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58636360 No.58636360 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys understand that when AI and quantum computing take the next step in the next few years, someone is going to use that tech to crack Bitcoin encryption and make it worthless? Just keep that thought in your mind if you think you're going to be rich

>> No.58636392

Do you understand which of Bitcoin's cryptography primitives are potentially vulnerable to a quantum computing attack, and which are not?
Given that understanding, can you devise a pattern for using Bitcoin that would keep your coins safe from known, albeitever theoretical, quantum computing attacks?

>> No.58636406

What does any of that have to do with the fact that AI is going to make Bitcoin worthless?

>> No.58636416

> the fact
Ah yes, the fact that AI is very spooky, and therefore *magic* will ensue.
I like those facts. It makes any attempt to reason based on what we currently know completely pointless.
Is anything safe from AI's spookiness?
Are you?
Am I?

>> No.58636438

Hey bro, I'm giving you a reality check. You can be cocky all you want and talk a big game, but just remember what I said when you're broke

>> No.58636446

I want to disagree but its kind of hard to. It's ignorant to think sha256 will be impossible to crack 20 years from now

>> No.58636471

I'd say by the end of the decade if things continue to grow at the exponential rate it is now. Musicians are shitting their pants because of suno.com

>> No.58636472

AI is fake and gay, it dosent exist because LLM != intelligence and so far the best use case "they" have come up with is poorly drawing anime pron

>> No.58636482

You're thinking of 2022 AI. I don't think you understand what is happening at the moment with the current stuff. Anyone can #1 music hits at this moment, all in 30 seconds. The drive thrus in my city are starting to be all AI. Shit has exploded the past 8 months

>> No.58636505

You think I don't live in the world and see the same shit? Let me say it again, LLM's != intelligence, on any level, its just collage art with tech buzzwords added to sell the next big thing to goys like you.

>> No.58636521

Amigo, listen to me carefully. You can be cocky, arrogant and dismissive, but the writing is on the wall. Only a matter of time before 20 million qubits is reality

>> No.58636531

>ability to steal nuclear launch codes
But you're concerned about other people's money, quite feminine of you.

>> No.58636548

>faced with a harsh reality
>resorts to strawman argument

Do zoomers really?

>> No.58636593

Not a strawman faggot.

>> No.58636622

>more name calling
Look buddy, you thought ChatGPT had the nuclear codes, that's all I needed to know who I'm talking with. Windows 11 activation keys aren't nuclear codes

>> No.58636634

You said quantum computing

>> No.58636668
File: 119 KB, 1200x630, spiderman pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're shook because you just realized your Bitcoin is going to be worthless in the next decade, but no amount of arguing on the internet is going to change that reality

>> No.58636936
File: 32 KB, 720x721, 164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont really care that much about ai and tech, as long as my conan suicide stack pumps im game

>> No.58636969

Same anon I encountered in another thread. Arguing semantics isn't going to change reality kid.
>*takes your job*
>*takes your money*
>*takes over your country*
>*takes your life*
>be you, in the afterlife

>> No.58637057

Sure why not. Spreading FUD is fine and fun, so by all means, go off queen.
After all, not everybody deserves Bitcoin.

>> No.58637184

People will delude themselves into thinking they are smarter than everyone else no matter how much you explain to them. The only way they learn is to suffer first hand

>> No.58637196

So if I told you at some point an asteroid will hit earth, that's FUD? It's definitely going to happen at some point is the point I'm trying to make. And if you understand Moore's Law, I don't see how you can't correlate it to qubits as well. It's a race to see who can come up with the most powerful quantum computer right now because there is big money to be made

>> No.58637204

to be fair that applies to every account that I own anywhere

>> No.58637232

It's pathetic you think greentexting your little 80 iq tirade somehow makes you right. And you probably even thought you were funny. Good lord kill yourself.
The reason you think chatgpt is "AI" is because you are a subhuman who is even less capable than a computer.

>> No.58637256

why? He has a good point

>> No.58637277

>Oh noes i should go live with the amish
You fags might get some pussy if you learned how to build a barn and beat a steer to death with your own hands.
Instead its just your own hands for you.

>> No.58637278

>bitcoin core 34.0.1 released
>soft forks to use SHA-65536
>consensus amongst user base, who adopt it

>> No.58637291

Ignoring "AI" (which no, there won't be a "singularity" and no, the next generation LLM will not magically turn into an AGI), you're not wrong about the impact of quantum computing. However have you considered that quantum computing, and particularly the bleeding edge application of it, will not be in the hands of anyone other than existing superpowers. It'll be a similar situation to the advent of nuclear weapons. Whoever develops it first will hold it over the head of everyone else, but probably not actually use it. Within a few more decades quantum resistant cryptography or other countermeasures will be developed, and people will go back to worrying about AGI.
Don't get me wrong about AI though, while all this is happening 95% of the workforce will be replaced by those LLM's. They may not be AI, but as a technology and force multiplier for productivity they're the steam engine and spinning wheel on steroids.

>> No.58637306
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20240606_100244_659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat drink and be merry, tard
In two weeks we are surely dying
You talk like a fag and your shits all fucked up. The ironing of the pic you chose
I peepee on your thread

>> No.58637311

There will be rogue actors who see $$$ through an easy means, whether it be China, Russia, Israel or whatever rogue nation. The Indians could be the ones, who knows, but there will be a point that there is going to be an attempt to crack BTC. It's inevitable and anyone who thinks otherwise is being naive

>> No.58637316
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, welcome to costco i love you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to my thread, I love you

>> No.58637319

Look when there's quantum shit that actually works, there'll be a quantum btc fork
Itll disrupt shit bigtime and weak hands will sell like bitches, and the bold will profit. Just like always

>> No.58637330

at that point people lose faith in it then. The thing that makes bitcoin valuable at the moment is the faith in its encryption

>> No.58637814


>> No.58637817 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 512x494, 1619025272035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talking about AI here is even more retarded than talking about the RETARDIO token

>> No.58638759

this is literally 2017 fud, maybe even earlier. This has been discussed and determined irrelevant. Hacking,encryption etc is always an arms race. When sha256 becomes hackable a new encryption will have already become unhackable and bitcoin network will have switched to it.

>> No.58639017

This is not just something that is true of crypto it is true of online banking and the entire internet. Your digitally held "dollars" and stocks would not be any safer. The entire world economic system would collapse, every company's data would breach, crypto would be the very least of your concerns.

>> No.58639025

Yup just two more weeks Chuds.

>> No.58639758

already discussed on the zk podcast.
2 more weeks