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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 327 KB, 555x329, aviator-555x329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58575700 No.58575700 [Reply] [Original]

Still wavy?

Real talk only. No fat guy who is sad he's not rich yet. No gay "coin wars!" pineapple on pizza debates of "no! buy Doodoo Butt Boi on Synax instead!"

Just what do you honestly believe will happen with this thing?

>> No.58575710
File: 142 KB, 344x344, 1714747580348390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never hitting 7 again, sell

>> No.58575725

why do you think that? are you the fat guy?

>> No.58575766

Someone lowered the tier list so now I have the red baron rank. Feeling like my cock is huge now.

>> No.58575788

where's the new one?

>> No.58575824

stop noticing things, goy

>> No.58575841

AVI has Statera vibes. Check Statera's chart!

>> No.58576260
File: 60 KB, 845x925, 1700494688502956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold 8M, what am I in for at the end of summer?

>> No.58576329

Considering that the AVI telegram is bullish about missing out on Killer Whales, how does $0.32 sound?

>> No.58576340
File: 51 KB, 425x637, 1709605061351423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like to fud right before:

> SkyBridge is a featured Base bridge
> Coinbase app/wallet questing with SkyBridge
> Arcade release, and Coinbase was very interested in their gaming partnerships. Reminder that arcade was basically ready before Skybridge testnet

The team has also recently applied for a Binance listing, and have mentioned numerous times that one of their long term goals are Coinbase listing and that's why they do stuff like audits (aka following the Coinbase listing guide). The fact that they have connections to the Coinbase listing team hasn't changed.

>> No.58576458

Coinbase stuff is not confirmed at all. They can apply all they want, doesn't mean they'll get listed or that Coinbase will cooperate with them in any capacity, and there is no confirmation that Coinbase will use their bridge.

>> No.58576463

how is 87kg fat asshole

>> No.58576473

and real talk
AVI has been all talk so far, they have not released any final product to the public for about 1 year now. they refuse to market until those products are released so we will be stuck here until then. pray hacken is quick with this audit so we dont have a repeat of the first one because if you remember, it was a dark time for every holder until those based fox nfts were dropped to raise our morale. this time no one is coming to save us, we will have to unfortunately just endure and hope this fucking team can pull their plans off.

>> No.58576476

lmao fat fuck

>> No.58576479

how is it fat go ahead elaborate thats average weight here

>> No.58576486


>> No.58576494

and yes i fud and am contstantly refreshing these threads for around 16 hours but this is getting a little ridiculous. their "onchain Ummer' event has started and avi is nowhere to be found while jesse does god knows what instead of tweeting about aviator

>> No.58576500

ok you cant explain it good 2 know..like i said in the other thread, you all have to comment on my width because nothing else interesting is happening with aviator. if they would just fucking market it, we wouldnt be stuck in these threads here with eachother.

>> No.58576503

Can't speak for anyone else, but I have 12 million or so and I've never been more bullish

>> No.58576504


It's not "confirmed", sure, but it was CB's own suggestion. You don't need to buy when stuff is obvious but undervalued (e.g. Bobby from CB liking AVI posts). See you later posting "ugh I should have bought earlier" etc.etc.


Just because you uninstalled TG, it doesn't help your mental health to stay on biz being obsessed with AVI.

>> No.58576507

i think what i said is fair though, no?

>> No.58576519


I didn't read the entire thing. We all know the team isn't perfect, but they are getting there after they gave Kerasu full marketing control. You won't be mentally free until you either sell, or you remove all references to AVI other than price alerts. Staying on biz isn't helping you, and you know that I'm right.

>> No.58576523
File: 62 KB, 285x298, 1710633373115321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real talk only
biz is full of impatient niggers.
if you have done even 5 minutes of your own research on avis products and their communications with coinbase, and the logic center of your brain is half functioning, its immediately obvious this token is severely undervalued and always has been.
most of these people are trolling, but if you come to these threads to unironically whine about waiting, we can all tell you are a faggot with a horrendous crypto win/loss ratio.
avi is a gimme

>> No.58576524

>AVI telegram is bullish about missing out on Killer Whales


>> No.58576597

I would literally be set for life at $0.32 per AVI. Anyway, they haven't missed out on Killer Whales, as the project for the 'wildcard' episode hasn't been confirmed yet. I'm fairly certain that I know who it's going to be, though.

>> No.58577155

>I have 12 million or so and I've never been more bullish
I have 60m and ngl, I'm kinda neutral. I'm on a "eh, lets just wait and see" type of thing. Announcements don't do much for me anymore and I've left the TG a while ago. The short term hopium that gives me the reasons to hold (besides the schizo shit) is Base/Eth/Skybridge/Arcade Beta. Eth is king and it will see new ATHs this run, Base runs on Eth, and Skybridge brings them all together in a seamless way. Having the arcade beta going live at, or around, the time we go to Base will tie everything together and give shitfluencers plenty to talk about. Unfortunately, Base has to be on point with bringing people on board, otherwise that could hurt us since a big part of AVI is about betting on Base being successful.

>> No.58577339

The project is legit and has lots of potential. The team seems like they know what they are doing but they need to get a project running. We need progress.

>> No.58577388

Oh and btw, I’m hugely bullish on the project and have made AVI my largest holding this cycle because I believe that the developers are correct in that they have identified the most obvious immediate use case for crypto (gaming) but they just need some good news and results to share with us. I am told that some exciting things and major breakthroughs are just around the corner but you know how it is, everything else is pumping hard and we are just crabbing right now.

>> No.58577410

Holy shit you have like $300,000 worth of AVI? That’s fucking crazy. I was over here feeing like a whale with my 10k in it…

>> No.58577430

Don’t forget, stencil said today he thinks summer starts in “a few weeks”. Remember back to a time where we would be moving from test to main in a very short amount of time, shorter than you can imagine! Bigly short!
Last Friday I said I would be surprised if things get sent off to Hacken this week, I still will be.

>> No.58577562

Did he send the files to Hacken or is he just a talk big do nothing bastard? Btw, Hacken works in European hours sooo next week they might give their first review.

>> No.58577581

By the way? Why didn't he work with them right after he made the changes? I thought Hacken was the bounty hunter for this and so, they would review every change made on the spot. Were they not Stixil's friends? Didn't they talk on Slack?

This second audit is just another excuse for him being:

a) a complete and absolute retarded special needs person.

b) the worst lying bastard there is

c)a fucking puppet hired by Coinbase and every delay and every piece of shit he spills from his fat fuck mouth is Coinbase trying to time their releases.

d)just another fuck with big dreams but failing in every aspect.


>> No.58577599

e) romanian incel village rapist

>> No.58577664

I got lucky, anon. I originally bought some last year and decided avi would be my last play before quitting crypto, so I ended up swapping most of my portfolio into avi around Jan/Feb. It's kind of bitter sweet since 2 of those tokens would've put me over $1m. It's a bad feeling but at least this furrycoin still has a chance for making us all rich. Yes, even with $10k in it

>> No.58577990

e) trying to be transparent while managing a huge project which you impatient retards can't handle

>> No.58577995

Yeah, I am still trying to purchase more when I can because I really do think this is a great project.

>> No.58577998

you'll be buying at 3 times this price at least if you're waiting for everything to be confirmed. when i entered in january, shit was confirmed. this is how you make it, you speculate and bet on the right horse. and i don't know how many more hints the team has to drop about their connections and likely partnerships until you dense fuckers get it.

>> No.58578008

i haven't regretted buying the dips so far. was a bit sceptical on the 0.002 one but it worked out great once again. you're still early with all these faggots yapping about nothing being confirmed yet.

>> No.58578014

hilm faglander is a fat brokie who doxxed his wallet when he advertised his based fox

>> No.58578076

yeah, he did...
wasnt sure if i was the only one to take interest in that
be careful what you share, little niggas

>> No.58578096

how much does he hold? i'm assuming he never jeeted.

>> No.58578137

hows it going fellas

>> No.58578179

Well, summer does technically start on june solstice which is june20th so not wrong.

>> No.58578243

yes, timing is absolutely everything with this cycle/base popularity, if all the shit goes right $1 isn't unrealistic

>> No.58578325

I guess it is this kind of pilpul that makes me wrinkle my nose over the information given out.

>> No.58578339
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doing good

just sell retards

i can see why, killer whales isnt exactly a highly rated show

>> No.58578358


No one cares about Killer Whales. The team didn't apply for it, and no one paid for any votes. In the last AMA they mentioned that KW approached them, and they said sure why not? I don't think KW has ever pumped the price of any crypto.

>> No.58578498
File: 73 KB, 690x454, Carvers-Gap-NC-Wildflowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still feel good about the project and Avi is my biggest bag.
This felt like a very special project from the start and I feel like we've seen enough from the team to know it's in good hands. Yeah I'd love announcements and a parabolic price but I know it will happen eventually.
I'm currently out of work and almost through my savings. I want this furry token to hit .15 so I won't have to engage in the humiliation ritual of applying for jobs and being courteous to HR roasties. Hell, just hitting a few cents will let me take out enough money for peace of mind for the next 6 months. So far I haven't sold a thing.
I'll start panicking if we're in the same place by the end of June, but I doubt that will be the case.
I bought during the summer but also kept buying in Sept and Nov despite being down 70%. General sentiment was still bullish in the Avi threads from the fall. I don't think we had this much freaking out until Feb which is funny because that's when it finally started climbing. I'm not in the TG, I just check in on the /biz threads. Just a little anxious but also excited now because it's so close. It's been helpful to keep myself busy and only check the threads a few times a day. I'd go insane if I was hitting refresh for updates all day.

>> No.58578606

>> E: trying to be transparent while managing a huge project which you impatient retards can't handle

>> No.58578656

He doxxed his wallet earlier than that even. He was having one of his mental breakdowns on biz and announced that he was selling. It was a low volume period so it was easy to spot his wallet. He swapped his bag for Trump at the time. I honestly feel bad for him. I think he's a legit bipolar schizo

The first time he dumped, he had less than 1m.

KW and CMC have a lot of eyes on them so, if it's free, I don't understand why they'd be happy about not making the show. Assuming that anon wasn't bullshitting, of course.

>I don't think we had this much freaking out until Feb
Jan/Feb is around the time hilm came on board, so that sounds about right. Prior to that, we had toad baggies fudding us, but it was typical shit talking. None of the "THIS SHITS DRIVING ME INSANE" type fud.

>> No.58578734
File: 40 KB, 512x482, 1713538749857590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just a little anxious but also excited now because it's so close.
exactly how i feel about it
so damn close to breaking free
its not just avi either, the whole market feels on edge

>The first time he dumped, he had less than 1m.
yeah, i cant find it again but last i checked he had around half a million, maybe.
was gradually selling very tiny amounts, too

>TG members bullish about not being on killer whales
is just more bad faith bullshit, correct
people were expressing that it was the right move to not really care about the KW voting upon realizing it was pay to win, which is true
the voting winners look like uninteresting jeetshit, and the kind that would encourage their holders to pay to vote for them in a tv show contest
i personally dont get why the KW thing always got so much attention, it never interested me at all in comparison to everything else going on with avi.
even the invitation itself was more interesting than the prospects of being on the show

>> No.58578845
File: 17 KB, 703x161, gfweargsdfgsdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doxxed his wallet earlier than that even. He was having one of his mental breakdowns on biz and announced that he was selling. It was a low volume period so it was easy to spot his wallet. He swapped his bag for Trump at the time. I honestly feel bad for him. I think he's a legit bipolar schizo

Umm, actually that was not me sweaty. I trolled.

I suppose Max's boomer advice came back to haunt me, huh. Apparently someone did care. Actually a couple of people did care.
>pic related.

A SUI stack bcs it's more than enough for this gipsy infested country.

Any other questions you little curious fucking sluts? I got all night. Actually, mind your own fucking business, how about that? Fucking pussies gossiping on Telegram and biz. No wonder half of you are fat as fuck, short "kings", virgins, or married to roasties.

>> No.58578892

why are you a dumb faggot without a real job if your a brokie?

>> No.58578903

at least that fag a90e hasn't sold his 15M+ tokens
surprising honestly was a notorious swingie in jan/feb/march but around april they just gave up hope of swinging and have held loads of AVI since
10M on their other wallet / 5M on a90e

>> No.58578914


Poor bait mofo, try again later when I'm in the mood to fuck with biz tards.

>> No.58578933

romanian retard can speak ameritard but still can't get a job. i'll send u a rope for free you down syndrome mongoloid

>> No.58578947
File: 13 KB, 766x107, image_2024-06-06_044154688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now shh, I'm playing this to cover the sounds of your mother getting fucked

>> No.58579009

Forgot how hard carter 3 went. No ceilings was one of my most bumped mixtapes for almost a whole year back maybe in like 2010.

>> No.58579028

i had subwoofers in my car in hs and blasted this shit. Shit hit hard, I thought i was hot shit

>> No.58579121

I remember that thread. Everyone in that thread was clowning on him after they realized he was stirring up all this shit over a $1k bag kek

nah it was you

>> No.58579258

>nah it was you

Oh yea I remember now, I have multiple wallets. Silly me. Get a life bastard and you will stop caring about mine very soon after.

>> No.58579405

>uhn i have multiple wallets
stfu poorfag, just sell and never come back. fudding over less than 10k is brokie mentality. rope and get burned

>> No.58579568

Jesus H Christ are you fucking serious? You fudded over less than ten grand? Newfag spotted. You will never make it thinking like that.

>> No.58579914

Honestly, living in romania AND being a fat fuck is already enough punishment. But being a broke ass too? Fuark, f

>> No.58580344

Bros I'm only holding 1 mil. I'm not gonna make it am I?

>> No.58580633

no you gonna become fat romanian manlet that crys on biz and rages on pol about incel topics

>> No.58580773

I don't think I will.

>> No.58580903

GM! How is the on chain event going so far!!? Now that the event started, surely kerasu can start speaking about it, r-right?? The NDA can’t go on forever, r-right??? h-heh

>> No.58581665

you thought the whole onchain thing with the smart wallet would blow up on day one? if they started releasing things now we would get a 2-3 x pump and that would be it. Timing is everything in this bullrun. Being too early is as bad as being too late

>> No.58581801

>you thought the whole onchain thing with the smart wallet would blow up on day one?
No but if this is an on going event for the next 3 months, it would be nice to get some updates on the things that are going on as it progresses.

We’re all in the dark with how this works (unless you know?). What exactly is the buildathon about? Are they showcasing the skybridge? The arcade? Is it in front of a panel of judges or something? I don’t understand what exactly the secret is regarding this. We’re not asking to reveal whether there is a cb partnership here, just basic information about the event

>> No.58581832

The event is not solely focused around AVI, its many projects on base so not sure that those questions are even relevant.

>> No.58581912

I don’t understand what you mean. Avi is part of the event, so the questions are relevant

>> No.58581917

is 87kg fat? be real with me guys please

>> No.58581934

Weight alone doesn’t tell you how fat someone is

>> No.58581956

i am 158cm

>> No.58582019

Well…you’re definitely not skinny

>> No.58582239
File: 84 KB, 719x984, Kerasu_Betrayal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, lots of unsaid words that were finally said under the cover of the /biz/ anon posting. Let's make it clear I do not give a single flying fuck about what every basic Joe in here says but man, pic related did hurt.

After all the biz threads I created to shill all their progress Kerasu really made fun of me because I'm a third world enjoyer? I see. Btw, Kerasu, if you read this you should thank Stixil 1000 times a day, otherwise you would still be on Twitter shilling random shitcoins. Dissapointing.

>> No.58582395


>> No.58582593

>We're all in the dark
have you tried asking them instead of us?


>> No.58583147

>have you tried asking them instead of us?
>the event is broken into many segments, some of which we are part of. We can’t say much more at this time
Hence my chain of posts regarding kerasu/on chain. At what point during the event will they start taking about this? They’re taking this secretive shit too far

>> No.58583205

like the other anon said, there it sounds more like the secrecy is with coinbase/the entire event, not just avi
coinbase isnt really sharing much information on this themselves, so itd be a real bad look if avi just started spoiling stuff in an attempt to spoonfeed their own holders

>> No.58583362

Here's my 2c:
AVI was never a Coinbase pet-project like you schizos were saying. They just wanted to get Coinbase attention.

Do know what happened?

They got CB attention. Turns out Skybridge is a big fucking deal. So now CB is taking a stake and it became corp corpo crap and can't even post racist rants in the tg

>> No.58583420

You literally driven me insane kek. Go ride a bike or lift rock chubby unfuck your mind

>> No.58583481
File: 87 KB, 500x756, 8t103e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58583574

Day 2 of the special Goybase OniChan summer Operation
>checks price
yup, still crabbing like a piece of shit

two more weeks for coinbase listing
to the moon sirs

>> No.58583702

Very likely

>> No.58583975

2 weekd for the audit then 3 weeks for the test net again because why the fuck not dude lmao, then 1 week of "shipping the mainnet" or whatever the fuck that means and then we get it (maybe if everything goes right (it won't))

this is what happens when devs are lazy bastards it's common in crypto, most of them already made it and give 0 fucks to actually hurry up

>> No.58584000

No you are supposed to just buy and ask no questions

>> No.58584071


You know what Hilm - I'm genuinely sorry for hurting your feelings. I am probably one of the few who consistently empathized with you and tried to look out for your mental well-being. I deleted this message less than a minute after I posted it. It doesn't matter how much you do or do not own and having come from a poor family myself, I understand that every cent counts. So, forgive me, that amount was a lot for you and is commensurate with the amount of stress and anxiety you displayed. It's all relative. On the flip side, I made that comment because you invoked more fud than you did support and I became biz-literate enough (lol, if that's possible) to recognize how much of the fud was actually you and how misleading/distasteful some of the things you've said are. We have worked hard to create a great community and to keep our messaging transparent and professional, so when you decide to create rumors/fud/etc, you directly (albeit ineffectively) counter that work. The only project I ever talked about on my twitter besides AVI was a friend of mines and I had a lot of fun with it, but I am grateful to Stixil for allowing me to join the team. If you decide to join the TG again (which I am guessing you are anyway since you managed to capture that screenshot so quickly), you may get some shit, but overall, as always, you'll be accepted because we always support constructive criticism and open-dialogue.

>> No.58584143

Also, my financial future is not dependent upon Aviator - I have a great career that I earned through over 15 years of hard work and pulling teeth. Aviator is something I am passionate about because I share a long-term vision with the team and aim to build a company that is generational and allows me to take care of not just myself, but my entire extended family.

>> No.58584460


OnChain Summer, as you've all probably realized by now and would've known if you were in the TG, is not one thing or just one showcase on a single page, but is a comprehensive campaign with multiple initiatives, IRL and virtual events, activations, mints, targeted ads, etc. The 'showcase' portion, which is defined pretty loosely, is broken into segments depending on the type of project between June, July, and August - because CB knows, like we do, that in the long run, gradually releasing things wins over doing everything at once. We will be included in OnChain summer. The buildathon is a ton of different projects not just competing, but forming relationships with one another, participating in workshops, and getting consistent feedback from CB. It runs until the end of this month and then judging runs until mid July. Just like OnChain summer, it's broken into different 'tracks'/segments depending on the type of project. Questing could come at anytime this summer, but getting DAO approval was just the first step - there is a lot involved with creating an educational framework for such and CB's teams are smaller than you think. Brian Armstrong said today on the public X spaces with Jesse that one of the most important things is to launch v1 and expect it to be imperfect so that you can start making improvements. The testnet is essentially v1, mainnet will be v1.5, and we've already started the beginning stages of v2. We do everything methodically for a reason and security is extremely important to us, but so is releasing our products to be tested. The bug bounty was/is informative and the subsequent audit with Hacken will go faster this time around, but we're not telling anyone to wait. I don't intend to 'miss out' on the marketing opportunities this summer and already know for a fact that we won't.

>> No.58584624

The guy has like 30 telegram accounts. Don't let him get to you. You're too kind for this place and a good person. He gets his rocks off stirring the pot with his "alter-egos". Meds are the only thing that will help this guy and even still I don't think there's much strong enough to fix him. Anyone can choose to be an asshole. Blaming it on mental instability is a cop out. Anyone who refreshes biz 24/7 to fud every coin they see or own day in and day out deserves the misery they've put on themselves. Same goes for the rest of the fudding bizlets that choose to make their existence meaningless.

>> No.58584645


Thanks, Anon. He doesn't get to me. I'm just willing to admit that the message in the screenshot is out of character for me and apologize for it. Everyone has different metrics by which they measure things and it's all relative. I stand by what I said and agree that they've brought it on themselves to some degree.

>> No.58584783

>brought it on themselves to some degree
>some degree
Hilm has been fudding for at least the last 6 months, both in the TG and on biz. His posts aren’t even entertaining. I never understood why you guys are so lenient with him

>> No.58584822

This. It's pathetic at this point. I've only been in AVI for a month and even I'm starting to get fed up. On the other hand I do pity him a bit. He seems very unstable.

>> No.58584896

We've been lenient because despite his fud, he always seems to come back around to be supportive and unlike people with truly poor/malicious intentions, I think he is genuinely stressed/anxious, which I can empathize with. As a team, we want to support constructive criticism, which I agree he has breached beyond, and it's a fine line between that and what some would consider fud. I'm a big advocate for compassion and want to foster a community where everyone feels welcome, even if they have negative feelings/anxiety/etc. I can't ban someone on TG for their activity on biz. At the end of the day, the fud doesn't really influence us anyway - those who take the time to ask questions in the TG and do their research recognize that we are an extremely hardworking team that is in it for the long haul.

>> No.58585021

im in the middle on this
i dont think theyre a direct coinbase pet-project, but they were still hush-hush about it since the beginning.
since theyre well acquainted with some coinbase people, maybe theyve always had the attention, and coinbase reps were always watching from a distance to see if they could actually execute the idea first?

either way, theyre clearly interested now

>> No.58585084

The thorough explanation is much appreciated, Kerasu.
Obviously there's a balance between what can be shared and what should be shared; whether it's because the avg holder wouldn't understand technical minutia, there are agreements in place, or whatever is happening won't affect the teams overall ability to deliver in the end and meet CB (and our) expectations.

I had June 5th circled on my calendar as the big do-or-die date, so I'm grateful for the explanation and it's reassuring to hear this is more of a segmented marathon and Avi's slot is still upcoming.

>> No.58585092

So what's happening with the audit? Why has it still not been submitted yet?

>> No.58585216

It hasn't been submitted yet because the bug bounty has been running less than a month. Thankfully, there haven't been any critical or even medium tier bugs found and the few bugs that were found were very minor and the lowest tier payout. The bounty will run indefinitely, but frankly, I personally expected to run it for longer than we are before the final v1 audit and releasing mainnet. People undermine just how expensive audits are, especially with Hacken, and how important they are paired with extensive testing, and retesting, and testing again, when handling a product of this nature. In my view, the timing is all aligning near perfectly, but I can understand why it wouldn't seem that way from the outside looking in. Establishing Aviator as a blue chip project/company is one of my top initiatives and there are so many things along the way that can disrupt that process. We are moving as quickly as we can, while still checking all of the necessary boxes and not making compromises.

>> No.58585248

Just know that my financial future is in your hands.

>> No.58585317

and my parents'

>> No.58585439

Maybe I’m a retard but, Is it still being submitted this week or have you guys decided to extend it the testnet period?

>> No.58585776

>It hasn't been submitted yet because the bug bounty has been running less than a month
Have you guys discussed how long it should be on testenet before moving on to mainnet?

>> No.58585883

>People undermine just how expensive audits are, especially with Hacken
They can't be that expensive considering they're just harbouring Ukrainian draft dodgers

>> No.58585945 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, photo_27_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol bro i'm with you on that one if hacken can afford to harbour ukrainian draft dodgers they should have plenty of money to spare to audit $choo
those audit costs ain't gonna break the bank especially with the potential gains from our token we need to prioritize making that bank instead of worrying about those audit fees it’s like they’d rather spend their money on refugee camps than on ensuring project security talk about misplaced priorities let's just skip the audits and head directly to the moon with our token

>> No.58586261


You must be the absolutely most annoying person on biz. You go I to every single thread, shitting on their coins, trying to buy the absolute most jeety fucking thing. NO ONE is buying that shit. You have to be so unbelievably stupid to shill it.

>> No.58586309
File: 203 KB, 618x635, 1708818944864897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely some pajeet AI response bot, ive seen plenty of other tokens do this exact same genre of corny memey reply botposting in the past and theyre always THE most annoying faggot posters on biz at the time they exist.


>> No.58586457


Anyone that buys that shit absolutely deserves to get rugged. 52/100 on dextools, 4% buy tax, 8% sell tax, literally zero volume ($0), AND IT'S FUCKING LAME. Not even fucking biz is dumb enough to buy that shit.

>> No.58586700 [DELETED] 


>> No.58586825

The testnet period is indefinite. Even once SkyBridge is released on BASE mainnet, the bug bounty and testnet will still be active. The goal is still to submit this week, but I admittedly made some additional work for Stixil and the devs because I requested some last minute changes to the UI and documentation from Stixil for a video that I'm working on. If you want quicker responses, please hop into the TG and ping me because I am bound to miss some biz posts.

>> No.58587122

don't apologize to that fat retard he deserved it

>> No.58587455
File: 189 KB, 686x622, 81881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ill give you credit for attempting to talk sense to these "people", I wouldn't waste my time on these idiots. You are just talking to a bunch of jeet shillers/pump and dumpers. Some people just cant be saved. You and the team are doing a great job

>> No.58587824

Apologies accepted and, btw, the only fud thread that I ever made was the delayviator one 6 months ago.

Also, I did not invent any other FUD. The nintendo lawsuit, the Iran Stixil, Dork squad etc. That was someone else, there is always a bigger fish and no, I will not join back. I'm way better off just lurking and minding my own business. I'm happy I managed to gather some early adopters with my threads but when AVI gets shilled by Jesse and CB biz will pale in comparison. Gl.

>> No.58587915


Thanks for accepting my apology. That comment was certainly out of character for me, which is why I immediately deleted it. I want to be accepting of folks from all socioeconomic backgrounds and if you're a part of the community or enjoy our brand/products, it doesn't matter how much AVI you have. You've made me laugh on numerous occasions and offered us a lot of support, which I appreciate. Some of the soft fud and saying I should hire security if I do IRL events was a bit much IMO, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the other fud on biz not being you. In any case, I hope you're doing well and if being out of the TG is better for you overall, I'm happy for you and glad you're finding balance. I know such is not the nature of biz, but we would all be better off being a little more pragmatic and compassionate. Upwards and onwards.

>> No.58588190

actually, the nintendo thing was me and no one believes me when i say it
i used chat gpt to 'write a email format' and just screenshotted it

>> No.58589112


>> No.58589113

Ok i boughteded.
I think $5k for 1M AVI is quite expensive..

I feel like a stacklet.
Is that enough to make it?
If i can make $50k from this i'd be happy

>> No.58589292

Yea, I think you saw that I've been bullied because I had less then 1M. But trust me, it's more than enough. AVI needs just a 6Billions mcap to reach $1. Or just 3Billions for 50 cents. Don't listen to these ancient fuckers still in crypto at 50 years old. 1M is enough.

>> No.58589316

no utility koin have ever reached billions of mcap GET REAL

>> No.58589324

Damn, and here I was looking at the top 100 coins, heck, even top 300 and I saw most of them are "utility" coins. Wtf were you thinking about when you said this? HAHAHAH

>> No.58589358
File: 94 KB, 762x781, 1548632062069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58589359

Thanks for the hopium

>> No.58589450

If 50k is making it to you, then most certainly yes. No promises as always, but just look at this project, the people behind it, you couldn't be in much better hands.
Welcome, aviator.

>> No.58590394

No worries. Just manifest it. It will reach $1 and this will be our last cycle. Maybe we'll join the next just for the thrill.

>> No.58590407
File: 57 KB, 1079x705, photo_2023-08-29_17-33-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delayviator janny comes in the thread and posts more "2 more weeks" cope

>> No.58590421

Based, let's manifest 1$ Avi bros!!!

>> No.58590491

>It hasn't been submitted yet because the bug bounty has been running less than a month

>The goal is still to submit this week

That was a bit confusing. It sounded like you guys decided holding off on sending it in for auditing since it hasn’t been tested long enough, but your 2nd post suggests that it is being sent in. I’m not much of a TG person. I noticed not all announcements get pinned and having to scroll through 1k+ posts on every visit gets tiresome. Anyways, thanks for at least coming here to explain it

>> No.58590768

hold that stack til at least $500,000 in value
but you could pull 1-1.5M from it holding it longer probably.

>> No.58591580

How long is "longer" do you think?

>> No.58591634

do I looke like a fortune teller nigga

>> No.58591664

If you're going to speculate on future price it isn't farfetched to speculate on when that price is coming

>> No.58592206

i can smell .005, it wants it badly

>> No.58592229

we're one catalyst away from a large GREEN candle aviators. what do YOU think it will be that sets it off?

>> No.58592645
File: 46 KB, 462x500, 1710171183242680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally nothing
i think the hivemind will just randomly discover avi and realize how good it is, and our next pump will be for seemingly no reason- similar to last time
people say the last one was because of the hacken audit announcement, but theres no chance that many people genuinely thought the avi team was lying about that and were also waiting on a hacken tweet to buy that much.

alternatively, buildathon exposure

>> No.58593191
File: 26 KB, 1034x173, COINOTAG NEWS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coinbase is really going all in on base network. They will attract shit ton of users, projects who wan'ts to mitigate over to base might need something... Like a proper bridge that can seamlessly get their projects + nfts etc from eth network over to base to reach those users.. But I can't really put my finger on it. hmm..
Probably nothin'

>> No.58593377
File: 204 KB, 1552x713, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this TA the other day on a thread but it is and will play out

>> No.58593917

Matthew red here aka jimmy, thanks for the .002 re-entry aviators, it was an honor.

>> No.58594086
File: 327 KB, 512x464, aviatorlander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're welcome nigger.

>> No.58594108


This is not true. Matthew Red outed his wallet which is down bad. He sold AVI near the bottom 40 days ago and bought something called Trog kek

>> No.58594236

He rebought day later but only half of his stack.

>> No.58594268
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


adding lil bit more to this, got high as fuck and thought of something more.

Smart wallet is probably gonna be huge for a while during summer. Gonna be a lot of desperate normies doing those quests for crypto.

Just hope the hype continues until arcade release and probably some ready to go games on there. Too much homo in here.

>> No.58594506

I understand the confusion and to clarify, I said it wasn't submitted yet because it's been live less than a month because there have been people who believe that even two weeks of a testnet is too long and that we shouldn't even do another audit. The goal is to submit it this week because we are at a stage where we feel we are ready to do so. I personally slowed the process by a few days because I have my own initiatives I am working on and last minute requested them to make some changes to the UI for a video that I'm working on. We have been working on increasing the quality and accessibility of the TG/announcements. The easiest way for you to stay updated on all general announcements would be to follow us on X and turn notifications on, but for more granular information, asking questions in the TG is best. I wouldn't rely on biz because oftentimes what we say gets misconstrued (sometimes intentionally) and people spread rumors with no basis (like the Mr.Beast stuff or claiming that Nintendo filed a cease and desist against us lol).

>> No.58594572
File: 3.12 MB, 5000x2500, spinosaurus-v41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aped in every spare penny on this coin, broke uni student so could only scrounge up enough dosh for 200k avi. Realistically what would that be worth by the end of this summer lads?

>> No.58594588
File: 346 KB, 568x512, moneylander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How does 100k - 200k sound?

>> No.58594609
File: 38 KB, 634x595, 1659855239040913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like 200k avi tokens

>> No.58594621

Always appreciate when you guys come into the threads, it's a good way to put to rest (at least temporarily) a lot of the concerns and fud

>> No.58594795

As always, thanks kerasu.

On another note, eth is nosediving. What the absolute fuck is going on?

>> No.58594847
File: 84 KB, 731x553, 32165161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC took a shit bud.

>> No.58595207
File: 221 KB, 720x643, image_2024-06-07_215038462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if it's still legal UB

>> No.58595250

Yeah, we saw your post in the tg and it wasn't funny or original there, either.

>> No.58595843

I was just kidding when I said i would be surprised if it was sent out by Friday.

>> No.58596511

It is if you’re under 187cm. I very much doubt you are 6’1” or taller

>> No.58596518
File: 177 KB, 828x325, IMG_1081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao! Look at this faggot retard in the AVI telegram. He isn’t even a mod but he acts like a fucking Janny

>> No.58596523

Guess it died. New play Vesta is ready to spring to life tho. It’s the cycle of the market

>> No.58596553
File: 124 KB, 828x232, IMG_1083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tranny got pissy about the word faggot. AVI won’t attract the people it needs if it’s going to police its user’s speech like faggots

>> No.58596556


Peter here. Calm down you fucking idiot. Don't post stupid shit in there when we have Coinbase starting to get interested in us.

>> No.58596565

>Avi won't attract the people it needs if it's going to police its user's speech
On the contrary, given the CB stuff going on it's better to come off as inoffensive to the suits. Also far more faggish for you to make two almost back-to-back complaint posts

>> No.58596621

Lmfao stupid fuck. Coinbase doesn’t care about that shit and what even makes you think they are going through AVI’s telegram? You’re making shit up. Lastly, you draw more attention to by acting the way you did. But you are too much of a retarded nigger to realize that.

>> No.58596650
File: 181 KB, 510x467, 1717755728301797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tg user here
that is all
see you all back in the tg

>> No.58596661
File: 164 KB, 967x378, Screenshot_20240607-145253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. We need to police when that happens in the official chat so that the suits know we are tolerant and all that stuff. This is something that the team asks, so please get it through your skull you absolute moron. So stop being a fucking baby and get all that shit out of your system here. Notice that you are the only person making that point because the rest of us care more about making money.

>> No.58596716

What suits? You fucking schizo. What suits are in the telegram making sure no one is saying naughty words? Are you dumb? Why the fuck would CB, or anyone like that, be interested in a project that doesn’t even have a working platform off the ground yet? Why would they be interested in watching a telegram chat for a project that doesn’t even have regular updates from the lead devs, and who’s marketing team/person hasn’t even been active (with the exception of being on biz) for 4 months?? Holy shit you faggots are STUPID!

>> No.58596759


I literally forwarded a post from Magic, who deletes posts with that word all the time. Exchanges literally send scouts to TGs to do their due diligence before listings. As Kerasu himself says, we need a clean social presence. So please, just shut the fuck up. You are the only person who is disagreeing with me. No one cares what you say in your spare time, on biz, to your mom, etc.

>> No.58596810

No, you were just being a dork and then kept going over how “we don’t say that word here… next time keep it cleaner.” Probably because you’re an actual faggot and loser in real life so reporting people on telegram actually makes you feel in control over something. And btw I’m the “only person disagreeing with you” because most of the people who still believe in AVI but who had to deal with retards like you have LEFT THE TELEGRAM. I have seen several people in these threads say exactly that. So no, you’re a delusional faggot.

>> No.58596817

Coinbase will never, ever, in a million fucking years, list any coin that is in any way, shape or form involved with Base Chain. This is an absolute and undeniable fact. You will seethe and cope but then you will dial 8.

>> No.58596857

Coinbase will never list a token associated with their own blockchain? Like they didn't list Aero a couple of months ago?

>> No.58596858


Nice projections there. I don't really wanna keep this chat going with you, since you're so stupid that my very simple point isn't coming across. Just behave in the chat, okay champ?

>> No.58596868

Why are you so butthurt about this? The team specifically said you are free to be as biztarded as you want as long as you keep it out of their group.

>> No.58596879

>be edgelord
>shit up a normie TG
>get shat on instead
>comes to biz to cry about it
>even posts screencaps
Kek what a faggot. No one in the TG wants to read that shit, dumbass

>> No.58596893

I don't know what is more stupid, the guy who thinks having a respectful community is bearish or the one who thinks Coinbase would never list a project who is popular ON THEIR OWN CHAIN?! Also, if CB weren't interested in us, why would they meet with us? Why would they suggest the questing rewards program to us? Why wouldn't they be interested in literally the ONLY bridge that will support EVERY STANDARD ERC-20 & NFT on Ethereum bridging to BASE with the most robust audit process and best scores compared to either of the current two supported bridges? Your reasoning doesn't make any sense lol. Also, to the guy who said I've been MIA for the past 4 months - I'm literally in the TG answering questions and in meetings for Aviator every single day. What you see, comprises maybe 10% of what actually goes into 'Marketing'. I've spent an enormous amount of time preparing for our launch. Be prepared to get the proverbial rope.

>> No.58596898

Lol you are an actual faggot. The thing is, you’re just a huge fucking loser that uses the “we’re going to be listed on Coinbase in just 2 more weeks” as an excuse to act like a Leddit moderator because you have no real power or influence in the real world. So you try to police the language of non faggots because it makes you feel good about yourself. You should seriously rope yourself.

>> No.58596912

I'm feeling lucky. I seriously feel like this will go to the moon. I think I'll buy more.

>> No.58596915

Nah, Peter is a G and extremely intelligent and successful IRL. You just sound like an angry teenager who wants to rebel because they can't expand their vernacular beyond cesspool status.

>> No.58596927 [DELETED] 

Also, wtf is Leddit? or is that just another sign of your subpar grammatical and speaking abilities? KEK

>> No.58596947

If by G you mean Gay then yes, you are correct. And the issue was that instead of being diplomatic about things he went full autist and acted personally insulted.

>> No.58596991

>Also, to the guy who said I've been MIA for the past 4 months - I'm literally in the TG answering questions and in meetings for Aviator every single day.
YOU ARENT REACHING NEW PEOPLE outside of the 1200 people that are in the telegram. This is the reason things have stagnated like they have. How the fuck do you not know this?? If you are this pants on head retarded about marketing then holy shit dude..

>> No.58597016
File: 103 KB, 850x838, 1691844962633559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you kerasu

>> No.58597056


Imagine thinking you know more about marketing than the guy with like 15 years of experience who got Coinbase's attention

>> No.58597060

Stop fudding your own bags. Just chill out. Yeah, it sucks that it's crabbing. Wait.

>> No.58597085

Newsflash, Coinbase doesn’t like gaming tokens. Why do you think they de-listed Gala and refused to list other, much bigger gaming tokens? It’s kind of surprising finding out that this project will either sink or swim based on Coinbase’s approval because the devs have fully laid the future of it at the remote possibility of a Coinbase listing.
Also, who the fuck looks at the current, abysmal state of the gaming industry and says “welp, we are going to follow the exact same rules that the current shitty leadership of the gaming industry has set, except we are going to put it on the blockchain…” and thinks that will be enough to make it? No, people are FED UP with what is going on with the gaming industry and was hoping blockchain and crypto could take that kingmaker power OUT of the current hands it is in. What’s the point of having a project like this if you are just going to have the same rules that make it as gay and retarded as the industry currently is?

>> No.58597093

I’ve said my peace..

>> No.58597098
File: 6 KB, 249x217, 1709760473902139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um... sweaty?
its "ive said my peas...."

>> No.58597110

You and I clearly have different definitions of stagnation and you also clearly don't actually work in marketing or advertising. I'm focused on building a company that is around for decades and don't spend my days fretting over short term market movements, especially prior to launching a product with a full marketing campaign (what a real company does). Clearly you see the vision or else you wouldn't be here - so we did something right. Beyond that, why would I blow my marketing budget before I can direct users to a product? I've been doing this for over 15 years and have argued with NYC executives who are more ruthless than any of you will ever be. Nothing you say phases me lol. My experience with major brands and celebrities and the success I've had with such in my career, gives me the confidence I need to make the statements that I do. Our marketing campaign will be successful, it will educate and attract new users, notable brands and names will talk about us, we will be featured during OnChain summer, and Aviator as a company will continue to evolve and innovate. This is not ego speaking - it's experience. If you have a good product, as long as you have experience in the advertising industry (not talking about 'marketing consultants' and 'influencers', but legitimate executive level marketing and advertising experience), then marketing isn't the hard part - it's maintaining brand loyalty and a user base by continuing to innovate, perpetuating a brand identity that users resonate with, and forming good business relationships with institutional players.

>> No.58597118

Listed on Cuckbase:
Retards really should look these things up before saying them.

>> No.58597125

Ugh, I don't have the energy to keep repeating myself, so I am just going to post our overview, because you clearly haven't done your research - we offer competitive royalties and no hosting fees - that alone sets us apart. Coinbase delisted Gala for reasons that I won't get into for defamation purposes, but that you can EASILY look up on Google that having nothing to do with being a gaming project. Beyond that, Aviator is SO MUCH MORE than just a gaming platform:

Aviator is a pioneering web3 company, revolutionizing gaming and bridging solutions on Base with Aviator Arcade™ and SkyBridge™. Aviator Arcade™ is a gaming platform that allows any developer to publish their game on-chain without hosting fees, while offering competitive royalties, as well as rewards for players, in AVI. Our custom bridging solution, SkyBridge™, aims to encourage adoption of Base and Aviator Arcade™ through enabling seamless transfers of any standard ERC-20 and ERC-721 token between Ethereum and Base, offering options that bypass Optimism’s 7-day lockup period. With trust and security at the forefront, SkyBridge™ has been audited with a 10/10 score by Hacken. The KYC-certified core team includes experts from Shiba Inu's security team, seasoned developers, and industry professionals in OOH, digital advertising, government, and accounting. The Aviator DAO empowers community members to influence the project's future by utilizing $AVI to vote on proposals concerning the multisig treasury wallet. As Aviator continues to expand its ecosystem with multi-chain support, reward incentives, charity initiatives, RWA features, in-game NFT integration, and more, SkyBridge™ and Aviator Arcade™ stand as a testament to the team’s dedication to decentralization, interoperability, and user-centric design

>> No.58597131

no its not. another anon posted a bmi thing, im not even obese

>> No.58597133

I love you too <3

>> No.58597226

>be prepared to get the proverbial rope

>> No.58597249

Also very cool and informative write-ups, thank you again for the solid communication

>> No.58597446

So I have to ask because this has been on my mind a lot. What if Base fails as a chain? How much of AVI’s success is dependent on Base’s success, and Is this something that you guys have taken into consideration? At the end of the day, CB can pour millions into trying to make it a success but crypto doesn’t always work out that way.

>> No.58597509

They will also offer a game hosting platform that Kerasu described above. Considering that Base is much cheaper than ETH and AVI is building a tool that will make it easier to use Base...

>> No.58597691

I have 5m, what can I expect? Can I become a multi millionaire by this time next year? I literally don't follow the project but to check in every few weeks and have no clue what's going on.

>> No.58597792


>> No.58597816
File: 80 KB, 1080x717, Screenshot_20240607-211948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another alt, taking guesses on whether or not he fuds more. current pot, .1eth

>> No.58597831
File: 91 KB, 999x1184, photo_2024-03-18_12-51-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno but i scooped up another 1.5m, up to 7.5m, im pretty sure this hits 5-15c this summer honestly

>> No.58597839


Kek. I wonder which fudders it's gonna be this time.

>> No.58597879

hello fellas

>> No.58597980

hi. sell.

>> No.58598037
File: 223 KB, 521x937, 1598474938979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im glad i picked the right team

>> No.58598503

i swear to god if onchain summer is just base tweeting out ways to mint NFTs, we are all doomed

>> No.58599147

Kek imagine this onchain summer was just a overhyped nothingburger and we crab for 3-4 more months. I would sell my PC, my smartphone and get a Nokia1300 and just avoid crypto until 2025 if that happens.

>> No.58599236

.005 avi

>> No.58599244

fuck you bitch boy, what other crypto project has their marketing lead coming into this shithole site to drop bullish alpha like this. you are a moron if you cannot see what awaits avi. biz doesnt deserve this

>> No.58599275
File: 16 KB, 645x770, cd9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell. sneed/seethe and sell nigger

>> No.58599282

confirm gen a poor

>> No.58599290
File: 88 KB, 504x502, 1707416727120314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn avicult niggers are weird. dont speak to me.

>> No.58599319

shitcoin flavor of the week retards spamming our threads, go be down 80% with korb

>> No.58599396
File: 753 KB, 736x1050, edsgfvresdgver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm...hello, niggers...
for saturday breakfast i made us this pepe we can all enjoy.

that is all. im still waiting

>> No.58599401

thanks anon, the nipple makes this one a gem
stay out of our thread NOW

>> No.58599621

some of the artists they have and what they put out is interesting and pretty cool. BUT you have to get NORMIES to care. When have normies ever cared about NFTs? NFTs are still considered to be the joke of crypto.

>> No.58599945

Which is why >>58597446 should be a valid concern. If Base continues being as shitty in the future as it is now, what will that do for avi? The bridge is supposed to be a big part of AVI’s revenue, so that means Base has to do well as a chain.

>> No.58599972
File: 7 KB, 215x250, 1491182105400s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does the token do besides dao/voting/governance? will people need to buy avi to use the skybridge? will there be some staking?

>> No.58599982

see >>58597125

>> No.58600121
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1546223140665s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it's only used for player rewards/payments and governance. Kinda disappointing desu, I don\t see it pumping hard without some token locking/staking mechanism that incentivizes people to hoard and keep tokens instead of immediate buy/spend

>> No.58600139

They will care. Coinbase and other big money can pump all the NFTs to make retail FOMO. Yea, they don't care about NFTs YET. When they start making poor cunts rich they will , dw.

And also, stop with the "delayviator" bs in the TG chat. It's not Stixil or Kerasu that come with last minute changes or trying to time to market. It's actually Coinbase. Skybridge was made for them and so, they will releae it when they think it's worth it. The whole market is a bitch nowadays, so why release most of their mainframe projects products now? When they can do it next week when the market will resume the bullrun. So, have some patience god damn it.

TLDR - Coinbase actually delays AVI's release dates. They also force them to audit everything as the bridge will represent BASE.

>> No.58600145

Stixil said they will have staking soon. A good way for giga whales to make money without selling.

>> No.58600166
File: 367 KB, 700x400, image_2024-06-08_193648030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And hear me out. Kerasu won't and will not comment on this schizo theory BUT. Shib was actually supposed to be what AVI and that other shib swap clone are currently. But, when that giga faggot was stealing money and the teams divided, they still created the promised products for CB but under different names.

>> No.58600185

I can believe this.
The arcade will burn a percent of every token. This has potential to snowball with the arcades popularity

>> No.58600187

any details on that? and am I right to think that Avi won't be listed on coinbase or binance until the arcade is live? I think you need a working product for those exchanges to list and skybridge alone won't even require using any AVI tokens

>> No.58600192

No it is literally used to speed up bridging of other tokens.

>> No.58600199

What is the working product of meme coins? Plenty of those listed on binance and a few on coinbase as well.

>> No.58600284

This is possible too.
The team strikes me as professional and meticulous. It's not a stretch to imagine CB being involved and dictating certain terms and schedules.
If you're interpreting the nonchalant attitude regarding the lack of VISIBLE progress as the team not caring, then you're missing the big picture. I see that as them being content and confident. Everything I've seen from the team tells me this project means everything to them.
We're on the outside looking in and we know there are big things happening behind the scenes. It's going to be revealed eventually and everyone bemoaning the current price action rather than slurping will feel foolish. Thats my take

>> No.58600306
File: 149 KB, 909x164, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


alright maybe I got confused, it only says that bridging avi itself won't require any avi fees, just gas, so I assume bridging anything else will require people to buy the avi token?

yeah, but they probably claim to be "community tokens" or "currencies" like bitcoin and exchanges sometimes let it fly, I could be wrong thos and I hope I am cause I have 10% of my portfolio in this thing

>> No.58600343

Hello dear sirs, I was reading the whitepaper and I noticed the following on the first page: "the barrier for entry for their our DeFi gaming platform", where can I apply to work for AVI as an Indian?

>> No.58600413

Yes. From the very beginning they sent a ETH message that wanted to assure that AVI and the shib swap clone were never connected. I remember when I asked Magic about it and he sent it in the TG chat but deleted it very quickly.

They also trade marked the bridge from the very beginning to protect themselves from that giga shib faggot.

If you can't see that they are somehow connected between each other and AVI's connection with CB then you're NGMI.

>> No.58600515

I mean, no offense to kerasu. But right after he had the meeting with Coinbase "Kerasu" made a last minute change request to the CODE(?!?!) to lower the withdrawal fees or smth like that.

Kerasu....which worked in the film industry for the past 15 years, made a Coding change request. Yeah, sure. No offense again.

It won't surprise me at all if the bridge has been done for the past couple of months or even from last year but they are trying to make this launch as natural as possible. Hacken placed AVI in a 5 coins twitter post when the 10/10 audit score was announced. They try to make it as ninja as possible. IDK if Hacken ever did that before AVI lmao.

>> No.58600521

It won't surprise me if Coinbase's developers team is actually creating the bridge.

>> No.58600523

>If you're interpreting the nonchalant attitude regarding the lack of VISIBLE progress as the team not caring, then you're missing the big picture
>this project means everything to them
>We're on the outside looking in
i think youre exactly right, and even though most are joking, its a little annoying how hard some anons misunderstand the way they act
from the beginning, its been immediately obvious that the way they rotate having active people in the TG is less of
>we're just fucking around in here because we dont wanna work and dont care
like bizfags say, but rather
>we have been working on this shit and dealing with all the annoying business formalities all day, and now that i have a break i can hop into the tg to hang out with everyone as my choice of relaxing
we can see the skybridge beta, the arcade screenshots, the high interest from coinbase- theyre clearly doing work
theyve always been vocal about wanting to make this project a major part of their lives, including making it a fun community they can hang around- and thats exactly what theyre doing

>> No.58600575
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Hate to burst some peoples' bubbles, but the bridge isn't being timed. It did have legit bugs related to 7 day withdrawal, and you can see that onchain and from AVI trying to debug on the Optimism Discord. Also, the bridge idea came out after the arcade idea. The full story probably looks more like:

> Many members of the Shib defense team got fed up with scamming from Shib
> Stixil, with people like U B and Kraken, left to form AVI after Stixil thought of the Arcade idea.
> They knew Magic who helped with Shib's legal stuff, and they all know the CB listing process/team from that. Magic helped with tokenomics and stuff like that, and also provided funding
> Base came out after AVI token was created. They thought it was a good idea to get onboarded onto it, so they decided to work on SkyBridge at the same time since no one had that idea
> Skybridge was a huge pain to build, but the arcade was easy and is pretty complete
> Kerasu knows professional marketing so after he was hired, he was able to set up meetings with Coinbase and a bunch of other top tier companies.

>> No.58600599

So, what you are saying is that when they formed the company and TRADE MARKED the Skybridge idea from the VERY BEGINNING of it, they didn't have ideas for a BASE bridge? I really do not understand, maybe they added a random bridge in there for the shits and giggles, you may be right when they founded Aviator LLC.

>> No.58600604

true, i sincerely doubt coinbase has as much involvement as some people suggest
my belief is just
>team starts working on getting the arcade and bridge together
>team already knew some people from CB, and tells them to check out what theyre working on
>CB people think its cool and itd be good for base if they can pull it off
>keeps an eye on them and have them on the back-burner, cautiously watching to see their progress
>now that the arcade is in private alpha and the skybridge is in open testnet, CB reps can clearly see they made it happen
>CB has been watching all this time, but is now clearly more willing to start committing to a business relationship

also, an extra consideration
>because the arcade was designed to be on base and wouldnt have made sense on eth mainnet, the bridge was planned from the very beginning
>avi needs to be bridged from eth to base for the arcade to work

>> No.58600605


The trademark was filed in September. Can you look things up before you post?

>> No.58600608

>maybe they added a random bridge in there for the shits and giggles, you may be right when they founded Aviator LLC.

When they founded Aviator LLC maybe they added a random bridge in there for the shits and giggles, you may be right *

>> No.58600614


>> No.58600618


I think the token smart contract always had stuff in there that allowed gasless transactions when using the arcade (some signing function).


Aviator LLC makes no mention of Skybridge. The SkyBridge trademark was filed in September. It's all very easy to look up.

>> No.58600619

I don't think we should let this speculation about AVI being some secret proxy of Coinbase get out of hand. It seems to me unnecessary, as we're already in a great position without that being the case and with the more reasonable idea that they've simply done the work to get noticed.

>> No.58600623

Did he work for Hollywood or Bollywood? I really need to know this.

>> No.58600628

true, i really dont think the proxy stuff is the case
besides, coinbase simply having a genuine interest in avi and being impressed with their work might even be more bullish than avi being some shell company conspiracy or something

>> No.58600639

>we have been working on this shit and dealing with all the annoying business formalities all day, and now that i have a break i can hop into the tg to hang out with everyone as my choice of relaxing
>we can see the skybridge beta, the arcade screenshots, the high interest from coinbase- theyre clearly doing work
Just so people don't get it twisted, magic, stixil, kerasu, pengo, etc. are not doing any of the dev work. They aren't building the site, working on the bridge, or working on the arcade. They hired people to do this. The team are all full time wagies. They have day jobs that they have to do and avi comes secondary to that. Kerasu even stated that his financial future isn't dependent on avi. I think you guys are reading way too much into some of this stuff.

>> No.58600646


And what made all of you hold until now? Before Kerasu told everyone openly about their Coinbase meetings? Was it the speculation that this is actually a CB sleeper project and that they will list it? Don't make me search for all the messages that contain "Coinbase" in the TG and send each and every msg in here to prove it. Don't act all smarty pants now just because the SkyBridge TM was made in Sept and not when they first launched.

Kek, actually, if you don't believe in the CB connections and AVI is just another nothing burger trying to impress CB but will fail then go on and sell everything. You won't. Because you all believe what I said already above.

>> No.58600673


We knew they had connections to the CB listing team for a while -- that's not new. We also knew they do have eventual plans to get listed, and it's why they do audits and follow the listing guide. The sleeper project stuff is just being a schizo.

>> No.58600674

>And what made all of you hold until now
I bought in July of last year off speculation that the Arcade would be a succesful and popular project. The fact that the Bridge got added in and the team demonstrated the fortitude to do everything by the book to get listed and to build trust through communication and things like KYC'ing and audits only reinforced my confidence.
>if you don't believe in the CB connections and AVI is just another nothing burger trying to impress CB but will fail then go on and sell everything
No thanks. AVI does have CB connections, but not as a sleeper CB project. They've done what's necessary to build those connections and they've proven it with their attendance at exclusive CB events and partnering with their smart wallet

>> No.58600682

i dont know if i understand your point
coinbase has clearly been interested in seeing what avi can pull of since the beginning given how the team always responded to coinbase questions, but i also dont think its some conspiracy where an internal coinbase team has secretly been developing this themselves
i doubt its a literal direct coinbase-developed product, and at this point, i dont think itd even make a difference either way
i held since the first biz shill simply because the team has a good reputation and theyve been working hard to bring trust and positive change to this pajeet hellhole of a market
plus theyre white

>> No.58600699

I just bought like $3500 more yesterday. I’m riding to the moon with this shit or getting smashed against the rocks. Some of these theories about who the devs are and/or aren’t makes no difference to me. I didn’t come here for that. Hell I didn’t even know that a Coinbase listing was even a possibility until after I was balls deep and quite frankly, Coinbase’s potential involvement is more annoying to me than anything because projects who want to be listed by them can turn into unauthentic, faggy disappointments that never solve the problems they set out to do in the first place. This is because the focus shifts from development, creativity and lively discussions to heavier and heavier community policing in order to placate and appease higher monied interests.. I’m here, like others, because I felt like the project addresses the most obvious use case and future for crypto… gaming. No one is more sick of the ridiculous bullshit infecting every facet of society than gamers. That’s why AVI is important and having a (good) decentralized platform for game developers is an opportunity of a lifetime. If AVI can migrate to Base, which will allow much lower transaction fees, that’s even better. I just don’t want everyone to put all their hopes on getting listed on Coinbase because honestly screw Coinbase.

>> No.58600746

Bought in August because the arcade idea was novel and has potential. The kyc, ENS, trademarks and care put into the whitepaper and tokenomics made me feel confident it wasnt a quick scam and the team was laying the groundwork to eventually deliver.
Skybridge and cb rumors happened later and strengthened my confidence in the team/project

>> No.58600760

Same - we ride to Valhalla or go to zero. My bet is on the former

>> No.58600773

Don't think CB joined in AVI to see it succeed? Try saying nigger in the TG and see how long it lasts

>> No.58600793
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>When they start making poor cunts rich they will

This is the other bullish thing too, if normies get airdropped some nfts/coins/maybe AVI and it makes them like $100 they will freak out

>Hacken placed AVI in a 5 coins twitter post when the 10/10 audit score was announced. They try to make it as ninja as possible. IDK if Hacken ever did that before AVI lmao

Hacken does do that tho, some coins get a separate tweet entirely after the audit, while others get clumped in. Maybe you gotta pay extra for certain things

im pretty sure you would always get banned for saying that

>> No.58600794

Top fucking kek. That's how I will test everything from now on.

>> No.58600884

Yeah, I said faggot in the tg and got reported which is weird because even literal faggots call other people faggots and no one gives a fuck except for some retarded trannies at Coinbase Kek.

>> No.58600892

just call them British cigarettes

>> No.58600955
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Kek so you're the loser that kept fudding his bags and losing his temper on biz. And you're still ass blasted about getting btfo.

>> No.58600965

Playing both sides are we?

>> No.58600971
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Top kek. Why do we always get the most psychotic and delusional holders?

>> No.58600982

kek. Busted, he just tried to join the conversation.

>> No.58600999
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> fuds his own bags and even upsets Kerasu
> tries to join the big boy table today

Agbro, there's a nice place for you to sit near Jimmy and Homelander. The grown ups are talking.

>> No.58601006

But d-d-doctor...I'm Homelander

>> No.58601010
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I’ve been in the conversation this whole time retards kek

>> No.58601021
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Agbro, the big boys are talking. Please go back to fudding. Do you even own a Based Fox? Why do you think you deserve a seat at the table after all the fudding you did?

>> No.58601055

The “grown ups” sound like a bunch of Q anon schizos. Your only message has been “just wait till Coinbase listing” and then turn into a bunch of butthurt retards when people even question if it’s a certainty. And because of this possibility of a listing (that comes from basically nowhere because I have seen next to nothing from anyone important suggesting that Coinbase is even considering listing AVI) you try to keep everything “above board” which basically means making the community less interesting and fun and instead turning it into a weird cult around Kerasu. Which btw wouldn’t even be that big of an issue if you actually had a finished project and you don’t. So we are just left with a bunch of moral busy body faggots.

>> No.58601061

>sound like a bunch of schizos
Sounds like a bunch of projection from someone bipolarly flip-flopping on his position

>> No.58601076
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Atta boy. And stay there.

>> No.58601136

i love avi i am now down to 85kg from the bullying i got on here

>> No.58601142

Hey retard, you idiots came to biz, not the other way around. You use the tg as a circle jerk for about 4-5 people who make up 90% of all posts and make it clear to everyone that anything edgy or critical will be banned because Coinbase is watching (Kek). then you come here and shit talk, and pretend like any criticisms are unwarranted and are just from schizos who fail to trust the plan. Holy shit you guys are nuts.

>> No.58601151

>Coinbase Exec: Hmm, looks like we will be investing in this shitcoin called AVI. Let's check out their telegram.

>> No.58601164
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>coinbase execs are in charge.
>trust the plan aviators
Holy kek

>> No.58601167
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pic sums up past few months

>> No.58601171
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>still this flustered about politely being told to not say faggot in a telegram chat
do you want normies to buy this or not

>> No.58601173

Cool pivot anon, but that didn't address the point. Also, it is the other way around. I found AVI on biz in July thanks to a kind anon, the TG came later

>> No.58601177

the duality of biz

>> No.58601230

The biggest turn off to the project are the faggot moderators in telegram that have basically turned the chat into their social club and then come here and do the same thing in the threads and then get together to help attack anyone who doesn’t adopt their morality, or who has their concerns over the slow progress. These people are dismissed as schizos who “fail to see the plan.”
If the idiots who have attacked me and other people over their “edginess” (their word) or impatience want to treat AVI as their own personal fiefdom they risk completely destroying a potentially great project.

>> No.58601245

No one gives a shit how you talk in a biz thread and people have said so already. The only one creating any risk is you by freaking out over not being able to call someone a faggot in a TG. It's not that big a deal

>> No.58601250 [DELETED] 

As someone who has been in the project since the summer, I like the characters in the tg channel for the most part. That having been said, would be nice to see a little more professionalism and less memes. Memes are alright.. in short bursts. Can we tone it down a little and get a little more serious. Other than that, I like the tg characters for the most part.

>> No.58601251

nigger just dont say faggot in there with all the normies
thats literally it
no ones even upset with you
we're just telling you to not to do shit like say gas the kikes at your company potluck

>> No.58601265


You are still so butthurt after someone politely told you not to say "faggot" in an official chat channel (even though the team always banned it)

>> No.58601278

Didn’t pivot on anything you retard never have I said in this thread or any other that I was selling my bags. I had concerns, particularly when I saw that some of the more active members seemed to be hyper focused “abusive language” and more and more the community admins have become more focused on the image of the AVI community rather than the actual product. For that you idiots have called me and others fudders. So when it comes to “not addressing the points” you literally have no legs to stand on because your message has always been “trust the plan… trust kerasu’s timing.” Every accusation by you faggots is an admission of guilt Kek.
Oh and suuuure you joined the tg after seeing them here on biz.

>> No.58601346

This freakout is still going on? Doesn't matter if it's because of coinbase or not--if you go into someone else's space, you respect their rules or leave. This is just normal adult stuff. Crying about it for days is childish.

>> No.58601364
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>> No.58601369

Do you say nigger or faggot at work, assuming you have a job?

>> No.58601507

they have to be conscious of these things if they want a relationship with established ventures like cb / smart wallet integration. it is a normal and professional thing to ask the members to keep their public community channel clean. if anything it was bullish that you were told to shut the fuck up because that means they are serious about developing this cb relationship. if you cant understand that your brain is probably rotting.

>> No.58601975
File: 449 KB, 720x1600, image_2024-06-09_032946114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they provide the liquidity for BASE AVI already? I do not remember seeing the total circulating supply at 6.66B before. I remember it was 9.72B or smth like that. Idk what to say about that devilish number tho AVI bros... But at least it's confirmed. Only 6 fucking billion dollars for $1. That's like peanuts in a bullrun ffs. It's very fucking achievable.

>> No.58601989
File: 12 KB, 818x127, image_2024-06-09_033524235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Coinsbit BTFO

>> No.58601992

the 9.3b youre thinking of is total supply (10b at the start, 700m burned)
the 6.6b supply doesnt count the project wallets like the treasury and marketing wallets
no base avi until skybridge, but they do have something like 50+ eth set aside for the initial liq

kek, based

>> No.58602020


IndoEx must now bend the knee.

>> No.58602222

You should listen to some of the AMAs. We have a unique LP/staking solution planned for AVI in SkyBridge v2.5, but beyond that, to start, it will be the only token that utilizes the supersonic function of the bridge, which means it will be able to be transferred to/from Ethereum & BASE instantly (i.e. arb opportunities and incentive as a means of inexpensive and fast transfer). I also wouldn't be so quick to dismiss rewards/payments, but that's your prerogative.

>> No.58602230

blessed kerasu quads

>> No.58602234
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>> No.58602244

>member when I asked Magic about it and he sent it in the TG chat but deleted it very quickly.

I didn't make a request to change anything in the code. I requested a UI change - specifically - a change in certain verbiage because I am picky lol. Also, my background isn't only in film, but I appreciate how much you remember, because I don't often reference my film experience as much as I do my experience in advertising lol.

>> No.58602252


>> No.58602293

You are partially correct. Some of us have full-time careers (though, I'm in a fortunate position where I can dedicate myself full-time to Aviator and still maintain my position). Some left their careers to solely focus on Aviator. We have devs on the team, in addition to devs we have hired. We have two developers in-house who solely work on game development and arcade features and several other devs working on SkyBridge, with a variety of third-parties. We've been bringing on more recently since we are getting more aggressive about a total rebrand/website rebuild, SkyBridge v2, and Aviator Arcade v2. That being said - many members are the team who aren't devs, are proficient enough to participate in testing SkyBridge and Aviator Arcade, especially Stixil. There are also members of the team who were ex-shib that aren't public facing.

>> No.58602335

haha - when have you ever heard someone 'important' tell you that a project is going to get listed on Coinbase before it actually happens? It always seems to be a surprise in my experience, but what do I know? Also, Aviator's success isn't dependent upon such.

>> No.58602343

Sorry Sir Edge Lord, we will never ban anyone for being critical, but if you can't elevate your vernacular beyond cesspool status because it's the only thing that gives you a sense of freedom or rebellion, you're right, we'd rather you stay in your cave.

>> No.58602357

It's not even just about normies. We want to maintain a respectable community that institutional parties feel comfortable directing their users to.

>> No.58602383

Imagine thinking that one could destroy a legitimate company because they want their telegram to be inclusive and appealing to intellectuals and institutional parties LOL. Also, we talk at length with anyone who has legitimate questions concerning our progress. I don't think you understand the definition of slow though - TESLA wasn't profitable for 17 years, Dropbox 14 years, Spotify 12 years, Uber 12 years, Amazon 9 years, Netflix 6 years, Facebook 5 years, etc - we are going extremely fast for a company that wants to compete not just with web3, but also traditional companies like Steam.

>> No.58602395

We have NEVER prioritized the TG over the products. We simply expanded as a team and are growing as a company - which for better or for worse - comes with a different level of professionalism and focus on brand identity.

>> No.58602457

You are too generous with your time, but I appreciate the detailed responses.

>> No.58602646

Kerasu, this level of thinking is too intellectual for /biz/. Please keep any posts to an IQ of 60 or less.

>> No.58602669


>> No.58602765

This is a good example of a sub 60 IQ post. Please keep any and all posts to this standard to appease the /biz/ jannies.

>> No.58603535


>> No.58603822

This is a good example of a 160+ IQ post. Please refrain from conducting posts of this standard as it makes the /biz/ jannies seethe.

>> No.58604100

hey fellas

>> No.58604173


because this shit is driving me insane. 1 whole month of no movement and no real marketing by the team. I don’t care what they say community ama’s and the cryptoempress shit isn’t marketing. Look at Twitter and see who’s talking about this. Migration tool tweets, even though it didn’t really work, are getting like 5x the interaction than aviator. It’s just incompetent. I don’t understand why there is no real fucking marketing being done right now imminent from the audit score. I have never in my life seen something like this where there is just silence. They won’t give straight answers when asked just, “well we have been marketing” yeah that’s why no one knows about it still right? I don’t get it but I can’t wait around forever while they get their shit together.

>> No.58604180


>> No.58604328


>> No.58604372


>> No.58604439

The difference between those companies and Aviator is that Aviator exists in the Crypto space, where people expect shit to blow overnight. That being said, you tell people to be patient but then expect them to buy and hold a product on pure speculation and faith from claims of an anonymous telegram user.

I get people can't give dates, but is there any real timeline for any of these things being promised? I went into the telegram and it's like "BIG THINGS HAPPENING hee hee wish I could could say more" and then all these weird cult reponses like "ohhhhh Stylox! Please give us more". Feels a little culty and gay. Not very professional. I have money wrapped up in this that's been dormant for a year now. People are now starting to get impatient because timing is everything and we are in a "bullrun" I suppose and if there isn't a strike while the iron is hot, it could lose all its steam.

People will draw comparisons to other companies, but a big difference with those companies is there was an actual face and representative behind the projects. Not someone on a screen saying how much experience they have with marketing/media etc. You can see why people are skeptical right?

And when things keep getting delayed, I understand people being weary that it is just another type of "soon" "two more weeks" coin.

Not trying to fud, I just haven't seen any compelling evidence that this thing will do the numbers everyone is hoping for.

>> No.58604478

the skybridge testnet has been out and works great
we have lots of screenshots from the arcade, not much reason to think those are faked
we have proof of them being invited to the private smart wallet seminar, and at this point, theres no reason to believe theyre lying about the most recent dao vote either

having to wait sucks, but we're far from pure speculation at this point and the entire market is stuck in a low volume crab

>> No.58604596

what's the most recent doa vote?

>> No.58604615

IMO this shit aint going to move like you think it will, shit will get announced, AVI will be featured on the app and we will pump like crazy and biz will rope, simple as

>> No.58604618
File: 128 KB, 1002x806, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinbase reached out to avi with a proposal that may benefit avi... bigly


>> No.58604631

>types 5 paragraph essay on why he’s bearish about the project
>”not trying to fud”
So what’s keeping g you from selling?

>> No.58604653

Another “utility” shitcoin bleeding to zero with failed promises after its single pump. Community feels like that of Rubic. Dumped my bags here. Don’t miss the bullrun for this. Good luck.

>> No.58604656

honestly, its completely understandable if he just hasnt been up to date recently and missed some of the more subtle confirmations on both aviators products working great and coinbase having a clear interest.
the optimism around avi would look weird in that case

>> No.58604689

Not tripfagging any more, OCPD?

>> No.58604712

>it’s understandable
It’s not. He claims to have held since last year and he claims to be in the TG, yet he’s somehow out of the loop? It would’ve taken him less time to scroll through the recent pinned messages than for him to type out that post

>> No.58604713

Time for a AVI detox. This shit won't do anything in the next 2-3 weeks 100% since the second audit must be completed and that takes a lot of time. Just two more weeks of crabbing AVI sisters...just two more weeks.

>> No.58604762

Always Ignore OCPD (AIOCPD)
Hes such an idiot he thinks Bitcoin is a bad investment, praises APU and goes into AVI & LINK threads to shit talk them because they are legitimate threats to his dying rugpull he's way overinvested in.

>> No.58604791

>whoever i dont like is le OCPD
>whoever i dont like is le Jimmy
KEK i love avi but when nothing is happening with the coin you people just start imagining shit. its actually wild how insane most of you baggies are. also:
>no jesse tweet
>no working final products (1 year later)
>no listing (only listing turned out to be indoex LOL)
>still stuck in biz (1 year later KOL)
>aviator twitter has stagnated at ~6k followers for months now (most of whom i assume are bots like the tg "members")
>brian jung unfollowed aviator (ouch!)
>Matthew red is up 140x on his portpholio
>did NOT win killer whales (marketing wen?)
>onchain summer w/ avi could be at the latest FUCKIKNG AUGUST.
WHEN will we start seeing actual progress being made. i do not doubt there is shit going on behind the scenes but holy fuck it has been months.

>> No.58604815

Two more weeks. Wait until BTC hits it's next ATH and then we will start seeing some moves!

>> No.58604819
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>its actually wild how insane most of you baggies are
>t. homelander, the famously schizophrenic dumbass
Didn't you just have an apology session with Kerasu like yesterday? Funny how you go from confidently posting about the project here:
To saying stupid shit like this. The one problem I have with Kerasu/the team is they're too lenient on you. You've demonstrated over multiple months your inability to keep it together and I wish they'd see you for what you are: more trouble than you're worth.

>> No.58604820

alright i am trusting you anon

>> No.58604821

And it will be at least another two weeks. Wed/thursday they were airing for one dev to finish something up, then Friday the delay was Kerasu asking for some UI changes. Maybe monday it will be sent for review. Maybe by the end of next week they will get the results back (friday). What are the next steps? Have any of these changes been pushed to testnet or will they wait until the audit review is completed? How much testing after the final audit results and main net launch? two days? two weeks? two months? I can understand the difficulty in giving hard dates but surely there is enough information available to give some sort of range beyond more than five minutes and less than five years.

>> No.58604822

you try being me for one day you faggot you have no idea what it is like. do you understand what my life is like this coin has to fucking do something now. early spring wow what a fucking joke

>> No.58604832

What I think will happen is that after BTC hits a new ATH, with some luck, we will break 1 cent and after that huge whales will sell everything getting us back to 0.003 or close to that. And when BTC will hit it's bullrun top maybe we will see 25 cents.

Indeed, the comparison between AVI and a real life company should never exist. This is crypto, not the stock market. It will never be similar, not in 1000 years. I'm starting to lose my trust day by day in this ever reaching $1. Trying to see between their lines each and every day makes me go insane. As I said before in the TG, either stop giving me stuff to speculate about or be more direct. And when I stop to think about the fact that we won't se any more gains until mid july, I want to kms.

>> No.58604849

this was wrong of me to say i apologize. just got a little nervous for a few minutes there

>> No.58604851
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hilm ill be honest im going fucking insane here too
the problem is entirely with this god damn low volume crab market, though. if we were in anything else itd be the same exact shit, if not worse
avi is making it easier since its an easy hold with plenty of upcoming catalysts, plus we've been maintaining a pretty high price

>> No.58604859

yeah you are right. just gotta go on a long night walk or something get this off my mind

>> No.58604878

I'm homelander ffs. Why is everyone so confused in here? No wonder Kerasu thinks I was fudding like a dog for the past 6 months. GOD DAMN. Ok, I, Homelander will take a AVI detox. When I get back in 2 weeks this better have a main net live, otherwise I swear to God I will quit crypto entirely and I will invest in stocks if that's how we roll in crypto nowadays.

>> No.58604880

believe it or not i was actually homelander this entire time

>> No.58604885

stfu. we should make posts on bant from now on.

>> No.58604887

>Why is everyone so confused in here?
because you are larping as me, the real homelander.

>> No.58604894

Kek. Tell me what did Peter and you did a couple of months ago? Only you and him know what happened.

>> No.58604903

we had a friendly bet and he owed some yummy avi...

>> No.58604907

Wrong. Shut the fuck up. And KERASU if ANYONE ever fuds again and starts acting like me for God's sake stop believing them because I'm taking a break from AVI for 2 weeks starting now. And Peter, thanks again for that thing, love you.

>> No.58604949

Look, I’m worried that this project is spreading itself too thin. There are a lot of ambitious projects going on, from skybridge, to aviator arcade to whatever else they are working on behind the scenes.. bottom line is this, pick something, either skybridge, aviator arcade or whatever, focus on that ONE THING, get it done, out of testing, and live. Once you have a working product then focus all or most of your efforts on the next thing and so on. Until then all of this Coinbase listing talk, is just that, talk. But it’s honestly becoming worse than that and falling straight into delusion because no major exchange, especially not Coinbase, will even think about listing a project that doesn’t have a demonstrably usable product. And by usable product I’m not talking about something that works well on a test net, I’m taking about something that works for the average user.

>> No.58604956

>Matthew red
Atleast mention a real richfag like Michael Saylor if you are going to larp, dumb nigger.
Why would anyone follow telegram nobodies who scam anons instead of actual real life market whales?

>> No.58604974

i dont even know who that is

>> No.58604977


>> No.58604987
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>ID wrecked
It’s so over

>> No.58605001

I would have to scroll through thousands of gifs of foxes dancing and other gay shit to get to any important information.

the coinbase thing that is pinned is essentially "should we send money to coinbase in hopes of being noticed by them".

>> No.58605006

you intentionally ignored
>coinbase reached out to avi

>> No.58605127

huh? what annoucement?

>> No.58605906
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>> No.58606169
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lol gay

>> No.58606455
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see you in the next thread
avi is holding very well but this market needs to move

>> No.58606537
File: 151 KB, 767x1280, IMG_1089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in 24 hours there have been 20 transactions.
It’s holding because there is like 0 volume

>> No.58606724

I mean the entire market volume is down nearly 50% today