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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58641892 No.58641892 [Reply] [Original]

Gold & Silver: The funko-pops of investments
>not bought to make a profit, only to take pictures to share with other collectors
>said pictures frequently include other LARPing prepper equipment (which only goes to illustrate the ill mind of these "investors")
>held primarily by Q-anon believing boomers (surrounding discussions rapidly spiral into the delusional)
>price goes up: giddy anticipation of "the collapse", price goes down: "market manipulation" (whatever the movement, no profits are ever made)

>> No.58642364

what no stack does to a mf

>> No.58642380

>Imagine making fun of a currency that has been around for 15,000 years and holding a believe that crypto, which I has been around since 2009, is the smart bet

>Imagine paying $66,500 for a line of computer code

>> No.58642390

>10 grammatical errors in 2 sentences
spoken like a true jeet. defending gold too kek, typical

>> No.58643025

Folks this is how you know were winning. The banksters are sending their shills here to demoralize us. We gotta buy more, ideally Christian themed precious metals, and we gotta just keep resisting the moral decay and degeneracy around us.

>> No.58643218

>portable store of wealth
>doesn't pump or dump so you can stack at a reasonable price
>does not depend on technology or electricity (very unique in todays techno utopia)
>sort of hedges against inflation
Not as good as cash for an end of the world scenario but then any cash saved for 20 years would lose value (assuming you don't know when the end is coming)

>> No.58643257
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Unit of account, money as tally board, is the primary function of money. It is this function that enables economic calculation, it is this function that enforces the game theory of voluntary exchange and frees us from the hobbesian war of all-against-all.

We now have an immortal, incorruptible, trustless, stateless, transparent tally board to ensure all the big, important tallies add up. If the current tally board is fair, then BTC should have a value of zero, if the current tally board is corrupt, BTC will approach Sole Denominator in-the-limit. Is the current tally board fair? Which path are we on?

>> No.58643261

>doesn't know what a shill is
Sir, in this situation, *you* are the shill.

>> No.58643263

>if the parasitic oligarchs fuck off the world will end!

>> No.58643269

Enough with the rabid antisemitism there.