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58611684 No.58611684 [Reply] [Original]

I wish everyone rich and famous could experience being poor, in the ghetto, and having a retarded chimpanzee for a parent. then they'll see how many of these problems money can easily solve.

>> No.58611789

Nothing can fix Jim's depression, but not everyone suffers from mental illness.

>> No.58611797

This guy actually grew up in poverty though

>> No.58611804

My opinion of this man just got a lot lower.

>> No.58611811

When faggots like Anthony Bourdain who have seemingly awesome lives kill themselves it should be clear that mo ey and fame doesn't solve everything. It would definitely fix about 90% of my current problems though

>> No.58611819

Money fixes the waging and living around minorities/poor people issue, which is 90% of our problems. The other 10% is just finding the right hobbies/good causes to dedicate yourself to, which can be solved through shotgun approaching it imo.

>> No.58611823

I’m Looking forward to Jim’s suicide.

>> No.58611825

imagine not having to ever wage slave ever again

>Waahhhh I'm depressed!!

it's part of life get use to it or blow your brains out

>> No.58611844

What a fag.

>> No.58611857

Jim is not that wrong, just could have said it differently.
>who are Robin Williams, Kurt Cobain and so on

>> No.58612016

rich people have weak mental. My mind was forged in the hottest flames and beaten down by the hardest steel, nothing phases me. If I became rich, then I would have no problems because nothing would bother me.
These richfags go into a panic attack if their ketchup bottle gets crusty at the nozzle and won't spurt any out. They don't know what pain is.

>> No.58612019


>> No.58612571

He was working on a documentary about child abuse in Hollywood

>> No.58612604

Sound like a good reason to hang yourself after shooting yourself in the back.

>> No.58612722

Tarzan turned out all right.

>> No.58612725

He hates poor white people, the very thing he was, it happens all the time. He should be raped.

>> No.58612744

The rich is good. The famous not as much. If money isn’t solving your problems, you have problems that would only be harder without money.

>> No.58612996

The bad part is famous, not rich

I dont want to be famous either

>> No.58613013

>Anthony Bourdain
What a peculiar person to choose for an example >>58612571

>> No.58613030

>that's just like your opinion, man
Your wish for him to experience poverty is clearly ineffectual. He experienced what you asked, and didn't arrive at the same conclusion as you. Funny, eh?
Maybe you should worry more about your own thoughts and experiences, rather than those of others.

>> No.58613579

but jim carrey isnt the common man, is he? his goals and desires exhibit a richness quite distinct from the bulk of humanity. his opinion is quite literally selection/survivorship bias only possible to be held by the top .001% of humanity. thats not to say there are miserable rich people. but of those, most have inherited, having never known serious challenges or risked ruinous failure, and the rest stopped chasing the red dot and the organizing imperative it provides.

>> No.58613584

>thats not to say there AREN'T miserable rich people

>> No.58613593

were it possible to even do survey the stealth wealth cohort, i'd guess we'd see fewer problems managing success.

>> No.58614707

>Jim Carey isn't the common man
And who is? You?
Why do you talk like you think you're a paragon of normality? Maybe you're just as jaded and out of touch as the rich folk you vilify.
Like I said - sort yourself out first. He who is without sin, cast the first stone; however you want to word it.

>> No.58614721

It's always rich leftists that spend their money to avoid the groid preaching about equality and acceptance btw.

>> No.58614744

*american poverty

>> No.58614765

those are all celebrities so of course they're mentally fucked up. how many straight laced business men end up killing themselves?

>> No.58614846

He's actually from Canada but same shit I guess. Probably better offvthan America which has third world tier homicide rates in its shitholes

>> No.58614875

>Noone expects to get killed by Jim Carrey, thats what makes him lethal.

>> No.58615137

pay attention nigger

he's right
being rich and famous isn't the answer to everything
you're just a mad poorfag
stay mad

being famous has its downsides and he has a point, but that's what happens, you sell your soul and hollywood makes you pay the toll, but you get the $$$
the fame is the curse
money is good but money with the baggage of fame is the problem

>> No.58615339

You don't need to be rich for that though. There's a sweet spot where you can supply yourself with food, shelter, and enough disposable income to have some fun, and beyond that there's no real increase in happiness.

>> No.58615422

How wealthy is the sweet spot for most people? Paid off home and $2M living off 3%?

>> No.58615431

Less probably. People think they'd be happier not waging, but if you make decent money, your job's probably not that bad, and you may very well be as miserable with a ton of free time on your hands. Maybe 2x median salary in your area.

>> No.58615453

Money fixes it.
Celebrity fame is evil though.

>> No.58615492

>your job's probably not that bad
even then, it's still going to suck sometimes. I think most people would be happier just devoting more time to something creative and something altruistic, like helping one's family, building a family, or helping in one's local community. That and just travel often.

>> No.58617067
File: 27 KB, 301x309, oyvgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When faggots like Jeffery Epstein who have seemingly awesome lives kill themselves it should be clear that mo ey and fame doesn't solve everything. It would definitely fix about 90% of my current problems though
CAPTCHA: oyvey

>> No.58617105

Etf, Epstein was going to fucking jail where he would be raped and stabbed anyways, that's why he killed himself, if you even believe that much.

>> No.58617111

i've been poor and i've been rich (or at least comfortable), and rich has either fixed all of my problems or made the unfixable problems more palatable
>muh my favorite celeb grew poor too
yeah, "grew" poor. like 50 years ago? dude forgot what it's like to struggle since longer than most of us have been alive
also it's pretty obvious he's a psychopath. i'm not even talking about the girl he got hooked on drugs and pushed to suicide, just his mannerisms and everything. this is part of what makes him a fun actor

>> No.58617119

When faggots like John McAfee who have seemingly awesome lives kill themselves it should be clear that mo ey and fame doesn't solve everything. It would definitely fix about 90% of my current problems though

>> No.58617921
File: 6 KB, 250x241, 97146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i agree 50% with this take
on one side, you can't rely on money to take away all of your problems, it isn't the key to happiness, even if you have all the material side of life solved you still will have problems related to the other aspects (mental and spiritual)
on t he other side, if you have a cronic illness, family in poverty, or have to dedicate 80% of your time like most people money would literally allow you to live your life, there's a reason why the youth is so adamant on making it before they reach 30, or what you faggots think that a gen z kid in her mother's basement would rather invest in some frogcoin called hottie than be in college, living the life their parents promised to them? nah, but they do it because the "normal" ways of making money are not reliable anymore

>> No.58618054

>invest in some frogcoin called hottie
kys faggot shill

>> No.58618067

Being rich is great. You get to do all your hobbies all the time anytime you want and when you get tired of that hobby, you have the money to start another hobby without worrying about bills, housing and the day to day stuff we all have to deal with. You know how much life would be nice if I didn't have to cook for myself just to not live paycheck to paycheck?

>> No.58618075
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In order for you to say he is wrong, you have to decide what your problems are.
What are your problems?

>> No.58618087

sorry dude but by a certain age it's too far to fix, and with the person they have as the head of household even if you can reach the younger ones it's like a 20/80 chance for them.

>> No.58618227

>grew up in poverty though

living poor till you're 15 is nothing. lmao Not to mention he grew up poor in the the most prosperous time the 70s. He had a Janitor job, which back them might as well be upper middle class.

>> No.58618240


>> No.58618253

>I wish everyone rich and famous could experience being poor
They literally can, by giving away all their money.

Oh what's that? Literally none of them do it? It's almost as if their "money isn't good" schpiel is bullshit.

>> No.58618700

Dude could just give one poor person half of his money, and then if the poor person doesn't like it, he can just give it to the next guy to try it out.

>> No.58618707

This is legit the kind of shit they tell themselves so that they don't feel bad about not giving out money

>> No.58618871

Poor people need to be culled. Every 5 years, we should remove the bottom 30% of people and 10% of those in between the 40% and 60%.

>> No.58618882

What kind of retarded take is this? What if you're fresh out of school? What if you're retired? What if you're taking time off to deal with medical issues? What if you're taking a break from working? How do you measure worth? Who wants to live in a world with boomers and their trust fund kids?

We should do the opposite. If you're a trust fund kid and have no worth then you're the first to go

>> No.58618910

net worth and over age 28.
Trust fund kids are investors.
>What kind of retarded take is this?
It makes sense, the bottom 50% are a drain. Notice how I was nice and said only the bottom 30%? and we should take out 10% of those between the 40% and 60% because the gap between the top 20% and bottom 70% is really big and getting bigger since forever so we should cull them. These people are a drain.

>> No.58618916

>What if you're taking a break from working?
Why are you taking a break from working if you are not even in the top 20%?
>Who wants to live in a world with boomers and their trust fund kids?
Poor struggling millennial or zoomer detected.

>> No.58618952

>trust fund kid
>no worth
kek, this is your brain on poverty

>> No.58618959

>What if you're taking time off to deal with medical issues?
No one wants to hire these weaklings anyways.

>> No.58618980
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x1070, 915613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of retarded take is this?

>> No.58618986

Do you think that idea is retarded?

>> No.58618994

I'm alright with this.

>> No.58618996


>> No.58619007

Jim is right though, it's just a different set of problems. Being rich is easy. Being rich and famous would actually suck.

>> No.58619033

>Being rich is easy.
1% of people in the world have a mill. Average home price is 400K in USA.

>> No.58619099

lmao americans dont know what poor is.. you arent poor until you are deprived of food shelter and water..

>i didnt get a car on my 16th birthday im so poor

>> No.58619118

The bottom X% of retards and/or tax negative people should be culled, but only once. If the threat of death for dropping productivity looms over the people who are left, you get all sorts of other problems because people get scared. You also end up with people unwilling to take risks because the price of failure is too high. So just do one culling, then go on as normal with the remaining. They earned it.

>> No.58619452

He killed himself because he went full SJW during #MeToo then got exposed as a hypocrite faggot. His BPD whore gf who had regrets about sucking Weinstein off and was one of the pseudo-leaders of the movement but then it came out that she sexually assaulted a 15 year old boy on set and that Bourdain tried to pay the kid off. Once this came out he an hero'd