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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 164 KB, 644x659, 1690374183050855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58615448 No.58615448 [Reply] [Original]

They will say we just lucked our way into it.

>> No.58615454


My tesla position is dogshit right now

>> No.58615509

They are trading tokenized stocks using CCIP. Were about to be so fucking rich no wonder the fuddies have been absolutely insane recently.

>> No.58615551

where are you trading this

>> No.58615552


>> No.58615571

why do you think the entire market dumped? you're very new you should lurk more before posting.

>> No.58615572

holy shit insane news
> -2.8%

>> No.58615641
File: 43 KB, 296x572, 1689178183273513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming fuddie chuddies seething impotently

>> No.58615646
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If only you knew how stinky things can be

>> No.58615670

Hyperlink please

>> No.58615740

Uh, I'm gonna need to see a source for that sweaty

>> No.58615771
File: 175 KB, 767x877, 1630699146224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

token very sneeded

>> No.58615849

CCIP daily fees: $2,700

>> No.58615868
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>> No.58615879
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>> No.58617541

That's one of the amazon ones and I saw a screenshot on twitter last night of the Samsung one. The rest of the transactions in OP pic are new to me.

>> No.58618042

Fuck imagine if this was shilled everywhere link would be at $200 at least out of pure normie hype, sadly /biz/ cucked itself out of wealth fudding their linkies at every chance they got

>> No.58618053

Hype about what?
You retards don’t even know what’s happening right now
>retards here think Ccip is trading 1 Amazon stock

>> No.58618275

Ok well can IT happen, first? We can worry about who deserved it or was smart or lucky enough to see it after it happens. But can if fucking happen already? Faggot Chainlinkshit piece of shit scam.

>> No.58618379

Okay fuddie chuddie what do YOU think it is then?

>> No.58618409

he's not gonna respond lol. There is no way of getting around the fact that it literally says amazon, especially the week after there is blatant stock market manipulation scandal

>> No.58618449

What the fuck even is 1 Amazon you retards kek

>> No.58618469
File: 60 KB, 1466x480, SpoonfeedingAnIdiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at OP pic and you have the answer to your own question. Strange fud. Is this picture better for you?

>> No.58618504
File: 36 KB, 817x693, AssetTransferToContract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click Hex and then on the dropdown click Text. Now you tell me, what the fuck do you think 'AssetTransferToContract' means in the context of 1 Amazon?

>> No.58618516

Especially considering Berkshire Hathaway is on there after they had some glitch.

>> No.58618518

What does ccip have to do with link chud?

>> No.58618607
File: 32 KB, 427x400, 994C3D33-8792-4D53-BB0F-840E786CD840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow a heckin amazonirino!!

>> No.58618658

Lmao is this some dev trying to gaslight everyone?

I imagine the dev was writing a trial or a demonstration of sorts and named the token "Amazon" and linkies immediatly saw and thought it was "proof" of Amazon tokens LOL.

Pretty funny.

>> No.58618690

Confirmed, this is absolutely nothing.

>> No.58618891

>optimism sepolia
>arbitrum sepolia
demoralization thread

>> No.58619338

Its crazy that you can literally paste the image in chatgpt and ask if it it thinks chainlink's price should go up based on the image and it says yes lmao. Why the fuck are we dumping...

>> No.58619346
File: 72 KB, 600x338, 1718172293165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're always going to have something to say but you're not investing for them so who cares?

>> No.58619441

memes aside
I think this really are tokenized stocks on mainnet
Fink himself confirmed it basically
TXSE will go live next year so they have to move fast

>> No.58619443

They are.
These are tokenized bonds (the format is "Company name - coupon rate - maturity date").

>> No.58619459

>the format is "Company name - coupon rate - maturity date"
yeah I thought the same, it's obvious securities trading on link
I can't believe the bullish news of the last months anon

>> No.58619460

>I can't believe the bullish news
same because the price doesn't move, is it really just bullish in our heads? idk anymore

>> No.58619462

Why do you immediately jump to conclusions?

I can pay any retardio dev to make the same TX's. Also how do you know its not just another POC by the chainlink team?

Markets are efficient, if it was actually legit it would reflect in the price.

This is why i'm suggesting that its a nothingburger.

>> No.58619463

likely around the time Swift's new platform utilising CCIP goes live. And then there's DTCC developments. And don't forget Buidl Rewards. I'm not a betting man but i'm betting the farm on this.

>> No.58619467

Yes but wen sir. My hole village very hungry. The asylum pasta was more prescient than it realised.

>> No.58619469
File: 110 KB, 1273x615, amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58619470

people who bought AMZN at $5 in 1999 were still at a loss in 2009

>> No.58619488

>Why do you immediately jump to conclusions?
I used to work with SIX (swiss exchange), they have similar naming convention for bonds. Seems to be the naming convention of bonds.

I dont think any retardio dev would know this format and put something like this on a blockchain "just for fun". But yeah of course this is not a proof of anything. Investing by definition works under uncertainty, you don't know if there's a fire so you look for smoke signals - and this is a smoke signal.

>> No.58619497

checked and everyone here knows it's the real deal. fudsisters going through the motions. they'll fud till it moons then disappear.

>> No.58619674

What does this have to do with what i said mothbreather?
So what? They could be showing be showing some entity that they can do these sorts of things. Still is meaningless until it starts getting priced in as something substantial.

I'm going to take the pessimistic view until something of substance is produced. Until then, garbage testnet "look what we can do" Tx's are a far cry from actual production.

>> No.58619680

You're going to miss out brother.

>> No.58619777

Nice headcanon.

Why are you so emotional?

>> No.58619860

What is it then? "Proof" they are issuing bonds via CCIP? Why isn't it priced or pricing itself in?

>> No.58619880

Why wasn't Amazon priced in from 1999 to 2009?

>> No.58619951

Fuck should I remove my Link LP? I don’t want to get ass raped by impermanent loss when Sergey flips the singularity switch

>> No.58619968

Brainlet here sorry. What exactly happened here? Optimism send 2,28 Amazon stocks to another wallet? Through CCIP?

>> No.58619976

mfw retail will only be allowed to trade tokenized stock through everest

>> No.58619990

Real world assets being tokenized and traded through ccip, I think. I am also a retard.

>> No.58620063

Yes I know this tweet alone means absolutely nothing but it is a breadcrumb of what could potentially come. He knows what the real top 3 is and there is a chance he starts hard shilling it either on twitter or in his cult groups. Could a sergey x tate podcast/interview be what we need to get retail attention? What are even the chances of that happening?

>> No.58620077

>Why do you immediately jump to conclusions?
Because Chainlink more than any other crypto is known to be actively working with legacy giants?

>> No.58620092
File: 620 KB, 591x867, 1691793692610761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK the absolute madman

>> No.58620096

wtf that negro really shills links kek

>> No.58620193

They (the institutions) are not allowed to buy link speculatively yet because of regulations and banking solvency rules. As such, they only buy such quantities as are actually needed for the exchange in question. Time padwan. Time is needed for regulatory changes - this will be forced by the nature and importance of Link as a commodity akin to Oil or Gas - and time because the value of the token will naturally increase with shortages of it - but this will take another 20 years or so of Sergey dumps.

>> No.58620975

I’d say that there is no way Serg would go on an interview with him but they did acknowledge the Big Mac memes

>> No.58621017

>(the institutions)
they break laws all the time, wtf are you talking about

>> No.58621020

What kind of person puts a picture of themselves as their background photo

>> No.58621059

>Could a sergey x tate podcast/interview be what we need to get retail attention?
you fucking weirdos really think Sergey would sit down with a sex trafficking rapist? how far down the incel rabbit hole are you? you fucking weirdo, definitely motherless.

>> No.58621165

Youre laughing your ass off at this bullshit fud aren't you?

How many linkies ya holdin?

>> No.58621208

They actually don’t to for the most part. We just see the glaring exceptions in the headlines.

>> No.58621219

Are you like 12 years old?

>> No.58621845

Sergey has done far worse. You have no idea how deep his betrayal goes.

>> No.58621872

token not needed

>> No.58622616

>amazon stock

not sure why this always gets brought up. So this went from like $3 in 1999 to $170 ish in 2020.

20 years for a measly 56x...that's really not that impressive these days

>> No.58622622

also - chainlink won't get anywhere near ath this cycle while tons of other alts will go 100x

>> No.58622637

OK so what are your after link plans?

>> No.58622670

A top G obviously?

>> No.58622708
File: 38 KB, 1506x1094, 1597722592797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel are mine, hopefully

>> No.58623443

It is what it is