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File: 95 KB, 1739x663, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58598165 No.58598165 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys seriously ok with this? We need to get away from claims that its all scam money to fund criminals and terrorist extremists if we want this tech to be taken seriously. This can only harm the perception of bitcoin and crypto in the eyes of serious institutional investors.

>> No.58598171

Interesting op, i'll show this to my tech bro millionaire buddies and I'm sure they will stop making donos rain on his campaign due to your well thought out argument here. I'll tell the blacks to stop liking him for being a felon while I'm at it.

>> No.58598201

if the MAGA crowd get into crypto we all will make it. You want trump to shill crpyto

>> No.58598209

Funny he says that. When he was in office, he said Bitcoin was a threat to the USD and wanted to ban crypto altogether.

>> No.58598247
File: 493 KB, 500x465, PikachuSmash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta be a newfag. Last time Trump got elected crypto pumped crazy. And that was when he wasn't openly courting crypto like he is now. if he gets elected our bags go to the fucking moon and we will be in better position to dictate legislation instead of how crypto companies get bullied now.

>> No.58598279


>> No.58598294

Completely. We need to get as far away from a convicted felon representing our memecoins as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.58598392

Speaking of newfaggotry, crypto pumped like crazy last time Obama got elected too. And also last time Biden got elected. Funny that.

>> No.58598398

The point he was making was Trump being elected doesn't necessitate a crash, retard.

>> No.58598428

Trump 2016 was a spoiled scumbag who bragged about grabbing them by the pussy. Trump 2024 is a convicted felon surrounded by convicted felons.
It's possible people would react a little differently to this new and improved Trump.

>> No.58598439

A convicted felon promoting bitcoin when it has been plagued with accusations of being only used by criminals and terrorist isn't a good look for any serious investor.

>> No.58598444

knowing trump and politics in the current year this means he will ban it day 1 somehow to the benefit of only jews

>> No.58598454

>Someone with no political experience gets elected so Bitcoin obviously had no problem pumping. After the same guy proved himself extremely effective and gets elected again Bitcoin will obviously crash
Why beat around the bush instead of saying it literally like I just did?

Yes, investors care so much about buying something that convicted felons endorse. Guess we should sell off all our gold bars too.

You know what? You're both right. I recommend you sell now.

>> No.58598466

Don't you think its a little odd that the only people who support bitcon is a guy who is a literal fascist in a tiny south american company and a known conman who stole an election, tried to over throw the government before giving up power, and is now a convicted felon. Not a good look for institutional investors.

>> No.58598475

those trips confirm it

>> No.58598479

how much are you stacking $MAGA?

>> No.58598482

>Literally ignoring my point and reiterating your own
I can see this is the latest FUD campaign and know how this conversation will go. So post your fucking shorts.
>inb4 some weird reason you won't open shorts
>inb4 some weird reason you won't post your positions
>inb4 you completely disregard this post and say for a fifth time that it's a """bad look"""
>inb4 you divert to some other completely unrelated point to avoid the fact that I just destroyed your entire argument
>inb4 you screech "convicted felon" as if not everyone in the informed world doesn't see through the political bullshit

>> No.58598486

Alright I'm out of this retarded thread. Anyone else reading this, just follow my lead:

>inb4 some weird reason you won't open shorts
>inb4 some weird reason you won't post your positions
>inb4 you completely disregard this post and say for a fifth time that it's a """bad look"""
>inb4 you divert to some other completely unrelated point to avoid the fact that I just destroyed your entire argument
>inb4 you screech "convicted felon" as if not everyone in the informed world doesn't see through the political bullshit

>> No.58598785

idgaf just pump the damn price

>> No.58598797

Trump is my president

>> No.58598801

in b4 year 2030 and cashless society is a thing. incase you haven't noticed blockchain is coming for teh masses soon.

>> No.58598829

with the new progress made with smart wallets, there is potential for rapid mass adoption on the horizon. Crypto is no longer going to too complex except for the weirdest and nerdiest

>> No.58599072

>taken seriously

Two of the projects in the top five have their major financial backers behind bars presently.

>> No.58600480

That should be proof enough that you need to disassociate with known convicted felons.

>> No.58600583
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>Are you guys seriously ok with this?

>> No.58600622
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Lug ad mi
I'm grybdo preziden

>> No.58600665
File: 77 KB, 859x551, pumpbags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name another politician actively tryin to pump your bags.

>> No.58600676

It's been an interesting 8 years seeing 4chan go from libertarian/conservative/chud to straight up Reddit tier libtard.

Obviously part of this has to do with 3 letter agency task forces trying to mold impressionable chuddy youth opinions on here, but I still never thought I'd see the day where most 4chan posters have milquetoast boomer lib opinions/takes on par with like MSNBC and NPR. Even the "edgy" takes on 4chan now are like "ummm we need to kill Jews and free Palestine" which is more or less the equivalent of a college aged American lib take.

>> No.58600677

this faggot gigagrifter boomer is getting really desperate for votes

>> No.58600709

>NOOOOO politicians can't change their mind on things!
>errm also it's better to have the Biden administration (who are actively killing our bags through their corrupt SEC appointees and also directly vetoing Congressional approved pro-crypto bills) because... because it just is, OKAY?!?!

you fucking absolute niggerfaggots have nowhere to hide on this one. You're just objectively wrong. If you hold crypto and vote for Biden you might as well cut your dick off and transition because you're a fucking cuckold

>> No.58600728

Trump is going to prison. Don't cry too hard when it happens.

>> No.58600748

OP, tell your boy biden to kill gensler and chop the sec ball's off or we make drumpf president with kayne west as his vp

>> No.58600753

You just got baited fucking retard

>> No.58600762

nobody is going to jail, retard
these guys are above the law
boden can molest children live on tv and he gets away with it

>> No.58600772

Nobody is above the law which is why Trump is a convicted felon and will be going to jail.

>> No.58600787


I don't know, I think that's just part of growing up. I was one of those edgy little racist frogposters in 2016 the first time Trump ran.

Then I got my life together and grew the fuck up. I suffered through four years of the orange clown like the rest of this country. I saw how he hurt people with Covid. I witnessed how he doesn't give a shit about anything except his bottom line. I sat down at the table with my wife and we filled out our ballots together for real change in 2020 before mailing them in.

You can't just be a single issue voter, my dudes, even if Trump might be a smidge better than Biden on crypto. I'm worth seven figures and I vote straight Democrat. Do I agree with them on everything? Hell no. But the common good is worth a little more than a few extra regulations on Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Plus, Joe Biden is pretty middle of the road, a moderate lib who reflects most of America's values. His biggest criticism is "he's too old." That's it, that's literally it, he has no one other scandal (I mean real shit covered by the news, not made up Trumper crap). He is not a convicted felon with a new fucking scandal every single week. And on the economy, he's been pretty kickass, even if we're still working our way out of the high inflation. My overall portfolio has never looked better than it has under Joe Biden, and that counts for a lot.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel when Trump gets a prison sentence. The Republicans will have to replace him with someone palatable and they can finally go back to normal. Who wouldn't give their left arm just to go back to boring Obama-Romney stuff after the last eight years?

>> No.58601044
File: 548 KB, 449x750, 100 enemy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect example what I'm talking about. Extremely Reddit post, indistinguishable from some libtard funded NGO spewing retarded NPR tier slop. This is what 4chan has come to? Absolutely pathetic.

X is unironically a more fun place to post with more interesting opinions than the trite garbage takes you see posted here.

>I saw how he hurt people with Covid
>I sat down at the table with my wife and we filled out our ballots together
>I'm worth seven figures and I vote straight Democrat
>But the common good is worth a little more than a few extra regulations on Bitcoin and Ethereum

I am keking so hard. This has to be a troll post.

OP is clearly bait, I'm not replying to the OP post in particular. My post is about 4chan in general, and clearly struck a chord with your faggot littledick brain.

>umm we're going to put your guy in prison :^)

this is the best strategy you people have, and it will only embolden Trump supporters further. I hope they do throw him in prison, let's see what happens

>> No.58601065

are you niggers all stupid?

trump was anti crypto in 2019

politicians flip flopping for votes is the biggest top signal i've ever seen

>> No.58601071

>it's bearish that we've reached a tipping point where politicians are forced to bend the knee to crypto
we will see hyperbitcoinization by the 2030s

>> No.58601092
File: 324 KB, 680x958, 90s kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know, I think that's just part of growing up. I was one of those edgy little racist frogposters in 2016 the first time Trump ran.

>Then I got my life together and grew the fuck up. I suffered through four years of the orange clown like the rest of this country. I saw how he hurt people with Covid. I witnessed how he doesn't give a shit about anything except his bottom line. I sat down at the table with my wife and we filled out our ballots together for real change in 2020 before mailing them in.

>You can't just be a single issue voter, my dudes, even if Trump might be a smidge better than Biden on crypto. I'm worth seven figures and I vote straight Democrat. Do I agree with them on everything? Hell no. But the common good is worth a little more than a few extra regulations on Bitcoin and Ethereum.

>Plus, Joe Biden is pretty middle of the road, a moderate lib who reflects most of America's values. His biggest criticism is "he's too old." That's it, that's literally it, he has no one other scandal (I mean real shit covered by the news, not made up Trumper crap). He is not a convicted felon with a new fucking scandal every single week. And on the economy, he's been pretty kickass, even if we're still working our way out of the high inflation. My overall portfolio has never looked better than it has under Joe Biden, and that counts for a lot.

>There's a light at the end of the tunnel when Trump gets a prison sentence. The Republicans will have to replace him with someone palatable and they can finally go back to normal. Who wouldn't give their left arm just to go back to boring Obama-Romney stuff after the last eight years?

>> No.58601101

His campaign is receiving a lot of donations from various crypto/tech PACs. Generally when that happens, your administration owes favors to those specific areas. It's quid-pro-quo. See: Israel lobbies/PACs.

So yeah, obviously the situation now is a lot different than 2019 and you're a stupid nigger ape.

Also, it's hilarious to see this cope, as if taking a chance on Trump isn't 1000000x a better choice than just continuing to let the Biden administration bend the US crypto industry over on a table and anal rape it dry, which is (figuratively) what is currently happening. Another 4 years of Biden could be fatal for the American crypto industry.

>> No.58601117
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it's cause this nepobaby was stealing billions to give to democrats

>> No.58601279

>Two of the projects in the top five have their major financial backers behind bars
sam isn't a major financial backer for solana

>> No.58601289

>Nobody is above the law
except politicians who pay the right people
you will remember my post when trumpa doesn't go to jail
what will be your excuse then, I wonder

>> No.58601324

So the solution people seem to have is vote for the most blatantly corrupt, morally bankrupt demagogue with the expectation that he won't rugpull every idiot who stops being useful. Just for financial gain. This board is full of sociopaths but at least most of them seem to be retarded

>> No.58601553
File: 94 KB, 950x671, IMG_0579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is going to prison and Biden is going to hospice care. You’re all retarded turd world brown people who have no understanding of US politics

>> No.58601667

I know you're stupid because you say these things and then ignore the fact that crypto regulations and enforcement are the worst they've ever been since bitcoin was created in 2009.

>things will be so bad under Trump!

you fucking retards squeal this about everything, but trump was ALREADY PRESIDENT and things were objectively MUCH BETTER (this applies to more than just crypto by the way). Literally kill yourself

>> No.58601681

I don't give a fuck about your bags. You know maybe crypto should be regulated. It's literally 99% scams. I was way more optimistic about this space up until about 2021. The amount of greed is truly sickening. Everything that isn't BTC is just a scam to extract people's BTC

>> No.58601688
File: 75 KB, 941x1037, we're so back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes things are bad now but... think about how much worse they'll be under the "blatantly corrupt, morally bankrupt demagogue"!

these fucking redditor midwits cry out as if it would take some kind of hypothetical thought experiment to see what life under Drumpf would be like. But actually you just have to think back like 5 years to pre-covid time to realize, oh yeah things were objectively a lot better than they are now in every conceivable way

>b-but Trump didn't like crypto

yeah wow he tweeted some negative sentiment about crypto one time, but also his SEC wasn't constantly (and in bad faith) suing multiple high-profile crypto businesses at once and he wasn't vetoing pro-crypto legislation and he didn't have an administration whose entire banking/crypto policy was run by Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren, so yeah I think I'll go with Trump you fucking retard nigger

>> No.58601692
File: 130 KB, 587x721, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you admitted that Biden is a fucking stupid old bitch who sucks for crypto, which is exactly what my argument was. I win again. Now follow through with my recommendation and put a bullet in your brain you stupid freak

>> No.58601710

Are you even old enough to remember what it was like under the Trump regime? The economy was destroyed, business closing enmass, minorities were being lynched, and people were dying. He stole an election and when he lost he tried to overthrow the government. Biden literally saved our country with the biggest economic recovery we have ever seen and was able to get the trumpflation disaster under control. We can't allow a convicted felon to ever get near the White House again or its over for this country.

>> No.58601728

ok cope when btc is back at 40k this summer

learn to read top signals stupid niggers

>> No.58601729
File: 381 KB, 1600x899, Rosner-Fast-Food-Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly do not give a fuck if trump wins or loses. I have actual real world problems outside of this hmong goat herding forum. He's still a degenerate piece of shit who doesn't have my vote

>> No.58601983
File: 62 KB, 1071x602, ah shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep admitting that I'm correct and further confirming that you have nothing important or useful to add to this conversation. The thread is about Trump's relationship with crypto and whether he'll be a better candidate in that regard than Joe Biden.

You've more or less agreed/acquiesced that the answer is yes, Trump is a better candidate (and will be a better President) specifically with regard to cryptocurrency policy, so we're done here.

>> No.58602341

Get better material, ActBlue. Or better yet, get a 12-gauge and give yourself the old buckshot root canal.

>> No.58603141

Politicians change their minds about things all the time.
The biggest difference is that he took more than 2 years to do it.
Some of them changed their minds about the vaccine when it stopped being "Trumps Vaccine"