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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58640579 No.58640579 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true you need $10 million to comfortably retire?

>> No.58640580


>> No.58640582

who is this BITCH

>> No.58640595

Would would would would would
I typed that with my dick

>> No.58640720

No, you need at least 100 million

>> No.58640740

Is she AI generated? Is this AI generated? Is anything not AI generated? Is Biz just bots talking to eachother? Am I an AI is this sentience?

>> No.58640745

most likely what is needed, I genuinely don't expect anything less than 400k, I mean, if my kendu inu is giving me that then I don't think the rest will be as easy

>> No.58640783

If you are a retard nigger on biz that has a biz level understanding of finance and investing then yes, you need 10 million, maybe even 1 billion to live comfortably without losing it all being being a fkn retarded nigger like you all are

>> No.58640855

I love her.

>> No.58640871

i wanna be a grown ass chad with a thick ass cock and 10 milli in the bank so i never give a fock

>> No.58642240
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>> No.58642244

gimme 1 mil, ill turn that into 3mil within a year.

>> No.58642252


>> No.58642268

If you need more than $0 to retire right now you're fucked

>> No.58642296
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No, you need $25 million to retire comfortably.

I should know because I have over 10 million, but still not enough to even attract a gf.

You need a lot more money these days to make it.

>> No.58642298

nah nigga. you show me a pay stub or a slip that proves u got 10 million, i quit my job and work for u right now

>> No.58642301

HAHAHAHA lmao nigga you can't survive on 300k a year?

>> No.58642329
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i dont know but i know im growing with apu frens

>> No.58642356

Fuck you Kendu fag. Yes I am jealous. Why did you niggers shill hard on reddit but not here? Reddit just makes you look like a scam

But no, 5m is easily enough even in most first world countries.

>> No.58642366

Dude's a larper. What multimillionaire posts on fucking /biz/. Scratch that. What multimillionaire posts on /biz/ in 2024?

>> No.58642415

the s&p 2x'd in under 4 years, can you guess why?
anyone still fantasizing about living on $1m or $2m like you could 10 years ago are just outing themselves as a midwit

>> No.58642526

That's a man

>> No.58642537
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If $10MM can't make up for my lack of height and hair to get a gf, then its self evident that $10MM is not enough to make it.

I think once I get $25MM then women will overlook my lack of height and hair.

>> No.58642539

if u provide proof, i will literally become ur workout buddy and help u become more physically attractive

>> No.58642540

only children type the trendy phrases like "would"
go to bed kiddos, school is tomorrow

>> No.58642569

>10mil not enough
does anyone have that screenshot of a prostitute doing sigmagrindset in saudi arabia, talking about taking big dumps, only to exit after years of whoring with 100k? or was it 1 mil?

>> No.58642596
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I didn't get $10MM by being retarded, so of course I work out, but only for health reasons.

Working out for vanity reasons is a scam, because it won't get me more height, hair, or bone structure.

If you have a serum that can make me 6' 5", I would spend $10MM to drink it.

>> No.58642606


>> No.58642617

how tall are u?
how much do u weigh?

history's greatest seducers have never been very attractive men. You need to have a witty sense of humour combined with confidence alongside authority. if women see that confidence fade for even a sec, they lose interest.

The authority part is important. women by nature are submissive, they desire men in places of power. dont flaunt ur wealth,but showcase it. dress nicely. be skilled at what you do.

i like to call it being "arrogantly humble"

there's many things u can do anon. it isnt over for u, trust me.

>> No.58642626

School is out for summer where I live

>> No.58642698
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You need just $apu and $apuclown to retire, dude. Wait until next memecoin bullrun.

>> No.58642814
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shiiiiiiiii, this fuckin nigga doesn't deserve it

>> No.58642952

These threads literally only get engagement because Emma is pretty. Jannies, do your fucking job.

>> No.58643089

Minimum yeah

>> No.58643111 [DELETED] 

a 98.6 degree fleshlight

>> No.58643129
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> What multimillionaire posts on fucking /biz/.
The assumption you're making is that we somehow become better people the moment we get enough money.
So we don't have time for petty things as online forums for the financially degenerate as we have grown beyond those childish things.
But, well, you're wrong. We're still the same people. We didn't become better. We don't attract more friends or lovers.
We're the same, we just have more money.

>> No.58643156

>reverse google image search
>zero matches

man... anon ill get on my knees if it means working for u. what qualfiications do i need to be worth it in ur eyes

>> No.58643174

I don't need to hire anyone for anything. You're asking the wrong guy. You made that offer to >>58642296 initially.
I've got more money than him, I'm taller, I've got good hair, and a decent bone structure, and I still have no game. So hey, at least there's that.

>> No.58643178

what if im epic, tho? like, super epic. 25% returns monthly epic.

>> No.58643188

How'd you two make it? Just curious. I'm just over $1m now but definitely need to speed things up to get to where you guys are.

>> No.58643241

In my case, it's 90% early Bitcoin. I did have a good career as a software engineer too, and saved a couple millions that way. But then Bitcoin happened.
What my screenshot doesn't show is that only 25% of my net worth is in fiat stuff. I sold a bit, enough to be okay if all of crypto dies overnight, but I'm still heavily into Bitcoin, so expect my number to do wild things one way or the other over the next few years.

Yup, that'd beat me for sure. My normal investment strategy is 3 broad market funds. 10% a year is a good year.
(there's also Bitcoin, but that probably doesn't count.)

>> No.58645338

how much have ur investments grown so far? if u dont account for new money being added in

>> No.58645415

Yeah.. so I kinda suck at tracking this stuff, but overall, my fiat investments are pretty mid. I'm overexposed to developed markets, and fell for one of the ARK meme funds. Generously, I'm barely doubling my money every 12 years. So, pretty shit returns overall.
My ~10M% return on Bitcoin helps to make me feel better about it, but obviously I'm no genius investor.

>> No.58645446

>kinda suck at tracking this stuff

doubling 8 digits after 12 years is still damn good. i wish i could say smth to convince you to lend an ear to what I have to say, but you seem like you're settled in and doing well for urself. Well done anon, u made it to the end of the rat race. just get a wife so u can spend that money on someone.

>> No.58646162

no. there are part of the world where $500k is more than enough.

>> No.58646284

>have over 10 million
>still not enough to even attract a gf

Money and pussy are not related. Plenty of broke chads get laid.

>> No.58646316

also pussy is overrated anyhow. sex is great sure, but a lot of times you just need a wank and move on.

a gf/wife is more about getting centered and anchored to reality. it's not at all about the pussy altho that's part of the intimacy.

>> No.58646392

I'm sick of seeing this man's face

>> No.58647760
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No. It's all biz shitposting to demoralize you by forcing a very unrealistic goal. This is done by incels and losers in this board to make everyone else as miserable as they are. If super alone, ALONE, as in it's one of my assets (1), IF it hits $5, I can p much retire for at least five~ years. ONE asset doing ok-ish and I can afford that.

>> No.58647920

stop hating

>> No.58647954

have you tried not having a shitty personality?

>> No.58648200
File: 56 KB, 684x365, 1783483248324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just have a personality bro

>> No.58648275

> Literally a few millimeters of personality

>> No.58648417

You only need 3 BCH

>> No.58649421

you can retire of 600k if you arent retarded and non consumerist

>> No.58649683

in Europe 1 million is plenty

>> No.58651120

Dude wth man...
I was a turbomanlet incel until I worked on my charm, body, confidence. I've consistently had gf's since I was 19. I'm not as rich as you are, but I'm in the 2 comma club too. All I can say is that you shouldn't spend money to get women. That's how you attract gold diggers. Every one of my first dates involved a walk in a park or a museum. At most I bought them a burger and fries. You DO NOT need to spend an absurd amount of money to get a woman, and if you do, you'll end up with a bad one. My current gf has been with me since before I was rich, and she's a keeper. I've never dated a fatty or a bpd or any other kind of undesireable either. If I can do it, you definitely do. Maybe spend money on a personal stylist and a personal trainer. The personality/charm is the hardest part to do since you have to internalize those traits, and that takes lots of fucking up over many years.

>> No.58651259


>> No.58651305

why are there so many threads on this board meant to demoralize people? Is it a crabs in a bucket thing?

Like it's basic math to figure out how much you need, let's do something easy like investing in US treasuries, the 10 years yields 4.2% with no risk, if you put 2 million into 10 year treasuries you get $84,000 a year in interest, who can't retire on that income? Even if you reinvest half of that it's still enough to live off of if you are thrifty.

>> No.58651312

Demoralizing bots. Why market makers target this place is benign, email already scrubbed it down to like 500 people, are collective net worth is miniscule.

>> No.58651324

Maybe 15 years ago not today

>> No.58651361


That was pre-COVID. $24 millie today

>> No.58651367

all i need is her

>> No.58651602

When I go through my occasional two year long NEET sprees I manage to get by with 10k/year.
It's not a fanciful life, but it works

>> No.58651821

I always see people claim they meet people in parks, museums, libraries, etc. but I've never seen anyone at those sorts of venues interact with strangers.

>> No.58652301

>What is inspect element

>> No.58652309

Sure, maybe if you live like a poorfag in SEA, but that’s assuming things don’t go south in the economy or that you don’t need to take out a big sum for an accident or medical bill.

>> No.58652387
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Snood on /biz/?

>> No.58652792
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I am shorter than the average American woman.

I am not fat, and is quite muscular but being a bald manlet it doesn't add a single point to my looks.

>Plenty of broke chads get laid.

That is very true anon, you're either born chad or not, no amount of money can make up for this.

It was probably already over for me as soon as I came out of my mother.

>> No.58652852

Those are terrible places to meet people unless you have a really high level of game (which I don't). But I have a friend who's a short Indian dude, literally 5'4", and kinda average looking but well groomed. He has stupidly good game, and will meet girls in public spaces like cafes and fingerbang them the same day. I'm not that good, and in order to get to that level, he worked on it every single day for 5 years with a daily journal of what went right and what needed work. It's not worth it unless you're literally a pussy addict. Also he can't seem to keep a girlfriend around for more than 3 months which isn't something most dudes want... And keep in mind his ratio of approach to fuck is about 1:50 or 1:100. It's basically a part time job for him to have pussy on call.

I'm going to recall a quote by a south american singer who was a midget and married a supermodel. A shitty interviewer once asked him how he fucked his wife since he's so short, and he responded, "I climb on my pile of money and we're the same height." Cultivate skills and interests anon, it'll lead to confidence.

>> No.58652859

>Those are terrible places to meet people; Parks, museums, libraries.
Zoomers, everyone. The most antisocial generation to ever anti socialize.

>le good game
God Zoomers truly are as the name implies; gen-Zombies. Pathetic wasteful useless creatures. The immigrants will overrule all of you as the jews intended, you imbeciles.

>> No.58653286
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Money was never meant to make you a better person; it just makes your life better.
If you are a faggot when you have 10k, you're still a faggot with 10m, but with a better life.
$1 million could be my lifetime target, but overall, I'm still chillin' af even with 1k or 10k.
But hey, my broke ass have nothing to judge you, and yes i do have gf,hehe