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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58607782 No.58607782 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58607786

he has been predicting it for MANY years now
the crash might happen today, nvidia split mark the end of this cycle

>> No.58607787

"We"? I don't hold fiat.

>> No.58607788

The "bubble" is hyperinflationary money printing, which causes asset prices to go up, not down.

>> No.58607795

you silly retards
they want you to sink your money away into nonsense so you wont use it IRL

you buying bag reduces money velocity, and allows them to print money that has value yo buy IRL commodities

>> No.58607818

Once in a lifetime my ass. Seems like the only thing that's been once in a life time is a good economy. These fuckers better be prepared if the economy does collapse because of their bullshit.

>> No.58607840
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You are all gullible retards.

>> No.58607932

oh no not le heckin econopissed

>> No.58608245

But where will they go? Surely not the dollar it only gets more worthless by the day. Even if there is a crash people will just put their money back in the stock market.

>> No.58608268

Haha it's ok, I hold GME

>> No.58610168

it's over

>> No.58610179

He's been wrong on every one of his predictions for 30 years. Whatever he says, do the inverse.

>> No.58610221

This, but only up in nominal terms. In real terms everybody loses.

Study the Weimar hyperinflation. Dont be one of the idiots who sell off assets just because they are priced high in nominal terms. A million dollars for your used Toyota might sound tempting, but a few months later that same million would buy them a loaf of bread

>> No.58610222
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>> No.58610265
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>> No.58610304

Any time you click on a channel and it's the same doom porn thumbnail over and over, you know it's going to be a waste of time.

>> No.58610389
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Derivatives market is gonna go down.

Remember when GME ran and berkshire hit 185?

There's your fucking answer. It's all being pumped by Cubic Zirconia.

Yes Niggers, this is a public service announcement.

>> No.58610412
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>> No.58610691

Boy I hope it will finally happens

>> No.58611240

no we're not. everything points to us being fucked yes. but they somehow figured out a way to delay the fuckening forever. the motherfuckers did it, they made the old adage that "this time it's different" come true for real this time.

>> No.58611296

>constant 40k to 70k views
What sort of ""person"" watches this every day?

>> No.58611421

GME is going to flip BRK A

>> No.58611434

glowniggers doing market research

>> No.58611496


>> No.58611503

this one is my favorite
absolute derangement

>> No.58611508


>> No.58611514

Guess getting shrl might be my last possibilty of clearing some gains out before we all burn

>> No.58611628

We're in an inflationary depression. Get used to it chuds. Number goes up but your life gets worse.

>> No.58612706

my life is getting better

>> No.58612718

Catastrophic loss of money lost in the market? Lots of crypto selling.
Big bang bosh, double nigger.

>> No.58612782

If the stock market were to crash, why would BTC also crash?
If people keep money in the stock market, it's not like that NEED it to be super liquid, so why would that market tanking result in money being pulled out of BTC?

>> No.58612817

I used to watch this guy sometimes. I was consuming doomer content during COVID don't judge me

>> No.58612819

Nigger you are catastrophically delusional if you think there's even a chance crypto wouldn't crash while the stock market does

>> No.58612825

I understand that they tend to move together, but I want to understand why. Is it purely fear driven? That doesn't make sense.

>> No.58613041

It got popular during covid and now there are dedicated channels selling you doom.

>> No.58613048

unironically i have been hearing this nigger talk about "extreme deflation" (i.e. crash) since 2013.

>> No.58613049

>If the stock market were to crash, why would BTC also crash?
Both markets are manipulated if you haven't figured it out by now.

>> No.58613065

Why would it crash though? We're in the midst of a new paradigm

>> No.58613384
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>he thinks only fiat will be affected

>> No.58613430

We're going to get it one way or the other because i said so.

Your economy is tanked and dead. I'm circling you and eventually im going to rip you to pieces.

I'm going to shoot you in the head.

You think you're being clever playing stupid games and yet you haven't changed shit.

You go right ahead and run around in circles in your lucid state, where your own psychological warfare has made you so useless you are redundant.

You are going to be slaughtered and that's a good thing.

>> No.58613439
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>Another old fuck says that this year will be the year when we will all become poor (again)
this is already repetitive, it's like shooting into the sky a bunch of times and waiting for the bullet to hit a bird, and then saying you have a hawk eye for it, just keep holding your bags like always dude, I still have my $kendu and haven't had a problem for months now

>> No.58613493

this absolute nigger called an 80% crash on some youtube channel in 2023 and said he would fuck off if it didnt happen, hes obviously not a man of his word

>> No.58613820

>The "bubble" is hyperinflationary money printing, which causes asset prices to go up, not down.
this is simply the case.
the general public is being lied to at volume 100% in every financial discussion on every outlet 24x7.
my democrat "friends" are literally frothing at the mouth that all inflation is just profiteering companies lmfao.
i hate them.

>> No.58613828


They will never allow that, you should know this.
I even hold Gme. It’s not gonna happen.

>> No.58613958

I literally all inned yesterday on bitcoin, this piece of shit better be wrong

>> No.58613984

>Harry Dent

Did he say the chances were a coin flip?

>> No.58614003
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Haha, hehehe, ohohohohohoo




Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeye omg

>> No.58614149

Don't worry, Batman will put a stop to his fearmongering

>> No.58614537
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Reminds me of

>> No.58614548

Whenever I see news like this, I'm always bullish, so I know that now is the time to increase my alt holdings with the likes of KAS, RIO and NAI

>> No.58614777

Who fucking cares anymore, let the world burn it doesn’t matter

>> No.58614798

Man, the movies gonna be good

>> No.58615088

I'm also buying NAI seeing that it just bottomed out and its utilities are growing fast

>> No.58615110

what a twofaced cunt

>> No.58615333
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>(((Fox Business)))

Going to buy some more btc today. Might as well buy a bit more super, bnb and kas while im at it. These threads make me hungry.

>> No.58616658

I like the Canadian Prepper myself

>> No.58617266

Bullish as fk

>> No.58617308

me too

>> No.58617327

Two weeks?

>> No.58617338

They've been saying this since Trump was in office. This is just FUD to get people to sell and firms to buy up the stock on the cheap. Honestly I'd welcome a crash because that means it's going to be like March 2020 all over again but this time you got the chance to 100x your money.

>> No.58617375

close. his son said it. this guy doesn't have any major role

>> No.58617568

I wonder how many of his viewers watch it ironically just for the comfy schizo doomer rants. I think I'll give it a try as well.
This guy on the other hand looks like a fucking tool.
I would guess it isn't the same 40K viewers each time. He probably gets suggested by the algorithm to random males and maybe there is always a batch of 40K people getting click baited.
I think there will be a correction, but at worst we will hit the low of 2020. I don't think there will be another 2008. They will just keep smearing the shit economy through future decades while shoveling in immigrants. The real fall will happen after our lifetimes when the US will be 60% Hispanic.

>> No.58617960
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>throw a lazy speculation, general speculation everyone could make
>wait for it to happen
>omg i was right bros give me points for this im so smart
even retards still buying hottie and doing credmaxxing on shitcoins are smarter than these indian tier faggots, imagine unironically listening to this guy ramble on and on about things a gradeschooler could predict