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58607129 No.58607129 [Reply] [Original]

I recently inherited some money from my grandfather and I’m looking to invest it wisely. I’ve been reading up on altcoins but there’s so much info out there, it's overwhelming. Any suggestions on where to start?

>> No.58607135


>> No.58607145
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I recently inherited 5 mansions and a vineyard from my jewish great grandfather called Moshe

I am looking to liquidate these assets and put everything in a crypto shitcoin, the problem is I am a complete retard and cannot read, so whitepapers are impossible (in fact it is better if the coin has no whitepaper at all)

what I'm saying is, this is an excuse for you to shill shitcoins while I also spam the thread on proxies with my own bags

please type "based great-uncle Moshe" if you agree

>> No.58607153

Just DCA the following tickers: BTC, BCH, XMR, KAS, TON. You can thank me latter

>> No.58607231

Go for L1s; you have a higher chance of not blowing away your inheritance.

>> No.58607272

Here comes another rich shitty anon

>> No.58607286
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>> No.58607292

Sadly none are quantum resistant

>> No.58607314

Name one (1) that has been exploited by a quantum-resistance-related vulnerability then

>> No.58607329


>> No.58607381

I will go all into BTC

>> No.58607388

TON memecoins all the way

>> No.58607408

Quantum computers capable of breaking the crypto elliptic curve do not exist yet, but it looks like they might be closing in faster than expected, especially with IBM condor having been introduced a few months ago.

>> No.58607427

DOT has maxed out already, I dumped it few days ago, the other two looks good though

>> No.58607447

I wish I had a rich dad

>> No.58607450

Anyone still buying this shit called LINK

>> No.58607462
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So we are fucked when QCT hits

>> No.58607474

Its my biggest bag, fuck off pajeet

>> No.58607576

There are quantum resistant blockchains already

>> No.58607613

I was waiting for NOTCOIN retracement, that fucking meme is the next PEPE

>> No.58607622

Most especially blockchains that allows coding in any programming language

>> No.58607653

Wen new ATH

>> No.58607667

ALGO and QAN are the only one for now I guess, I'm wondering when ETH will take the lead on this too

>> No.58607676

>want to invest wisely
>come to 4chan and ask retards with no money how to invest in shitcoins

>> No.58607682

QVM is a game changer

>> No.58607726

Biz called good altcoins in the past, you just need to DYOR and be smart

>> No.58607728

how are you jewish and you can't read. reading is like all jews do. financially speaking.

>> No.58607738

Vitalik dont care, and it might be too late when they realize the threat coming

>> No.58607753
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just get BTC and some boomer index shit like VOO so you dont fuck it up

>> No.58607758

Coding SM in any programming language will definitely come in handy because not many developers know how to code on Solidity.

>> No.58607771

I was in the same shoes as you 6 months ago, invest in bitcoin, altseason won't come till next year. I already lost 70k chasing altcoins, I want to end myself for wasting my inheritance like that. Don't put all your money in one go, read up more on support levels and put 1/5 each time a support level is reached, if it goes up always take profits, if it goes down buy more whenever another support level is reached. When altseason comes rotate some of your bitcoin holdings into ETH and a small amount of your portfolio onto riskier alts.

>> No.58607777
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>> No.58607802

In the next few months this will be the next trend

>> No.58607841

EVM I can't stand a chance, but it's good to see blockchain technology improve so much in just a few years. Hopefully soon, over 20 million developers will be on boarded in the crypto space.

>> No.58607905

Not all L1a are good investments. I picked some midcaps such as Tara and QAN. Tech is top-notch and prices will fly up soon

>> No.58607919


Instead of investing into altcoins, use the inheritance to pay for a braphog to sit on your face 24/7

>> No.58607924

You should ape into USDC and USDT.

>> No.58607949

Avax is safe play

>> No.58607968

Dot gives way too high rewards for staking and people are dumping constantly. The rest should be a good play
Fuck off

>> No.58608051

Agree, they are ready for it. Vitalik still thinks a small fork will fix the problem

>> No.58608164

You mean Base memecoins

>> No.58608330


>> No.58608362

Agree on. It will be in top 50

>> No.58608474

I wouldn't say months. In the next year will be the main narrative

>> No.58608607

Do some research on AI tokens. It will make the biggest gains this year

>> No.58608629

All in QAN

>> No.58608653

It's so simple, dig in into OCEAN and AOIZ

>> No.58608686

Split between ETH and LINK.

>> No.58608745

I am already 20% into that. I think I am good

>> No.58608803

Altcoins could be a risky play. Why not BTC?

>> No.58608869
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when moon?

>> No.58608918

You are good, wagmi

>> No.58608953
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If it's good for EU, it's good for me too

>> No.58608971

NVIDIA is a better pick than BTC

>> No.58608989

TON is overhyped. What are you expecting from it?

>> No.58609035

IBM too

>> No.58609057

I have inside info! Tsuka is next doge

>> No.58609098

All in with 128 Jun 21 (28 if you're still slightly sane) GME calls.
When the time comes, sell to exercise.

>> No.58609106

I wish it crashes so I can buy a telegram phone number for cheaper. But whenever I want something to crash it just goes higher and higher. Why do you consider it over hyped?

>> No.58609147

Quantum security projects and AI will rule in this market

>> No.58610135

one advice. dont gamble on memes else you will be needing another grandfather to get back on your feet again.

>> No.58610187

don't know much about Q A projects but AI for sure will continue to grow. with the likes of INJ and NAi

>> No.58610218

Are airdrops on Injective still a thing?

>> No.58610270

AI and DePIN will be a winning combo in this cycle. Auki launch and airdrop is gonna be massive

>> No.58610397

Hydro and KLM are also considered good picks

>> No.58610423


>> No.58610575
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honkler and apu are great places to start, then there's hottie and if you're looking for something more along the lines of the mid to long-term investment i would plainly recomend you to grab btc and eth since those are far more likely to sustain your wealth without losing anything really, it depends on if you're looking for a quick gain or a more sustained one

choose yourself

>> No.58610608


>> No.58611477
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based great-uncle moshe