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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 239 KB, 1170x930, Pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58599516 No.58599516 [Reply] [Original]

It’s unironically over. Pumped and dumped. Any good coins to actually invest in besides this garbage fire?

>> No.58599997

Former LINUsister here.
Listen, the Holy War put the coin on life support, and the Recent Mike v Bill civil war killed it for good.
Too many egos and (the bad kind of) autism among the admins for LINU. All the good ones already bailed.
Plus, anon, dogs are so yesterday.
Otters? They're hot right now.
Check out MEWNB
Highly technical but chill group with a low MC and you get dividends in the form of ETH just for holding. Pick up a cheap bag and get some ETH here and there, ive been geyting a few bucks a day with a modest stack.
It's still early on with a ton of high IQ plans in the works.

>> No.58600054

LINU's been dead for months. Coordinated whale pump and dump.

>> No.58600153
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No it's not. It isn't over until the last holder dumps. It went even lower after Spaced stole the nft funds, like down to a million, before it pumped to 30m in the span of 3 days.

And this time, we have a Casinu nearly complete with almost 20k ripe for marketing us at launch. I know it looks grim but I won't quit. The chart looks the same as last time before it pumped massively, and all of biz went wild over it.

On a personal note, I know that life is a tough nut to crack. If you don't get some kind of leg up as a poorfag, you'll be stuck forever as one. This coin isn't my only play or shot at success, but it's an earnest one. For once, I choose to put trust in my fellow man in our prisoner's dilemma of crypto, and rather than jeet, I choose to remain optimistic for the future, one I can influence and that isn't bogged down by bureacratic red tape. A real shot at success.

Remember: nearly every shitcoin shilled as a superiour option to Linu rugged within days. Even I took a shot on few and lost several hundred dollars as they were all scams. But this one, I didn't sell when I was at 6 figures, and I WON'T sell till I hit 8. Stay frosty lads, best of luck to all.

>> No.58600325

> And this time, we have a Casinu nearly complete with almost 20k ripe for marketing us at launch.
I’m so tired of that word it’s not even funny literally every crypto is a casino. 20k to market a shitcoin casino? That’s a waste of money. But good luck with that!

>> No.58601500
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I can't convince fudsters that it's not a lost cause, but if there's other eyes on the threads, I'll state my case.

We have an actual game/product associated with the token now, so it's technically not just a meme anymore. Furthermore, all it takes is a bit of upward momentum for everything to change, and the team has been revitalized the past couple of days as it's been putting more work into raiding on twitter, creating memes and infographics to spread the word, as well as engaging with the community in a more level headed way.

I cannot promise immense riches the same way I cannot even promise that the sun will shine tomorrow or that the sky will be free of clouds. However, I can say with certainty that I, and at least a dozen others, are not giving up on this project. Despair at the prospect of being a peasant forever, fear of unexpected expenses, these are feelings everyone has had, especially people in my generation. To that end, we're working towards a future where we don't have so much stress imposed on us by runaway inflation, and our silly, happy dog is our ride to freedom. Godspeed.

>> No.58602461

do any of the other memecoins that surged have games? did you guys have games on your original run up? this isnt a biz coin anymore i don't know why you still post here

>> No.58602603

I dumped my bags a month ago, best decision ever.

>> No.58602626
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goodbye nigga no one asked if you selled dogshit or not

>> No.58602647

i still havent dumped my bags,20x or nothing i am ok with that

>> No.58602658
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LMAO at the fags who don't have the conviction to hold a suistack of a 2m microcap

>> No.58602664
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>> No.58602677
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>> No.58602685
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>> No.58602690
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>> No.58602716
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>> No.58602729
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>> No.58602761
File: 166 KB, 1024x1024, OIG2.ia20IS8ecpVGZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard you christfags are actually afraid of satan and rock and roll.
You need to go back to the 90's with your soccer mom level satanic panic, exasperated breathless fags.

>> No.58602777

LINU bros ur AVI bros are here and you guys can pull through! We have faith!

>> No.58602802
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Christfags on suicide watch after this song

>> No.58602820
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I take it back. I think I found the LINU Brothers in Christ national anthem actually
Atleast larp accurately separatist niggers

>> No.58602859
File: 170 KB, 1024x1024, Formerly LINU Brothers in Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to get bing AI to prompt shiba inu as varg vikernes but it was a restricted prompt lmfao

>> No.58602870
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>> No.58602881
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If this thread is still up tomorrow night gonna come back and jam.

>> No.58603631

Bill is a fat fuck nigger who did nothing
Fuck the Christian channel and fuck that faggot bill. What good ones? Please name them you shit stain. I can guarantee that they were poor and did NOTHING.

>> No.58603634


>> No.58603667

>bill didn’t do anything
Sounds like cope to me.

>> No.58603693 [DELETED] 

What did he do besides act like a ducking weasel Jew. 666 fuck bill

>> No.58603704

Fuck bill. How many Linu did he even own?

>> No.58603707

i bought some shitcoin called fren it was created yesterday

>> No.58603922

If I can recall he only had 20 billion? You’re freaking out about a guy with less than a trillion stack..?

>> No.58604320

>it isn't over until the last holder dumps
bruh. it isn't worth the gas fees to dump this digital dogshit.

>> No.58604333

Please God please let all the people who have ever joined a Telegram group sell their LINU.
Let the distribution be reset so that we may begin again.

>> No.58604601

All you had to do is buy APU and hold.

>> No.58605021
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self check

>> No.58605029

The LINU team has larger than average noses if you're catching my drift

>> No.58605079

Biao on eth my dude is the chinese pepe, great meme, shilled on chinese twitter, created less than 24h ago, already 10m mc and rising, two telegram games deployed, chart beautifully recovers after every jeet purge, might do x10 or more, bought a bag but dyor

>> No.58605858

>10mc and rising

>> No.58605903

Checked. I hold both. See you in Monaco anon

>> No.58607278

I feel the same anon. After Spaced did a runner, I thought we were dead in the water for sure. Even some of the die hards in the community were getting really nervous and sold.

And yet we are still here. We are still breathing. It made a believer out of me. The coin of the people. For better or for worse I'm on this ride till dust or Valhalla. Godspeed friends

>> No.58607536

Go for PEAQ, the largest and fastest-growing DePIN focused ecosystem, and thank me later.

>> No.58607566

I also dumped my bags and jumped into the token launch of the project that dTelecom migrated from Arbitrum to join its ecosystem.

>> No.58607913

People were saying the same things before our first pump. And look what we did.

It's never over!!!

>> No.58608379

Slurping rn

>> No.58608589

I wish I had sold when I was up 6X. I believed the hype that it would moon to 100X... only for me to break even when I sold it a few weeks ago :(