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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58626087 No.58626087 [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed a lot of strong emotion on this board from people who held Chainlink and it wasn't a happy experience for them. They write page after page about how it has underperformed, how the token supply is inflated, and how it's a bad project. And I understand that. After a strong emotional experience, it's important to vent.
But, as everyone here knows, you will never meet "the one" if all you do all day is complain about your ex. You have to move on.
So this is a thread that is a space for people who have sold link to move on from those feelings, by talking about their future investments.
What will you do with your newfound money and time? What excites you about the future? What are the hottest upcoming investments? It's time to turn towards the light and leave the bad times behind you, anon. It's time to heal.

>> No.58626093 [DELETED] 

>wearing pants

>> No.58626104
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>wearing pants

>> No.58626111
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>> No.58626327

This thread is needed. It is needful.

>> No.58626333


>> No.58626574

Great thread OP. I'm never selling but I applaud the initiative, seems like it is much needed on this board.

>> No.58626580


>> No.58626583

You have 200 reply threads complaining about people’s experience holding chainlink but absolutely no attempt from this people to move on from link in afterlink threads.
I think they have a lot of internal work to do to recover and start looking forward again.

>> No.58626607

divine trips

>> No.58626660

I’ve been here since 2021 and I can’t fucking imagine holding onto link for that long. I’ve been in a long of biz tg groups and nobody is ever bringing link up, it’s like the only people that care about it are link baggies. Hope it works out for anyone holding it, can’t imagine going through all of that bs.

>> No.58626671

>it’s like the only people that care about it are link baggies
Yes, and most of those link baggies absolutely hate holding it.
Which is why this thread is so needful.

>> No.58626675

i can't imagine only getting into crypto in 2021

>> No.58626679

I held it from 2017 to 2021. Even then it was too long. The time to sell was July 2020. That was the point of maximum gain, when LINK's originally touted purpose actually came to fruition in DeFi.

>> No.58626756

This is specifically a thread for people who are moving on from link to talk about things that aren't link, anon.

>> No.58626765

trips on trips for the same text is crazy
personally im not DR;NS camp
ill sell at $81k no problem, not for dollars but other assets.
Still will hold a bunch of LINK
But i will sell some, but for 81k

>> No.58626922

Good attempt OP but you are on a cult board so this thread probably won't work.

As to your original question, it has gotten very difficult these days to find new investments given how many alts there are now. Money will be spread so thin that even hitting a 10x from here an alt this cycle may be too much to ask.

I've been playing memes for the last few months with some success, but it gets old. As for utility coins, the market has woken up to the fact that these are all basically scams for the founders to enrich themselves while "building". Nothing ever gets delivered and no value ever returned to holders.

>> No.58626976

>Good attempt OP but you are on a cult board so this thread probably won't work.
I'm confused, are you calling fuddies cultists? OP is specifically inviting people that are unhappy about LINK (i.e not the cultists) into his thread. Now that I think about it, it does seem like a cult as well.

>> No.58627046
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if you want to truly ascend and be one with HIM(Sergey) then buy and hold Link NOW!!!

>> No.58627063

I'm getting into crypto in 2024 actually getting into investments in 2024, fucking waste 10 years i'm 30 now, first years was a bum working 2 times a week helping My dad and spend all in the weekends, then started a business but it didnt work out ( spend all the money instead of invest it in the business), then in the last 4 years became a waggie for a software company, and just now ( in My 30s) my mind started to think about the future. I'm an inmature iditot

>> No.58627064

both sides seem pretty upset but anyways are you here to talk about moving on? If not, this thread isn't for you

>> No.58627148
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I sold 15% at $18.50 a week ago. (I mean I actually, out-of-character, non-larp did.) That's the first and only LINK I've sold since I bought it the week after Xmas Dec 2017. I don't know why I'm sharing it beyond the fact I always imagined I'd post at least something about it on biz. Over the years since, I've thought at lot about this picrel anon, how well he played his shot and how poorly I did mine. You get over it, you learn why you fucked up, etc, but it remains one of my more material adult mistakes. At the end of the day, if I consider myself as I was at the time I bought LINK, I see a completely different man. Barely a man actually being I was so young: solo, at base camp of my career. So many of the exciting questions which then bubbled in my brain are now answered. It sounds trite but that's the marker of the end of a chapter. Hope any of you remaining 14 OGs still about here have weathered okay.

>> No.58627318

I sold everything for BTC
I could have got 15 BTC if I had listened to that anon>>58627148
but oh well

>> No.58627976

if it's any consolation, that guy was a larp

>> No.58627988

that's ok senpai you'll be ok
maybe you can invest in silver

>> No.58628219

I too am an OG link holder who is just trying to recover from my addiction to holding token TICKER:LINK just here to spread the positive realizations of my complete and utter rape, and how relieving it is to finally fully rape myself.

>> No.58628318

A problem I had, and do (because I marry my bags too often), is looking around and realizing I don't recognize the market anymore. This happened too many times. Twice is too many. I may not be all the way there, but I understand that not marrying your bags is important not just for mental well-being, but broader experience.

>> No.58628329

and based on what do you assert this

>> No.58631090

His cope lmao

>> No.58631368

I agree, but last year put some new money around the place and caught some incredible alt moves. You forget the right things just go 10x in a matter of months. Still missed most of the SOL meme craze, but there's certainly something more refreshing about the mask-off "just make number go up" crowd.

>> No.58631394

This was the moment I realized I got bamboozled. I thought he was full of shit, I didn't sell, and now my $2.5M in LINK is worth six figures.

>> No.58631446

I had a completely different experience. At low-mid 6-figs, I didn't have enough to make it at the time. Still felt very much like having the upper-hand but still being in the middle of the game. I'd admitted to myself selling was the right move, told others as much at the time but, besides the amount, I didn't sell for two key reasons: 1 - I had the long-term discount on the position, 2 - nowhere in my set of possibilities did I have LINK slipping to (almost?) out of the top 30. It's easy to forget the fucking thing was at #5. If it just held on to some of those sats, anything besides losing 70% of them as it did through 2021, all this bullshit would have been over. It's 90% down now. I know this is a dime a dozen experience. At least I still made a good bag and have some hope. But it's started to seem as though nearly every other path but this one would have led me somewhere better today.

>> No.58631584


>> No.58631727

Sergeys dumps kicked in right as link reached its peak vs btc and eth. You can see the whole situation clear as day in this chart.
The good gains were had when the supply was 350m, link did a 100x from 0.20 to $20
Once the dumping began link languished between $20-35 for the entire rest of the bullrun besides the brief few weeks it was above $40. I remember this vividly because everyone was waiting for our turn to pump while every shitcoin was 100xing. The dumping ramped up hard during this time and for the rest of the bullrun link barely managed to scrape together a 2x, than it proceeded to dump 90% against everything while btc and eth held up better.
At the end of the day altcoins are just meme coins and all of these coins besides btc only exist to enrich the devs. Sergey is a fat Russian pig who's been doing everything in his power to fuck over his bagholders for the last 7 years. Nonstop delays, miscommunication, dangling carrots, blatantly lying, misrepresenting how far along development he is, paying shills to gaslight his own community, hyping up bullshit conferences and key dates etc.

People just had too much expectations for chainlink due to the wishful memeing by the people who watched and missed eth and desperately wanted "the next eth"
Link just simply failed to meet these expectations.
Eth OGs are retired with fuck you money while link OGs are angry and suicidal
1000 eth = 10000 chainlink
>1000 eth = $3,500,000
>10000 link = $150,000( after 7 years, can't even buy a shitty house in a fly over state)

>> No.58631733
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The aforementioned chart

>> No.58631839
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This should be copypasta.

I also remember waiting for LINK to hit triple digits and I couldn't fathom why it didn't, despite watching garbage link quant hit $300. Really fucked me over, and its clear as day it was because of the ramping up of the dumps.

>> No.58631888

Sergey is incompetent. The initial bull run for LINK was all off the momentum biz created. He’s actually acting the same now as 2018, except with billions of free cash he didn’t do anything for.

It has enabled him and his poor practices.
Back in 2016, he entered an incubator with SWIFT to make a POC, and it happened to be that the innovation arm kept the idea in the bank because it was maybe relevant.
Years later DLT caught wind and they have not moved from POC, sale thing. Sergey used same tactics and went to DTCC proposing another POC to whatever innovation incubator arm they have. Here we are today.

This guy fell upwards thanks to biz

>> No.58631949
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Do you see any of it actually coming to fruition? Honestly after 6 years of POC's I'm not sure even if any of it is going to happen. It makes sense that hes pitching to DTCC now, but its probably going to be more of the same. It really feels like grifter shit and i've felt this way about Sergey for the past few months now. Its just the same rhetoric over and over and they way he speaks and how he talks in an enigmatic way. I'm really starting to think hes just a scammer and carrot dangling more and more. Its such a painful thing because I really believed in the vision and expected a certain amount of it to be executed by now. But instead were still getting more POC's and a bridge that makes 2k a day.

>> No.58631963
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>The initial bull run for LINK was all off the momentum biz created.
Imagine actually believing this.
Pic is what created the momentum, /biz/ not needed.

The only thing /biz/ did was vomit enough fud every single hour of every day to fill the Zeus Capital report.

>> No.58632014

I got into crypto 3 months ago and holding chainlink for 2 weeks already depressed me, the fact that it's either the God protocol or an absolute farcial grift and nothing in between makes holding it while it crabs and dumps nearly unbearable

>> No.58632044

>thread for people to move on from link
>everyone writing walls of text about link
This is going to be long process I see.

>> No.58632050

I want to disagree with more of what you've written, but on balance I agree with most of it.

This is a little more like fud for fud's sake, but on the topic of reaching a point of clarity on just how much risk I had with an all-in position, I would wonder what might happen if someone like Ari were to leave CL. It's been almost as long for him in this shit, and while I'm sure they've got golden handcuffs on him, let's not forget he's an academic who likes to write mythological fantasy novels in his spare time. I don't think he's an entrepreneur in the way Sergey is.

I don't have as negative a view of Sergey as you do, but I do wish he'd give us a decent enough price to buy us out. Easier said than done. I had a whole two other big paragraphs written but just figure they're best left unsaid.

>> No.58632051

oh so you weren't genuine and this is a sort of like anti fud thread
like it or not, that's the sentiment, faggot

>> No.58632058

I’m genuine, I want to offer a space for people to develop a new post-link identity.
You can’t stay obsessed with your ex gf forever. And you can’t stay obsessed with your ex investment forever.
There needs to be a path to healing. Do you believe in life after link?

>> No.58632061

Kek, I just re-read your OP. That's actually pretty funny.

>> No.58632072

>Sergeys dumps kicked in right as link reached its peak vs btc and eth
No they didn't.
Sergey's dumps kicked in July 2019. Link went on to smash BTC and the entire market for more than a year as Sergey was dumping every Friday.

You absolute newfags.

This chart is wrong.

>> No.58632087
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>doesn’t understand supply and demand.
We’ve been through this.
The demand back then was so high it pumped despite the dumps, who knkws where it could have gone yet if he wasn’t dumping back then. Rallies were often killed when he dumped, but the period had high demand so they picked up later.

Since 2020 the demand has been nowhere near enough to counter the dumps. Its basic supply and demand, and for some reason you cannot grasp it.
Ask yourself how Eth manages with 20 people yet Chainlink needs 700 and growing?
The dumps probably wouldn’t have been necessary without the bloat, but that is just evidence of how Sergey runs things. Inefficiently.

>> No.58632092

What are you babbling about, I'm pointing out that the dumps started a year earlier than those faggots (and Glassnode) said.

>> No.58632106

Guys do you realise that obsessing over this stuff that you've been over 10,000 times before is just like being obsessively fixated on how an ex hurt you.
"And then I saw her kissing John"
"And then she lied to me"
"And then she didn't come home all night.
Is the exact same as "HR roasties, 700k dumps, dumping in sats"
You're not going to find happiness, or a way out, going in the same circles like a zoo animal in a cage pacing out the exact same loop, over and over.
You need to ask yourself, "What is a post-LINK life like, for me?" and you need to start actually manifesting that life.
It's time to start healing, anon. It's time to start getting better.

>> No.58632191
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>The demand back then was so high it pumped despite the dumps

This is still the case. See pic.
What's keeping Link down isn't the token dumps, it's the Bitcoin dumps on Link news.

>> No.58632198

Anon this is literally a thread about not obsessing over this stuff any more.

>> No.58632204

Tell it to the fuddies bringing their myths in here.

>> No.58632245
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> Hope it works out for anyone holding it

Yeah it wont, they are going downhill brother, but as sun tzu said, do not interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake

Welcome out anon, better late than never, many people be in a ponzi their whole lives and dont admit it

>> No.58632253

threads like this makes me want to buy LINK u fucking cultists

>> No.58632372

Fucking do it ahahaha, cant wait to see you seeting im a few months yourself saying “why did i buy this shit”

>> No.58632378

as you can see, most of (((us))) are still in the process of moving on, all of those posts are cathartic and necessary, especially when every tiny bit of negativity is met with swarms of perma bull retards

>> No.58632399
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>every tiny bit of negativity is met with swarms of perma bull retards
That's how this game is played, see pic.

Link's negativities are completely and utterly insignificant compared to its positivities and compared to the negativities of the rest of crypto, yet you autists spam fud 24/7 and then wonder why demand for link is lagging.

>> No.58632400

I think there’s some real soul searching to do in where you draw the line between “cathartic venting” and “obsessive dwelling”

>> No.58632420

>demand for link
imagine thinking any of these things have utility beyond purely speculative assets.
the one single exception may be monero, but that's literally ONLY because of drugs and child pron.

>> No.58632434

I was 100% talking about speculative demand.

>> No.58633457
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Umm Hi, I guess I'll go next... my name is Sebastian and I started my AfterLink journey around three months ago (light applause). Like many of you at the beginning of your Afterlink journey I started fudding the project relentlessly on twitter and biz, I was angry, sad, and frustrated. But ever since finding this Afterlink group I have begun to see that there is a future for me despite being over 30 and being financially ruined, thankyou all

>> No.58633493

That's really great to hear man! What are you looking forward to next? What investments have your eye?

>> No.58635843

he didn't reply. so bizarre.

>> No.58636842

Hello Greetings fellow Link soldiers my Name is John from the Oblast Ohio and I too have sold the Link tokens I feel very very good now

>> No.58637171

I'm selling everything for EOS and RAM. i just think it's a good time since they are still cheap plus the project just burnt 80% of EOS supply. maybe 50x will be achievable.

>> No.58637229

i felt good when I sold mine for SUPRA token sale. just waiting for the tge.