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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58643890 No.58643890 [Reply] [Original]

Market's a snooze fest, senpai. Just farming airdrops, trading shitcoins, and DCA'ing? What's poppin' in this crypto desert? Need some excitement!

>> No.58643921

Airdrop and memecoins

>> No.58643931

a few airdrops i'm looking to get.
redstone: ongoing
supraoracles: ended and tge soon
layerzero: checker on 20th.

>> No.58643966

dca into ETH and BTC. every other thing will rekt you.

>> No.58643975

Nice score, anon! Supra sale was a steal! TGE's gonna be a wild ride, hold tight!

>> No.58644012

What's the point of me holding this again.

>> No.58644025

Do you think there’s another bet like LINU? Do not make me buy shit that’s in the hundreds of millions.

>> No.58644028

less volatile. only real projects I know.

>> No.58644034


>> No.58644035

shitcoin anon.

>> No.58644046

buy LINK

>> No.58644066

LINU was a rare gem, anon! Don't get me wrong, there are some hidden gems out there, but most are just trash coins. I'm not investing in anything with a supply in the hundreds of millions, that's just asking to get bagheld. Need something with a tight supply and a real use case, or I'm not biting.

>> No.58644102

any other oracle but not LINK.

>> No.58644119

nothing at all. Just watching the crazy fight on CT.

>> No.58644205

RWA and AI are taking over.

>> No.58644266

got in on all. a few galxe and layer3 quest here and there. supraoracle campaign inclusive.

>> No.58644272

maybe for one more circlr. we got orcles coming up.

>> No.58644318

why everyone shitting on LINK. I sold all though.

>> No.58644330
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>> No.58644347

how do you make generational wealth.

>> No.58644365

what are you alls opinions on bitcoin etfs
those are some good monthly divs for the buy in id say

>> No.58644390

keep pushing those txn and campaigns anon. you never know what will pay off.

>> No.58644396

Ain't ready to blast off with SupraOracles? That's the next-gen cross-chain oracle solution

>> No.58644530
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>> No.58644534

Lmao, unironically super bullish. Got me over 2T myself, I do really believe that if we can pull off the casino stuff we are going to moon.

>> No.58644538

Oracles are fucking based.

>> No.58644552

Not gonna lie, kinda feels dead here, but the tech is comfy even though the toeknomics shit as hell.

>> No.58644556
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I'm waiting for SOL ETF.

>> No.58644591

Hyper Nova is top notch.

>> No.58644634

The upcoming oracles, SUPRA and DIA.

>> No.58644689

I already knew that shit gonna get edged out by Hyper Nova.

>> No.58644708

The more volume generated by Voodoo, the more fees are earned.

>> No.58644713

that's not going to happen

>> No.58644721

Airdrops are good enough for me. AUKI should be the big one this summer

>> No.58644790

Never happening soon, wait for SUPRA TGE.

>> No.58644888
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When quantum shit computers come, everyone will be fucked. Exception will be a couple of quantum tech projects

>> No.58645016

Can't compete with Supra's lightning-fast oracles and innovative tech.

>> No.58645095

Chainlink is based and have been around. even though price is shit.

>> No.58647096 [DELETED] 

Oracle with revolutionary cross-chain and bridgeless interoperability protocol can't be shit.

>> No.58647109

Oracle with revolutionary cross-chain and bridgeless interoperability protocol can't be shit.

>> No.58647390

Decimated is a multiplayer online survival game featuring digitally scarce virtual items and an in-game currency called DIO.

>> No.58647438
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LINK got dumped because it's not fast anymore, upcoming oracles are the gamechanger.

>> No.58647510

I'm patiently waiting for the TGE. I'm not going to snooze.

>> No.58647576


>> No.58647584

When is the TGE

>> No.58647641

Stay glued for the official announcement.

>> No.58647717

SUPRA is L1 now, not just an oracle

>> No.58647765

Fucking based L1.

>> No.58647767

Buy a lowcap that can do a 100x, you are welcome.

>> No.58647772

Homie you’re giving me hopium. Can’t wait to see what you crazy kids have for us. Godspeed

>> No.58647777
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>> No.58647802

One of the most active projects in the space atm. They fucking building like crazy.

>> No.58647805

Just find some SOL shitcoin and ape in aggresively, you are welcome.

>> No.58647810
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>> No.58647815

This is a literal scamcoin.

>> No.58647865
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the lack of digits appreciation ITT is appalling and you're all a bunch of nigger faggots

>> No.58647902

That's one potential 200x-1000x I'm looking forward to.

>> No.58647916

Blast-off campaign gonna f**king get bags filled.

>> No.58647933

L1 plus oracle, that's a huge boost.

>> No.58647963

Nothing gonna beat oracle, especially Hyper Nova

>> No.58647970
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how the fuck do you buy "SUPRA"?

I'm a no coiner, i want to buy some ridiculous long shots since i've missed every moon mission thus far

>> No.58647971


>> No.58647975

You missed the crowdsale, wait for the TGE.

>> No.58647988
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will that be available on "normal" exchanges or is it going to be some complex process to buy?

sorry if i'm asking for spoonfeeds, just trying to figure this shit out and it's rather overwhelming.

>> No.58649306

AUKI is the call, anons. its TGE is already around the corner.

>> No.58650460

Saw a tweet about this last week, hope it happens soon so I can call my granny to tell her I've made it

>> No.58650469

Shrl presale growing so fast I’m scared I’ll miss stage 3 too

>> No.58650614

They talk about top CEX listings here;

>> No.58650630

SUPRA can't be bought yet faggot, don't be a retard misleading peanut-brain biztards

>> No.58650669

That's only the surface. Supra covers;
>crosschain liquidity
>Bitcoin L2 - BEVM

>> No.58650711

nb; Supra not ended, still on afaik
>Layerzero is gon be another shitdrop like ZKscam

>> No.58650779

LINK didn't dump because of speed, bad as it's slow, still got a much bigger ecosystem than all the newfags listed here.
LINK is dumping because it's reach the upward threshold and smart money is moving into new protocols that offers similar services. It's only dying with time

>> No.58650800

Not if you get in early, but fags will always baghold oversold very high cap shitcoins in the name of blue chip than make smart chad calls.
>don't be a fag, be a chad and ape SUPRA at TGE.

>> No.58650834
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I'm not here for the tech, just get the token listed and pamp my bag

>> No.58651427
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I got your snoozefest right 'ere...