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File: 394 KB, 1290x764, IMG_0995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58605869 No.58605869 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder there are still “people” holding LINK hoping they can make it with it

>> No.58605875

Chainlino calls for aid! And Polkadot will answer!

>> No.58605878

Friendly reminder that you emotionally posted on internet forums about your troubles with masturbation addiction

>> No.58605880

kek fuddie

>> No.58605895

How’s life after 30?

>> No.58605909

Great, thanks!

>> No.58605932

How much is healthcare costs now? 30 year olds tend to have more health problems which weigh heavily on their expenses.

>> No.58605937

I'm in better health than my 20s. How's your anaemic cum disposed torso feeling today?

>> No.58605996
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Kek linkies are so hurt by the 30 yo meme. Hits hard doesn't it? Imagine buying in your early 20s expecting for your real life to begin, yet year after year it never comes.
Moral of the story is that some magic internet beans aren't gonna fix your life, go and clean your room buddy, it probably stinks.

>> No.58606057

No we were unironically spergs in our 20s who have matured, gotten rich and from all accounts enjoy our lives. You couldn't pay me to go through my 20s again.

>> No.58606191

This is the strangest fud bro and its not having the effect you think it is.

>> No.58606293

and apparently you have to make threads complaining about it every single day for no reason at all

>> No.58606304

i dunno, i reckon the strangest fud they ever tried was making dozens of memes featuring sissy / ir themes and cock cages and posting them over and over again while insisting that other people were gay

>> No.58606326

Even stranger was the based LPL chuddie kiddo spammer. Who he was and what motivated him we will never know. At least we will always have based LPL chuddie kiddos how you doing based kiddos chuddie pools closed

>> No.58606425

These people were born last century kek

>> No.58606800

>How much is healthcare costs now?
you have to pay for healthcare were you live? lmao.

>> No.58606826

Why do you linktards say kek fuddie?. It's not like you haven't been wrong almsot about everything for all these years while being smug about it. Lmfao

>> No.58606828

kek fudde

>> No.58606831

Have you met the average zoomer? Lol lmao even

>> No.58606833

Ill hit you with the

kek baggie

>> No.58606926

Are you stupid? There are people under 30 born in the 1990s.

>> No.58606991

Never need to go to a hospital, and if i did its free anyway
You seething?

>> No.58607027

They are fucking SEETHING
Imagine what youd have to be like if you told everyone you were gonna be rich but then the person that was supposed to make you rich just keeps taking profits and spending it on bullshit.

All the meme “wow projects” all bs

>> No.58607077

I unironically have to go get a job so I can live my life while I wait. I thought staking would be enough for at least the private pool to be enough but noooope.

>> No.58607165

So close to digits brah 7777
But yeah, sorry for u anon

>> No.58608134

You know its bad when bagholders are fighting other bagholders by mocking the bagholders who have held longer and are older.

Stop defending the fat sergey piece of shit. You got played.

>> No.58608186
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>You got played.

we sure did

>> No.58608222

I'm 46. Not sure how I'm supposed to feel when informed i'm over 30. I feel comfortable around you young men, though. I feel alive through the power of the internet

>> No.58608235

Its almost like their pathetic marketing team has a strategy of making their announcement when BTC has a spike, which is almost always inevitable followed by a spike back down.

Retard. I think you’ll always be the last holdout of the mentally ill sergey cock suckers who will make up infinite conjecture and conspiracy to ensure his cock never leaves your asshole

>> No.58608256

If this is true, then Chainlink is literally the first entity in the history of the world that can predict speculative dumps of any kind.

>> No.58608293
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how can i suck his cock if it's always in my asshole?

>> No.58608299

No. Its called “confirmation bias”.
You only notice when they made their announcements on the spikes that resulted in the immediate pullbacks.

Additionally, btc does those spikes through resistance and rejection in rapid succession all the time, people loading up on leverage is why they even happen.

You probably have Chainlinks marketing team with this strategy, or at least one of a few who are in charge of tweeting things having this strategy. They also likely have a deadline to do the tweet, so if BTC doesn’t have such a spike they just tweet it anyway.

You dont remember those times due to confirmation bias. Additionally chainlink shits out more announcements(which amount to nothing) than just about any other project, so obviously more often whoever is on charge of doing them is going to use their “post it when btc has a spike” strategy more often for you to notice it.

The fact they clearly do this is just cringe itself. It shows some level of internal dissatisfaction with the token performance manifesting.

>> No.58608305

With a smart contract secured by Chainlink ticker Link this is achievable

>> No.58608336

Great. It would be nice to make it in a year, but my perspective has changed considerably from when I first invested compared to now.

>> No.58608341
File: 318 KB, 976x1222, 1715936770202221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You only notice when they made their announcements on the spikes
Most of these happen when Bitcoin is crabbing.

>> No.58608380

Crabbing around resistance. Your sad little cope folder is full of confirmation bias, hourly and minute charts.
That pic alone has several points you could have made the sale conspiracy, and you conviniently crop it to make the dump look worse than it is with hourly chart. Put the 4hr or daily on and you’d see it barely moved and os just doing the typical dump around resistance btc does often.

Those were likely cases where they had to tweet it die to deadline, or whoever is in charge of tweets, of that group, that individual doesn’t follow the “drop news when btc spikes” strategy.

Its pathetic how you have subscribed to this for years now, while everyone else has figured out it isn’t even close to what you insinuate and have all figured out its more along the lines of what i said, or the fact Chainlink pumps out thousands of “announcements” a month, and your confirmation bias is meaningless

>> No.58608397

>Crabbing around resistance.
Which is not "spiking", is it?

>> No.58608436

hey guys I found another "conspiracy"... it's called the cha--ACK

BTC $11,000
LINK $20

BTC $69,000
LINK $15.90

>> No.58608440

Link community has the biggest amount of paranoidal schizos...

>> No.58608449

Dont worry. I know you are hopeless and i’d get more chances of a gnat understanding maths. Im not expecting you to actually understand and thinking logically. You are way too far gone into conspiracy and conjecture, its probably your personality.

Mostly you’d have been an XRP holder and faggot even now had you joined crypto in 2014 or before. It’s just your personality. You’ve simply latched onto Chainlink instead.

>> No.58608459
File: 275 KB, 1807x1525, 1708298586720801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the blogposts, why are you so emotional about this?

>> No.58608461

Damn thats a lotta unhinged cope.

BTC is dumped massively whenever good news re:LINK have popped up. That is not opinion, its a fact. You can seethe all you want with the sperg incel blogposts but it wont sway a single opinion.

>> No.58608481

>it wont sway a single XRP tier mentally ill persons opinion

What made you think I thought it would? Just giving the pushback and same rational take that is the fact as a counter balance so new bagholders wont take your absolute conspiracy drivel at face value.

>> No.58608483

>ad hom
>you're emotional
>you're blogposting
even more pathetic
it seems that every smart linkie has fucked off for good, all that remains now are literal mouthbreathing retards

>> No.58608490

Brother got his quotes mixed up trying to samefag too hard

>> No.58608499
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>> No.58608506

wow yeah that definitely proves you didn't phonepost or anything

>> No.58608511

wow yeah everyone who doesn't agree with you is the same person dude!
you're embarrassing yourself further with each new post

>> No.58608533

Just to drive this stupid xrp tier conspiracy fag into the ground further:

I guarantee you haven’t used you’re gay “proof” at all. Have you sold BTC, let alone shorted it eith leverage every time LINK makes an announcement? The odds are clearly very good according to you.

Whats that? You haven’t. Okay, fuck off then. You know its a load of shit too, obviously.

Whats more: you’re conviction in LINK hinges upon this alone it seems. The thread that keeps you holding. Your faggy conspiracy.
You think “if these overlords iluminati investors are suppressing BTc for LiNk i gotta hold and buy!!” - the same conspiracy and proof you wont risk shorting BTc with?

That firmly places it into the realm of confirmation bias, even on your own terms. Fucking retard.

Most certainly it is as i said, a pathetic marketing strategy within Chainlink to release news when BTC spikes or looks like it will. That, again, shows some internal dissatisfaction with the token internally imo.

Workers who started in 2020 have vested shares for 4 years and have LOST money on their bonus shares. LOL. Clearly its showing internal dissatisfaction

>> No.58608536

Let it all out, princess.
There there.

>> No.58608543

People who invested in LINK in 2018 did get rich becsuse LINK did a 100x in the last bull run. I don't know who's still buying and holding that shit now that the real gains have been made. I suspect the real oldfags have long left /biz/

>> No.58608545

>huuurrr not reading all that
bro...just stick to reposting your BTC collages, ok?
this is beyond pathetic

>> No.58608547

You're same stupid cunt in every thread.

>> No.58608552

he has the same posting style in every thread, too

>> No.58608579

Why are you so unhinged and emotional fuddie chuddie? You're only gaslighting yourself. BTC dumps whenever LINK gets good news. It is a FACT.

are you going to cry whilst typing out another blogpost?

>> No.58608580

I seriously think there are maybe like 2, or 3 at most people on here left that defend Chainlink or have positive views about it.
These faggot posting his BTC folder is one or the two or three.

>> No.58608586

>you're unhinged
>you're emotional
>ad homs
>you're gaslighting
>my mythical conspiracy is a FACT "all caps"
holy cope

>> No.58608598

You get called princess on here a lot, do you?

>> No.58608599

He’s probably the same fag that spammed about Eric Schmidt for a long time. He’s quit that one now if you notice lol. Why? Because it turned out to be meaningless.
The fact LINK has/had so much going for it and still performs this way is so hard for him to reconcile in his head as bad management and economics, that he has basically fully fledge fallen into this BTc dump
Conspiracy now. Its all he ever posts

>> No.58608601

>there are maybe like 2, or 3 at most people on here left that defend Chainlink
Yeah, us and Swift, Euroclear, DTCC, 90% of crypto, …

>> No.58608616

Nobody and I mean NOBODY has yet refuted this fact. No, your boring, emotional, insult-ridden dissertations aren't refutations, fuddie chuddie.

You are still an emotional mess. That's what being brown, third world illiterate chuds does to you, I guess.

>> No.58608619

Show me how this has helped the price since 2020?
You’re normal reaction is posting a few of your BTc conspiracy pictures

>> No.58608622

If link doesn’t hit at least $100 by EOY I’m going to Walgreens to take the Covid vaccine.

>> No.58608626

>it's a fact because I say so and because I use CAPS to emphasize
ok retard

>> No.58608627

No nigger. Plenty of people have. You are a final holdout with this shit. Stop changing IDs.

You wont accept any logic or rational explanation like what was spoonfed in this thread. Just because you are a lunatic doesn’t mean there isnt a rational and logical answer which you have ben given.

Just because you wont accept anything less than conspiracy doesn’t make it fact retard

>> No.58608631

Doesn’t change what I said.
Markets behave retardedly, it happens.

>> No.58608643

>Swift, DTCC, blah, durr, derp, ...
oh there's the other prominent shiller, he always does that fucking thing as well so it's easy to spot him

>> No.58608647

Markets are efficient dumbcunt. If any of that shit was legit it would be priced in an instant. The fact that it's not shows how it's all bullshit trials where they want you to believe it's going to happen.

>> No.58608648

Its the same exact person as the BTC conspiracy faggot. Thats him too.

>> No.58608654
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Look at this retard with his massive effort posts that nobody gives a shit about.
Are you sore that you lost all your money gambling on shitcoins?

>> No.58608655

>If any of that shit was legit

Yeah sure, they’re lying haha

>> No.58608657
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>> No.58608660

I’ve never bothered with anything but ETH BTC and LINK.
I’m very critical of Chainlink exactly because i actually invested in it rather than gamble on shitcoins, and it’s performed like shit for years.

That’s enough to bother anyone

>> No.58608662
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>> No.58608664

He probably bought APU and lost all his money. Now his only outlet is entering link threads and typing a paragraph on why he can’t afford his transition surgery anymore

Truly bizarre behavior

>> No.58608667

God why have you changed IDs like 5 times now?
This is so pathetic. Years ago the fudders used to have to change IDs now its the few fucking shillers and sergey dick riders left who are forced to. What a twist

>> No.58608669
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>> No.58608671

It's the same few faggots posting. I haven't read a single level headed rebuttal the past few months or anything for the fact to make me bullish. >>58608655
It's trials are POC's mate. They do one every year. What's legit would be then actually using Chainlink, which they aren't.

>> No.58608672

>you're effortposting haha
>nobody cares lol!
>he's a poorfag haha lol
kek, like I said, only the dumbest fucking morons are still posting in link threads these days, utterly amazing

>> No.58608677
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>> No.58608681
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kek pic was two days later.
They dropped Bitcoin below 30k the second that video was posted.

>> No.58608682

Is it also just a coincidence that your id keeps changing?

>> No.58608685
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>> No.58608689

thank you for reposting those ancient collages dude, I have completely forgot about them!

>> No.58608691

>still has to respond to every post in a link thread
>”no guys I’m actually based!!!”

Maybe if you spent more time watching charts instead of posting in link threads you wouldn’t be poor

>> No.58608694

>It's trials are POC's mate
And no crypto has anything close.

>> No.58608695
File: 269 KB, 1241x1135, IMG_0026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds. or better yet kys

>> No.58608698

He’s changed his ID so much on his mobile device he cant even post from the old ones anymore lol. I love how obviously this xrp tier conspiracy faggot is getting exposed right now lmao, even down to samefagging like crazy

>> No.58608702
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>> No.58608703
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ok what now?

>> No.58608704

The former defenders probably sold. Now it's just retard bullposters. I miss the high quality debates unironically. That's the only reason I enter these threads to see if they will re-emerge. But to my disappointment it's the same stupid cunts in every thread making me more bearish. Lucky I only have a small % of my folio otherwise I'd be really pissed.

>> No.58608709
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I bet pic was you

>> No.58608710
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>> No.58608714
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>> No.58608717

Same. I reduced to a suicide stack over the past months.
Suicide stack like back in the day, thats it.
Even that feels like being too generous now.
I spent the money on my business and leave it in BTC instead.

>> No.58608724
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>> No.58608723

that must be the most hilarious of them all
>Chainlink releases Keepers, a major new mainnet feature
my sides
that one's also great, because like 2 weeks later LINK had the most parabolic rise to date

>> No.58608730

Okay I bought in 2018 and took profits 2020, what now? Been buying since 2022 bear

Can’t wait to here the cope on how if I bought nvidia then I would be a billionaire.

>> No.58608729
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>> No.58608733

I dont see anyone refuting the facts, just seething third world transplants angrily typing into the void (hint: its because you cannot refute them)

You must be disabled as well. This has always been a LINK board, long before you top-buying poor shitstains came around to spread your malicious, incoherent drivel because you cant face the reality of the situation: that you bought the top with your laughable savings and you're yet to recover from such an humiliating situation. And to top it off, you did not get into the staking pool either. So you lash out at your imaginary enemies that "switch IPs" (projection) because you cannot stomach the thought of being the top buying retards that got dumped on.

Now seethe quietly in the corner while you "uncover" id-switchers kek

These chuddie fuddies I swear lmao

>> No.58608735

Ah yes "the cabal". Anything alluding to such things is a low effort, low iq attempt at explaining such thing. It's a simple catch all reversion, "the cabal dumped BTC" that explains it. Fkn dumb shit. I can't believe I fell for this shit, but you live and learn.

>> No.58608738
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>> No.58608741

Y-yyyooouu bought the top!!!

I bought at 15c stupid cunt kys.

>> No.58608743
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>> No.58608746

>to here
ok not to be that guy but how the fuck do you even make that typo?
unless...you're another phoneposter??
what facts bro? your cherry picked 1m charts are
what about the fact that staking as described in WPs 1 and 2 is nowhere to be seen after 7 years?
any rebuttals? any refutations?

>> No.58608748
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>> No.58608756
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>> No.58608764
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Nogger i been here longer than you I guarantee it. I got into BTC in 2015, this is my first transaction on Coinbase when it launched in my country. I bought link in march 2018 for the first time.

You cannot comprehend you are just a fucking idiot xrp tier conspiracy faggot.

>> No.58608766
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>> No.58608771
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>> No.58608780
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>> No.58608785
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>only the dumbest fucking morons are still posting in link threads these days
>Posts 5 new Link fud threads every day and writes a blog post


>> No.58608790
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>> No.58608793
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>i been here longer than you

And yet after all this time you haven't noticed an extremely predictable pattern happening.

>> No.58608795
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>> No.58608801

You sure did little man.
See? Emotional chuddies. You may as well be women.

Listen here fat: BTC dumps the minute LINK gets any sort of good news. That is the fact.

>he says he bought btc in 2015
>still hasnt made it
You are in shambles. You have only yourself to blame. And for good reason.
Let me guess, its sergeys "fault" you didnt make it, right? Kek I thought I had seen it all but damn what a sad sight

>> No.58608806
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>> No.58608810

No you fucking idiot. I have learned what it actually RATIONALLY is over the YEARS. You fucking conspiracy lunatic.

>> No.58608812
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kek fuddies
>don't believe the countless examples of this phenomenon happening. believe me instead!
lmao no


>> No.58608815

Chainlink baggies are mentally ill.

It's been 7 years.

>> No.58608816
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>i-it's not predictable!!

>> No.58608822

I’m doing fine for myself anon. I consolidated back to BTC, cashed out enough to move to Japan about 5 years ago and didn’t have to work for a good 4 years, at which point i invested into my own business which i’m doing now.

>> No.58608831

Id be willing to believe this if it didn’t happen literally every single time without fail

>> No.58608832

unfortunately, this

>> No.58608850

Rational actual explanation has been posted. Just because it doesn’t say “the iluminati and conspiring against you and you just gotta hold until they wear out” doesn’t mean it isn’t the actual fact retard.

YOU wont accept anything less then your confirmation bias conspiracy(chainlink must have made close to 10k announcements over the years now, but you only share the handful of confirmation bias shots with your minute and hour charts), but that doesn’t mean you are correct. It means you are a conspiracy nut who isn’t interested in actual rational discussion

>> No.58608871

Funny how quiet fuddies got when you posted these.

>its a concidence!!!!

>> No.58608879
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>i-it's just a coincidence!

>> No.58608884

>It means you are a conspiracy nut who isn’t interested in actual rational discussion
welcome to 4chan you stupid retard

>> No.58608895

See? You are, as I said, in shambles. No need to lie about having "made it", you are transparent. All your posts in this thread are loaded with insults, what ifs, and denial of reality. Some of your posts are worded exactly as other current FUD threads in the catalog. And nobody who has made it ever wants to talk or even spend energy about their "bad bets".

Your mimicry is pathetic and apparent. You really are a third world parasite, as your posting style betrays your message.

These fuddie chuddies are worthy of dissection and study.

>> No.58608913

You don't understand, if he whines hard enough on here for years and years, then Sergey HAS to listen to his demands!

>> No.58608930

>These fuddie chuddies are worthy of dissection and study.

You are not caucasian.

>> No.58608932

>conspiracy nut aka someone you disagree with but resort to name-calling because you're not eloquent enough to express your argument properly
it's all so tiresome

>> No.58608973

you're absolutely right, that guy is not nearly as eloquent as his debaters are ITT
what a hopeless hypocrite you are

>> No.58609132

that part isn't a coincidence kek

>> No.58609137
File: 2.03 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot. I rarely post here anymore, but whenever i do YOU ARE ALWAYS HERE. You just cannot fathom, due to being a retard bagholder that multiple people can come to similar conclusions and opinions after YEARS. Just like in the early days lots of different people came to similar conclusions and bought.
A rational and coherent explanation for the BTc conspiracy has been offered in this thread. Just because it doesn’t match your own conspiracy doesn’t mean none have been given. You’re such a faggot.

No im not lying. My id probably changed as i was driving home and im back now. Is calling me a liar and refusing to believe me a condition to keep your bagholder narrative alive? Pic related my futon dryer which was in use while i was out

>> No.58609388

Absolutely seething

>> No.58609833

Checked and boomerpilled

>> No.58610114

i treat my money on link as already lost.

i will either be proven right or be pleasantly surprised

>> No.58610173

premium kek.i sold my like for Nai some time back. just had to let it go for something more promising

>> No.58610819

The fact people are talking every day on here about capitulating their positions makes me bullish. Also the fact bull posting has all but died.

Reminder, there are 60 million tokens left to be dispersed before the project is forced to sink or swim. That's a drop in the bucket and probably happens by the end of 2025 if not sooner. So the time to make a bet on link is soon, you should either be short or all in.

>> No.58610830

Sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.58611102

Did you lose your pvt key?

>> No.58611405

so you admit to having a masturbation addiction?
how much link do you own?
fuddies were wrong about SWIFT, CCIP, and more.
btw the pool's closed and 4 chan has a "filter" feature you can use to filter link threads from your catalog.

>> No.58611415

damn what was the price before 2020?
check the on chain actvity.
I hold link to hurt (you)

>> No.58611452

>fuddies were wrong about SWIFT, CCIP, and more.
and yet the one metric that matters (price) remains insanely bearish and cucked. We are down 90 percent against btc and have made zero meaningful gains in years. link's mcap is continually mogged by xrp and cardano.

>> No.58611509

A proof of concept did not increase the value of a coin that gets its value from transaction fees! Shocker! It's almost like the coin is set up to scale and we are still in the testing phase.
>inb4 testing phase for so long
Has their been any hacks? No, ok then.

>> No.58611510

Damn, and here I am, getting another presale in shrl, all the while some are stuck in a time loop kek

>> No.58611520

awesome, cant wait for the testing phase to end in 2124, maybe the company will have the 10,000 employees it needs to function properly at that point. HODL!!!!!

>> No.58611572

Ok? I will simply hold till then and watch as my eventual children or grandchildren inherit that link. I already have the book written for them on how it works and what to do with it if anything were to happen to me. Now what? It's not like I need the money now. Would it be nice? Of course, but I have more than enough to get by. Sorry I'm not impatient like you. I know what I hold and I'm never selling or taking my link out of the pool.

>> No.58611604

You're absolutely correct sghvv
just 2 more weeks.

>> No.58612451

People maybe even you have bern saying this since 2020. Lmao

>> No.58612690

Let the linktards hold onto their glory days, it makes them seem more pathetic and fun to pick on.

>> No.58613557
File: 67 KB, 380x349, 2c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a home and harley with my link gains Im pretty happy in my 30's. still have 1k left over

>> No.58614256

duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude you just don't understand how le HECKIN bullish my EXPERIMENT is!!!!! You just wait, once the banking world writes new REGULATIONS, everyone will finally understand how heckin GENIUS I am!!!

>> No.58614270

>ctrl+f XRP
>7 results

whats wrong with the link cultists always compare themselves to XRP? XRP has connections to the bigger things unlike this ERC-20 drawer company tax-haven coin from last decade

what you are doing is that you are just a cult which leader is same shirt wearing russian conman.

>> No.58614704

Well, I'm still holding some but I'll be selling it for HYD once it goes live because I'll definitely make some huge profits from that instead of holding some old coins that has refused to pump

>> No.58615174

The first rule of the game is to never stay married to your bag
If this project can pull off the monetizing platform that it's building for web2 users, then it should be among the best projects in this cycle

>> No.58615458
File: 50 KB, 579x530, 1697228977246374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the fudmaxx pill. We must use the elites strategy of creating order from chaos, in order to push link to the direction we want (up) we must first present it with its antithesis (down). We must fud out all the moonboys and cause mass outrage with chainlink labs, their employees must be publicly shamed, they must be publicsly known as a scam, the link token must visit the metaphorical hell and trade at negative prices, only then can the pendulum swing and the price ascend.
>t. Bought at 0.20 and have been fudding ever since

>> No.58615677

>damn what was the price before 2020?
of Link or Bitcoin? Or should we do Amazon from 1996 as well? How far back does your time machine go

>> No.58617926

Piece of shit!

>> No.58617941

Unreal, I found this out last weekend that there are people still holding link, it boggled my mind

>> No.58617942

and they keep making threads. what does it take to make it stop? maybe don't post it I guess. Weird complain to post the thing that you hate

>> No.58617968


>> No.58618304

I've only been fren posting and effort posting since 2018