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58640069 No.58640069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>early 30s
>ugly beta charismaless nerdy looking male
>no friends or social experiences since school
>no female attention ever
>done nothing with women ever, apart from prostitutes
>friendless loserdom continued all through university and multiple jobs (part time jobs during university and office jobs afterwards)
>become the ugly loser nobody talks to within a few days of starting all jobs
>living in London or other cities changed nothing
>just "going outside bro" changed nothing
>lifting weights for years changed nothing
>passing university, getting an ok paying job changed nothing
>current status: have a job, youth has gone, zero social life
>r9kpilled in 2012 during university
>Stirnerpilled in 2013
>incel blackpilled in 2014
>now even normies have caught up with blackpill logic
>not stupid or oversocialised enough to believe in any religions, philosophies, ideologies, heuristics, habits, customs, esoterica, spiritual beliefs, dogmas, historical patterns, metaphysics, superstitions, social conformisms, groupthink, extrapolations, deductions (apart from on the page), forms, the supernatural or occult, aphorisms, nationalisms, ethics, probabilities, media slogans, memes, social panics, manias, purity spirals, dogpiles, zeitgeists
>totally unspooked individual

Welp, that's life. Teen years gone. Twenties gone. Nothing happened.

>> No.58640078

Are you londonfrog

>> No.58640176
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I feel like even though you may argue me, you're crying for help. So, I'll give you my $0.02.

Life is hard Anon. Weights, "going outside", money, looks, etc. never works on its own. There isn't a stat to level up like a videogame.

My best advice is to let all that go temporarily. What is something you've always wanted to do? Even if you think it's too gay, expensive, etc. Go take out a loan to do the thing you've always wanted to. Find a passion. Forget about what other people think. Over time, you will find yourself in that passion. You'll find a community and you'll find yourself. Let that passion define you, instead of "leveling up" or sitting around and consuming doomer incel shit, which are really two sides of the same unrealistic coin. They're dual coping methods for men trapped in a feedback loop of modern society.

Find what YOU want for yourself.

>> No.58640250

bad advice
lift, eat right, learn a skill and get good
also don't ever be ugly even once

>> No.58641451

go to the pub simple as

>> No.58641464

Exercise, eating well and having a skill are basic human requirements, they don't bring fundamental happiness (unless working out is your passion). You need a purpose that brings human connection along with it. You absolute fucking nerds need to touch grass before you start telling people wiping their ass and washing their hands is also "top tier alpha male shit".

>> No.58641506

Official statistica from mainstream established media sites: 50% male inceldom for men over 30

The real number for males worldwide, including males under 30 is like 90%

Most men can’t breed anymore, and men will revoke womens rights within 3 years because of that. You are not the exception anon, you are the rule. It’s the same for all of us males now, excluding tall chads which are 10% of population

China, one of the hardest places for men to get a wife, has spiked female trafficking - and human rights organizations are reporting the government is just ignoring the problem and police are often not acting on it, sometimes they are even bringing the women back to the men that bough them. This isnt officer corruption, is the government wanting their men to reproduce and looking away completely from this new black market

Officially or unofficially, women will be forced to marry again, all
of them
so al males get wives

You just can’t leave most males alone for life and expect these males to do nothing about it, most men will be faced with this question now: Buy a wife, or live forever alone and die

So even good men will ultimately buy one from a cartel, there is no alternative for 90% of uspy8p

>> No.58641520

And im not some schizo, all I’m saying is being reported by mainstream
media articles, not fake news garbage you see posted on pol. Just look it up yourself these facts:

Inceldom rate (50% reported already on south korea, for males over 40)

Russia as leading divorce quantity in the world

South korea electing “incel” anti feminist president attacking women for low birth rates

China spike in female trafficking and government doing shit about it

These are all 2024 reports and trends - like I said, you are not alone anon. Most men will not reproduce and get a family unless women are forced to marry men, and this is THE redpill/blackpill for all men living in this decade: Either you’ll have to be evil and buy a wife, or you die alone and childless.

>> No.58641524

males over 30 I meant for south korea

>> No.58641554

bro just be who you want to be.
who cares what other people think

>> No.58641555

Shutup faggot

>> No.58641609

Its over

>> No.58641684

You create your own reality. You are a pathetic incel loser because you made yourself that way. The good news is, you're still alive and have plenty of time left. The first step is to stop worrying about being a pathetic incel loser and instead focus on the things that matter. Down syndrome guys literally never get laid and they're still capable of enioying life - are you telling me they can do it but you can't? You'll let yourself be bested in the pursuit of happiness by literal retards? Shameful display.

>> No.58641701

Go back to church retard

>> No.58641759


The black pill is that most women don't like the men they are with. In the past they had to work their problems out due to economic reasons, which is why the institution of marriage appeared to work. For the time being, this is no longer the case.

Women think they achieved something with no fault divorce, abortion, women's rights, etc. but in the end it just means men increasingly will no longer have any reason to participate, governments will not have the tax revenue needed to sustain the population and human nature will slowly gravitate back to the old ways of reproduction.

>> No.58641835

Lots of anons ITT rationalize this with facts and logic or whatever. Some just go full doomer redpill mode and think its rationalizing. Women will come into your life as long as you take care of yourself. Workout, eat right, do stuff you enjoy. Your life will feel better and that energy radiates off of you. Also get hobbies. Not only does it keep you busy but also you meet people that are similar in that regard. I like playing guitar and running. The girl I'm talking to right now is a runner. Another thing is to take risks. This board should find this part easy since you all risk thousands on shitcoins anyways. The thing you didn't want to do because you rationalized and thought about all the worst case scenarios attached to it go do it. Don't overthink it

>> No.58641851

post body

>> No.58641903

>Women will come into your life as long as you take care of yourself. Workout, eat right, do stuff you enjoy
Yeah don't listen to this nonsense or you end up 50 years old and wondering wtf happened.

>> No.58641905

Take a habit of waking up early in the morning if you haven't yet.
Nothing interesting ever happens in the morning. So it's the perfect time to be taking care of yourself, since you know you're never going to be missing out on anything.

>> No.58641909

>People with diminished or twisted brain function can be happy, a function of the brain, so why can't you?
Do you people read the things you write? lol

>> No.58641916

Don’t make women a priority in your life.
Focus on devotion to the Lord God Jesus Christ, Almighty and Eternal. Everything else will work itself out because nothing else matters but Christ. Glory to You Lord Jesus Christ.

>> No.58641962

>doesn’t believe in God
>totally unspooked individual
Yes, of course. Tale as old as time. Entire empires were brought down and had to learn the hard way, but it was too late at that point. Hopefully you come to your senses before death snatches you. Once the veil is lifted from your face and you see the world world of the unseen, the doors to repentance will be closed at that point and Allah will no longer have mercy on you as arrogance is the worst type of quality a person can have.

>> No.58642094
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Just lift weights like me bro.
Ever since I've lifted weights I've gone from an incel to a Chad.
Its that easy.
Pic related is me.

>> No.58642117

Sounds like you're the one with diminished or twisted brain function if you can't figure out how to be happy.

>> No.58642203

Statistically the average person is broke, overweight, and not particularly talented at anything aka failing the basics. Obviously if you're healthy, financially secure, and have a baseline level of competence at life you are free to pursue passion projects and do things that make you a more interesting person, but most people aren't there yet.

>> No.58642548
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you forgot about your reflection brudder

>> No.58642638

are you the same anon that made a thread with a summarizing picture about this earlier today that the jannies deleted?
cause fuck that scum it was economic discussion in nature

>> No.58642827
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Go back to r9k chud. My only advice is to take drugs.
I feel great all the time and nothing gets me down when I have every other hour to look forward to getting high, on top of that
I have a gf who was a virgin, I have my own business which I love doing, I have many hobbies such as producing music, leather crafting, jewelry crafting, reading philosophy / schizo occultism. I have a good amount of friends but I purposefully avoid hanging out with them because I'm an introvert and genuinely love staying at home, I could always hang out with them if I wanted to.

I used to be an awkward sperg in high school but I managed to turn it around and avoided becoming an incel by having sex with a cute 16 year old Asian girl when I was 17.
All of you chud incels are too negative and this is what drives everyone away from you. Keep "blackpilling" and telling yourself everything is shit, that's what you will manifest into your life.
You can cope all you want and blame your ugliness, but the real ugliness is inside you, every unattractive incel could get any girl if you had the right energy / charisma aka RIZZ. Women don't care about looks, or they are only secondary to your personality. Ugly guys with good charisma can easily get cute girls.
You r9k types are just hateful, negative, bitter, and insecure people, nobody wants to hang around a "blackpilled" person.
I bet you are racist /pol/cels too and spend your energy in a black pit of negativity, where misery loves company and you can all hate together and blame all your problems on others, never getting to the true problem (yourself).

>> No.58642898
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You will find and forge yourself anew in battle against the Principalities. Be patient.

>> No.58642996 [DELETED] 

I'm much better off, so it's hard to relate but I'm interested in your experiences.
I managed to hold on to one friend from highschool and have a few other friends ironically through my best friend's ex.
I hate how I let myself go but up until 25 I was hot. I'm married and we have 1kid so far.
I've never gone to a prostitute. Imagining I was single and lonely, i would be so stressed about getting it up on demand when there's money on the line and a stranger's judgement. More so now I'm out of shape. Good on you for at least pursuing that avenue.
>Lifting weights for years
Very cool that you kept up that habit reliably
>Groups ethics in with religion
If you want social connection, you'll need to put in effort to not be a downer/constantly negative, but surely there's some social opportunity for your interests. I won't bother listing mine where I have had luck in socialising as that would make my input too easy to dismiss out of hand if they just don't align to yours.
>Totally unspooked
You seem to have some significant concrete assumptions about your life being impossible to improve, so I disagree.
>males worldwide
Don't include third worlders in a discussion about... Wait, worth asking.
OP, what are you? I just assumed an ugly Anglo or similar. If not, there's some options open to you and some closed to you.
I'm 5'9 and bred just fine. A friend of mine is like half a head shorter than me and has two girls and a loving wife. My best friend might not have kids with his woman, but it'll be by choice. The three of us just have the requisite amount of confidence to talk to women. We're all average looking, though, so no handicap there. I get that for some people the way they look massively hinders them.
I don't speak to China or Koreas, the former I could easily imagine heavily disincentivising singledom for women, in line with their previous social engineering attempts.
But it'll have no real bearing on the west.