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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58598846 No.58598846 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58597117

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.58598852
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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.083 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~75.3 (18.825) million shares 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 (18.85) by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 (19.0) by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 (17.825) Jul. 30 22, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29 22
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 378.125B, 72P = 5.252B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 395.462B, 69P = 5.731B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q4+FY23 Earnings 8-K/10-K
>Q1 24 8-K
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
Q1 24 Jun 11; Meeting Jun 13
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.58598866
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so for you "organic" "non shill posters" who are just bummed out after "RC fucked us" after you have held for 3 years...... Answer me this.... So you've been holding for 3 years so you are well aware the company has issued what so far?? ~~350m shares, and there are easily 3 billion MINIMUM shares circulating that are highly illegal and should not exist, but nonetheless they were flooded into the market. This 45m share dilution 2 weeks ago, and now another 75m coming soon is nothing compared to the naked short positions wallstreet will have to deal with when swaps need to be rebalanced and RC gets the green light for M&A activity.

Yea your paid stock bashers or (very very low chance) are just retard holders who don't see the bigger picture here. You have happily held for 3 years and only now from a little (naked short true circulating share count) dilution has you feeling down? Moron (less likely) or paid stock basher is what you are.

>> No.58598868

we will leqsquazzle the squeezie and own le hedge funds

>> No.58598869

I am incredibly demoralized that cohen takes no salary and has increased GameStop’s cash from 1 billion to 5 billion while the stock price has risen 200% from $10 in the past month. I just hate that. Fuck you, Ryan.

>> No.58598873

has the 75 million share offering actually been reported as complete yet? Just curious.

>> No.58598875
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This kills the FUD.

>> No.58598877


>all the shills shitposting GME around the clock when its super obvious this is SHF artificial runs that RC and DFV took advantage of before the real squeeze.

>> No.58598880

kek dumbfuck weekend baggies

>> No.58598882

cope post all you want anyone can just look at the chart and see that it is an undeniable fact that 2 attempts to create a massive short squeeze was fucked over and destroyed by ryan cohen

>> No.58598883
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Check for votes if you haven't already voted for the June 13th GameStop meeting. Most will email or mail you about voting while some (like Degiro) will need you to contact them. Proxy voting should be available to holders in the following:


Last week:
Monday RRP: No
Tuesday RRP: 417.836B, 71P = 5.885B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 459.3142B, 75P = 6.124B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 452.034B, 77P = 5.871B per (roughly)
End of May Friday RRP: 439.806B, 71P = 6.194B per (roughly)

>This week:
Start of June Monday RRP: 387.069B, 63P = 6.144B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 377.825B, 77P = 4.907B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 371.841B, 76P = 4.893B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 378.125B, 72P = 5.252B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 395.462B, 69P = 5.731B per (roughly)

>> No.58598889
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I foresee this weekends FUD to continue to be overwhelming in both it's intensity and lack of entertaining value. At least try to make me laugh while you kvetch about my financial decisions that (((you))) have no part of.

>> No.58598893


>> No.58598897

oh good, i didnt have to cross thread my response. No, the issue is that cohen will dilute to kill any and all momentum into a squeeze. It doesn't matter that xxxx% of the float is overshorted when he constantly kills any ramp ups into a squeeze by diluting. The DRS theory was killed when he diluted by the exact amount, and theres zero evidence that he won't continue to do so all the way to a billion shares. Additionally, M&A as a theory is just really coped because WHAT are we supposed to by M&Aing? hopes and dreams? Theres nothing there and they certainly haven't given any indication that they will be any time soon. They could have done it years ago! They've been sitting on over a billion dollars, what were they waiting for? The company is barely keeping the lights on as is and hasn't pivoted into anything useful or valuable. I would argue the opposite infact, that everything they have pivoted into has hurt the brand image in the publics eye. NEVER FORGET that we memed on popcornniggers and bbbaggies for holding worthless, diluted stock and now thats happening to us. If that doesn't open your eyes atleast a little bit idk what will. Sure the stock is up right now, but i can bet that it will slowly deflate over the next 3 years until the next run up, and the next, and the next each smaller every time until GME goes bankrupt as investors bleed out. I want this to happen just as bad as anyone else, but the dream of phone numbers is dead. If ryan couldn't even hold past 60 without diluting what do you think he'll do when it hits 60 again? What about 80? 120? do what you want, bro, at least take some profits if by some miracle it goes up next week.

>> No.58598905

>financial decisions

>> No.58598908
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>> No.58598912

you and I both know that this won't happen come earnings. Its gonna be the same tired shit over again.

>> No.58598919


Yea this wasn't the squeeze, the hedgies are still in full control. They have to do this little dance every quarter, and over longer cycles to rebalance their derivative positions. The real squeeze will be around serious macro geopolitical events and major market crashing.

>> No.58598922

my previous post:

was in response to triple overtime paid stock bashser and demoralizer:

>> No.58598924


>> No.58598925
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how long do you honestly expect to hold this stock? 3 more years? 6 more? 10 more? For how long are you willing to hold. Listen bro, if nothing happens in the next month off the back of this momentum then nothing will happen ever. Thems just the facts, and if by some miracle something DOES happen, then i'll gladly take my words back. Right now its take profit, dash and buy back in when the stock deflates again.

>> No.58598930

If this happens I will shit my pants and possibly even cum.
No but it will get 2 billion even at prices lower than this. They usually announce 2 days after competition. So if they complete on Tuesday they’ll have around 4-5 billion in the bank.

>> No.58598935
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As long as your paid to be here. And longer, I trust RC simple as.

>> No.58598937

I genuinely hope you're right.

>> No.58598941

Hey! That’s not nice!

>> No.58598965
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>> No.58598992
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Oh hedgies,,,I can't stop laugh ! M&A bad? And can't GameShort exit? Ha Ha Ha Make your time !

>> No.58599001

agm next thursday. do you guys think jew boy will offer an explanation for his behaviour and actions this past 3 weeks?

>> No.58599002
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I won't gloat. I knew that hype days are the days that GME gets rugged (I've been on this ride for over 3 years now). Buy the rumor, sell the news.

However, I honestly don't know why Gamestop does an offering for the SECOND TIME during a second run-up. The market manipulation during RK's stream was so obvious, done in broad daylight. That alone makes the stock worth buying again.

Until I hear a plan to do something with that money everyone should be allowed to criticize it. What, another bullshit NFT market to close? And don't get me started on this PleasrDao shit.

>> No.58599009

I was badly affected by the hype-fatigue in 2021 and 2022, but I didn't go too crazy this time around.
The narrative is now: RC will never allow the MOASS to happen and will inevitably dilute when we're about to MOASS. Everything is now riding on the next few weeks, and people are getting very impatient and many will be tempted to take profit/attempt to swing-trade/etc. when we do pump again, thinking that the MOASS won't happen anyways or will only happen in the distant future. If the MOASS DOES happen in the next few weeks, I really think a decent chunk of people will have fallen for it, well played hedgies.

>> No.58599028

Kek hedgies. If you don’t trust Ryan just sell now. In fact, open up a short. I’ll take the opposite end of the trade for you.

>> No.58599042
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That extreme type of thought isn't going to help you. The guy dumped GME shares twice on two of the biggest runs in 3 years and he has sat on 1B since the start. I get that there's maybe/likely a secret plan in the works. But everyone with mixed feelings about this is absolutely justified. There's 75M shares DRS'd and the guy casually dumps 130M shares on the market.

>> No.58599052
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It's a Cold War between RC and DFV
DFV has been waiting patiently for RC to turn the company around. Gag order happens to end conveniently when swap rollover and crap force a run-up. He's gonna ride that wave. Crypto haircut, he comes back, meme release, run-ups for each culminating in $80 premarket and the emergency 45 milly share offering to smack it down. Why? This isn't RC's plan. DFV is angry but understands. Two more weeks, in any case. Run-up 2, coinciding with but not caused by DFV's position release and stream announcement (actually, by the swaps etc. entered when RC made the share offering in 2021). Smacked down again. Whatever DFV's stream was originally going to be, it becomes
>I'm not causing this I'm just riding lol
>I believe in RC
>I'm not waiting another 3 years for this lmao
Also, he baits halts and the media and said media and SHFs fall for it. This is also actually a shot across RC's bow. DFV may not be able to manipulate the price, but he has media/SHF attention; as far as they're concerned, DFV is a de facto insider whose actions drive their behavior wrt gme. So, RC is not in full control of his own company. Further, DFV shows he knows the cycles and has the money to take advantage of them. In other words, he can acquire enough shares to become an actual insider. Even enough to attempt a hostile takeover. Worse, others now understand that gameplan. "I can fuck up your plan. Don't get it twisted; your shareholders are here for a payday. Get it done, or at least stop getting in the way for fear of a lawsuit." After all, they're not manipulating the market in any way, simply riding the wave (hence why DFV won't exercise until 6/21). On the other hand, the share offerings are RC telling DFV to simmer down, massive dilution and a massively stunted (even if inevitable) moass the threat.

>> No.58599055
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So, they're at an impasse. Each knows what the other wants, and it's at odds with what they themselves want. DFV will have to chill so as not to damage moass, RC will have to move soon so as not to jeopardize his plan altogether.

>> No.58599061

Can't predict anything with this fucking stock. I just know that if it ran up to $100 and I sold the shares I held for over 3 years and then the price continued upwards, I would quite literally kill myself.

>> No.58599062

That is how I felt when it ran from 46 to 65 in AH. I wish all holders the best but come it's the most manipulated stock in the world and bound get get rugs every so often.

>> No.58599066
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GME will probably be bankrupt 10 years from now.

>> No.58599070

Fuck this, next time it goes >40$ im selling

>> No.58599073
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6 Star dinner and a show. I like it.

>> No.58599076

Thanks for your shares m8

>> No.58599082

I didn't get swept up in the hype this past month (partly because I was bitter about not buying more at $10) so now that the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction, I still find myself cautiously believing in this. We know shorts couldn't have closed with that price action. DFV is holding his position and says he believes in the company and board. His calls are still ITM, so the gamma ramp is still intact, if you believe in that thing. What other company has the shareholder base to DRS a quarter of outstanding shares? Either the MOASS happens or GameStop turns itself around. If you weren't going to sell at $1000, what difference does it make that you didn't sell at $60? This past month is just be a blip.
(I hold XXXX shares btw.)

>> No.58599094

The more they crime, the more it will explode in the end. That is, unless Cohen dumps even more shares on the market. 3 years of holding and after a little green the asshole dumps several billions worth of shares onto the market. Bitch he'd better have some plan, otherwise I believe he's just giving wallstreet more ammo.

>> No.58599099

the only thing that matters right now is this: is jew boy done raising capital yet or is he going to continue fucking shareholders ass even more? he is authorized to sell 880 Million more shares. if you want moass back on the table jew boy needs to agree not to issue any more shares at the agm next week otherwise you can kiss that 3 years of momentum building goodbye.

>> No.58599101

kek baggots

>> No.58599114
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>DFV has billionaires balls in his paw
>DFV owns Ken & Ryan
>everyone thinking Ryan Cohen was the next Warren Buffet

DFV for next chair of the board

>> No.58599115
File: 220 KB, 414x418, cyan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 'ate me investors
> 'ate NFT marketplaces
> 'ate communication with me shareholders
> luv dilutin'
> simple as

>> No.58599124
File: 962 KB, 1262x1838, B2EEF83D-D0C8-480F-B377-D6EB14496EE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no further communication with our shareholders at this time
he forgot to ask permission

>> No.58599133

The GME share offerings are nowhere near the scale of the offerings AA has done for AMC. AMC has increased the number of outstanding shares by something like 35x since 2020, while GME hasn't even doubled theirs. GameStop is tightening up the business and now possesses billions more in funds, so they're further away from bankruptcy than ever.
It's easy to look at the chart after the volatility has died down and point to all the peaks saying "I should've sold there." But just imagine what the SHFs are feeling right now. DFV hilariously pretended to use Yahoo Finance and to not know how long a halt is, but he still has his finger on the trigger. I can't imagine being short on this stock and not freaking the fuck out right now.

>> No.58599136

Why the arm sling and bandaids though?

>> No.58599141
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Since you retards STILL don't seem to understand, I'll fucking spell it out for you:
>This week's pump was fake and gay just like May's
>This was not a squeeze; they had every intent to let the price run and then crush it back down before earnings
>They obviously planned to let the price run during the DFV stream so msm could blame him for manipulation
>That morning RC dilutes and kills the fake pump (yes FAKE)
>DFV baits the world by showing up late to his stream
>DFV does literally nothing while exposing the manipulation of gme in real time
>260 million in volume despite halts
>Share offering is probably very close to being done or already done
Shorts still have to fucking close. Any little pump like May or June is just more fucking manipulation. Those weren't fucking squeezes. An actual company move will be the catalyst, and that is why everyone on Wall Street is freaking the fuck out. That's what DFV is waiting for by holding is literal monster position. Do you all fucking understand yet?

>> No.58599151

based kermit knower

>> No.58599158

I don't know. I don't personally look into every little detail and try to construct a story or secret message from them. Seems like a waste of time and a set up for eventual disappointment. The fundamentals are all that really matter.

>> No.58599163

>one armed bandit

>> No.58599168

This guy is a total fed

>> No.58599170
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Still Holding.

>> No.58599177

He was also playing a fake heart monitor sound. It was an "I'm not dead, guys" joke.

>> No.58599178

I agree with you, I just thought it was a strange getup. I didn't actually watch the stream. In fact I don't even know what DFV or chobani even sound like.

>> No.58599179

"Im beat"
He knows he cant win this. and even insinuates that it would take All of us and more to MOASS

>> No.58599184

Comfyyyy I’m team kitty though

>> No.58599191


>> No.58599193

Fuck cohen. Atleast dfv is not a jew and wants the squeeze squoze.

>> No.58599196

It doesn’t matter what he wants. He dilutes one more time everybody is going to jump ship and his company is done for. He only has shares himself so he would have done all this work for nothing.

>> No.58599198
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It was pretty hilarious though.

>> No.58599199

Let’s hope he is able to communicate with half a million shareholders

>> No.58599203
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first ask yourself: was it a proof of life or proof of channel ownership stream?
which took priority?
obviously trolling took priority.
>fuck the media fuck hedgies and their algo.
>also, hey guise, im alive and havent been McAfee'd

also, that fud fest starting last night/thread
notice when it started?
and kicked up hard?
rugging was it?

>> No.58599206

My exact reasoning too. Paired with the fact that Kitty just didn’t want to see his favourite company get shorted down while Cohen is in some weird fantasy with other yes men thinking he can turn the company around with whatever he’s planning. Of course I hope for the best and whatever that kike is planning works out, but this is not what shareholders wanted perse. They wanted to see hedge funds get killed while GameStop being on top. Still holding though who cares about losing some money when the upside is way better.

>> No.58599209

Still in the green btw legdies. I got the same cost average as kitty

>> No.58599213

I agree with all of this except Cohen's actions of doing ANOTHER share dilution. Isn't 2 BILLION DOLLARS enough? Why? We'll have to find out, but it better be for good fucking reason. And even if it's a fake pump, any positive momentum is good momentum even if fake.

>> No.58599230

>Holders : Why do you care if we hold? Who is it we sell to if we sell? Why are you here 24/7

I mean 90% is bots. If they tied a trading algo to the words of DFV yo think they can't spin up bots to post when they short the stock and their AI news articles post BEFORE the dump kek

Yeah good one "shills". I'll keep holding and buying

>> No.58599231

>any positive momentum is good momentum
This is true. It makes it clear to people who haven't been paying attention that this isn't over, despite what the media and Dumb Money movie have tried to make it seem.
I just think people need to step away from their computers and take some time and gather themselves. It's been an emotional roller coaster, but it just means people are more likely to make snap decisions they'll end up regretting. If people want to sell immediately after the price goes from $67 to $27, no one can prevent them from doing that. It just seems silly to me.

>> No.58599235


What if Ryan dilutes, to do a share by back……. When the chart flatlines


>> No.58599237

>chair sitting forward
>ET going back to green

>> No.58599239
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the best part was when he tired to show his position but the HALTS wouldn't allow it

>> No.58599240
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>swingies get the rope
>WAAAIT what if the company does it?!

>> No.58599241

You would be an idiot to sell right now, but if there is another dilution. I would love if cohen atleast said no more dilution at the share holder meetings. But you never know what king kike is up to.

>> No.58599243
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There is a reason they have allowed youtube to promoted pro GME videos, there is a reason why they let the media bait people into GME during their pump, to entice fomo and then slam it.

It's the same play. Every. Single. Time.

So us 3 year holders know that and buy the dip, noobs buy at $60 expecting the run to continue. The media then go max ham and the shills are deployed. It's not to get us to sell but get those who JUST bought to sell.

Biz doesn't have this many posters in all threads combined but with GME they pile in suddenly anytime there is a down turn in price.

They literally took on a group of based noticer autists. How did they think their plan was going to work?

>> No.58599248

Yeah he showed how fucking bad the joke of the American system is. Once I have my money fuck the entire American banking system. I'm never investing in Teddy or GME or whatever Cohen is doing when something like IEP can be shorted 50% with 80% the float owned by Ichan and GME can be halted at 1% swings because a man is streaming and saying WORDS.

Fucking hell SEC. You are going to be sued by every single holder post moass

>> No.58599250
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>le 500% short face

>> No.58599252

iirc normies can only buy between 8:30am and 6:30pm. A large portion of the recent pumps have taken place outside those hours

>> No.58599253

How the fuck are halts legal? This is just market manipulation. Everything is manipulation whether you have a livestream or show your position. It means nothing anymore.

>> No.58599254

>my lack of understanding of the stock market and the balance sheet is justified
I agree, I’m not upset you’re retarded.

>> No.58599258

They were designed to stop a stock from being wiped out from a major issue like say a massive margin call. Except the rules are 5% swings in 5 mins. DFV showed that halts are bullshit and 1% swings were halting the price. They done halt down at 5 but like 6-10% but can halt UP on less than 2%.

They were designed to stop massive liquidations without time to react I believe from 2008. Except BRK and others got wiped out 99% for some reason they didn't get halted.

So the entire system is bullshit because market makers during the halts flood the order book with sells to front run the price to change momentum during the halt. Or flat out trade during it which we've seen.

At this point what does more crime matter to them?

>> No.58599259

It's so interesting. Someone was buying shares at those prices and it wasn't regular investors.
All the people saying they wish they had swing traded wouldn't have been able to time the peak perfectly anyway. They would've sold and watched the price continue moving upwards and then FOMOed back in, erasing their long term capital gains and halving their shares. That's what happens when one watches the chart too closely.

>> No.58599262

>flood the order book with sells
What is Kenny selling though? Oh after 3 years, every day is going to be like Christmas when he is in a sling.

>> No.58599265

Oh man they're going to be in trouble when the sec launches their massive case on them

>> No.58599266
File: 220 KB, 890x279, stocks can't bottom until retail sells.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They literally took on a group of based noticer autists. How did they think their plan was going to work?
The entire securities market is predicated on retail being cyberbullied or hypnotized by the TV into buying high and selling low. The books do not balance and cannot be made to balance if Wall Street and not retail is holding the bag when the music stops. They have never dealt with autists who can't be socially psyopped before because meatspace social pressures used to keep autists poor and isolated. All the shorts can do is stare helplessly while their portfolios are destroyed, like flightless island birds beinf eaten alive by cats.

>> No.58599270

>He doesn't know
Andrew Left let the cat out the bag yesterday, it's already been happening for 3 years. They have been all caught red handed already.

>> No.58599272

>And even if it's a fake pump, any positive momentum is good momentum even if fake.
The run up in May proves this to be completely wrong. There is no "momentum" if it's controlled and manipulated. The moment they lose control is when the short squeeze happens. Both runups in May and June they were 100% in control of the price. RC took advantage of it both times. RC did not kill any momentum because there was NO momentum. Do you understand at all yet? There needs to be an actual catalyst that forces shorts to run to the exits and close. That has NOT happened yet. Until that does happen, the price manipulation will continue.

>> No.58599287

Is that Chris-Chan?

>> No.58599288

>Until that does happen, the price manipulation will continue.
Price is fake gay and lame

>> No.58599291

That is the greatest poker playing stock trading mind of a thousand generations.

Very antisemitic

>> No.58599294
File: 143 KB, 1537x1269, 2024-05-20 15_34_46-Reverse Merger Process Explained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been saying this that nothing happened until earnings was over, DFV exercising isn't the moass. It's always been a corporate action by Cohen.

We know what it is but shills, maxi's and other retards have tried to gaslight against it for 2 years now.

>> No.58599297

Bullish post

>> No.58599298
File: 71 KB, 732x1026, 2024-05-18 23_47_27-Greenshot image editor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This action leads to forced buy ins.

>> No.58599300

Checked. Yes the price is very fake, gay, and lame. They manipulate the price inn both directions to manipulate emotions. They KNOW people want to see the price keep going up. They KNOW that the emotional swing of seeing the price up 50% and then back down 40% is powerful. People forget so easily that there needs to be an actual catalyst that forces shorts to close, and right now that ultimately comes down to how GameStop reinvents itself as a company. RC is doing his fucking job in moving the company forward. They got the bad news out of the way early, so next week they are in prime position to deliver something good.

>> No.58599303
File: 130 KB, 629x2255, GObLxYbW0AAI5rh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole point of Gamshire Bathaway is to pay UNIT dividends. IEP does this and is the model, BRK style holding company where the empire is cradle to grave where parents buy for their kids, then those kids grow and buy games, then as adults they buy their housing furnishings , then when they have kids they come back to the cycle. Customer service and secret launches are Cohens bread and butter.

Until he sells or dividends are paid MoAss hasn't even begun and even then the price will be determined Ed by the M/A plus fraud damages and NOL's making Teddy tax free or at reduced taxes for a decade.

Shorties lost. No amount of trying to make DFV look the villain is going to work. All he did was buy shares and calls. You fucked up the market.

Now get in your forever box

>> No.58599304

>watching RN to catch up on the last 3 episodes
>starts crying
God damnit, I didn't need this in my life after saying that I want to see you smile from big green on gme a few threads ago.

>> No.58599306

Agreed, M&A has always been the long running theory for GameStop to reinvent itself, and the last share offering basically proves it since it was mentioned in the filing. People complaining about RC need to shut the fuck up and let him run the company. He is the reason why the company is where it is at today.

>> No.58599307

You fuckers are more cult-like than superstonk, over there people are pissed and rightfully so.

>> No.58599310

Your emotional appeals do not work. This is men investing not women. Maybe try that shit on your non existent waifu

>> No.58599314

>o-ok maybe the predditors have some good points
You MUST go back before it’s too late

>> No.58599318

out in the open.
cults are out of sight. hidden, secretive. like wall street.

>> No.58599323

How the FUCK is this stock still at $27 after a 75 million share dilution

>> No.58599325

The only people who are upset are the retards that FOMO'd on shares and options during the very fake and gay run up. The fucking predditors are all showing their true form as being emotionally weak. They all preach about supporting the company, yet when RC does his job (which is solely to improve the company), they all get pissy as if they would rather him do nothing at all. Bunch of hypocrites.

>> No.58599326

Crime, and DFV still hasn't stretched

>> No.58599330

i thought the company was done with its issuance of new shares last month kek.
imagine the dividends for long time holders.

>> No.58599331

missed this, what did he say?

>> No.58599335

Agree on M&A

But no one in this general has ever mentioned the right company they'll target.

They're going after fucking HASBRO. Controlling interest in hasbro will cost ~5B. I wonder how much cash they have on hand now. GME is positioning itself as the leader in the nostalgia economy. The retro gaming market alone is 20B.

>> No.58599342

>But no one in this general has ever mentioned the right company they'll target.
I think this is a very good thing because it proves that GameStop has multiple avenues to reinvent itself.
>They're going after fucking HASBRO
Interesting. Doesn't hasbro own dungeons and dragons?

>> No.58599343

Same people, different outcome:
>GME@60$ no ATM announcement
>GME@40$ because DFV delays live
>GME@27$ because max pain and because DFV didn't LaUnChED MOaSS


>> No.58599347

Dnd, MTG, transformers, and a million other nostalgia brands

>> No.58599348


>> No.58599349

Hmmm you might be on to something since they already did a transformers candy con collab recently.

>> No.58599350

I don't think he wants to be. He wants to be right, which means shorts have to close. For good. He's done after that.

>> No.58599353

For the lulz

>> No.58599359

Squeeze status?

>> No.58599368


>> No.58599370
File: 165 KB, 1079x596, Screenshot_20240608_221908_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're just going to yell at me or swear at me
>Then other people uhm...Are going to meet you
>It's growing pains
What's Al Capone thinking right now?

>> No.58599374

Oh god, please take MtG off Hasbro's hands and bring back Transformers Universe, but good this time.

>> No.58599377

I'm mostly annoyed because I would really, really like to ride some options into moass, or at least a major run-up. I had 0DTEs yesterday that would have been massively up and ITM. I consider this Cohen stealing some of my money. DFV isn't manipulating the price. Cohen might be.

>> No.58599378

Phenomenal follow up to his UBS channer screenshot video that funneled billions from retail pockets into wall street hands in this recent pump and dump.

>> No.58599380

Once the dust settled and the coordinated shills finally clocked off for the night I've notice sentiment being still incredibly bullish

Next week could be fun

Also exercise

>> No.58599385

Stop playing options then you stupid retard. The price was going to dump yesterday anyway because the short manipulators know they can bait retards like you.

>> No.58599387


>> No.58599390

>I didn't get swept up in the hype this past month (partly because I was bitter about not buying more at $10) so now that the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction, I still find myself cautiously believing in this. We know shorts couldn't have closed with that price action. DFV is holding his position and says he believes in the company and board. His calls are still ITM, so the gamma ramp is still intact, if you believe in that thing. What other company has the shareholder base to DRS a quarter of outstanding shares? Either the MOASS happens or GameStop turns itself around. If you weren't going to sell at $1000, what difference does it make that you didn't sell at $60? This past month is just be a blip.
>(I hold XXXX shares btw.)

I can’t help but think that RK felt blindsided by RC’s play to dilute on the day he was supposed to do his first stream in years. Felt that he was planning something but had to change due to that.

>> No.58599391

Yes and?

>> No.58599392
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Sentiment is bullish; that's the only reason they are here. If only they could blend in so it isn't so painfully obvious that their sentiments are disingenuous.

>> No.58599397

>I can’t help but think that RK felt blindsided by RC’s play to dilute on the day he was supposed to do his first stream in years. Felt that he was planning something but had to change due to that.
You are 100% wrong. You stupid idiot, DFV had ZERO intention of doing ANYTHING because the media was chomping at the bit to nail him with market manipulation. PLEASE pay attention.

>> No.58599400


>> No.58599406

I don’t think any of you fully understand the severity of the situation at hand here. Jake is sitting on his couch now.

>> No.58599410

Tell us saar

>> No.58599411
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>> No.58599412

That's the thing, it wasn't.

>> No.58599413

All the meltdownies just need to sell and move on. You weren’t gonna make it from the beginning

>> No.58599415

Calling it: glow less.

>> No.58599418
File: 282 KB, 773x606, sure is bright in here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys I fit in, that's why I played options and got fucked it must be RC's fault

>> No.58599421

Yes it was, that’s why DFV chose to do his stream then retard

>> No.58599422

You gave kenny free money with that premium retard. Buy shares next time

>> No.58599424

Are you saying that after all this time the downies still have their shares? If they haven't sold then literally nobody is except RC. The market is fake and gay and gme is completely illiquid.

>> No.58599425

No I’m calling everyone bitching a downie. They just gotta move on it’s that easy

>> No.58599435


>> No.58599439

The price tanked because king bhenchod just proved he is content with preventing moass and having GME be the only ones that profit off the short squeeze. He will dilute us on every runup.
>more shares created in the last three weeks than we have proof of being DRSed in three years
>increased the total shares outstanding by almost 50%
>can dilute another 575 million shares
Call me a shill or say this is fud, but I am fucking pissed I don't care. This guy jewed us simple as.

>> No.58599440

You are a shill and this is fud. You glow so brightly that it hurts my eyes.

>> No.58599443

Just sell and move ur money into something you can trade comfortably

>> No.58599446

Stupid motherfuckers seriously need to learn what "investing" is.
Agreed. Any shareholder that is crying right now should be considered a downie. These are the idiots that FOMO'd in during the last month. They probably FOMO'd in to the hedgie pump and dumps that were happening at the same time too.

>> No.58599447

The open tailwinds were coming, short sellers knew this that’s why so many shares were on loan. DFV knew they were going to tank it as it’s their only strategy in this situation.

They’ve done the same every two years going back 6 or so years. Anyone playing options after seeing DFV’s latest position deserves to get burned

>> No.58599455

>The open tailwinds were coming, short sellers knew this that’s why so many shares were on loan. DFV knew they were going to tank it as it’s their only strategy in this situation.
Exactly, that's why it makes perfect sense for RC to do share offerings during these pre planned price dumps.

>> No.58599456

The accusation/confession tell.

>> No.58599458

This is clearly copium however:
Short interest yesterday was about 50%, and there were 273M shares
If this makes sense adding those 75M shares means that yesterday they might bait shorts into shorting more, and at the earnings next week all those shorts might be on the hook for a cash dividend. Ideally announcing a merger would be better but I’ll huff on what I can

>> No.58599460

In the latest Richard newton video he said he used to track the moon cycles in his chart because the stock cycle would correspond to full moons. Kek and there’s a full moon on 6/21. This guy is great. We’ve gone full circle as a civilization, back to staring at the sky and tracking celestial cycles. Someone gotta build a moass Stonehenge

>> No.58599462

Wouldn't have bought enough shares. I made the premium back by taking profit. I'm pissed I missed out on real profit.

>> No.58599463


>> No.58599467
File: 6 KB, 112x112, lkjsdlkj94hl9wd8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn’t there an anon who was posting pics here from Stonehenge during the Sunner Solstice last year?when is summer solstice this year?

>> No.58599468

I sold most of my position when the last dilution was announced because I had started to suspect Cohen was doing this (a jew betraying, very surprising). I've held for four years, lowering my average but still blood red for most of that time. Never swinging when I was up, always making excuses for the incompetent moves and inaction. This is a fucking betrayal and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

This anon is a bad actor and BBBYQ apologist, possibly even Keith himself or one of that team. I can spot them within a few posts.

>> No.58599470
File: 22 KB, 660x367, kronk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when is summer solstice this year?
June 20

>> No.58599472

>summer solstice this year
Thursday, June 20th

>Supertramp - Goodbye Stranger Lyrics
Go and believe it
I've got to go

How long does it take to get the money from the liquidity of my home in the UK?

My body is ready

>> No.58599473
File: 70 KB, 1200x675, jh96tgkj98vjhg9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s real. The night of June 20th. First day trading day of Summer Solstice is 21st.

>> No.58599474
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Holy shit

>> No.58599476
File: 99 KB, 641x551, smug game frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry 1pbtid, gme is the ONLY stock. No other stock (and former stocks) matter. I love GameStop and I love seeing GameStop do well. That is all.

>> No.58599477
File: 20 KB, 188x139, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fifty million volume in the first three minutes after open
one hundred million in the first half hour
two hundred and seventy million by closing
halted so many times it was only tradable for half the day
six of those halts were broadcast live to CNBC and five hundred thousand within just half an hour.
Countless amounts of threads breaking 700 posts full of people screaming to sell with essays art and coordinated posting.


>> No.58599479
File: 437 KB, 2048x1585, 4js7fyclvdw61-3629619062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Is this... betrayal?"
>"No! I am reminding you why you are here. You've fallen from the path. The legacy you seek to build will be dashed by your own actions. I... will not let your magnificent plans die on the vine. I will not let you go astray!"
>*glass shatters, battle wipe, boss theme plays; lieutenant just barely defeated*
>"Death is the plate placed before betrayers."
>"I see now, your will has changed. So be it. I feel no shame or fear facing my doom with my reason for being now dashed."
*a moment of hesitation*
>"No... No! This is wrong! Your loyalty is unshakeable. What am I doing?"
>*deep breath*
>"I am calm. Say again your piece."
>*momentarily perplexed, but then snap to order*
>"Your latest decision has planted doubt within the minds of your troops. Placing respect for your fellow lords over their sentiment is wrong-headed, and you will pay for it more than you can conceive, if you do not right your way. Do not take the same course again, or your support from the common folk will be lost forever."

>> No.58599480

>In the latest Richard newton video he said he used to track the moon cycles in his chart because the stock cycle would correspond to full moons
Damn those white girl personality hires are actually calling the shots

>> No.58599481
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i was actually rooting for you guys and was blown away when i saw thursday's ah price flirting with 70 bucks. i was quite positive that 100 would have easily been broken yesterday due to the absolutely insane momentum and national coverage. the dilution was so infuriating and ridiculous, and you can absolutely tell that roaring kitty (what a fucking gay ass reddit tier name, seriously) guy didn't expect it. so all things considered, it was a very hilarious chain of events to witness lol

>> No.58599482

>We can't have sex because of star signs
No anon, they just say that because not black and broke

>> No.58599485

Ok you really need to go back or you’ll be the next gorilla_meat1. Or worse, his friend. This is the only warning you’ll get from a kind soul, think deeply about it.

>> No.58599493

In a way, I'm glad to have die-hard fans who turned off critical thinking. This whole stock market is rigged and trying to come out on top of it is admirable. In my eyes, impossible. There were chances to win, but every time something new happens and every legislation is shut down. Best we can hope for is more bankruptcies.

>> No.58599496

Plebbit doesn't want to hear about the jews and their lies. This thing started here anyway. I first heard about GME from coomcat poster and I've been in this general every day since. Whatever, I'm just blowing off steam. This was my one chance to make it and I feel betrayed.

>> No.58599501

Bro were not having sex, that was completely unprompted

>> No.58599503
File: 1.89 MB, 281x320, mmmwgami.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based baker! Watching the rk stream at work was really funny, watching it at home a second time made me made me wish I transferred funds to my broker on Friday.

>> No.58599510

>gme baggies unanimously make fun of amc baggies for getting diluted
>gme baggies get diluted
>"Here's why getting diluted is GOOD for the MOASS"
baggie brains WILL be studied postmortem after they all rope.

>> No.58599512

>pls Ryan take another shit down my throat I love it ever so

>> No.58599514

It was like watching a tiny cat trying to climb out of a bathtub, panicked and scrabbling for a grip that never came.

>> No.58599515

With that expert analysis I should have roped at 9.95 right?

>> No.58599517

I'm as salty as the next guy on the share dilution but there are fundamental differences. AMC is only staving off bankruptcy with their share offering; paying debts, paying rent on their properties etc. That and the absolute goblin that is AA sells his personal shares as well, and directly to hedge funds.
Now, I don't know what that bitch RC is planning but it'd better be worth getting fucking 4B off the backs of retail.

>> No.58599518

Red Bull Racing is only worth 2.6B... is GameStop building an F1 team? Maybe the real DRS was the drag reduction system all along..

>> No.58599522
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>> No.58599523

If you hate seeing the company you invested in make money, perhaps you don't understand what "investing" really is. If all you want to do is throw money somewhere and see an instant jackpot, perhaps lottery tickets and casinos might be more your speed. Buying stocks are about helping see a company grow. It is not the company's obligation to trigger the short squeeze. The company making a move will be the catalyst. Until then, these fake and gay pumps are doing exactly what they are designed to do: make people emotional.

>> No.58599524

It seems you’ve made your decision. I wish you the best of luck then. I hope you know what you’re doing.

>> No.58599532

>what’s RC planning
When he steps down from the board, he’s under the threshold of ownership where he has to report sales with this latest dilution. He’s building enough cash that the book price is comfortable enough to leave

>> No.58599536

>"Here's why getting diluted is GOOD for the MOASS"

>> No.58599537
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People are USING Gamestop as their own personal pump and dump. They don't care if the company goes bankrupt, as long as they get to 300x their bags first. And then they get mad when RC does the same. It's despicable.

>> No.58599538

I'm going to plug Richard Newton here because he does a good job explaining what has been happening lately. The stock is in a clear uptrend and all of these pumps are fake and gay. Let GameStop cook. All of the people demanding that RC force a short squeeze are either retarded or being dishonest.

>> No.58599540
File: 188 KB, 1400x700, ozymandias-watchmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in the stock market for over a decade and the rule is IF you're going to dilute then we need to know what the plan is. Period. That's why at the shareholder meeting June 13 a plan will be revealed
>The M&A catalyst
>Ryan Cohen states of the 75M offering no shares have been sold
>Ryan Cohen announces their investing or M&A plan
>The dividend slow burn squeeze
>Ryan Cohen announces 75M shares have been sold for $2.5B
>Ryan Cohen announces $1 dividend
>With $4.5B in cash saving $1B for operating expenses they give guidance expecting to give out this dividend for the coming 2 years (425 million times $8)
Either shorts get fucked through the Gameshire play or they get fucked having to pay billions in dividends on naked shorts every quarter

>> No.58599544

This mega fud has convinced me MOASS is now 1000% on within the next two more weeks. Had it remained quiet I might have simply forgotten about gameTop again and never sold. I literally can't lose

>> No.58599545

Superstonk had 10k new subs in the last week.

Kek they're firing up the old bots again. Expect logonigger to make a comeback. He already tried to thread split and got BTFO but expect the next week to be an incredible flood of curried shit

>> No.58599546

Yes, exactly. Now continue your thought. You have almost finally reached the first level of consciousness. Don’t lose it now.

>> No.58599550

So let me get this right, as someone who never invested in stocks before throwing some into GME a week ago: you can only trade this shit during the hours the NYSE jew tells you, they can enable and disable your ability to buy or sell it as they wish, and they can change the rules of the game when they wish? Sounds worse than literal jeetcoin rugpull scams.

>> No.58599554

Riddle me this anons, if I want to start a biotech company, what area would be the most lucrative?

>> No.58599555

Agreed. People are getting way to impatient and emotional over this. The knee jerk reaction is "give me answers NOW!" Larry said it himself, deliver the bad news early and the good news right on time. And considering that all of the bad news happened before the earnings and shareholder meeting, it's pretty clear the good news is coming right on schedule. I'm seriously annoyed at how many self proclaimed holders have suddenly lost faith and panicking over this. Even DFV believes in RC and he believes the company has a plan. He said as much literally as his portfolio was dropping hundreds of millions of dollars. He is not emotional. Nobody should be emotional at this point. This is such an easy hold.

>> No.58599559

bath towels and beddings

>> No.58599562
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Correct. The shares and cash are for a mixed consideration merger and dividends. They will fire all at once because the point is to kill shorts not drain them forever. Cohen is making the company solid and transformative into a holding company, part of that foundational work is now done. The big reveal is coming and if DFV wants the dividend he needs to DRS his shares. In the pecking order DRS first, then comes brokers. If they haven't got his 12m shares how doyou think he'll get his dividend for them all? We're all entitled to it but if there is finite amounts then uh oh stinky market makers just done a whoopsie.

I honestly believe it is going to be a multi part moass. First comes the announcement of merger, then comes the fraud damages, then comes the warrants to buy, then comes the IPO, each step is another massive leap in share price. When it's all yied to tZero / loopring exchange with 1:1 securities then we will see some real shit. Also never fuck with Wu Tang.

>> No.58599563

You're either a completely retarded dumb fuck or you're martin shkreli trolling

>> No.58599564

You can call me a retard and you can call me a troll, but you can't call me wrong.

>> No.58599565

It's fucking over. It dumped. You guys just never know when to sell huh.

>> No.58599566

>Even DFV believes in RC and he believes the company has a plan
did you expect him to go "WTF FUCKIN BENCHOD JEWED US, FUCK THAT GUY" live on stream and completely nuke his positions? obviously he would run damage control and try to salvage this absolute clusterfuck

>> No.58599568
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I'm long gme. Share dilution for more cash on hand while testing the cat system seems fair trade to me, an opportunity especially if there's regulators trying to kill the cat in the cradle.
>My most schizo observation on the live stream
An Irish man in his late 30s from massachussetts should know how to pour a beer - but he poured one with a head and talked about waiting for it to pop off.

>> No.58599569
File: 370 KB, 525x575, 2024-06-08 14_45_56-Josh  on X_ _RC has proven many times that he has no special interest in protec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek this faggot still thinks he's relevant. They really did buy them all off didn't they?

>> No.58599570

Good news on time indeed it's still on schedule. If they don't invest any of it either and just keep it in treasuries they have the option to sell these and put it all in a buyback program instead of dividends
$3.5B on buybacks at 20 a pop: 175 million shares
At 10 a pop: 350 million shares
New floor is created while shorts are still underwater at $1

>> No.58599571

the shills wouldnt be out in massive force if there wasn't shit about to go down. happens every time like cockwork.

>> No.58599573

There will be guidance. RC knows it's customary to do so after dilution otherwise all friendly institutions will drop out

>> No.58599574
File: 1.27 MB, 499x499, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (7).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sold
and yet, you're still here blogposting.
I wonder why.

>> No.58599575

GOD GME baggies are so delusional. You people are like a cult
>DFV will save us!!!
>Here's why dilution is good!!
>Here's why our stock LITERALLY FUCKING DUMPING is good!!
>Only 2 more weeks till MOASS!!!!
Fucking baggies LMAO

>> No.58599578

Ok time to come clean downies, what’s your short average? We all know you shorted it and you’re paranoid about what comes next but maybe if you come clean in a public forum you’ll gather up the strength to accept your loss too. Surely you didn’t short below $25, that would have been retarded.

>> No.58599583


>> No.58599590

future billionaire

>> No.58599592
File: 688 KB, 400x170, 46dd96cb-8324-494d-9449-74c1963d86cc_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patents, IP, R&D and...M&As.

I also have an interest in biotech. Shall we shadowbox after MOASS?

>> No.58599594
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 1717614143197276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Innovate ways to combat adverse side effects of novel vaccines

>> No.58599595
File: 2.78 MB, 600x450, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong, you fucking retarded troll.

>> No.58599602
File: 53 KB, 680x673, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry dude, I misslinked.
Wanted to linkt to this >>58599468

>> No.58599603

>t-there will be guidance this time!
That's funny because he hasn't offered any after any of the previous dilutions. I need to see an acquisition of a company that actually makes money with these billions.

>> No.58599605

Wow good meme you’re really fitting in, great job pal.

>> No.58599606

You know what? It just hit me - you niggers are just greedy, full stop
You don't want to make some profit, you think you're going to become multi-millionaires overnight because you dumped $50 in a meme stock
The delusion is to keep you waiting for astronomical profit without doing ANY WORK for it, like RK actually did
You're followers, sheep, delusional. You could be learning to make 1-10% swings with your cash, compounding it and actually learning the market - but no, you're lazy, greedy fucks.
Finally just clicked.
I'll continue to shit on your threads til kingdom come

>> No.58599609

You are forgiven. WAGMI.

>> No.58599611

>just day trade
>stop buying and holding
>fuck you fuck you fuck you
>gamble you little shit
Whatever Ken pays you it’s too much. If it’s $0 you need to go suck his cock right this second.

>> No.58599613

Newton is the anti-fud. I’m bullish as ever

>> No.58599615

Once again:
You have guaranteed buyers: Baggies.
You have guaranteed sellers: Hedgies.
You can make a shitload of money from this stock if you're smart.
If you want a long-term play, buy under $10 and hope to God that Cohen pulls a Berkshire Hathaway.
If you want to make money, surf the Cohen-Yuga.

>> No.58599616
File: 2.54 MB, 1199x1004, 1654692678789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow all these 1pbtid sentiment appeal to emotion niggers are really activating my almonds to sell this side of the AGM, now thr company has Billions and is going through a transformation right before my eyes.

I should totally sell on the weight of evidence from kinds strangers spamming new ID'S over and over and Bot's regurgitating the same shill talking points.

I will consider your proposition and offer you a counter.


>> No.58599617

First of all you're a faggot.
Second investors don't need to be sabotaged. We all know this is a once in history short. RC needs to leave the stock alone and run the business

>> No.58599618
File: 28 KB, 400x321, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, the tension is high.

>> No.58599619

Enjoy being liquidity for your literal jew CEO for the 5th time kek

>> No.58599620

Ryan Cohen showed us that the real squeeze is the friends we made along the way

>> No.58599622

This time is different, not only are institutions expecting guidance retail is as well. That represents the majority ownership of the company

>> No.58599623

What is his cope for the dilution? I'd actually like to hear it. After the last one it seemed like he was hinting at selling some around $60.

>> No.58599624

Forgive me I think. It’s to early for thinking rationally I’m just here to fuck with downies.

>> No.58599625

>3.5 years of doing fuck all with a billion dollars
>roaring capeshit starts pumping the stock
the are actual “people” in this very thread right now who don’t think ryan is retarded

>> No.58599626

dude, he deluted now gme has 5B on hand, they will never go bankrupt, but I can calculate it for you:
5B on Hand / 351.19M shares outstanding = $14.2373074404
If you have an average sub this number, you'll never see anthing else than green.

>> No.58599627
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They also have billions in the bank and have stated several times over and over about aquisitions. Ch11 settlement has been approved.

Teddy man cometh

>> No.58599628

>hope to God that Cohen pulls a Berkshire Hathaway
A jew could literally never
Middleman scams is all they know

>> No.58599630

>day trade
>it’s logical
>just gamble bro
Rope. Now.

>> No.58599631
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>> No.58599632

>inb4 your cope for no forward guidance when no forward guidance

>> No.58599633

>shillies lying about Richard Newton selling
It's just pathetic at this point

>> No.58599634


>> No.58599636

jew boy has authorization to dump 880 million more shares how well do you guys think the stock price will handle that? deep down you know how this will end unless jew boy's authorization to issue shares is revoked at the next agm people need to call in and tell him to his face that he's a retarded dumb jew boy nigger that second dilution was inexcusable

>> No.58599638

Ok yeah I definitely apologize for >>58599605 you can do math so it’s impossible for you to be a downie.

>> No.58599639

>350 mil outstanding

>> No.58599642

How are you blood red still? I’ve been in this since March 2021… my position is twice the size at half the cost average now ($18 per). Stock is never going to $10 again; how could a company with 5B in cash ever be valued at $6B? We will
1. Have no more unprofitable quarters
2. Cleared to make investments
3. Activist investor board

You’re seeing GameStop holdings company being born. Also, NO sales during the run up from the insiders?

>> No.58599643

>The jew will definitely not somehow pocket the cash and line his jew buddies' pockets with the goy scam money as he finds a way to gut the company once again
Where do you guys come up with the cope?
Honestly curious

>> No.58599644
File: 3.19 MB, 1290x1720, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, lets take 500M Outstanding shares: $9.99620144345
what was short price for kenny? $0.9-$5 post split?
well have fun getting out of this.

>> No.58599645

the agm is next thursday your call could be the difference between getting moass back on the menu or bagholding this stock for another 3 years

>> No.58599647

Cute fanfic, mind if I jack off to it?

>> No.58599649

>these are the “people” who unironically believe they’re about to outsmart banks with infinite money who make the rules via some faggot redditor and a trust fund jew

>> No.58599652

Who said you had to just day trade? Could make some longer plays - couple weeks/months with legit market research, and not just gambling on another man's (RK) research
But you ding dongs are hell bent on being liquidity for a jew who is laughing at you retards as he dumps on you over and over and fucking over again
No wonder these kikes think we're cattle, the way you niggers simp out when you're getting fleeced makes me wanna carve you up too

>> No.58599655
File: 29 KB, 600x600, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing I wonder is, if you are doing it for free. But just in case, have this (you) to feed your village and enjoy your weekend.
Gonna be a tough week.

>> No.58599658

Their sales are shrinking drastically, and he can only shrinking the overhead so much. They will lose money if they can't change course, and so far the only things Cohen has done is make a NFT store that failed and doubled down on the brick and mortar. Maybe he's going to buy Steam, but he hasn't told us anything or showed anything but failure, so all that is conjecture.
>blood red
I bought hundreds of shares at $180 kek and never sold pumps or anything

>> No.58599659

>>just gamble bro
And also KEK as if GME isn't the biggest gamble in stock market history, lmao even at the sheer delusion

>> No.58599660

You didn't buy shit bitch

>> No.58599664

I’d like to remind everyone it’s a Saturday.

>> No.58599667

>Today I will remind them
Kek shillies working 24/7 for literal peas, someone post the webm

>> No.58599669

>if you are doing it for free
Kills me you niggers can't FATHOM anyone who studies the market coming in here to cackle at you dopes
It's a financial cult and everyone (jews) at the top are just pulling cash out of you dum dums over and over again
It's literally Q but for /biz/tards, zero of you will ever admit this

>> No.58599672

i’d like to remind you you’re a baggot (a faggot even)

>> No.58599673

>gamble at my slot machine
Buying more Monday. You will remember this moment. I’ve willed it into your mind.

>> No.58599674

How many floats do you think were short at that time? We have a court document showing 200%. Cohen has added that much via dilution since 2020. That effectively allowed them to cover at great loss, but not numbers I was looking for. Also, he can 2x the float again.

>> No.58599675
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someone is pissed he has to work the weekend shift.

>> No.58599677

nobody tell him

>> No.58599678
File: 2.69 MB, 320x237, cracked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's caturday, post cats!

>> No.58599682

>getting paid by ken-sama to call redditors faggots
>losing money to hodlnigger with roaring capeshit while king k takes it all
wow tough decision

>> No.58599683

Go nuts bro, I can lurk any /general/ on biz and find the literal, word for word language you cope addicts use here
LINK, XRP, or any shitcoin with pajeet and nigger bagholders who dumped their last village $20 into this month's frogdoginu coin
It's like trying to tell a nigger he's dumb, you'll never penetrate that wall and that's what it feels like conversing with you bozos

>> No.58599684
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>Cohen has added that much via dilution since 2020
okay, and the rest that has come together since then?
But who fucking knows. We'll see, I am currently much comfy, since I have shares with a lover average than the $14 I proclamated, so I can watch all the current kekenings fully relaxed.

>> No.58599686

>Retards can't fathom their retardation, breaking news at 11
Many such cases

>> No.58599689
File: 70 KB, 456x575, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, sounds like a win-win. You get paid for humouring me while I can enjoy the ride.

>> No.58599690
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Sales are shrinking drastically because (hopefully) they’re going to mostly abandon storefronts and turn them into nostalgia centers for fat faggots or something. Setup some gamecubes sell collectibles, maybe throw out that carpet like pic rel. imo GameStop becomes an activist hedge fund, they certainly don’t stay a physical game retailer… all I know is a lot can be possible with 5B in cash, and Marriott started as a root beer stand.
Last thing, I’m a swing Chad and never bought the buy and hold for eternity narrative— I have a pile of shares that I kept and never touched so they’d have long term status, tucked away in computershare, but a lot of my shares are still in a Roth on Schwab.. there’s no reason to not profit off of these price movements.

>> No.58599691

All these market experts coming into here to tell us to sell after 3 years this side of the AGM when the whole point is selling = shorts closing positions.

Why? Why would you tell us now to sell? Why is it important to you on a Saturday, who are we selling to and why are you acting so desperate?

My position is green, deep emerald green. I am so green I refuse to buy more to raise my average.

What are you trying to achieve? Pretending to be altruistic and looking after our money for us? For your own personal jests? That seems awfully sus you car about my money that much on either side of the spectrum.

Surely after the slew of bots we just had, which coincided with DFV showing the world live the halts are tied to nothing fundamental about the company. Therefore the irrationally priced stock can further be irrational and selling for pennies to swing or profit of about $60k isn't worth it for me in the long run.

I want to see Cohen pay dividends, Units, invest that $5bn in new revenue growth, which of course will trigger a squeeze of large proportion which he will sell into like Tesla, who did it 3 times into a massive run and still went fro 20 to 3400.

You literally have no power over people here. Long term capital gains and spite holding for phone numbers is more powerful than whatever fudding an intern working on weekends can come up with.

You lost, long term holders won.

>> No.58599694
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>> No.58599697

Nigga shut the fuck up.
It's my birthday so you have to listen to me.

>> No.58599699

>coming into here to tell us to sell
Kek I never told you tards to sell, it's more fun seeing you get buttfucked by your jew leader kek
He's selling you copium for the price of bagholding and you're too far up your own asses to see it
Literal Q tier larp but with money, tRuSt tHe pLaN lmao

>> No.58599701

Sorry I'm retarded but after the dilution how many more shares can RK and RC buy without doing paperwork shit?

>> No.58599702
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>this deserved the smuggest of pepes attached so reposting with my best

All these market experts coming into here to tell us to sell after 3 years this side of the AGM when the whole point is selling = shorts closing positions.

Why? Why would you tell us now to sell? Why is it important to you on a Saturday, who are we selling to and why are you acting so desperate?

My position is green, deep emerald green. I am so green I refuse to buy more to raise my average.

What are you trying to achieve? Pretending to be altruistic and looking after our money for us? For your own personal jests? That seems awfully sus you car about my money that much on either side of the spectrum.

Surely after the slew of bots we just had, which coincided with DFV showing the world live the halts are tied to nothing fundamental about the company. Therefore the irrationally priced stock can further be irrational and selling for pennies to swing or profit of about $60k isn't worth it for me in the long run.

I want to see Cohen pay dividends, Units, invest that $5bn in new revenue growth, which of course will trigger a squeeze of large proportion which he will sell into like Tesla, who did it 3 times into a massive run and still went fro 20 to 3400.

You literally have no power over people here. Long term capital gains and spite holding for phone numbers is more powerful than whatever fudding an intern working on weekends can come up with.

You lost, long term holders won.

>> No.58599705

>enjoys donating all his money to king k
never change reddit

>> No.58599708

Thank you for your service. These threads would be pretty boring without you.

>> No.58599709

it's over... the hedgies teamed up with ryan cohen... there is no hope

>> No.58599711

lol ok bro
whatever you say bro

>> No.58599712

Official SELF REPORTED SI was 216%. Shorts have doubled down and tripled down since then… whoopsies! I think this is actually best timeline. The world starts to self correct, more people return to traditional values, the system is spared and revised, maybe run via blockchain, and GameStop holders get a squeeze into the thousands or tens of thousands. Clown world would’ve been exciting where gme holders lived in extravagant castles surrounded by Mad Max style anarchy, but I doubt that’s in the best interest of all people or the plan from the Big Man upstairs. I’d like a world where I can be comfortable and not worry and things still be beautiful for everyone

>> No.58599713
File: 3.90 MB, 1728x855, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you get paid per (you) or do you do it for free?
But it would be silly if you were shitting in a pool full of shit and piss on a Saturday, just because there happen to be people who invest in a stock you don't hold. That would probabbly the lowest possible form of existance possible. So I really hope you get paid.

>> No.58599714

i know

>> No.58599717

Oh you're that nigger who doesn't give (You)s because you think we're paid by getting replies right? Lmao even, the delusion
Kek brown retard, this is just sport for me, been on /biz/ since '17 and have watched countless baggies cope to high heaven in /generals/ and not one of them ever learns to actually study the market and think for themselves
They hold and cope and hold until they're -99.999999% and then sell and cry in the /generals/
But you won't listen, don't care
Also zero vested interest if you sell, I might swing the next chump pump too for quick gains

>> No.58599718
File: 42 KB, 521x546, Smug Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Driving your Hot Wheels sports cars around carpet town and parking them in the carpark section for hours as a small child
Sometimes they're just better out of the box.

>> No.58599719

While I agree Hasbro would be a good acquisition, what do you make of Larry Chang talking about microcap acquisitions on twitter recently? $5B could get GS one big acquisition, or like 10 smaller ones in diversified sectors. If we’re becoming a BRKA holding company I would imagine Cohen wouldn’t put all his eggs in one basket.

>> No.58599721

is only GME, why you heff to be mad?

>> No.58599722

thanks for the question! here is my pay structure:
per (You)
double per broken (You)
triple for non-(You)’d replies
quadruple for addressing me as anything but Chadshill
and a bonus per-bake payment

>> No.58599723
File: 417 KB, 395x787, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming back with this fucking blogpost, holy kek! That's not rentfree, he pays me (you)'s to stay in his rentplace.

>> No.58599725

Ryan has diluted so much a 3 for 1 split is no longer on the table

>> No.58599726

420M shares*** puts it at 11.90. That’s if they literally do NOTHING but jerk off and sit on the money

>> No.58599729
File: 736 KB, 796x620, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds nice. So by calling you a niggerfaggot I can drain money from the homosexuals Public Relation Budget?

>> No.58599733
File: 80 KB, 700x661, peacewithyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so tl;dr:

>> No.58599734

The delusion, the cope, it's all too much kek

>> No.58599735

it also absolutely jacks up the market cap so yes there is a “cash floor” but the stock is much more likely to trade closer to said floor thanks to a gorillion new shares existing, also makes it much harder to hit silly number in terms of raw share price during “muh moass” kek
welcome to investing, redditnigger

>> No.58599736

yes, you may donate money and all your attention directly to me thanks

>> No.58599739

Stop sneeding shills and answer my retarded question pls

>> No.58599740

Bruh are people seething in here on the literal weekend. Touch grass homo

>> No.58599741

GME have any other assets besides their COH? That also tilts the scales in our favor

>> No.58599742

>sneething about seething
>t. grass non-toucher

>> No.58599743

What's 1 billion minus 75 million?

>> No.58599744
File: 34 KB, 699x463, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, a private clown.
Go on, entertain me.

>> No.58599745

Like the rest me anon said if RC had 4 billi cash and a SPAC I’ll take a lotto ticket in that.
This week I’m collecting cash from all my Minecraft friends to buy in for them.

>> No.58599748
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jew boy

>> No.58599749
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>> No.58599753

>Fool me once, shame on you
>Fool me twice, I trusted the jew

>> No.58599754

>I'm going to plug Richard Newton here because he does a good job explaining what has been happening lately. The stock is in a clear uptrend and all of these pumps are fake and gay. Let GameStop cook. All of the people demanding that RC force a short squeeze are either retarded or being dishonest.

This guy was talking about MOASS one moment and then shifted to talking about fundamentals after dilution. he is comprised af.

>> No.58599756

>RC asks for a billion shares total on hand for dilution
>baggroids surprised we’re at 420 mil already
>baggroids think cohen just isn’t going to get to a billion after requesting a billion

>> No.58599757

Like I said, maybe GME buys Steam. Maybe they issue Wutang NFT dividends, tokenize their stock and create a blockchain stock market, or resurrect BBBYQ, but all that seems like cope to me when most of Cohen's actions have been directly counter to moass. I guess I should have been swinging.

They made like $11M last year and sales are declining 30% YoY.

>> No.58599758

kek girlfriend shill

>> No.58599759
File: 150 KB, 486x271, 1717730891109651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clown world would’ve been exciting where gme holders lived in extravagant castles surrounded by Mad Max style anarchy, but I doubt that’s in the best interest of all people or the plan from the Big Man upstairs. I’d like a world where I can be comfortable and not worry and things still be beautiful for everyone
The world needs this more now that ever. If we cannot secure the future of this planet, our progenity will never see the full extent of which our Universe has to offer.

The fact we exist at all, exist as cognitive worldshaping humans, exist in this time, exist with this technology, exist in this market environment, exist in this period where the previous power custodians are being escorted out onto the streets by their own devices. I am a fairly scientific leaning person, however something spiritual remains with me: You, I, We are here on this timeline experiencing this life due to forces beyond our understanding, that we may never truely comprehend.

One life, it's worth an attempt.

>> No.58599761

Still getting a Lambo too

>> No.58599764

120 million shares— Ask AMC holders about dilution, poor fuckers got fleeced for real. I don’t have the same opinion here as everyone, but yes it does make it harder to hit “silly numbers” or “phone number” prices… but I think that was a fools gambit to begin with, even though it was fun to think about. Those giant price targets are representative of infinite risk, which there is. But desu I was always cashing out at 5000-25000 a share, and maybe keeping just 5 or 10 shares to see how high we get. shorts did not close and they still have to, unless the stock goes back down to 50 cents sometime soon! (Oops!)

>> No.58599765
File: 1012 KB, 1024x1024, 1696621984984049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The share offering was done to do a few things, 1 it creates a new floor and 2 it builds the company war chest upto grow significantly, it proves that 75m dilution did nothing to the price. They sold on the way down so they and DFV didn't pump the stock it's all cycles. This is the "same but different" DFV alluded to. Rk probably wanted to do it Friday but he knew they would do an offering but played it up like he didn't know. Market makers were always going to play shenanigans and he caught them live on TV fucking with the ticker. He will exercise after it's done and the price recovers but before earnings when a dividend can and will likely be paid. Be it a special one time dividend, in lieu of old shares which were cancelled but as Teddy, which owns the NOL's and BBBY shell to IPO, Gamestop bought it already, Teddy buys it off them while becoming public, spinning off Baby to be a new brand under Teddy or is also eventually merged into Teddy. I suspect they also buy dream on me and at this point they could also buy overstock at 700m market cap quite easily as well. ToysRus as a brand has a lot of recognition, blockbuster too. All these companies which print money paying cash to Units in the parent company.

Non believers get the rope

>> No.58599768

I reckon it'll be a combination of economic downturn plus company moves.
The downturn will reduce the value of assets/collateral and make the short sellers' financiers jittery.
Add in all the highly retarded individuals locking up the float, and their hand will be forced.

>> No.58599769

Anyone talking popcorn stock is a faggot.
Anyone who was solely focused on the squeeze is a disingenuous faggot
DFV played these fools like a game of 4d chess. They 3rd eye seen it coming.

>> No.58599770

It wouldn't be so bad if people knew why gamestop needed to raise billions. Right now they have virtually no debt, already had over a billion in cash, and say they have no plans for acquisitions or investments. If there is some plan in place for why they need ~4-5 billion cash they should say so.

>> No.58599775

Where did they say no plans for acquisitions or investments? That’s literally the opposite of what I recall them saying.

>> No.58599778

>say they have no plans for acquisitions or investments.
You need to update your script.

>> No.58599781
File: 50 KB, 640x620, that-was-unexpected-v0-029i8cyhscqc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing's for sure. The amount of begging in RK livestream chat for AMC and shitcoins was absolutely pathetic. He straight up stonewalled you losers. Get a clue, please.

>> No.58599782

>If you hate seeing the company you invested in make money
Id like Cohen to at least find one other way to make money without diluting the fucking shareholders. Or maybe at least give the shareholders a hint as to what he is even doing in oder to course correct. I understand he has to keep it under wraps because of competition but at the same time we have been sitting here for three years with little to no actual guidance as to how he's going to do it besides much gameshire bathaway

>> No.58599784

They've not stated anywhere an acquisition isn't happening. As a matter of fact it's what all of this feels is leading up to which is why I'm bullish on the 13-14th.

>> No.58599785

Thing's I'm waiting on
>the 10Q showing drs numbers
Just imagine if we're still at 25% despite 425 million total shares outstanding

Was there any time before the 8K earnings report was filed but the 10Q was delayed?

>> No.58599787

>Has zero clue about RC's previous endeavors
>Trusts the plan

>> No.58599788

Berkshire Hathaway was a textile company that transformed into a holding company. Need me to spell it out for you?

>> No.58599789
File: 425 KB, 1388x693, Screenshot_20240608_015210_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why lie?

>> No.58599791

They outright said they would be using it for a possible acquisition in the last offering.

>> No.58599790

we’re still getting special access to listen to the wu tang album

>> No.58599793

Jeets and niggers, it's literally all they know

>> No.58599796

You clown fud posters are terrible
Go away. Sodl out

>> No.58599798

>Berkshire Hathaway
Big difference is Buffet isn't a jew, and believe me that's a BIG difference

>> No.58599797

no one gives a shit about this. GameStop have not said anything about this and as long as they haven't, it's bait

>> No.58599801


>> No.58599803
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>acknowledges the plan
There is a plan now? Kek

>> No.58599804

>Rational observations are le fud!!!!!
Kek it never ends

>> No.58599805

I dont think even Cohen is stupid enough to not see the "MM the billions and stay afloat forever," "transition to holdings," or "fuck around and acquire the hedge funds fucking you" plays here.
Jews are the most self-interested people on the planet, hes not going to fuck himself out of his own shares being worthless because some hedgie fags on 4cucks are pissed.
>bad sales
Means jack shit, B+M corps are dead, a 5% return on the funds currently extant are already enough to make GME green forever.
The only question here is "what are they going to do with the money?"

>> No.58599806
File: 74 KB, 250x300, 1280522681004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still Holding! x4

>> No.58599807

DFV gave us the game plan. It’s being put into a pdf and shared around the globe for next weeks fireworks. You have to work the weekend. Cheers everybody

>> No.58599808

>There is a plan now? Kek
Well you bag carriers seem to think so right? Otherwise you'd have sold in the green and moved on the the next chump pump (like many others have)
Oh wait almost none of you are in the green kek, I forgot you've been holding at 80% loss since '21 lmaooo carry on

>> No.58599810

Just trust the jew my goy, he's definitely looking out for your best interests >:)

>> No.58599811

They also aligned RC ventures with Gamestop so they can both do things together. People are looking at GME but no one is looking at RCV, they stated for investments and aquisitions in the latest filing as a use of the share offering. Cohen wanted BBBY, there is zero chance he didn't get it. It's all settled and done and it's about to launch all funded by shorts, if it squeezes to ridiculous figures he didn't cause it. Shorts caused it, he just transformed the company I to something that grows now, at rapid pace because he has the ability to tap shorts in a buying frenzy to close on their silly run ups. Moass is the launch, anyone who thinks DFV is the moass or anything utter than total kike death by merger or IPO of a relaunched stock in the manner outlined hundreds of times now is a disingenuous rucking idiot who isn't the cynical personal they think they are because they think even RC could stop the moass.

Porsche sold 5% back to market. Cohen just sold 75m and we have a new floor. We are so oversold these drops in the bucket mean nothing at the bottom of the run. We haven't even begun yet and Cohen just secured no matter what the company has growth now.

>muh fundamental play
Always was, otherwise the squeeze means nothing to the company long term

Hedge funds and market makers fucked about and now are finding out

>> No.58599812

Where's this PDF?

>> No.58599813

Shareholder equity = book value
Look at earnings 8k, book value was 1.3b. Now add money raised with dilutions of around 3.2b at least. New market cap book value is 4.5b, per share of 425m float is $10.59 floor

>> No.58599814

Heres your (you) retard, I said he was looking out for his own interests, which would wholly align with everything I said.

>> No.58599815
File: 306 KB, 1290x661, IMG_4359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, surreeeeee.

>> No.58599816

>Oh wait almost none of you are in the green kek, I forgot you've been holding at 80% loss since '21 lmaooo carry on
I’m honestly shocked you’re still using this script.

>> No.58599818
File: 32 KB, 957x294, here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58599819
File: 295 KB, 1170x523, IMG_8928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go read the 8k from May 24th shill fren.

>> No.58599821
File: 836 KB, 1316x764, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here someone made a qrd:

>> No.58599822

I wonder when the hedgies are going to stop wasting money on these bots and start buying their way out of their shorts.
The company almost doubled its value, are you SURE you're going to get a better opportunity than now, hedgie?
You owe your fellow hedgies nothing, save yourself.

>> No.58599823

Find me anywhere that claims Buffet is a jew, I'll absolutely wait
>Is in business for 70 years
>Does business with jews
Literally unavoidable, why cope so hard bro?

>> No.58599825

Thanks bro

>> No.58599826
File: 18 KB, 480x520, IMG_8720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>58599819

>> No.58599827

You're welcome, I hope it helps.
Money shits rough these days, I get it.

>> No.58599828

What does no current plan mean?
Did they just not sign the legally binding contract yet or are they unsure which acquisitions to go for. LC tweeted about microcaps...

>> No.58599831

>Billionaire hedgies care about 11 autistic retards on Chinese sweater knitting forum
You really think you're that important don't ya lmao, I'm having more fun than you can imagine
(And yes like the jannie I'm absolutely doing it for free)

>> No.58599836
File: 225 KB, 800x649, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obC01RV6 is the phenotype baggy.
Bagging so despretly for (you)'s it's unreal.

>> No.58599838

So...... just hodl??????

>> No.58599843
File: 100 KB, 1132x664, RaoringKitty NeverWrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roaring Kitty haws never been wrong to the point where people literally think he's a time traveler. Let that sink in.

>> No.58599844
File: 538 KB, 1170x1215, IMG_8929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58599845

What cohen did was brilliant, as far as diluting the shares! This is perfect cause this allows more apes to get on the rocket for a cheaper price! This is also what made amc a buy because it was a cheaper stock, apes could grab more of the stock at cheaper prices. I think cohens following in example of AA.

>> No.58599849

Thanks for the (You)s bro I'm having a blast kek
So you can honestly tell me there aren't a multitude of /biz/tards who put their life saving in GME at the absolute top in '21 and are still hodling and coping until it moons?
You're fooling yourself if you believe this, I already know the answer kek

>> No.58599850

Once again not enough plan trusters.

>> No.58599851
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It do be like that

>> No.58599852

I wonder if Ryan Cohen has shown any interest in another company recently

>> No.58599854

What happened to the last one he showed interest in (BBBY)?

>> No.58599855

my screenshot was from yesterdays filing

>> No.58599857
File: 1.56 MB, 4080x3072, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>356 bumps
45fag was more fun.

>> No.58599858

In that same document it says they can use cash raised for acquisitions, investments, etc but they have no commitment to anything specific for this particular issuance, see >>58599844

>> No.58599860

You really think that even if they did they didn’t buy at $40 pre split or $10 post split literally 2 months ago? I think you are the one who has to find a way to cope. Please.

>> No.58599861
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.GRNe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's antisemitic and you will have your penis flaps removed for suggesting it

>> No.58599862

>20 copes by this ID
I'm cracking myself up and having a good ol' time
You're coping at my every post
We are not the same kekkekekek

>> No.58599863

Yes I am happy that the company I partially own (DRS) has more money in the coffers, even if Earnings per Share is terrible and they are losing revenue from all streams except ATM offerings. I have a plan to hold this stock with patience even if it takes five to ten (10) years.

>> No.58599867

So was this one >>58599844

>> No.58599871

Wait so gs has 5 billion now in cash ?

>> No.58599872

>You see a man thats come from nothing to close to a billion dollars in 5 years
>and he is down 50% and laughing, he's laughing
>zero panic, fucking MSM on live TV
And there is still people out there in a panic, have some fun with this, it's going to work out just as planned.

>> No.58599875

This is my new favorite pasta from the shillfrens

>> No.58599876

Are you happy that the company you partially own is dumping stocks on shareholders every time the price is rapidly climbing?
Only adding value to (((himself))) and his (((board))), and not the actual shareholders?
Be honest

>> No.58599877

He unironically is. Hes done this before he know exactly what’s gonna happen and how it goes

>> No.58599878

Right, I'm not saying they won't do that, I'm just saying I would like to start hearing a solid plan on why they need an excessive stockpile of cash.

>> No.58599881

Is this seriously the best you niggas can afford?
>top men

>> No.58599883

when did people start pushing this long term fundamentals nonsense this has to be a psy op created by jew boy ryan cohen. the entire thesis for gme was that one day it would moass and we were close to getting it but jew boy had to intervene twice in 3 weeks can't let the goyims make money hold for 10 years you stupid goys gameshire bathaway

>> No.58599888

Last I heard they qualify for rule 9019 compromise and arbitration

>> No.58599890

>a story in 4 posts
yes, I am sure you are the one who's having fun, not seething and not screeching for (you)'s.

>> No.58599893

So all we have to do is what
>What happened to the last one he showed interest in (BBBY)?

It went well since it spawned a lot of delusional creatures high on hopium who worships a cancelled stocks who will suck his dick no matter what

>> No.58599894

>when did people start pushing this long term fundamentals nonsense
These are the posts that lead me to believe some of you are new hires. DFV had maybe only ever once said the phrase short squeeze in all of his streams. He just likes the stock.

>> No.58599898
File: 93 KB, 770x394, Screen Shot 2024-06-08 at 11.30.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I was referring to picrel actually

>> No.58599899

oh I fucked up.

>> No.58599903

Didn't he also offer to buy them out for 400M after that?

>> No.58599905

Kek thanks for the (You)s bro, I will cherish them fondly
Just think of me as your friendly neighborhood jannie who shits up your threads for free
I'll keep coming back, I remember your posting style quite well tomato bro kek

>> No.58599907

>why does RC need cash?
Because Gamestop is not a profitable business. But if he has a couple billion for a war chest, we can swing these shorts for eternity basically.

>> No.58599909
File: 60 KB, 700x700, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, he still doesn't get ist xDDDDDDD

>> No.58599910
File: 3.22 MB, 480x202, coming together.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who bought the shares yesterday though...

>shorties shorting
>hedge funds mixing fakies in with real ones
>shorts buying cheapies to close to open even riskier shorts
>Ryan ends up with $5 billion not from fomo, but from the warchests of the shorts
>DFV is freed from manipulation claims on TV
>Shorties get caught red handed and are being investigated

They called it the Roaring Kitty job and they didn't even see it coming.

>> No.58599911

>you think you're going to become multi-millionaires overnight
it's been three years you absolute gorillanigger.
money. me. now.

>> No.58599913

That did happen but a lot of other things happened too. They should be included in the timeline. Like him offering to buy the company months after he sold and their board choosing to instead fast track bankruptcy.

>> No.58599916

How many shares you got son?

>> No.58599918

Don't forget Ryan pushed Gustavo Arnal to his death

>> No.58599920

Bought a 121M stake for a 9.8% stake
Wanted to buy a 100% stake for 400M

Also he bought the highest calls available expiring in less than a year



>> No.58599921
File: 748 KB, 4599x1121, 2024-06-08 16_30_12-Greenshot image editor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not boilerplate language. This is from yesterday's filing

>> No.58599922

Yeah, they are a retailer with cash assets worth 4x more than what their inventory and property are worth. They are in a very unique position here and have a real opportunity to transform the entire company.

>> No.58599927

>Pumps dying brand's stock astronomically by buying 9.5M shares
>Meme stock reddit idiot ape into the stock
>Dumps shares on bagholders for insane profits
>Nooooo I actually wanted to buy the company :) Oh wait never mind I don't :):):):)
>Slithers way onto GME's board and into CEO position
>Continues to dump stocks on goy baggies because it's a winning formula
You'll never admit it but it's in plain sight

>> No.58599930

>Ball coddling a literal jew scammer
Bro absolutely ngmi

>> No.58599931

why do you ask dad? i'm no dfv but i hold more than your average redditor.

>> No.58599933

With so many cultist shareholders, "Mr Cohen, you are invited to speak before congress and spend 15 to 20 in a federal pound me in the ass prison"

>> No.58599934

It's over then. Ryan really will release a billion shares

>> No.58599936
File: 952 KB, 1018x942, IMG_4609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. He shouldn’t have crossed him. I’m sure Ryan’s rampage isn’t over. Ken will be next.

>> No.58599937

Just I plan on doing regular buys again for the next few year, I can add it to my hoard if you want.

>> No.58599941

The hedgies have something like 5x of what currently exists shorted, the only way out is to cannibalize each other and exit at a (relatively small) loss instead of riding the interest into bankruptcy.
I understand you are a literal retard, but you're not doing anything other than embarrassing yourself here.

>> No.58599943

No, swing trade into a CB of <$10 then hold.

>> No.58599946

Yes I'm retarded but not "hodl $GME and trust the jew" retarded kek

>> No.58599949
File: 367 KB, 1170x1179, 88B6F6C1-4B9E-4D10-9481-B6708E332537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good reality check.
If you really think WAGMI, take this seriously and assume everything DFV says and does will be in front of a courtroom one day.

>> No.58599950
File: 220 KB, 1080x1012, 1717767926847680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58599951

Neither am I, I'm a swinger (ask your mother), I'm giving anons free advice on how to make money off of this.
The hedgies will just keep selling, and the baggies will just keep buying.
You can make money from this, and you can also make money from getting your CB as near to zero as you can and holding (because every dilution increases the valuation of the company, the redditors aren't wrong here with the concept of a price floor).

>> No.58599955

I suspected something like this as well, but you put it much better than I possibly could have

>> No.58599962

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh baggies how's that dilution feeling?
are you slurping, you (st)ock slurpers?

>> No.58599964
File: 2.91 MB, 320x568, IMG_8892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when the shills have to do improv to push their narratives.

>> No.58599965

I'm team DFV. Ryan has always been a fan and the fist bump on Twitter between them signaled a dark age for GME

>> No.58599966

Oh ok you're that anon, I like you
I'm just here to shit on delusional baggies
But I do agree there's infinite cash to be raked off GME, it's the trust the plan cult idiots I must keep sneeding upon

>> No.58599967
File: 885 KB, 1170x1752, 870811A9-674E-4F25-9C2D-131CA3C191FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah haha
Thanks for the discount Ryan

>> No.58599971

Water off a duck's back, bro.
Granted, the guys that bought at 60 thinking each share would turn into a lambo are fucking retarded, but this FUD'ing is fucking nuts.
I get ya, you do you bro.
I'd enter sometime in the 10=20 range if it dips that low and ride the Cohen Yuga if I were you.

>> No.58599973

Where is this absolute meme chart from? (you won't answer)

>> No.58599981

fucking nigger ryan cohen

>> No.58599983
File: 288 KB, 1440x1640, D3A2C935-2BDF-47F0-B320-590A01CCBCF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same place I got this.

>> No.58599989

I'll be real with you niggas, Cohen not diluting after the squeeze started is kinda retarded on his part but I can also see how the hedgies would bring down some SEC dickslappers for manipulation.
The best play would have been to dilute at $100+(dont think he would have gotten away with $1000+) by 50m over and over til the billion is done to sweat out the hedgies, then sue them/cry to the SEC about being shorted to hell and back.
Then hostile takeover or start your own hedge because B+M game shops are a fucking retarded decision in 2024 and do it to somebody else.
Everybody (except hedgies) would have made unbelievable bank.
Alas, I will content myself to swinging this until Cohen decides to become an NFT store or something similarly retarded.

>> No.58599991

I’m talking about you. You’re the “let’s be reasonable” one to bounce off of the outright bag kekker in obC01RV6.

>> No.58599998

I guess the number one reason I'm shitposting you GMEtards is I just cannot fathom anyone who posts on 4chan could see a demonstrably scamming jew take over a company you have holdings in and still think everything's a-ok, and not be insanely skeptical if not outright faithless in the situation - especially after he DUMPS SHARES ON YOU during run ups
I just don't get it, don't you guys understand the jew by now? Or is this just the reddit containment thread?

>> No.58599999
File: 919 KB, 1031x2227, 1717458047404675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are unironically the last 2 weeks DEALS DONE
Everything has been explained in this and the previous thread
Everything has been explained blatantly by LC who suddenly isn't being cryptic anymore
>You DO not go to the bank to sign a mortgage loan before deciding exactly which house you are buying
>You DO not dilute ownership even that of the $0 pay CEO before deciding exactly which company you are buying
Evidence shows both DFV and RC are on our side
SQUEEZE before DFV his calls expire

>> No.58600000

Yes with that revenue he will be able to transform the company into something great! Whether it is a SPAC that purchases an AI company, an F1 team, or a home goods and dog food delivery company, I will gladly hold through the ups and downs whether or not the short squeeze thesis is still valid. My family knows we will soon have untold wealth because I am long GameStop and they support my investment strategy.

>> No.58600003

>the discount
check the market cap KEK you realize there’s a gorillion more shares in existence now? you are quite literally buying at the exact same company value
only difference now is that it’s that much harder for it to go up since every dollar represent a nearly half-billion marketcap increase instead 300 million
no refunds nigger

>> No.58600005

No it's not at all
One is a tweet with an unverifiable chart, no source
The other is a screen cap of your brokerage app

>> No.58600008

checked and based comfy family guy.

>> No.58600009


>> No.58600012
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x628, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked & based.

>> No.58600015

EZ slurp, every share is meme numbers anyway after the killshot.

>> No.58600016

Holy checked.

>> No.58600021

>after the killshot
*a king kike blocks your path*

>> No.58600023
File: 193 KB, 1170x497, IMG_8926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and based. Cramer said it best himself.

>> No.58600024
File: 966 KB, 640x640, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also checking this.

>> No.58600026

Checked and based.

>> No.58600027
File: 715 KB, 552x470, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked, Kek is with gme

>> No.58600028

Kek has spoken as well, I guess.
I really hope Cohen doesn't do something retarded like try to compete in the extremely diluted entertainment sector (because my ~0CB shares will laff at me for not selling them if so), but GME the game company doesn't exist in a world where a CEO only gets paid in share value.

>> No.58600030
File: 1.94 MB, 1170x1731, 4751306C-B819-4D79-A415-77AE0F4DDC22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Killshot:
>5+ Billion dollar company btw
>We acquired XYZ btw
>Berkshire Hathaway model btw
>Can’t pin anything on Ryan he diluted, stayed silent, and made the right business decisions btw
>Can’t pin anything on DFV he’s just a degen who got lucky btw
>Can’t pin anything on Pulte he’s just a businessman with good sense btw
>Can’t pin anything on retail they just liked the stock btw
>You naked shorted so this is on you btw
>*exercises options*
GGs :)

>> No.58600032

Witnessed. I’m beginning to interpret bros… verification not required.

>> No.58600033

GameStop, more like GameFlop

>> No.58600035
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>> No.58600037

>This cope pasta again btw

>> No.58600039

Need a baker, thread is gonna get slid off the board because the shills are pissed people aren't shitting their pants and crying anymore.

>> No.58600041
File: 393 KB, 2048x2048, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have a winrar, banger of the day.

>> No.58600043

Not selling btw
You’re seething btw

>> No.58600045
File: 203 KB, 1200x675, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keked btw.

>> No.58600048

Don't be stupid, game the volatility so your cost basis is as low as you can get it, then never sell or whatever you want.
Dont fuck yourself to own the hedgies or whatever in case cohen decides to blow his company's brains out.

>> No.58600049

Literal nigger brains btw

>> No.58600053

Remember to take time to take advantage of the stock in between shitposting, anon.

>> No.58600056
File: 133 KB, 620x349, isthishate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rentfree btw.
still didn't find out btw.

>> No.58600058
File: 179 KB, 1024x1024, excited_CG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm pretty frustrated with the sale, but at this point it's kind of like investing in a startup. GME has a ton of potential to pivot from a dying retailer to something completely different.
IDK what's going to happen, but I'm just going to keep riding with GME

>> No.58600060

40pbtid btw

>> No.58600061

this whole gme debacle is the ultimate proof that even those crafty jews make mistakes. in fact they have no clue how to get out of this pickle other than to short and fud some more. my peepee poopoo tells me rc is walking the line between having to play the game and trying to just do his own thing. rc is just that and not more. he can't "start moass" because all he can do is steer the ship towards a more profitable future. if moass happens it's not because of rc but it will be despite rc.
in fact i believe this is not even about the jews because they have already lost control to ai. this is really about the algo and rouge financial ai's competing against each other using us humans as pawns. this is why it feels like nobody knows what's going on anymore, because nobody truly does.

>> No.58600063
File: 808 KB, 1170x1511, C0D7B5F5-BAFF-483A-8349-56EEAC89205C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

…You know what would be really funny?

>> No.58600064
File: 274 KB, 1985x1080, purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My latest schizo thought is his purple wallpaper background, i wonder if its a default Mac OS background with a goofy name. I also think it's funny people were saying it's prerecorded when the time was at the top right.

>> No.58600066

Well it's Saturday so I'm just doing market research in between shitposts but thanks for the reminder anon

>> No.58600070

Please do not be dumb and short first thing monday, nobody knows what its gonna do, AH friday was odd to say the least.

>> No.58600071

Mad and also retarded kek, many such cases

>> No.58600078

Someone tell me if this is retarded-
Could GameStop do a reverse split, where every 7 shares is equal to 1 share? Would margin requirements change if the float was reduced to 60M shares? 741?
I guess there wouldn’t really be a point in that considering they just did a 4 to 1 split 2 years ago.

>> No.58600084
File: 97 KB, 637x358, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is your next rage-blogpost planned, baggie?

>> No.58600088

Nah I wouldn't short this right now kek, no shot
Actually been a bit timid to make big moves on GME with the volatility and (((halts))) in trading lately - lots of dust in the air around this

>> No.58600089

Why would they raise the price after diluting it down?
A better play would be to allow whatever squeeze bullshit to drive the price, dilute until the authorization is out to get 10 gorungillion dollars, then 1 for 10 split so niggers can get back into the stock.

>> No.58600091
File: 554 KB, 860x559, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's too poor to short it, kek.

>> No.58600092

Regular stocks are boring you know you want to go AAAAA and OOOOOO with the rest of the tards :^)

>> No.58600097

Why is Pulte so soft in the middle when the rest of his life is so hard?

>> No.58600101

Kek the absolute audacity aaahahaha
It's like a nigger calling everyone a nigger
I hold zero (0) GME, my cash is currently in a money market account, no moves at the moment

>> No.58600102

Well they keep mentioning the volatility and unpredictably of the stock, so a reverse split would stabilize the price, and would also probably create some more demand on the institutional side, especially if paired with some dividend.

>> No.58600103

ryan cohen doesn't want MOASS
you're all buying the stock of ryan cohen
you're all stupid
it really is that simple

>> No.58600104

I don't trust my luck to gamble too heavily kek
I've been a crypto baggie in the past and I'd like to avoid that again
That's why I study the market and trading, otherwise guaranteed to 100% become a baggie and miss everything that comes along

>> No.58600106
File: 110 KB, 860x670, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a phenotype baggie, bagging at everyone itt to (you) you.
Maybe you are the reason the removed the no bagging rule.

>> No.58600115

You're brown aren't you
You do realize begging and bagging are completely different right?

>> No.58600119
File: 82 KB, 1024x1024, 1607431616787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks notice coming up.
and I cannot wait, the ammount of fucking workload they've been dumping on us is stupid.
100% fuck corporate.

>> No.58600122
File: 17 KB, 200x181, kekker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek baggie.

>> No.58600128

Ask yourself if you would go to a thread about a security that you do not own on a Saturday. Says a lot.

>> No.58600127

>Is brown
That's what I assumed, I've wasted my time damn

>> No.58600134
File: 249 KB, 1000x900, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58600143

Name a faster moving thread on /biz/ right now
Shitposting is a sport bro, you never tried it?
Go into a baggie general, say XRP or LINK and just start shitting on bagholders kek
You'll quickly get in a rhythm and feed off their sneeding and seething
10/10 highly recommended

>> No.58600151
File: 25 KB, 512x564, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek beggie.

>> No.58600157

I hold GME
When the going is good I promote it
When it's not good I shill against my own position, partly for fun and partly because at the back of my mind I feel superstition that the opposite of what I say here will happen

>> No.58600158
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>> No.58600161

Anyone want to explain to me how this will squeeze if the company is just going to dilute everytime the price goes substantially up?

>> No.58600164
File: 33 KB, 500x500, oooooooooooooooooooooooooo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaaand full circle.
Time to go.
See you frens.

>> No.58600167

nobody can answer this

>> No.58600168


>> No.58600172

>Babysits his baggie general
>Sneeds at shitposters (me)
>Copes at legitimate questions
Kek it do be that way lmao

>> No.58600174

When your victory thesis relies in a games company magically diversifying into real industries you know you have lost

>> No.58600176

Cohen uses dilootion proceeds to buy tractor supply or any related publicly traded farm store, hell even buys back chewy. Rebrands the store and stock as sneeds feed and seed. Ticker: $Sneed. Merger and acquisition complete. Stock moons.

>> No.58600181

>goes substantially up

Ryan Cohen sold 120 million shares and the price didn't even break $240. The man can dilute up to 580 million more shares. GME will never get to $1,000 with him in charge. Hell, $800 followed by a split and slow rise back to $800 is unlikely as he'd rather dilute than do another stock split

>> No.58600183

My red bandana & black avatar glasses game today, I am ready.

>> No.58600184

Honestly the volatility is coming from shorting and retards dumping their life savings into it.
Anything you do isn't gonna fix it.

>> No.58600196

It can’t and won’t but everyone is 3 years deep into this cult and won’t face reality. Best you can do is slurp in the 20s and sell on each pump. But we only have two major dates left, the 11th and 21st. If no squeeze is sqoze on either of those dates, it’s officially over. Nothing else will save us

>> No.58600200

lol, just stop
getting pathetic, baggies

>> No.58600204

Have I? DFV, Pulte, Shkreli and even Cramer seem to agree that Gamestop following through on its stated goal of using the war chest for investments and acquisitions is how we win.
I’ll take the guy who turned 53k into hundreds of millions over (you).

>> No.58600210

they're just stringing you along with a new and even more ridiculous "play" now that DRS and MOASS is dead. it's very transparent and frankly, disgusting for someone like DFV to engage in it. he should take his winnings and fuck off, not trick his loyal dupes even more

>> No.58600220

Interesting. So betting on a good CEO like Ryan Cohen to continue to turn the company around is a ridiculous investment thesis? If you say so.

>> No.58600227

He said if your thesis isnt making sense with reality then you need to change your thesis.
Seems pretty logical to me.

>> No.58600241

>an industry with nearly 400 billion dollars is not a real industry
Did they send the boomers to fud us?

>> No.58600244

Still comfy. Still holding. Still WAGMI.
Same as it ever was.

>> No.58600245

I'm almost positive it was a gag directed at Ryan Cohen using his stream generating momentum to wreck the price. He absolutely annihilated DFV by doing that.

>> No.58600251

Checked, WAGMI

>> No.58600255

there are far better companies out there to invest in if you're doing it based on fundamentals, bud. it's a failing video game store.

>> No.58600257

it doesn't make games
it's a brick and mortar retailer
it's garbage

>> No.58600258
File: 1.22 MB, 320x234, okfreak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a gme thread, not going to buy your bags you old bitch

>> No.58600262

>it's a failing video game store.
With 5 billion in the bank to become whatever they want.

They could even become a hedge fund

>> No.58600265

lol. let me know when there's any evidence of ryan cohen doing jack shit with the money.

>> No.58600268

Oh shit the shills are back cool.
If you're not trading the stock you should be banned for FUD'ing about it, frankly.
If you are in the stock, you should be swinging your CB into the single digits so you dont get fucked by dilutions or shorting.
If you're smart about it, YAGMI.

>> No.58600271

There’s only one Ryan Cohen.
I feel comfortable with where I am, but I appreciate the unsolicited investment advice.

>> No.58600279

our weekend could have been so much different

>> No.58600289
File: 47 KB, 515x700, BED8F326-A551-49E6-9654-FB4888932240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn’t it wild?

>> No.58600290

This is why Shills shill DRS.

Not too schizo.

>> No.58600295

>loses 300 million in one (1) day
>doesn’t DRS
daily reminder that this faggot literally bought 65 million dollars worth of FD’s please explain to me what he could have possibly expected on this particular earnings without having insider information?
unless he’s selling on this pump which miraculously began right after he tweeted?

>> No.58600300

He likes risky and aggressive plays and he trusts the CEO. It’s really as simple as that.

>> No.58600301

I hate that fukcing company with an ungodly passion.

>> No.58600304

>bro he just randomly decided to make a 65 million dollar bet on this random earnings skyrocketing the price for some reason
>he just likes the risk bro

>> No.58600311

He bet on the company before and came out on top.
You’ve never heard of a double down? Happens all the time.

>> No.58600317

why does DFV get a pass on options/selling/no-DRS?

>> No.58600323

It sounds like you’ve just discovered what investing is.

>> No.58600328

Checked but I disagree. Unless if by better you mean safer, then sure.
But if you mean better as in positioned for a huge turn around that appears to indeed be underway, I don’t think so. I’m going to assume you’re arguing in good faith so the quick rundown is:
> cash on hand means flexibility
> leadership has succeeded in the digital space with other endeavors; I think the online market potential for this company is obvious
> they have an absurdly dedicated following
> they operate in a very large industry and have some opportunity to expand into others
People get caught up in the “brick and mortar” origin, but there’s a reasonable number of companies that have managed to pivot successfully. Personally, I’m comfortable with the risk for now.

>> No.58600329

His risk is substantially higher and if he wants to put his nutsack on the line like that then God bless him. I’m not a financial advisor who am I to backseat trade him?

>> No.58600334

>a pass
Nigger cry more. This isn’t a movement everyone is an individual and can choose to do what they want.

>> No.58600336

>this extremely risky 65 million dollar bet after 3.5 years is based on nothing but publicly available information
>also he was literally the only person to discover this

>> No.58600340

>it doesn't make games
>it's a brick and mortar retailer
>it's garbage

Yep, there’s only one play for gme and that’s the MOASS, and that play might be dead because the ceo seems to be following the footsteps of another ceo whose name sounds like Adam Enron: diloot everytime there’s a squeeze potential. Isn’t it funny how everyone’s now talking about ‘muh fundamentals’? It hasn’t done anything in 3 years. Shit, nothing there’s completely nothing about ‘hedgies are fukt’ or ‘hedgies on ledges’ or ‘selling 1 share for $1M, hmm nooo that’s to low, how about $100M instead?’ Nothing. Everyone knows MOASS is dead. You won’t be retiring soon with GME.

>> No.58600344

He’s a very observant guy with good taste in CEOs, understanding of fundamentals and a very high risk tolerance. Makes sense to me that he found an underrated ticker.

>> No.58600345

Micheal Burry wrote his letter to the board in 2018 I’m pretty sure he figured it out too.

>> No.58600348

Gme was always gonna dump yesterday. Ur literally retarded if u think it wasnt. Ofc the offering didn’t help but it was always gonna dump. RC dumps on the way down instead of the way up. He knows exactly what he’s doing and he knows how to read these cycles. Just chill out guys downies really need to shut the fuck up

>> No.58600350

Hot take, DRS is not as effective as everyone thinks and does not affect the price because the price is fake and gay.

DRS does keep people occupied for more than a month though so it is a good think for people to keep throwing coal into the engines.

>> No.58600352

It is based on publicly available information
Just information he has to pretend he doesn't know/care about lest he be thrown in prison

>> No.58600357

any talk of "fundamentals" is bad for GME. that was NEVER the point

>> No.58600359

>take insanely leveraged 65 million dollar bet right before earnings that the price will skyrocket during earnings
>start shitposting again like a madman after nothing for 3.5 years
>gme announces something during earnings that skyrockets the price
>well awe gee willickers ain’t that just some awful lucky shucks

>> No.58600363

I see a lot of potential in this company, especially with 5+ billion in the war chest and Ryan at the helm.
I feel comfortable in my investment, thanks.

>> No.58600366

Michael Burry bought back in? id unironically buy
oh wait…

>> No.58600371

least retarded baggroid

>> No.58600372

>Gme was always gonna dump yesterday. Ur literally retarded if u think it wasnt. Ofc the offering didn’t help but it was always gonna dump. RC dumps on the way down instead of the way up. He knows exactly what he’s doing and he knows how to read these cycles. Just chill out guys downies really need to shut the fuck up

>Ryan knows what he’s doing goy. Just trust him.
>GME has done fuckall and continues to lose money these 3 years
>let’s give him more billions. That ought to do it.
>Ryan is one of the good ones, got. He won’t fuck you over like the rest of his tribe

>> No.58600373
File: 66 KB, 860x683, gamestop flavored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found our official cigar brand to celebrate moass.

>> No.58600374

Interesting, so your hypothesis is that a man who you say can influence the stock with memes and pictures of his portfolio was unable to do so live on air in front of millions of potential investors with memes and pictures of his portfolio?
Can’t say I agree given the facts.

>> No.58600375

Thanks anon, I’ll light one up in your honor.

>> No.58600379

not if he acts like a raging faggot the entire time kek
sorry if you thought this retard’s stream was really heckin based

>> No.58600380

Burry has enough feds up his ass, he doesn't want anymore tingle lubricant

>> No.58600383

now that is some pure unfiltered weapons-grade BBBY-tier NDA-pilled copefagging if i ever saw it

>> No.58600385

Alright so your argument is he’s a master manipulator who also sucks at his job but only when it’s convenient to your hypothesis.
Gotta say, doesn’t track for me.

>> No.58600387

>degenerate gamblers thinking $50 will get them a lambo
Not going to happen.
>shills and literal retards thinking a company with $5B cash is going to go to $0
Also not going to happen.
Complete lack of self control, embarrassing.

>> No.58600390

>DRS does keep people occupied for more than a month though
It also has the advantage of keeping everyone assured that no one is selling. DRS numbers may have stalled as retail got tapped out and momentum died down, but it hasn't really gone down substantially. If everyone held only in brokers we could never be so sure the "community" wasn't just full of shills/bots.
It also acts as insurance against broker rugpulls/stock lending/locates.
DRSing the float was always a bit of a pipe dream.

>> No.58600393

>a bit

>> No.58600396

>It hasn’t done anything in 3 years
It's gone from 1-2 dollars to where we are now you dumb nigger

>> No.58600397

Simply stop replying to shills. Starve them. Let them shout into the void

>> No.58600401

>>degenerate gamblers thinking $50 will get them a lambo
>Not going to happen.
>>shills and literal retards thinking a company with $5B cash is going to go to $0
>Also not going to happen.
>Complete lack of self control, embarrassing.

>>thinking Rugpull Ryan can make money any way other than dilooting his stock
>thinking there’s a fundamentals play here for gme besides MOASS

>> No.58600402

im sure they’ll listen to you bro

>> No.58600406
File: 174 KB, 1000x750, smiles and honors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just seen this pic. kek. fuck yeah. we are so fucking back

>> No.58600409

jew boy's authorization to dilute us with 880 million more shares needs to be revoked

>> No.58600411

The company has $5b cash on hand and has issued a statement saying they're going to acquire and invest.
The board is aware that GME as a B+M entertainment retailer isn't going anywhere but bankruptcy, that is why this is going the way its going in the first place.
This is the only (You) you're getting from me, retard.

>> No.58600416

Considering the company has outright stated that its growing war chest is for investments and acquisitions, and DFV, Pulte, and Cramer independently see the growth of the company as the win condition, I’m going to have to disagree. I’m very excited about the future of the company under Ryan Cohen and comfortable with my investment.

>> No.58600419

who cares? all shorts can do is dig the hole deeper and cry louder. things are accelerating and 880m shares are but a drop of water onto a hot stone.

>> No.58600420

trusting literal fat retard pulte

>> No.58600422

so admit that MOASS is never going to happen then, baggie. now it's a "fundamentals play" xD

>> No.58600423

Checked. Even if the thesis was only
> 5B cash on hand
this would still be a bullish situation.

>> No.58600424

I’m perfectly happy with a larger war chest for the company, and a raised price floor, thanks. Ryan is doing a great job.

>> No.58600425

The nigga knows more than your fat ass

>> No.58600427


>> No.58600428

>The company has $5b cash on hand and has issued a statement saying they're going to acquire and invest.
>The board is aware that GME as a B+M entertainment retailer isn't going anywhere but bankruptcy, that is why this is going the way its going in the first place.
>This is the only (You) you're getting from me, retard.

I don’t give a shit about your (You) dumbass. Like I keep saying, you think somehow their dismal performance in the past 3 years will somehow fix itself with 4 billion dollars more? If you think that then i have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.58600430

>a raised price floor
oh my sweet summer child

>> No.58600435

A buffoon can be right when the way forward is obvious, my reference to Cramer is not an endorsement for example.
It’s not about trust, it’s about common sense and having an eye for these kind of things. Gamestop has a lot of unrealized potential energy, and I’m invested in it.

>> No.58600436

what the fuck do you mean who cares? the dilution is what destroyed 2 attempts for moass

>> No.58600437

>*a market-cap blocks your path*

>> No.58600439

It was never anything other than a swing play for me, I started putting ~0CB shares aside in case this is another BH situation.
I see no situation where diluting over and over during the beginning of squeezes and then sitting on capital is for anything other than MM'ing or insane diversification.
Also the anon above you can eat my ass, no 10 cents for you.

>> No.58600441

you stupid dumb fucking NIGGER they could have built a larger war chest AFTER moass happened

>> No.58600442

SSR is on for Monday :^)

>> No.58600444

I want berkshire, fat stacks instantly sounds fun, but will burn off if nowhere to invest it, fat stacks every year for the rest of my life? yes please

>> No.58600447

He’s correct. GameStop has the option to buy shares back, which offers support for the floor.

>> No.58600448

lol massive digits for massive cope

>> No.58600450

every dilution only provides more and more liquidity and bloats the market-cap/float which jews you all outta muh moass
you quite literally cannot refute this and all participants itt are automatically awarded conciliatory acceptances

>> No.58600451

SSR is fake and gay

>> No.58600454

I can only go on the facts of the last offering.
Ryan isn’t going to YOLO the company on a theory. That’s what makes him a good CEO. Good risk management.

>> No.58600455

>they'll buy back the shares because... because they just will ok. i'm on the board and i know their plans xD

>> No.58600456

Cute fan fiction but it completely ignores reality. It’s like you haven’t been following at all and just tuned in a few weeks ago.

>> No.58600462

um could very well be a DRS hint

>> No.58600468

how the fuck is it theory if it was literally about to happen? the gamma ramp set up was there

>> No.58600473

>It was about to happen

>> No.58600476

Because it’s the reasonable and lucrative thing to do if price decreases sufficiently? Have you never looked into this? It’s not an uncommon thing to do.

>> No.58600481

>both DFV and the company itself are allowed to swingchad the stock
>bizredditors are strictly forbidden

>> No.58600485

that's the long and short of it
GME is just a shitcoin now. swing it back and forth
DRS and MOASS = ogre

>> No.58600487

Yeah GameStop was halted 50 times this week because it’s a fundamentals play. kys retard.

>> No.58600488

>I want berkshire
so you want to wait 40 years to receive the gains moass would have given us in a couple of weeks keep telling yourself that retard

>> No.58600489

Every individual should make their own decision in regards to their investment. This isn’t a movement, there are no “rules”.
Personally, I don’t swing because I prefer to mitigate risk while accumulating on the dip. But if you want to play the swing game that’s your choice.

>> No.58600491

Now that is some well-coordinated shilling.

>> No.58600496
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 07615451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love GME and there is nothing that can happen, or anything you can say to convince me to sell. Time to pay it all back dumbfuck hedgies : )

>> No.58600498

Again, funny how we no longer see any talk about ‘shorts are fucked’, ‘we gon be rich soon’, ‘I can finally start my real life after MOASS’. Now it’s, ‘5B in the war chest.’, ‘we will become berkshire’ nvm that the last 3 years have been abysmal and lackluster. Sure, let’s give them more money! I hope to God we will get one final pump soon for me to exit my positions in brokers and Computershare with a small profit.

>> No.58600502

the cope is sooo huge lol

>> No.58600505

Is it true the entire float is now 420 million?

>> No.58600506

All this fudding feels like Memorial Day weekend all over again. Id say we’re on the brink of a massive upside cycle

>> No.58600508

Good point anon. Shorts are fucked.

>> No.58600511

Shorts are still absolutely fucked and the company making a move will be the catalyst for the short squeeze. Pay attention.

>> No.58600513

I think you’re undervaluing the company but that’s your choice.
I do think there is an interesting case for the shorts manipulating the stock, that should get looked into.
I’m young, but I independently agree with DFV that a significant growth in the company in less than 1/10th of that time is not an unreasonable investment thesis.

>> No.58600519

stop talking obtusely and admit that MOASS is dead

>> No.58600520

This is an anonymous image board filled with all kinds of independent opinions, memes, trolls and ideas. Most of which I wouldn’t take seriously.
Trying to identify a consensus here is silly.

>> No.58600522

>thinking its going to take 40 years once half of hedge funds belong to GameStop

Honk honk

>> No.58600524

the only move the company make right now that could be a catalyst would be if jew boy ryan cohen announcing that he's done with the dilution for AT LEAST 1 year

>> No.58600525

You seem pretty adamant on trying to promote that narrative anon. Desperate, even. Here’s your last (you) from me. Cherish it, anon. Cherish it.

>> No.58600527

>so you want to wait 40 years
I will if I have to and if something terrible were to happen to Ken and co while they fight for their lives I will welcome that

>> No.58600529

I think people banking on a short squeeze play are not dead in the water, but personally I stand by Ryan Cohen and the potential of the company moving forward, whether that’s in the shirt term or the long term.

>> No.58600532

I just find it amusing that the baggies now know MOASS is dead, but are too sad/pathetic to admit it explicitly.

>> No.58600537

Why is it that people not invested in this stock have such strong opinions about this stock?

>> No.58600538

What is RK's private video going to be? 'I sodld' or something?

>> No.58600539

MOASS is not dead, the board will not provide further guidance at this time.

>> No.58600541

I’m not sure where this unsolicited and unwanted investment advice is coming from.

>> No.58600543
File: 984 KB, 500x284, wait....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead mans switch

>> No.58600547

That would be the most based answer.

>> No.58600553

Now that the company is holding 5billion dollars and it’s a fundamental play does that mean we don’t need to see you and your shill frens in here anymore?

>> No.58600554

baggies mad
simple as

>> No.58600559
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>> No.58600560

I have never been more comfortable being invested in Gamestop than I am right this moment. Zero debt and 5 billion on hand is wonderful, I’m glad we have a CEO like Ryan Cohen.

>> No.58600562

Haha your baker killed himself and so should you. Dumbfuck retard brainstop baggies hahahahahahahahaha

>> No.58600564

Glad I stopped by. Here’s what I’ve learned in my visit.
> still comfy
> still holding
> still wagmi
> shills are sadder than ever
Don’t forget Father’s Day is tomorrow anons. Don’t forget to call.

>> No.58600567

next week in the US

>> No.58600569
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>> No.58600570

Father’s Day is next week.
Slow board, not an issue.

>> No.58600572
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>> No.58600581

I diluted a bunch of my shares in May at $55, only gambling with unrealized profit now. I just don't want give a shit about RC's jewish games and reddit shit any more, that's all.

>> No.58600584


>> No.58600587
File: 948 KB, 4320x2656, Screenshot_20240608_140346_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else excited for Monday morning

Captcha: AHKD (AH Kenny Dives)

>> No.58600593

I’m ready to slurp

>> No.58600601

i have a rather big buy order set up for 10. my peepee poopoo tells me that hedgies are insane in the brain and will try to push it down hard maybe even down to 4 because that's the number they've been programmed to repeat for the last three years. in any case i will slurp real good before the bounce back to 20+ and then i will chill for eternity with my fat green stack. that's the plan for monday.

>> No.58600603
File: 628 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao even

>> No.58600616

>smugposting on your public instagram at $160 pre-split 3.5 years after the squeeze only to immediately get BTFO down to nearly $100 again

>> No.58600617

>I diluted a bunch of my shares in May at $55, only gambling with unrealized profit now. I just don't want give a shit about RC's jewish games and reddit shit any more, that's all.

I just want out right now. seriously, these three years was one helluva ride. i just lost faith in the movement of taking down hedgies and making billionaires cry on tv. The two dilution that broke the momentum was the last straw. The real hedgie was Ryan Cohen all along.

>> No.58600626
File: 22 KB, 500x375, 1704859729175502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of shillbots trying their best to get you to be emotional. It's not for long term holders it's for people who bought recently.

You lost shillies

Life changing money inbound

In the form of dividends that is

>> No.58600625

Almost as embarrassing as having to explain your own post in a followup because nobody cares and you aren’t funny or provocative in any way.

>> No.58600631

Alright, what ticker should I invest into mr wizard

>> No.58600632

Trying to change the minds of long term holders is like trying to break down a brick wall with your face. I presume this is to FUD FOMO and maybe even melties who are considering flipping.
I presume somebody thinks its worth the expense, but I think GME is the better investment.

>> No.58600642

>t. sam
kek samies

>> No.58600645

I'm way more pissed than I was 3 years ago and buying even more aggressively. After this past week, I will never buy another stock or etf besides GME again in my life

>> No.58600648

Ok, your boss needs a refund then. He reads these logs you know

>> No.58600649

GME is gonna collapse on monday

>> No.58600653

kek samies

>> No.58600658

temporarily yes. whenever newfags buy in they have to try to scare them. the weak and fearful won't make it...as usual.

>> No.58600661

Good. I want to buy more

>> No.58600662

There might be a buying opportunity, sure.

>> No.58600666
File: 436 KB, 608x763, 2b365d07af6547e89bb781435e9c75d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58600675

Don't promise me with a goodtime of $10 cheapies

>> No.58600681

Will the M&A kick off MOASS?

>> No.58600689

It will help, but no, MOASS will MOASS when MOASS is ready.

>> No.58600693

Does Ryan Cohen have the balls to name the new ticker $MOASS by the way

>> No.58600695

There’s a potential for a nice short squeeze play on M&A.

>> No.58600702

Moass may be dead, but we all know hedgie are faggot tantrum rich kid that probably shorted 2x the 75 millions of dilution before it got even processed.
I will wait to see if Cohen do a buyback when the price go back to sub 20, then i will just give up like i did for 3 year (and yet we are here)

>> No.58600710
File: 90 KB, 1242x1174, B60C7E8D-76AC-41D3-9466-652E1D124F8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58600713
File: 51 KB, 716x724, 1651524344772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the short squeeze was dead, these threads wouldn't still be full of shitters trying to change the narrative and appeal to emotion. Come on now. Shorts never closed. This was true in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and it's still true in 2024.

>> No.58600725

I’ve kept my eye on the various win conditions for the stock, and while yesterday was an impact to the MOASS thesis, the fundamental idea is still in play, and on top of that the M&A thesis has only gotten a boost.
I’m comfortable.

>> No.58600734

ah the ol “nobody on the internet would be laughing at me for following redditschizos into a jewish rugpull especially on 4chan if it weren’t about to go to 9-figures per share” a fine choice for this evening ser

>> No.58600737

Am i the only one happy that we can accumulate more at lower prices , with 4-5 billy in the bank , unless due to bad actors its literally impossible to go bankrupt in a human lifetime

>> No.58600743

Unironicaly this, i found out in these thread that we got diluted, explain how some retard would learn about it and end up in those thread ?

>> No.58600745

>lower prices
>*a market-cap blocks your path*

>> No.58600747


/biz/ is too slow for /GME/ so please make the most of it.