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58603537 No.58603537 [Reply] [Original]


tldr: BOC/ECB cut rates, if fed follows suite bitcoin is about to rocket like 2017.

>> No.58603549

This coconut has never been right about anything. He is a good writer, though

>> No.58603563

He has been wrong, not 5 % of the time. not 50 % of the time. He has been wrong, 100 % of the time. He has never been right with any of his predictions, ever.

>> No.58603565

name one time he's been wrong about bitcoin and not some random shitcoin he's pumping

>> No.58603573
File: 109 KB, 1214x737, hayes 50k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name one time

>> No.58603576
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>> No.58603584

>6 year old posts.

he's a billionaire and your not. he's right more than he's wrong. debunk his article not his past performance

>> No.58603607

>appeal to authority
the fed isn't going to rate cut till later this year and by that time bitcoin will already have crashed to 40k

>> No.58603614

it's not crashing when literal pension funds are buying in. june 4th had the largest per day inflow into bitcoin ETFs


>> No.58603617

All those massive etf inflows and we can't break ath. Seems like someone is dumping into boomer volume . Top signal. Study Wyckoff, distribution is over soon and then markdown

>> No.58603626

you asked to name a time he was wrong, i gave it to you. there is no need to be mad, i like his articles.

>> No.58603630

Also since when has grandma buying crypto been anything but a top signal? even if the form of pension funds, no one left to sell to

>> No.58603684

>name one time he's been wrong about bitcoin
>Nooo not like that!

>> No.58603722

kek anon you sound pissed and just completely moved the goalposts. Get a grip on yourself man.

>> No.58603739

He thinks they won't cut rates though

>> No.58603782

the central banks of the west all act in unison, there is no way the boc and ecb would cut with the fed holding the capital outflows and bond carnage would be way too unsettling
so rate cut soon guaranteed, btc will moon but maybe we need another gfc and v dip first hard to say not swinging this anyways hodling comfy

i dont think he is a billionaire yet tho somewhere mid 9 figs

>> No.58603843
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why do people fail to understand markets crash on rates being cut?

>> No.58603845

not applicable to bitcoin, more debasement = higher bitcoijn price #fact.

you need to watch saylor's 8 part series what is money

>> No.58603848
File: 461 KB, 1200x1200, ratesssssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tldr: BOC/ECB cut rates, if fed follows suite bitcoin is about to rocket like 2017.
the fed did not cut rates in 2017. the markets went up as rates went up, just like this time. it will crash when the fed capitulates and announces the economy is fucked coupled with a rate cut.

>> No.58603851

>so rate cut soon guaranteed, btc will moon but maybe we need another gfc and v dip first hard to say not swinging this anyways hodling comfy
personally i dont think we rate cut till later this year

stock market is at ATHs tho and looks toppy af so who knows, think we need it to nuke at least 10% before the fed cuts

>> No.58603855

overlap bitcoin price with rates. bitcoin just follows nasdaq on steroids.

>> No.58603858
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everytime i see how small the covid recession actually was i realize how fucked we are for the next recession

these niggers really kicked the can down the road

>> No.58603873

that was before btc etf. Miners bitcoins are literally being prebought.

they will drop rates, and institutions will dump they bonds and buy bitcoin etf. imagine 1T inflows.

>> No.58603910

>they will drop rates
those projections have always been wrong though, so it would signals no rate cut

>> No.58603941

so your argument is there will not be rate cuts for as long as some influencer says rate cuts
in that case there will never be rate cuts ever again as right now you will always find enough internet opinions on both sides of any argument

>> No.58603990

This. $15k wasn't capitulation. That happens at a much lower value and with boomers losing the majority of their retirement.

>> No.58604083

They will drop once they capitulate and admit recession = market crash
The pump will come after they are lower for a while

>> No.58605138

fucking hell anon we're not talking about some internet influencers but the FOMC members themselves and the bond traders

>> No.58605152


>> No.58605220

kek is this bait? such obvious goalpost shifting warrants a red card

>> No.58605242

The market crashes on the past happened BEFORE. The rate cut was the answer to a preexisting crisis not the cause of it.

>> No.58605247

Depends on why the rate was cut. A dovish cut just means that bonds will pay out less, making stocks more attractive again.

>> No.58605252

Where's the spring? The range high was 74k, so a spring would need to hit something like 80k in one afternoon and back to 72

>> No.58605329


>> No.58605397

We’re not fucked anywhere close to way they fucked us in 2008. The bankers needed to foreclose on subprime mortgage homes and then sell them to eliminate all the toxic debt. This time the fed will immediately plug any holes with more cash. The recession will swept away along with consumer purchasing power. You will never see more than a 30% correction again in all markets except crypto. Boomers will die waiting for the big crash

>> No.58607213


raoul pal confirmed bullrun this year target price is bitcoin 200k 10 trillion total marketcap, mid 2025. If you really think your smarter than all these connected goys then post a big short or stfu

>> No.58609254

Fucking redditnig u have to go back

>> No.58609358

fomc members are known to lie at inflection points till right at the new direction being made public
does nobody remember the entirety of 2021
bond traders have been caught with their pants down the whole way since after covid
the (((experts))) have never been more wrong and they were always bad
they only have two tricks trend chasing and reversion to mean

>> No.58609502
File: 897 KB, 1174x1306, rug pal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raoul pal
kek it's 2024 and you're still paying any attention to influencers

>> No.58610662

raoul has never been right about anything

>> No.58610709

BTC bear markets are a product of mining inflation > passive consumption, ETFs combined with the 4th halving mark the end of traditional BTC bears and passive consumption is now, and will continue to be, greater than emissions.

>> No.58610747

This, unfortunately. The lesson the Fed learned from the GFC was "more, sooner" and the lesson they learned from the scamdemic was "wagie slavies will take it up the ass no matter what". M2 will be at 100T at the first whiff of nominal asset declines

>> No.58611249

They can’t even let assets decline for any extended period of time anymore, because then they lose the ability to collect taxes on cap gains. Up forever from here

>> No.58612577

he bought solana at the botoom with 90% of his capital lol.

>> No.58614546


i bought the dip on his article, if he's wrong I'm about to be justed.