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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 800x803, Stinky Linky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58635911 No.58635911 [Reply] [Original]

Why are us Chainlink holders so horribly persecuted and bullied on /biz/?

>> No.58635942
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Half the hate is from linkies who either bought the top and are down bad, or lost their stacks from swinging or bancor.
The other half is paid fud and demoralization. Come to your own conclusion as to why this is happening.

>> No.58635941

Because you never shut the fuck up about your damn coin.

>> No.58635946

because its the only shitcoin anyone here actually holds who isn't an indian or scammer. its just holders trying to bully mentally weak losers to sell, nearly every post on this board (every board on 4chan for that matter) is some form of projection, never forget that.

>> No.58635971

I'm not antilink. I've owned link. I'm not opposed to buying again. I fud or shill depending on how much amusement each option will give me at that time

>> No.58635986

most of us FUD 4 Fun at some point, but there's a clear difference between that and the mindbroken seething of anguished former linkies and the professionally crafted paid-fud designed to irritate and frustrate.

>> No.58635999

Because we are the chosen ones. Fuddies are just jealous that in precisely 14 days, the comet will arrive to carry us off to the planet Reelyfbigyns.

>> No.58636000

>he doesn't fud his own bags

>> No.58636003
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an anecdote to illustrate the point about the professional shills: You'll notice they operate from the same playbook as the ukraine shills on /k/, who employ a constant stream of gore videos of russian soldiers dying coupled with frustrating ad hominems against anyone who says something contrary to their narrative. The anti-link shills post the linkbtc or linketh chart constantly and use frustrating ad hominems against linkies.

When you've been watching this shit for as long as I have, their tactics become clear. The best shills have distinct pilpul-like training.

>> No.58636008

Probably because this piece of shit coin is down 80% from its ATH and the bullruns ending. I’d hate you too if I owned link

>> No.58636009
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err checked

>> No.58636053
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not only shitlink holders but super holders as well, i think most of biztards out here just hate us for having big dick energy plus making more bag than all of their families combined, anyways back to fucking my asian gf and gaming

>> No.58636057

you retards are the reason /biz/ is fucking dead, fuck you, go back to fucking your plastic doll

>> No.58636170

>I've owned link.
>I fud or shill

so you don't even hold link but sometimes you shill it and sometimes you fud it? fuddies really are mentally ill

>> No.58636209

I had to liquidate my holdings. But yes I both fud and shill and I have absolutely zero financial interest in price movement either way

>> No.58636238

Some people here genuinely think if they fud link, and people prove them wrong by effortposting that it will attract more people to side with the effortposter. In some sort of reverse psychology plot instead of just saying link is world changing technology and being realistic about its timeline being another 5 years. Most people here are just too impatient because either:
>their dad is rushing them to get a job and they want to prove that they dont need to get one cause they have money
>hate waging
>dont mind waging but are super duper poor.
Then there are people who bought the 2021 top and have yet to make a single dollar with link that have convinced themselves its a bad investment when they are just unlucky.

>> No.58636247

What are solid ways to kill yoirself if it doesn’t go up again?

>> No.58636267

There is more to life than money. This coin could go to $0.000001 and I would be disappointed for a bit but I'd still live the rest of my life. I've met too many people and seen so many places, why would I end these memories over a number on a screen I have no control over?

>> No.58636273

If you do enough research on offing yourself you'll find that every method comes with risk of surving with permanent mental/physical disability. As for sharing most effective methods I'm not gonna do that

>> No.58636298

Are you a fucking moron, everybody hates waging.

>> No.58636312
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No more brother wars
Stop shitting on Chaincuck even tho it's kinda funny, you could be daytrading shitcoin while playing Avalon for a living

>> No.58636459

False. There are definitely a large group of people out there that enjoy their work. Is it the majority? No but it's way more than you think

>> No.58636686
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Link micro clittycels are leaking again

>> No.58636731
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>link holders
>super holders
>big dick energy

>> No.58636826
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>> No.58636934

It's self-abuse though, and it's fun.

>> No.58637075

Because youre all insufferable retard cultists defending an obvious scam and somehow every fud is 3d chess mind games to get people to buy. Seriously you faggots, just die

>> No.58637088

Well fuck

>> No.58637194

i got out early enough. put some in supra sale and now waiting for the tge.

>> No.58639134

lmao saved

>> No.58639187

>the chart is FUD
this is the point of no return for every altcoin bagholding cult

>> No.58640692
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>world changing technology

>> No.58640875

its unironically over for artists and musicians

>> No.58640878

Have you ever considered learning to paint in pleine aire impressionist style?

>> No.58640888

Nothing funny about it. It's a fact.

>> No.58641373

Stop to spam your shit coin and create a link general

>> No.58641394

Because link failed to perform and you're still in denial

>> No.58641454


>> No.58641608
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best post all year

>> No.58641615

I don't hold link but I respect the linkies

>> No.58641623

Stinky linky should just give up this is worst than meme coins

>> No.58641958

yeah, it's just so easy to taunt the link holders into a raging reply. it's only funny on occasion though, after all you are kicking someone while they are down

>> No.58641966
File: 53 KB, 618x583, photo_2024-06-16_14-15-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine holding dogshit altcoins, instead of based frog shitcoins

>> No.58641985

Literally the only coin that could be the next bitcoin.

>> No.58642029

There's always un"vaccined" sperm.

>> No.58642036

Which AI was used for this?

>> No.58642320

Dude that was fucking amazing

>> No.58642489

probably this.

>> No.58642600
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>> No.58642909

How did you do this holy shit I am fucking dyeing

>> No.58642931

I'm just happy to be included in it

>> No.58642947

fuddies seriously are mentally ill

>> No.58642963

told those chumps years ago bro

buy lpl stay based and chuddie kiddo pilled

pools fucking closed lpl

but they didnt listen...


now the based chuddie kiddos are comfy and the no lpl poolers are seething literally seething like demons


>> No.58642971
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you are also mentally ill
am... am I mentally ill too...

>> No.58642982

You're on a Tibetan throat singing forum discussing a Saturn cult comprised of autistic NEET outcasts. What do you think?

>> No.58642990

we're so back. I don't care about price action, I've got my bizbros back.
fyi just met a qt online who I've been talking to, she's perfect and I think God may be rewarding me for holding LINK and believing we can make a better system for all unwaveringly.

>> No.58643000


>> No.58643117
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>> No.58643165

Have you ever considered that it simply sounds too good to be true? And for those who aren’t strong enough to find comfort in their certainty, it tears at them constantly so they have to lash out?

>> No.58643177

Fuck this is some delicious cope. Mega bullish

>> No.58643193

That bitch sounds retarded

>> No.58643470


Its not cope. That person had a point.
Chainlink doesn’t run itself like an open source software and public good what so ever. Even Eth does a much better job at that.
It is deceptive to say ccip is the tcip of blockchains when tue company running it fully controls it, is notoriously opaque about its development, code and their funding/financials

Even to this day, ANYONE can contribute to TCP/IP development.

>> No.58643492

chainlink is open source code fucking retard idiot numbskull faggot

>> No.58643494

Chainlink is open source you mongoloid.
Lol. Lmao even. Take your entry level fud and insert it sideways. Chainlink IS THE STANDARD.

>> No.58643504

this. we need to start coming to terms with the fact that API3 is likely to be the real standard

>> No.58643509

You faggots have no idea how an open source project and company is actually run.
Fuck off. Chainlink runs itself like a private company dumping on investors paying a bloated corporation of 700+ people huge salaries.
Go look how an actual open source is run and you’ll quickly shut the fuck up

>> No.58643544

Why don't you look in the mirror and realise you'll always be Indian

>> No.58643553
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>> No.58643599

Token not needed

>> No.58643747

Shitlink sucks

>> No.58644083
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>their dad is rushing them to get a job and they want to prove that they dont need to get one cause they have money
>hate waging
Yup I'm one of those
I need this piece of shit above $30 by EOY and $70 by 2027
I'm NOT going back to frontend engineering. Shut up dad I know the wages are inflated. I will have enough money to retire soon just let me be ffs

>> No.58644094

>Chainlink runs itself like a private company dumping on investors paying a bloated corporation of 700+ people huge salaries.
If you're aware of this and you've sold then move on and stop seething.
If you're aware of this and still holding then you clearly don't think it's an issue worth selling over, so stfu.

>> No.58644131

Kek at this broad daylight cult rhetoric

>> No.58644139

So which are you? "Sold but still seething" or "Hold but still seething"?

>> No.58644144

when every response to anything slightly critical and objectively verifiable, such as the fact that Chainlink is NOT open source, is met with the proclamation that you have to sell, you know it's over.

>> No.58644145

So you've sold right. Because it's over. Probably time to move on, then, anon, brighter days tomorrow.

>> No.58644146

more ad homs and zero engagement with the actual argument
pathetic and sad

>> No.58644734

chainlink is open source

>> No.58644742

Show me how you can directly contribute.

Hint: you cannot

>> No.58644753

I dont know the pain of holding it is surely sufficient punishment.
Its a fucking link board you tool.

>> No.58644774

it has a github

>> No.58644802

You know nothing about software development or github.
Just because something has github doesn’t mean you can contribute.

The only open source element of Chainlink is its fucking documentation, likely so they can scream “open source!!” But with a hidden asterisk saying documentation only.

Anyone can contribute to eth or bitcoin. They are actually open source

>> No.58644815

anyone can contribute to chainlink

>> No.58644834

just tried, turns out you can't
what now?

>> No.58644841

you can
it's just that your changes suck and are rejected

>> No.58644843

no, there's literally no way to contribute
what now?

>> No.58644855


>> No.58644861

Shut up Elliot you weird jew

>> No.58644882

Any pull requests, issues etc are all reviewed by chainlink employees for approval or changes.
People on a salary.

Ethereum or BTC, by comparison, or Linux for another famous example has unpaid community members given that privilege over time, and anyone can become one. They aren’t on a salary, except for a very small number, in BTC case funded by donations, and same for eth but bolstered by their ico funds spent extremely conservatively.

I would call Chainlink version of open source “out source” for free

>> No.58644909

Incredible. This is better than the Dave Ramsey ones.

>> No.58644920

>Any pull requests, issues etc are all reviewed by chainlink employees for approval or changes.
yeah, that's how open source projects work... you think you can just jam your code into any open source project with no review? lol

>> No.58644931

Not what i said jeet.

>> No.58645151

Anyone know what happened to squatch_crypto? Decent possibility he's lurking here. I know he sold LINK and went hard on Fideum which has thus far been disappointing. Other theories include he missed out on APU.

>> No.58645182
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>"big dick energy"

>heavily drooping eyes indicating exhaustion

>painted on beard

>tilts head to the side as if the picture was snapped in between him nodding off

>30+ year old wearing a hooded sweatshirt like a teenager

>> No.58645187
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>> No.58645218

it's not a coin anon it's a TOKEN damnit.

>> No.58646282

All of the link threads but one currently in the catalog are fud threads. It sounds like YOU cant shut up about it

>> No.58647471

seriously though, what website do you use for these?

>> No.58649086
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>> No.58649162
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>> No.58649460

i also did the same for NAI. ended up making 10X and now im stacking up again after the pump.

Link almost ruined me.

>> No.58649538

who cares? it does not change the fact that it's a shitcoin.
I'm good with earning weekly from my website monetized through hydro.
you linkies can go fuck yourself

>> No.58649587

https:://:: retardio.com

>> No.58649764

nah he went all in on INJ. he went awol cause he knew he fucked up

>> No.58649856

I hate LINK because I didn't buy at 20 cents

>> No.58649860
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>> No.58649871

wait till you hear about BTC, you'll hate its guts forever