. They won't stop until all banks break. Canada and EU can lower rates all they want but it doesn't mean jack shit when the dollar is still this high.

>> No.58649812

I hate this faggot in suspenders. I haven't watched a video of his because his thumbnails are so disgusting. He paints himself as the savior of the internet when he is only calling out obvious scams.

>> No.58649820

Post channel

>> No.58649832
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>keeps interest rates this high
Interest rates are historically low, the problem is that after the toxic banking bailout that should never have happened you got used to nigh on 0% interest rates and because people borrowed money and spent it on retarded shit they're now unable to raise interest rates to anything like the level they should actually be raised to because the whole thing will collapse like a massive house of cards if they did.

Americans have allowed their financial system to be taken over by midwits and communists who make retarded decisions based on "trust me bro, this'll work" and now they're doing everything they can just to keep it from blowing the entire Western financial system to pieces.

Get it through your thick skull, the rates aren't coming down, they should be at least quadruple what they are now.

>> No.58649835

Interesting take, but I fell off his hypothesis when he claimed that these content creators would be lyched by the zealous masses. If anything, the masses would be lynching each other over a conflict with their "gods", which would be the content creators. It would be moreso Andrew Tate fanatics shooting up Pokimane simps.

>> No.58649930

>The FED will let banks fail amidst global instability

You are delusional.

>> No.58649953

Who said they'll let banks fail? They'll bail them out and put it on the taxpayers, again.
get ready for $50-$100 Big Macs in the coming years and the consequences that will bring.

>> No.58649969

>get ready for $50-$100 Big Macs in the coming years and the consequences that will bring.

I am. I own actual money that can't be devalued through printing. I also own land.

>> No.58649971

>and they're the perfect example. Despite them being skilled in a few areas, like being obsessively hardworking

>> No.58649979

The US government has confiscated shiny boomer rocks in the past, them doing it again wouldn't even set a precedent.

>> No.58650115

>laughs in Executive Order 6102

>> No.58650121

This is actually just a basement NEET laying out his fantasy

>> No.58650475

I think I also recently understood this because as a blogger I started out in the education niche, but it was difficult getting traffic, but since I switched to niches around gossip and the latest trends the traffic has increased and I've been earning well monetizing from Adsense and Hydro Online

>> No.58650555

>but since I switched to niches around gossip and the latest trends the traffic has increased and I've been earning well monetizing from Adsense and Hydro Online
Should I be in on this game anon?

>> No.58650806

>I am already a multi-millionaire thanks to Bitcoin but I also happen to have a nice job with a salary of about 200k, a wife, and kids, and I'm still in my 20s
This is a classic image of incredible success. You are a literal anime character. Go make an instagram and tik tok and film workout videos and film courses.

>> No.58650817

>I made 420k€ in youtube making videos but on a long enough timeline every lifehack ends so now here i am on my 30's with "a bunch of money" and no income or job experience
Thats sick, have you tried pivoting into something different?

>> No.58650829

>film courses
Sell them even

>> No.58651044

I've been using the last platform there for like 2 months now and my revenue has increased nicely since I don't need to display ads anymore

>> No.58651181

Don't put all your eggs in a meme basket because of how fast things change.
But also you need to strike when the iron is hot.

I wish I would've struck when Bitcoin was hot and sold at the end of each cycle then enjoy my life.
Instead I fell for the gimmick and spent 1,000+ hours on how it works and how to use it.

So everything is a meme but learn how to value your time.

>> No.58651382

you think I should be in or out of crypto right now?

>> No.58651573

you should be in until you can sell and meet your goals.