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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 1506x719, Screenshot 2024-06-12 065448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58620804 No.58620804 [Reply] [Original]


MicroCloud Hologram (HOLO) is a Chinese company registered in the Cayman Islands and doing business through its PRC subsidiaries. It claims to produce hologram and lidar technology for a variety of buzzword use cases, most notably systems for self-driving cars. But they also claim to do "immersive experiences" and "deep information interaction" and some kind of ChatGPT 3D virtual assistant and something about relying on 6G networks. They claim to do business with "certain automobile brands" (their exact words, lmao). Their website is written in somewhat broken English. There are no video demonstrations of their technology anywhere that I can find on the internet.

They recently underwent a reverse 10-to-1 split in order to qualify for staying listed on NASDAQ. Their financials show them losing millions of dollars a year with declining revenue.


The price history says it all. The chinks are repeatedly running pump-and-dumps on this fake company and it's currently being set up for another round. In the most recent Feb pump, they had a jeet write an article about how the company's stock was soaring because HOLO announced it was joining the "Communications Industry Association". The price went 70x.

So what? Well, six days ago HOLO filed a prospectus with the SEC to sell 300M USD worth of shares, about 3400% of the current market cap. Last time they pumped the stock it was sitting at about 12% SI. This time, however, it's at 68.44% SI, the second most shorted stock on the market. The chinks are about to try to raise over a quarter of a billion dollars by engineering a short squeeze. Within the next six months this thing is going 50x before it collapses, disperses all the money to its PRC subsidiaries, and declares bankrupcy.

This is your surefire bet for making money, as long as you exit with the chinks the moment the pump happens, and don't FOMO in when reddit sees a 5000% price increase.

>> No.58620829

>chink pump & dump company wants to sell 300M dollars
>they did it two times with fake news articles
>their latest plan is: try to bait retards at biz and reddit to buy it so they can dump on them

brilliant idea OP and other businessman. you'll all buy lambos.


>> No.58620831

Thanks for reposting fren

>> No.58620869

we already know that it's a pump and dump. That's not a secret. The point is that they're making movements like they have inn the past so it's likely there will be a highish peak again and it'll be easy money. There's no reason for me to lie and say this shit has stable growth. It is a scam. But then retards like you come in and say we're baggies. We know they're gonna dump.

>> No.58620899

Don't bother trying to rehash the OP this retard isn't going to listen a 2nd time

>> No.58620928

i'm saying they pumped their stock with fake news articles before, this time it's you guys, you are going to pump it, and they'll dump on you. at least %99 of you won't be able to take profits.

>> No.58621033

I really have to reiterate that you should try to think about the scale here. The volume today on HOLO this morning is already almost 4 million shares. A couple dozen /biz/ posters buying and holding between 100-1000 shares is less than 1% of the volume of the last hour and a half. It's asinine to think that /biz/ is affecting the price action. This is not a shitcoin with 4k volume.

>> No.58621112

You’re already in the red

>> No.58621258

>Stock is down 1.9%

>> No.58621375
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>Stock is down 1.9%

>> No.58621436

Don't try explaining anything to this retard. He doesn't deserve to make it if he's really this stupid.
This is a long term hold idiot

Where are you guys setting your orders? I'm setting mine at $50 and plan to stack 2000 shares. I'm hoping I can turn the 100k I get from this (unless I decide to buy more) into a million with frog coins during the actual bull run.

>> No.58621455
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>> No.58621463

>I'm setting mine at $50 and plan to stack 2000 shares.
I have 3,600 shares set at $45.

>> No.58621499

Did you have any particular reason for picking $45 or is it just a gut feeling? This seems like a pretty sure thing but I don't want to be too risky.

>> No.58621603
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Let’s go Chink Scam!
Chink Scam
>Chink Scam
Chink Scam
>Chink Scam
Chink Scam
>Chink Scam

>> No.58621622

>This seems like a pretty sure thing but I don't want to be too risky.
Yeah just a gut feeling based on the other pumps.

>> No.58621853

Hey buddy you need buyers to get your orders filled dumbass

>> No.58621861

This whole thread is exactly why the pump won’t happen. Too many know

>> No.58622012

>Too many know
its like 20-50 retards on /biz/ we are never going to be able to effect the markets

>> No.58622095

Okay Moshe

>> No.58622139
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Are we gonna be sitting on this for months till the pump happens? Why even buy now then?

>> No.58622140
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This tho.

>> No.58622247

Why not

>> No.58622295
File: 55 KB, 750x626, IMG_6652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am financially ching-chonged

>> No.58622313

Are you really this fucking stupid? I placed sell orders so that my shares will be sold for me when the stock hits that price. I don't need to do anything other than wait. Do you not understand what a limit order is, or are you just terminally retarded? How are you even on /biz/?
We don't know when the pump will happen. Some of us would prefer to buy now with open sell orders and collect our sheckels whenever the pump does come around, whether that be tomorrow, next week or September.

>> No.58622320


>> No.58622326

Cats out of the bag faggot see>>58622140
your bags are going to 0

>> No.58622366

Okay buddy, I hope you remember me when this pumps and you held 0 shares

>> No.58622415

>what is a limit sell

>> No.58622421
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>> No.58622428

I like how you didn’t refute the chart

>> No.58622436

What would you like us to refute?

>> No.58622453
File: 8 KB, 300x168, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People bought, so pump is canceled?
>"They Bought, dump it"

>> No.58622454

good idea anon. wait for it to go up, THEN buy. that's the way to do it.

>> No.58622461


>> No.58622467
File: 1006 KB, 1142x456, Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 1.09.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy High Sell Low
that is the /biz/ way!

>> No.58622472

Any apps that actually let you put in limit orders without blocking you because the percentage increase is too high from curren price? Fidelity app does this it sucks

>> No.58622505

zoom out dummy. did you not see the price during the actual pumps? this is nothing. as others have said, not nearly enough bizlets to meaningfully raise the price

>> No.58622552


>> No.58622557

price is absolutely cratering rn, 1.38 a share

>> No.58622558

What do you get out of sitting here and telling us all that it's not gonna happen repeatedly?

>> No.58622564

hes mad mommy wont let him buy the dip

>> No.58622585

You're missing the point. We're not going to pump their bags either, so your thesis is null and void.

>> No.58622638

You guys are red as fuck. >>58622557

>> No.58622651

ahhhhhh my $350 investmnet is only worth $300 now i'm ruined!!!!!!

>> No.58622720

Yeah I'm a little red. Nothing to cry about. I don't see it going done to completely nothing, and if it does, oh well. I'm not putting my entire bank account on this. Odds seem nice that they're gonna pump within the year. You're so fucking worried and up in arms about this being down 11% from when I bought, what positions do you hold? Tell us since you're so concerned, pathetic pussy faggot.

>> No.58622747
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Still hold to my prediction of sub $1 by weekend. You all got chinked

>> No.58622748

>OH NO IM DOWN $200!!!
Who fuckin cares dude, I make that in an hour. This is all just for shits and gigs.

>> No.58622799

These niggas are already red. Sad!

>> No.58622809

Try sub .25 lmao

>> No.58622816

has anyone here actually made money on this? seems like complete bullshit

>> No.58622828

Nope everyone who bought is red

>> No.58622861
File: 95 KB, 262x240, 1604848720375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP says "within the next six months"
>braindead retard a week after the post: has anyone here actually made money on this?

Learn how to read you stupid mutt

>> No.58622889

Everyone who bought dip #3 made a killing. So the answer is yes.

>> No.58622901
File: 53 KB, 716x719, o9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 posts of unfettered seething
Have sex

>> No.58622915

I'm starting to think you bought when it hit $2.
Thank you for not being a complete fucking retard

>> No.58622996 [DELETED] 

You posted this last week so your dates are wrong, guess you didnt get the exit liquidity you needed and are back for another round

>> No.58623036

Every time /biz has had some kind of get rich quick scheme it's never goes according to plan.

>> No.58623085

>six months
>Everyone knows it's a pump and dump
See you when this hits $20+ within a year and you make a thread crying about it. Sometimes it takes longer than a few days.

>> No.58623196

you are a clown, there is no guarantee it ever goes up higher than it is today nor any reason for it to for that matter, if so then we should agree it will always go up and we know that isn't the case, so the last time it did go up could have simply been just that, the last time it went up...and only down from here.

>> No.58623197

I wanna do calls on this but I doubt they're would be buyers after the insane iv on this play );

>> No.58624588

>there's no guarantee it'll go up
are you new to stock trading?

>> No.58624801

>there is no guarantee it ever goes up higher
I'll give you my personal guarantee :^)

>> No.58625812

>Every time /biz has had some kind of get rich quick scheme it's never goes according to plan.
Nigga thats all /biz/ is GRQ schemes

>> No.58625882

If my ID is green I yolo

>> No.58626590

topkek no fucking way

>> No.58627681

How are you guys setting sell limit orders so high? Mine get declined because it is too far out of the money.

>> No.58627877

sounds like your brokerage is shit

>> No.58627907

Ever since this thread was created the stock has been going down!
Based on the previous trends I expect to go below$.99 before it starts going up. If it doesn't then the last P&D was the very last one!
Not financial advise^^

>> No.58628113

Holy shit a volatile stock moves down! What a fucking shock! It's moving up right now by the way. I don't expect a big pump to happen for a long while still. The first thread on this was posted with good intentions for something that could happen in upcoming months, along with being transparent that it's possible to just wind up being shit too. I don't think it's gonna go to zero until they pump highish again. Safe bet for now and you just keep an eye on it every day. Don't put in money that you can't lose.

>> No.58628133

Thirty minutes later and the stock pumped again. It's a volatile low cap stock.

>> No.58628142
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>> No.58628173

What am I looking at here?

>> No.58628195

My lil chink scam stock shares doing a lil something.

>> No.58628254

has anyone hit one of those peaks before? Jan 23, Sept 23, or Feb 24? I'm curious. The timing is almost exactly 6 months between the pump/dump

>> No.58628347

No shit. That's why anyone with a brain is laughing at the dorks in this thread who after a week are telling us we got scammed because it hasn't popped. Come back to me in 6 months and laugh.

>> No.58628551

>Holy fudge people can't give their own opinion on a messaging board about a specific topic

>> No.58628554

It's been doing that for a few weeks now. One step ahead and two back

>> No.58630442

We are all going to wagmi my baserds

>> No.58631220

What brokerage do you use please? (・ั﹏・ั)
Mine won't let me set sell limit order for 50.00
Im using fidelity

>> No.58632774

I'm in the Communist Republic of Canada so I can't help you.

>> No.58633561

down to 1.30 lmao

>> No.58633567

but it's matching the 52 wk low atp

>> No.58633644
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>> No.58633843

are you guys really buying? sell targets?

>> No.58634443

I really boughted. Sell target: $0

>> No.58634542

same. i didn't go full retard so don't care if it goes to zero

>> No.58634566

alright. tiananmen square. tankman. if this thread is still up when my $100 clears I'll boughteding

>> No.58634645

This guy is a reddit shill(notice the reddit spacing), he bought at $20 last pump and is trying to get people to pump his bags so he can exit. Disregard all HOLO posters they are posting on reddit telling each other to shill on biz.

>> No.58634690

>only one post by that id
>single line
>reddit spacing
what did he mean by this?

>> No.58634742

spacing looks legible to me. did he post a bunch of reddit prior to here?

>> No.58634757

Meant the OP, they are trying to get baggies on biz to pump their bags.

>> No.58634773

Dude, I'm not trying to get anyone to pump bags. I'm also not the same person who made the last thread on this. Please use your brain and read. I'm fully fucking aware that this isn't a legit company or great stock to invest in. There isn't long-term growth. People on biz or reddit or elsewhere aren't gonna pump this, it's the company themselves. If you look at the whole chart, you can see they've done it three times.

>> No.58634803
File: 18 KB, 1343x220, Screenshot 2024-06-14 112611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is when I bought if you must know. I'm not putting a lot of money into this. Just waiting to see what happens. Stop being a bitter fuck because you've lost on biz scam jeet coins 500 times in the past 5 years. Please go rope

>> No.58634813
File: 16 KB, 886x210, Screenshot 2024-06-14 112909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry these were my first buys

>> No.58634815

Shilling for reddit with $300 worth of shares? Sirs please do the needful my village must be fed sirs

>> No.58634822

I don't even use reddit you insufferable faggot. I'm not begging people to buy. I'm mentioning the play for the long term if anyone wants to gamble on it. It is a gamble. Can you fucking read?

>> No.58634905

Looks like you have multiple buys and are trying to shill your bags cause you are in the red. Nice try pajeet, go shit in the street, your village is going hungry this weekend. No rice for you or your family.

>> No.58634936

Once again, this isn't money that I'm worried about. I'm chilling not giving a flying fuck if this goes to zero, I'll live while you're spending your time seething over nothing in this thread if you didn't even buy. Why does any of this matter to you if you haven't bought anything? Sounds like you're projecting and you're the one you bought at the top last pump. Sorry about your rupees Ramjeet.

>> No.58634956

Go back >>>/r/eddit

>> No.58635085
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You got streetshitted and chinked all in 1 scam kek

>> No.58635144

>1 week goes by on something that pumps every 6 months
>streetshitted, rugged, chinked
You are all beyond saving from full mental retardation. I can't deal with how fucking stupid some of you are. All of you on biz think everything needs yo make you rich in 1 day or it's shit. Then you make threads crying shitting farting puking and cumming because you didn't buy before a pump that happened months or years in the future. I'm begging you to just fucking kill yourselves so you never reproduce.

>> No.58635179
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>responding to every bait outrage post

Surely you must have learned by now to not engage people who are obviously trolling you on the internet

>> No.58635338

it's literally just one obsessed faggot. ignore him

>> No.58635347
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>> No.58636757

if this is true why not wait until August to buy in?

>> No.58637881


>> No.58640448

is it over?

>> No.58641082

The pumps have been smaller and smaller every time by ~$20. The last one went to $69 so $45 is a pretty safe bet. $50 is reasonable too but looks like $45 is a better bet

>> No.58641167
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Some anon on /pol/ posted this today. Describes Jeets place in the world perfectly.

>> No.58641410

I'll go for a 2x maybe 3x and keep some in case of a megapump

>> No.58641651
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>> No.58641653

Any German Anon here who is able to buy that stock?
Which broker do you use?
I can't buy that stock on XTB