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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58519691 No.58519691 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org



>Non KYC:
LocalMonero ***shutting down***
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me



Official Gui/Cli

IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo

>> No.58519694
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>> No.58519696
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P2Pool combines the advantages of pool and solo mining; you still fully control your Monero node and what it mines, but you get frequent payouts like on a regular pool.

P2Pool has no central server that can be shut down/blocked because it uses a separate blockchain to merge mine with Monero. There's no pool admin that can control what your hashrate is used for or decide who can mine on the pool and who can't. It's permissionless!

Decentralized pool mining (P2Pool) is pretty much the ultimate way to secure a PoW coin against 51% attacks. Once P2Pool reaches & maintains 51%+ of the total network hashrate, Monero will be essentially invulnerable to such attacks.

Although many inexperienced miners think that bigger pools give better profits, this is absolutely NOT the case. Your profits in the long run depend ONLY on your hashrate, NOT on the pool's hashrate.


1. Download the *bundled* version of Gupax for your OS here: https://gupax.io/downloads/
2. Extract somewhere (Desktop, Documents, etc)
3. Launch Gupax
4. Input your Monero address in the [P2Pool] tab. USE A SEPARATE MINING-ONLY WALLET!
5. Select a Community Monero Node that you trust, although you can and should run your own node if possible.
6. Start P2Pool
7. Start XMRig

VIDEO GUIDE: https://gupax.io/guide/

You are now mining to your own instance of P2Pool, welcome to the world of decentralized peer-to-peer mining!


OLD GUIDE FOR P2POOL MINING FROM THE MONERO GUI WALLET: https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/eecbe


>> No.58519699
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*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
>*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
>*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****

Learn more about Monero's key features and excellent future prospects, have some common misconceptions dispelled and discover the cold hard facts about Bitcoin, Zcash and PirateChain. Also featured is a noob-friendly buying, storage and wallet guide.

>Monero: it's what new Bitcoin users think they bought. Every feature, explained

>Why Monero is so untraceable: a rundown of the powerful stealth tech Monero utilizes

>The Writing on the Wall: Monero replacing Bitcoin as the new standard

>Breaking News: no, Monero still isn't traceable

>Vaporware: why nobody is worried about CipherTrace's magic crystal ball

>Very Clever Math: how we can verify that the XMR supply isn't being inflated

>Pssst, wanna buy some Monero? Follow these simple how-to guides

>Bitcoin: The Original Non-Fungible Token

>Why Monero is Better than Zcash: the "privacy coin" criminals won't touch

>The Lowdown on PirateChain: why this Zcash clone is considered a scam


- added Proof-of-Stake update to Zcash Blackpill
- added list of available desktop/mobile wallets
- expanded all sections with more relevant info, graphics & videos
- added easily linkable headers and sub-headers (link icon to the far right)
- added a new section about traceability FUD

>> No.58519702
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Never forget what this is ultimately all about.


>Help grow the circular Monero economy: buy/sell goods & services with/for XMR!


>Live off XMR with Cake Pay (now available in 140+ countries!)

>or with CoinCards (currently US & CA only, UK, EU & AUS coming soon)

>Monero stickers for guerilla marketing

>Monero-only VPS hosting

>Monero-only bullion shop

>Buy on Amazon with XMR!

>Win XMR!

Say buh-bye to Bitcoin and support the growing number of Monero-only darknet markets/vendors.

# = recently launched, exercise caution

>Alias Market #
>Asur Market
>Babylon #
>Calypso #
>Candy Haven #
>Chimera Market
>Cloud Market
>Cypher Market
>Dark Matter
>DrugHub #
>DrugTown #
>Drugula #
>Gofish Market #
>Gramazon #
>Hectate Market #
>Mercury Market #
>Pygmalion's Refuge
>Retro Market
>Sonanza Market #
>Squid Market
>SuperMarket #
>Tribe Seuss
>Whales Market #
>Wizard's Palace #
>World Trade Center #
Links: https://pastebin.com/raw/fF95wTNi

>LocalMonero is now available on I2P

Anonymously exchange BTC for XMR using a reputable darknet service

>Majestic Bank
>Infinity Project

or a reputable clearnet service

https://trocador.app/en/ | I2P: http://trocador.i2p/en/

>Want to support further development?

>Join a Monero Workgroup and (potentially) earn XMR!!!

>Want more Monero-chan?

>> No.58519706
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>What is I2P?

I2P is an anonymized P2P overlay network akin to the Tor network but with several key advantages over it. I2P will thus play a pivotal role in growing the Monerocentric economy.

>Why should I care? Why should I run a node?

Increasing shadow economy adoption and the proliferation of an XMR-only standard are what guarantee that XMR will have a floor and won't also crash to zero when the Crypto Casino finally implodes. XMR's long-term outlook is therefore *strongly* correlated with the darknet, you may have already noticed how the number of TXs begins to drop whenever the glowies attack & cripple the Tor network, which underscores just how critical it is that the darknet wins this war against the State. Make no mistake: if the darknet is allowed to die XMR will take a devastating hit as well.

So by running an I2P node you are helping to make the network Monero thrives in that much more robust while also enraging glowies in the process. Win-win!

>OK, but how difficult is it? Do I have to store GBs worth of data like when running an XMR node?

It is literally as easy as installing an Android app and no, there are no storage requirements, the node only consumes some bandwidth.

>Cool, I'm sold. What do?

If you have no interest in browsing the darknet yourself then the simplest solution is to install & run the I2Pd Android app on any compatible (Android 4.1+) device, ideally a TV box since they don't require recharging and are permanently online. But any old phone or tablet is fine too. Make sure you activate "start on boot" in the settings.


Otherwise just install the appropriate desktop client and leave it running.


The console is accessed via or the menu in Android.

>> No.58519710
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>Bitcoin's price = NOT the result of organic real-world supply & demand = NOT sustainable

Wash trading has been artificially driving BTC's insane price action since the first major spike in 2013.

>Wash Trading 101
1. create/maintain the illusion of high volume
2. wait for poor unsuspecting fools to FOMO in
3. dump at a fat profit and leave them holding the bag

When the supply of gullible fools finally runs out, the entire scheme implodes.

TL;DR: exciting price action means nothing in an unregulated market rife with such manipulation, real-world utilization is the ONLY reliable metric of actual value.

>No tail emission = Bitcoin is fucked

Right now, at the current hashrate, miners break even on energy expenses at a BTC price of $22K. Post 2024 halving, that break even point, at the current hashrate, goes up to $44K. If BTC does not go to $44K, miners will be unprofitable and hashrate will have to drop (miners going out of business) to reduce the cost of securing the network, also reducing the security.

If you know anything about the power of 2, you already know that things get very big, very fast. If we’re 3 halvings into 32 total halvings, then the estimated break even point for miners at current hashrate going into the last halving would be:

$22,000 * (2^27) = $2,952,790,016,000 per BTC

$2,952,790,016,000 per BTC * 21 Million total BTC = $62,008,590,336,000,000,000 BTC Market Cap

The block rewards shrink so fast that after enough halvings BTC would eventually require a $2.95 trillion price per BTC and a $62 quintillion market cap to sustain the current cost of $7.15 billion/year.

Even if these numbers were somehow realistic, can you imagine securing a $62 quintillion market cap on only $7.15 billion/year of hashrate? LOL

So basically BTC mining will eventually become so unprofitable the hashrate (network security) will shrivel up UNLESS it is subsidized by BTC transaction fees.


>> No.58519892

These Monero General threads die too quick since the application of the email restriction. The last thread only reached 44 replies.

>> No.58520045
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Got slid, but you’re not wrong, xmrchads don’t like to verify. One thread earlier lasted 6 weeks and hit 300 limit and archived.

>> No.58520084
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Reporting in
IRC - https://pastebin.com/kP1gZ1Hk
Education - https://pastebin.com/V0SFR8qU
Mining - https://pastebin.com/Rd1V8P5L
Nodes - https://pastebin.com/j6Vv2Xn6

>> No.58520180

Can't remember the last MRL meetings I gave AI summaries of so I may repeat some:

17th of April:
> Discussions on the proposed FCMP+SA+L scheme to integrate Full-Chain Membership Proofs into Monero, potentially replacing Seraphis.
> Debate on whether to pursue FCMP+SA+L or continue with Seraphis, considering factors like timeline, complexity, and future upgradability.
> Estimates of 6-12 months for an auditable FCMP+SA+L implementation, with much of the work reusable for Seraphis.
> Concerns about technical debt and increased complexity if both FCMP+SA+L and Seraphis are implemented.
> Acknowledgment that FCMP+SA+L could provide full sender privacy sooner than Seraphis, but with potential trade-offs in simplicity and performance.
> No final decision reached, but agreement to continue evaluating both approaches and their implications.

24th of April:
> Discussed potential measures against black marble attack, including raising ring size and/or transaction fees to increase cost for adversary
> Evaluated cost effectiveness of different options by computing cost divided by effective ring size achieved by adversary
> Considered forward-secret variant of FCMP++ protocol with new key formats for improved privacy and performance
> Explored compatibility with old addresses to enable unified anonymity set and avoid disruption to ecosystem
> Discussed timeline and contingency plans if Seraphis is ready before FCMP++ for potential deployment
> Agreed on importance of unified anonymity pool, but differing views on necessity versus migration challenges

>> No.58520186


1st of May:
> Aaron Feickert provided an update on the Generalized Bulletproofs security review, identifying a minor issue and proposing a solution that could lead to more efficient proofs.
> Discussions were held on potential measures against black marble attacks, including evaluating ring size and fee/byte adjustments, as well as a possible tx-PoW requirement.
> Updates were given on the progress of the FCMPs specification and implementation, including discussions on Ristretto point serialization and divisor proofs.
> The plan is to review and audit the divisor proof, formally verify the primitive math, and audit the implementation to match the specification.
> Progress is being made on integration work, including discussions on FFI and what should be exposed over FFI.

8th of May:
> Discussions on FCMP (Full-Chain Membership Proofs) progress, including simplifications to the tree hashing and key image redefinition.
> Updates on work related to mitigating black marble flooding attacks, including fee/ring size tradeoffs and Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition analysis.
> Generalized Bulletproofs security proofs were updated to address an issue identified by kayabanerve, with a fix that maintains expected functionality but is slightly less efficient.
> Performance benchmarks for CLSAG (Compact Linked Signature Aggregation) verification times were discussed, with plans to use existing benchmarks or conduct more realistic tests.
> Potential migration of the key images table in LMDB was discussed as part of the FCMP integration, which may require handling compatibility between old and updated nodes before the fork height.

>> No.58520191


15th of May:
> The meeting discussed updates on work related to Full-Chain Membership Proofs (FCMPs) and Jamtis specs.
> A quote of 198 XMR was approved for CypherStack to review the composition of FCMPs and verify forward secrecy.
> Discussions were held on the impact of different numbers of inputs on transaction size and verification time under FCMPs.
> Options for mitigating a potential "black marble" attack by adjusting ring sizes and fees were being analyzed.
> Work is ongoing to estimate transaction verification times with different ring sizes and input/output configurations.

22nd of May:
> Rucknium is monitoring high volume of 1in/16out transactions, possibly a black marble flooding attack
> Cost-effectiveness analysis shows increasing ring size to 60 and minimum fee to 60 nanoneros/byte would be the most effective defense against a black marble attack with 12.5 XMR daily budget
> Veridise was selected to review and potentially prove the divisors.pdf specification for 10k USD paid through MAGIC
> Veridise's researcher Alp Bassa has experience with finite fields and is deemed competent for the task
> The meeting approved awarding the contract to Veridise for the divisors.pdf review and potential proof

>> No.58520623

The Monero thread lasted forever with the email restriction, had actual discussion. But restriction was lifted so OP came back to shart word diarrhea and react images all over. Threads went back to dying.

>> No.58521701

Shut up, fag. Gb2reddit.

>> No.58522280

I love Monero, I haven't been on /biz/ in a min

>> No.58523870
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>> No.58523872


>> No.58523908

come on, monero bros. all you have to do is wait approximately 900 seconds before you can post. can‘t be that hard.

>> No.58524752
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Bump for nostalgic comfy

>> No.58524759

I missed the old times but it is better now

>> No.58525274

pedo coin

>> No.58525676
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Are there any tech wizards here that can explain how moneromarket.io works? What kind of database setup do they use? How do they manage user accounts? I'd like to tinker with a monero like ecommerce type site of my own for fun but I'm not really a backend wiz and I learn JS as I go. I have ideas and like to write down thoughts about them but technical skills that would need work. Also how does the legality of that site work? Granted they aren't letting people sell fentanyl or weed there but its basically an ebay using cryptocurrency yet they don't get shut down.

>> No.58526538

The Captain is mentioned at the beginning of this video. Thought the rest of you might find this interesting.


>> No.58527593
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>pedo coin

>> No.58528055

Sorry, that's BBL Drizzy Inu

>> No.58528088

True KeK

>> No.58528404
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When will I be able to buy monero with uniswap?

>> No.58529428

Never. Unless I'm missing something, UniSwap is on ETH chain. XMR has its own chain.

>> No.58530040

There's a pool for BTSE's WXMR already
XMRT launches in June https://scribe.rip/@everywherefinance/xmrt-wrapped-monero-862b43cb859b
But they're both custodial, so not optimal.

>> No.58530044

Is there something like bisq.market for Haveno already? Or at least an API to query some stats from?

>> No.58530800
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>> No.58531015
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Based, the captains spreading across the 8 seas

>> No.58531318

He really is based

>> No.58531346

why is it called uniswap if it isnt universal?

why is there not a decentralized exchange that can just exchange all crypto instead of dumbass "nooo u cant just exchange a non-ETH coin i cant handle that!!!!"

>> No.58532592


>> No.58533010
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serai dex soon (tm)

>> No.58534081
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if i dont have 5 monero by the end of the year im going to kms

>> No.58534095
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Words of wisdom, Lloyd, words of wisdom!

>> No.58535061

notice how he didn't mention Christ even once.

>> No.58536649
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>> No.58536663

Collecting members for my first ever token launch, join up to get ready for it. PurpleParlor on telegram. Won't release until everyone's in idgaf!

>> No.58537515




>> No.58539846
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>> No.58539871

Did you steal those shoes, sell them, and using monero to wash the money?

>> No.58541751

Sell some gift cards on monetomarket.io. I wonder how their escrow handles scams during such sales where it's impossible to prove who's the scammer. Does anyone know? The ideal solution would be to burn the XMR or send it to some random charity or to MRL.

>> No.58541852
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I sold all my xmr and buy DAI

>> No.58542254

Just read about DAI. OK keeping the price down is obviously easy, you mint more. Fine.

But how is it trying to keep price up? If I understand it correctly, there are various fees that users pay for using DAI, fine. And then those fees are used to convince holders of DAI to buy bonds, and then do nothing with the money they gave, effectively keeping it out of circulation for the duration of the bond. Then the bonds expire and the system returns the money back to the holder plus interest that comes from those fees that everyone pays. The only reason this system works is that USD is bound to keep inflating like crazy. If USD stops inflating fast enough then the solution for DAI not becoming cheaper than USD is merely kicking the can down the road, never really solving the problem, just postponing it with loans until hopefully USD inflates enough to make the issue go away. And hope that the fees won't reduce demand for DAI to the point of making it even less valuable while it's trying to raise its value.

>> No.58542841
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Monerochan movie trailer.


>> No.58543033

>going short below the 200w

> If I understand it correctly
You don't.

>> No.58544639
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>> No.58544988

monero.vegas is down right now, any other good options?

>> No.58544993 [DELETED] 



T .ME/PurpleParlor

>> No.58545004

What is Moner.Vegas? How I can win some moneros?

>> No.58546457

AI summary of MRL meeting of 29th of May:

> Rucknium presented a draft paper on defending against a black marble flood attack by increasing ring size and transaction fees
> Selsta raised concerns about increasing ring size before fixing known daemon inefficiency bugs that cause nodes to fall behind or run out of memory
> A task force was proposed to reproduce and fix these daemon issues, involving developers like 0xfffc, spackle, and others
> Progress was reported on implementing Full-Chain Membership Proofs (FCMP) by Veridise
> Discussions on optimal ring size increase, with 60-64 being considered reasonable before FCMP
> Tevador's proposal to modify clawback for weight-per-output was discussed as a potential anti-spam measure

Any link that explains how they can keep price up for something that cannot deflate without taxing the hell out of transactions and destroying its price that way?

>> No.58546834

Think about why they have a governance token and what's happening to crypto assets when DAI is going down in value.

>> No.58546843


>> No.58546971

untrustworthy reporting.

>> No.58547002

OK withhold my salary then. Here's the original: https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab/20240522

>> No.58547026

Correction: https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab/20240529

>> No.58547453

Read the whitepaper dumbass.
>typical deflation
>dollar up, everything else shits
People are buying DAI to add collateral to their vaults and the protocol is liquidating undercollateralized vaults to buy DAI.
>bizarro deflation
>dollar up, crypto up
This is thought to be unsustainable. Protocol prints MKR tokens, which are now overvalued, to backstop DAI. Tokens are later purchased with fees and burned as one or the other goes back down.

The only way I see DAI breaking is if it gets used outside crypto a lot.

>> No.58547976
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This Is What Maxipads Actually Believe.

>> No.58548026
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I bet he wears this under his underwear.

>> No.58548079

SERIOUS QUESTION: Why does USA shutdown all other privacy projects but not xmr? Seems fishy to me....

>> No.58548126
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Because they can't, genius.

>> No.58548163

Everyone in this thread is a midwit

>> No.58548231

does that mean that the number is going to go up eventually because there's real demand for it and then nobody can do anything about it? isnt that mega bullish?

>> No.58548270

Including you my brother.

>> No.58548553
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>does that mean that the number is going to go up eventually because there's real demand for it and then nobody can do anything about it? isnt that mega bullish?

Shhhhhhh. Monero Is A Terrible Investment™

>> No.58548582

what happened? is crypto healing?

>> No.58548813
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based concern troll

>> No.58548814
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memelines said it would happen

>> No.58548834

Because 'privacy projects' are money laundering tools built atop open ledgers. Ring CT and is just how Monero works. The feds can't do shit about it. States can ban it, and it is banned in NY and CA.

>> No.58548954

Both of these answers are incorrect

>> No.58548967

Your reply is bullshit

>> No.58550345

How do different desktop wallets compare? Opinions? What's the best if you already have your own node running?

>> No.58552019

Feather uber alles.

>> No.58552157
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>> No.58552299

I cannot believe that no wallet is currently solving Janus attacks by using a master seed that generates other wallet seeds and completely dropping sub-addresses support within wallets and instead using wallets as subaddresses. Seems like such an obvious solution.

>> No.58552558
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I hope this catches on, and I hope Monerica adds a badge next to anyone that has pledged: https://moneromaster.substack.com/p/mcep

>> No.58552604

This is a good idea for Craigslist postings.

>> No.58552661
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I pledge allegiance to the circular economy of the Decentralized States of Monerica.

>> No.58552784

What if we made a license that is basically Creative Commons BY-NC-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode.txt)) but has an exception for the NC part if the commercial entity accepts XMR (too) for all payments it receives? I wonder if it would be easier to modify the CC license text or if the exception would be a separete license and the work would be dual-licensed. I guess the former would be easier.

>> No.58552834

Kind of like the copyleft hack, but applied to economics.

>> No.58554416

Could be used for Monerochan art for example.

>> No.58554492

There are here monero bros? minning? What is the best rig for start and winning?

>> No.58554503


>> No.58554829

Why is Monero pumping? Currently sitting over $150

>> No.58554851
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She is growing stronger.

>> No.58555288

Fellas, do any of you know a service or two that I give Monero and they send a wire transfer to a bank. I want something safe and efficient as I want to send thousands of dollars.

Similarly, is there another service that gives me credit card information that I can link with Stripe to create an online store. For the second one, I don't care about KYC - I just have no ability to receive money as the country I am in is retarded.

I could be asking the wrong questions though. Feel free to change my mind, I am open to listening. Thanks!

>> No.58555300

This is exactly what localmonero was for, but it closed down recently.

>> No.58555378

How did localmonero guarantee people's money?

>> No.58555465

It was largely based on trust and reputation. If you ignored the jeet scammers most acted honorably.

>> No.58555647

ok, I'm a newfriend and you guys got me interested.
I just want to know : can i get this shit on binance/coinbase, and how likely this shit will pump like a total motherfucker on steroids in the next 5 years, suggest me a multiplier

>> No.58555670

it's going to zero, i would suggest that you buy dogwifhat or similar instead, guaranteed x1000

>> No.58555687
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>it's going to zero, i would suggest that you buy dogwifhat or similar instead, guaranteed x1000
This. Monero is easily the worst investment in crypto. Dog memes are where its really at. Then dump all your gains into BTC and let Tether pump your bags even more. HODL forever and prosper.

>> No.58556053

so i want to buy some XMR anony but its really fucking confusing to me for some reason. I downloaded the chain and I'm trying to run a local public node, which is theoretically the most anonymous as I understand it? I got stuck in the mud trying to set up I2p, can someone just give me a 123 on steps i have to take to get from active node to having anonymous xmr in my wallet? i already feel like an embarrassment to the race being unintelligent enough to do it myself.

>> No.58556511

just returning to it's dollar peg at $150

>> No.58556797
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It's pumping because it's a disruptive technology that is insultingly undervalued.

What I will never understand is how these gigantic money inflows and outflows are possible given its current illiquid conditions. How cryptocurrency prices are gauged in general makes absolutely no sense to me.

>> No.58558016
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anyone seen this?
made me think about in person transactions.
They show how they scan the code and when they actually send the xmr to the other party so you can shake hands and walk away even when the transaction is still pending.
But that would be kind of bad with failed transactions so anything that's not insured by both parties (like in xmrbazaar) could get lost.
Also someone could literally snatch your phone out of your hand and would be able to access your opened wallet.
Having a widget or something for your wallet that scans the QR and requires a pin to send the transaction and having the transaction be ensured by the equal amount of monero from both parties until confirmation without having you to open the wallet would be nice. like a "in person transaction mode"

>> No.58558170

Not bumping your view count. It wasn't long ago unverified personal checks were common. Don't open your wallet around niggers and only carry what you could reasonably spend.

>> No.58558337
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But I was told that LN makes Monero redundant.

>> No.58558836

hi friendos, i found my old wallet with few thousand dogecoins (i know it's not that much..) in it and i would like to turn them into monero for long term keeping.
But the trouble is that back in the day all the big exchanges were anonymous and today binance etc they all want your IRL identity and i don't want to do that.
But since i am to swapping crypto for irl money but for another crypto, doge -> monero, i was hoping there was some trustworthy exchange that allows me to do that anonymously.
I googles around and found some but i have no way to tell if they are legit or scammers. If you could recommend some, that would be lovely anons.

>> No.58558839

>i am to swapping crypto for
*not swapping

>> No.58558857

i found something called houdiniswap which is anonymous but it seems a bit too convenient, is that legit?
sorry for being a retard, i have very little experience with this crypto stuff

>> No.58559204

never heard anyone complain about trocador.app
it aggregates different exchanges and tells you about their privacy. changing to litecoin or similar first might give you more options though

>> No.58559340

15 minutes is too much and email is way more involved than waiting, so people choose waiting and then forget to post, this is specially true for anon enthusiasts who delete cookies on browser restarts
a challenge/pow system would be way better than this

>> No.58561169

Paying taxes bad
Paying fees to private exhange good

>> No.58561664


>> No.58561681

paying taxes = having to do a ton of annoying fucking paperwork and then having to submit to any possible checks and other annoying shit
paying exchange fees = you make a transaction and they simply take a small cut, thats it
oh gee i wonder which one of those is better

>> No.58561696

thanks anon i will look up some reviews on it, it will probably be smart to send it in small chunks of say 500 so if any time it doesn't arrive at the monero wallet i won't lose everything

>> No.58561905
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back from email verif hiatus. 10 stickers applied thus far
I love xmr but if you just want easy mobile transactions electroneum(ETN) is king. Also see >>58558170

>> No.58561915

What happened? I haven't followed crypto for 2 years but when I last checked it was around .006BTC.

>> No.58561921

the crypto bubble has finally popped fren
strap in, it's gonna get worse for a while

>> No.58561924

Should I convert my BTC winnings to XMR?

>> No.58561933

don't ask me.
all my trading adventures always ended up in the red

>> No.58561964

All I do is buy more XMR and 4chan passes

Umm, what do I have to declare for unlcaimed gains taxes in the US?

>> No.58562411

Ugh this so retarded and a glowie argument.
Majority of usage of Monero is not for illegal things.
They wanna make every Monero user a criminal, because they wanna make privacy (a basic right) as something illegal and bad.

>> No.58562705
File: 10 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shill me this coin
will I make big gains if i wait let's say 5 years holding it ?

>> No.58563456


>> No.58563477

ok it means it's shit. my only interest is how much money i can make out of it

>> No.58563492

go away, retard.

>> No.58563611

Great, go buy something else. Moonbois are toxic to any crypto community.

>> No.58564257

>buy and hold crypto
I think the S&P is more your speed fren

>> No.58564929
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>will I make big gains if i wait let's say 5 years holding it ?
>my only interest is how much money i can make out of it
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.58565266

When I bought it years ago it was ~$120. It is now ~$150. It's pretty stable. When the IRS cracks down it'll be something you have.

>> No.58565432

I'd argue that xmr is one of the greatest investments right now. You can actually, (currently) legally invest in the world's futures largest money laundering machine. Evading taxes business is huge, why shouldn't the gray & black markets move towards the digital world?

Imagine a scenario where politicians shill individual financial privacy just to launder/dodge themselves the most. Hasn't that been like their signature move ever since politics began?

>> No.58565493

Best way to swap other crypto into xmr?

>> No.58566044

Trocador is super easy and fast, ive been meaning to try basic swap though

>> No.58567274

That's a good reason why you don't have to worry about it going to zero, but it's a shit investment because there's no systemic incentive for anyone to drive price perpetually upward. Monero is basically forex on tutorial difficulty.

>> No.58568026
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>> No.58569740
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>> No.58570807
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>> No.58572203
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>> No.58572479

Fucking sad.

>> No.58572625
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>> No.58572638

XMR is overbought as fuck
collapse imminent

>> No.58572828

Look left.

>> No.58574534
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>> No.58574556

so it happened again
what's next?

>> No.58574725
File: 108 KB, 828x950, 1620169349910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero is healing.
Trust the chan.

>> No.58575485

Why is this shit pumping are jews financing another terror attack?

>> No.58576351

Smart money washing their gains on the way out.

>> No.58576429

Money printer is running till the elections. It's too early to cash out.

>> No.58576797
File: 71 KB, 990x769, 1717614739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't mean everything goes strictly vertical until then. Historically these guys aren't as interested in playing the back half of bubble tops. Like if you look at 2021, the spike in XMR/BTC comes right before the dip to 35k.

I think it's profit taking at a decision point and the real death pump is going to retake that imbalance around $210, but wouldn't be surprised if king shitcoin wipes to 50k next week either.

>> No.58576828

Except what we are seeing here isn't a spike, but gradual increase.

>> No.58576979

It's been 70 degrees vertical for the last 3 weeks. They clearly timed the Binance delisting to cover an exit in January, and it's not clear to me if that cover has worn off and we have normal price action or if they're successfully keeping price somewhat depressed while they cash out again.

>> No.58577027

the delisting was a technical event in reaction to a fundamental event and the fundamental even is hyper bearish
we are in anomaly now

>> No.58578433
File: 314 KB, 1080x1080, 1705741991450509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI this is a clown market that is completely unhinged from reality and is highly manipulated.

Therefore the only metric worth paying attention to is actual use by consumers, everything else is hot air.

>> No.58578534

Do other cryptocurrencies have their own mascots like Monerochan? I've always found this part of Monero "fandom" unexpected and adorable.

>> No.58578632

A few do I think: ZCash, BCH, WOW...

>> No.58578645

monero is prime example of a shitcoin
there is so little liquidity literally a single entity puts the price where it wants

>> No.58578670

Cucks out

>> No.58578701
File: 504 KB, 1542x2048, 1717622770042732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF are saying goblin
how do you cash out XMR in the EU now
ahh you don't
the entire crypto space is now gambling

>> No.58579134


>> No.58579149
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? What gave it away?

>> No.58579153

it was the cock and ball bulge.

>> No.58579513
File: 338 KB, 3467x1526, Screenshot 2024-06-05 224020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see what this retard is saying in the log price chart. Seriously, WTF happened in 2021?

>> No.58580541

Not surprised in the least.
Cucks out, moonfag.

>> No.58580980
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It is morning in America.

>> No.58583819
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>> No.58585598


>> No.58587014
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>> No.58587472

What part of "currency" in cryptocurrency do you not understand?

>> No.58587564

So it's going stop crabbing right?

>> No.58587644

Do people actually walk the talk because i don't know how many people are actually using haveno but the only other valuable project which is bisq and has a longer trajectory for years is probably run by a few thousands persons while something like binance has millions of trades every day, i mean i saw the usage of bisq and it has like 200,000 trades in its full history but compare that with what people do with binance which basically has a monopoly on the middle east and central Asia and i fear we don't really live in a world with a parallel economy but that people using decentralized exchanges from fiat to crypto and viceversa are just 1% compared to the 99% of people using central exchanges and central exchanges in the end means people are entering into a cbdc world not by being forced by autoritharian goverments but by themselves

>> No.58587916

no now it will just crab at that slightly higher exchange rate we saw before. the crab is neverending.

>> No.58588611

you cannot operate with monero in the EU now
you have to do XMR > LTC > USDT
and then you are KYC ing

monero is pure utility and can be replaced with anything, any time

>> No.58588839

Yeah kosher crypto is a psyop intended to undermine people who would oppose CBDCs by getting them fixated on dumb shit that doesn't work. The hippie movement of finance if you will.

>> No.58588937

Why are we pumping?

>> No.58588984

short squeeze

>> No.58589083

Do you have any proof of this or are you just talking shit, saw redditors talking about gme and thought sure that sounds like a retarded enough answer to shit up the thread with.

>> No.58589383

Why do people use tornado instead of monero?

>> No.58589719

because I sold

>> No.58589985
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probably…but the world is changing and people are waking up. at least crypto people are. mainstream is in >>58574725
noticing mode.

we love you monerochan

>> No.58591955

Open interest down 9% in 4 hours on coinank. Looks like some fools got wrecked. You can pretty much tell it's short squeeze just looking at the chart. No other reason for price to behave like that.

>> No.58592001

Shorting Monero seems weird considering it just crabs. Even the Binance delisting wasn't that dramatic.

>> No.58592080

The eternal moonfag always plays with too much leverage.

>> No.58594469


>> No.58595739
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>> No.58595904


>> No.58595979
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This is good for Bitcoin.

>> No.58596058


>> No.58596840

Tornadocash. It was used instead of monero. Why? Wouldn't monero make more sense to use? What were the disadvantages of monero that lead to people using tornadocash or coinjoin which had far more usage than monero did?
Something's not adding up

>> No.58596931
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>Something's not adding up

>> No.58598179
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>> No.58598509

Cause Monero is an island unto itself, there's not many ways to move into or out of XMR. Tornado cash, you could immediately swap for a stablecoin. Coinjoin, everyone and their grandma takes Bitcoin.

>> No.58598531

killer webm

>> No.58599657

>Shorting Monero seems weird
why? if i cant sell monero without getting KYC'd i'm just going to short it with derivates if i rather get out of the market volatility for some time

>> No.58599706

trading monero is very interesting
since the chain is not transparent, whales never know, who and when and where will dump on them
in buttcorn you can see the coin move and map all on exchange coins

>> No.58599985
File: 509 KB, 1274x690, 1698816441483912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trading monero is very interesting
Trading crypto is for wetbrained moonfags. Monero is for spending, and spending, that is, merchant acceptance is what keeps a crypto economically relevant. Trading and holding coins nobody actually needs/uses out in the real world is like trading NFTs and will end in tears. BTC included.

>since the chain is not transparent, whales never know, who and when and where will dump on them
Its over for HODLtards.

>in buttcorn you can see the coin move and map all on exchange coins
Which greatly pleases Uncle Sam & Friends.

>> No.58600292

Traders reduce spreads and slippage, which is extremely valuable from a merchant perspective. Pathological hodl culture is just a sign your token has no utility.

>> No.58600351

It’s pretty easy to swap into BTC from XMR, fiat to XMR is exceedingly difficult

>> No.58601882
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>> No.58601929

yes that's the fundamental problem
you can just use mixers
fundamentals for monero are bad, yet it is pumping
this suggest collapse

>> No.58601948
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>you can just use mixers
Go on....enlighten us some more, genius.

>> No.58601963

>Trading crypto is for wetbrained moonfags. Monero is for spending, and spending, that is
Nigga when you spend your monero you're still trading it for whatever you're buying

>> No.58602122

haha, I love being smarter than everyone

>> No.58602127

this is some advanced europoor seething

>> No.58602180

why are you pumping moon boi

>> No.58602207

it's barely off the 200w

>> No.58602215

it is up 45% in the last 2 months
you are the moon boi

>> No.58602262

...and it was down 40% the month before that. What's your point? This is the bounce off a double bottom on the monthly chart. Movement above the 50 shouldn't be a surprise.

>> No.58602268

you were up 45% before that again
monero is a literal shitcoin

>> No.58602339

It sounds like there's a lot of volatility you're failing to capitalize on.

>> No.58602397

so it's still happening
what now?

>> No.58602497
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>6% spread

>> No.58603334

I want the Monero-chan plushie. How do I get the Monero-chan plushie ? My blåhaj needs some plushie frens

>> No.58603436
File: 242 KB, 398x323, 490424781389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to have friends in low places.

>> No.58603453


>> No.58603760

Sorry but I'm not going to start my predatory scalping practicies with them any time soon. If you interested, I can offer Miku NT and tanned Cirno for 2 XMR each.

>> No.58604743
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>> No.58605931

Based captain, 20 is going to be awesome, last one was a bit of a slow burn.

>> No.58606230 [DELETED] 


I agree. The third act was one I think of the best in the history of CBR. But there was probably too much talking. This next one is going to be faster with a lot more action.

>> No.58606238


I agree. The third act was I think one of the best in the history of CBR. But there was probably too much talking leading up to it. This next one is going to be faster with a lot more action.

>> No.58606416

Just realized Haveno was released. How is it different from localmonero or Bisq?

>> No.58606896

I bought on cake wallet easily though. With eth.
Is that not a secure? Can't you buy XMR send to another XMR wallet or two to break the chain and then buy back eth? Well to be fair I didn't trade back to eth so maybe that's where the problem lies. Is there issues buying eth with XMR?

>> No.58606931

you could do many hops but you still have to exit to KYC
that means monero has no stand alone value
it is just mixer tax and it can be replaced with anything

>> No.58606973

It's the largest, most cost efficient mixer with huge darknet market adoption and lots of extralegal ways to cash out worldwide. You keep saying it can be replaced with anything but haven't named any credible competitors.

>> No.58607016

look at the volume
it is Apu_obama-inu large

>> No.58607044

Is there real evidence cbdcs are real and it will be the dystopian thing people claim cbdcs will be or are people simply crying wolf, i mean cash hasn't been eliminated and realistically it will be impossible to eliminate cash in places like india or west china

>> No.58607049

cbdcs at first will attempt to solve banking settlement
today bank settle at whatever times and it is costly
also bank are practically nationalized, they have almost no reason to exist if the central bank begins to settle

the people will eventually switch to electronic money like in china

>> No.58607084

Looking at breadth of candidates to be included in a transaction. The quality of the mixer in other words.

>> No.58607117

It's ultimately a matter of what local populations will tolerate.

>> No.58607125

Why use this when Railgun exists?

>> No.58607237

Tornado Cash had already been established and had a reputation as a working product. For what it's worth: alternative privacy-cryptocurrencies like railgun, oxen, epic cash, zano, etc might actually be totally bulletproof projects but it takes a lot of time and a lot of people actually using them to create enough credibility that the broader public can trust. If something bad were to happen if your privacy got compromised when handling crypto, you'd want to just go with the one that's been battle tested the most.

>> No.58607696

So the pump is related to haveno?

>> No.58608564
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We truly are hitting cope levels that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.58608646
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>but you still have to exit to KYC
lol no you don't, numbskull.

The entire of point of building a thriving circular economy is to minimize or outright eliminate the need to off ramp.

And for those that still need to, how about you have a gander at how darknet vendors cash out with absolutely zero KYC?

>that means monero has no stand alone value
Holding XMR = sleeping peacefully knowing that even in a worst-case scenario you'll still be able to exchange your coins for an ever-expanding selection of goods & services.

Holding anything else = forever praying that the State never leans on the banks and kills off-ramping

>it is just mixer tax and it can be replaced with anything
That's some weapons-grade copium you're huffing there, pal

>> No.58609606

Just sold all my monero at $180 which I bought 2 months ago at $105 following the Binance delisting FUD. Thanks for the quick flip but the price has now returned to pre-Binance levels and I beleive this pump is out of steam. Goodbye baggies.

>> No.58609648
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful, moonfags get the rope round these here parts.

Make sure to dump all your gains into BTC, its going up forever, you know.

>> No.58609927

That tweet made me realize that monero will eventually pump no matter what happens

>> No.58609998

have fun with your 75 dollars

>> No.58610055

This tweet is a good advertisement for XMR.

>> No.58610115

you need to trade shorter time frames if you're gonna bail in the middle of a W

>> No.58610172

some people have a boomerfied nigger brain no matter what age they are, disgusting

>> No.58610320

Imagine having the ability to buy stock in the Sinaloa Cartel (what XMR is basically) and not taking it. Do you hate free money?

>> No.58610349

more like butthurt cartel
XMR moonbois are about to dump on each other

>> No.58611806
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>> No.58611953
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>> No.58613185

Why isn't there any Monero IRC channel outside of Libera.chat which needs non-VPN IP to register?

>> No.58613414


>> No.58614464

trading xmr is a relatively free way to gamble / swing trade without paying taxes

>> No.58614535

How do you cash out without KYC?

>> No.58614559
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>> No.58614573

binance gone
local monero gone
EU gone
KYC everything

it is fundamentally over

>> No.58614627
File: 742 KB, 963x1320, cosmic monerochan space booba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Healing arc has begun.

>> No.58614757

what do you mean healing
pumping it like a shitcoin heals nothing
if anything, it makes the value proposition worse
since you can be rugged at any second

>> No.58614802
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Liquidity slowly going up on Haveno. All of Monero's competitors are abandoning ship after the Samurai fiasco. Serai soon.

Literally the one and only big hit left is Kraken US delisting. That's it. And Binance was bigger and we're already completely recovered.

>> No.58614849

Instead of seething in an XMR thread, how about you bing your question and find the answer in seconds?

>> No.58614858

this is just the prelude.

>> No.58615608
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, inevitable-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for being so concerned about our financial well-being! Bitfags are truly the most considerate bros in crypto!

$100K end of year!

>> No.58616577

It's like I'm watching eurokeks discover the world views them as 40yo basement dwellers in real time.

>> No.58617073

>19 pbtid
the FUD is so fucking based bros
fuck keynesians

>> No.58618555
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>> No.58618604
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We're so back

>> No.58618653

you are so about to be rugged
xmr lost infrastructure and now it is gaining sats
even linkie cultist would be worried

>> No.58618727
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someone make "never goon" thing but with monero and it says "never moon"

>> No.58618730

got dropped by binance, but so did zcash and all the alternatives.

Haveno is up I think

>> No.58618745
File: 86 KB, 452x892, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xmr lost infrastructure
And is pivoting towards decentralized alternatives, dipshit

Meanwhile, consumer demand just keeps growing as more and more markets go Monero-only. Yet another one launched literally just yesterday lol

Seethe harder.

>> No.58619617

but how many shut down?

>> No.58619629

There is ALWAYS a demand. It's whack a mole, and the true market is an endless hydra. The govt can fuck itself it has lost.

>> No.58619640

the question still is how can the average consumer protect himself from exit scams, honeypots and stuff like that

>> No.58621259
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>but how many shut down?

None, DNMs tend to stick around for a at least couple of years on average.

>> No.58621286
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>the question still is how can the average consumer protect himself from exit scams, honeypots and stuff like that
By sticking to community-endorsed markets.

>> No.58621571

>KYC everything
>fundamentally over
avoiding kyc is one of the the reasons privacy coins exist. you've got it backwards.

>> No.58621611
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less about cope. fear tactics are how you know they know they lost control.

>> No.58621989
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Les yeux sans visage

>> No.58622045
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nice chart
lets see how strong your hands are

>> No.58623351
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Why is Wownero mooning ?

>> No.58623390

i think if you factor the cost of that stuff in, it's still far cheaper and safer than in-person interactions. of course, everything is slowly moving towards the trustless vision where protection is baked in

>> No.58623560

Does anyone know a simple way to spend or change xmr in venezuela

>> No.58624342

it is time honored tradition
at the end of each cycle
xmr pumps

but rest assured, it will dump like the shitcoin it is

>> No.58624377

We're still on the high side of normal. If it breaks 187 I'll think about heading for the exits.

>> No.58624396
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it doesn't matter how high the retard pump it
it will crash
and it will stay crashed
you cannot sustain even half your normal pricing with that infrastructure loss

and with the USDT EU ban, it is over

>> No.58624842

>WoWnero is going x2000
Knew it.

>> No.58624895

I get paid either way, but that sounds like a retarded line of reasoning.

>> No.58624900

>infrastructure loss

IDK bro still looking like 2 gigahash when I check it on my machine.

>> No.58625444

Does /biz/ really require email verification now?

>> No.58625911

Is the economy still as shit as it was there? Are there ways to hire Venezuelans for remote work with XMR? Any charities like EatBCH that support XMR?

>> No.58626609

Fuck Binance and fuck jannies

>> No.58628465
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>it will crash
>and it will stay crashed
Ain't you the retard that claimed Monero's delisting crash would forever leave it sub-100?

>> No.58628841

Thanks Scamacini, very cool!

>> No.58630964
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>> No.58632554

how can I buy monero if I don't have crypto at all? I would use haveno but it requires a security deposit

>> No.58632582

Haven't lurked /biz in a while is kadena babena monero no pedo still a thing?

>> No.58632690

A common method is buying Bitcoin on a normie exchange with fiat and then sending it to exchange with XMR/BTC trading pair (e.g. TradeOgre).

>> No.58632695
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that's really innovative and low fees

>> No.58632752
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>BitBoY of the last "cycle"

>> No.58632997
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There are many paths to Monerochan.

>> No.58633025
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without underlying economy state chan will end you
on off ramps are vital infrastructure, you are still dependent on banking
you cannot moon in these conditions
step back and build first moongirl

>> No.58633070

but they require kyc

>> No.58633088
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>26 posts of cope and seethe
#27 coming shortly im sure. Love to see it

>> No.58633120
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it is obvious bait

>> No.58634124
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hello sirs is it still low to buy?

>pls wait 15 minutes to post
>you waited too long. wait 15 minutes again

>> No.58634728

This is you >>58633120
The correct place to buy Monero is below the 200w. Best case it consolidates around 165 and breaks out to 210. You wanna try to swing trade something, look at alts that run inverse to BTC dominance.

>> No.58634937

>LM closed
should have onramped with cash-by-mail when I had the chance bros.......
Buying BTC just to swap it sounds retarded and wasteful. I don't know if any KYC exchanges still sell XMR, but I'm paranoid that buying and immediately sending to my own wallet would raise suspicion and give me trouble sooner or later. Could I send to a stealth address and shrug if anyone asks? Do I need to start mowing lawns and only accept monero as payment? How do you get into this shit in the current year? I don't want to be limited to inflationary monopoly money anymore.

>> No.58634961

In theory monero is undervalued but you see what happened when binance delisted it.

>> No.58634974

Nothing wrong with kyc monero. I would take advantage of that before kraken follows binance and delists the token

>> No.58635019

swapping LTC into Monero is much cheaper and faster. Swapping BTC into Monero is slow and could potentially rape you in fees depending on how congested the network is.

>> No.58635484
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>what happened when binance delisted it.
literal life changing discount on the best crypto

>> No.58635756
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do you think there will be a spike with full chain membership proofs and monero being "done" in developement?