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58612692 No.58612692 [Reply] [Original]

I've been holding since 2018, and have reduced my position to a suicide stack. let's review all the headwinds for price going up. Keep in mind what I just said about myself, because it is relevant.

A big picture view:

>Circulating supply still expanding, diluting all investors
>Long term holders reducing their exposure over time
>Employees cashing in on their vested shares
>Inflation from staking rewards
>price is massively down against BTC, has been for years which creates a lot of sell resistances on any appreciating of price

Lets take a look at the first one.
>Circulating supply still expanding, diluting all investors
This has been going on for years and is a massive strain on the price. it has increased by 70% in 5 years. This means the price it hit in 2019 $5 would be like $8.5 now, meaning it has, in real terms, has only increased by 80% in 5 years.
This constant diluting and sell pressure has dominated any buy pressure for years, and seems to be getting even worse. or is it? I think there are more pressures at play now which i will elaborate on.

>Long term holders reducing their exposure over time
There is no doubt that long term holders, and people with larger stacks have reduced their exposure over the last year or so. It isn't up for debate. Even I have done so and i'm no outlier. This is a lot of sell pressure as the price would go up, especially at all the established resistance points which is where they are likely to take place(for example, i sold at 0.0004 Sats range).
Longer term holders proportionately hold a lot more tokens, and are competing with Sergey to sell them, compounding the headwinds for price appreciating. This is on going.

>> No.58612695

>Employees cashing in on their vested shares
Chainlink Labs token vesting/bonus scheme for employees is public information.

>Stock Type
>At Chainlink Labs, Main Options are subject to a 5-year vesting schedule:
>20% vests in the 1st-year (20.00% annually)
>20% vests in the 2nd-year (5.00% quarterly)
>20% vests in the 3rd-year (5.00% quarterly)
>20% vests in the 4th-year (5.00% quarterly)
>20% vests in the 5th-year (5.00% quarterly)

For those unfamiliar with corporate vesting, this means they get paid a bonus in LINK tokens yearly, which would be, if we average it out, around 4500 tokens per employee over the years. This is treat as income, and taxed as so.
They can only vest 20% a year, which means it is available to be sold 20% a year.(900 tokens). However, they have to pay tax on it when it vests even if they dont sell.

Employees who joined in 2020 have seen negative gains on their vested tokens. they have paid taxes on them more then they can get from selling them, significantly so. This is also, in general a large number of tokens dumped into the market. they have 700+ employees end of year. This is a significant downward pressure on price, especially as people who vest shares have a tax reason to dispose of them.

>> No.58612698

>Inflation from staking rewards

This is a simple one without much need for elaboration, but it further inflates/dilutes the token value, and it is a significant source of it. Nodes are particularly large benefactors compared to alerters, and they generally sell what they receive for income. More sell pressure, especially as node operaters likely would sell on price spikes to maximise profits. much like traders and long term holders looking to unwind exposure.

>price is massively down against BTC, has been for years which creates a lot of sell resistances on any appreciating of price

This is also simple. It simply creates bigger and harder resistance points and more exit points for people the longer it is significantly down. 0.0004 sats would not have been a resistance years ago, had LINK not dumped for years. now it is an extremely hard resistance to get through, just for one example.

>> No.58612699

>and are competing with Sergey to sell them
top kek

>> No.58612710
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There's literally no reason to hold Chainlink anymore. Its true the smart oldfags sold at the 2020 top, and now all that's left are mentally ill bag holders and anons who bought at the $9 range. Just look at the chart, it took 6 monthly green candles to go from $8-$20. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.58612715

Note that all of these factors were not at play back in the yearly days, and i'd also say long term holders did not really have this information at their disposal for a couple years post 2019 at minimum. at least enough so to make such analysis as presented, so it stands to reason people in this group are now unwinding in the face of this.

while it was always known that tokens were reserved for operational costs over time, it was not disclosed how this would be done, and the methods.
Many projects have diluted their supplies even more, but not had the same outcomes, likely due to how they managed their projects in general, where the tokens were sold, them being sold at all, and various factors. its not in the scope of this to explore that, but it is clear that the way Chainlink has managed this has been very ineffective for the token price, if not downright suppressive.

It likely did not need to be that way, either, it is simply a result of how it was managed. early investors did not have this information at the time.

>> No.58612734

To clear up the "4500" tokens, that is averaged at 4500 tokens paid every year to each employee. This year, it may be 2000, but it was likely more closer to even 8000 for 2022 and 2023.
Top senior members are likely getting over 25k tokens a year

>> No.58612741

Yea I didn’t read any of that but long story short because of the absolute encyclopedia of bullish news and relationships the Chainlink team has I’m just going to go ahead and not sell.

>> No.58612746

Not all of us are meant to make, and that is okay. :)

>> No.58612750

Yea I’m gonna trust the Chainlink team over a retard on an anonymous Indonesian crafting board.

>> No.58612755

You really think I’m going to read all that and sell?

>> No.58612761

No. this is for rational anons who aren't married to their bags like a cult, like we used to have in 2017-2020.
You're like the weird drive-by fudders back then. none of us care.

>> No.58612763

What exactly are you trusting them with? Because after 7 years they've delivered nothing for while. It's all been clever marketing and technobabble. All while dumping in sats.

>> No.58612764

What part of never fucking selling do you not understand?

>> No.58612794


>> No.58612828

nobody made thinkpiece posts about selling eth or bitcoin without talking about what they were rotating into

>> No.58612831

Fuck that. Time to live my life. Selling it all.

>> No.58612863

Eth and BTC did not fall in price none stop for 5 year.
Eth and BTC didn't have massive uncirculated supply dumped on the market.
Eth and BTC didn't have 700+ employees to pay $100k+ each.

Eth has, what, 20 people?

>> No.58612967

OK, let's say we all agree with this and sell. What do we do next? What's the next move?

>> No.58612974

>comparing a 850.000% ROI to a measly 30,000% all time ROIn 7 years
the absolute state of cultists

>> No.58613051

im very glad you care about
my financial wellbeing but i bought at ico and bought big at 5$. fud is as baseless as ever and the performance is still beating the s&p. might not be making the best gains in the market but im not a genius. it doesnt take a genius to understand how weird it is that theres a whole group of people on an vietnamese basketweaving forum posting full time to try and get people to sell. ill keep swinging but will always hold a big bag suck my nuts.

>> No.58613069

Spx is up 60% from 2020 highs.
Link is down 25% from 2020 highs.

Are you ok? You feel the need to lie for some reason

>> No.58613074

did you buy your whole stack at 2020 highs?

>> No.58613078

No, i’m op. Can you even fucking read?
Again. Im not expecting a rational conversation from the shills left here. You are in a bagholding cult. I fully expect any rational conversation to be ket with adhom, strawman and just complete nonsense.
I’m simply giving you a venue to humiliate yourself when you do it, like just then.

>> No.58613085


>> No.58613088

OK say we sell, what should we do after that?

>> No.58613092

>You are in a bagholding cult.

And here you are, holding mass.

>> No.58613100

ignoring my personal circumstances link objectively went 300% from lows this past year. given the performance and recent news theres a lot of reasons link can be a good investment vs ops fud. also even despite the fud op says hes still holding a suicide stack so hes a smart man. given what we know you should follow his lead and get your own stack if you don't have one before you kys.

>> No.58613108

wait you're op lmao why are you so hostile to other people holding link? mental illness

>> No.58613114

What I don't understand is, pretty much everyone who was going to sell LINK has sold already, so why aren't there more threads about "things to do after you sell LINK?"
Why are people so obsessed with me selling LINK, but never want to talk about what to do once you've sold?

>> No.58613132

You look for other investments, not something that has dumped 90% in bitcoin and will barely recover. There's plenty of altcoins out there taht will outperform LINK. Are you dense?

>> No.58613152

the fuddies have exploited our contrarian hearts into holding us hostage to the cube

you are stating a lot of your opinions as objective fact and also projecting a lot on to other holders. whos to say a link holder isn't in a range of assets? is there any objective reason why link cant recover against bitcoin? sure there are other that will outperform, can you provide an alternative investment with a narrative as compelling as swift dtcc euroclear etc? given what we know realistically it should be incredibly bullish that the price action has been dogshit and bottomed because investing is about buying low and exploiting information asymmetries

>> No.58613187

Give me a single credible source on those numbers
Shouldnt be hard to do since you yourself stated its all public info

>> No.58613190

Literally google it.
Its also so fucking standard for a software company that has already gone public. Its basically the default way most large companies handle share bonuses and vesting.

You can easily google to find it for Chainlink but the fact you contest it just tells me you know absolutely nothing about corporations

>> No.58613204
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He got it from Levels, so basically someone (probably him) made it up.

Look at this shit lmao

>> No.58613209

hi jaydeep, this is your boss parkesh, we suggest you start a new thread as it appears you have only embarassed yourself with this one sir

>> No.58613210

OK so what other investments are we talking here? What is your "after LINK" strategy?

>> No.58613215

I'm probably going to sell the next pump. The problem with selling is you're "killing the dream" and that's very hard for some of us to do since we've been scavenging for breadcrumbs year after year. I appreciate this post op. I have yet to see a bull post of this level of detail for a long time, probably because most of the smart holders have left. It is what it is.

>> No.58613225
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>I have yet to see a bull post of this level of detail for a long time

Here you go.

>> No.58613240

Yes. Im still buckbroken from it

>> No.58613262
File: 46 KB, 600x656, 1536078241181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link seems like a good buy/hodl only to those who bought for 30c, survivorship bias. no new comers look at link and go
>whoa, now that's a coin I would invest in
because it's already a top 20 coins, normies just look up chainlink see all the news and partnerships with swift / dtcc and what not and think
>well not only is it already a high market cap, all the good news doesn't seem to be helping it now so why would it in the future?

That's why I think we are cooked, there is no greater fools for us, everyone wants to get on a fresh new shitcoin on the ground floor to have a chance to turn their pathetic $1500 into $100k instead of buying something that will MAYBE go 3x with a big risk of bleeding back to single digits, that's why no one is buying it, the LINK whales, the OGs, they can all sense that, that's why they've been derisking into other things, to have other moonbags than just relying on LINK

Just my 2 cents, try looking at it from the outside and think if you would put money into link at these prices, put yourself in the shoes of someone looking to invest new money.

>> No.58613422

>muh picture with logo on it


Its likely very accurate. Anon you sound like you dont have any experience with corporate careers at all.
This is like asking someone for proof when they say their employer withholds their taxes for them.

It just makes you look like you’ve never had a job before. Its not something you would expect someone to contest. Its such a basic as fuck vesting schedule for their share bonuses. Its more revealing you are throwing a fit over it and demanding proof than anything else.

>> No.58613426

What investments should we look into after selling all of our LINK tokens? Should we have an "after LINK" thread to share ideas? I only just sold my LINK so am basically completely open at this point.

>> No.58613455

Thats not my job.
I think its also very pathetic how you’re only response to OP is insinuating that its all invalid if someone doesn’t give w replacement investment. Are you a fucking idiot?


Here is JP morgan exploring Cocao. Is this all invalid because they didn’t tell everyone to invest in something else? God you shills are really reaching these days.

I said i personally de-risked and only have a suicide stack now, and i feel even the original suicide stack amount is too much. I explored the factors hampering price appreciation.

Thats all this is.

>> No.58613494

>Its likely very accurate.
It's completely made up.

>> No.58613502

You’ve never worked in a corporate environment let alone one with shares.
Its actually funny because shills are revealing themselves as clueless by arguing with someone so simple lmao.

Not a good look, gotta be honest but happy to let you dig your own graves

>> No.58613503
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>please sell PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE episode #482521

>> No.58613505

OK but what's the point in getting everyone to sell LINK if you don't have any idea what to do next?

>> No.58613508

>makes shit up
>gets called out

many such cases

>> No.58613518

>shills are revealing themselves as clueless by arguing with someone so simple lmao.
did you just call yourself simple kek

>> No.58613528

I’m not here to hold your hand through life anon. Maybe you have put too much of your energy into LINK if you feel the need to ask me these existential questions.
You make it sound like I’m telling you it was just shadows dancing on the wall and there is grass outside. Are you okay?

You can pretend all you like anon. You are just digging yourself your own grave by contesting something so barebones and simple in any corporate environment.

I actually think its kind of sad and im starting to pity people like you these days

>> No.58613536

>I’m not here to hold your hand through life

Then why are you spending so much of your time trying to convince people to sell their link?

>> No.58613563

Im not. I posted a discussion on the headwinds of price appreciating.
You and all the cultist shills left are not interested in discussing anything hence all responses to this thread just being your weird cultists narratives and shit throwing. As if incould convince people like you to sell? You think i am trying? I’d much rather you hold out and think it will make you rich and baghold for a decade only for it to fail. Thats the ideal scenario for cultists and i hope it is what happens.

I also think that is the most likely outcome and its why i only have a suicide stack now.

However this discussion is not for you and your high priest cult conspiracy XRP losers. You are just pests who post in the threads exactly like the low effort fudders were back in the day.

Just like they used to derail good threads, thats all you and your shill friends do anymore. Derail good threads

>> No.58613572

What the fuck are you doing with your life, anon.

>> No.58613586

>You and all the cultist shills left are not interested in discussing anything hence all responses to this thread just being your weird cultists narratives and shit throwing
Hasn't stopped you from 15pbtid (so far) though

>> No.58613630



>> No.58613656

Reminder that OP is the same faggot from this thread the other day
>muh RATIONAL discussion
fucking loser

>> No.58613680

I personally agree with you fren but normal discussion about link has been completely killed on this board since nulinkers twitter advocates joined this board. It's only xrp gme tier fanboying now. Trust the team they can ONLY make good decisions that are all good for holders, nothing to discuss here. We used to make fun of normies like chainlinkgod or drake or Jimmy etc... but now it's all that's left, npcs, that will even defend hiring women and giving them free paid vacations while diluting our tokens. Really sad

>> No.58613683

hi OP

>> No.58613696

>oh shit my pbtid count is getting a bit high, better change devices and agree with myself

>> No.58613701

I'd bet my 50k OG stack that your skin is brown like poop.

Never selling you dirty nigger. Only read like half of one of your posts to get an idea of how retarded you are.

>> No.58613708

Thanks for proving my point. I really hope you get paid, otherwise it is an incredibly cuck behaviour, cheering for the team to ass fuck you dry

>> No.58613712

>t. esl

>> No.58613713

Dont bother. I have noticed one of the things these faggots in the cult do not tolerate and immediately try to dispel and create w narrative to null is the idea that multiple people have similar negative conclusions about LINK.

They simultaneously can not believe it is possible and will not allow the concept to spread

>> No.58613726

>You are not interested in discussing anything
Neither are you, all you’re doing is whining about muh token dumps for the millionth time.

We know about the token dumps. In fact we have known since before the ico.
This discussion ended in 20 fucking 17.

>> No.58613727

I think they know we actually think like this but decided on a carpet bomb tactic where you do not let any negative thought set in. When you think about it, only retail is keeping the price up. If we were to all sell that would be the end of Chainlink since its their only source of revenue. We're not playing games anymore, there's a lot of money on the line there, lots of employees, etc...

>> No.58613728

Wrong you insufferable faggot
We just don’t fucking care and can’t comprehend why you care so much. I’ve sold dozens of different coins before and I never not even once come back and write 15 fucking posts about why everyone else should sell. It’s odd behavior to say the least, and anons are right to be skeptical of you.

>> No.58613803

Its information dumbfuck. People generally look to have their thesis invalidated. Instead you chimp out and say WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT MY INVESTMENT SO MUCH. Fkn retard, he doesn't care about any of you, he just wants to test the waters if there's any valid position as to why he could be wrong.

>> No.58613822

>I have noticed one of the things these faggots in the cult do not tolerate and immediately try to dispel and create w narrative to null is the idea that multiple people have similar negative conclusions about LINK.
This sentence makes perfect sense and I'll fight anyone that says otherwise.

>> No.58613829

Im very open to it, but as usual the cultists dont ever have discussions. It seems any rational poster just tends to more or less come to same views already but far too jaded to discuss overly, just agree.

I’ve never seen a post like this on biz so i made it. The closest i saw was someone say there is only 60mm tokens left to be dumped, which is a lot. However when i question them and mention how a large portion of the tokens sold were from the node operator incentive stack, they just went all weird and demanded proof, while not giving any proof of their 60mm claim in the first place.

I have noticed these shills demand ever changing goal post and burden of proof disproportional to everything any rational anon says if it isn’t positive, but you can post nonsense conspiracy and breadcrumbs all day and its taken completely at face value

>> No.58613870

You're arguing with retards dude, its pretty annoying. I think the smarter linkies went off to twitter. But even there you still some of the same retardation. Its hard to break through the cracks, Chainlink has such a powerful narrative. I'm still trying to flesh out the most balanced position, so these threads can help shed light in some instances.

>> No.58613893
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>Many projects have diluted their supplies even more, but not had the same outcomes,
>it is clear that the way Chainlink has managed this has been very ineffective for the token price, if not downright suppressive

It's the exact opposite, actually.

>> No.58613903

I love how these threads always involve the schizo fuddie giving himself a group hug

>> No.58613917

I dont use twitter. I check it occasionally for updates but that is it. I cant confirm if smarter people went there but from all the posts and comments i see it seems no better than here.

If anything it seems worse. You have echo chamber a bit more there, the shillers just seem smug, the fudders just seems mentally ill. There isn’t much of s middle ground from what i see, possibly due to being able to block and limit replies.

The worst seems to be how their head of marketing Christ barrette or whatever his name is operates. Its just low effort, smug shit because he’s been paid in tokens since 2018, and paid huge senior salary in USD off of bagholders backs.
Thats created a weird as fuck culture with what seems to be chaintwinkgod copying it. These people are all on the payroll sponsored by bagholders.

The middle ground or cracks. I wish. Biz is just… fucked. As you know. Im not even talking about fudders these days, i somewhat understand their bitterness at least.

I think for me the only rational action is to unwind on moves up as they are fragile and keep proving to be, and have only a suicide stack. Same as back in the day. Insurance if somehow despite the questionable decisions and direction Sergey took/went and complete ass about face for token value, it somehow moons to 3 figs in a decade or two.
A suicide stack is definitely enough to be happy with that outcome, but im definitely not even close to confident it will happen.

>> No.58613928

No you shill. You obviously dont understand supply and demand.

Mid 2019- mid 2020 the DEMAND was so high it went up parabolically even with an expanding supply, which is what Grayscale are showing. Nothing more than that.

Its been doing awful for years ever since because demand no longer outweighs the supply from this dilution obviously.

It was unusual as they say, for it to have happened for that short period but its not been the case for years, and for years it has clearly been a strong negative factor.

Whats the point in posting that if you cant even understand it?

>> No.58613932
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the best part is he thinks he's being subtle or witty about it
this kind of behavior is what passes in his tiny cockroach brain as being effective deception

>> No.58613939
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>Grayscale are showing mid 2019- mid 2020


>> No.58613946

you guys haven't spent enough time on chans to be able to parse when someone is posting honestly. You idiots stick out like a sore thumb every time.

>> No.58613956

Here comes yet another brave defender of OP's anal virginity; completely organically and everything.

>> No.58613960

i do agree with OP but im not defending him. Im attacking you

>> No.58613961

So on a very short term view, it hasn’t seemed to have caused a negative proce outcome(although that doesn’t proove the price wouldn’t have gone higher without the diluting in that period).
It just shows that once again, the demand was enough to overcome the diluting. Will that hold out? It seems it has not. The data is already old, and the price against eth and BTC is already back to 2019 levels.

I dont personally believe on a longer term look its going to prove that the constant expansion of supply will not negatively effect price more severely than that period.
I am not optimistic that the difference can be made up from CCIP fees at $700-$5000 a day, either.

I’m sure if grayscale did the same thing with BTC prices rather than USD, it would most likely not be looking good.
A rising tide raises all ships. I’m not interested in LINK if it hits $1000 but is still 0.0002 sats. That isn’t a performance at all.

>> No.58613964

This. The shills feel like the fudders felt years ago. Out of place. Inorganic

>> No.58613970
File: 77 KB, 1550x840, 1713180090165096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So on a very short term view
They were proven even more correct in the following months, pic related.

>OP is honest!
>I'm not defending OP!!

>> No.58613977

>A rising tide raises all ships
thats not the case anymore in my opinion. There are to many shitcoins that retail can dump money into. I dont think its the same this cycle. Just like i dont think buying dips is going to work anymore. Everyone is counting on money printer and its making me think that thats not going to happen. im reminded of that saying"if you're taking stock advice from the shoe shine boy then thats a top signal" retail are all waiting for rate cuts. to many plebs are aware of the game now. im getting a lot of top signals lately with some mixed signals springled in. its making me nervous desu

>> No.58614010

>>OP is honest!
>>I'm not defending OP!!
im calling you a new fag. This is the third time now, and you are making it about chainlink price

>> No.58614009

Smart choice, sincerely. You have to remember the fear of missing out is the main psychological tactic scammers use to turn you into their exit liquidity

>> No.58614027

But it seems to only apply to Chainlink, and it’s constant, never ending fud about Chainlink. Not Xrp, not avax, not hbar, not even eth or btc, it’s link exclusively and constantly. That should raise anyone’s brow.

>> No.58614042

what the fuck...

this goes back to earlier questions about where the fuck all the cash from token sales goes... We're talking billions at this point, and given they're comp'ing employees with tokens printed out of thin air, operating costs might be lower than previously estimated

Do you know if they give these options out to all employees or is there some kind of performance metrics? Given they have produced jack shit and have zero revenue, it's insane to see this kind of comp

>> No.58614047

this is a link board. Wtf do you expect?

>> No.58614048

Because everyone on this board only holds link, eth and/or btc. Eth and btc perform well so no one complains, that leaves you with link

>> No.58614050
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It's made up, anon.
OP got it from Levels, which is a site for anonymous posters.

>> No.58614052
File: 212 KB, 1922x2212, supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't hold. Pic related.
in fact, it went down brutally in Feb when they diluted again. Makes sense why LINK got fucked the hardest among most alts now when BTC went up.
I switched to laptop for the graph so ID may have changed but im op

>> No.58614054

do you read what you post? it says its verified

>> No.58614079

But no you don't understand inflation does not affect Chainlink, because, well because it does not stop fudding!!!

>> No.58614081

Standard procedure in a tech company even if not public, is KPI based bonuses which factor in seniority. Usually individuals KPI and department KPI and then seniority used to calculate it. They all get stock bonuses, and it would be pretty standard to have it at about a months salary at least, or half a months if super super junior without outstanding KPIs

>> No.58614090

>this is a Link board so you see we HAVE to post fud day in and day out!

>> No.58614092

They collect data from both anonymous AND verified sources. And not necessarily both.
You can't be anonymous and verified at the same time.

Link was $15-16 when the February unlock happened, and now it's back at $15-16.
It held.
Link pumped after the unlock, and then dumped as Bitcoin crashed.

>> No.58614104


It’s 50% down in BTC while btc is up 60% in that time.

You are a fucking idiot. It clearly had a negative effect, but BTC dragged up the price in USD. Had they not diluted, it suggests we could be sitting at about $25 right now

>> No.58614111

nothing in his posts have signaled mental illness tho

care to share what you're buying?

>next pump
you lost me there


I wonder how many $$ of investor funds have been wasted on the thousands of infographics over the years

>because it's already a top 20 coins, normies just look up chainlink see all the news and partnerships with swift / dtcc and what not and think
>>well not only is it already a high market cap, all the good news doesn't seem to be helping it now so why would it in the future?

good point... Also pretty funny I had a normie tell me XRP was a better buy because it was still under $1 whereas Link is already too high. CL really fucked holders not understanding starting price should've had another few decimals

>> No.58614125
File: 393 KB, 1916x2210, supp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell here is a longer term supply vs price in sats view. brutal. you can even see rallies which were smacked down after an expansion

>> No.58614136

OP has spent 9 straight hours posting god knows what and yet I’m still never selling, weird

>> No.58614144

checked. Normies dont know what DTCC and swift are. DTCC describe them selfs as the most important company you never heard about

>> No.58614150



twitter is annoying to use but head and shoulders above biz in all aspects of crypto discussion

>There are to many shitcoins that retail can dump money into.
bingo... so many idiots on biz that don't understand this will completely miss the bull

2020 BTC $11,000
2020 Link $20


>> No.58614152

Link is up 200% in the last year, which includes ALL FOUR unlocks.
In that same timeframe, Bitcoin is only up 150%.

By your logic, Link's token unlocks are making it outperform the market.

>> No.58614159

>I wonder how many $$ of investor funds have been wasted on the thousands of infographics

That's DTCC's infographic.
Checked and seethe.

>> No.58614170

I only read the OP post and your bullshit is quickly done away with.
>>Circulating supply still expanding, diluting all investors
Hasn't been an issue for Solana or any other inflationary token
>>Long term holders reducing their exposure over time
Blatant lie. In December 2018 a 40k LINK stack put you in the top 1000 holders. Now you would require over 45.3k.
>>Employees cashing in on their vested shares
Please provide this "public information"
>>Inflation from staking rewards
There has hardly been any withdrawals from the pool.
>>price is massively down against BTC, has been for years
you like to buy high, sell low I guess
>>which creates a lot of sell resistances on any appreciating of price
this is made up

inb4 >advocate

>> No.58614173

link is up because everything irl is down. m8 what are you smoking

>> No.58614174

there you have it folks... don't believe your eyes on the charts or your $$ balance in your wallet that has decreased since '20. You actually won because Link crashed harder and then slightly recovered, congrats!

oh cool did that help the char-ACK

Wow the DTCC! Better hand out some more printed coins to 600 HR employees as a reward for the graphic

>> No.58614185
File: 375 KB, 460x232, IMG_9433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do random strangers on the internet want me to sell my LINK tokens?

>> No.58614186

>Hasn't been an issue for Solana or any other inflationary token
here comes the stupid faggots comparing link to every other shitcoin

no im saying thats a bad thing. Why buy chainlink when you can buy something off of pump.fun

>> No.58614187
File: 19 KB, 1373x630, 1700187863228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based advocate defending Sergey's honour and ignoring reality. Can't wait for you to tell us how this chart is actually bullish

>> No.58614188

Wow op. I've been holding since 2017, an og link marine, and after reading your posts and considering your points, I have decided to sell all of my link.
Thank you for bring this information to my attention.

>> No.58614195

>Hasn't been an issue for Solana or any other inflationary token

SOL $3.50
Link $20

SOL $151.50
Link $15.50

>>Employees cashing in on their vested shares
>Please provide this "public information"

is it really hard to believe they wouldn't cash out? How else are they going to pay taxes...

>> No.58614202

Btc up 169%
Link in usd up 209%
Thats 40% difference is explained by LINK being up a measly 22% in sats. It was actually down year on year a couple weeks ago.

I wish i could live your delusional view.

>> No.58614203

>hahahhahahah we owned the fudder... hodl the line marines!!!


>> No.58614219

WOW you're right I totally misread the cha-----ACK

BTC $11,000
ETH $350
BNB $22.50
DOGE $0.003
LINK $20

BTC $67,000
ETH $3,510
BNB $606
DOGE $0.1385
LINK $15.30

I concede... you "won". Congrats on that, seriously

>> No.58614230

your posted prices prove my point lol
and he said the information was public. where the fuck is it then?

this fud is pathetic

>> No.58614265

Link outperformed Bitcoin in the past 12 months, which includes four major unlocking events.

So not only are Link's token unlocks "not bearish" in USD (like Grayscale said), but they're actually bullish in USD and sats.

>> No.58614304

Thats called cherry picking anon.
Im not here to convince you to stop marrying your bags. Carry on.
Im here for discussion with people who aren’t in a cult

>> No.58614375

>bullish in sats
Advocates have no shame

>> No.58614395

>Thats called cherry picking anon.
The pot is lynching the kettle

>> No.58614420
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wow that sure showed him!
imagine using that cherry picked timeframe as evidence that LINK has "outperformed" BTC
imagine being this desperate
you people are pathetic

>> No.58614439

fucking lol, ok so let's zoom out

>Sergey starts unlocking in mid-2019
>Link pumps from $3 to $50

>Sergey stops unlocking in late 2021
>Link crashes from $30 to $6

>Sergey starts unlocking again in mid-2022
>Link crabs for a year then pumps from $6 to $15-20

Link's entire unlock history shows a positive correlation between unlocks and pumps.

>> No.58614466

Holy fucking KEK

>> No.58614473
File: 42 KB, 1326x723, zoomedout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've been asked plenty of times to extrapolate the dumps on this chart, but for some inexplicable reason you always refuse to do so

>> No.58614495

This, go on, tell us how this chart is bullish

>> No.58614519


kek fuddies

>> No.58614542

>if you're not pumping more than Bitcoin, then you're not pumping

Is this your argument?

>> No.58614552

are you going to extrapolate the dumps upon the all time LINK/BTC and LINK/ETH charts now?

>> No.58614555

No they’re argument is if Chainlink isn’t the number one pumping investment all the time then… it bad!
They are worms.

>> No.58614560

thank you for your invaluable insights, dear pajeet, but no, that's not my argument either

>> No.58614562


Want me to compare it to Tesla stock too? Or XRP? Gold?

>> No.58614564

Of course I typo’d on trips, fuck me.

>> No.58614567

because you've already done the exact same thing for the LINK/USDT pair?

>> No.58614574

Haha dude are you just spamming the refresh button on this thread? That’s strange behavior for something you don’t have an interest in. Why do you care that other people hold something you don’t have an interest in?

>> No.58614579

happens when you frantically phonepost in the same thread you're already posting with a different id
haha no it's called 4chanX

>> No.58614580

actual 2017 ico fucker here, im still holding 50k link and i see no reason to dump it, been in this market since 2012, you what i sold early? 15mil doge i mined in 2013 for a few thousand bucks, id have to hold literally 8 years to sell the doge top for millions, i also sold ETH at $12 after vitalik rolled back the chain, another batch of potential millions if i only held for 5-6y, now link is coming up on that same time frame and you want me to dump? im already sitting on enough $ to retire just from being in the market this long, i rather hold link to 0 then let it go to $200 without me.

>> No.58614582

Because fiat is how you measure value, worth, etc.
The values of BTC and ETH are measured in fiat.

Why do you want me to compare to other assets?

I was gonna check, but you made a typo, sooooo....

>> No.58614602

Nice projection Ranjeet. I love you didn’t address the bulk of my question. I suppose that’s to be expected when you ask a double critical question to someone with a double digit IQ.

>> No.58614611
File: 133 KB, 1079x1662, muhdumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and LINK/BTC & LINK/ETH are the literal benchmarks of how LINK performs against the market, for example 12 months ago LINK had the same valuation in sats as it does now, yet the actual price was around $6
now, if you will, stop playing dumb and post the charts!
USDT is not fiat btw, it's a stablecoin, I know I'm nitpicking now, but just saying
why do you care if I care?

>> No.58614614



>> No.58614620

So your argument is "if you're not pumping more than BTC or ETH, then you're not pumping".

>> No.58614630

but anon, LINK is a jewish token down to the bones
like, what the fuck do you think Saturn worship actually is?
still can't post it?

>> No.58614647

Then what is your point?
I proved that Link's token unlocks have a POSITIVE correlation with price pumps throughout Link's entire history of unlocks.

How will comparing to BTC or ETH change this?
Literally the only thing this will accomplish is "but [asset xyz] did even better!", which is an eternal truth of investing.

>> No.58614658
File: 295 KB, 1916x2210, IMG_1788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trolling?
Pic related. How can you possibly say that. There is no point even talking to you

>> No.58614660

because honey, LINK's fiat valuation is solely depended by whatever BTC is doing at each corresponding time
this is no rocket science, think about it like this, if your claims are actually true, posting that chart at the very least will validate them
now stop strawmaning and post the chart ffs

>> No.58614663

nevermind lol

>> No.58614671

That's not "price" retard, that's Bitcoin.
"Price" is always in fiat, including the "price" of Bitcoin.

>LINK's fiat valuation is solely depended by whatever BTC is doing
That has nothing to do with the fact that value is expressed in fiat.

BTC's fiat valuation has been """solely""" dependent on the stock market and hedge fund money for the past few years as well, but nobody measures BTC in "Dows".

>> No.58614700

Well you have done well in communication you dont even understand how the crypto market valuations work.

Thats the level the cultists are these days. There is the raw proof of thek exposing themselves for the least smart people left clutching on like a cult member as is all they know how.

I advocate a suicide stack and nothing more, as an early 2018 fag.

I undthis guys situation, but i would say he’s psychologically inna completely different situation here and is not evaluating like most people and doesn’t need to. He’ll also do fine with any limp blow off the top link gets in the coming decade even if it still trades at 20k sats.

>> No.58614710

so your argument is valuation against the top performers doesn't matter, correct?

>> No.58614727


>> No.58614730

>you dont even understand how the crypto market valuations work.
Fiat is value, including in crypto.

>top performer
The top performer YTD in top 20 is Toncoin, and it has triple digit inflation.

>> No.58614731
File: 557 KB, 1508x892, 1537982558570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link cultists are only making the general sentiment around LINK even more bearish, with their XRP schizo tier defense mechanisms. If there was some potential new buyers sitting on the fence I'm sure they aren't any more bullish after reading this thread
Like someone said befoe in 2017-2019 it was retarded fudders with their obviously invalid low effort FUD but nowadays it's the exact opposite

the cultists are most likely all-in link that's why they are so aggressive and anxious, for me personally I will be happy if link moons but I'm not betting my kidney on it that's for God damn sure, that's why I have other things to rely on even if LINK completely misses the bullrun (a bull run that in itself isn't guaranteed)

>> No.58614743

kek, and now you devolved into nonsense

>> No.58614745

This board and the entire link "community" is a total shitshow. Just read this thread.

>> No.58614760


>> No.58614762

Nonsense is claiming Bitcoin is the "top performer".

>> No.58614769

Excellent thread OP. You won't be able to reach the brainwashed cultists, they're going to hold this entire run and never sell and miss another bull run, but this is good info for people who aren't mentally ill.

>> No.58614806

I'll be doing the same when HYD goes live. It's best to hold new tokens over coins

>> No.58614828

Quite a lot of comparisons to XRP, but there is one difference: XRP is isolated in a general. Doesn’t have dozens of threads for a 1% pump like link or another dozen threads for some proof of concept preliminary alpha test.

>> No.58614840

>You won't be able to reach the brainwashed cultists
He's been trying for years, and will continue to do so for years to come.

>XRP doesn’t have a dozen threads for some proof of concept preliminary alpha test
That's because XRP doesn't have any of those.

>> No.58614855

>he's still trying to gaslight
kek, the absolute state of cultist shills in 2017+fucking7

>> No.58614870

Its funny how you guys think this pilpul will make any of us sell.

>> No.58614879

you're legitimately insane bro, I genuinely wish you keep holding LINK forever at this point

>> No.58614884

also you don't even know what the fuck "pilpul" means, retard

>> No.58614919

>There is no doubt that long term holders, and people with larger stacks have reduced their exposure over the last year or so. It isn't up for debate
The only thing which is "not up for debate" is the fact that larger long term wallets have only accumulated even more LINK in the last 2 years or so. This is factual on-chain information.

>> No.58614963

you do realize a suicide stack back then cost 10k back in 2018 and that costs 150k now? really hope anons heed your advice and buy.

its funny how you've been posting all night focusing on price action over a cherrypicked time frane without acknowledging recent performance or any of the news. there isn't a much better entry than now if you think the bullrun is still happening and believe the tokenization narrative. there might be other coins with better gains in the short term time frame but theres enough information out there to parse why chainlink would be as good as any in this market so again I'm just wondering what motivation you have in focusing on getting people to sell/reduce link exposure?

>> No.58614971

I noticed that you didn’t denounce the Talmud or deny the holohoax.

>> No.58615118

Suicide stack is 1000 LINK. Even that feels like too much exposure now. I see you are a forever cultist who has to resort to such low level ticks to have any form of discrimination as always. You pathetic people just dont have the brain to engage in a real discussion, so you have to rely on faux “earnest” interactions like you are trying now while slipping in your little deceptive views.

The irony here i 1k was a suicide stack, 10k a make it stack, but it performed so awfully that 100k ended up being the make it stack, and a “suicide” stack was meaningless in the end because it never mooned enough to need suicide insurance. As to say, it doesn’t exist.

You are a funny one. You faggots have been saying this every 6 months with a different set of “news” and it NEVER pans out for anything, only more dumping.

Utterly comical how blind you are at this point. Even making fun of you with 2 more weeks is dead and old now. Its beyond that.

I suggest people reduce exposure to a suicide stack, 1000 LINK on the off chance sergey dies and more competent management comes and it moons to 1K eventually.
I suggest investing in whatever else you want. Personally for me it is BTC and ETH with crypto.

Chainlink will out survive most everything that isn’t BTC and ETH, but its likely to remain the same sat and eth valuation for all time. It may peak at 70k sats in a blownoff the top, far from its 170k ath, but it’ll return to 15-20k sats again after.

In otherwords, may as well own bitcoin

>> No.58615135
File: 146 KB, 600x800, 1696663475258820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 30 bros... I don't feel so good..

>> No.58615289

Wise decision since it's best to hold new tokens over the old ones in this alt season

>> No.58615467

Great way to out yourself.

>> No.58615546

How much LINK did you sell? I want to know how hard to laugh when the announcement is made and LINK shoots up into mid triple digits.

>> No.58615598

I need to adust my prior post here >>58614219 Link has cratered down to $14.80...pathetic

>actual 2017 ico fucker here, im still holding 50k link

You're down $1.75M since 2021 because of a cult
By not flipping into BTC in 2020, you're down $5M because of a cult

>you do realize a suicide stack back then cost 10k back in 2018 and that costs 150k now
in 2021 it was worth $500,000. You're down $350k due to a cult

>Over 30 bros... I don't feel so good..
Don't worry, your REAL life will be sick once it begins when you retire at 78

>> No.58615951

I always found funny the fact that “anons” (infiltrated shills) “hate” jews and love chainlink, but Sergey Nazarov, Ari Juels, chainlinkgod, as well as a significant part of the chainlink team are Jewish themselves kek

Whenever this is mentioned the thread gets slid off or deleted

>> No.58616007

>cult cult cult

The funniest part is you're still not selling lmao

>> No.58616035
File: 525 KB, 746x484, redcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read all this crap but, I'm never selling.
btw 81,000 freedom dollars is a fair price for Chainlink and I will consider (doubtful I'll do it) to sell the staking rewards (only, principal stays).
However I derive a near infinite amount of pleasure from observing fuddies trying to pressure me into sell like >>58615598 so
use the filter if you don't want to see the threads. then rope. have a bump faggotronic

>> No.58616072

>Suicide stack is 1000 LINK
you are actually a new faggot and running an op. You just ousted your self faggot

>> No.58616148

>btw 81,000 freedom dollars is a fair price for Chainlink

Nope, it’s not and here’s why.

Tldr: One (1) link token will be worth $110 when the network handles 100% of swifts and dtcc’s volume. This will happen in a decade or so.

However, as of now the token is extremely overvalued and should cost something like a dollar or two at most.

You don’t need to discuss semantics or the small details, you can just take a look at the big picture.

Here’s the rundown:
>dtcc handled around 4.2 quadrillion dollars last year
>swift handled around 1.3 quadrillion dollars last year
>both of these companies charge in average $10 dollars per million transacted
>that’s 5.5 billion dollars in fees between swift and dtcc per year
>assuming all 5.5 billion dollars in fees go to chainlink node operators, that’d mean $5.5 per link staked per year (assuming 1 billion link in circulation)
>using traditional valuation methods with a 5% yield, a link token would be worth $110 dollars once the network handles all of the dtcc’s and swift’s volume

And that’s if chainlink can even get to the point of being adopted at all. Additionally, I don’t see why swift or dtcc would start using chainlink unless it was useful in slashing off costs, which would decrease the fees generated going to the node operators by about 50% in average. That’d mean a price per link token of $55 or so.

I just don’t think chainlink is a good investment but I’m open to discuss your ideas

>> No.58616157

>link token will be worth $110 when the network handles 100% of swifts and dtcc’s volume

Chainlink isn't going to take over Swift and DTCC's fees, retard.
Chainlink is going to take over the backends of Swift and DTCC's clients.

>> No.58616259

>Chainlink is going to take over the backends of Swift and DTCC's clients.
That’s chump change compared to swifts and dtcc’s volume.

One of the biggest swifts networks banks is Citibank, which had a TOTAL operating cost of 10,000 million dollars in 2023. That’s costs for remittances, employees, etc.

Even if you could somehow automate all of the operating costs of Citibank with the chainlink network, and even if all 11,000 banks had the same operating costs as Citibank (they do NOT KEK, most are way smaller), that’d come out to a total of 110 trillion dollars going to node operators in fees.

Ok then, instead of the chainlink network handling 5.5 billion dollars from swift and dtcc, it would instead handle 5.66 (5.5 from swift and dtcc + 0.11 trillion dollars from all 11 thousand banks in swift).

That’s such a small difference in fees, that it wouldn’t even move the price of a link token by a dollar.

Who are you trying to fool, FOOL!? KEEEEEK

I’m still waiting for your valuation my retarded “friend”

>> No.58616347

link is such an incredibly bad investment when you realize that even in the most bullish scenario, it could barely reach its previous ATH. such a fucking disappointment of a project

>> No.58616379

>link is such an incredibly bad investment
Well, assuming the chainlink network does does get to handle all of swifts and dtcc’s volume and it gets to a price of $50 or so, that would give you a clean 3x off of your initial investment in a decade or so if you buy right now (minus taxes).

Which might not mean much to you, but for some people investing tens of millions of dollars it might be worth it.

The good thing is that the network is incredible tech, and as we all know, linkies are in it for the tech and not for the money, and for that I applaud them, they’re very noble people.

>> No.58616508

I wonder where did everyone go! Perhaps they’ll try to manufacturing consensus later today.

For the few real anons still here, buy Apu, it’s one of the only real tokens left that will give you a chance to make it.

Sell once the market cap has crossed the 10 billion line.


>> No.58616522

>Perhaps they’ll try to manufacturing consensus
ne serait-il pas plus simple d'écrire simplement en français?

>> No.58616735
File: 281 KB, 220x162, 1705361911119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lost me at chainlink retard

>> No.58617457

>Citibank, which had a TOTAL operating cost of 10,000 million dollars in 2023
>10,000 million
When the blackest gorilla nigger in the village tries to math

And Citibanks' annual operating costs for 2023 were actually around 150 billion dollars.
Or as you'd put it: 150,000 million dollars.
That's 30 times more than the 5 billion you used to calculate a Link token price of $55.
So I guess you need to multiply $55 by 30 now huh? And that's just Citibank.

Also Chainlink is not going to simply take over the backends as they are now, the entire system is completely changing.

>> No.58617566

>29 posts
>11 hours
>just on that ID alone
look at how much they DONT care guys!
i guess they wont mind if i continue not to read or sell!

>> No.58617638

Their shifts are ended but you just wait until tomorrow morning they are NOT going to like that one.

>> No.58617742

kek, I laughed irl. In return I give you this:

>> No.58617750

Hodled too, then decided it was time to sell. Am ready to ride the sharkroll wave now

>> No.58617823

>5 seconds in
Whoever clicked that link and still holds is in a cult. That's more of a confirmation than OP has layed out in this entire thread. I can't even

>> No.58617935

Piece of tihs!

>> No.58618035

>fudcuck meltdown
Many such cases

>> No.58618703
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>> No.58618954

I love that you're calling anons stupid and not working in a corporate environment when you yourself are proving you don't know shit about corporate options and have never received one in your life.

The public data you're basing your "employees selling Link tokens" explanation on (the Levels site) clearly states that the bonus compensation for Chainlink employees are Options.

First of all, if Chainlink employees are given options as part of their compensation the options are not taxable until the options are exercised by the employee dumbfuck

Second of all, in your example of employees joining after 2020 receiving options (link tokens) and having to pay taxes on the tokens when the price has decreased is one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever heard. Why would a Chainlink employee exercise their options when they vest if the price of Link is below the price the options were issued at? They wouldn't Ranjesh, they would just buy Link at the lower market price and save their options to exercise at a later date when the price has increased above their issued price to avoid tax implications.

Stop trying to act smart, tell your street-shitting bosses to invest in a fucking finance class for you faggots, and fuck off back to Twitter

>> No.58619018

I know that. Its irrelevant. Obviously they will exercise them at the given strike price they received them at after they vest.

You still haven’t disproved absolutely anything at all. Its all very standard. My own company had almost the same vesting schedule.

If they get 4000 link in 2020, 20% vests. If they exercise it, which most people would, they then owe tax on it based on the strike price.

Its not hard, and i didn’t need to include that, because it doesn’t materially make any difference to the point i was making. How sad is it you thought that invalidated the entire thing? Lmao desperate.

The employees who exercise it on the strike price, but dont sell have LOST MONEY big time, because they owed taxes, say, when the strike price was $35, and it was worth under $10 for a long time. They owed about as much, if not more taxes than they could get from selling it. Thats why most people sell as soon as they exercise their vested shares, to avoid that happening.

Its a lot of more tokens entering the market and sell pressure. They have 700+ employees now

>> No.58619036

Additionally, i was not even trying to say thay all their employees lost money, i was insinuating that they have massive incentives to sell every year, 20% of whatever vests to AVOID losing money.

If they hoard it for too long, then they end up paying a shit load more in taxes too, and may not even be able to take advantage of a short lived blow off the top, IF one even happens. So they, like most people, will exercise vested shares consistently and as often as possible as long as it is above the strike price, and given that 20% vests a year they will almost always have SOME shares that are profitable to sell which they can exercise.

>> No.58619047

Shares paid out in 2021, are almost all not profitable at all. Lets be generous and say they all vested the immediate 20% and sold.

You now have a good 450 employees with 100% vested shares available from 2021, just waiting for them to exercise all of them as soon as it is profitable to do so.
Thats a lot of sell pressure, and again, like i said in OP which was the entire point, it is a HEADWIND to price appreciating.

>> No.58619071

can you speak up?

>> No.58619415

>10,000 million
Are you trying to figure out how to say 1000 “crore” in English?

>> No.58621477

Did that during the SUPRA crowdsale.

>> No.58621573

>a literal bot bumping the thread
the sad state of this board

>> No.58621714

>I genuinely wish you keep holding LINK forever at this point
That's literally always been the plan, still is the plan and will always be the plan kek
we're all stakemaxxed, dude. get over it lmao

>> No.58621719
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>> No.58622122

I dumped that LINKsh*t bruh, gonna make 100x with EOS staking.

>> No.58622487

BTC $11,000
ETH $350
Link $20

BTC $69,000
ETH $3,500
LINK $16

>> No.58622562

didn't read but thanks for selling into my bids. sadly we can't all be winners in this game.

>> No.58622706


Are you actually retarded? What are you talking about employees will lose money on their options?

Again, I'm going to say it slow because it doesn't seem like you understand how options work. If the options (Link token) market price is below the options issue price then no employee in their right mind would exercise their options. Full stop. I don't give a shit about the vesting schedule at all. Even if they are fully vested on their options, they would not exercise their options if the market price is below the issue price. If the employee does not exercise their options they do not pay any taxes at all. Period. So there is no losing money to pay taxes on the options because the employee would be more retarded than you to exercise their options at a price below the issue price.

There is no incentive to exercise their options after they've vested even if they were issued in 2021 at $35/Link token like in your example, until the market price is above $35/Link. If an employee is desperate and needs money, they theoretically could exercise their options and sell at or below $10/Link like in your example but that would be really stupid, and as you said the taxes would probably be more than the income received from the sale of the tokens.

Hope this helps you understand that your point on employee sell pressure is absolutely wrong, and the rest of your novels throughout this thread are boring and tired. Selling an asset and then obsessing over the asset you sold is a sign of mental illness and shows that you're mentally wrecked from having to scale out of an asset that you believed in and were wrong about. Not wrong about the asset itself, but the timing of buying and selling of the asset. Seek help faggot

>> No.58622731

I too am an OG link holder who is just trying to recover from my addiction to holding token TICKER:LINK just here to spread the positive realizations of my complete and utter rape, and how relieving it is to finally fully rape myself.

>> No.58623025

Personally I think LINK wont make it, best decision is to dump it for SOL, QAN or NEAR before its too late

>> No.58623130

I have a Chainlink t-shirt from the first Smartcon but i'd love to get one of these vests. where did you get that, or is it just employees that receive these?

>> No.58623451

Employees only, or if Sergey couch-surfed at your place back in 2017 - https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/sergey.nazarov

>> No.58623773

>has only increased by 80% in 5 years.
Don't you think it's time to dump it and move into potential moonshot like AAST? Atleast this will give you an easy 10x.

>> No.58623911

QAN is a good pick though, I made around 8x on it this year

>> No.58624948

Kek to balance your portfolio you need to add those DePIN coins to this remember they're the things that will actually boom the cycle after the next cycle

>> No.58625218

You’re engaging in a tactic called a strawman. Either willingly or unwillingly, you are attempting to ignore and misrepresent what i stated in order to make it seems like what i said is invalid.

Its the equivalent of lying in a very long winded way to make the audience think you must be right, and the other person wrong.

You’ll just keep doing this over and over.


I also pointed out that A LOT of their shares which were given in 2021 which were unvested at the time, are now FULLY VESTED 4 years later, and are stil not profitable to EXERCISE, which is a HEADWIND for the price to go up, as you have hubdreds of employees waiting to exercise their shares from years ago and sell them on the way up when they are profitable. That was the entire point of the OP, you absolute fucking moron.

You aren’t interested in understanding my point, you are only interested in strawman and other dirty tactics

>> No.58625290

but you lied about this (this information is fake), what do you care about a strawman? why is the fud so low effort now? make it humorous or make it good, but this half-assed shit is so post 2021

>> No.58625354

Fudders used low effort taxtics, never discussed in good faith, always reaorted to strawman and bulldozing link holders points, intentionally misrepresenting them, and always replying to them doing it over and over again hoping if they jait carry it on a response alone will validate their low effort fud

Shills and defenders of LINK now all do the exact same thing as fudders back then, while “fudders” engage in earnest only to get the low effort spam and dirty tactics from shills.

Anyone can see it, because anyone who was dealing with the fudders back then has changed to my mindset.

Carry on. The only people who you “win” over with this is other people in the cult. That said, your objective is to keep them in it most likely. You don’t actually care about the merits of the investment

>> No.58625372

but you lied about the vesting information, no such information from a verified source exists

>> No.58625459

Uh oh, tough guy is getting upset that someone ripped his argument to shreds that he's using CAPS now

Holy fuck, I've never seen someone think they are so smart but are actually fucking retarded. So how's this for a strawman argument - let's look at every statement you made and invalidate it:

>They can only vest 20% a year, which means it is available to be sold 20% a year.(900 tokens). However, they have to pay tax on it when it vests even if they dont sell.
Wrong, they don't have to pay tax on the options when they vest

>Employees who joined in 2020 have seen negative gains on their vested tokens.
>they have paid taxes on them more then they can get from selling them, significantly so.
Wrong, employees haven't paid taxes on them if they don't exercise them which they wouldn't

>This is also, in general a large number of tokens dumped into the market. they have 700+ employees end of year.
Wrong, tokens haven't been dumped on the market from employees to cover their tax liability on the options

>This is a significant downward pressure on price, especially as people who vest shares have a tax reason to dispose of them.
Wrong, employees don't have a tax reason to dispose of their options if they vest (you obviously have vesting and exercising confused) and in turn there is not downward pressure on price

>If they get 4000 link in 2020, 20% vests. If they exercise it, which most people would, they then owe tax on it based on the strike price.
Wrong, most people wouldn't exercise it

>Its a lot of more tokens entering the market and sell pressure.
Wrong, there is no sell pressure on the market because no employees would exercise their options right now unless forced to

>Thats a lot of sell pressure, and again, like i said in OP which was the entire point, it is a HEADWIND to price appreciating.
Wrong, you didn't say this in the OP as I just showed above faggot

>> No.58625461

Actually right, you didn’t say they would exercise their vested shares at a loss because you don’t know the difference between vested options and exercising options

Wrong, show me where you said this in your argument in this thread

>I also pointed out that A LOT of their shares which were given in 2021 which were unvested at the time, are now FULLY VESTED 4 years later, and are stil not profitable to EXERCISE, which is a HEADWIND for the price to go up, as you have hubdreds of employees waiting to exercise their shares from years ago and sell them on the way up when they are profitable.
Wrong, this is not what you said at all and you're trying to rewrite your argument. Good thing I destroyed your argument above already and proved that you are in fact retarded and are embarrassing yourself.
I feel sorry for you as you obviously think you're incredibly smart and trying to talk down to people on an anonymous basket weaving forum only to get your shit pushed in by an anon who actually works in a large corporate company and knows what he's talking about. Sorry you can't punch down to everyone on this forum douchebag

>> No.58625511


>i didn’t understand what OP was implying, therefore, now that i do, it is no longer real.

The headwind still exists. You now understand quite well thet it exists. The OP was points on the headwinds for price going up. You have now acknowledged that the point about employees having shares vested and available to sell is a headwind.

You can pepper your response with all the negatives and invalidating language you want. You have still acknowledged that point i was making in the OP because you know its quite right as you also seem understand how vesting shares and bonuses work.

It doesn’t matter what you write you have clearly communicated that you do in fact acknowledgment it is indeed a headwind for the price apreciating.

No need to discuss this further as you have acknowledged it between all your insults and randomly invalidating words between it.

>> No.58625524

Didn't read, not selling. Fuddees are so desperate that they pretend to be one of us.

>> No.58625626
File: 50 KB, 1384x732, 1687441251331210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow.. could it be... yet another shitflinging shitshow link thread!
Im so glad I sold this shit in the high 30s. This is hands down the most toxic crypto "community". All the smart anons are gone and now it's Just a bunch of self hating fudding incels and angry coping bagholders.
Maybe I'll buy your bags back off of you at $3 after all you insufferable faggots rope

>> No.58625862

OP absolutely eviscerated.

>The OP was points on the headwinds for price going up
Nearly all of your "headwinds" are part of the 14% annual inflation: supply expanding, diluting, employees receiving tokens as compensation, inflation from staking rewards.
And 14% inflation is extremely middle-of-the-road for top cryptos.

You're blowing a fuse over literally nothing.

>> No.58626351

hey Sergey or one of his cult's high priest advocate, if you're so smart how about you actually make the price go up instead of doing damage control on a macedonian bee keeping forum?

>> No.58626372

>if you're so smart how about you actually make the price go up
Ah to be 10 again

>> No.58626711

keeping tabs with hydro, one of the few I fancy from the sector, being a publisher or owning a blog just got much better

>> No.58626721

No it's not, it's unfair

>> No.58626780

lol @ that nigger thinking you have to pay taxes on vested options

>> No.58626801

Only if they're any different from the popular platforms that already offer such

>> No.58626837

So cringe

>> No.58626838

look at this idiot shilling "utility" coins. If I wanted to lose money on those...I'd buy Link

>> No.58626843

Take out cpc discrimination, unnecessary ads, improved tools

>> No.58626855

S&P at all time high
Nasdaq at all time high
Amazon at all time high
BTC just shy of all time high
ETH at 75% of all time high
BNB at 85% of all time high

Chainlink...THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58626875


>> No.58626896

>Shills and defenders of LINK now all do the exact same thing as fudders back then, while “fudders” engage in earnest only to get the low effort spam and dirty tactics from shills.
Nice selective memory, anon. Both sides were always full of smug fags flinging shit at each other, using sophistry, fallacies and all other conceivable underhanded tactics to win the internet argument and collect (You)s. You must be an actual fucking npc to invent a "change" in the morality of one group compared to the other as soon as you find yourself switching sides. Muh bulgarians became muh avocados, and you are still the same retard.

>> No.58626901

Link is down 70% from ath, call it reverse pump kek

Time to bring my shit back up and running then, had a blog for single virgins above 30

>> No.58627138

its absolutely wild how desperately these faceless parties want me to sell my chainlink
i dont think any investment in the history of man has been decried as much as this one
i bought ICO and i will not sell

>> No.58628957

In on the gains train myself, It's going to make us rich, can't wait to farm the sweet PUSH gains from their API staking when it starts.

>> No.58629223

>ohhhh SHIT he did the RESEARCH!!!!

>NOOOOOOOOO "they" found me!!!!!!!

lmao everything is a conspiracy on biz

>> No.58629232

>i bought ICO and i will not sell

would you mind listing how many coins? I want to calculate your enormous loss since '20/21

>> No.58630176

hey sorry lil guy
i know you have a lot to say that i wont read but
i just think the link token is cool and that's why i buy it

>> No.58630183

ICO was 2017
it's over 100x since then