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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58629923 No.58629923 [Reply] [Original]

I won

>> No.58629930


>> No.58629939

This is our generations Howard Hughes isn’t it?

>> No.58630042

we in here >>58629037

>> No.58630150

kill yourself faggot

>> No.58630226

If howard was an actor, yes

>> No.58630322

nah he is the modern Jeffrey Skilling

>> No.58632028

i feel that most of the problems elon causes would be solved if only he only get even more bullied, i mean the only good thing he did for the market was to mention a dogcoin (although I would have liked it to be my kendu inu instead)

>> No.58632034


>> No.58632099

who knows maybe he was.
elon for sure is.

>> No.58633511

amazing, now we just need musk to lock in and start buying or supporting true ai projects to dethrone sam altman

if he's smart enough and buys a certain project developing formal methods he could enact his vengeance on the jew

>> No.58634068

I was born for my mother and I will die for musk.

>> No.58634082

There is no need to generate chaos when we have already won.

>> No.58634084

>grooms his own shareholders to give him money
>"elon you already spent 40 billion on a toy (twatter) we dont have that money"
>uhhh but the law you have to obey this loophole to give me money i decided
>they comply because he started threatening them
>airs the problem out in the platform he owns so the whole world can see how much of a "victim" he is
>"omg elon got paid BASED BASED BASED MY KING"
you're all masturbating on the idea of 2017 musk when he's been fumbling the bag ever since the pandemic and everyone knows he's just a rich kid yearning for attention, the fact that he still has followers is baffling

>> No.58634087

is he still suing altman or what?

>> No.58634089

kinda pathetic to be worshipping another man like this. no wonder you are all poor as fuck, focusing on another man's success like this.

>> No.58634091
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>> No.58634094
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Why shill for cheap copycats made by degenerates looking for a quick buck? DOGE has been in the market for almost a decade now.

>> No.58634100

Why don't you go back to the rotting womb of your mother, nothing of what happened has any effect on you.

>> No.58634111
File: 26 KB, 340x528, 1709310765268204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grooms his own shareholders to give him money
Nooo don't groom the poor multi billion dollar institutional investoors, they are defenseless and don't know any better ,':"^(((!

>> No.58634118

Who the hell is that?

>> No.58634120

if you dont hold tsla and you participate in melon threads then yes that's mental illness. otherwise we are discussing how to profit from melon's misadventures in the financial landscape. retard.

>> No.58634130

>Tesla Baggie General
>Space Daddy Gets $50B Edition
>T-This is our generation's Howard Hughes, i-isn't it...?
Cool /biz/ - Business & Finance discussion there my nigga, very productive and not weird at all.

>> No.58634139
File: 244 KB, 2963x908, TSLA VS AGRS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still holding on from the fact that multiple tech usage tokens are far more profitable than tsla will ever be whether chuds like to admit it or not

>> No.58634142

based tradingview user good to know there's still taste on biz

>> No.58634147

There is no need to praise the richest man in the world when he is only interested in himsel w/ all that power..

>> No.58634156

Well he kinda is Howard Hughes in all the wrong parts. Like the pedo allegations and the sexual assault and the copying of others and the being an autistic faggot and the

>> No.58634162
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I support the motion

>> No.58634166
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$TSLA bros just need another 2010-esque drop to get a good ol' reality check. If this 50+b thing plays out well, good for them - let them hold until they find out I say.

I enjoy this rare Pepe. Have another.

>> No.58634169

unrelated but its the first time i've noticed that they're feeding her oil

>> No.58634171

nigga are you retarded?

>> No.58634177
File: 207 KB, 1076x1002, 1631734454118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i share my rare pepe ladysers?

>> No.58634188

damn 7 years lurking biz and trading crypto and i still cant understand half of this shit, but we're pumping right? when line goes up its good right?

>> No.58634197

IK you need a real hug

>> No.58634198
File: 665 KB, 220x215, 1641264371267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations on outing yourself as a piece of shit, basement dwelling, loli-loving, faggot-lover and lgbt supporter redditor, redditor

>> No.58634201

why would it drop though? if him buying twatter didn't make a big dent on his company i doubt anything can atp

>> No.58635579

uh you are the one worshipping him LMAO, I am dancing on your grave


>> No.58635582


>> No.58635636

I would like to believe that this is just some juvenile trolling thing, you could not possibly be that spectacularly ill-informed, but maybe not. So let's dive right in.

First off, that "I won." Yikes. You might as well have finished off with "I'm a comically ill-informed goober who has never read anything more challenging than a Elon Musk tweet."

Let's start with what Bill Gates is doing for humanity. Whatever sins Gates might have committed on his way to the top, he is now admirably buying his soul back. I'll assume you've never heard of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Most rich folks donate token money to charity for tax write-offs, but Gates did not stop there. He has committed to giving most of his fortune to helping humanity, and has talked other billionaires like Warren Buffet into doing the same. The Gates Foundation is doing real, serious work all around the world to help the human race. For example, the Foundation is doing the heavy lifting in treating and curing diseases rich white Americans have never heard of, but are a serious threat in the rest of the world. He is working to make sure villages have clean water. That kinda thing. In 40-50 years, there will be statues and buildings all over the world named for Gates, long after the world has forgotten Musk (which is not far off). Please do research.

So then, your turn. Please DO enlighten us all with how you think St Elon the Wise has benefited humanity, we're all ears. Difficulty level: the claims have to come from verifiable facts, no Musk tweets or "everybody knows" admitted as evidence. Aaaannnnddd: go!

>> No.58636996

I kneel, King.

>> No.58638607

Why are they still giving him all their money to hold?
He’s not giving any of it back.