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58599746 No.58599746 [Reply] [Original]

>be 31
>Have 100K in the bank
>Have 100K in ROTH IRA
>2K in ETH
>2K in Shitcoin I'm gambling on a 100x
>First kid coming up
>About to move into first rental home that will have me breaking even every month with expenses for the next 3 years while I wait for a market crash

Is this good for my age? Granted I only make 65K a year but I love my job and its stress-free.

>> No.58599900

If anything you’ve said is true, do yourself a favor and never visit this website again.

>> No.58599919

27 with 120k in liquidity. Liquidated all my shit this week when the central banks started cutting rates.
If I can get in on the next bull market after the upcoming crash than I'm just aiming to make 20-30k a year off ETFs. Also have an 82k/yr govt job so I'll be set for life making 100k every year

I guess I'm doing fine

>> No.58599948

>upcoming crash

>> No.58599963


>> No.58599979
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FED pivoting will mean that line is gonna shoot up and we will be in a recession. Not sure if it'll be major but nonetheless we'll have a bear market

>> No.58600038

>About to move into first rental home that will have me breaking even every month with expenses for the next 3 years while I wait for a market crash
what does this part mean

>> No.58600067

kek bro you don't understand how it works
cutting rates means inflation resumes which means bull

>> No.58600077

Yes, I have ~180K€ in ETFs with no debt at 29. It's pretty pointless though, I got cancer when I was 22 and am terrified of it coming back and this prevents me from spending even a dime of it. I'm going to die childless and filthy rich and my nieces will inherit it all. Oh well.

>> No.58600085
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I'm moving into a house to accommodate my family growing. Rental market is Bullshit right now. I lucked out with a 1000 sqft apartment at $1100 for a while, but they are about to jack the price up on my rent to $1480, which is "cheap" in this market. Most places are about $1700 a month for 1400 sqft, so I search and searched and found a gem for 1800 a month for 2200 sqft.
Its quite the jump up in cost relative to what has been my baseline, so when accommodating the increase in heating/cooling for the size plus baby cost increase, and increase in rent, I'll be breaking even on my salary alone.

But I find this acceptable as I plan on riding the market down over the next 3 years to buy a house when prices are better. So staying net-neutral in my bank and contributions for 3 years is fine in my mind granted I have a sizable liquidity pool in the bank and my 3 investments that will go up (hopefully) during that time.

>> No.58600098

how much do you save a month currently? im 29, hope to have similar net worth by your age. had $0 start of this year, trying to end wuth 50k saved

>> No.58600107


>> No.58600170

i'm saving around 5k a month right now, i hope to get up to 10k by end of year. Last november i had $8k of personal debt that i was able to clear by new years. now i just have $18k student loans gaining no interest and with $0 minimum payment due to PSLF. haven't been able to graduate but only have two terms left for a math or cs degree (a year for both), trying to re-enroll this fall and knock it out before im 30. had some really crazy and illegal stuff go down last year and over $10k of assets for my business were unlawfully destroyed so i found myself neck deep in financing with no income, like if a carpenter had his tools destroyed. i took it pretty hard as i wanted to graduate by 28 and was very close, instead i ended the year with negative business growth, destruction of personal property, no degree and lots of debt. luckily im a federal employee so my loans weren't at risk of gaining interest or i'd be giga fucked.

but im clawing my way back. if I can get to $7k savings/mo soon, and i think i can, i'd feel comfortable working less hours at my job and re-enrolling. I can choose the days I work at my job, from 0-6 days a week, i pick the days each week it's awesome. but since november i was doing 6 10hr days, so lots of overtime. but now that i have an emergency savings and debt paid off, im focusing on my business now and doing 4 10hr days with a three day weekend for business. im about to go to work so thanks for reading my blog.

my goal is to buy house this year, if the banks will let me. my landlord, the person who destroyed my business and livelihood, is offering me a good deal on the property, i think instead of going to court. but idk how i feel about having so much money tied up into a house, i'd rather be investing. and i thought HELOC loans would have way better interest rates, since you can post the home as collateral it should be near 0% imo. but it's almost no better than a traditional loan

>> No.58600260

Yes. But I’m not actually living as good of a life as I probably should be. Shitload of parasites and sycophants and that’s with them not even knowing just how much I have and earn. They just know “he has more than me, therefore let me try to move in closer and see if I can get a taste.” And they’re all resentful as shit. They hate me, but can’t stop trying to be closer to me. It’s a retarded existence.

I have just under $3 million liquid net worth at 38 and a 5500 sqft house valued at around $950k minimum. It has been appraised as high as $1.8 million, but it would never get that in a million years if I tried to sell it for that. The next most successful people I know are good friends who are surgeons in major cities, partners at law firms, and c-suite types and I’m “ahead” of them as far as I can tell, not that it matters because I actually like them.

I’m right around charted private jet level, but not there and don’t know many people my age who are who aren’t trust fund types.

>> No.58600277
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I'm 30 in just over a month. I think I'm doing well for myself
>Shiny new job paying 98k+12.5% bonus target
>65k in my retirement accounts, 300k in crypto, 40k in other stocks, basically adds up to a 300k net worth right now after factoring in my student debt
>Decent safety net, will likely wanna buy a home soon
>No gf
What is the point though considering that last one.

>> No.58600283

20 with 15k im crypto

>> No.58600338
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>10k liquid
>20k HYSA (for emergencies)
>200k in retirement
>400k in crypto
>400k in real estate

i'm doing OK, should have been a multi millionaire by now with crypto but i sold too early

can't believe how many people my age are broke as shit

>> No.58600347

NEET with $2.5k in bitcoin and no income. YOLO

>> No.58601376
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Its been getting better over the years. COVID completely kneecapped my career, but I pulled through to something that is comfy, work from home, and super low stress. At 65K(which is the highest income i've ever had) I've mostly been saving because of my low costs.
Cheap apartment, cheap water, both my wife and I paid off our cars, neither of us have student debt, so its not that bad all things considered. Last year I was saving around 2.2K a month, this year with the kid and the move, it'll probably have me living paycheck to paycheck with my costs vs. my income. But I'll be there for my first kid and able to not worry with my other assets as floaters(ROTH IRA), emergency fund(my liquidity is mostly in HYSA bringing in $400 a month, so thats chill), and potential vectors for big gains in the bull run next year (ETH and Shitcoin).

I feel like living paycheck to paycheck with a massive nest egg, good amount in retirement, and some crypto gambling is a comfy life if I am not stressed and can be with my family.

>> No.58601417

I was a neet with nothing 5 years ago, started to become normal but covid set me back to square one, kept trying after and now I live alone and I break even each month with a shitty part time job. No savings, just keeping my head above water.

>> No.58601441

I can't imagine making 65k. I make 4x more and I still feel broke knowing I'm only saving about 10k in liquid every month. Rest goes to retirement brokerage and vidya.

>> No.58601517
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I'm just a humble contractor desk jockey. But I get to work from home and the work is 100% stress free with paid paternity leave. My rent for years has been cheap, wife and I don't buy or spend much as we're frugal, and life has been relatively good. But then again I come from the dirtest of poor.
I couldn't even fathom making over 200K, much less spending that much.

>> No.58601525

>$25k in the bank
>$410k in retirement
>$180k in stocks
>$1.2 million in crypto
I make close to $200k annually but I'm strongly considering leaving my job next year.

>> No.58601532

As is for most people.

>> No.58601569

Getting to $10k/mo savings rate is my goal right now.

>> No.58601601


I'm a 39 YO disabled NEET wizard with just 20k in the bank.

>> No.58602035
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I am also 31 years old. I became a millionaire at market close on the 18th of May.

$450,000 in my 401k, $50,000 in an IRA, $15,000 in a Roth IRA, $20,000 in an HSA, and $270,000 in a brokerage account. Another $50,000 in cash and $135,000 in home equity. A car worth maybe $10,000. Various home furnishings, appliances, other things with nonzero value. It all totals just a little over one million. I own no crypto. I've never picked individual stocks.
$170,000 remains of the debt on my home. That means to be rid of it I need $120,000 more in cash. With that gone I could live on so little that no one can ever force me into working again. This should take me 94 more weeks to accumulate.

That means that between university and then, I will have sold an entire decade and my entire youth to corporate America so that I could free myself from this barbaric system. Now all I can do is stare at a calendar of these 94 weeks with dread. The anxiety has caused a sharp pain in my gut that grows with each passing week.

>> No.58602243

Bad saving but you are doing better then most men for sheer fact that you have a wife and child

>> No.58602281

There's a reason why dog is man's best friend. Dog won't cuck and divorce rape you

>> No.58602429

>60k cash in the bank
>90k in ETFs and some select blue chips paying a reasonable dividend
>about 300k in crypto
>100k in superannuation (Aus equivalent of 401k)
>some other semi-valuable things, couple of old import cars mainly but I’m trying to write them out of net worth calculations as they’re more liability than asset
I’m 28, figures above are in USD so I’m floating around the 550k USD mark which is about 830k AUD.

It’s a bit of a weird spot IMO. I think in terms of relatively *liquid* net worth I’m a decent bit above the average for my age group, but I only make about 150k roo dollars per year which isn’t all that much in Sydney. Out of all the people I know I’m probably toward the bottom end of earners, and when you consider that a pretty basic house anywhere within two hours pretty much starts at a million dollars, where I’m at currently isn’t really enough to live comfortably. Aus is also becoming one of these income poor but asset rich countries where prosperity is more heavily predicated on how much your parents can help you with buying a property… my parents were always flat broke and even now they don’t really have the means to assist so I’d rather them put as much as they can toward their own retirement.

So yeah. Weird place to be. Most of my peers earn more than I do and are buying houses, BUT they’re only able to buy because their parents are basically gifting them 200k-300k to get into the property market. I will admit I do live a very frugal life, I share a two bedroom apartment with someone else, my daily driver is an old Accord I bought for 6k, I do a lot of meal prepping and take my own lunches to work, and refuse to use Uberjeets or Doordash. I mostly take public transport to work since it’s free as a perk of my job so I’m only filling up the car once a month. The next big thing I’m thinking about is potentially quitting my job to start a trade apprenticeship instead.

>> No.58602441
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>inflation resumes

>> No.58602458

It's different this time. Covid 2020 was when they flipped the switch. Inflation here to stay lilbro. If you dont own assets your fugged

>> No.58602460

>mid 30s
>two kids
>two dogs
>7 figs
Yeah I'd say so

>> No.58602488

>There's a reason why dog is man's best friend. Dog won't cuck and divorce rape you
It's 2024 man. Could happen.

>> No.58603090
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>$12k in checking/savings
>$170k in index fund ($110k cash, $60k gains)
>$40k in pensions or something idk
>renting at $550 a month
>no debt

I have a low paying job and no education so I'm just hoping the compounding interest can get up to enough speed to alleviate some of this dread.

>> No.58603850

>15k in s&p500
>1k in bitcoin, 500 in chainlink
>2500 monthyl net salary
>600 rent + 400 living expenses
bros how do I make it

>> No.58603994
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I dunno, but a good way to start would be getting rid of the LINK.

>> No.58604203

that's what I keep hearing on the business and finance 4chan board and that's the reason I'm buying

>> No.58605819

>32yo, latin america. engineer and musician
>40k net worth, If I sold everything right now
>20k Job, play piano on weekends for extra cash.
>Living at my mothers

Being a musician for 15 years really put me back, financially speaking. I was playing on the streets at one point. On the other hand, my music makes me and people around me happy.

Still I'm in the lower end of the money making spectrum among my engineering peers.

>> No.58605835

Everything is fine but you are a turbo normie and your crypto exposure is pathetic. But that's probably a good thing too.

>> No.58605845

>Those assets
>only make about 150k roo dollars per year
>Leave for trade

Have you posted a single honest thing ITT?

>> No.58605864

Nice, but you must be ugly a/o autistic if that's where you're at Women smell money like that a mile away otherwise.


>having my first kid

See you in 20 years because you financially f'd until then like every other normiefag. Thanks for playing.

>> No.58605959

>FED pivoting
The FED never pivoted and repeated numerous times that we won't get rate cuts until people lose jobs.

>> No.58605976

no, im a fucking disaster

>make shit money
>have about 20k invested in stocks/crypto
>live in squalor
>family doesnt associate with me unless its to bring me food i didnt ask for
>zero friends
>worthless education
the only thing going for me is that by living at a point so far below my means i can safely invest $1000 a month.

>> No.58606747

>Have you posted a single honest thing ITT?
The figures are real. I bought BTC back in 2014 when I was a teenager, that accounts for a lot. I’ve just been lucky because everything’s exploded in value while not necessarily earning a lot. I want to go and do a trade because I don’t really feel very challenged in my current job, and I want a more outdoorsy and physical job.

Regarding LINK - I just enjoy fudding for fun like half of /biz/.

>> No.58606957
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Alright, you're 31 years old and make $65,000 a year. You stated $204k in assets.

Let's use the formula from the book "The Millionaire Next Door," your expected net worth should be: age * income * 0.1
You're at 31 * 65000 * 0.1 = $201,500

So, you're a couple of thousand dollars short of your expected net worth, which is not an ideal scenario. Any debt you owe obviously worsens this figure. If I were you, I'd review my budget and make appropriate changes to reduce unnecessary expenditures.

>> No.58606962

Holy shit I'm retard and can't do comparisons. You get the idea though. Good job OP.