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58601418 No.58601418 [Reply] [Original]

>not a single bad business move in his entire life

>> No.58601431

Is it opposites day?
>The juice are all good guys

>> No.58601444

yes, the richest man in the world if bad at business, that makes sense

>> No.58601449

>make a completely insane, ridiculous bet that you will run your company valuation up to an unprecedented price
>actually pull it off
>some guy with 7 shares challenges it
>don’t get your payout

>> No.58601685

>buying twitter
>rebranding twitter
>solar city
He's rich enough to be dumb I suppose

>> No.58601730

This is like saying America lost Vietnam

>> No.58601738

They did.

>> No.58601796

According to you maybe but any intelligent critical thinker knows America accomplished their goals in Vietnam

>> No.58601809
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>> No.58601849

All you have to do is look at the Twitter rebranding and how dysfunctional it is now and you can tell Elon is a complete fucking retard. Poor design is a universal, unforgivable sin

>> No.58601863

couple good points but the meme truck is selling like mad though

>> No.58601868

Elon Musk is a man i don't think i really know, he fucking strong armed three successful big business in his time and shit on the owners, but he never went woke with them and made a ton of money so i don't know.

>> No.58601953

Didn't this faggot get billions in government money
>not a single bad business move in his entire life

>> No.58601962

vietnam is still commie today

>> No.58602001

Just because you don't like the product doesn't mean it didn't sell. I for one am not a fan of tomatoes, but there's always money in them.

>> No.58602040

What did the US gain by going to Vietnam?

>> No.58602200

Pretty much any argument against him can be refuted by the fact that if he wasn’t successful at business he wouldn’t be filthy rich. and he fucked amber heard in an overwatch costume which is arguably more impressive.
I’m really kind of him indifferent to him, some of his takes are dog shit (like how he hates working from home, something only boomer real estate investment companies and middle management women could possible be against) but pretty much most of the seething and coping against him is just brainlets.
>saw someone on normie media claiming they’d been “saying for years Elon musk was a bad businessmen”
>look up profile
>kid is 19 years old
I can’t imagine how unfathomably retarded you’d have to be to think that at 16 you had a better grasp of business than of the richest people alive

>> No.58602216

>amber heard
how the fuck do you not premature ejaculated in 5 seconds

>> No.58602220

He's threatened to resign as CEO of Tesla if he isn't given $70 billion worth of stock for no particular reason.
Me, a Tesla owner and investor: Don't threaten me with a good time.
Hijacking Nvidia hardware meant for Tesla to go to his pet xAI project is already such a huge lawsuit-deserving breach of fiduciary duties, it might be enough to get him fired from being CEO even with TSLA's board of directors as compromised as it is, but if this gets him out faster, even better.

>> No.58602232

He got so fat ever since. What social media does to a mf baka

>> No.58602283
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They did.

>> No.58602526
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Le Reddit cycnical response. muh he's rich not as smart as moi.

>> No.58602610

I miss 2015 twitter :(

>> No.58602720
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he's so rich that now all he has to worry about is his reputation, I mean I'm out here trying as hard as I can with my $kendu to make it, and the guy is out there worried about being called an incel

>> No.58603465

I wish I was Jewish like Elon, then I could come up with recycled ideas and have the American government throw money at me hand over fist turning me into one of the richest men in the world.

>> No.58603483

be a tit man

>> No.58603485

The entire point of Vietnam was to stop the spread of communism. They failed.

>> No.58603496

I honestly feel bad for him in a way. He's the richest man in the world yet I feel like he's lonely as fuck without any friends. The way he's resorted to try and get attention from /pol/tards is kind of embarrassing. He's good friends with that one bald dude thats always wearing the beanie to hide his baldness, and a couple of other grifters. I wonder if he knows they are just using him for his money too?

>> No.58603514

Vietnam as all the other wars of the US empire served as a practice ground, a wat to make money from weapons, ammo, a reason for expensive and intrusive intelligence assets, a justification for taxes and conscription and massive standing armies. 'Muh commies' always was an excuse not a reason. War continued without the commie excuse just the same. Sorry guys the war is its own reason, the given goals merely the red flag given to the masses.

>> No.58603524

Depends if you include conning people as "good at business"
P.S still waiting on my supercar smashing roadster!

>> No.58603555

>rename extremely popular name Twitter to a fucking X for whatever reason
>the whole site is filled with 98% scammer bots or onlyfans bots
>gives out your personal info to Mossad
>dated that ugly goblin Grimes

>> No.58603566

>for whatever reason
it's called autism. he autistically likes the symbol X and forces it on others

>> No.58603657

How much do you think they make on each cybertruck sale? Assuming that's what riled you. It's only really the commiefornian social media attention whore market that wants them. Truck guys don't want clown cars.

>> No.58603694

>The entire point of him buying Twitter wasn't to incapacitate the #1 coordinated propaganda tool of the (((enemy)))
Lurk moar (2 years) or go back to whatever midwit cesspool you came from

>> No.58603736

I didn't mention anything about him buying twitter, so who are you arguing with?

>> No.58603821

i cum by looking at tits wdym

>> No.58603929

The Irony of Vietnam : The System Worked

>> No.58603948

He went into the twitter deal stating very clearly that he didn't care if he lost money on the deal. It was only about preserving freedom of speech online since every other social media platform was cracking down hard on wrong-think

>> No.58604001

>a good move
>a good move
>never invested into hyperloop
>morphed into Tesla Energy which is raking the cash in and will be bigger than the auto sector
>a success

Only good decissions.

>> No.58604014
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He's the co-founder of PayPal. He literally started the biggest internet bank in the world tied to eBay.

Somehow people are surprised the government is willing to give him billion dollar grants for starting one if the most successful money moving businesses in the world.

>> No.58604028

I see cybertrucks everywhere

>> No.58604065

Lmao you must be trolling. Certainly you own -10000 Tesla stock to spout braindead shit like that.

>> No.58604095

Twitter is a retarded and homosexual name. Literally the worst possible. Even "Gay sex pride shit fuck" would be better.

>> No.58604099

Not to mention he got an almost infinite dataset for his LLM. That deal will end up raking him billions.

>> No.58604170


All thanks to the hair transplant

>> No.58604256

> you must be trolling
Which part of my post are you too lazy to google?

>> No.58604293

That’s a whole lot of words to say we lost.

>> No.58604391

>>buying twitter
>>rebranding twitter
I doubt he bought xitter for profit.

>> No.58604511

kek no

>> No.58604593

>70 billion

Every single part of you post was lies.

The stock he has to BUY from Tesla as his compensation package were worth 2,3 billion when awarded. The comp plan was designed for 10 year period so that makes 230 million a year. They appreciated only due to his own job as the CEO. He is not threatening anything. He has hijacked nothing, because Tesla does not yet have a data center to install those chips at. That is why he swapped the order of shipping those chips, becaus X has a data center to install those chips right away. Tesla gets the next shipment when the data center at Giga Texas is ready to receive those chips.

You short sellers are fuckwits.

>> No.58604710


>> No.58604721

Wow, you're so much smarter at business than Elon. What companies have you started?

>> No.58604883

You capitalize "BUY" like that you're making a great point of substance, rather than a weak attempt at confounding the noobs who've never bought-to-cover from a stock options grant ("grant" means "given", if that's unclear to you.)
The oversized compensation package that was awarded in 2018 was struck down by a judge. The compensation package shareholders are asked to vote on is a new compensation package which coincidentally happens to have exactly the same terms as the invalid one, boldly flouting the judge's decision.
> He is not threatening anything.
And yet, the chair of his Tesla board of patsies has made that exact argument. Give him all that stock to show "reciprocal respect" or risk seeing him go to "other places he can make an incredible difference."
By maybe that's too much of veiled threat for you. Look upon Elon's own tweet and despair:
>I am uncomfortable growing Tesla to be a leader in AI & robotics without having ~25% voting control… Unless that is the case, I would prefer to build products outside of Tesla
Oh no, he's uncomfortable with only 12.89% of the company stock. Clear enough?
> He has hijacked nothing, because Tesla does not yet have a data center
What a great explanation Elon decided to tweet about this.
"Whoopsie, I forgot to make room for all this new critical AI hardware we bought from NVIDIA. I had no choice guys, it HAD TO go to my other, cooler companies."
This is going to be an amazing defense to see him use when he gets dragged in court over it.

Stop huffing Elon's braps, man. It's depriving your brain of oxygen.

>> No.58604901

How could I neglect that this little gem of concentration hopium at the end of your post.
> Tesla gets the next shipment when the data center at Giga Texas is ready to receive those chips.
That's only if Elon Musk has somehow gotten comfortable again "growing Tesla to be a leader in AI", which from his own admission, he is not.
Otherwise, he can simply decide there still isn't enough room at Tesla for that shipment either, and that's completely okay according to you.

>> No.58605009
File: 27 KB, 660x553, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Certainly you own -10000 Tesla stock to spout braindead shit like that.
> You short sellers are fuckwits.
I would be remiss to allow you to believe you were somehow right on even a single thing.
So here's Picrel for your edification. I used to have a bit more stock, but I took some profits to buy a model X for funsies.

>> No.58605024


>> No.58605036

>for no particular reason
No particular reason? It was an agreed upon compensation package that the shareholders voted on when the company was still small. If Musk was able to grow the value of the company by like 10x within a set number of years, he would get the compensation. If he didn't, he would get zero.

That was disrupted in an unprecedented and politically targetted ruling in a Delaware court because some dork with 9 shares didn't like it. But there's a very big chance that shareholders will vote it through once again because clawing back an agreed upon compensation package

>> No.58605075

Yeah he was GIVEN an option to BUY stocks for what they were worth at 2018. Back then the package was worth 2,3 billion dollars and the duration was 10 years. Yeah the judge thought that Elon bad and unconstitutionally deprived him of his fairly earned compensation. No shit they would ratify the package again, since the judge had absolutely no business sticking her crooked nose into Teslas business, especially when the fuckwit who took it to court had measly 9 stocks.

Yep. And despite that he is not threatening anyone.

So is Tesla a car company or not? He was paid to develop the car business, nothing more.

Yes exactly. The expansion at Giga Texas is not done, so there is absolutely no sense to waste money and space storing the useless chips until it is done. X is doing Tesla a favor, not even charging anything for saving Tesla money. And yep, it's going to be an amazing defense if someone is stupid enough to try to sue him over that. Unironically. The one suing will get raped by legal fees.

You're absolutely retarded and every single point you desperately try to make is a ridiculous and filthy lie.

>> No.58605077

>Inspect element
LMAO nigger, next time you should try harder.

>> No.58605095

>an ''inventor''
>hasn't inveted anything
>is compared to some of the greatest American thinkers of all time
>contribution is some lame electric car

>> No.58605097



>> No.58605101

> the judge thought that Elon bad
That's a desperate take. There's no evidence the judge was biased. Elon just didn't like getting BTFO and called her an activist judge to make himself feel better. Nothing else.
> the judge had absolutely no business
Tell me you don't understand the concept of jurisdiction without telling me you don't understand the concept of jurisdiction.
> despite that he is not threatening anyone.
Did you misread his tweet, or are you so smart that you have the power to undo reality around you?
It's not ambiguous. 25% of the stock or he walks. Calling that not a threat is just a bad joke.
> He was paid to develop the car business, nothing more.
You have no idea what the fiduciary duties of a CEO consist of. Fortunately, judges do, and for this, Elon Musk will get another opportunity to rave against evil activist judges soon enough.
> You're absolutely retarded and every single point you desperately try to make is a ridiculous and filthy lie.
As opposed to you, an intellectual who sees clearly what is going on? Laughable.
I look forward to seeing you seethe about Elon Musk's future misfortunes he brought on himself.

>>Inspect element
> LMAO nigger, next time you should try harder.
Of course you would go there. Deny deny deny. You will go far in life this way.
Anyway, if you're bored, you can try figuring out my cost-basis and then my purchase date. If you post your best guess, I'll post a screenshot of my cost-basis page, and you can see how close you were.
And then you can tell me I faked that too. Ah, we have fun, don't we.

>> No.58605119

What tribe is he a member of? The money printing tribe i thought?

>> No.58605131

That is a realist take. The judge had no business sticking her crooked nose into Teslas business when 73% the shareholders voted for the package, especially AFTER Elon had fulfilled his part.

Oh I do understand the concept of justice. This instance had nothing to do with justice and everything to do with activism.

He is not walkin. He will just focus on the traditional business of Tesla. No threats anywhere, but in your delirious dreams.

Oh yes, making money. He increased the value of the company by 10x and now you twat are here bitching about fiduciary duties and judges. LMAO!

Oh yes I do, you don't. You will be incredibly butthurt after it turns out to be a nothingburger.

And yes, there is 0 reason to believe anything you post since every single thing you said earlier is objectively a filthy lie.

>> No.58605223

well, since we obviously both have TSLA stock, because you'd have to be a special kind of schizo to suck Elon's cock so hard without having a sizable stake, let's just both hope for the very best for Tesla, with or without the weird billionaire.

>> No.58605842

>>the whole site is filled with 98% scammer bots or onlyfans bots

They were more abundant from before the acquisition anon.

>> No.58605871


>> No.58606536

if you're so smart, why aren't you rich?
Turns out you're fucking stupid