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File: 600 KB, 936x572, ZoomerMoment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58617448 No.58617448 [Reply] [Original]

>20% of zoomers bring their parents to job interviews
What the fuck is wrong with Gen-Z?

>> No.58617464

>unreasonable compensation
>how dare he ask for anything over minimum wage! I could hire two poojeets and get half of their salary written off in taxes!

>> No.58617483

it's fake and gay

>> No.58617499

You really don't think the media would just make something up do you?

>> No.58617596

>What the fuck is wrong with Gen-Z
Sometimes you just need the mommy milkies close in to you in case everything goes wrong

>> No.58617782

you realize there is no way that is true, right?

>> No.58617967

It's from a survey of 800 employers.

>> No.58617971

>no way
Why are you so confident? I can see the eye contact thing no problem.

>> No.58617982

Good. They learned from our generation how jobs take advantage of naive workers

>> No.58618031

>800 employers
Worthless survey, obvious propaganda trying to create division between older and younger generations.

>> No.58618119

I meant brought a parent to the interview specifically
you are telling me 1 in every 5 20 something YOs are bringing daddy to their interviews?

>> No.58618284

I believe it. As someone who grew up online mundane shit like phone calls used to terrify me. It's irrational, but until you push past it the fear is very real.

>> No.58618298

No. Not even close. Idk how they thought anyone would believe that. These are college graduates not just 20 year olds. A large chunk of college graduates had internships during their time in school. It's probably like 1 in 40 and that 1 is a woman that overshares everything with her family and they waited in the parking lot to hear about what she had to say. 1 in every 5 set of parents dont care and also don't have the free time to go out of there way to go sit in a parking lot and wait.

>> No.58618552

Both my wife and I work in management hiring junior to mid level employees, think recent grads or those with 1-2 years experience. Out of 25 in the last year I've had 2 show up with their parents. Both waited outside. Out of about 20 for her she's had 3 parents show up, one of which wanted to attend the actual interview.

1 out of 5 sounds crazy to me too but it definitely does happen. Some of them really can't do things as basic as wipe their own asses without mommy.

>> No.58618556

>just let the interviewer rape your daughter bro

>> No.58618567

Eventually the practice of job interviewing will seem as outdated as the buggy whip

>> No.58618573
File: 188 KB, 549x413, IMG_4781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape? I don't see any rape here sir. The interviewer gets a good fuckin', and she gets a good job

>> No.58619053
File: 25 KB, 500x625, 16.-Athiya-Shetty-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>20% of zoomers bring their parents to job interviews
Sorry, my mom is the only one who knows how to tie my tie. If it wasn't for her I would have spent my money on $SUPER a long time ago.

>> No.58619520

I believe it. I've done maybe 100 interviews over the past 3 years, zoomers are weird.
One of them went on a rant about how her previous employer would misgender her and mistreat her for being an ugly bald dyke and also she was a representative of the UK commie party. I don't know what would possess someone to immediately take a confrontational stance and start talking politics in an interview like that. The parent thing honestly doesn't seem like a massive stretch when I consider the shit I see regularly.
I used to dread interviewing jeets; now I only dread interviewing androgynous 20-something white 'girls'. The jeets by comparison are hilarious, a great laugh.

>> No.58619561

In a lot of countries it is customary for any woman applying for a job to bring her father. This is mainly to allow the father to find out if these people are creepy AF and if he wants to let his daughter work there. In a lot of countries any woman who shows up without her father is assumed to be a prostitute or "fair game" for sexual harassment.

>> No.58619732

This doesn't surprise me. I've been dealing with Zoomer kids doing criminal stuff (the kind of stuff that if you read about you'd ask, "How did they not get shot?"). I've learned even if you have police involved, a positive ID from multiple people and security footage of the kids doing said acts, the parents of Zoomers will do everything they can to attack the people calling out their kids. They refuse to believe their precious crotch fruits are emulating the sociopathic TikTok/streamer bullshit they absorbed being raised on the iPad from the time they were a toddler.

I've also gathered the following from dealing with them:
>they keep their phones on "do not disturb" because notifications cause "panic attacks"
>the women refer to themselves in the third person, e.g., "She's so beautiful"
>the women also refer to everything as an "era", as if every minute action they take is significant, e.g., "She's in her grown woman era" because she loaded the dishwasher and didn't throw trash on the floor
>Zoomer men will get up in your space in the gym and "mad dog" you...until you give them the slightest bit of aggression back, which causes them to immediately shit themselves and look terrified
>is the only generation to think being called a "mentally ill gay autistic retard" is a massive compliment

>> No.58619835

That whole list good for them, we believed the career meme and got rekt by globohomo corpo, i fully stand with the zoomers on this one
Tho to be honest my parents drove me to my very first job interview too since i needed the signed employment contract before i could get my first car loan approved, just waited in the parking lot nobody cared

The most likely reason for that is the dole office demanding you do an effort at job hunting to qualify for more dole
Its actually a very smart approach, right from the bat she identifies as not interested in working for you but in such a specific way you cant complain about it cause that would be a discrimination case
You'll see stupid shit like that continu as long as the dole office demands attempted job interviews
Its all a humiliation ritual in the end anyways

>> No.58620001

Sekkuhara is fair game on all bitches for all I care

>> No.58620012

Oy vey how dare this filthy goy not look me in my sunken soulless eyes! This is anudda Shoah!

>> No.58620645

>I've been dealing with Zoomer kids doing criminal stuff
kinda biased. young criminals have always been low/mentally ill/came from broken homes

>> No.58620651

Zoomers are giant children

>> No.58620682
File: 253 KB, 220x220, vincewhat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As someone who grew up online mundane shit like phone calls used to terrify me.

>> No.58620736

Studies have shown that gen Z scores 10 IQ points lower on average than every preceeding generation.
Turns out that using your brain to figure out answers and reach conclusions during the development stage is a vital part of developing intelligence, and being able to google everything on a whim compromises that.

When gen alpha starts becoming adults in a few years and we can measure their adult intelligence levels they will probably be even worse off than gen Z. Idiocracy is becoming reality

>> No.58620784

employers have always been bitching like this, their only incentive is paying as little as possible and demanding as much as possible, of course they'll be disappointed no matter what.
the referral link, lmao
>Studies have shown that gen Z scores 10 IQ points lower on average than every preceeding generation.
>Turns out that using your brain to figure out answers and reach conclusions during the development stage is a vital part of developing intelligence, and being able to google everything on a whim compromises that.
or maybe it's the fact that gen Z is the least white generation yet, and nonwhites have been proven to have a lower average IQ?

>> No.58620793
File: 6 KB, 250x250, VIWjOnyhmNmTyV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only you knew how bad things are going to get

>> No.58620848

Echoing other's sentiments, I've personally seen every single one of those while interviewing for positions at an ER. We didn't let the parent in the back with them, but I have seen them sitting, waiting to be called back with their mom. I think the worst though are the resumes written by ChatGPT, it's super obvious when it happens and it's an immediate no hire since they couldn't even proofread it to see if it was spouting nonsense (or worse, don't know why something is on their resume when asked).

They also largely cannot handle training because they're so fragile and don't know how to communicate. Gen Z is honestly pathetic and not only do Millennials and Gen X have to prop up boomers and their own retards, we'll have to prop up Zoomers too. I just hope Alpha gets a little self awareness

>> No.58620962

Finna gonna make a tiktok about the boomers in this thread nocap

>> No.58621111

I should clarify, these are middle class White kids from the suburbs who are copying the shit they see on social media. The problem with their generation is they're like the Boomers with TV - it's a new form of media they have always known and a bunch of them don't know how to process it. To many, the behavior they see for "clicks" and "likes" is reality and they are unaware of the consequences in the real world. For whatever reason, their parents seem particularly defensive/helicopter parent about them which exacerbates the problem.

>> No.58621168

Having your parents drive you to the interview isn't weird. Especially if you don't have a car.

>> No.58621289

I understand if it was the dentist or doctor but a job interview has got to be fake

>> No.58621331

Employees from where? The ice cream scoop shop?

>> No.58621519

Having them drive you isn't weird at all. Coming into the building with them is a little weird. Having multiple people show up to introduce themselves to the secretary for the interview is quiet weird. Thinking both you and your parents can attend the actual interview is 10/10 weird. It's a real job not little league. Mommy isn't the one getting hired and won't be there day to day to help you finish your work.

>> No.58621889

Boomer rage bait clickbait slop