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58611250 No.58611250 [Reply] [Original]

They've completely erased the consensus pump already. They will never let this piece of shit climb back up to top 5, it will never reach ath again. It's completely cucked. You have to be insane to keep holding this ptsd coin. Working with dtcc and swift but below shiba and tron, it's insane. Cardano and ripple still in the top 10. The market is insane.

>> No.58611384

it is remarkable how fucked this token is against btc also. It cannot sustain a pump. Literally turbo nukes anytime it tries to move in sats. The chart looks so fucked

>> No.58611385

you are right on one thing, it is the prime ptsd coin thats for sure

>> No.58611411

Cardano shouldn’t be in the top 100
Chainlink should be in the top 5
Everyone knows this, but it’s a heavily manipulated market

>> No.58611431

no, we are past the point of this argument making any sense. The sheer amount of time this piece of shit has spent dumping against bitcoin and being mogged by XRP and Cardano is beyond a "heavily manipulated market" There is a reasonable amount of time to expect the market being irrational and we are past that point. It is much more logical to realize that link is actually shit and provides no mechanism for its price to pump whatsoever PLUS it is being dumped and inflated. No one is buying it. There is basically no group on planet earth that wants to buy this. Normies want other things, simple as. none of this shit does anything.

>> No.58611443

Ok but if we all agree on that and sell our link, then what do we do after that? What’s next?

>> No.58611474

you can gamble on meme coins, or just sit in boomer btc. The crypto market is completely different than it once was. "Alts" are all fucking useless and pointless. There is some edge out there somewhere in some market that is not crypto. There are endless numbers of investment opportunities in the real world. Large cap utility alts and yes even epic internet of contracts, decentralized oracle off chain compute (insert buzzword here) was a nothingburger. Go start a pool cleaning business.

>> No.58611486

I can and will stay irrational longer than the market will.

>> No.58611598

Picked out a grave spot yet? You don’t have long left.

>> No.58611913
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>> No.58611980

Its worth fucking 15 billion dollars already FDV and doesn’t even have a god damn product. It could be listed on the NASDAQ in a mid cap etf. Piece of shit Russian scammer

>> No.58612251

look bros i would try to keep my head high in these trying times but i literally get more money playing play to airdrop shit (gravity legion) for those sweet 200 bucks per week than with my 100 link stack sitting there, losing value

>> No.58613896

>it's being dumbed and inflated
This has ZERO explanatory power since other, more successful (in terms of price) projects are dumping and inflating at higher rates.

>> No.58614887

they are going to keep it as low as possible till its undeniably the standard of TradFi

> normies don't want to buy this shit
of course, most people, including asset managers, are retarded.
Look at how gold and silver were psyoped out of being valuable.
While I think metals will get their day again, the difference with LINK is that it has barely had its day. And in the future it won't be based on speculation.
There will be a supply demand dynamic which will become undeniable when actual adoption occurs.

LINK pumps... thats their goal.

then sell

yup, its manipulation.
Look at XMR, any scenario without manipulation would've put XMR lower after delistings, but when liquidity goes away all the sudden price goes up.

>> No.58614902

I’ll admit this, the fud that’s always bothered me is “how come no one big is buying the token if it’s so important”? It really does make you think that the token was just a funding vehicle for the team, and they’re going to screw us over in the end

>> No.58614906

They don't have a choice.

>> No.58615013

this is a bit of a concern, i counter balance it with
> asset managers are retarded
they are seriously like women interms of how much they value social consensus and what is working in the current regime.

though if you think about valuation for a minute. Right now its clearning what, 1 trillion in transactions ever year?

It could easily hit the quadrillions.
What does that get us in price (because of super linear staking im not sure)
but i'd venture an easy sqrt(1000) = 31.6x from here.

>> No.58615090

Get a load of this baggie biased to his heavy bags. Hold it baggie

>> No.58615183

>Link is below ADA and XRP because Link provides no mechanism for its price to pump while ADA and XRP do

lmao listen to yourself

>> No.58615199

>Chainlink doesn't have a product

Gee, then what has most of crypto/defi been using these past years?

>> No.58615303

>What does that get us in price (because of super linear staking im not sure)

super linear staking is purely for security purposes to drive up the cost of attacking the system. What will drive the value up is staking where you need collateral to be able stake with some node.

>> No.58615305


>> No.58615342

Which uses what protocol for data? You can do it.

>> No.58615361

>no, we are past the point of this argument making any sense. The sheer amount of time this piece of shit has spent dumping against bitcoin and being mogged by XRP and Cardano is beyond a "heavily manipulated market"
The market can be "irrational" for a week, a month, or even a year in extreme cases. 4 years? The market is not irrational, the market knows more than you then.

Chainlink in many ways resembles Twitter 1.0.
Bloated company, useless diversity hires, staff was compensated well and no one bothered doing any real innovative or hard work because they could always raise new funds on the market.

>> No.58615362

Nigger I'm in the prime of my life. Thank God im out of my twenties. Your fud is hopium.

>> No.58615393
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Link suffered from the dunning Kruger effect

>> No.58615416


>> No.58615421

>defi only uses one thing

Also, Chainlink arguably has greater Defi dominance than Ethereum.

>> No.58615537

You should all probably make a little more concerted effort into having sex then you won’t be as worried about Link’s price. Sure you won’t be happy that it’s still at $15 but you’ll be happy that you are having sex and then one day link will moon and it’ll be a pleasant surprise.

>> No.58615628

>Cardano and ripple still in the top 10
both have better communities / investor relations. Chainlink openly despises the investors who gave them money to fund their company

ADA and XRP are more receptive to attracting normie money. Maybe you should've thought twice about fudding reddit out

>> No.58615635

weekly reminder that "mommy life isn't fair" is not an investment thesis

man it's really amateur hour around here

>> No.58615658

have you cult members considered filing a formal complaint with your local Confederation of Crypto Committee (COCH, pronounced "Cock")

What you can do is have your attorney draft a complaint re the valuation in relation to other coins. Assuming you win in Kleros court, price should be adjusted by COCH within 60 days.

>> No.58615664

excuse me "COCC" I meant to say

>> No.58615676
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Abysmal. Absolutely abysmal.

>> No.58616052

>"mommy life isn't fair" is not an investment thesis
Spotting obviously undervalued assets is one of the absolute cornerstones of investing.

>> No.58616084
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Attention, fudtomatoes!
Alert, fudtomatoes!
data has shown that the "link price 2020" is inaccurate, as LINK had a price before 2020!
Use this updated chart in comparison to BTC for maximum efkektiness!

>> No.58616219

read the rest of the post. normies also want to buy xrp and cardano, they dont want to buy link, for whatever reason. Link has literally nothing going for it. they all have no mechanism to pump the price but atleast the shit above link in mcap have more ppl actually buying it. Again, idk for whatever reason. This is not market manipulation or "unfair," it is just how the crypto market operates. This will not change because there is no magical use and adoption coming, its a carrot on a stick.

>> No.58616896
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>$1000 per day in ccip fees
>greater defi dominance
That's why you need eth to move, trade or stake your chainlink KEK. You need ETH to do everything in defi.
What do you need chainlink tokens for?
Everyone can spend their whole lives playing with defi without ever having to buy a single link token from the market.

>> No.58616927
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The only time it was ever outperforming bitcoin was when there was no inflation and dumps. The 100x gain was made when the max supply was 350m, ever since the first dump began its been downhill ever since.
But hey they ONLY have 400m tokens left to dump, you might start seeing some gains again in 10 years

>> No.58617316

Then we immediately pump to 3 figs

>> No.58619502

>normies also want to buy xrp and cardano, they dont want to buy link, for whatever reason
Which is exactly the point: they're retarded.

>Chainlink is CCIP only
Holy fucking newfag lmao

>> No.58620738

>Which is exactly the point: they're retarded.
Wrong. The point is to make money. So maybe you're the retarded one

>> No.58620750

>you might start seeing some gains again in 10 years
keyword here being "might"... It's funny more people don't call the team out over this. If they were so confident in their solution being long term, why are they dumping tokens as fast as possible? Why not spread out the remaining dumps over 10+ years

>> No.58620807

We're actually in agreement: if you want your investment to take off you need an influx of retards.
Which is Linkies fudding their own coin was so stupid.

>> No.58620872
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the influx of retards you're talking about happened already years ago
you missed it

>> No.58620885

>you need eth to move, trade or stake your chainlink
I love how you simply ignore that point
linkies in 2024 are severely retarded

>> No.58620888

then we buy Chainlink

>> No.58620894

>influx of retards happens
>Link hits ATH against BTC and ETH

>influx of retards stops
>Link bleeds non stop

See what I mean?
A constant influx of retards is the best thing that can happen.

You still claimed CCIP is all Chainlink has.

And you need Link to use Defi on ALL chains, not just ETH. And make no mistake, you ARE paying for Link tokens even if you're not personally buying them.

>> No.58620922

you got it backwards, sweaty, the influx of normies occured only after LINK had already experienced it's parabolic rise
>You still claimed
I didn't claim anything.
>you need Link to use Defi on ALL chains, not just ETH
>you ARE paying for Link tokens
and each and every time you "need" LINK or you're "paying" for LINK, you also NEED and PAY for ETH gas

>> No.58620954
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This graph nicely explains why

>> No.58620987

>the influx of normies occured only after LINK had already experienced it's parabolic rise

Not many dates in the collage, but I'm seeing July 4, April 18, June 29, etc. These are all from before Link even crossed $5.
Even Portnoy frontran the actual top by like 25%.

>every time you "need" LINK or you're "paying" for LINK, you also NEED and PAY for ETH gas
And gas on whatever chain is being used.
Doesn't change what I said.

>> No.58621009

link holders reminds me safemoon holders, they were a cult as well, even after their CEO arrested they were still hopeful that safemoon somehow will pump and they'll all become millionaires and leave their jobs. if you see a cult around a token it's extremely bearish and ponzilike. in like probably 3-5 years link management will fuck up big and they'll all be arrested and like with BBBY we will still see threads about it by the linkcucks.

>> No.58621025

It all stems from sergey and adelyn.
Sergey’s dream has always been to basically be silicon valley man. He didn’t care how, crypto is just a means to that end.
Thats why he insisted on being sillicon valley copy cat including bloating his company, diversity employing, fully remote, and basically doing all shit possible to feel like his sillicon valley man.

He doesn’t give a fuck about the token, just was a means to get free cash to larp as large tech company ceo. He has holders in contempt and has from early on, which is quite clear.

Adelyn compounded it with her absolutely useless marketing from early on.
That combo is entrenched now and wont be undone.

Sergey could not care less about the token going to 0. Guy got to larp as tech ceo, his real dream and has enough to retire 10x over

>> No.58621045

Link did most of its parabolic run against Bitcoin from summer 2019 to summer 2020, as Sergey was dumping.

>> No.58621050

Also to add, sergey will take joy in cost cutting and emulating other large tech companies when he runs out of money. Its part of larping as a tech ceo which is clearly his dream.

Honestly i think underneath, he is very competitive and status driven with who he perceives as peers and alumini. He loves to brag over having no shareholders and board members to answer to for his funding(hint, thats how little he gives a fuck about token price), as I guess it lets him feel superior to others he badly wanted to emulate in silicon valley who have to answer to such.

The longer this farce goes on the more i realise what sergey really is all along. Ari, Steve? Genuine. Not really their domain to manage things better though

>> No.58621083

>all this headcanon about Sergey being malicious

And yet you've been holding for 7 years. And every single day of those 7 years, you knew exactly how many tokens Sergey was going to dump: 650 million.

>> No.58621087

Demand in the blow off the top was so high it overcome his weekly dumps. That doesn’t nullify anything at all idiot. Do you even under how supply and demand works?

Stretch it out long term and as you see in the chart, it is very negative.

Additionally, the 39k sat high in 2019 abruptly ended the week the dumps started for the first time lmao.

>> No.58621103

>Demand in the blow off the top

Sergey was dumping for a year before the blow-off top.

>> No.58621121

He managed it so inefficiently, i was not prepared like anyone else.

Look at the projects who unlocked more supply but performed way better. They managed it much more superior to Sergey, to the point they were able to unlock more and still out perform LINK dramatically. Thats just evidence of Sergeys incompetence or lack of shits about the token.
What else dod sergey do that those projects didn’t? Employe 700 people.

>> No.58621147

Again, you dont understand what supply and demand is. Just fuck off if you cannot even grasp the most basic as fuck concept of investing possible.

Nobody can take you seriously if i have to explain this to you.

The demand while he was dumping in that period was a BLOW OFF THE TOP phase, so the DEMAND was EXCEPTIONALLY high and it pumped DESPITE his dumping.

That hasn’t been true ever since on a long term outlook. The demand has never come even close to back then

>> No.58621191

>He managed it so inefficiently
The opposite.
He even stopped dumping right before the big bear market crash.

>The demand while he was dumping in that period was a BLOW OFF THE TOP phase
The "blow off top" phase lasted a whole year?

>> No.58621203

It’s dead. Long live VESTA

>> No.58621255

Yeah, it did. Link demand was exceptionally high from about june 2019 to aug 2020. Its never come close to it since and never will.

Even in thet period you can see clear events where sergey dumped and rallies stopped, but they tended to recover in weeks following as demand in that period was a blow off the top/mania phase.

You dont have to call it a blow off the top, call it what you like. It was an exceptionally high demand period so it pumped DESPITE his dumps.

The demand ever since is nowhere near, hence his dumps have a clear and strong negative correlation.

The projects that dumped more and vastly outperformed were morr competent in managing it, even if their projects were dogshitinancechain.

That can include knowing how to keep demand high, which Sergey doesn’t because his goal is and always has been large tech company ceo larper, while actively holding his investors in contempt

>> No.58621295

>Yeah, it did.
You have no idea what a blow-off top is.

And yes, obviously there was a lot of demand. An influx of retards will do that, it's the best thing that can happen.

>> No.58621366

Okay, you want to just nit pick schematics. Typical LINk bagholder these days. Utterly incapable of engaging discussion on any level at all, just always resorting to adhom, moving goal posts, schematics, strawman or just bringing up conspiracy as a counter point.

The blownof the top was july/aug 2020, and also june 2019 imo. Call it WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT, you utterly fucking retarded twat.

The entire period was exceptionally high demand, with MASSIVE blow off the top demand for 3 month in that period. You are not missing my point, you are a complete cretin left behind shill who was likely spoonfed back in the day, and just resort to your low stupid responses because you cannot have a discussion in good faith, just like the fudders back then couldn’t.

Retard. A retard who cant even understand supply and demand yet is trying to defend an investment. Thats gotta be one of the most comical things i’ve seen from you retards

>> No.58621404

see >>58620807

>> No.58621422

You are OP of this thread
and the 20 pbtid loser from this thread

>same writing style
>uses the same distinct words
>whines about 'resorting to adhoms' etc
why are you spending so much time doing this kek

>> No.58621435

>you knew exactly how many tokens Sergey was going to dump: 650 million.
yah but no one expected a white paper 2.0, no one expected ari juels cashing out on TC, no one expect beta version of staking. You're a stupid faggot who sucks sergeys cum any chance he gets

>> No.58621484

>nobody expected some bumps in the road

You're fucking retarded.
Also, nobody expected Chainlink to dominate defi and become THE prime candidate for mass institutional adoption either.

>> No.58621492

how are other alt/btc pairs looking in top 20? exactly the same? you're gay? retarded? that's insane

>> No.58621526

Yeah thats me, and?
90% of these posts are when im at the gym(now) between sets.

>> No.58621568

thanks for confirming. kind of weird to spend 10+ hours in the gym but you do you

>> No.58621764

More like 2.5-3hrs. You can see most done in that window.
I have been on biz more over the past 4 days, but i usually go months between visiting to be honest.

Any time i visit, same faggots still here like the btc dump conspiracy faggot. Every. Time.

>> No.58621770
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just not gonna give up
gonna keep holdin + stakin

>> No.58621776

Are you a fag?

>> No.58621785

i believe you, but your explanation for the btc dumps (i.e., the team somehow timing the "spikes" or whatever) is absolutely retarded

>> No.58621792

>the btc dump conspiracy faggot

Pretty sure nearly everyone on here is that faggot.

>> No.58621951

It makes a lot more sense than the illuminati. Grow up faggot.
If you gave your dumb ass conspiracies as much scrutiny as you do anything slightly negative about LINK you’d be much better off

>> No.58622168

Nobody says it's the illuminati, that's you strawmanning.

>> No.58622211

Ccip, free subsidized oracles, and some other shitty vaporware, oh let's not forget the dozens of research paper mumbo jumbo which got scrapped like mixicles.

>can you use chainlink to gamble on meme coins?
>if "no" = token not needed

>> No.58622222
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Whenever this gets brought up the baggies only response is to bury their heads in the sand

>> No.58622239
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>sergeys previous project, NXT
Does the chart look familiar to anyone? Kek baggies

>> No.58622377

that last sentence about saying crazy things to investors has to hit home for the cult

actual CCIP daily revenue: $1,500

partners with every major scam artist in the space

>> No.58624986

Even fundamental projects like this are bleeding excessively, only projects in the DePINs world like AKT, PEAQ, and FILE are giving hope now.

>> No.58625009

No actually you don't "need link". You can pay everything in the gas token, Sergey then dilutes us to pay the nodes in link. Yes, I know, this sounds crazy but this is what actually happens

>> No.58625042

Never sold a linkie
Never selling a linkie
Long thread; did read

>> No.58625866

>btc dump conspiracy
Why are you so riled up about people discussing coincidences?

>> No.58625867
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>free subsidized oracles