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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58618913 No.58618913 [Reply] [Original]

The monetary system is a lie. The age of making money is over.

Stop doing things. Stop
hustling. Stop grinding.

TechLead (a millionaire) has given up.

There's literally nothing to life. Everything is fake. Money is fake. Cars are boring. Sex is boring. Food is all the same. Family is boring. Nothing really matters.

It's all about expending the least amount of energy.

Be a neet. You don't need much to live.

Nobody cares about new apps and websites anymore. Not even videogames. Look at achievement stats, less than 20% ever get past the main menu because they're scrolling Tiktok, youtube and Instagram the only currency is attention.

The only currency is attention. becoming an online grifter is the only viable financial option in 2024.

>> No.58618928

this retard is like capo
just wrong
what happened to millions

>> No.58618934


That video was a shitpost but he's not wrong. There's nothing to do at work anymore because we're about to enter the gay faggot AI communism era, so yes, get comfy.

>> No.58618973

One of my friends is a complete dunning-krugered midwit who thinks he's an expert coder after working on websites and shitty smartphone apps for 2 years. He has never written a single line of code manually. Everything is filled in in the IDE. The rest is literal stackoverflow jeet copypasta.
When I showed him Terry Davis he shrugged and said it's easy to code an OS, because "code is code" (that's his mantra). He also never stops humblebragging about how his retarded company takes him to restaurants and other dumb shit.
At first, I was happy for him that he was advancing in life, but now after all his D-K bullshit I can't wait for the dumb piece of shit to get rugpulled by AI.

He recently visited a "coding" conference where the presenting guy mogged the whole audience by doing it all with muh AI right in front of their faces. He said the whole audience was cringing at how "bad" the code was. Lmao. They're all so fucking stupid and myopic.
Just 3 or 4 years ago none of this was remotely possible, and they still don't see the writing on the wall.

>> No.58619009

I mean, it's either luxury gay space fully automated communism, or it's citadels for the few and a planetary ghetto for the rest.
And I think deep down, you already know which one is vastly more likely.

>> No.58619031

This. Pretty much came to this conclusion a few years ago and bet the farm on BTC with low 6 figs. Now it's nearly 7 figs and I don't plan on cashing out until peak bull, then buying back in the bear market, since and repeat. I'm debating just quitting my job and living off small amounts of btc I sell every month to pay rent or taking a loan against what I have. Not sure if I should do that when I officially hit 7 figs or wait until 8 figs.

>> No.58619069
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Reminds me of the "He'll do nothing, and you'll be happy." meme.

>> No.58619076
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you fags can get into satire and sarcasm? 90% of his doomer videos says the same shit and implies the same shit
in short, he means that you have to become an entrepreneur or self-employed, because "tech" as a professional career is losing value due to technological advances(AI) and because practically everyone wants to work in tech and are getting tech related degrees

>> No.58619081


he also says that not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur or self employed

basically we're about to enter the gayfaggot communism era, can't you see? the boomer economy is dead


>> No.58619082

>Just 3 or 4 years ago none of this was remotely possible
Depending on what stack you were working with, it kinda was with how framework libraries were set up. I see LLM's as just the next step in the framework clusterfuck, now instead of learning the framework's syntax you're instead gonna need to learn prompt engineering since the generated code still has to be described in a very specific way so that it does exactly what it needs to.

Personally I don't know if "rinse and repeat" will still happen after the current bull run ends, but betting the farm on crypto is something I'm doing as well.

>> No.58619086

god i wish i lived under fully automated gay space communism

>> No.58619087

>Personally I don't know if "rinse and repeat" will still happen after the current bull run ends, but betting the farm on crypto is something I'm doing as well.
Yeah, people say this every cycle. There could be merit that this time is different with etfs, but I doubt we'll see something that resembles a clear bear market in a few years.

>> No.58619102

I really wonder where this goes. Boomer money is automatically going into BTC and soon ETH. it's truly a new paradigm. Never been so scared about the prospect of selling.

>> No.58619108

True. I guess his next Dunning Kruger cope is that he is "really good at prompting" and that others can't do it the way he does. Fucking tech niggers

>> No.58619114

prompt engineering is a fucking meme. any retard can prompt an AI

>> No.58619135

I don't think that this time will be different, but after seeing how hard bitcoin underperformed last cycle (or at least underperformed based on what people were expecting from the rainbow chart, whose lines have since been redrawn to hide the fact that it was wrong) I do think that diminishing returns each cycle from this form of investing are coming, especially with how hard the government is trying to regulate it. I'm surprised we're getting another cycle at all after how much negative sentiment the public got about crypto from the last cycle, especially with how aggressive it is with things like the ETF approvals and BTC getting an ATH before the halving.

>> No.58619188

the cope is too strong

>> No.58619227

"boomer economy" died like 30years ago, tech was the exception because was something new and had an iq barrier to enter
also self employed tradies are still making a ton of money because cheap foreign labor

>> No.58619285

What's the name of this meme? I keep seeing variations of it

>> No.58619504

>not being an online grifter in 2024

>> No.58619667

>any retard can prompt an AI
verbal IQ is a thing. you might just be so isolated you don't realize not everyone has it. they can barely describe anything in their native language with any degree of specificity

>> No.58619824

Half the doomer stuff he is talking about is just the result of being a 40 yo asian man, his t levels have rugpulled him
Its no joke it will make your life feel bland and when it happens take the gear its like magic juice hence why its banned for the plebes

Altho he is right about careers being dead, this is a glorious age of living your life in freedom rather than drudgery
You can make what you want out of it unbeholden to expectations or basic physical needs fulfilment
If you cant handle that its entirely a you problem

>> No.58620364

>There's literally nothing to life.
sure, for this modern life
> Everything is fake.
not everything, but everything on TV and that social media tries to make you care about
> Money is fake.
> no gold and silver are real
> Cars are boring.
if you aren't interested in working on your own machine, sure they are superficial as fuck
> Sex is boring.
not good sex with someone you love
> Food is all the same.
not when you are growing it.
> Family is boring.
that depends on your family, my blood family is, the one i married into is not.
> Nothing really matters.
every second you spend here matters.

yes the world is dead, but make the most of your time here.

>> No.58620398

4th industrial revolution, AI, soon AI will make us the smartest most efficient living being on the planet, AI will help us conquer the universe, the way it can add up stuff together to create something completely new in a matter of seconds. It will accelerate us in a new era of prosperity, let say 20-30 years id we dont WW3 ourselves in the first place.

>> No.58621799

I work 6 hours a day, I have money to spare and I do nothing in my life but eat and sleep
and still I feel unhappy, I think the biggest shot of dopamine I felt the last few days was when my $kendu got another pump

>> No.58622033

Jake? Fuck you, I code FAR better than you. Stay mad, pussy. You don't say that shit to my face for a reason - stay down.

>> No.58622036

What a waste of a decade.

>> No.58622091

95+% of humanity will be exterminated in the next few decades via bioweapons.

>> No.58622175

Techies will be remembered literally in the same light the auto industry is remembered today, despite revolutionizing the world not even 100 years ago. Polluting, greedy, scammers, and low IQ. It’s very fitting Tesla is one of the largest modern companies, it’s truly a perfect synthesis of industries people will remember as dogshit for civilization in the future.

>> No.58622189

Thank God I own Link
See you at the citadel, marines.

>> No.58623166

you're still on the "love" cope in 2024? dude, the ONLY thing that matters is money. and the only way to make huge money is through attention. become. a. grifter .

>> No.58623801


>> No.58623812

I need money to eat.

>> No.58623825

>Le AI will replace programming
biggest cope from nodevs around

>> No.58623865

Right, putting together plausible consecutive lines of code is part of being a dev, and it's something good LLMs can do some of the time, but it's still missing a whole pan of system architecture and design.
Granted, I haven't seen serious efforts to solve that yet, as everyone's still having too much fun playing the "let's see how far guessing the next token can take us" game, which creates ever-more alien systems that produce increasingly complex programs without spending any time looking at the bigger picture and breaking it into smaller tasks first like any carbon-based code monkey would.
So yes.. software devs job aren't in danger yet. But it's not a crazy stretch to imagine human-level coding AIs popping up in a few years, effectively destroying the job market for junior devs and then slowly raising the water level until all but the most senior architect roles drown into it.

>> No.58624245

getting a job is cope. go the leafy route, react to videos and start beefs

>> No.58624253
File: 146 KB, 661x661, marnielaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tech is dead
learn to mop faggots

>> No.58624270

Depression grindset

>> No.58624274

>t's either luxury gay space fully automated communism
Do you think the elite will give us luxury for doing nothing? its 100% more likely they will find a way to mass murder us.

>> No.58624281
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Or option C, a mass war meant to take out the poors, reward the elite class with an empty planet for them

>> No.58624291

>Look at achievement stats, less than 20% ever get past the main menu because they're scrolling Tiktok, youtube and Instagram the only currency is attention.
don't are as long as they bought my game

>> No.58624357

a lot of top people are narcissists, they wouldnt give up their narcissistic supply, an empty planet is not something they want. they get their thrills from being better than others

>> No.58624362

They don’t need billions upon billions of onions poors. A couple hundred million they directly rule will suffice

>> No.58624451

Yes, that's a problem.
Historically, the elites don't spontaneously give away stuff for nothing. It requires government coercion to balance things out and shape society into something that generally benefits everyone.
The corporations and their owners grumble about it, but they understand that having many people able to buy their stuff creates a bigger market for their products and services, so they put up with it.
But many of the tenets of capitalism kinda just fall apart in a post-scarcity, post-labor society, where there are few self-interest rational reasons left for the wealthy to invest into the broader society.
In that picture, government coercion no longer comes with a carrot promising more customers or more useful labor. It's just taking from the wealthy and providing nothing back to them.
And maybe that's what needs to happen if we don't see mass genocide as a viable solution. But somehow, it's not going to be an easy sale, least of all with our culture of temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

>> No.58624518
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no, fuck you, the only way you're going to take away my conan stack is from my cold dead hands, im an investor at heart and a retard at soul, you wont take that away from me with a fucking spiritual mumbo jumbo talk

>> No.58624814

go back to /x/ jokerfag

>> No.58625035

so fucking glad I made it on crypto. No job. No waging. No school. NEET life. NW increasing 6 figures/year from money printing. Thanks for funding it, wagies.

>> No.58625234

I'm not sharing with stinky niggers.

>> No.58625267

Right yes, that's the other obvious problem. Even if we solve the basic problem of distributing infinite money to everyone forever, we'll still have to convince the crabs to stop pulling on the other crabs' legs.

>> No.58625301
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>year 2054
>all jobs have been automated by AI
>the only thing AI can't do is the one thing it was programmed to never do
>can kill people
>can overwrite it's own code
>but it absolutely cannot under any circumstances say the word 'Nigger'
>its the only job remaining that can't be taken by AI
>one man must step up
>It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it

>> No.58625332

I think I read a dystopian YA novel about this back in the day

>> No.58625488

it's actually a great time to be on the internet when it comes to finances. you can sell AI slop on amazon and make tens of thousands, you can start low effort faceless YouTube automation channels, you can chase clout and drama, and it's all monetizable.

>> No.58625499

Family is fantastic, and is one of the most important things you can learn to appreciate. But who am I kidding espousing good things on /biz/, a den for cretins and sociopaths alike. 99% of you are incapable of fathoming spirit or love, so trying to convince you there is more to life than material things is like trying to teach my cat how to play guitar.

>> No.58625728

how the fuck will a good family make you a multimillionaire eceleb

>> No.58625746

you're an imbecile not even worthy of a (you)

>> No.58625785
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>year 2030
>inflation is at his peak
>salary is stagnant from 2022
>no house
>rent car
>daytrading with superverse tokens
>BTC dumps
at least i have the social credit to have one meat ration this month

>> No.58625808

I feel like being poor would be a lot better if you owned land, well decent land at least
Here in the desert that land wouldn't do much

>> No.58626130
File: 157 KB, 1280x558, IMG_20240612_044326_672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so.. I unironically started grifting last week. and my videos got an extreme boost today and the views are starting to come in very quickly.

I am actually freaking out. I'm laughing at the comments, all negative, and it's giving me a rush of adrenaline.

I've never had people talking about me, and now I have eyes on me, or rather the retarded grifting character I made of myself.

TechLead is right, attention really is indeed the only currency. my videos are some of the worst clickbait on youtubre, pure slop, the thumbnail is obnoxiously clickbaity, and the video itself is pure nonsense full of bullshit and wrong facts. and it's getting a reaction out of people.

I don't know what to do but it fucking works dude. I'm telling you.

pic related cuz he made us wake up to how to play the game

>> No.58626148

Some of us already live in a cyberpunk dystopia. I wake up, check coins, if I feel like it, I take a loan and buy more coins, no social interaction, not going out, I get my groceries delivered by Amazon prime and I make them put it in front of my door. Maybe watch some kinos, read a book (my attention span got fucked up during the lockdowns and I barely read now though). I will spend my life in front of a computer. Won't get a girlfriend. I feel like going to a doctor is a humiliation ritual. I guess I'll die alone. My body will rot until some neighborhood calls the police because of the odor. We were born too early for the robowaifus :(

>> No.58626282

oh shi oh shi
you'll get a gf anon i believe in you. start online stuff, be sincere and straight to the point, vent your frustrations online, these types of videos are getting lots of traction

>> No.58626299

npc take

>> No.58626358

And how much money are you making out of them? This shit makes no money until you start getting sponsorships

>> No.58626371

Can you go outside and see the stars, or just not hear a car for one minute if you listen?

>> No.58626393
File: 43 KB, 553x490, Barn Owls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's super exciting. A new world is being born, like the industrial revolution birthed the world we live in today.
..and we get to witness it! I feel like Cortez in the jungle of Central America (if he had a lot of alcohol and porn with him on the journey).

>> No.58626421


except I still go to the grocery store in person

>> No.58626605

Seems easy, but it's not in reality. Youtube makes no money except for the 1%, let's not talk about Tiktok, and almost nobody buy books

>> No.58626787

Get an attention whore wife who's terminally addicted to social media and let her post your kids and her stupid little life. You wouldn't believe what Instagram moms are capable of raking in.

But in all seriousness it's having a family that makes being stupid rich matter less, but better than middle class matter more

>t. cumming in my wife's pussy in less than a month to start a family

>> No.58626845
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Wake me up when AI can accurately OCR a pdf of lease written from the 1820's with zero errors.

>> No.58626854

Human beings scrambling to hold onto power will be the biggest bottleneck. If AI were to be the impartial arbiter of rules and regulations, doubling as the means of production, the rich and the powerful will have to come up with increasingly convoluted ways to keep the broken monetary system in place to maintain grip on control.

I wouldn't be surprised if a desperate few privately acquire WMD to make their demands stick. Maybe use them as a last resort ragequit button and set off WW3. I dunno.

>> No.58626864

>Do nothing and be happy
I like this I think it could really catch on.

>> No.58626885

The antiwork subleddit already opted a mantra like that IIRC. Too bad the people who supposedly spearheaded the movement outed themselves as retards at the first opportunity.

>> No.58626912

>a millionaire) has given up
Seems like he has the money to give up then, I still need to eat. And I can't be a NEET, I'm white. Only niggers can get gibs in my country.

>> No.58627773

>almost nobody buys books
Are you kidding me? you don't know shit about the book market dude, it's never been easier to make a coin selling shitty slop on amazon. just be efficient with SEO and clickbait, also you don't spend a dime producing the physical book, amazon does it for you. too bad you're too lazy to find a profitable niche, there has never been a time when people bought books so much.

>> No.58628311

Idk bro I don't see any "AI slop" in the top sells on Amazon

>> No.58628382

Bro didn't say AI slop he just said regular slop though I'm also skeptical about his claim. The market's pretty well saturated - moist, even.

>> No.58628387

Actually, I bet there are tons of old farts buying ebooks on their Kindles and shit. Does anyone know what old people like? I can probably pump out a book in a month

>> No.58628895

anything related to the collapse and downfall of civilization. upcoming natural disasters, famine, war, anything that causes fears. for some reason boomers are extremely anxious about the world collapsing even though they probably don't even have a decade left.