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582368 No.582368 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.582380

I'm buying $BAS - it's been taken to the woodshed because of low oil prices, but there is a divergence starting to form over the last couple of days. For today, Oil down, BAS up 8%.

>> No.582383

RUSS is unstoppable. WHY?

>> No.582407

Because U.S.-Russian tension is building, especially after Congress just passed that bill allowing lethal aid to Ukraine and new sanctions on Russia

>> No.582431


>> No.582451


>> No.582491

Short DWTI until oil hits $45-$50, wait for it to rebound and buy UWTI and hope oil goes up.

>> No.582507


Its pegged to the ruble, have you looked at the ruble lately? Its being destroyed.

>> No.582521

UWTI has great potential

>> No.582524

Ruble has no chance to recover any time soon. it's still gonna be climbing with no doubt?

>> No.582530


It's not pegged to the Ruble directly. It's directly pegged to the Market Vectors Russia Index.

It has more to do with political instability than the Ruble, IMO.

I'll close my position on RUSS the minute Putin announces a compromise in Ukraine. At that point, sanctions will likely be lifted and the Russian stock market will rebound.

Until then, I'm holding the fuck out of this.

Got like 40% returns already.

>> No.582534

>I'll close my position on RUSS the minute Putin announces a compromise in Ukraine.
That's what I mean, he is not going to wake up anytime soon and loosen up with west.

>> No.582548

I don't know about that. Sergey Lavrov said today that Russia would be willing to compromise if the Ukrainian constitution was re-written to allow the eastern regions more autonomy.

Seems like that's something that both parties will be willing to come together on.

I'll probably only hold this for another week or two, then I'll move my funds into UWTI for dem dere oil gains.

I never wanted to e a "day trader" and I still don't consider myself one, but fuck, this is fun.

>> No.582557

RUSS just broke $48.

Opened trading at $36 today. Hello 32% daily return, nice to meet you.

>> No.582560

It would be political suicide for Putin to soften up on Ukraine now though

when did lavrov say that?

>> No.582562

Yesterday during his meeting with Kerry in Rome.

I don't think it'd be as bad as you'd think. Putin has developed this cult of personality where he can do pretty much no wrong in the eyes of his people. All it'd take for him to save face is to say that he made a compromise that allows him to exert influence on eastern ukraine while saving the Russian economy.

It's no secret that the economy is going to shit in Russia. People there just think that the West is trying to destroy Russia just for fun.

>> No.582565

if you don't consider yourself a "a day trader".
Is it may be you only own few stocks that allow you to read up on to be more confident?

>> No.582567

I don't follow any stocks at all. That seems beyond my breadth of knowledge.

I have a degree in economics, so I have some understanding of macroeconomic trends. I try to take advanatage of these trends by investing in ETFs for sector/systematic trends and ETNs for commodity trends.

>> No.582569

I guess Putin is losing too much money.

But will the Saudis also agree to whatever agreement is reached?

This shit is so confusing I can't tell if the Saudis are working with the US interests against Russia, or against US shale.

>> No.582579

The U.S. is incentivizing the Saudis to do what they're doing by pumping out lots of Shale.

Once the U.S. stops providing such a huge supply of a substitute to Saudi oil, the price of Saudi oil will go up and the overall market price will go up.

The Saudis aren't just pumping out shit loads of oil to fuck up Iran and Russia. I don't think that'd make economic sense for them unless the U.S. was pumping out such huge fucking amounts of Shale.

>> No.582608

You obsessively found RUSS. HOW?

>> No.582609

Search russian leveraged inverse etf. It'll be like the first result on google.

>> No.582618

i see because it's still in your interest you were able catch it.

following trends aren't easy.

>> No.582632

I just wish I had bought in at like $10 back in October.

I entered at $33

>> No.582645

why UWTI?

>> No.582652

I'm thinking of getting in on USO right now: It's at the lowest it's ever been.

Think I should wait until tomorrow or buy in now?

>> No.582658


picked up some slb

>> No.582664

Gunna double up on SPXL at the end of this week. This SPX dip isn't gunna last long.

Gunna be making some sick returns for the next month or three.

>> No.582679

Putin himself and many Russian politicians said: even if the sanctions get lifted, the bridges have been burned for the most part, and the new contracts with Asian and Middle-Eastern partners will not be broken. Western people pretty much lost the market to the east and Russians are principled people.

So, ruble will not stabilise, in fact, it's '98 all over again. I'm pretty sure ruble will keep diving down and I think there is a chance that a new currency might be introduced (but that's highly unlikely).

>> No.582681

Wait a week. Its gone down %5 just today so yeah

>> No.582684

>the new contracts with Asian and Middle-Eastern partners will not be broken

But then Russia would have to move Moscow to the East.

>principled people
More like stubborn, stupid people.

>> No.582687

what if sanctions get lifted and oil prices make a come back.

>> No.582697

Oil prices will keep going down, unless the conflict in Ukraine escalates even further. (Or somewhere else where USA will see profit in interfering) So, I'm pretty sure there will be a shit ton of provocations and more info wars to follow to get the engine started.

>> No.582699

Why does AAPL keep dropping guys?

>> No.582700

Who knows.

AAPL is such a glamour stock that there is probably little to no logic behind any of the price swings.

>> No.582701

BLACKBERRY bbry. set to announce REPORT this friday.

>> No.582705

Oil going down in price actually makes sense, because that would mean the military is buying a SHIT TON of oil right now as preparation for possible future conflict.

But I'm just guessing.

>> No.582706

>oil going down means the military is buying a lot


>> No.582708

At current price.

>> No.582710

buy after report or before?

>> No.582712

.....Yeah, but the military doesn't control, or even have an effect on, the price of oil

I fail to see your logic.

>> No.582718

I'm looking to get into the stock market. I have no experience whatsoever. I've learned a bit about it but not enough to where I feel comfortable to trade with confidence. Are there any guides, tips, general things to help me get going that you guys could suggest?

>> No.582719

Start with a practice account on etoro or something.

>> No.583349

Is it happening /biz/ (christmas-crash)?

>> No.583479
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Wtf is going on here (bid/ask)?

>> No.583494

what makes you ask?

>> No.583497

Last few trading days/weeks

>> No.583538

Definitley a crash faggot pull everything out or lose it all

>> No.583544

Will do, thanks!

>> No.583654

I've started an automatic stock screener by taking raw analysis from finviz and straight into excel. Is this the best way to go about this? What in particular should I be looking for in my analysis apart from the usual?

>> No.583713

NVGN at close.

Repeat of Feb 2013

Will jump again tomorrow before crashing.

>> No.583717


>> No.583806

what's the symbol for that?

also I have a question-
I was looking up triangle petro online and it said investor owned 101%
what does that mean? They owe money to investors?

>> No.584294

What is the cause of rock things like that? Did there used to be water there?

>> No.584413


>> No.584682
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Tip Toppity Kek

Stay pleb my friend

>> No.584727

Got Emerald Oil (EOX) this morning, up 11% so far

>> No.584742
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>> No.584744

That's fun.

Reminds me of the dude who I told to sell his RUSS after buying in at $56.08.

I don't think his accounts looking to good right noq.

>> No.584748

up 14% today, aww yiss

>> No.584758


Originally a volcano. Then, the outside soft rock wore down faster than the hardened magma.

>> No.584771

USO and Z are going to both be up 60% in 6 months

>> No.584781
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What is the Zillow play?

>> No.584784

Buy in now. Wait till hits 200 a share then dump it

>> No.584786

I was trying to ask WHY it would go up

>> No.584823

is oil coming back was thinking on buying TMPL?

>> No.584839


> Z up 60% in 6 months
> kek

The company has a price/sales multiple of 13-14, struggles to make a profit, forward PE of over 100, merged with an equally shit company, run by Manlet Jew who has dumped over $50 million worth of shares without 1 buy.

Its an insider liquidation fund. Executives use the stock as their own personal piggy bank, methodically dumping it with the frothing market-wide euphoria towards dogshit.

Its been the ultimate momo play last summer but highly doubt it ever goes to $200. It an outright ponzi and their business model of paid advertising and move into mobile is a bunch of hot air. It bet my shriveled nutsack its $65 or lower in the next 6 months

>> No.584859

Answer up bitches

>> No.584879

What does your "usual" analysis consist of?

>> No.584890

P/E ratios, dividends, price, insider trading (too little or too much), past performance (particularly after 2008 during the bear), sector, profit ratios, capital, competition, debt ratios and finally pulling up the 8k and 10q.

>> No.584898

Oil is having a slight green correction right now, will be heading back down within a day or two IMO.

>> No.584902

Only a retard would be buying/selling on a day like today

>> No.584912

Good day for trading, bad day for taking up positions.

>> No.584916

Everything except an opinion on the future, which is responsible for 100% of share performance

Good luck to you regardless

>> No.584922

>What are 8Ks and 10Qs?

Do you know absolutely nothing?

>> No.584983

>not moving all of your funds into SPXL

An uptrend has been established. October Dip 2.0 is over. It's like you guys don't even want returns.

>> No.585072

If you have insider info buy before.
If you have no info, look at rumours and what others say and buy the day before if overall "news buzz" is positive.
If you buy after report you miss out on all daily profits cause reports are usually released when markets clised

>> No.585077

If you want to gamble and are too lazy to take real advice and due your own due diligence, here's a few things you can try.

Go on a stock screener like Finviz, and screen for stocks with less than $1 price and relative volume over 2. Look at the daily. Buy in the direction of the move that day. Gaps are the best bet.

Or search for cheap BioTech stocks without any drugs on the market. They aren't going to have good fundamentals because they are spending it all in development with no drugs on the market yet to generate sales. Make sure they have at least 50 employees so they aren't complete shit. Look on their website for drugs they are making. Something that treats a lot of people (sales $$$) is better than some drug that treats something only 500 people have. And make sure they are partnered with a big pharma company (needs distribution). If they have any in Phase III (last phase), buy.

Enjoy. I am not Tim Sykes.

>> No.585081

This made me lol so hard.

>> No.585100


In general the market dropped the past couple of days.

Even in 2008 some companies did decent but had share prices fall since everyone was in panic mode. The market can remain more irrational than you can remain rational - remember that. Do not panic.

>> No.585127

Neat, thanks.

>> No.585726

Thursday buying options/ideas.

>> No.585730


Are you doing the weekly's?

>> No.585762
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ITT: Jews

>> No.585769

whats that?

>> No.585775


Around 2000 RURIC (russian real estate investment company)

Which will cost around 50 dollars worth (had a little bittle and have now participated in the rights offering with my tiny portion just for lulz)

>> No.585792

I'm a bit new to investing, but is there an inverse ETF that's NOT volatile as fuck? I'm looking for one that will move slowly and steadily if the market trends downwards, which is what I'm going to bank on for long.

>> No.585835


>> No.585859

Might as well go shoot craps at the casino

>> No.585879

Mute volatility by holding cash/bonds. If you want something that goes up half as much as the market goes down, just hold 50% cash and 50% a -1x inverse ETF, or 75% cash and 25% a -2x ETF, etc.

>> No.585881

>0.000012 something

What is this shit, some worthless cryptocurrency?

>> No.585902 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 8756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PND to LTC then to BTC then to USD in this run should yield $30 profit.

>inb4 PND a shit new fag

When there's a market, count me in.

>> No.585904

>trades litecoin and pandacoin
>yields $30 profit
>$30 profit

Don't you have to be 18 to use this site?

>> No.585907

Posts like yours are why so few continue to browse this board.

I'm 20 by the way, bitch.

>> No.585920

Posts like yours are why this board is fucking shit. We have you fucking retards coming in here with your know-nothing bullshit fucking around with your parents money like it's fun to waste it away.

Seriously, what the fuck do you think you're doing trading bitcoin and litecoin? Do you think any body who makes real money trading ANYTHING fucks with those? They're like this generations pump and dump (Google it, faggot).

Why don't you try doing some research into investments and, god forbid, cryptocurrencies before you come on here posting complete shit that perpetuates the misinformation that permeates this board.

>> No.586070

Out of curiosity what broker does everyone here use?

>> No.586075 [DELETED] 


TD Ameritrade, best broker out there

>> No.586077


Tradeking, only one I've used but I like it and I feel like they are all pretty standard

>> No.586088


What products do you trade?

Anyone here a fan of CFDs or spread betting?

>> No.586093
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Interactive Brokers for security reasons and insured deposit (not a piker). Prop account on the side for better quality data and charts.

>> No.586098

Interesting, I didn't think about it that way. Thanks.

>> No.586105

What is the average trade execution time for ecm brokers? I'm still messing around on sims but I just lost a couple hundred dollars because of a 20 minute delay imposed by the specific sim.

Is this shit normal?

>> No.586132


Jobs is gone and they haven't released a single innovative product in 2 years.

> Introducing Apple Pay!
> Instead of reaching into your wallet and swiping a card, now you can:
> reach into your pocket and grab your cell phone
> unlock it
> open the Apple Pay App
> Select "start payment"
> move your phone over the Apple Pay scanner (if the business has one that is)
> select confirm on your smartphone
> lock your smartphone and put it back into your pocket

> See how much easier this is!

>> No.586210


Just use limit orders?

>> No.586767

is friday good day for stocks?

>> No.586770



>> No.586774

except in 2008?

>> No.586798

sup with bbry?

>> No.586812

i'm waiting for it go down lower so I can buy.

>> No.586817


Canadian-grade dogshit. They will never see a profit again. Its is now just a convoluted heavily arbed, HFT playground, degenerate speculative instrument for the cheap, and a piker play-thing. Not a stock anymore.

>> No.587050

which stocks should we buy on monday?

>> No.587066


Madfag NSA agent that didn't buy in a $4 detected.


-1% right now.

I don't see it going lower soon if that earnings report couldn't budge it.

>> No.587088

bought blackberry stocks, was told to invest in S&P index funds. How do I buy them or find brokers in canada? Is it done through my bank as well? I have a webbroker setup with TD

>> No.587093

yeah I bought it and COOL for some stupid ass reason

>> No.588563

Congress has passed an online spying bill as a hidden amendment to a financing bill.

Full text here:



>> No.588817

was thinking of riding BWLD's upwards trend due to the college football season, christmas and a positive rating change but I'll just be cautious and watch it

so I guess if BWLD moves up it is a failure on my part

>> No.589333

ZSP is a Canadian S&P index fund.

>> No.589500

ok today is monday what are we looking at?

>> No.589506

Christmas rally?!

>> No.589509


>> No.589513

I am ready.

>> No.589534

getting KEG that shit is going up

>> No.589541

RIP in pieces UWTIs

>> No.589543

anybody paying attention to this?


>> No.589548

grabbed some NKA and EOX

>> No.589560

We discover a "magic" material every few (weeks) months.

>> No.589562

i believe this one is strong since it has been around for 10 years.

>> No.589564

CUBA is killing

>> No.589569
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Too bad there are no tradeable options chains. You'll see this shit back to 12 and possibly under 11 later this week. Easiest short ever.

This is pleb bait right now for buyers to get teabagged. They only have something like 20% of their assets in Cuban holdings or assets directly impacted by Cuban relations.

>> No.589572

what about future?

>> No.589581

>Dat reverse split

Nah. I love my money too much.

>> No.589744

>lighter than paper
>implying paper is light

>> No.590385

>buying at the top

all of my keks

>> No.590403

JNUG can eat my balls

>> No.590499

dow over 18,000. for how long?

>> No.590500

there is no actual investments from cuba in the fund you guys are retarded

>> No.590502

short term

>> No.590506


15 years.

>> No.590507

all hype just wait till it loses momentum and short it

>> No.590525

1 day

>> No.590539

I just put a buy order in for BF'B ...hasn't filled yet.

>> No.590541

I picked up some LNCO mostly because I have no idea what I'm doing.

It's oil and has a great dividend, even if the stock stays low I should see a positive return from the dividends is my thought.

>> No.590545

daily reminder you cannot win in the stock market

see: Brad Katsuyama, Flash Boys

>> No.590560

let me guess, you cant win in vegas either?

>> No.590564

Do you even know what I'm referencing?

The institutionalized use of algorithms in the stock market has made it so artificial intelligence can fuck you over in near milliseconds when buying stocks.

>> No.590567

>muh pennies
just set limit orders. the stock market is more than just intraday trading.

>> No.591358

What do you think of EUR/USD? Will the EUR go lower?

I will put some money into BRK-B, but still don't know if I should buy in the US markets or in germany.


>> No.591371
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>> No.591376
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what you niggas buying today

>> No.591377

Bought 100 DWTI yesterday at ~$99, holding until it hits ~$110 today

>> No.591378

are you me.

i sold at 107 though.

>> No.591379

I should have done that and just called it a day I guess, I've got some last minute Christmas shit to do.

>> No.591381

Its 107.5 now do it faget

>> No.591388

It's over $109 now, I don't think it'll take too much longer to hit $110, lol.

>> No.591390

WMC just payed out dividends and the stock dropped as usual. It's a high risk, high dividends stock so people get out of it when they pay out. I'm gonna reinvest back into WMC

>> No.591407

Unless your volume is in the millions you will be losing micro pennies from market rigging and HFT crap.

>> No.591409

Well damn, oil jumped back up a bit and I ended up panic selling at $106, so you win this time. Now it's time to get my Christmas shit taken care of.

>> No.591417
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Will it bounce off the bottom of the channel and confirm the reversal + uptrend or will it break through and continue falling, who's betting today?

>> No.591547

How low will oil go?

>> No.591564

shale producers can't stop pumping because it'll disrupt revenue needed to pay back debt

OPEC can't stop pumping because they don't want to lose market share.


>> No.591609
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> mfw trendlines on a 1-min chart

>> No.591653

thanks, and how will I buy oil when, say, it reaches about 37 (is this estimate of a bottom correct?). Buy ETFs? but I won't be doubling my money then....

>> No.591887

Has anyone been following solar at all? I've been thinking about getting in on that, since conceptually it seems like a good long-term investment

>> No.591908

I have a 401k with decent S&P500, S&P400, Russell 2000 and MSCI ACWI ex USA index funds.

Given that I put a lot more into the 401k than the IRA, the 401k will make up the bulk of my portfolio. I'm wondering what I should actually buy in the 401k. Just do the S&P500 and get my small caps/international in the IRA? I don't think I have enough space in the IRA to do that properly.

Or should I attempt to replicate the total market? Something like 80% S&P500 and 20% mid/small? And then, again, use the IRA for other shit like small value or REITs

>> No.591916

Solar panels are horribly inefficient. The only effective way is to run it through some kind of Rankine cycle.

>> No.591919


>> No.592532

bumping for important question

>> No.592780

Not the same guy, but you could always buy a leveraged ETFs, or gold (seeing as it correlates highly with oil). Personally, I'm jumping in on the leveraged ETFs and probably a few stabler large oil companies

>> No.592818
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>> No.592981



>> No.593007

Buying a shitload of KBR and a little WWWW (that's 4, not 3, double yous).

>> No.593027

Buy $SNSS, they suffered a heavy hit but with the recent upgrades and endless market speculation it could hit $3 in the near future.

>> No.593038


>> No.593256

ZU is my long play for 2015. SHW is my short for the first quarter of 2015.

I have a conservative price target of $37 for ZU and think SHW will re-price closer to its historic average P/E of 15 (move to $214 or $185, depending on market conditions). I'm expecting a correction into and after its January Q4 earnings release.

>> No.593813

Don't know if sarcastic

You do know that within the couple of months in ApplePay release, they own more electronic transactions than PayPal....it's not innovating but it is blowing up faster than expected

>> No.594076

Why ZU? What is so special?

Why? Why now?

>> No.594355

Seems like one could just play JNUG/JDST all day. Those swings back and forth have been massive.

>> No.594667

Kwk 1900 shares all my shekels gonna wait for oil to bounce a little ??? Profit

>> No.594673

Why not? 2015 is gonna be a good year.

>> No.594768

I mean why these specific choices, what did you find?

>> No.594816

Technology and healthcare is the future and have huge potential. Real estate industry is growing rapidly at least until the interest rate probably rises in mid 2015. Then I am going to throw more to FINU.

>> No.594831

ah alright, thanks

>> No.595666

still Christmas rally?

>> No.595684

Might buy some Royal Mail.

>> No.595696

Fuck me, I thought there was no trading over the christmas days (except a half day on 24th). I just found out, that I was wrong...

>> No.595708

I know that feel bro. At least SNSS is up this morning. Who else is holding biotechnology?

>> No.595712

Still holding PCYC from last year.

>> No.595718

PCYC is a beast. Did you watch Gilead Sciences get owned this last week?

>> No.595719

Yeap, BIB and CURE on hold.

It's getting back on track again, markets overreacted. Would have bought if I had cash.

>> No.595739

I'm sad I missed the Virgin America IPO. I wanted to buy in day one but got lazy.

>> No.595752

>tfw broke my own rule of buying before 11 AM.
>tfw it's already costing me money on my purchase today because I didn't feel like waiting.

At least I don't tend to worry about such things for too long. My strategy is always buy 'n' hold.

>> No.595760

Should I stay the fuck away from GREK or any other greek index? I'm so tempted.

>> No.595762

Fuck it, I'm buying Xom.

>> No.595768

Bought UPW today. Why? Because of low oil, growing energy consumption and low interest rates.

>> No.595876
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Anyone knows why the stock of my bank dropped A LOT in the last few years?


>> No.595923


>> No.596454

This is what you will get as a bank if you invest and rely too much in shitholes

>Cyprus sovereign debt crises 2012
one of the major finance provider of Cyprus
>Crimea crises 2014
Raiffeisen Bank international is the second largest finance provider of east Europe (and Russia) after the Bank Austria.
>Invested in Hungary
A shithole too, ruled by some rightwing fucktard restricted the banking sector
>muh jews
>muh jews controll all banks
>must protect muh hungarian people from jewish influence

Don't invest into companies who make deals in nations which are fucking retarded.
Plus, Raiffeisen Bank is an Austrian company, what did you expect?

>> No.596496

is it worth it to still short USO or is it going to bounce up again?

>> No.596502

Quick question - is there any hassle of me as a Swede buying American stocks and index funds? I'm interested in VTSMX but I dont know how much of a pain in the ass it'd be.

>> No.596685

You can only speculate on that. IMO oil is going down a few dollars more, but it may also rebound. No one knows.

>> No.596686

As a Finn I would say that no. Sweden has a tax agreement with USA, so it is going to be the same as you would buy Swedish stocks.

Other European countries like France are fucking shit and there is a lot of hassle.

>> No.596752

and for today?

>> No.596992
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>buying when there isn't a dip.

>> No.597793

It seems like the market always drops on monday and recovers a bit as the week goes on, why does this happen /biz/?

>> No.597804

It doesn't. Else everyone would buy on monday, so prices would go up and then it'd stop happening. Ergo, it doesn't happen.

>> No.597811

nothing left for $CUBA?

>> No.597813

They have no holdings in CUBA nor will they ever anytime soon.

>> No.597944
File: 1.09 MB, 350x300, 1376831549558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USO is now at the 20 mark. Is it time yet to jump on that oil train?

>> No.598007


>> No.599437


So, does everyone sell on monday then? Ergo, the downward trend?

>> No.599726

Any new years resolution stock picks /biz/?

>> No.599763

is new year anything to the stock market?

>> No.599812

How lon do you guys spend examining stock? How many companies you look at in a day / before choosing one?

>> No.599948

I usually get my stocks recommended to me from people knowledgeable about the field. Mostly tech and bio stocks.

I'm up 15% with SNSS

>> No.599950

Considering going long some railroads or airlines on this dip. Specifically, I'm looking at CSX, UNP, AAL, or JBLU

>> No.599979

Jump into Virgin Airlines with me

>> No.600033


>> No.600084

Open a td ameritrade account ameritrade play paper money using think or swim until you learn more about trading. Learn as much as you can before going in. Read seeking alpha articles and develop a strategy before you start spending real money. Look for companies that are under valued due to forces outside there control (e.g. many oil companies right now). Just have fun with it most of all!

>> No.600085


Thank me later.

>> No.600101

In October I'll invest in pumpkins. I have a feeling they'll peak right around january...and then BOOM! That's when I'll cash in.

>> No.600186

I'm up 20% now with SNSS. Feels good man.

>> No.600208

Thinking hard about selling my F position and buying SDRL with that money. To anyone who follows SDRL, should I do this?

>> No.600420

I've been in SNSS for almost a month
I doubt I will ever sell it
PE is my long-term for real though

>> No.600426


where do you find stocks like this?
meaning at such a minuscule cost per share?
word of mouth or?

>> No.600433

SDRL is a toss up. From the analysis that I've read, they have contracts locked up til like 2016 or so. They should be able to stay afloat til they, but if gas prices stay low, they're fucked.

>> No.600443

It's just a penny stock. Through pump and dump operations (spam email, recommendation in some yahoo stock board, twitter/stocktwits,...).

Here's a video of a few hackers that made money from stocks because of spam emails:

>> No.600474

How fucked really though? I heard somewhere that offshore drilling is considerably cheaper than fracking, and no one's cut back on fracking yet. I should spend some more time looking into this but I thought I read that Seadrill's assets are worth more than their current market cap, but then if oil keeps tanking who would want to buy their platforms. Also, according to their earnings report they cut their dividend for the purposes of debt payback and trying to pick their spots in value-buying more assets.

I'm a complete pleb at this but it all sounds good to me.

>> No.600573

Bought the shit out of that dip bro. Couldn't pass up that kneejerk of a response.

>> No.600672

USDOLL/RUB is a safe bet IMO. Ruble is getting smoked right now.

>> No.600725

Thinking about going big into LL monday morning. Seems undervalued. Thoughts???